The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, December 13, 1894, Image 2

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THE WEEKLY TELEGKRAPH: DECEMBER 13, 1894. Determined on Killing tbo Cctired Eevenne Cutter List BiU If lie One the Ability. demand for the previous question upon the pan-age of the bill. The house at 4.W uiljourtied until Monday. LAMAR IS IN TROUBLE. His Record at Lynchburg Is Anything but Good. STRUCK SOME POWERFUL BLOWS Thf Gentleman From MUiourl Asked Mr. Boatello to Koep Ills Mouth Shut, and Stood Up for All the Principles of Democracy. Waithlnffton, Doc. S.—djoaa »ihafn one hundred menubars were in their ssaio when Speaker Crisp called tbe lioutse to order at noon today. The (Mil ixiportwi la**c SMwion by «he cormiiitteo an Interettuite and forrlffn r'ammiltJtee an initensitalte and foreign tihe revenue oiltfUff service, and thereby pn «mt>fe its efficiency, wtis taken up In crcnmitJtee of the whale. Mr. M'aillory (Detnocrat) cxf Florida, advocated the passwff* of the bill, and Waited that the offleema !n itoe cu'ttor service wcr»; aipflxti rated by the prestdeT.t for lift*, and wham Indaipociltnltetl by age or Infirmity from diHdha^lng their du ties there was nh way wrnlor the pres ent fla w of prmvfld/irag' for tihom save by '}<!a/dn*c them an wtiifimig orders at three* ouauitors pay. At pros^nit tlhUlty of Che 220 officer* In Hhc service were on wait- 5'ibg orders. Such a course prevented prttmddoa to the aatlw officers, wiho were sometimes compelled to perform the duties of offleons of n high rank without recciviinij camnnonsurate pay therefor. E veiny consideration tJhnt impelled (ihe <t<t*fbhsf*menit of ci reUred Mtj; for the army or moivy was au argu ment in favor of Uhe jpiassa^o of the bill. MU. I IJAKK. S LONG TALK. The bill was further sidvowJlted by Mesnrs. Ivigiirth (Democrat) of New Jer- *Hiy and Covert (D.*mo-iH't) of New York, and Mr. Clark (D<imo?.rat) of Mis souri ffnftnrtaiined dhe bouse with one t»f vis ch a net eristic tfi>?eehm In opposi tion. Openly ay owing 'his purpose to talk the bill m death, i'f be could, he pHJ tbit the last half of the well known quart rain*— ••Tru h crushed tr> coirtih will rise agttln: Hth? eternal years of God are hers; Hut Error wounded, writhes In pailn, Arid dies amid her worS vipers,” was a lie. and that the history df the bill drtmevnatrafted it. “I thought, twice la«t wirnmictr. con tinued Mir. Clark. “(that I htud killed it. 1 re>-tKM*d <in the thought Hit ait l had be«*n enabled -to kill one steal In my one tseeeribn In coaxgr« i tis; and 1 did not be lieve it would bo my ladt. and to give you a poiniter, I d»> not (think It will b« my last, one, yet.” (Laughter and ap- iplaAise). “f would like to tuke the Amenran •people initio my confidenroe amid to state to tttuvn howvitly. paitricltlcoiHy, as a man, a ropreserttuititve and a citizen, that a anbre dangerous, more venal, a snore vinilous. a more fnr-reauhlntg bill of evil was mover Hritrodiuced in this housy thlun tthiis. I atn a Democrat. (Cries erf ‘Glad to hear lit.’ “I am not tihe sort af Democrat us the man who fi rst tint eared that (bx.*!or ation. He aughlt tb amend hlis using of i-L I am a Democrat now.” iMr. DaUzed (Republcan) of Pennsyl- vanfla—Are you sure? Mr. Clark—The genttlemaai who rep resents the Pittdburg dUdtnkit ought to keep pretty 0*411. Democracy does not mean doe spoils rrf office^ (Derisive Lyncliburg. Va., Dec. 8.—For some weeks the question of lighting this city has beeii 1n a great muddle owing to the myst< rious manipulations of a man named David Larnar, brought here and made general manager of the local electric company. Lamar's methods havi ng excited suspiciwi, his record was hunted up and liist Tuesday a rav age assault was made upon him by Councilman Hammer in the columns of the 'News. Extracts wore reproduced from the Mobile Register of February. 1892, exposing Lamar’s career ill ihat city and denouncing him as a highway robber and impostor. The culminating BeUMatton was last night, when Lamar was specifically charged In the city council with attempting to bribe an expert electrician to nuke a false ».\iteuemt to i.lie louiicil .is to the of producing the light, in order to pre- v.ti. uj-.ii inat body to give bis com- p.tny the contract, and not build a city plant. The contract had already been awarded to Lam.iT's company, but the award was revoked by the council and the committee ordered to Invite other bids. Last night officers of the company who are honorable men repudiated La mar's transactions and professed en tire Ignorance of his methods. It Is not unlikely that Lunar will be nabbed by the police. They Propose a State Convention in > iiiiuicuiUlU ntlivii Is Not Taken. KOLB MAKES A CERTIFICATE. Attested the Election of Hc«io as United Slates Senator, bat Was Careful About a Statement of the Hour and tlieAXInuie. SOUTHERN DEVELOPMENT. The Tradesman Reports All the Big In dustries Quiet. 11 «« UliiLV, l » ' laugHter from Rep ot> I irons wnd counter cheers from tihe Democraklc stile), That sounds T#dlcUkms to some, I suppose. Mr. Cameron (Ripubkkun) of Illinois —The k('■.tinman to a humorist no well no a Democrat. IMr. Clark—It rioeo not sound humor- ims either. It ntcane that dhe people of .tdo nounf.ry are ttotnff to rule this eomnlriry. (RopiubUcaJi ninplanise). Vi'S, you olap. I un<l»T0t.u*t exttoitty what you nro hare for. anti you clap for the doclanaltlon of, ,tlhe eUSiintrrlM'ioa orator from New Y"»k—the (ltd. rot tihe Democrats—ta-hen ho whs flflir- In* for the prlm4pli« of the .. tlono and monopolies ngalmen the prin ciples of the p«Kple. (Applamse on the Domocirul'tc side). Deny It? 1 (five you s fair chance to deny «t. When Sir. Rryan 0:ood up here, the moot eloquent tribune tihat the people have liad In thlo hall (lau*f-»:er on the Republican side) for tito hist thirty years—" Mr. Houielle (Reipublloain) of Maine— The laoi of tihe tribune*? NOT VERY PARLIAMENTARY. Sir. Clark—You keep your moutlh shut. (Laajjfhtx). lVhcn Sir. Itryan, the most eloquent tribune of the people that ever stood tn tlhlo eon*ross rt'.oad up here nod lahl down Ihe talncipleo of Democ racy ond tine .pthvlipho of the people as r.s.nrst the rule of the corporations, a l'.uiroad n.atr«-nay thait was (decked to ccn*r«». that has not even a seat cm this floor. exc(,»t by courtesy, mt and Hinlirked an (rrtntKHil, and pulled his speotaoles olf and put them on, and rubbed tila torso, and dhe corporation butte<rfl!(S of the coming cheigretn KU cround him and grinned and nnlrkcd in hope of fla/voro ydt to come, it looked pretty haul for Democratic principles. Hut a am here to assent town, ami one Ik '(h*a: that a man who dous not earn his puy has no rltfb! to u. That In rny vjw, amt that to Lhe Dttmocraiilo view. -Itie tilix.l tools of toe corpotudono of this house can. us tar as I am con cerned. they can *o to toe everlasUng deuce. (La|ju*fhterl Continuing, Mr. Clark said: -There has been so much Infernal demagog- ery on tills floor on both sides of tlio house atwut soldiers, -rebels,’ -federal*,’ vast I have got elck of tt. I was Just about sis months or o year too young to get Into the nrmy. I tried my ever lasting beat to get Into both of them. All that I wanted was a chance to tight. Of oounse; I have got better sense now. If any man that served In (lie federd army faithfully and got hurt. I would vote to give It to him, although my heort was with Morgan and that gang of rough riders (laugh ter). If one of Morgan's men should rise up out of the ground nod nsk for a pension I would vote to give It to him—not hecouse he deserved It for serving the government, but because of fala spirit ax an American citizen. Hut when a f«Jow goes around, sails up and down the coast, eats oysters (Uid canvas back ducks, drinks wine and has the entree to Washington so ciety, whatever that may be (laugh ter)"— Chattanooga, Dec. 8.—Reports to the radesman from all parts of the South for the past week show a quiet condition generally in industries. Lumber reports show a steady improvement, the demand for pine and cypress Is growing, but ex ports are less than on average. The pro duction of iron In the South is slowly increasing and sales are larger; stocks are small, but prices are no better. The ardware business is quieter than for sev eral months. Coal continues in steady demand, with an Increasing output. Near- ly all the mines in Tennessee and Ala bama are working full time. New cot ton mills are continuing to spring up in the South. A 20,000-apindl© mill was or ganized this week by the Clifton Manu facturing Company at Clifton. S. C. Two large eotlon mills at New Orleans have decided to go into finer goods. The Min- eola Lumber Company, with $100,000 capi tal, was organized at Mlneola, Ga.; the Shreveport Fertilizer Company, with $30,- OOu capital, at Shreveport, La.; the Padu cah Electric Company, with $40,000 capi tal, at Paducah, Ky., this week: The Standard Lumber Company of Goldsboro decided this week to put $10,000 into furni ture and veneer factory. Advices to the Tradesman indicate quite valuable dis coveries this week of barytes for com mercial use in Al&banm and Georgia. FIGHTING IN NEW OULRANS. The OlyuyjMC Oliib’g Cat*? to Bo Brought U|> Again. > Now Orleans, Dec. S.—Tlio ease of tho nittormiy-gunonal vs. tlio Olympic Club, which upon appeal ti> the su- pn-ino court was reiiKindod for a new trial, will come up before Jrnlge Itigh»;or on ttw 13fh inst. The object of this au*t, ‘A will 1h» remembered, was to pre vent glove contorts anil itfo oancel tho club's charter. Upon die lirt»t 'trial of the case .the club came out victorious. The attor ney^-general, in behalf of the Htuite, then carried the imititerlo the supreme court, which remanded ft track for a new trial. Upon tho result of this tr al de- pen'ls whether or not there will bo any more glove contents in tills city. STILL A DYNAMITER^ No Changes to Be Made in the Cruiser Vesuvius. WaJhifnigtAk, Dec. 8.—The naval board of can*: ruction has decided, after sev eral •montho' dnmnldeTatlon, not to rec ommend «he alteration af the clyntwnite gunboat Vesuvius Into a tonped,> cruis er. but ho c*»rytlnue the vessel Ln ser vice as she is now. An net of (the laa/t sesafon af cin-frens auihorlztd the tranwf vmntlon. but the bamnl hvin con- ciudk-i filial tnuHinuch os the changed would oqa: $45,000 and would be of doubtful expailertay, n (further trial of the boat as a dymnmPe thrower wi.u odvdaolbae. The minority of the board pro af tho opinion UhaJt the vhm©1 1b useful only for destroying derelicts and for dlsputch purposes, her <hiiu placing being vulnerable to rapid-tiro guns at much greater nin&o flhain hor awn pneu- ma/tic guns. Do not forget that Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Pawder makes delicious biscuit, griddle cakes, doughnuts, waffles, pie-crusts and tthorCoake. It’s the best. Montgomery, Ala.., Dec. 8 —The Pop ulist (members of the nesombly in a very quiet caucus kast night passed u resoly,tibt^to <he efTeot that they would Act inside of -tUie law until the present session of 4he assembly aloses, and if a “flair election law” and n “fair con test laiw" were eniactbd they would abide the results of tthe contest. In tihe event of iflailure fib pass suoh laws or of Che pq&jage of “any oppressive laws,” then unatheir stmee convention of their party Is to be cadhd “to adopt same line pf abtion.“ There are bills now pending for the nimandmemt of tihe Australian baflot systbm, which was first tried last sum mer, and also for a couteiSt Haw. Whether -those (measures will pass or bo satlsflacfiory >tk> the I^pullats it piassey, en'eryono wal&H -to see. They mny attempt) to Intimidate the Demo- cmittta' mujortty tto llnicori'oraite Into these bills such 1'deLis (as the Populists dhboee to offer. This, (however, Is not likely to be done. The Implied threat of the Populists not (to acit within the ktiw after the adjournment of the (as sembly, if they are not) pleased, only causes more smiles, like those before IColb's /threat to force his iiiaugura- tkm. KOLB'S FAUCIOAL WORK. Kblf> today went through tlw* form of giving n certlflcuHe of elect ion to W. 8. Reese. Sr., us yniiled Staites senator. Re*v*» was the notnliwee af the caucus of rahn> Pooulilsts in »the e«kmlbly a/nd rocoilved 44 votes on Joinit ballot. This is hoped by the PupullsCs to be fi>unda- tion vtf u content betforo the U«Kited States senaite for Sanahqr Mohgan'fl sealt. but inasmuch ua there has never been (but one assembly, and ns tha*t contains eighUy-n(im> unconteeted Dem- oonatic seuit* out irf 133, it is dUfflcult to see tiow even the most bitter purtisor'a in ihe incoming RapabKcan nernute can recogxidzo a shadow of a/ ground for a conitedt. Kolb wuo caroful today to give this cerfilfloalte in the pretjonce of w1tncsa-?s, and ib have these wjlUncsBes afterwards mak afil<luv4t as to fihe bxae/t minute he enu/ated the fUmoe. This was done to avoid ajny /Mabiililty under the bill pend ing bofore the a^oambly to make illegal riuah conduct as Kolb has recently been engaged j n . The MU' has passed the l**wor house, mnd was a npecdul or der m the upper houso today. He was afraid iit mlghlt become a Imv today, and hem/ce his care. It was^mut reached, howm-er, amd bo he is in no danger for tbe act. AL ABAMA’S TAX RATE. Montgomery, la., Dec. 8.—The bill to raise the tax rude to five and u half mills today pat***i the lower house of the a**smib4y by a solid Democratic vote. A (flow of the PopulMto also voted for It. This rratunire Is Jm ucoaixl with tile recommondaiulono of Both the out going and in-oumurxg govarnors, and thereto no <loUbt of its CHICAGO’S MiURDEJR MYSTERY. Jordan’s Accomplice ToM About the Myeteriotw Box. ■Chicago. Dec. 8.-^J«n(im B. Jersey, who Is under arrest on suspicion of >-.p1 IV* 4mrtHr«(iu.l In 4jtw» SdTTtCS IT.Uricr broke down tn InspeeW~Hunt?»"oflioe tot* morning end myxle the (following statement: "Jordnn sent for me at 4 o'clock Thursday afoernaom end tola me to go to toe Htnwaudiia. ffcuts and Bee Wnr oit 8 o’clock tout night. Jordan toon told me tout,lie wanted me to help him to carry a Oox out •at the btvsemenit. I went (down to ihelp oajrry too bo* out at) about a p. m. 1 asked tiVir w^htu was in the box. and ho replied: -There la a dead mian In tt. Don’t any any thing about It. I helped Jordan carry the (box out fb the Vernon avenue front of too building. After 03T? bo* wne cirrted O'lft, Jordan went away, after lnstinicMiiig me to wale until he re turned. White wilting (f.Tf him bo re turn i fell asleep oil the stops. At !!: 3p o'clock I awoke. Tie bo* wee smn toore. I went awuy. It /was some lone iater that toe box wtas removed by Jbndam and Die unknown express- man. ” During his story Jersey says furOhar: '*/ met Jbrdnn fihe next mcThilm; (r nday) ra a (Saloon. He was buying unnks freely .1 asked Mfii what had become of the box. Jordan’s reply was: It took jm hour to do the Jtfb." " Jersey then went on to sUy thait Jor dan gwe hem anotiher eutt of dottles "(id two shirts. Were was blood oil Jeraers shirt sleeves .he says from toe oozing out of toe box. FYir assist ing Jorttun to remove toe box, Jersey eays he was promised n Job as as sistant j-.mator. It ts now supposed ton Jordan wanted Boirnes' Job, which Ptiys 865 a month. The wamun wioory of the case Is aat yet explained, but Ic beingtn.ude at secondary impiuitance. in his suwe- J n rsey denle<1 (absolulety any The Begistration and Insurance Bills . , Up in tuo Two Houses yesterday. FLEMING DIP SOME HARD TALKING °ava til. V.rilon af tho It. port of a Oaal to tho Senator. Thrmiolvos—Tho Story Wot Dentod In Toto by MoGregor and Votiablo. furtoer knowledge at too crime, or tout he was present .when toe murder was committed. The officers then went to lSr an ~» cea “ nd (nftMvmea him of the etutomont mlnide by Jersey. The par- tliu confession of his supposed accom plice nearly overwhelmed line principal suspect In toe cose, and tor a few moments s: seemal „r> if he would break down. However, he overcame hi* impulse to ilialk, and oiftcr a few minutes- reflection toM the offleers he hud iwtlhlng to say, but Chat If in spector Huut would oall on Mm later In .toe dtiy he might talk to that officer. During toe morning Miss Mahoney, who was only hold us at witness, wus released on bond. MAY INOREASE WAOES. I'Tall Hirer Flactoritw Arc Making a Fair Prutlt on Output. CONNORS’ OHAtil governors, and tx^iifrting o aew. LU-IXtlli Wants to Fight tit 100 Fotlnds and Pre fers Harry. Now Oltasns, Dec. S.—Eddie Myers, mamiger and thicker of Johnnie Con nors of Kpn tgffiald, III., called on tile sporting editor of .the Daily StatesJtnd made U deposit of ?LT(0 ln'itisli to bind a maitnlr with any man In the world at 100 pounds, w.i gti n tut the ringside, for f1,000 n side and ille winner to take pump, stake and nil, the toser to receive nothing. Jimmy Hairy of- Chicago Is preferred iu Ill's challenge and Connors wUl allow him 'Owo jiountls in the light There is hut ond proviso mentioned, and that Is Uirrlng Lie Aud'lop'.um Club or New Orleans. Connors Is perfectly wil- I ng to fight In the Oiympio or nay other club. THEY TAKE THE CASH. Congressmen Rapidly Converting Their Stationery Accounts. Washington, Dec. 8,-The twenty live members of the house who wrote to the aorceant-at-nmis at the tieglnnlnc of the session asking If they could not colic, t their mileage without coming on here arc being kept In countenance by n num ber of other rejected .neml.ers nlrcaoy here, who nro crowding over each o'her at the sergeant-at-arms’ desk In their ef forts to convert their stationery Into cash. The law allows each member IIS a session for satloncry, or he can at will take out Its equivalent In cash. "Cash, please.” appears -o no tho re quest of quite n large number rf the members. It may be that they do ret think It will be necessary to use so much stationery, as the session Is short, or It may be they deem ungrateful eoailt-nnts scarcely worth wastln gpostage on. Ihe fact remains, however, that caia has Ihe call on etatlonery tn the sergeant-at-arma' office this cold December. ATTACKED THE MINISTRY. Rome, Dec. 8.—Napoleon Colajnnnl, Socialist deputy for Oistro-GtovannJ, questioned the government yestorduy In toe chamber concerning the dlsup- in .ir.mce at important official uo, „• ■meats which were needed to tlx the blame In the Hanca Romance scandal. Premier Crlspl replied totsc he hud no power to explain toe matter. Catmullki PtumpoUno, socialist for Guastal'ie, then made a violent attack upon toe ministers, whom Ihe de nounced us she protectors of criminals. Tho ttodnUste m the chamber are .more truculent Chan ever before, us they are smarting under the severity with which their former colleague, De Felloe, was treated by dhe govern ment. On Tuesday the chamber w*U discuss toe enforced dissolution of Socialist and Anarchist societies throughout toe kingdom. A stormy session is ex pected. FaM Rh-or, Mass., Dec. 8.—In h's call for a general meeting or the Spinuers’ Aawoiahion uiexd Wednesday n ght. Seorotnry Howard says that since the storting up of the m 11s there has been a com: mini oompxiint imide u> the ooinmictee of low wages. It Is con tended l>y members of tlio un on from many of die mills ttot Hie late cut down in wages of 5 per cent, had made inore. tlsui 10 per cent difference in their weekly wages. "If this 's so,” says the secratory, "wfliy not name to the mewing and- dis cuss tliase questions and strike out a lino of add on dhait w.'li raise your wages tio whetv rhey ought to be? Trade a In a fairly flourishing eondi- •ton at present. Stocks are nppreoittt-. ing in vulue, goods are contracted for wvll ahead nt prices which are sure to return good dividends to tlie stock- holdons. Hio margin between egttt pounds of cotton and torty-llvo .vnnls of'print cloths nt present quotations Is about 78 cents. 1 Ffteen per cent.! higher wages have l>een pa d and good’ dlvldetxls made on a consderably Us* ntirgln of profit than Is lining mode n.t the present time." The seetotugy of the Weavers’ ITn'on, in his mil, notes toe flour'shlng eondi- t!on of baslncss niul says with those facts In view, they see uo reason why tihe present reduction In wages should not bo rostered. Twenty-three oases of wmonla poison ing In in single year Is a dismal rec ord, Ammonia I* used freely tr, adul terate oerbailn baking powders. No truce of ommonfa or other adulterant tn Dr. Price’s, "too most perfect maids." ANOTHER CONSTABLE KILLED. ^‘X^'nlE^ed d2d wlto^thi and a rouest that Mr. Flem- Tlie Dispensary Law Brings on More Trouble. A model household 4s Snoompleto without Dr. Prfoe's Hakng Powder. A« well try to get Duong wi'Jhout a kitchen Are. Ccfium'hla, S. C., Dec. 8—A special from Spartanburg brings Intelligence of the killing of another of the etnte whisky constable*. The killing occurred shortly after dark this evening at (Jaffney City, a small town In the Piedmont section. The victim Is Con stable Joe Latimer. It seems that Mr. Latimer was to behind a negro res taurant on toe outsklpt of tbe city. He believed Mquor was being sobd In the place, and he was hiding out watching for a negro whom he had sent In to purchase a plnlt of whleky hxr him. Just as the negro returned and gave the constable the whisky he was fired upon from ambush. He was shot through the Stomach and cannot live. The town authorities are hunting for the murderer. BLOCKADED WITH COTTON. River Manufacturers Bought a Year's Supply, v SUICIDE AT ATHENS. No Cause Assigned for Mr. Porter's Self-Destruction. Hera the gnvel fell, and the hour having expired, the oommlttee arose. Chairman Dockery declining to enter* tain a 'requeet for unanimous contest that Mr. Clark might proceed, and the bill went over. Mr. Brown, Democrat of Indiana, gave notice that he would on Thursday next ask the house to consider and dispose of ths contented election cose J Williams va Settle, from the Fifth GKttrlct of North Carolina. Under toe special order the house took up the bEI to to amend the Inter state commerce law a* »o permit rail road companies to pool their earnings. At the close of the debate. Mr. p«t- 1Vnn «*» < 'e, In charge of the hill, after vainly endeavoring to ob- t»in unaolmoue consent to close the tenerai debate, gave notice that oa Tuesday afternoon next at 8 o'clock he would ask the bouse to second the Athens. Deo. 8.—(Jpectai.)—F. w. Porter, aged 88 year*, shot ulmself through the head this morning nt 9 o^lock hear hi, home in Ehst Athens. Znlt,i b *L, vrTl i’ il wa * ( rom a 32-callbre ptatol, entterdd near the left ear and .•<« ^y through the brain. He died it t o oiock. No cause except temporary Insanity can be assigned for t ^ e .£“ h » adt ’ Mr a, rorttf *4* “ member of the famous Troup Artillery In tho Confederacy, and was a prominent Ma- »on. He leaves a widow and four chil- area. COTTON MILL BURNED. Columbia, 8. C.. Dec. 8.-The Red Bank Cotton Mills In I^xlngton county, about bwenty-flve miles from Columbia, ons of the oldest cotton factories In the state woe entirely consumed by Are this eveml lita. Most of the output oa hand cotten goods and soma felting, wag saved The fire originated from soot burning in th. smoke stack at about 7 p. m. The total Iota will bo something over PS OUO Th e amount of Insurance Is unknown. ATTEMPT AT TRAIN WRECKING ChortMton, B. C, Dec. s.—An auetimt won mods thto afternoon to wreck toe Denoirs ^^k^^to^ruSM t OORRIGAN IS CRAZY. /Rwnpa. Fla., Doc. 8.—WUHom H. Cor rigan. broflher rrf Arcfifbi.sihnip Corritfrin of New Yoiic. 'Who ha4 been apcadincc nm wlriters hore for aavera! yen Ho, ar- rtved alAnit a month ago ami took mama for toe »*i*on ut the Atmctra lioteL A tew d&y» ago he began to not queerly, and T»iurn lay Biftennoco Ms ac- Uons became so strange dust he was confined b> ihls roan ureter ritrtet guird, omd Ills brother. Dr. Corrigan, who re side* ait than Antonio, Fla., was sum- morn*!. When Dr. Corrti?nn nrriivctl ho ***”,*« Hmwiovc* he will tie sent to an roM^wn “ a, ° * ** fltUuJk te out HOUSE BURNED. Now-ton, Dee, 8-(SpodaJ.I-UIts. Sal- Ho Dlldlne, near Milfonl, lost her gin house and a bole of cotton, forty .or fifty bushels of aits and a lot of farm Implomoifls a fow nights ngo by Are. It Is NupiMisl to hsvo been of incendiary op'.g'n. KILLED HIS HTHPSON. Knoxville. Tunm.. Dec. 8.—Near Block- ■Ii“U?n!L coun « r . Henry Smith tamt and killed hto *Wp*,ei, Rnbert Bn4.k.i. Bad feeHng ta said to have ex- *£22*“!£«» ('* ««me Oma. How ever, .Smith claim., that he did th* kill- »n« In netf-defence. Brooks lravv* a wife and noveral ctitldren. Fall Itiver, Moss., Dec. 8.7-Oreait quantities of cotton are being received here, and tho New York. New Haven Ond Hartford railroad Is being over whelmed with cotton frelglr-s Tlu-re nre 185 car loads now In the local freight yards, and 600 car loads are side-tracked in this vicinity aw.tftng On opportunity to be unloaded. The boats of th* Fall River line are bringing In the largest freights ever known here, the steamer City of Taun ton discharging 2,615 bales of cakton alone a few days ago. Manufacturers have purchased a year'* supply of the raw material on account of the low price. Atlanta, Dec. 8.—(Special.)—Tho sen- satMon of the session cropped out at a meeting of the scuttle judiciary com uii'uiee rigs Uuder pressure of the aoti on of the house yesterday afltoraoon in refusing to take up tbe Vtmnbde Insurance bill until the senate should take up the registration bill, the JutMo'npy oommlttee wae rolled get her to consider the situation. In alttomptlnig to bulldoze the house the senate committee realized that it had struck a «g song, and t did not take them very long to decide Hiat the best tilling to do was to take tho hack track. They wore in a bad hole and too only toing they could do to help lhamscevcs out wus to take up the reg- istraih'on bill, trusting to luck tn smooth the troubled winters. Speaker Finni ng wsis sent for and Invited to address the committee. But instead of off eating peace the olive branch turned to a rot o' nine tails to scourge the lralldtmlng soitutor*. After sitbm ttiug his argument, Speaker Flaming set in to apply the lash. .i tie mid he intended to talk plainly and, In justice to the bouse, he wanted to SC* to the rilasun wily the house had determined to retaliate for the com- in ttee's notion in tabling the registra tion lull. The spotker then declared that tho report had been eumint in toe bouse that President Vemible of the senate and Senator McGregor, - tho Populist leader, had entered .uto an'agreement to defoait the reg snu.Uou bill and to pass tlio Venajde usuranco bill. Aoooiding to this report, Mr. Fleming «ild. Senator MoGregor had agreed to vote toe Popul.sts of the house solidly for toe Venable bill, thus insuring its passage, and tout In oonsidena,tlou for tills President Vemble wvw to ha ve the reg.stmat on bill squelched in the oom mlttee. The reipopt of such a trade, which was given oolor by toe notion of the ooramflltoe, naturally Incensed the house and oaused it to rctaUttc. Senator Oshurno wanted the sixtiker to tell who bad told h in of the alleged trade, but Mr. refused to state. LIVELY PROCEEDINGS. Tho proceedings in the committee were lively tn the- extreme, and when what ihlad transpired became known In the two .house* there was great deal dt cxcitemeut. . After Mr. Fleming left, ohe senate committee sent, ihe. bill Into the sen- at and hid it read a second time. When -tints act ton was oommuntcatOd to Mr. Flaming he -at onoc took the floor took filibustering tlaotlos to prevent it. trad, after contending with the mem bers who still felt ivaentful tinJ undcr- ftnally succeeded In getting the Vena ble bid before the house and read n second time. Both bills are now in condition to be passed or killed at this session. The hbuse, however, will not take an other step toward passing the Venable bfll until She servile auto upon toe rog:®timfion bill. It would not be a surprise tf both are killed as a result of to Hay's dlscMnire* and the conse quent friollon between itho two houses. Just n* tmie bouse whs dispersing this Afternoon Speaker Fleming was tuind- c (Va .letter.from Fresul-rvt ycnahle by Popular Preachi Bays HOOD'S Rallies thev Forcos and civos Strength tier. J, M. Driver. A p Is widely known as pa dor of the Fir, • E. Church at Columbia Cltr Im and is a powerful pulpit orator book, "Samson and Sbylock ’ Preacher’s Plea for the WortinL has received much praise from,' r and clergy. Dr. Driver say,. ' '“C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masj. ; “Dear Sirs—Among the raliers tho vital forces, I regard HoodV saparilla as the generalia-d Crowded and overworked u preacher and lecturer, I sometimn conscious that I am not meamn-, liowerer, greatly ug( l Invigorate My Body, Glarlfy My mine, and Make me feel Llko a New M. “In a week • am up to concert pitch a- cheerful, buoyant and ready i,7 work and- capable ol any bat strength or endurance. T.. an« n^iTiSiSv^^V^vJessIrinal men Hood- S | is a Cod-sen "Very truly yours. ‘'-m a w llr “Joax MmitiTTK Pam HOOD'Sl Sarsapariila CURE! Even when other preparations tall, sure to get Hood’s and only How] Hood's Pills become the tavonul thartlc with every ono who tries them. I goods was tabled uncll next Mr. Dodson’s insurance bill all fire Insurance companies to pal run amount of Insuramce spec: case of loss instead of the , fourths of the specified has been pracitlc.d by some comrl was passed today, and imnudj sent to the senate. Auoilier very Important blK provides for the election of the ! school commissioner by the peonll same as obhcr stale house Officer! ernor ° f bein ® arpolnled b >’ the| Populists, and -a rquest that Mr ing correct the rumor._^ pre , ldent ■Mr. Fleming ncoeptod -^-- Venable’s denial arid THE RACE IS WON -over to good health and tbo system ren dered Impervious to disease when tbe blood Is pure and tho liver activo. For the Urer is the sentinel which permits or forbids tbo E os of disease to enter tbe circulation of blood. To a congested, torpid and dis- d liver run bo traced many dangerous affecting various organa PIERCE CURE. KILLING IN ALABAMA Fayette, Ala, Dee. 8.—James William son shot and fat.ll ywounded William Cannon near here yesterday. • Ths shod. Ing -was the result of a difficulty of a personal nature. Williamson surrendered. I was taken sick with congest ion of the liver and tho doctors could givu mo no relief, but alter using live bottle* Dlsrovcrr Ire- gained my health and I 1 am now a well man, I I weighed ns pounds I before taken sick, and I 'was reduced to ISO ClHiunda in slaty days time. For any cae suf fering with liver trouble os I was, I would ..advise them to use tho ‘••(b.Uen Dis covery ” at once, before Ms. J. BxxTLr. It Isle.) laic. THOMAS J. BBNTI.Y. RaniUuh, COUurautpu Co., N. Y% ho would take pVeiuiure in correcting the report compbaiued of w A e, '^ ver 8 wus quosttrmod upon the subject. Bstustor McGregor m » d ; "“"i'™ In toe mtnal’.e at tihe afternoon *reK’-n Ky replying to tihe olv^W tfiwlt be arul B»r\ ennWe wore the PVraclp*l» In tt trade to .pans «*• Venable bid through the houso by Populist votee and kill W» n-g'niralLlon Mll ln theeou- a‘* commllfltoe. a* mporteil by nyiuker Flenvln* before dhe nonato axmnlttee this monrv’mg. Mr. MoC!re*ror rctwrett to Mr. Fl.i.nlrvg ms a man snnltohed from the taws of death to llJuSUmit* tike state of Georgia as speaker of bar bouse of rtipn-Bemtaitlves. aril yta he ha* so far Uriel’, toe dlgnltiy of Ms position as to tnv.uie a seriate otnranffitee room and re- peolt alrnkiera aigaitnat senaltor* Shat would Stein tftso lips of n gestalesisaik. He denied Ms alleged part hi «h« deal in <rj,t/X WORK OF THE HOUSE. lit (teems that toe house does not al ways know hrs own mtod. This monrdng four bills lost yester day were rooonaldered. They were the IthtfeuWet Mil mikkng women ellgflhlp to the office of asetstana ntate Vlhrarlvn: She bill of Jones of Dougherty prclh aid ring the naughty rftom-idit dunce; toe PoPiMI Wll prohibit ing corporatitons from raiflusknc to accept security for -j-nployos Whon ft Is kn this strive, and the Mil by Mr. Reastkin of Henry pr.vhdhlllrng tihe working of Con vict* on Sunday. The penitentiary cosmtatoee reported this -morning chat I ihe Olkrioh county buiddlng* -wvren nt sufficiontly floored or celled and Khali Use convtohs Acre being worked too hast) mt «he OlawMahoodhee brkik yar 1. and unted upon ftis peniten tiary officials to sea Khan Uhls is cor rected-. The tack of (winter clolitlnig for con victs at Rising F.uwn, mod hhere being loo iKitc’i water kn Hie lotetes. and :he fact Cbalt the comdrits pro worked ht r.lghlt and on Sunday, were commvcited on. The present conrviclt letwe system ts oitkdamned tend a rvfonnatory fur juve- nlko prisoners to rcaansnrnded. Thu oonmtMfee rocomtncnds the par don of Josqph II S. OSbome, sent up from Nei'Oton county for murder. His terdon Is reoosnmeoded for the reason that a piece bf slate fell upon him some time ago, Injuring his spine-to suolh am exfceiit (halt his lower limbs have become eompJotWy paralysed. A bill Uxit will prove a handicap to the reonganlsrUlan of tihe Cetftsml rsll- tctel. If it becomes a karw, passed th* house today. It was by Mr. Branch of Columbia, subjecting nil railroads to state taxa tion, Including those exempted under their (lurtcra, jvbsaever they shall re organise under a new charter. The Central b now exempt, but .under this bill it wU have to ante up when It Is reorcmized. After a lengthy discussion tbe blit to require the labeling of nil convict-made POPULISTS SHOWED FIGIfl The Populists got their first gll Lie house this ufternwn by fol the Democrat* to abandon tntir T S.. Pr KiM , ‘ ntl,ls; lhe Wssage of the I list bills, and oompeiiiug them t. tow (I whole batch of them i.i through. Thd Incident was hlrtll AfUr a *»* or DtaoJ lull* had been irarcied. one of ifc 1 lists asked t ( , have hi* taken ■ immediately Uiere were a hjt u« Jectlona. Sevmil other Fopulis-jii a-n-d met the same fate. Then tii»fl WM-d, and would not ht the DemJ pass any hill*. They gave ill and the Democrats could d«» nu( but bIvo In or abandon thv t*\ Time waa too vutuable to throw a y to agree to let the | la** biiL bo taken up. The i’.»pi uccepttd tile proposition, uad U vmiu wont smoothly enough. I Drandh waa even culled to the d the hmt and only Populist to occuL thbi eeazlon. The house paast d till garty bill, mukitig the commkJ or agriculture ex-officio commtel ° r (Ktotloti and requiring hi] P'tonsh and distribute a hind showing the resource* of ths . /, bl » grooving tire J50 penaltyl telegraph companies for delay » tlverLtiff mettauges was :il«to pajjjjeJ. means telegraph facilities for towns. WORK OF THE SENATE. The eonate this morning pass* -riDrovldintK for a state boil medical exuniinww. Thia bill Iu. ready pareicd the house, and now awaits the slgnulure of the fov to become a law. T ('®. "enato puased the Cummin; enabling toe stole banks of fl. to Issue bank notes In pursuance v ii. w 1 congress may pass repe the ,0 per cent, tax on the not. suite banks. The bill allowing the Souti Cai "" ld '3«°'*ta raUroad, 11 railroad .'JL. i 1 ? 8o,,,h Carolina, the **? 'alp Georgia, was passed. „.•."HI Introduced by Wcnatnr m <° Invest the title of re.pi rats IWleK lMl In the landlcnl wus The iKwse bill amnudlng tffie ki Minder was lost. . A .’* ou * bill wns passd to allow! of city courts to appoint sthnogra for toelr courts. The Mil prori* oumpenrotlon to be puw] by Ihe or toe court. A MM wus pissed Kran*fcrrin* county from toe Oconee to Che SI western Judfckil circuit. A bill jwa passed to audhorlu comptroller general to Appoint tbe railroad commissioner* to arhjtn iitor I11 cases wlvire ®ic trailer uud rallroa dcompanles till °™ lax nasessmenfs. Governor AtMnsnn sent to* 6>| Ing uippiln-tmients to the senate R' M. Higgins, solicitor of lhe roust of Oconee; C. R. Warrei Heitor of tihe county court of Pu : D. M. Cknrko, solicit or of toe « rourt o fWayne; I Yank Harwell iKktor of dhe county court of ”1 E. J. Jackson, solicitor of toe r curt pf WVilirer; George H. H. I Judge of dhe City onirt of Flof Khe unexplred term And Chari' Shipp, sMioltor of toe county &>' Dooly. In dhe appointment of Mr. s* Judge of too Ftoyd county there was much opposition fr«wn Rj There was some opposition *? “ polntment of Mr. Wasurofl In ’ county. The appointment* were firmed by toe senate tots nftst* ATKINSON Ifl ANGRY. It Is uikieratood that Oovemor sen is BomewMt wnsttay ov er *« that rnuah of toe opposition to •»* olucton sdlowtntt a woman to pointeid aaslstaot rihste librarian to atMugonlan to him on uhe p' that he wbelta kb use the pcsHio pay a pUlltfciU debt by aip.dn'tH- DorOoh, who luflped hkn a great do BsViwkn county. Thao* »-ho hive AghUng too resoluiloa on Mils K 1 nr* doing a good deal of crowtaf the gunrcitkor, because they thing h«w»! got trim tn a hole. I want ever NOTICE. _ ^ry man and wo min In the rj -■Utei 11,lei.'•(-.! 111 (tie .. r , 1 I h.ijus 10 ti.vo ..nn .,f rny iteoke on * naa Address E. M. (Voolley. *“■ Dux 3UJ. and one will he teal yea