The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, September 24, 1894, Image 1

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tUB F,«tnbll*l»<*<l ,s f. r " ffl#g r#l'b* , » WU,,l “ 1 »• I’nbll*!** MACON. GA., MONDAY. SIM’ I EMBc 1S0I. oDEMOCRATS OFF THE TRACK Revorsed the Pronunciamentoet ^11 Previous State and National Gatherings. free coinage of silver 1# IV«• Prefeat aud Lille md P ly llottfilns From IlK % 0„ 0|.p»u®*>'* I lie C.nv.nUen',1 j*, 0.. sept. 19.—By a Urge . t |j, pemoctucy of Olllo, in coBvention assembled, todsv re- tht* riounc itjte 03 •Limcntos of all pre- w »ll as national gather- |£ party in declaring unequlv- L favor of Ihe free coinage of 3U d by a vote almost as Urge L„. „J9 given through the i of an indirect resolution to gtltudc taken by Senator Calvin ... . r ,..p,nt tariff reform cou- TU „ ou these two lajuor nearly four hours of the con- jresiou. In twelve minutes flK retire ticket hod tten lioml ■ul the convention bad adjourned *5a °ther choice exbraalons and hoot ed to Its heart’s content. J D - Marshal of Dayton made a witty plea for peace, anil the port- panement fif the conjroveray to n more convenient season, and then CongreiM- man Johnson was pormltted to close the debate. ' have no 111 feeling towird or ou«- f lclon of Col. Brice." he declared, "lie i 1I ? V ,,rlen d rnd I am counted Ir. h’ui circle of friends. He visits my house Mid I.visit his. and I h,ipe he will long comjnue to do so. f don’t beltove that he bought his seat in the United Stites senate, and I have said so time and again. Nr» r <J 0 j believe that the tarlfT ti.i Ju4t was the best bill for co . u b‘ry. but n t the same time 1 be- ih !,' ' h,t . C ? 1 ' Brlce thought so and th »‘ he voted for It honestly." This was pouring all on the troubled 5*“™ an d tho frlneds of the senator aBaln - The Previous oueatlon was demanded, ibut Just at this J!J2P*,V, re . '* was developed that the bl- 2H t L llllJ, i. e L em « nt h ‘"' a minority report with which to oppose the free silver In o£ic'r na artaUler w1r of wards was Old Allen W. Thurman, eon of tho ora Roman.’ denounced the opposition as thlw "i o h ° ll,ck * (1 ,he courage of ch c 11orw. and .Without response. clMHenged them to defend their posl clOTM .^Cincinnati heatedly de- «!f on Jolis in*r'” nVen,lon - P h '' e 'l Ilmira rec 7 rd In fivor tjf the free and “ of ,llver the party that wn^!d b ^r 1 .1 n,,ar "" avalanche cimfJI™ M iJ n<> f5. th '' ,n ef|,| al the Neal was I o!a^iv>r^f r , h " ,lmo ,he convention BU*,Ka lnJfrM .„ m-Ptoelalrned victorious by a vote of * mo,l,n 'o »lm- Unlted PsK J2, f “. vor ° f ,h » election of i.nited Statesscrxitor* by a direct vote of BrteJTeSii..’?" ny W7 J2 ? _ th( , “ ,' h ^P 0 * l , u “j; Polling « votes more than It toJt nlsht convention con-eded tv G00§|Y SWINGS ^ROM A LIMB 'WORLD'S RECORD AGAIN BROKEN 0r 4 And His Body Riddleo Bullets as tho Penalty of His Flfndish Crime. STORY OF HIS HORRIBLE DEED Tile Tarrlble 1sttl1 fTerlng and Death of an duller—Object Lesson fjr tli* Ciicllsli Investigating Committee In tlie Sontli. Alix Clipped a Quarter of a Second Off Her Own Record at Galesburg, SHE WENT A MILfc IN 2:03 3-4 JAPAN-CHINA WAR NEWS. Further Accounts of the Great battle •on Che Vilu River. Cliee Greeted the Pretty p n ml Her Jockey as They mie Vfitter the Wire—Other Faces Down for Today# ily no more dramatic scene lias W.a wltnswwd in any state of nu- unveutl on than that which oc- dur'.ng the debate on the amend- lj t&e pMtform providing for the nominations of United States n by vote of tho attte conven- l’p to the call of tho convention r it had been understood by all few of the uninitiated that the :o Setutor Brloe toad been Huai .mil that the majority re ef the committee on resolutions be allowed to go through wltli- at or proUsr. This much r. hu the understanding of the sand his immediate'circle, ond i nit a sclf-sutisUed air und the It vf a victor that Mr. Brice co de wings aud allowed himself to by Chairman Crlko* to u «a Ok* right of the chair and In Its of the audience. 4?oiruuce was recognized with tetreraud, the convention being t» order, everything w .nt na *7 «* a marriage bell until the of the committee on re.-duti jus •» ViMented. Tli n the svrni i to i i i iivi jii.i tli,. K : ,ro footliabts sc-iu a to ..ram u— i me luuior Mger MV-H* Tibm his seat in ; .. t f lie parquet Congr., .mm Tom to arose und. Ignoring the vj- demands Abut ns should take bfo. nubmllted 'the minority res- Instructing the Incoming state ■tire to include in the business of ■W convent,on the nomination of 'd states senato. .**’ '■‘'' formal announcement of GJ; '>■«* seemed to turn In- v f towarda the Junior seha.or.,a a:. ttjM flu.-.ied oai he Id nervously nt the tod.Aplck bc- Tnen he s.j-aig.itened * U P iill'l Ills • I>>mid 4 r>«lt,S I • I ,? 1 'l Ul ‘le to say |,i additlon’to ttie S. I»: e--,.s. . |t 11 an II... n .| nn dt.. announcement of the vote 8ena- w ' thout a change of rounte. "“ c ®. *T°“ ,rom the chair he had cccu- Plod pfpd for four hours and look In z neither to the rlutit or left, stalked across the stage and throuffh the wings to the outer ajr. Meanwhile Chairman Hurd, had called tne nominations for the state ticket. Speeches were barred. In twelve mlnuti^i Jup and his demetmor indicated w*.u« ( »n nd the utmoat determl- o *nd tvso^tlon. The reprtsjciAa- ^,^ tVveh «» d «*‘rtct. bow- lb* ticket had been completed and i, In musical uccompontment "The Camp bells Are Coming,” perhaps Inimical In the race of the fact that the ex-governor's friends are charged with the reaponslbllty of the attack upon the aenator. the con- vntlon adjournd. The following are the nominees: .Sec retary of state. Milton Timer of Guern sey; supreme Judge, James D. Ernston of Hamilton; state school commissioner, Jas. A. Leach of Franklin: member board pub- lln werka Henry B. Keller of Tuscarawas. That part of the programme dealing with national Issues, is sa follows: The Democracy of Ohio, in convention assembled, hereby express Itself heartily In commendation of the efficient, econom ical and honest administration or Presi dent Cleveland. We adhere to the declarations of the Democratic party In Ita national plat form, that protection Is a fraud and we rraognlse the beneficial reduction of ilu- tles on Imports Just made by congress. We favor such further reductlonr a« can be made, holding In view the revenue Decenary to be raised for the support nt th. government to the end that the Injustice of purely protective duties be ab ’1 »hc 1. \V« congratulate the country upon the rwp.-ul of th<* M- Klnley law and the en- .k tment if the tariff law In Its ate.ul. ui. I t tin* operatton of which trade.»n«! Imimm. < .(re r* viv|n.- an 1 tho country UwiTmin p.-o=pcrcu=. The XcKir. • 7 tar ft wrat Into operation ler.'. than f >ur years «co, yet In Unit abort period of tune, changed from prosperity to a condition of financial and induaUU! de- preiMlon, unparalleled In our hlntorv. Under Its dperatlon. tho revenues derived from duties on import* decreased to a sum Insufficient to meet the expenses of the government, thereby necessitating the sale of bonds and a consequent Increase of Interest bearing debt of the govern ment. Under It more business failures occurred than ever before In the history of the country m the same period cf time. While It su in operation there were more people out of employment, more Usbor strikes, more bread riots, leas employment for labor and lower wa ges pa4d than was ever known before. Under Its operation the produce of the Ke^en-tation of the minority re- uv »ugge«k>n fhut election sAms by the people would bring •Jstf.ueius and their represent .1- ib to upper house more closely, ■vrjver toll was a consummation ry and very much to be de- farmer, especially and wool. reached the lowest price since the war. GRAND DEMOCRATIC RALLY, Senator Walsh, Mr. Churrard and Mr. Hkm Made Speeches. Ba tl«> seconding speech of Jofcn “uk of doungstown, one of the |V a y ni In the stats, and an oppo- I* lh » Brke regime, tbtit sent the -em up to the fever notch. »g bvti.utlt the platform, his sll- fijr "hlning tn Uhe glare of the with outstreftobed arm and Jngvr quivering, hurling Invee- «:*r Invective, while lens than IJeet sway, with pale face and y.-nj.-s, sat the object of h!s ■and denunclaltlan. Che scene was r*<*thy the brush and canvas of Winter. [bo has a claim on the United ""“ate for life?" he demandol, audience Shouted, "No one." "longer Is U the quetsston,” con- " speaker in Impassioned '»hen a senator Is to be elect- * hbi tvkvrts; what ^rvlce _ o’sie the niwte. The oirty issue •* much Is he worth? In «hta rt- * I* a man’s head to be measured 1“ length of puree? Is ft not time iiuestlon arise above men iM [* wrty? tv, you not know that lUltiii Huttes has become a rich Gelub; tUM It Is the restir.< place ami iiLid-rslandings and com- 2 mat in K the augur trust has , ** hjdra-hetld, and In the name * wmmunlty qf trural gras sdxed “mt cracy by the throat und com' “ » to atand and deUverT’ *■ so. to the accompaniment of "■ IIbises, cat mils, yells und op- ’’pilhau, the Impassioned ora- on. protected time M l again *e railrman until he had con- •Sof hh! own freewill. Meanwhile "t Urtce sat Immovi bis. Tho ac- »«aa ’luivering; the accused might 7*2* *o a block ot ma-bla, N, ‘ 'ri-ronce to him bad been mad ’ mn time. It remained for bis Vokemran, Jesse M. Lewis of r 1 ' to make a personal reform e ' eciutor that trad been aesnult- •*' >v'Jhd ran she Democracy of P.eafbt not to execute a man first r > Mm af .orwards, n t you defer Judgment far 1 L ** asked. But the answer cam, shout of "nor 7,n- Finlay of Bucyrus, ciialr- . toe -snmtttee on resolutlins, F‘he fl'Air to dramatically declare L7 tvoPaUon Was an Idlract slap ■ ’ *' cf the min and all men who Finite of the United S: it—. htd r k '? r ' , f reform a pjs.iMUty 11! ^■is..,d between the pc- pi- anJ J I-!:,! -V law. Sr? C“a*re«»mi-.i J hnron, h- ,1 1’> you Indora ■ all that , mr Mr. Clark- hi I’ut \ v *a n res;, -, ex, f-mt ■ • veiled ' I'.i’e. . I’.." MUIen, Bept. 19.—fBpecUU—Tho grandest Democratic, dertrine that It was ever our puuuuro to luve dls- ocurscM to us was made to the people of Burke. Emanuel, Screven and Bull ock counties from a speaker’s Stand, representing the coat of arms of our grant Empire State. Corn was the foundation, with cotton, cane, rice and Other form products twined about the The free speaker snas Senator Walsh, wtio f->r the flrst 'time 'oddreosej our people. He was frequently interrupt ed by third psrtykes, but he cour teously answered all their questions. Hie address completely captivated his hearers. lion. L. F. Garrard followed In s grand speech full of Dmociutic patriot ism. lie, too, was eothustsatloslly re ceived. Then followed Col. Ham, knocked the Populists out as fast ss they showed themselves, with his wit and his horse setose mixed together. He never lets one go until he gifts him In a run. Ool. R. E. Lewter was present, but did not speak. Our ratty was a grand Democratic success. BURNER .AT WRIGHTSVILLE. He Spoke to a Large Crowd aud Made a Fine Impression. SandennrMe, Sept. 19.-(Special.)— Robert L. Berner, Monroe’s gifted eon and brlJfstnt orator, spoke to 1,000 peo- ple on She public square In Wifgtltx- Yllla tbdny. He expounded the tariff w>d spoke at length on "he currency question winl Co integrity of purpna* of Cleveland and the wisdom of his course, his honesty, etc. He dhraccied the third party platform with a great deal of amusement und interest. His speech to the colored people wua heart ily received sod hie worit will be fruit ful. Just before Mr. Berne.- went upon the Vuldoeta, Sept. .9.—(Special.)—Dave Goosby, the negro fiend who so brutally outraged and murdered little Busan Butt- ler, In Thomas county on Saturday last, has at Isat met the penalty cf his crime. He was brought from Albany to place on yesterday for safe keeping and placed In Jail here. About 1 o'clock last night, Just after the 13:00 train from Thotnasvllle, he was taken from the Jail by a mob and carried to a pine thicket at the north end of Ashley street, and there he now swings to the limb of a small suppling, his body riddled with bul lets—a warning to all ot his kind. The tune of the night when the lynch ing took place Indicate that the mob wau at least led by parties from Thomas coun ty. If not totally composed of such. The las- shot was fired about ten mtnute3 before the 1:12 train for Thomiavtile. While It ’s to be regretted that Thomas county oould not have the privilege 1 f punishing auch a brute on her own sell, yet there are no regrets expressed that be now swings on the outskirts of V aldos- U. Neither the people of Lowndes or Thomas counties have any apologies to offer the English committee. THE NEGRO'S FEARFUL CRIME. The negro lynched was Dan Goosby. ne of the hands of the farm of Mr. Mar tin Butler, seven miles from Thomasvtlle The crime . for which lie' was lynched wai an outrage and brutal murder upen the person of Susan Butler, the 11-year-old daughter of Mr. Butler. She was a sallow-looking, weak girl, and on Saturday afternoon she went to tne spring some distance from the house for l bucket of water. t .She had fitted the bucket and placing the pall on her head started back to the house. Dan Goosby. who bad been hiding In the bushes, rushed upon her, knocked the pall from her head, and after accomplishing h!a purpose, held her with one hand while he pulled rvls pccket knife out with tho other, opened It with his teeth and de liberately cut the child’s throat. THE CRIME DISCOVERED. Tho girl, covered with blood, which gushed from the gapping wound In her n«* nt every breath, struggled to her feet and staggered more detd than alive, towards the bouse. She did not get more than half way before she fell to the ground from exhaustion, caused by loss of tweomln* alarmed at her long absence, began to rail, and hatting a feeble answer coming from towards the spring, the father started in a run. and had gene tut a short ai.tene. when a heart-rending sight met bis gaxo. There, on her knees. In tho middle of the rond. Mbs bk daughter, completely covered with Wood, her Httle head held to one side to close the tssh In her neck and prevent, as much as possible, any further bleeding. In a voice weakened to a whisper by the loss ot blood she told her father what had happened. She was car. rled to the house, end when some of the nelgidwiv arrived she aseSt told the aw ful story and said that Dave Goosby. whom she described, hid committed the crime. Two or three men went to Goos- by's bouse, arrested and brought him to the girl, when she promptly Identified him os the man. She also described the knife which she had been cut, end this knife, with th* blood still on It. was found tn Ooosby's P< After'belii« put in Jill In Valdosta the negro confessed that he had commuted the JouWe crime with which he was charged. TRVINO TO SAVE THE PRISONER. Sherilf Doss was seat tor and took the brute In charge. An angry crowd gathered end demanded tie prisoner, but the sherilf refused to give him up anil protected him w|th his drawn revolver. . The sheriff In a wagon with the ne- gro and defended fctth at the risk of his own life. Thera were many other wagons besides the one tn which the shertlt rode, and !n the darkness which followed She-T Doss managed to get away from the went over to Mitchell county and turned hU prisoner over to Sheriff Swin dle, who carried him to Albany Sunday afternocn. ... The news of the murder laid reached 'Albany, and as the negro was |n great danger of belnglynched be was carried to Valdosta by order A Judge ilsnsrll, who called a session ot the court for October t. to try him. THE GOVERNOR TELEGRAPHS. Last night Governor Northen received a telegram from the sheriff of Itowndea county, saying that there waa great dan ger of the negro being lynched, and ask ing for military protection. The governor wired him n return that the mayor waa authorized to call out the miUtla. He wired Mayor W. H. Griffin ot Valletta to call out the military and protect the ns gro. He also wired J. O. Vamedoe, colonel of the Fourth Georgia regiment, etdcrlng him to protect the prisoner. Early this morning he wired Judge Han- sell to call an extra session of the court. A tlttie later he resolved a telegram from Mayor Griffin, raying that the Jail bad been brak-n open last night v** the negro lynched. _ Another message came from Col. Var- tudoe saying that the governor's telegrsm was not received until this morning, too late to do anything, as the Jail had hem broken open and lira nrgf> lyad—J Lit night. Governor Northen, th* lynch: . . : ' I. ' 11 he wired hla sou. him and let him Galeribung. III.. Sept. 19.—The Gales burg track now holds the world's rec ord for tnottlnn. Altz -lipping a quarter of a second oft her record here thla af ternoon, going tho mile In 2:03 3-4. It was one of the grahilest achievements ever witnessed by min. The day was all that coulJ be dfelred. the Hot sun putting the track id perfeit order. To witness tht trial, tsf Alix and bthor events, no lees thud 20,000 people were on the grounds. At 5:10 o’clock tfe track was put In shape and Mr. Wltjtums announced in* special event of tlie day, the attempt of Alix to belt the world’s record of 2:04. -When the mure appeared on the trace with McDowell behind her she was greeted with a mighty cheer. On the second score iMoDowell nodded for the word. and. 'With s runner by heir aide, the little mate w.*j off on her Journey. To the quarter atUwent In SO 1-2 and sped on to the h.ilr In 1:02 3-4, As she neared the thrce+iu.irtem the watches marked 1:31 3-4. Whin the mare turned into the str»tch|*he. fairly llsw. and without a eklp 2:03 3-4. I The crowd wen* wild and cheer after cheer west un for Alix. McDowell, M-r- rk», and William! and his fort tratk. Tomorrow Robert Jj_wlll gb to belt his record' of 2:91 1-2: Directly to beat his record of 2:10: Flying illb to best his record of 2:01 1-2 and Arllne to beat the record of 2:07. London, Sept. 19.—A dispatch to the Central News from Shanghai, dated Sept. 19, midnight, aoys: A number of ofilceri who were engaged In Ohe naval battle on the Tolu river Wave arrived at Port Arthur with half a dozen war ships badly damaged and filled with wounded men. The OCapitch says, also, that the Chinese Admiral Ting’s fleet left Uxxt port on Friday evening to con vey seven steam transports conveying n large force of troops. A number of Europenas In the service of the Chi nese udm'.rality accompanied the troops, which were to be landed near Wtrpl. fibm whicn point Grey were to be sent 'to the front. These troops com prise some ndtlSery, but are mostly composed of Infantry. No;htn* was rcen of the enemy until the Chln-se fleet reached the mouth of the Yn'u river, when a fleet of Japanese war ships waa sighted. Thereupon tlie transport:* were hurried forward and ■the warships were bleared for action. The efforts of the transports to Ian ! the tmops were successful and most Of them were gotten ashore befor the nova: battle began. The Chen-Yucn wtoa the flrst vessel to open Are and was soon engaged with two Japanese warships of about the same size, one of Whloh I* supposed to Wave been the cruiser Chlyoda.. Soon all the ves sels of both fleets were engaged. The Chinese cruls-ns Ghen-Yuen and Klng- Huen were sunk and W0 officers nnd men on board of Them were drowned. Only a few of the men struggling In the Walter were picked uo. Tits Chub-Yung und Yang-Wot, In mtwwuverln* foe more advantageous aura-, amt Into Shallow water and ram agrourfd. The etronaea were llrtpless under the lire of the big guns of th Japanese ships, and were nnSiy oti fire by firs enemy’s shells and become wrecks. It ts feared that some of The trans ports were sunk. Including ™ «ho« troopo ha l no* yet been landed. The CMneao loss la estimated at 1,600 klHed and wounded, and the Japanese toasts supposed to be LWO. hut none of the NO PETTICOATS! NEED APPLY The Flood Tide of Women Clerks Has • Been Reached in the Treasury Department, Jl THE NUMBER BEING REDU 4 Th* Division Seriously Crippled by leu Are Tsklng Their Possible—* Washington Uosslpt Chtovse omeera give accodnmi of the battle nor Che names or rfxe of ve. sels of uhe enemy which are ^alleged .Kitvw been' nnyM- TJkHvf thft me under the wire In vkw of the battle. It Is plain that the oncouritavr ha* resulted In se riously crippling the naval strength of China. An Athens Failure and the Appolnt- mervt of a Receiver. 'EDITOR PERRY COMMITTED Pram DaSy Trirgraph. Sept. 20. Mr. John A. Perry, the ( editor of the Irwlwtun 1 Wotfijl, a Populist paper, who was arrested gay before yes*erduy for defrauding the mat, was, upon • com inltmcnt hearing before United States CommlMtoner Erwin yewterday, bound over to tlie court. Upon the evidence brought to the at- Athlens. Sap*- W-T^S^f^Tn K crtlver was Jh*Mnttd today tor n. K. Reaves and the Reave* Warehouse Company. ThelixbUttl^ure over 000, with assets something over 3-W. (DO. RJh-rt 3. -Howard. «i “j* 1 '*™*’ was appointed receiver, and htxs given bond. A determined rratstssme wm tie rrxMo against the receivership belns made permanent at October term of ** The* University of Georgia opened to day wish a matriculjMon of 1**, »he largest for several year*. The attend- once will exceed 300. conrmhdooes- the com- justly determined upon, rung c-.ise against Perry I give him some aerlous he Sff* Chmush with tt, for perverting tho use of Uncle Sam's m-ull bag to carry on *n uirtxwful busi ness is an offer—g which when cormtiH- ted does not often escape heavy pun ishment. The prosecution of Perry waa Insti tuted by J. W. Huds-n of Qulnda. Cal. editor of a small newspaper there. IE* testimony given In showed that some Ume back Perry sent him a circular letter advertising his playing cards This circular nod other* Uk# It were produc.-J .v: tl» trktl. They were Issued under the caption, “Irwlnlon Playing CUrd Company,” and advertise -a cer tain kind of cunt made by ths company, with which Perry claims the most In experienced band can piny winning poker. He sen* one of iheee circular* to Hudson and engaged tolsive It pub- Usbed In his paper, which he <?U. Hud son court not get the putrttortlon fee from Perry, and believing the case * bad one. anyway, reported him <0 Ura pormflice auUSxillti ut W'.rahlngton, which resulted In Inspector BM*» be ing put on Tbrf case. The tewHmooy upon whloh Perry was bound over eeema to be vsry (tomap I tv- Dr. J. s. Wood, a prominent gefl- tlenmn of Irwtnrtoo. Tesrtflcd that In convereukkm .wt'-lr Perry j 1 e w>’ | i l upon qursdonfcrg him about ■"*. thit hla Idea *as <0 dupe Oslitorn gamWerx ,md t,t,i-r ISestePB. ire be henr-l of t rul«i? Hun • 1: qultt county, so Un? !!. to reach nt in*l. a a cliS fiJr Che l k bpuli.<u fflfillirtlt H Dm court bomt. Tbrj • ' 1 . . , 1 ■- . ! - • hvuse, but rftmaftned there y a »>■ r: When aincw oime intheyjh«wljfSSHiSJP accompmlci by die twice -f the sn ip of W«k.n ; on on one occasion he bud .* full history of hto P»ro • wbre «d* Vised him of -the d imrw of carrying on such buslntjg throng’, the ««•. Amoirg "ther things. It was pwwd that P--.-ry bad dir cted corresp “‘de 11 c ’ STceretog The cur l companr to he .d- Ur.-ued To Lock Box 37. whloh is his «TT rtS^fi.^InbU using further a dhthon-.rotole and dtohoirast enterprise ami In ml* sending out kn 1 ^^n^-ke, attorney forPerry fha ctbp 1* * Himll one, thd doe* Srttrake the ...Utonuf theoomrnkw7>ne r «Mterckiy u any wiy ■‘joftijy 2?^ Si. U t b «vrt C '^ved ? n ^-S!erlrtoUer or money order ” anything of the ktrM from snyOolJ- court airrtl moke < and couvdnetes poW*. AN INQUEST Body Over Woods .a. going hack to bear The arg ruenis 1 i iesw.'.oa swop THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND. B. OF L. F. ELECT OFFICEKB hood of LPOomcrtlve FIrem Grand Master Frank P Sargent by ac . iimiiLin thl« ntornln«. He na i no oi> Washington, - Sept - 19.—Tho - targe number of women clerks dismissed out right In The treasury department dur ing the past few day* has attracted constdeiubte ntteutton here. It Is said to murk u new policy 111 treasury ap pointment* in the future. Of tho clerks discharged fully four-fifth* have been women clerks ot tho higher salaried grades. The vacancies created by tho discharging of women will be filled by tho appointment or promotion of nu n to tho phices. Tho flood tide of women corns in silo traneu J.V— —- tul'UL has born reached,nnd henceforth. It Is sold, men will usually bo appointed to tho higher. places . Some divisions are very seriously crippled from tho heavy preponderance of women clerks, and III some rooms, where the ledgers are heavy, they have to be lrftivl into place und ahtftvd by men In the office. Aa a. rule. It Ls said, the women clerks ure absent on account ot akkoesH much more Uiuu men clerks, which has a )1 ‘1:111 luilurnce in causing the change of policy as to appointments now being Inaugurated. Oiiiere have been Issued to hurry tho work on the Detroit ut Norfolk, io that •he may salt far Chinn, In compliance with Secretary Herbert's directions as eoon as poselble. She will enter tho dry dock today and receive u new coat of putnt. It will take at least Ten days to put in the neceawry storea for tho long crulae. Secretary Herbert Is de- tennltrad Unit the Detroit shall sail from Norfolk for Gibraltar, her stopping place, by October L The Mo di! is will probably not leave New York uutl! several days later, and un she Is to atop a short time ut Cadiz and • In order to return the Columbian relics, tho Detroit will not wait f r ber, lie II In -I 111:•• .1 I -I, I. II will |,il III o:i all [< --iM" .S|ssst -ilirmigh tho Med Henan ran and Ihe Indian ml make a rv -rd voyflas lo China. 9urg* n-Gs-uertl Wymin of the ma tt) * boepltul Henrico Iras appatnted ‘assist An-lsiant Burg J. A. White, Jag. Robertaon of the rewooe cutter n ■ iud Dr. O. G. Th 'in i. ef wil- clanutlon this morning, “rslvi vice sr*"d ??«»«« wvre also fleeted. They arm J >h:i J. itonnan ro of EnglewObd. III.. Ch iries A. " IDon - t'himpsburg. N. J.. and Charles W. m ■ ser ot Parsons. Kan. . The roost important chsng- In the constitution U that which changes the Insurance feature Ot the beneficiary de partment. It requires every mcm»>ir to KO Hilo the IM0 class ami he may subsequently, by paying his pro rata share, enter th# twb other clnasea- 11.000 and 31.600. SLASHED WITH A RAZOR. Gainesville, Sept. l».-4»preisl.»-I*y* night Ton Morrow, and Hepnr Hmlfn. both negroes, beexine Involved In n dlffl- tulty at the home of the totter, awl Mor rows severely cut Smith with a >asor. He Inflicted five terrible wounds,.two > of a • ertsm man shd .3 lETlIltV them aanfttoi*. * Th« man who• l» »uJHy cf th# cutting la y#t at large. The affair wa* cmdA by a wbmin. •bio dbal is spiarra At^antJ, Stpt. It.—A #pecl*l fwro Bavarenh to Che ConstltjElon that the turpentine buyers mere closed a trade Today for 30,000 oaeka of »plrrta at 24 1-3 cents a gallon. This deal Involves 1276,000, and breaks the market from 29 cent* asked to*, figure given above. WKAT1LHR DfDICATlOWB. Washington, Sept. 19.—For Georgia Fair, norhwest wln-Js. SMITH—flIKES. A Pretty Home Wedding In East Ma con Yesterday Afternoon. N itte I- N OUDfPni mao*? on arprusriuiiuu ot «Sr,* (KXJ for this n’-ll'Ml, I mi IU* NHiU 11.4 til- Kn: I —U-s t.ri 4 Ml - lIi** VN Ilk ..II In • buiMiUr? •«•!?! hfiMn. The UMMUjBtfaj of tho Ship I'! i ml riilf qu vlll Till tl<>u win take ili»- place of tbs Chand - leiir I ala ml #f ttlou, wlioch was de- r •» • I !•> I'li- !iiir .\»ik’I> . lit*! The nt 111 li U ah'rtit Uli or twelve mil - U .m Hil'.xi, Huperv i^liiK Ai-nhlbrct <*f tlie Treat-utjt ' . ■ 1 - e i r K •• f”! Ill I IK I • M;;i|. J hi- s .ffl« • today, and Secretary OarlMe will l«»- uKirrot accept tk# rwlgiMMInil 8olldtnr H<vv(# of tin* kraavury de- pjruneiM, In an HAbortl* *>pln4oii t dc- i :1“.4 th«* Dew tariff adt became op ritlvo fn m Auguet 2Slh, Iiotwith- rh it :h ■ «rjctlng clouse nomad AuKiiat 1 n* th • <1 ito upon whh h It took ••ffect. Th»> view# i>f 8u- 11 cl tor Ueav«« fire concurred in by all treasury ofllclali and they have been acting tind**r this conatructkcm of the law fime Augiaat 28. list. Quite a number of appeal# fr »m thle date. Au* gu t! hav • been filed %#lth the coll* ■ • | “* ~ ' and the qucartlon will tor at Ne.. . doubtle«a be taken to tho courts for flnsl actln. LYNCHING IN MICHIGAN. An Engll.hmsn Pays the Penalty—A Good Case tor the English Committee, At th* residence of Ihe bride * moth- _r In East Msoon at « o’clock ysstenlay afternoon iMr. W. R. Smith of AtlJnra and ills. Lila E. Slkea of Bast Madbn were united tn the golden bonds of mat rimony. The marriage was aa unsualty pretty on*, and lb* ceremony, which was per formed by Rev. Alonso Monk of Mul berry Street church, added solemn beauty tb tbs occasion. The bride waa attired In a becoming traveling drras and waa a perfect pic ture of loveliness, her dark, rich beauty showing off with perfect efTect. The groom never aooeared more hand some or manly than when he stood be side ths woman of bto choice at the sacred altar. The attendants were Mias Alice De- haven and Mr. W. L. Fun of Atlanta. Miss Annie Slkea and Mr. J. H. Walk er of Atlanta. OIlss Hattie Sikes and Mr. W. C. Da vis of Atlanta. •rtie bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mw. A. V. Sikns of Eoet Maron ami to nted for her rare beauty and goodness conductors on the Southern railway end la a young man liked by el! by whom U At* iM Mr. and aft*. Smith left for AHants, their future home. They will reside at 124 Smith street. Rogers City, Mich., Sept. 19.—At noon yeaitrdir while the 9-yeur-old dauantcr of Thomas Mayefakl, of the township of Posen, near here, was walking oloig the highway In company with a younger brother, she waa assoultol by a young Knctlehinan. a nephew of J. C. Nichols, of Hi- township of Cropo. adjoining. At 3 oVI-ck the assaulter eras caught land brought before Justice Vine nt ot i-n. where he was fully Identified by girl and her brother. To prevent lynching on the spot, a strong posse took I posses lull of the prisoner an 1 started at It o'cl ck last nuht for the Jail hire. Up to 1# o’clock the posse failed to rea-h here, and <> lo believed It has t-ren at tacked by a mob and the prisoner lynched. C-VPT. BARNARD ELECTED. MONTEZUMA MATTERS. 'Montezuma. 8«pt. 19. —(Special.)— A 3 ulet marriage waa performed here to- ly at 3 o’clock In which Mr. Shelton H. Cheevcs anil Miss Callle Moore were happily Ituv. A. J. Checves, fadv. rr of the groom, ofllrlitlng. Only th, bridal party aral a few Invited friends were present. After tb * beautiful ami imprenelve ceremony wag -performed Mi i ii 1 Mr- «'i. H left on the mvth» bound passenger train for the Nbrth, wb re th-y w ill spend tbetr honeymoon. Tne to a young lady well known for her loveliness of oereon. Intelligence, piety and all the attribute* of a true woman. The suborn, who has been bookkeeper for John F. .Lewis * Son here for «-v.-ral v-ara to a yi ung gen tleman who#: sterling Integrity, hon esty and nunly virtue* render hint worthy 'A the fair brld- he hs* won. The cbnaratulatton* of ull ur- wafted to the happy you pie. H* Will Herei**er Be Colonel of Cie Pint IWctJflCon Oeorkla Cavr’-** TIh? is composed of Vnt followin* C3 life#: Ojvemor'* Hone Gtura#, moa|i Hu arj. Tr^up Hwiirt Ojraofl Tr\>jp. C4pt. the ■ K >ZZ’!n-. DEATH OF MRS. M ERA HON. AiBtrictM, Sev^. 15-—<8pecfexl.>—Mr#. Rlha Merkh->n «lle-l fhft# momlnr, *ft«r t iinK’tlK lfitfets of oeretUl wwki, of iokl fever. two month# if# #he went up ■Ii un. Gi... to vkk relitive# ml ir,M t -ri -...k After :.»r#e week# III- ne.?# there jm- vn oinufJenl nufTl- dntly Improvel to be brought bome. After ;i f w lijr* #ho erew worse an.l : »j i> r".e end oa!M.'8h# we* a moot lovablv a m in. u lUutfiter of Mr. W. & ttmH•€ fble city nod wMejrof Hi y# flL B. Mefetun of Meoon. 8be a beautiful little daughter only ears old; too young to 1-araMo Io<».