The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, December 13, 1894, Image 1

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I Hitnt'llihcil min. Ul'BrnpUPabU.hInB Co. Pabllihsrs. It and Ccckran of New York Upoke in Support of tho Measure. | [HE ROADS WERE HONEST Hi the Dill as Submitted |-f Amended So as to Secure at | |t l« of Determining Hates .Tha Carlisle Stheme* * oston. Doc. 7.—The greater por- I today's session of tile house was to a continuation of the dig i on tho bill to so amend the Lto eommerce net as to permit L companies to pool their earn Isolation offered by Mr. Wilson of West Virginia' was I a stributing subject* of the message among the several I - 3 to committees. On tills roso- I the house was briefly addressed Isprakcr Grow (Republican) of fttvania, who presented his v'ews Lit to the amendments to the ^1 bank act necessary to secure red elasticity of the currency |l!t<> protect the pubi c forest res- was discussed for an hour, n conclusion was reached by the The order for a session tonight . consideration of pena oti b 11s racated. tat ou was agreed to giring tho Jitter on banring and currency sm to s t during the sessions of «*>. When the railroad pooling tie up, as the general order, Mr. tint withdrew ail amendnieuts of- |by the committee to the bill and tats continued by Mr. Bartlett |it 11> of New Tor!;, who supported Bryan (Democrat) of Nebraska I the bill in a strong speech, oilier tilings he referred to the made yesterday by Mr .Reed lean) of Maine, expressing the a that never bad the house lls- lo so bold an advocacy of the monopoly. He agreed with Mr. tltupublloan) of New York that iUvjys should not come to eon to protect themselves against own mismanagement or ‘‘ruinous ktion." Brjun gave that at tho time he would movo to aipaM II so ns to secure a basis upon tile committee shall act in tho of the reasoutolciiess of His prupcs.tlon was Mut tbO Ittee should allow a profit ui»on of product on of the railroad Bing stock at present rates, re- >f the organisation of tile road, Boss of additional expond.tures Tirdless of the amount of capital isoied, cither real or (let turns, ns the rule, he said, applied to ■r business and should be applied Iroad business. pissage of the bill was further d by Mr. - Northway (Republl- >t Ohio. Mr. Wise, (Democrat) Tlnla, Chairman of the commit- “ 1 at (restate ond foreign oum* replied to Mr. Northway. Re- f to (Die latter gentlemant's re- e*vt the passage of the bill was by title niltroiaids alone, he odd II w\w ad Wealed by boards of swl tmnspornation mil over the ty in by every state railroad Stoner except one. dltmisrion of the afternoon was Wed by Mr. Cockiun (Democrat) v 1 nrk, who advocated She bill a s'htdh should be supported by man who desired (hat the com- » condition* of (he country i oj such as to bring about oom- praapertty. ff (he railroad «. he satd. were denied wVut uked in the pending MU they ievk tthe relief, he believed, tn otdatlon, as She telegraph cum- Itad been consolidated, atiwer to a question by Mr. Oox *"*•> of Tennessee, Mr. Oockiun te bdlcved the passage of the V'u'.d result In a reduction of t'r the reason that It was the of rail raid companies to eon- reluce charges. Railways did *•» to toy waste the country tram ' ™ey derived their suppprt— •ought those conditions which e prosperity of the towns .- 'blch they passed, and be did believe tthe Intelligence of the »' low as to prevent the pass- i beneficent, equitable motion re the cry that “the railways de- o’clock the house adjourned, •onate was not tn session, hsv- ojourned over until Monday. *IM.BD THE INFORMER. *ork of ths Bandits on the Okla homa Strip. Ijf. O. T., Dec. 7.—Some days ago ■armera living near Cushing gave marshals Information about the outlaws that Infest that region. •My four of the outlaws vlalted the « Cyrus King, one of these farm- ■ot him to death and burned his *b It Is (eared that they will at- Jther farmers and great excitement In that section. Governor Evans Had Murphy Put Out ■ of Danger. Columbia, S. C„ Dec. 7.—At mid night tonight there Is considerable ex- aitement here. It is stated that crowd of men have arrived here from Orangeburg with the intention of as- sombling near the city hall about 1 o’clock a. m. and, proceeding to the county Jail, lynch Murphy,, the whtte as&Bfiii uf County Treasurer Capes of Orangeburg, who was brought here last night for wife keeping, having been captured by detectives after « chase through three suites of nearly two months’ duration. In some way Governor Evans and the officials got wind of The story, ar.d tonight wboul S o’clock the desperate- looking feltow, under a heavy guard, was removed from llhe county Jail and •taken hastily across the city to the state peifiteutHry. He is now confined within its massive walls 'and no doubt extra guards are tn the watch towers. The force wt the prison and the gen eral construction of the massive walls make it impossible for any kind of a force to gain entrance. Up to this hour no suspicious persons bawo been seen in the vicinity of the Jail. It cannot be ascertained whether such party as is referred to bis arrived on any niglht train. A stranger went Into neveral stores this afternoon, pretty well In toxicated, and asked the clerks to help them >ynoh the prisoner tonight. He was arrested and locked up. The State’s Orangeburg special says Ed Murphy, a brother of D. C. Murphy, was brought In and turned ovgf to the sheriff by two detectives tofay. He is believed to be the third of the assassin who killed Treasurer Oopes. 'Wflltaims is still ait targe. MACON, GA„ THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13,ls94. II 111 111. Only the fndnslry Shows Any Special Signs. "^yewed Activity. y " MONEY DRIFTING TO NEW YORK Southern Jobber* Devoting Their Atten tion to Collectioni—Gold Shipments Uel»g Mrde la Europe— I.flTeot Produced by the Message. I Weekly, $1.00 « Year Single Copy 0 Cents M BARRETT'S TRIAL. PROGRESSES. AH the Story of the Conspiracy Being Brourht Out. Columbia, 8. C., Dec, 7.—The trial of C. P. Barrett and the ten other members of the Barrett postmaster conspiracy is still In progress In the United States court here. District Attorney Murphy is btlng lng out to the fullest extent all the ml nutest details of the shrewdly conceived conspiracy to defraud business houses by the Improper use of the malls :tnd the almost gigantic extent of the work of the conspirators Is being revealed. The four conslprators who turned state's vldjnce are being probed with skill, and they are telling of Barrett’s original outline of his schemes td them and citing many specific cases. Typewriters and pianos seem to have been their pet classes of property to secure and mortgage to one another. Barrett in personal appearance closely resembles Gen. Gordon of Geor gia. Ho sjppcars In court stylishly at tired and looks more like one of the at torneys than the principal defendant. The trial will hardly conclude before Mon. day night next. THE DAW "AGIN CUSSINV TOR BRECKINRIDGE. Wind, O., Deo. T.—An appllcat'on ^ use o*. the Cleveland Grays sr- for a lecture to be given by \V. Breckinridge has been refused. Uniory was engaged for tho •aid Jlr. J. It. MoOu’gg, presl- •* 'he board of trustees. today, “ apy event, :t would not liavo rented to Breckinridge." •'dilCTBD TOR MURDER, ‘burg, Dee. 7.—The grand Jury hern non made n return ndloting "hlKKer, an engineer on the Haiti- * n, l Ohio railroad, for murder, rr was held responsible for n re- *r>ek on that road by tho grand fUNINO MILL BURNED. WnvUle. Fla.. Dec. 7.-Flre st Or- —_ Fla -. early this morning destroys! I*" 1 ' 1 * mill and novelty works owned Rogers. Ths loss Is asttmatsd with no Insurance. Tho South Carolina oenate Committee Reported It Favorably. Columbia, Dec. 7.—In the senate tonight the bill which paw'd the houae yesterday making drunkenness and.Intoxication and tho use of obscene or profane language n mlHdemeanor was reported favorably, and It Is possible now that this attempt to legislate morality Into "cuaaln” l.'aro- UnlauH win become a law. A bill was Introduced In the house yee terday to prevent the sale of druse 01 medicines of any description hy any on, other than a druggist licensed by this state. While It was intended to drive fako medicine vendors out of tho Mate, It would prevent country -torek-epera from telling paregoric, laudanum and such necessary medicines, working hardship on country people. It would have greatly Injured the buaineaa of Northern drug manufacturers. Joe Newman, n travel ling representative of Baltimore houses, happened to bo here, and hearing of the bill, went before the medical c immlttee and bad It killed In commltteo. GOING STRONG ON MT33IONS, North Carolina Baptists Raise PKvhy of Money. Ctrarintte. N. C.. Dec. 7.—The BsptIM elate convention hefcl tta second day s Steiolon today- tn dhe nyxo ng the board of •sduttttibn reported, awl lire rristo inin, Rev. Dr. John Ml-chell, repot* usd a debt of 11,000. There are Wilrty-a.x young men being educated far the min istry. Rsv. J. B. Bonne, of Windsor, repori- ol the rtaofte mlrairmiaxy board out of dtibk. wnd ndvocunnl work next year tn s 115.000 basis. Tho Bopr.W s ora alive on the foreign mISnion qu: utl:n. Loot nflght three re turned nttotonartes apokn to the con- vonrion and a stoat oongrogatlon In the Y. M. C. A. hall. Rev. H. C. Moseley rpoke first He was Imprtalined in Mex ico for writing a book agatsiat certain pnottcei, of MorJcan CaitHoHciani. nnd, rillbough redeoserl through the lost ru men, - all ty of Swwwt-auy Oreetuwn, la ban ished from the country, but dedans nls intention Of going back some day. Dr. H. Oiloves, a relumed mlmlotmrv from China, and amd Rev. J. W. McCal- lum. on a visit to America from Japan, id so spoke with grout eCoquence nnd force, insomuch that tile convention, unldrr the lead of <Mr. H. B. Duffy, n young bus:imo man ct Nawlbeme. wan led to pledge on amount aufiletent to rend a missionary to Jaipan and sup port him for five years. This was in addttJcn to the regular mission work of the convention. R»v. R. J. wflfitwham, secretary of the -foreign ml set on society of the Soutliwn Barittrk aotavenUon, made a ringing add reea. BTEVENSON AT ASHEVILLE. Asheville, N. C-, Dec. 7.—Vice-Presi dent Stevenson arrived here tonight from Washington. Hi* daughter’s con dition Is about the some, and hit vlait has no special significance. He will re main here until Sunday. HAD GOLD BRICKS TO SELL. The Same Old Game Worked on a Fool From Florida. New Orleana, Dec. 7.—ErnMt Yeager of Florida, who is In the city today, la either craty or he has been badly vic timised by gold brick swindlers. Yesger arrived this morning on ths Louisville and Nashville train. Ills baggage In cluded. a email trunk. As soon as the train pulled Into ths depot he got oft an<l hailed a cabman, and after loading hie baggage Into the vehicle asked to be driven to tho custom house. When he reached there he changed bis mind and said he desired to go to ths mint. Reach ing the latter place he said he had some gold bricks to sen. He had po key to the trunk, however, and In much pertur bation of spirit was taken to the police station at his own request. Corporal Cspo got a locksmith for him end the trunk was opened. It ires found to con tain a coople of metal bricks, which Yeager and the man carried down to the mint. An examination «t the mint showed that the bricks wars brass. Yea ger said he had paid JS.0M for them and had been told that they were worth ill.. O'). The man Is being detained while the case la undergoing Investigation. Now York, Dec. 7.—R. G. Dun & Co.’s weekly review of tirade tomor row will say: "It is dlffloult to detect any changes in ourrenlt business. Prospects for bust ness after Jamuiry I are quite gener ally considered more hopeful. In some branches there are larger ordera and the west-bound Shipments of merchan dise are A little larger. But (he work lng force Is naturally diminished near the end of the year and dhe holiday traffic brings Just now a temporary activity which 1s not of much general significance. The meeting of congress •and the announcement of tlhe new currency plan and o fvarlous bltta pro posed Stave not affected the situation perceptibly. Payments for bonds havi been completed without disturbance, but did not ppevont shfpnent of some gold to Europe -today. On tlhe whole, agricultural produots are scarcely stronger .and -wives of talw>r do no) advance, but there Is reason to ex- peot the employment of a somewhat larger working fore* after the holt- days. "Reduction tn the price of rails has brought out no U-ge contracts as yet, but some good orders have been given for freight cars; one for 50(4. Payments through tlhe principal clearing houses are a Shade less favorable, but show for the first week of December an in crease of t.« per cent compared with Wat year and a decrease of 19.4 per cmt. compared with 1892, when busi ness began to Pall below the record of previous months. "The iron industry seefits to have distinctly brighter prospects at Chi cago, where pig iron Is firmer nnd bar In larger demand because of orders for freght oars. But Bessemer Iron has sold at 210.25 at Plttoburg, steel mils have been reduced, to 222 there. Wire pods »nd nails are weaker. Compari son of prices there and at the East Shows the lowen: average yet record ed; taking prices of October. 1890 as 100 quotations have fallen to 55.7 and so Bar substantially anve t-he prices been cut oft with tour years’ tnntoc- tlons. Southern works ore y-g Iron here and 1n New England at very low figures, nnl though a som-’wh it better damand appears for finished profit. "The money market has not Im proved, nnd the drift of idle mon-’y hitherward is ns large as at tiny time this year. A remarkable statement shows Ivit ireamry inssteri of mot, ey have been almost exclusively to Now Orleans. 22.375,000 In October agonist 285,00V to at other points, nnd 22,425,000 in November agalnnt 2203,000 to all other points. Commercial loaia Show no Increase whatever, nnd heavy sale* of American securities by Lon don this week bavs advanced exchung* io the shipping point, so that 21.250.000 gold will be exported today. "The liabilities In fahtres for the last week of November were 22,028.407 against 22.904.476 for the aam<- week last year, but the decrease was wholly In mtoufacturlng Mobilities, 2427.644 against 21.675,027 last year, while trad ing liabilities were 21.567.348 against 21.- 208,449 last year. For the four weeks of November the aggregate wo* 210,- 681,873 against 220,841,621 last year. The failures this week have been 285 In the United States against 385 last year and 40 in Canada against 42 Unt year." BRADSTREETS REVIEW. New York. Dec. 7.—Braditreot’s to morrow will say: "At the larger Bast- era cities, retail trade baa assumed the chaructertatlco of the holiday sea son. The demand from Jobbers Is inaioty to fill out depleted stocks, and activity Ls mainly among retailers. An encouraging report regarding the out look la received from Baltimore, but Boston, Buffalo, Pittsburg and Phila delphia announce trade quiet, with the volume for November less tkau in 1893. "At the 8outh there Is a reasonable activity in staple goods with a mod erate improvement nt Nashville. Chat tanooga, Savannah, Augusta and Jacksonville. Southern Jobbers are pay ing us much attention to collecting bills as to selling goods. At Charleston, Memphis and Birmingham trade ls quiet and unchanged. New Orleana and Galveston likewise send unfavora ble reports of the movement of mer chandise, but at the first named the free marketing of crops makes money more plentiful, though the demand for fundi Is small. There has been a mod erate gain in distribution of groceries, shoes and light hardware from Gatwa- ton. but ajJes’of dry goods are dull." A NBW COTTON MILL. It Will Make the Th’.rd One Owned by the Same Company. Charleston, S. C., Dec. 7.—The direc tors of Clifton Mills, Bpnrtaburg coun ty. have determine,! to build a new cotton mill, wit eh will make the third mill operated by this company on Paoo- let river. The new mill will be built at Thompson's shoals, which has a wa ter capacity of 20.000 sp miles and BOO looms without the aid of steam power. The mill will bo finished and In opera tion by the first of next October, nnd, when finished, w ll give five cotton mills within s three-mile radius. These mills will have altogether 00.000 spin dles and w'll be able to consume every pound of cotton grown In Spartanburg county. KILLED BY WltlTEOAPS. Edginton Had Been Notified to Stop Beating His Wife. Louisv'lle. Dec. 7.—Tom Eilginton, living near Springfield. Ky., t,k.iit-tl hy whltecaps shortly sifter main gut this morning. Two men wearing whito veils and long cloaks forced an entrance into his house. Edg'nton Jum|te<i out of bed. One of the men shor him. Death was instantaneous. Edg'nton bad been notified to atop beating his wife or he would bo visited by white- cups. PURE FOOD EXPOSITION. New Orleans H is Arranged for Mak ing a Great Show. New Orleans. Dec. 7.—The gentle men who have made arrangements for the holding of the pure food exposi tion tvt Washington Artillery hall in this city, commencing December 17. are tbotuughly familiar wltl.i the work and 'have gone about tt in the some systematic manner aa the expositions held In Boston, New York and Clhl- catgo. They (save not only arranged to exhibit tlhe methods employed In preparing food produots foe market, but They propose as well to exhibit in suah manner as to make plain the difference existing between the pure and impure article, • and further to illustrate the proper methods of pre paring food f f table In order to se cure perfect eeslmlkttlon. To reach tlhls l.ttter object they have contracted for the erection of a perfectly appoint ed kitchen, which will be placed un der the control of a chef do cuisine, who will prepare food products for (he table as they should be prepared, and thus enable the public to team something of an art that 4s too gen erally mowed to remain In charge of ignorant domestics. Besides,the exposition (here will be two concerts given dally, afternoon and evening, by the Iowa State Bind of fifty men, which Is considered rite greatest band todhy 1n tSo United States. A -big feature of (he exposition will be Mre cooking lectures given by Mrs. EKa Lurla Hoye, dally, from 10 to 12. HILLER HELD UP HIS HANDS. Daring Attempt to Rob a Stock Yards Company. i iis mm. They Ereii Up on Each Other and Block Action on Two impor tant Measures. THE REGISTRATION LAW TIED UP Senator Oiborn* Said lo lie ItnponilbW —Til* Ilona* Holds Back til* Venable Insurance Ilttl—The Exposition Appioprlatlon Arranged, attempt eras made early this morning lo blow open the safe in the office of the Cleveland Stock Yards Company. Soon arter 4 o'clock Tour marked men entered the office. A Big Four train pulled In and William Hiller, the conductor, rushed Into the presence of the robbers. They pointed revolvers at his head and tr- dered him to trow up his hands, which he did with alacrity. Hiller entered the office to leava some papers. He waa or dered to put his hands down, and -one of tho robbers held a revolver at hla head while the other three drilled a hole In the safe -and Inserted dynamite. There was an explosion, but only tho combina tion was blown off, the safe donra re maining intact. Three of the employes of the yard, bearing the report, ran to the office, but they nrrlved after the rob bers had escaped, leaving Hiller with bis hands In the air. He took them down when he was fully asaured that the rob. bent were gone. No money was ob tained. HTLL WAS ON THE TRAIN. Coast An Attempt to Wreck a Coast Line Express Charleston, P. C.. Dee. 7.—An attempt ns mud- near Florence. S. C., Inst nfcriit to wreck the northbound passen- ger train ,.n file Atlantic Coast line. A pVce of timber fourteen feet long was laid on the trick parallel with nnd be- t-.veen the rfll’s Th- in;'iii-', nrel. teut- gnge arid first -lass cars passed over ol-trm-tl. n but th- st -per Iru-'ki caught the timber nnd dragged It for mile, when (he trucks of the sleeper rqre turned across the track, tearing P the track f->r several hundred yards, 'lie train mailing sixty miles an -ujr. m, I •„ i’ll; left the track nt this cut, *' . k-h-iie g>"- dawn n thirty-five foot mnhanknwjit and would have caused great loss of me. As it was. do special harm was done. Sen ator Hill of New York wus aboard the train In a special cor. MOVING FOR BIRMINGHAM. Action Taken at tlhe Mooting at the t Commercial Club. Blrmlnghonn. Ala.. Dec. 7.—The Ccrmmeretal Club's regular meeting Wus afternoon was largely attended und adopted several most important meas ures afflicting . Birmingham’s welfare. Among other murders wus the indorse- ment of Governor Oates' recommeod.i- tton tor an appropriation by the legls- iiture for a state exhibit at the At lanta. exposition, and railing upon ev ery commercial body. In the state to aid (he passing of suoh so approprin- lion. Another mn,tter which Dhe club deemed of wvtton-al importance was Introduced by Gen. R. D. Jctenstotv, lnnfructlng our congressional repre sentatives to work for a change tn our present consular appointments and service, showing the disadvantage America was under In not tawing a trained consular service. THE CASHIER SHORT. He Was Not Known to Howe Any Evil Habits. Atlanta, Deo. 7.—(Special.)—Today was one of sensational occurrences In the legslature. First, the house was thrown into a flurry by the submission of a plan by Speaker Fleming whereby the question of constitutionality could not he ra sed on the exposition nppropr’atlon. The proposition was hardly made before it was accepted and $17,500 given to the agricultural department for u state ex hibit at the b g exposition. This aotion bad Sartlly been taken when the news came into the bouee that the Judiciary committee of tho sen ate had tabled the general regstratlon bill for tho session. Later on the Boolsn bill aimed at the prise the Southern system was with drawn by Its author. Then when tile house met in the af ternoon It found Itself In tho midst of a bitter fight w.tb the senate on ac count of the action of the senate com mittee n throttling the registration bill. In a spirit of retaliation the house jud oisry committee had refused to read the Venable insurance bill, tho pet moasuro of the upper house, a second time, but openly declared that that measure would be held back until tho senate committee took up the registra tion W.1L nils feature of the day Involves the legislature in a sensat on tfiat may de velop Into a chapter of political h story to be handled gloves by future generations. LEGISLATION IS BLOCKED. To fully understand the situat on, it Is necessary to refer lo tho fact that Speaker Fleming has been the leading champion of the registration bill. In view of the great general Importance of the question and the special import ance of having a registration law to guide tlie special congress onal election to be held in the Tenth district ,be has devoted himself with unCrlng energy to the perfrofon and of the bill. It is tin- one piece of legislation of pre-eminent p’roin.ncnce in the Iioiwc, and yesterday, when the bill -was passed, the bouse oonsdered (hat it had done a good day’s work for tho people of the state. The members nil felt that they had done their duty well In passing a bill that would make un clean elections a UlDg of the past in this state. Just as the rogistrafon bill Ins been the chief work of the house, so his (he Venable Insurance bill been regarded in the senate. It was the ono to which President Venable devoted ills great energes, and when the senate passed the bill they felt that they de served the thanks of the people, for wboee sake they had boarded the Southeastern Tariff Association Kon In his den. At this point the Pcpul su of the two bouses appear to take a hind. In the house the Populists have fought the registration bill unmialngly. Es pecially has the opposlt on from the members from the Terfrb district teen strong. They did not want a registra tion It. 11 pasted, and yesterday were sorely disapponled when It went through But the exposition appropriation gave th* Populists an opportunity. Coffee ^ ^ that tv. F. Brice, aashter of the City NuOoml Bank of Quansna. Harde man county. Is a defaulter In Itie sum of 237,000 and a fugitive. The defalca tion waa discovered last Monday. The capital of the bank Is 3100.000 with a 320,000 surpiUi. The bank was organ ized in 1890 The loai has been made good and a n.ittonal bonk examiner reports the trank perfectly sound and solvent. Brioe had no known evil hab its sod there is no explanation of hla use of the stolen money. A CHARLESTON EXHIBIT. The Old City to Be Represented st the Atlanta Exposition. Charleston, S. C., Dec. 7.—At a meet ing of the Young Men’e Business League t might a resolution was passed providing for the appointment of a special commission to prepare an exhibit of Charleston resources at the Ctotton States and Internatonal Exposi tion next y<ehr nt Atlanta. It Is Intended that this exhibit shall be thoroughly representative and typical of Charles ton. and that It Shan embrac* every department of Industrial actlvKy. NO NIGHT TRAINS! Iron Mountain Officials Will Avoid the Robbers. St. Lou's, Dec. 7.—Commencing Sun day. December 0, the Iron Mountain railroad will take off all its pis-iengor trains now running through the Indian Territory in the n'ght time. The offi cials say that both their sifety nnd that of their passengers demand this move, and that (t will continue n force until the dangerous characters in that section hare either been exterminated or driven to other fleMs. POSTAL OLE It K ARRESTED. Washington, Dee. 7.—The chief post- office inspector has Just received a tel egram from Chattanooga. Term., an nouncing the arrest of W. C. Goxa, pos tal clerk on the Atlanta. Macon and Montgomery railroad, ton stealing mail (be house (his afternoon that through the Populist eetutors a trade w-aa made last night, if not consum mated, by wirloh the Populists of the house were to vote solidly for -the 325.000 exposition appropriation in con sideration of the throttling of the regstiutloo Mil 1n the senate commit tee. With the Populist vote the 325,000 appropriation to the expoeltkm could hove been riarrted eisJJy. As H le how ever. It ls claimed the plan miscarried, but the charges (hag such a deal seas on foot yesterday are made by mem bers of the house today. They are given simply for wbnrt they ire -worth. On (he exporitfon appropriation as 4t passed (he Populists voted to the nega tive, while the action of (he Judiciary committee In postponing the registra tion Mil until next year also contra dicts the charges of trading with .the Populists. CALLED ON MR. FLEMING. TMs afternoon, when Mr. Venable heard of She action of (he house Judi ciary committee In retaliating on the senate by refusing to put Me Mil be fore the (aouse, he called upon Speaker Fleming, who was presiding over (he house. The two held a lively conversa tion. In width Mr. Fleming told the president or the senate pointedly that the house Intended to have her rights at dhe hands of the eeaate. If the* body attempted to crush the registra tion Mil the House would retaliate on the Insurance bill. President Venehle (hen got a friendly member to request (be house to take up the bill, but the house overwhelmingly voted (he mo tion dawn, and tt remains In the com mittee's hands. Speaker Fleming argues that If the senate Hbs not time to oonafder the registration bill, wMoh was Ihe ex- cuse given by the committee In tabling It. neither has She house time to pass upon suoh an Important measure as the Venable Insurance Ml, which has heen under discussion by the senate ever since iht session berm. It Is said tint (he influence of Sena tor Osborne of Savannah was largely responsible tor toe tabling of th* racist ration bUI. The Savannao delega tion has all uton g opposed th* gen eral registration Mil because or its interference with the local Law of retefhsm county. TMs tow suits the Cltlaen's Chib, of whtah Senator Os borne is a shining light, to it ’T > ’ , | Itall'ln L, nni"! 1004 th4t W* fine ^ » Kond' d#vl to do JUmmrnt *"2*2?* of l ' he *>111 In the committee this afternoon. THE SENATE TAKES THINGS BASl WIIBe (he excuse of the senate com- mlttee wasthat tlhe knete <i)d ok* have time to oorroWer th* regto.Tatlon Mil, that august body Is taking thing* ZZZ'Z »? hey hoM "**3* da?E kimitaL of ,,w house. Speaker semi?* f£° ,bii point on the tihlniks tshoy couli etuily -imuffh wfch thte bill if dhov would TVt>rk ' Alv *fc2r in ;EU^. rh ? of toe bill tor High £f**V*‘* * (tot there are i» emotions (h«*^2.iI?? w .A nd nexl a* 1 "* 0 " except .K eIw ? Uon * h « Tenth dis- toere iinnt h <L *1T’ "'fter bring fried “Wbftte not faun I to hi good. It can be 'If. it the next «a- would have the fc™ “^M'e lanr wied be- 22L'I *• to he appbel generally. It «to!l!er\h.'S rU ? W ' tCdt '“'Y'toere ir. pur- "ounr. that place u the Tenth district. THE EXPOSITION APPROPRIATION "J*'* <he appropria- evh'lst be m * <s * ,or 1 state exhibit at the AiUnnta Exposition waa F< *' rian « and pre- ■2*23 i by bbn *" a substitute for toe n’iilh 1 V ^ l y oiUt ‘ otl ' " tt * n confer-yr-oj wwh mrinbem representing honh skies SL.'th. UUS 1 *"' Umcrierituttaimkty “** orirtnal reenhifflon wa* epNn in <wmm)cu-c yea- J” x jA y vGn trie eame rock It would ^y?, b * CT> . wr ey k qt | today when It w.m “JJOd “P fnr notoon. Proposed to "Kmey ft»r (he appriypriailnn * mon *F n°w In the T nenrionts to 219,000. b? ^■*5-i2SJ e J f,rc,b * bt,lty '“>■* " will ld,fcre ' J **l ^ (uiltoer dr- Mtose WAtled Ito It before it reverie to the state. To makb (he nlxn tX ISTIJT’^Jf'V.'Jn'Wn* Ptatofel to sure Stai toe’S 00 ^ ^ Buve a lnl- a! meel Giriher demotaiH. ,h„. was not -tea by tax- •Won uyler toe present corwi Hutton, tt |*.J“ dtagwenl of .the tegtolatuiv epmjlUorri aOtralhed. >, aSRS PTLWriitea Mie plan in “tented hy eoSahitoSm^P^ 4 a JL "PPrcptauitoo on tloTwbh ffro'SKta, oral the rreolu- b an a * nPa dmenlt that rite ap- « notlto te «*»Wero(t us *C6 ’ WS " M * eU by “ vot « of mt ,bP reodutton w*l pass tn« scfMUe pr*)mptJy. OTHER BILLS PASSED. tewhav pa “* d » number of bills today, and also klKid u number. Mwerfnc h ^ kHM wa * ‘ kp em powering the governor to appoint a UhranSn 0 Mi° “So'’ of stall ledc.i’pta Ell * n Dol ’ tch Of Mli- toe S ^^l„n' b0 w “ ““ applicant for kdraJEIli /*, ln the *»« -ry and J. 1 ?* «*frat of the measure. niton wUI move a reooosldcr- utlon tomorrow. bln Prohibiting railroad ooiToratluns from refusing to accept » ‘to!® was also killed. ch atoom wan allowed to, withdraw hi, railroad bill by the commute of the house this afternoon. Mr. Fouche of Floyd, how- • ever, entered a vlgorou* protest agaln.t the w thdntwgl of the bill, the purpisi of vvhldh i« to prevent the oono.ldatioa • cf i-)mpetlng linos of railroads. Cnpt. D. O. Purse of Savannah, wh) Is the rent author of tho bill, was In attendance on the committee, t^p-ther with Messrs. FTannery and McLain, jud;;** H irain of Savannah represent- l"K tile debenture holders of the Ccn- tril. OOd Iteoeiver Oomcr, and Messrs. Cu/mhigham ,umd Denmark represent- "" k "Wtral r.tll," id. N me th it (dqres ed the committee, however, but at a provlou* conference between both sides Its- withdrawal wus mutually agreed upon. Itotli sides appear to be satisfied. The friends of trie bill eay It Ills accom plished what It wn« Intended to aooern- pll«h. but Just what that Is they pre fer to keep to themselves. SENATE PROCEEDINOS. The ranste today passed ths amend ments to ths charter of the city of Ma. con as introduced by Senator Harris. Ths first thing done In the senate was ths reconsideration of the bill Introduced by Senator Munro, to prohibit municipal corporations from taxing drummers. Tma bill was lost yesterdsy. Ths report of the penitentiary commit tee was submitted this morning. The re port declared ths convicts were wall fed and well treated and that ths stats re ceived 214.000 per annum rental for them. The state of Tennessee receives 2100,000 for her convicts and ths committee thinks Georgia ought to have s larger rental for hors. ■The bill of Mr. Bailey of Spalding to consolidate the election for all county of fices was passed. The bll provides for all elections for these officers to ba bald on ths first Wednesday In October. In view of the fact that congress will soon pass a lew repealing the 10 per cent, tax on state banks, Senator Cummlng In troduced a bill allowing state banks to Issue bank notes under such conditions as congress ahsll make. The bill lntrotg ed by Senator Brand to repel the set passed by the last le*l»- Lture regulating pleading in ths courts, called the Neal set, brought on considera ble dlscuislon. Messrs. Besks, Boyd and Cummlng opposed ths bill and Messrs. Harris. Lumpkin and Brand favored. Ths bill wan lost. Ths senate again took up ths bill to sleet judges and solicitors by a popular vote. Tbs Judiciary committee reported against the bill. Senator Snead of tho committee substituted s minority report. Insisting .that tbs people ought to elect the Judges end solicitors. The ysss and nays were called, result ing In tbs defeat of the bill by a vote of 17 Among ths new Mils Introduced were the *°By*8enator Brond-A bill to amend tho conatltutlon so as to sleet members of the legislature In June, and meeting of ths legislature on the first Wednesday In July. Also a bid to change the constitution so that members will receive no per diem, but shall receive 1500 for both sessions. REDUCING ALL SALARIES. ” South Carolina's Officials to Hare Thtfr Patriotism Tested. Colnrob a, 8. C.. Dec, 7.—In the leg islature a bill bn* been prepared by the Joint committee on offices and offl- corn mnkfng a bortsontal cut In all oat- tries of state officer* to fit tho five- oents-a-pound cotton situat on. The re duction 1* over 3) per cent., leaving tho governor's salary $2,200. HOMINY MILLS ASSIGN. Henderson, Ky., Doc. 7.—The Hen derson bom'ny mills, owned by Shelby & Son per. assigned today. Liabilities $100,000; assets about the same. Bad collection* given as the cause. . i MURDERED HIS DAUGHTER. Jacksonville. Fla.. Dec. T.-Wllllam Jones, colored, was convicted today in ths circuit court of tho murder of Is natural daughter. Th# girl was found cut to places lost spring tn a lonely sub urb of th* city.