The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 04, 1894, Image 1

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■1 '.'W V, »Wv' AMAGE by storm IN FLORIDA jnniunicetion Restored With South Florida Points and News Re ceived of Great Losses. J30DY WAS REPORTED KILLED ~iH U«r» Unroofni. V*n»U Were K'rfcbed »nil tlio Orange * rop \l'ei Injured «0 Per Cent. Cost About a Million. A. Men He Says y. for All the C * j Jjrkionvllle. Sept. 28.—CommuntcU- 15 Kirn south Florida. is being ro- jfel and special dispatches are pour- I into the Times-tlnSon re'Jattve to ■ illnice (lone by the West In Hun cat, whiah raged In this state on -alijj and Wednesday. The tli.-i- he. all tell tihe same story of the king of 'houses and of crops de- [■cd, but no loo* of life 1* reported. A dt-Tuohn from Tampa today, the tmunnsiTua from tfvti pin— since 1'jy. cija that several largo cigar tirles are ivreoked. Tihe largo tbree- t brick factory of SeMcnfcwg & tns dentroyed. The faatory of C. Joyce w is domollahed, as were also factories ofYbor & M iurtr.t Thco- . IVre* & Cu. amt O'I lu Harm. The it Presbyterian dluirah wsu badly injid. Scvcoil mva'ler strncairvs rf jl-n .I'-moll 'icd. The total loss Wkilngs at Tampa Is estimated at mut(ViewIon wltth FernUndlnU was rm:«<red today. A dmpitt-h 3ay» Eel that place the st ajimer Edward esurt. which was loaded und lying jticlwr. was bown across 'the river, n< her andhora with her, and Is Hying on S' miM-tlit In St*out five it of waiter. Th small bdi'ls were Mown a'n iy arid numbers are now and dry up In t3w* marshes, i hating dWck, which was at the : of Centre street. Is also up In the ■vw. During iJhe storm oh Fer- l-Hot the British dtevmeJhlps Boston ay ant Klmv-llle collided till t were jjly il nm.itrcd. A depatoh from Paint lei uiu-imtices rut dsnsige at that place to river kt. The stetttner Princess w-as sunk teen Pilaltks and Ploalstn. Him is toed ait 112,000. The steamer Edith ■ driven ashore. The eteumer Du ryrai driven across the drawbridge I srecked. The Milan yaoht Maud •link near Crescent Ctty. Today the Ttmes-Ual in received lad es from St. AuguOttne, Which Ms in cut oft sine* TinwAsy. These od es sere brought by Mrs. Anna M. sootte idhe Ttmes-Untom’s rit. Au- Ikioe •irrorpondcnt. Who m# Je '.fie ».on .1 Mrs. MureGtt* ro i goiSilc ncc.nint of the ■f things at St. Augus.lne. No ns were i.-et.bat SOVST3S BStfif*! W*r* rk-1 add the ‘tosses will run Into thousands. Nearly ulll the w*n- rs In nbe city were blvwn In and the we ftxs'ed witty waiter. The Ponce ILeon hotel was dammed In. this tj. Th. k>» on furnltuiv 1s heavy. W^m Augustine Ohs waves da Shod «the sea wall and raids rivers of Streets. Many wharves were blown ny. B 'tween Green Cove Spring II Pakstlea, on the St. Min’s river* ■ wharves Maw completely ifls- I0«nd. Between Jacksonvlte >md Augustine not a tcicgrJ.U pole to left standing. lbs damage 'to tits omnge grower* anleuuble. In the lhirge groves the ■ Vs oompletely covered with ern oranges. The loss will be fully percent. v... Pte east roast Is still out ofT from munlcwilon below 8t. Augustine il IbOatk-i, Waugh communication If be restored tonight. Every effort being made to hear from Key West 1 Jupiter, supposed tq have been In 1 storm’s cenre. DhpuKches indicate that the storm (« severe in the Interior of the V as on the coast. la struck Tempi intwied northeast for Jaritsonvilla *t. Augustins. A* Ocala arAl Or- tditrttertir points, sevoml sen gulls sry eels were (bund after the storm *1 over. h uf« to ngr thSt the stoma has asl of Port a h more Btrtti $1.000,OOO.hut dees have been lost unless at Key Vet, Titusville. Jupiter or atber east Mnu*. In Defending the A. I] Pulh_an Is Res: rouble. Chicago. Sept. 28.-In *. '* - W ly elo- Quent and dramatic spou,.u, h hold sp eel-bo und a large crowd In;. atted Btatro court room today. Attohift. Erwin made the closing argument foi defense In the A. It. U. cases. Mr. ErVrt ■aid. In part: V ‘‘On account of the feeling in this case, I reel culled upon to say eoroethlng i nu- auoi and not ordinarily permitted by Judges. I want to »ay in plain wonls be fore a plain people that whatever the out come of the case, you have been fair. "I say there was no redress from the Pullman horror. What could they do* Declare war? No. Break the public peace? No. Then what may they do? Anything that the God-given conscience prompts them. That is the liberty of this s«V. ■•'Isn't It a deplorable state of affairs that while the press rang out. while the pulpits roared against th© Iniquities at Pullman, no power In the law of this country stepped forward to stop them* These people were starving, ye* not a flag was raised, not a drum beat, uot an of ficer of this government stepped forward to raise his hand In behalf of them. ‘This case Is the beginning of suits, our friends on the other side tell uh. To us It is the end of defensive suita We ear on our defense for the last time, onior- row wo shallbe gin on them. The con science of this nation will demand that a special counsel be appointed to prosecute the general managers. “Thc-ie clients are charged with setting fire to cars. We shall find out tomorrow who set these fires—these cheap flre:» to ttIVn the temper of the public. Thla fair city will never pay $&UOU,00 to the rail roads until It finds out who set these fires. I hope the nation win give tne general managers «n opportunity to de fend themselves. "PaJmaa Is, tf not In l«-w. in equity, th* sole operator of the Santa Fe cars. Pull man was guilty of a cause to strike, and so the strike came. If members of the . R. U. had a right to strike ugalnst Pull man. they had a right also to strike against Pullman's contractors—the rail roads. STEAMER LJXES FIGHTING. LI HUNG CHANG TAKES THE FIELD The Veteran Statesman and Soldier Will in Person Command the Chinese Troops. MANY HEADS MAY FALL. Cblneao OfllctnU Have Been Derelict In Duty and Swift Punishment Will Pollow—Un to l*elt|U y Cries Jupan's Fli.-ingtinl, Sept. 28.—It in reported the emperor bus granted M Hun*; Chang's reijuest to be allowed to take the field In person, und that 1.1 Hung Chang will nuke ills headquarters at Lau-Tal, near Kal-Ping, tin* present headquarters of the proviueial com- mander-lu-ehlef of Cbth-LI. It Is also reported that the Chinese troops liavo evacuated Corea aud are now massed ut Chlu-Tnug-Cbtug, thirty miles westward of the Vatu river. They Want Freights to China and Ja pan to Begin a Kate War. San Franclsoo. Sei>t. 28.—The war be tween China and Jaoan has resulted In u spirited competition between the Ca nadian line of steamer* and the PacHIc Mall Company. \Vlth the commerrcc- ment of hostilities in the Orient the big packing companies throughout th* country began shipping canned gooda to Yokohama In targe quantities, a* canned goods are an Important item In the coet of armv supplies and al ways And a ready market. The Canadian line of ateimeni re duced the rate on canned gooda at the outset and hss recently been handling heavy shipments from tbs packing houses In Oakland and Chicago. To di vert this trattle to San Frxmlaco. the Pacific Mall Comoany hie announced a cut In the tariff on canned goods from 812 to IS oer ton. Bid nnop IN COFFEE. tary Orders to Close Short Contract* ■ Ualtlcs. the Market S'-wYurk. Sept 28.—'The Coffee Kx ante was the scene of excitdmeut by Mnu a baa not 'oet-u witae**-d many month*. The occtielon wn* Perpendicular drop lu tho price of ftemUf contract*. It npp-mr* that t* dilatory holders of Beptemlior con- tis, toi'ludlug n number of foreign- l win habitually defer liquidation ike last minute, s:ut to orders to ** nut September contracts. At Hie ** Bme it wi. repwted that U.UU0 ■Wkl notices had bwn started. Tine broker* had orders to noil Sep- ™™r- A dn-llne of 2-4 omits or ser- tre pdnts from the last cole of ^y was the result. Beptemlier ,*nl this morulug at 13.80, next 1 »< 1-t-IT. ami then IIIJO. after *«> a i-liort notice September sale » mid., at iH.rg, "kr ihl. market steadb-il up n little, feettug on ’uliaiigo ts benrtKh, * beonl bnvikiuc crop Is pre- TttUEATKNS licit CHILD. P-Ung Warning Sent to the Wife of a Chicago ltefomier. Sept. 2S.—Mrs. W. k e, wife of the Ucv. W. Ci. Clarke, •■uun of Hie counnlttoe -m gam- nhieh lias bev-i waging a vigor- *ar cti the gamblers, received an Wmons b tter oy mall today warn- Ljj* to l-ok well to Ii-t rtitld and , "' that “your husband'* death . !' ‘"’Sfy those who m-shtale Wilsb biula-.-ss.’’ CTarke was III in bed when .. 'I the letter, tmt In.-r eou.|ttion ' id made pirrk-ularly worse by '^WWICC. *UVPHBB INDICATIONS. : S-r-l. 21-Tor O .-gla: I in' , • Ur.ablj Wit 4. BfG MEOTtNG IN GLYNN. Three Thousand Democrats I.lsten to Wabth. Berrrn- and ltamraond.' Brunswick Sept. 28. -The biggest polktlot|t roily ever held in eoothl-sit GiHirgla occurred here today. Every bustnavs. tsaasc clostd fa *J--'ora and epechd trains pin In over both roads. Senator Walksh. Hon. Robert! Berner anti Won. W. II. lfwirmond had tieen snmunced to apeuk. Hie speaking was hcM In ttie open ulr. und 3.000 voters attended. Benoitor WaMi spoke flrat. for one hour, defending drover Cleveland and the Fifty-third Demo- crtltc cungress. His referenortoCleve- •ind was recekvdl w-luh cheers and his exposition of the work done by the Democrtcs In securing tariff reform was a revelation to romy who hod on'y vague lde*s on the subject. Berner and Harrtmmd followed, awl for live hour* hhe crowd never left the speakers' platform. KILLED BY HTS OLD WIFE. Ha Attacked Her »ml Bhe Accident ally Slew Him. and I* Now Starving Herself. Montgomery. Sept. 23.-A to the Advertiser from Do'Jhen, Ala., tells of th* killing of -a man named Peter Stripper by Ms wife. . The parties are IS year* of age and have numerous grandchildren. The old man’s mind herd hern weak for s tong time, und corn*tonally ha would «ry to run wway.Hls wife wn* trying to keep him s« home yeatenkty. when tie attacked her. In defending hereef the struck hfan on the neck whit • board, kilting him ln.«u*ily. Mrs. Skipper now refuses to ea* anything and says She wflt Starve herself to de—th RACING AT JEROM FI A Small Crowd Secs Some Mighty Good Contests on the New York Track. Race Track. Jerome Tark. Sept. 9.- The attendance here we* ogsln verr small, despite the feot that the card was better Than that of any day of the meelmt. Th* flekto in four of he event* were Urge and tho quality averaged well enough to guarantee good sport. Tha weather w« perfect for raring purposes and the trick In line condi tion. Favorite* won three of the elx ram. but two of them. "Rubicon an l Stonenell. were at such prohibitive odilv that the talent did not benefit by tbelr victory. The second race, * setting af fair. a mil* and one-*lxt**nth, furnished th* best contest of the day. Loss Bridge at S to 1. beating Little Matt, the favorite, by a neck In a har drive. LUCAN IA BRBAK8 THE RECORD. She Cute the Trans-Atlantic Pamage to Five Day*. Eight Hours and Forty Minutes. Now York. Sept 21.—The steamship Loco nil. from Liverpool and Queens town. arrived thla afternoon. Time of passage, tire days, seven bourn and for ty minutes, fastest on record, betting her last former run of lire days, eight hours and thirty-eight minutes by **f- ty-etwht minutes. Day’s run: M2. ML L2». 882, and 87 to Sandy Hook lightship. Total dis tance. 2,782; average speed 21.77. MOONSHINER8 GIVE UP. Utttl* Rock, Sopt. 28.—Twenty moon shiners. wtio tuve operated In Pope county for ysara. will surrender to rev enue office It St Cue, Pope county, next ly. Several menu# officers of ty will leive for Odj outright to of the RMcfc dS-tators and irir stfts. The men accord- agreement wito the officers. i«cdw tn^ minimum box*net. tv ofllcera have been pre^^nz ““SsaasTSarissTS ; y„.. It 1 to ..Jt. ■ . ARSENALS IN B.\D SHAPE. BLOODY RIOTS IN BRAZIL and Soldiers Are Pat’olling the Street! MANY KILLED AND WOUNDED It Is llepoi! Men The ril Hint this Biota Coal 349 Ir LtTpi«>Korplgii Dlplom- B«*|tr»apiilallvea Aik r Lr^HiIon Guanlit The Chiuese Othcials Have Been Der elict and Heads May Fall. London, Sept. 28.—A Shungtiai letter to tin- Tinics, dated August 12. says; “Privately 1 learn that (he Canton ar senal authorities are in a dititculty whlch may affect the whole war. China wan to puiaue a Kabltiu polify and rely upou her enormous weiilili ultima teiy to crush Japtiu. Both countries were surprised to Hml that the neutrality laws prevented their huyiug wilt idilpa iu Europe. ’’Order* were given to the various Chiuese araeuala to build »lilp« trod make gun*. The Foo-Chow arsenal, the largi-st tmd only one iu c*hiua that ever built Hhlpti on a serious call, may be in a state of readitless. iiltbuugh It will uot he able to build large vessels without a great deal of Euro|»xin help. But the WUaui.iol alsoatl at Canton was found to be in a lamentable state of uuUtncx*, and heavy puu.*tmn-ut is sure to full upon the olliixala nviion- slble for this conil'tloii of affairs. In the meantime the Japanese nneuals are said to be working on all unprecedented seals, "The qnestloa of what article* nuiy l)» declared coutrahaud I* aurlnuslj lurlong the cadetn trmb-. Groat nln rvfnses to mwg a Iso rtftyts eoatra- baud. Cbin.i can do practically noth ing at present with Jap in'* coal trade,” ON TO PEKIN TUB CRY. Japan Is Enthuskutt'.e mid Will Push tho War With Vigor. Yokohama, Sept. 28.-The general public U now In favor of the war agaUwt the Chiuese In dt-ll- nuee of all obstacles, uud It i* urged that nu attack up>a Pekta in.- made. All patty feeilng for tho time will bo suspeudi'd and the diet will readily v.-te whatever credits are needed. 11 ? uforvetneut* are euntluuJily going fnr- ward, hut nothing Is known iu n-gtml to their destination. London, Uept. 28.—A SF-x'In! from Yokohama nays: The destination of the second Japanese tinny of UU.UUU men at kept secret, the Jaimuese army In Corea Is rapidly ndvnneiug Uorth. No resistance to It* progn-n* U cxpecUxl on UlU side of the ChiUese froutler. There ts no truth In the ru mor of un armistice. A dispatch from Shanghai dated Fri day guys: It is believed that the em peror contemplates a change of ad- viitont anil the disinKtil of all the man darin* and others who have bivn con cerned lu the conduct of the vur. Af fair* at Pcklu un- tendiug toward an Imperial coup d'etat. Involving the overthrow of LI Hung Chang ami other statesmen. WEAKNESS or THE CHINESE. New York, Sig>t. 2S.-A special cable gram from Meifcviile > ttaya: Admiral da Gama nxjert.i that thero him been rioting in Rip do Jauelro lasting Live days, acemupauiiil by outrages ou Portuguese iuuv-uihi, dmtlgaled di rectly by reahleut l’elxolo. who Incited eoldlera, dri-sacd os cltlacns. to mttko un attack ou the prcteun- that they wniltcd to break up a meeting of Itoy- llio, it Is reportiil. look* like a great military camp, soldiers patrolling the street*, cavalry cutaui|Kxl in the public :• itdens nail laumltc* patrolling the bor flout. The tntnilH-r of kllhxl i* baited to he 328, and 2i3 W-JUnded en tered the hospital. Many wuuudtil were taken to their noitUA Most of the lighting occurred near tho water’s edge and numy bodies were cast into the harbor. The damage to the prop erty of Portuguese, British uml oilier foreign resident* will amount to 31, 600,000. Admiral da Gatin ..exhibited tt telc- grafll ytiving this aarifl It was uot a-1 dressed to him but i. as In cipher and sent to a well-known KnaiMimau here. The BrazlIUtu guversm-gnt .-out out a revised aud naihirix-.xl account of tho riots to a London news tigeuey und to the United Slftex Strict censorship is matntnluisL Tho soldiers und marine* sent against the rioters Ured nkiuk cartrldg--*. It la naliL The Bntlab m.u ster lam askeil for a guard :i| ih» b-gitlm und at bis residence. This was granted him by onler of Petxote. The legatlua is crowded with refn- gce», who, alt!i "u.-ii promised protec tion by the authont'-.i. ere afraid go on the streets. One hundred nad •Its , Mr. riot* of lie last fe Id -seven persons nug implleated ■ day*. u i*--s have ti«n it-* are acUve. 11FTVOLUTIONAR t PLAN. A Convention Culled, and a Bogus Legis lature may lie Formed. Birmingham. Ala.. Sept. 28.-Th* chair-' non of the Btate executive committee of the Kolbite and Populist parties today Is sued from their headquarrers here a call for a Joint convention to meet In Mont- 1891. The call ‘The purpose of tha convention ia to consider what action would be taken in regard to the monstrous election frauds that were perpetrated In the last August election, and for other purposes.” It is s.qd the purpose of the convention. In view at the fact that It Is called to meet the day before the regular legisla ture convene*. Is to set up an oppoHttton legislature und go through the torm of declaring Kolb governor, elect a United States aenator to succcecd Senator Mor gan, and adjourn. The Kolbttea are Industriously organis ing so culled election leagues all over Ala bama. and troubl* Is feared when the convention meets. TRADE REPORTS NOT ENCOURAGING Neither Bradttreet or Dun Find Much to Build Hope On in the Situation. FITZ WANTS A FIGHT. He Says Re Will Claim the Championship It Corbett Refuses to Meet lllm. Atlanta. Sep*. 2*.-”lf Mr. Corbett will say that he docu not want to meet Mr. FltsHlmmons, I wen't bother him any more; but I will ckdm tho heavy-weight championship cf the world, and v alk off with It. Bee?7” Thla was the response of Kobert Fltx- eintmons. champion mlddle-netsbt. to .las. J. Corbett's statement sent out by the press last night. Fitioknmons and a crowd of sports topped over here for a while today on their way north from New Oriean. The champion middle-weight was mad at Corbett. "He wants me to meet sieve O Duimei:. *7*7 Let OfCsSb whin Mattel* or Hall, or somebody I have defeated. Then I will fight him. I shall trv to set a fight out of Corbett, and 1 shall put my list tn his face yet. mere will be no trouble about my putting up 13,000. If that much is required.” MUCH WHISKY WITHDRAWN. They Are Brave iMen. But Have No Pa triotism and Esprit tie Corps. London, Sept. 28.—Capt Lang, a for mer director in. the Chine** navy and supervisor of the erectfen of many Chi ne** forts, said tn an interview today tn rexard to the Chinese reverses: "The Inherent conservatism and apathy con cerning everything outside of China and the want of esprit d* corps have had their natural rivulta. Au a ma’ter of fact, the Chinese never expected to have a fight, and their supreme con tempt of Japan Is a predominant trait with them. ThefY seamen are as brave as could be wished, but they have not the slightest patriotism. “Their officers ore regard lore nr al most everything but personal advan tage ttr-.J have always wanted to evade drill amt remain ashore. They have bated European* and are insufferably obaUnaje. There are exceptions, how ever. as In the case of Admiral Ting, who is conspicuously a brave and capa ble officer, whose Uud could be safely followed anywhere. •1 cannot understand the alleged su periority of the Japanese quick-firing gun*. Tne four resw-l* of the Chlnr- Yuen cl is* were admirably equlpp-1 and 1 ant not disposed, tn tne iignt of the .present information, to give them the blame. The only Europeans now In service tn the Chinese licet are act ing In subordinate capacMIeo.” In conclusion he reaffirmed tits belief that the Cblnese hail been the victors. MAT BE A REVOLUTION. News Ruches St. Petersburg of a Pos sible Attempt to Overthrow tb* Chi nee* Dynasty. Vienna. Sept 28.—The Polltlsche cor respondent ear* the following Informa- M5hy cries of "IX-.ith to the heard. Troops ^r* held la the barracks and sa*lui* with boats are ready to Und. President I'rixoto announces that a.d from foreign ships la unnecessary. COWH1DKD BY A WOMAN. Merchant Abmhnm* j* Probably Horry He Spoke A Unit Miss Dos*. Courtkind. AU., Kept 28.-A. It Ahr.ilitim*. itt prominent more hour, huh publicly cintituled hero lotkiy by ills* l.ucillc Do*». iltiiqiiter of Peter Dose, proprietor of the Duos hold. It 1* suld that Abruhtiui* made a dis paraging remark about Ml** Doss, ivbicb u-achcd her fills. The yuuug woman nniuxt xierm-lf wilii a cowhide and proceeded to give her utloged de tainer u iloggii'd. wh,ch brought stream* of blood witli every blow aud made liliu beg for mercy. Abrahams was nWo attacked by a brother of Hie young ladv nud would have bccu killed but for the Interfer ence of the chief of police, who ar rested all the parties. BUCK M'CANN WAS KILLED. Ho Was One of iMeOafferty'* Race Homes and Was lilt bf an Engine. Chicago, Sept. 28.-WM!* the chestnut race hare* Buck McCann was being taken from the H irlein race course ti th- Hawthorn* rues track he broke away from the bov Wt’o was leading blm. and, running directly In front of a Burlington engine, was Instantly killed. Buck McCann won the Lutonla Derby last ysmr and was valued at 818.003. II: was owned by A. C. McCafferty. JACK THE WHIPPER. NOW. II Lives in Chicago and Objects to Girls Wltlh Bloomers. Chicago. Sept. 18.—“Jack she Wrap per” has broke loot* and Is miking life full of terrar* to the female bicy clist* who ride In Washington Hark during die evening. Jack hwa a fiunt- to .u iT Mll to bl. -Mi ri, and His mettled of stwiring trie dlewppr.Mwl to to plant a few lusty welts with a row bsde whip on every pair of btooan-ra (bat be can find with a girl on (be ‘nelde of Them. KILLED A POLICEMAN. respondent says me totiowing Informa tion has reached St Petersburg from China and attracts <h* aerioue attention of the government The intense excite ment In all th.- provinces of Chi .., and the dissatisfaction of tb* highest offi cials in tb* emotre h is reached a point which Indicate* a movement against, the retrain.- dynwtv. Thy » : ,im anl- : , - th- . ff.l.i- to but the dlaclpM— has been m* A Footpad Whom He Surprised Used a Gun With Deadly Effect Chicago. Sent. 28.—Officer Andrew Htrwurih of the Sheffield Aveaue po lice station waa shot and mortally wounded eariv this morning by a foot pad whom be waa trying to arrest The officer also shot the roller in the hack .and the aJrgrons nt the boaplul aay he will probably die. The officer came upon the robber as be was holding up a pedestrian. THURSTON MEN ELECTED. Omaha, Sept. 28.—Owing to the fact that both John M. Tniirslnu, general solicitor of the Uulon I’acilh- Railroad Company, anil John Webster, anli- corp(ration counsel, were candidate* for tbe scat III the State* roll ate Uoiv occupied by Cbarlc* C. Maulcr- kod. 13ie R< publican prluiarie* were tbe Urgent attend-I in many ycant The return* are c mini lu slowly. They show that Ibc Tint!-ton Men are elected by a email majority. MANUFACTURERS’ ORDERS SLACK After il»« Flrat R It to IteplenUh stork, to Fnil OfT—Cotton t the liecortl and nuo to Fall* Enough Ncnv tn tbe Hands of Dealers bo laist Sevetul Months. Wlafhtngton. Sept. 28.—Oecnmlaaloner Miller Teas m»de a MatemeOt allowing Che collections of brier-mil revenue tax es for the pist two mintbi. The ng gregatte to * anted *o be J51 921.878 $28,092,102 Mr ttw oorreiponding period of 1893. Of '8he839.705.000 coHeoted from i pi rite 838,693.000 win on whisky atone, show ing tjtsjrt in lrwv> months nearly 40,000,000 gwtlona of WMrity were taken out of tx.i*l In anitlctp«ii>n of tbe lncrcoeed taxT It to estimated t2»axt be montftrty oonsumptlon of wlrtoky In tbe United Stairs l# 8 000,000 gallons *o Oust deal- era tisxve on band a supply of several montb*. TO-NTJHAKS ON THE WARKATH, A Coroan Religious 8*ct Who Hnt# For- elgnenr Attacking the Jspanes? London. Bent. 28--A dispatch to the Olobe from Yokahama. Japan. »«y*J"*' the Tong-Haks. a powerful rellgtiu* sect which caused the flrat outbreak In Com. have attacked th* Japanewr Tnl-Ku. llr- nf. ic have beenwent from Seoul to -mlet the Japanese force it Tai-Ku. Th# Tong-Haka are the most bitter of any of the Coreane agnlnst foreigners and conatltut# the moat puw- erful revolutionary element In the coun try. OWB.VH WILL DEJBATE. The Man Who Beat Breckinridge Will Meet >HU Republican Opponent. Lexington. Ky.. Bept. 28.-Jud«e Den ny, the Republican nominee for con gress. to out In a letter to W.C. Owens asking him !o meet him In Joint debate, beginning next Monday *t Newcastle. Mr. Owene replied last night that he woulj meet tho Judge. The Ashland district will see another red-hot cam paign. but this tlm: belsreen a Republi can and a Democrat. TBLBORAPHIC NOTFJS. Nanaimo. B. C. Bept. 28 -Two men were burned 1o death, two other men and a little girl were bedly Injured and 8100.(00 worth of property was destroyed hr a ffr* that broke out her* at I o'clock this rooming. Paris. Tex.. Sept. 28.—Eugene Futke and Tom Moore were banged here to day for murder* commlttsfl In ths In dian Territory. Both men refused niln- toterisl consolation bn the gallows and Fulks died with an oath on bis lips. Princoton, N- J-. 8ept. 28.—The prac tice or iiaxlng was formally abolished at Princrion today by the unanimous ac tion of the students assembled at n mi»s meeting In Aleaanlbc hill. At tb* close of th* meeting President Pat ton tendered hi* thanks ami congratu- latkne. Dean Murray also addreeoed tbe students. Savannah, sept, is.—The stsam-r D. H. Miller reports that she spoke th* schooner William T. Parker ’of George town. lumber laden for Philadelphia, at 2:38 r. m. on the 27th twenty-flve mll«* off Cane Itonmln with both most* gone. The Miller offered <o take the crew off. hot the offer was refused. 8b* was under Jury rig. Washington. Bept. 28.—A decision that whisky exported from tb* United State* under'the McKinley law and Imported under th* nine law. placed In bonded warehouse*, but not withdrawn until after the new tariff set took effect, will have to pay duty *t the new rale of 81.10 per gallon wilt be announced from the treasury department tomorrow. Columbus. Mis*.. Sept. 28.—An extra freight train on the branch of the Mo bil* and Ohio railroad ran off the track near Aries!i this evening, eeverly In juring Conductor Jsmcs Fitzgerald, bratklng th* leg of Brakemon George O. Bezier, killing a negro boy named Gu* Cheatham and woundlqg two other negroes. The wreck wag caused by the track spreading; Waltham. Mas*.. Sep*.- 28.—John 8. Johnsvn of Syracuse. N. Y.. this after noon on the Waltham Cycle Park grounds rode a mile on the bicycle in Ids 8 8. tbe fastest time on record. The record was lit 14 made by J. p. isiiss at Springfield. Maas. The fastest mile ever ridden In the world on a tricycle ha*l bem 131 by Mike Dlmberger of Buffalo. N. Y.. but this record was pot accepted os official, as be waa paced by h’arsea. Johmon also broke tbe threw quirter mil* record, going that dis tance In 1:21- Now York, Sopt. 28.—Bradstroct’a t.w uiortmv will nay: Tho features of gcD) oral Iratlo throughout iho country its fuuutl iu uiodvruto rcactlotiH v.-lthiu the week, more particularly lu tliu toi- uine of purciiuHcH of staplos iu tbu West, where trade has boeu quite act ive, uud ut Eastern points. Loot satisfactory reports uomo from some of the most important Uadrtbut* In* poluts South, owing to the effect of tlio storm. Augtuta roporls the out look uot so bright und refer* to tho * low price of cottou aud Its effect ou tho purchasing power of producers. General bUsloeikt lias been mtsuttled at Savutuiah uud ut Jacksouvlllc, ami rice and orange crops liavo sufferul. There has been uo material ga.u in buslucm at New Oilcans, Importation of (tults aud receipts of hulk grain for export Ix'iug light. 'Jlicre has been a fair liuslncs* lu hardware ut Chattanooga, Imt other lines report lees activity. Business * practically unchanged at Uhuricstou, Mcnqihls ami Ulnulngliam. K. G. DUN’S WEEKLY REPORT. New York, Sopt. 2S.—it. G. Duu .k Co.’h weekly review of trade tomorrow will Say: Spe.'nil inquiry lias been made this Week at ail comuinrelal own- tors regarding the stale ot retail trade. Wide diversity, appear* In dlffetvut trades, aud the detail* of busiUenH at tbe different cities merits general in tention. The main facts disclosed are, Aral, a marked Improvement within the past month and coae.derahlo vxeass over the bualonw done a ago. particu larly lu tin- aeocs.-urics of life. But second, it appear* that the volume of Rode at present is, ou the whole, cu- b;il''fill(l> 1< -. tti in .n .i n 'i ,u 11 i. .li nt lie-bl |"'im - .ilid I.I tin- III ■! - nqi 'l I- ant trades m appaivntl) about twentj; per cent mu.ill. I- In S' Pteiuli'r, 1SU2 Evidence of oontmued Improvement ill u II .i■11-- ■ does uot appear thi large diotrlbutiou ou onlere given soma tea* ogo. tint new tutohmas to the man ufacturers is every where shu kinc ’iho eompletluu of onl.'iH for replentotunant of stocks leaves.a narrower demand aud .t is yet too curiy for cuusumpllou to provide further orders. The volume of business reported by clear.tigs ut tlie chief cities is ii.U per cent, larger thau lust year, but 2141 per cent, loot thau In !Si2. and for tlio uiuutli of September tbu dally average bus been lUl.ooMHO, aguluat 3123,- uuu.uts) last year before rwcovary tmta the punk) had conic .and ?lT7.<JW.*.fl9 '.u 1SU2. A* tlie- • fueled • payments resulting from trade during months of un- ••rtaluty, tho c-impartoou U hut moderately eueourtigiug. Tlie depression m the price* of farm products will bare some effect. Un- prectxlcutcd records liavo lieeu mado lu cotton uud wheat, though as to wheat ealy in contracts for liiturc delivery. In which the prices are the lowest ever made. Cottou on the spot is lower, at d It CffiK tin St any atber time since IMP. uud q'lol.itn ns Ill' ll (Ihl Uot IIIOIU glut they do now, while the nearest option has b oil qitoted at UM cents, Hii.'li U below all prevlotto lei .nl-. Even at the el—- the full i"r the week Is 1 1-4 cents. Textile IBSnufJCtUrers feel tbo ■brtnkagv of tan demand duo to re- pb-atstuneiit of stocks and Ihere to less doing lu cotton aud wool 'll gods aC rtrst linuda. Tho distribution by J >h- bers ou previous -.rder* Is largo aim stocks are Mill Is-lug reduced by par- etUtoca, but the trail - Uow depends ill all branches upon the snppletui-nul er- dcr* oxpeeted. lu CJttsu rix-rnt ml- v.itiee- lu price are malutalueil. but buying l* noticeably lex* active. Imports at Now York for tiur weeks have lh-eu 13 ptr cent, ltirger, mestlc exports 20 per. c-.-ut. Miuller tli in la4 year. Failures are few and small for tbo week, liabilities a inn 11; 11 tig to Xo.l 37 ,- 426. of which ilSi'Uill were of man- bfaeturlng ami 32,766,1(2 uf trading cuncern*. , _ uniifnclun s L There Is THE C5fAlt'8 C St. I’etersburg, lias gone to Sjt tors attending tl j nirney to dm p(“-L '!•"> 1 i.. ■. .ti. 1 | | alul. • UASECALL O.WB8 YESTERDAY. At Pittsburg— R H E Pittsburg. . . .2 1 8 0 5 0 1 1 •—15 13 3 Eovlon 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 I- 9 14 t batteries: Gutnbert and Wearer: Nhhob and OanzeL At Clevetsnd— R II E • HITUIN SKKIom Clevelial .• « « 11 0 1 1 0- ,l’hl' adelnhla. .StltttOOD-t 7 1 | Batteries: Wilt ice snd /.tm.-ner; C*r- h . i At Cln.-burnt— R It E rintlnnatl. . .0 2 2 I 1 »e # 2-k 1J I rery Batteries: WiilrockaadM FULLIiR IS ACQUITTlfD. It IVa* His Becuod Trial For a Mur der. the First Resulting tn Coav>e tloa. WUmingl 'ti. N. C„ 8cpt. 28.—A spe cial to tb-- Star says: The trial of Ed- wanl Fuller, which has beou proxn-ss- tng at lt'ick.ogham, Hlrimusid county, nearly six dajrs. ended today with a verdict of acquittal. Fuller evssWxed with tbe murder of B. C. Parker, at Fayetteville, aud was tried last March, eoovkted of mur der >u the Aral degree ami senti rant to tie banged. Tlie «>'■ was taken to tho supremo court, which graubsl a m w trial Change of venue was then made to Hkbutoud county and the soc- • ud trial resulted lu prsnpt aiqutit.iL The c.t-o ha- attracted mu< b attcnilon YORK'S CONSTITUTION, .\. Y„ S»pt. 24—The llejntb- eiit.on. in .mens t coast.ntii ■bmitted orb. . .* 0 0 3 1 6 uausrics: Wiilrock an | man and WJtoo I P