The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 14, 1895, Image 2

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— — 1 i* H m SE "WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: JAL UAHY 14, 1895. THE MflGON TELEGRAPH PUBLISHED EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR AND WEEKLY. Offica 569 Mulberry Street. TUB daily TELEURAi-u-mUTorea by curler* la the city, or mailed, postage tree, 60 cent* a month; n.75 tor three mouth*; KM tor «u month*; tl tor one yeu; every day except Sunday. «. THE TBLKUKAr-H—Trl-Weekly. Holi day*. Wedneeday* and Friday*, or Tues day* Xhunday* and Saturday*, three months, a; six months, *2; one year, H. (CHS BUND A* TcLEUIlAFti-By me II, one yeu, 52. (THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH—By mall, one yeu, 6L fluasORir-lTUNU—Payable In advance. . Remit by postal order, check or reel*, tered letter. Currency by mall at risk ot sender. COMMUNICATIONS ehould be addressed and all order* check* drafts, etc., inada payable to THE TELEGRAPH. Macon, On. MUST ACT OK IT WIM, SUFFER. The Washington (llspatooes yo.ntf- da~ morning brought the nows tha t the Carlisle lull, in It* moditt'il form, was rejeoteil toy ittoe house. Til's result was not ainexjjKxitkxl. The country lit:* be- oome used totho idem that the press ut congress, nominally divided ootween #wo ta s>t* membership, is in tact dii Idol tain-con several, anil that there is no anujorily for any currency prop-' ositkm. It U possible th.u, under the pressure of neoittslty, the members who r.,re nominally DetmoctUits, who organ- produodon also Increase the consump tion of nny article. Wo do not moan to say that if toe prloe of bread et ery- where wore 2 cents ltu.rad of 5 cen:*, a great dual more bread would bo tuten, (tout It la extremely likely that if a reduotlon were mudo the example cf Port Huron peoplo would too fo.lowcd,, Bikers 'would »J11 their product at less than half 'die pro»c«»t price, tut they would s ill a very grefit deal more l>e- oouse It would then too cheaper for peo ple to buy chair bnud ttouu to make lb A FRUITFUL SOUROB OF ERROR. Congressman CaiOdblogs of MUslss ppl Is reported as saying that all the ilna ti dal Vdgatte* cf too post quarter ot a century may bo largely, if not entirety, charged ito 'the decision of tho supreme court aanUrming tlu< aonstlturionaUty of Hie statute gore runout pa per money legal tender. Mr. Catchlngs la entirely right, It was necessary to pick tlhe supreme court in order to se cure 'Chat decision, which was at va riance with ul£ Hie Unsocial conviction* of the people of this country up to tho time of 'the war. IVc have had no her esy since Wien which did not rest u pon the idea that the government's stamp, and not tlio matierial In It, made the vulue of itfie money. That idea was .U tho bottom of the greenback craze, Which swept over the country twenty years ago. It is at the bottom of the tree silver craze of toilay, which has shaken 'the coafid'uce of die world In our currency system and staggered the Industry and commerce of the coutttry. This idea Is completely at s-arlance wiilh rhe oanvlotlons which obta.ned among our people "uefo.c the war, and which obta-ias among tho people ot other civilized couat.'ios now. it is an responsible for tho government, .will | idea wihiCli we must rid ourselves of, get together and piss some currency j or .wo can never tin v« a stable currency, measure, but we do not believe they will. The 'time's Short atvl there is no evidence 'that factional divisions are less sharp than they were when the congress first snot in ext ra session, near ly a year and a hhlf ago. Yet rhe con sequences of itlve failure to do anything must lie very sorlous to the Democratic party. As ave 1ta,ve said, It Is held re- Himnsltole for the government It has the opportunity to settle this currency question, and in failure to do so will lie nociirtnd toy ttoo country a* a. confession of '.ncapuclty to deal with the most se rious problem uffadtlng the welfare of the country. By many people the party is unjustly held reisponslbjo for tho panic of year before last Thar panic was the result of the abuse by tho Republicans of tticlr power In cantrolling the taxing ma chinery of the government. In failing t» setile .tiro currency question, the Demoorattc painty will take the risk of prectpKaXJng another panic, for which It will tc undeniably rewponslbl». It must nek H matt senile this question, or it will Incur serious danger of disin tegration. A party rebnmn live on the pnetnlse* of Its leader* to effect refotiu, after It has been fritrusted with p< wer and Allied «o carry out those ref ormi. In wit!rti our own people a a-.l ilie -pto pie of oilier countries will have conn- deuce. The government can make le gal tender, jus# as it can con- Ilsoate the property of citizens. But the government swanp cannot make values—cannot make money. In tho proper sense of tho word, out of c'-'i’e- riial nvortb .nothing In Itself, ami as often as an ntiteupt Is made to irate such legal tender tho currency without regain! to Hu Intrinsic value or redeem able quality, disaster will follow. We speak or the present and not of the future, for the opinions we refer to relate to a period near at hand. Examine the at of January financial' statements given by tiie uuv*rnm*nt~ officials. We have written In relation to them In an article following tbl*. What warrant Is there to' be found In a treasury balancs of yold and c urrency of over »153,000.000 for rumors of a bqnd call? How Is the situation made desperate when, starting with that balance, the revenue appears to be Increasing and the ordinary dis bursements decreasing? Is there not the host ot reasons for believing that tbs revenue will go on Increasing and that It will takes months tor the dlsbursemnets to use up the treasury balance, if the dis bursements continue oa they ue now run. nlng? Why should gold exports for the time being disturb any one. In view of the fact that the gold balance was down to about i.2.000,COO for a luge put of last August without causing a shiver, end yet the condition* were every wuy then infln. Itely worse than they ue now?” All of ,tills Is very true, bat it applies only ito the tmuiodfcfro situation. Tbo fact remains that tile government is spending about live million dollars a mouth more titan it receives and is be ing culled upon to furnish gold to tho holders of its prom! awry notes ait the rate of nwcnity million dollars a month. While, therefore. It Is In no Immediate danger of bankruptcy, its supply of money being lunge enough to pay Ms expenses for a gn>L while to cmne. It is still tme that unT.vw Its revenues are increased ami It Is roUevod from the ne cessity of furnishing gold for all com ers, In the course ot time it must fall Into serious difficulties. Tho Chtonlclo Is rirfit, no doubt, In using Its groat in fluence to avoid' the possibility of a new pi pic .wbldh might grow out of tho loss of conrtdiflic* on rbo -if of ihe pnh. lie in the solvency of the treasury. But the fact that toe tavusuty ts safe from i ruptoy now and will he so for six month* to come, Is no excuse for con gress fad’-Ing to piss the laws neressary to make Its condition permanently wfe. There has been ait no time in our his tory an occasion when -the duty of con gress to act promptly for the relief of the treasury was dearer than It Is now, ami there bis been no time when con- grea* ftxrough fictional divisions, was In a more- helpless condition tlia n It Is now. THE INCOME TAX. The attack* which nro being made upon the uonBacutiooal.'y of the 'n- come tax age mainly based upon tno exemption of incomes of less than $4,000, and we do not question .hat this exemption Is « logical defoct In the law. If It 1* right In theory to tax In comes thoo the tax, to be entirely Just, should touch ad incomes, wanner large or small. But the income lax must be considered In conaectltn with the cither taxes by which the govern ment raises Its revenues, l'he exemp tion, If logically a defeat, tuiy be mor ally proper. The revenues of tho gov ernment, through the tirlff nnd imw- nal raxles, are dorlved. almost exclu sively from consumption. That 1* to say, the givommont forces men to con tribute to Its support lu Ibe proport on that they ealt, drink and wear elrthos— not in the proportion that they hold property or earn money by their per sonal exertions. Et follows ttu t the fed- mf tax falls upon the i»oor almost ns heavily as upon tho rich. It may be fairly questioned, therefore, whether the exemption of $4,000 of Income Is not perfectly Just. With that exemp tion, It ydt may remain true, au.l .we bateve it Trill, that the poorer men In n community will ooatr'.bute, 'n provot- tion to their earnings and their proper ty, far more to the support of the gov ernment than the men whose Incomes exceed $4,000 a year. If It be ad mitted, therefore, tha# tha citizen should contribute to the support ot the government In proportion to bis wealth or his earnings, the further ad mission must follow that the exemp tion of smaller incomes from taxation is not unjust GEORGIA NEWS AND COMMENT. yesterday, wherein It was state) a certain couple came t u^ 1 A. O. Edgar, a deputy United States marshal st Athena, has resigned. A horse and a mule sold at batMff's auction at Gainesville at 12.25 a head. A branch telegraph office has bean established ftt the Oglethorpe hotel 1n Brunswick. The Daky Tribune la a new after noon paper at Augusta. It mokes the fourth. An enterprising scoundrel took In a number of Augusta merchants on bo gus checks on Wednesday. A Sumter county farmer sold his place a.few days ago for 132.15 per acre. It was not on a rail rood line. Albany Dally Herald; “Dear" Harry Hill wit, like Hedwlne, continue to do the zdbra act. tied when the bride, frtght- crowd about tne oourt house nr,"!l going elsewhere. 1 That thl* step was fatal to the consummation of their hoivj evident and 1* doubtless ra-ret LI For It wao about this time n,,l girl's parents began gklrmtHhin.l the lover*, and with »ueh suae—. 5 / a half hour later the pretty was again beneath the parental*, tree, While the woukl-be benedict 1 tearing his hair and cursing onieij for the unexpected turn affair. ? taken. 'But he still has the license and > wise the determination to uee it, ' limit expires, and as "Barkis Is kl „ also toots are even that he wit v -i cure his toonny bride or know thr. ,1 «\n whv. Roth vminer if, WILL I eon why. Both young people many friends -whose deepest (v thy Is their*.—'Amertciw Thai FROM NO. 8 TO NO. 9. The Albany city council ha* removed the prohibitory license on circuses and hereafter the charges will toe 150 a day. The sale at the stock ot F. Abra hams & Co. at Hawklnsvllle took place at Hawklnsvllle on Tuesday. The Haiwklnsvllle Bank and Trust Company has declared a semi-annual dividend Of 4 per cent. FRANK LEVEKETTE. A BBBR TAX. % MISTAKEN LEGISLATION. Represemtottlve Money of Mlsfsslppl baa iiktrodueod In tho liniMe n bill ’m- poslng an sddltfonal *ax of one dollar a barrel on beer. Tlio tax on tvvr •* now one <kilhr, ami It produces a rev enue of about thinly m'tltou dollars a year. Should 'Mr. Money's toll) pan, the revenue wTJ be inonsd to about sixty million do'*, and beer will be, next 1» tvhlsky, (be-meet prolific source nf government'- revenue, ills proposi tion Is receiving the earnest support i-t nearly all nnwnpispnrs which are op posed to the Income tax sanl recognize that sorntitmug must be done to In crease the itovernni tiu’s revenues. As there ts more them a possibility that the henato will refuse to pnovldo the means for colleouthf the income tax, and as there Is no other source from -which the money mealed can be so readily ool- h-etel. rhe aiUlltlonil boe,- tax I* likely to receive treiy serious awslderatlon by coiutrnM. The merits of 'Mr. Moaey's proposi tion nre very ooresdorau:. Whatever may be coild to the contrary, beer is a luxury, and therefore-a (it subject tor irextttfao. It is now llgh ly taxed and the retail rice Is low. 'iVnh the add!- ilomil tax, which w-silil amount to about ontotourtb <if a per glass, It 1* mot probable that tha retul! price or.mid be incnuseiL Tbs tax, there fore, would not fall upon the consum ers, but. Would either ini paid by the breweries, or would lie saved in econo mli* of production. Tho latter Is tba more probable. The nows of Frank lieveret'te'a death will toudh many a> heart with genuine sorrow. Great men go and their places ore tUlod by those who follow after. SucCi men a* Frank Levereit* go and the place be oooupled is left vacant'. Genial, warm-hearted, generous and lovable, uK men took him to .their Urartu as a frleud, and a- friend be re mained. There iwus always apparent In mm tjbliit "ooueh of nature that makes .the whole world kin.” If there was any point about Mr. Levcretltls character more generally lu evldenoe tba-n others it was hi* lojtalty. He wns never koowu to desurt a friend or tl cause. His devotion to his polit ical principles was a* strong as a mar tyr’s tooth urnl hu tireless energy mado that loyalty nwre useful. To few men more than to him ih due the victories that'have foKowed all the struggles of the Democracy of recent years in this section of tho state. Ills peoplo were kind to him. He was a legislator and made n good roc- onl Ho wa* ordiunry of bis county and lu. d the office for yotrs till his par ty servtlcra merited higher recognition. Frank Leverente's dot'll I- a l»s* to hundrals of people In Georgia, who called him friend, to the Democratic party, whose defeudor he was, nnd to humanity, die most lovable qualities of which he so brlHIamf.y lUustrated. A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. The S*. Louis Globd-Dcmocrat sdg- gedts ttoait legislatures now In session hnrvo a great opportmilty to do good by doing pothlug. What It means 1* that legislation during rec mt years ha* been of tihe kind to disturb business, by frightening ownen* of ckpltai and dis couraging mbean from using it In indus trial (enterprises and tridil. There Is undoubtedly a great doid of wlatow J] ttoa UlobtoDamocraV* -afa -don, islatures have been proaesr * caplcaJ Is In business onl f of profit. 1 and: tteatyj pr^jh It, It ».'i ■ ••' Vis' '• owners Are fortunate, or to- .1 ■ . , In their iuxlepy to pro'.-.- the 1 raunaty agalnat she encroachments VJ. capital, they tore done .much to de prive St of tho beoetlts whlai can only come from the use of c.vpl'ul. No mau Invests -ramvey except when he lUluka the luvovomeat safe and- roasonabJy curtain on be prolltable to 1lim. U leg islatures cnuite conditions which make capital unsafe oc tibo use of U unprofit able, then they ait the same time do- 1'tivt labor of employment and throw the whole business community Into con- fusion. LeglsLttures should forget classes In 'their legislation. It It the Individual who In every ca*-* must ap peal itn the courts--tailt Is, to the stats —for prutoutViu against wrong, and the l.-glslaiture will have done If# full dniyt when It sees that every Individual caul obtain Justice In the cor a. I.oglala-' tlon Intended -to bomittt any class is more thuo upt to Injure that class, anil this 1* inpeclally true when the clasr The Republicans lu the present con gress are purely obstructionists. They recognize tile fact that curtain legisla tion is noeesstry for -the nvelfare of the country, -but they are tm-wllling tbit thait log&ttaitlon sdia-11 be credited to the Democratic party. They (les're tlwt tlio country irtiill suffer, '.hat It shall be come poorer, Ihlilo Its tre-isury shall risk baukiniploy, so long ts the 1'emo- crjtlc party is '.-nower. Unfortunateily they have sufficient power lu the upper house of congress, m the absence of rules governing that body, to make tbeir policy of ob-uruc Inn cffeclivc. But the object lessou which they are teaching ought not to go unlearned by tho people of 'the country. AHTHREAKFAST SMILES. Doctor—I have nothing to do bat kill time. Friend—Well, the pruc- tl(c is worth somethin#.—Detroit Tri bune. V C. S. Meadows has brought forward a turnip produced on his place that weighs 10 3-4 pounds. A negro stole one of a pair of ladle*' patent leather Shoe* from a Waycross John G. Johnson, who was convicted of running a Mind tiger at Athens, has been pardoned by the governor. Ml*s Bertha West and Mr. Hoskins Williams were married In the First Presbyterian church at Rome on Tues day e veuilig. The Woman In the Stage Coach Game to the Last. [o'.'- t urt 1 the ' btssn* 1 Ilit ft#h A thief entered the -house of Post master Sulllvnn *t Covington last Fri day night and took 1195 out of the packets of the postmaster's olothtng. The Good "emplars of Covington gave a most "iloyable entertainment and pound ptrty at Music hall Monday night. A srrgcnnt and six man to escort stage coach on the overland trull f Station No. 8 to Station No. 9, a dhu of 19 mlloa. It bad come Into Station 8 with Its fonr blooded horses on s run and a band of Indians in dun •ult. Five arrows wore sticking la body of theooacb, and ten bulloti struck It In the race of two miles. “Good Lord, but It’s a womnnl" So exclaimed a dozen soldiers In as the frightened and panting horse to a atop at lut and a bit of a wi with blond hair nnd hlg blue cjrcs vory palo face alighted from tho ... A* ahe stood for a moment, looking al her and not quite sure sbo bad oscsi with her life, we gave hor throe roui cheer* and a corporal guided her over tha dugout to pass tho night. "Who 1* she!" repeated tho driver as crowded around him to satisfy our ci oslty. “Waal, I reckon she’s a coptnl wife on her way to the fort. Wo knoi. the reds war out fur blood and didi want her tc esme, but .I... je»i, hung rig! “I on and wouldn’t bo bluffed. Reckon si * „ must hov blu skenrt a bit when that g nr jumped n* hut. I cen’t remember tha;, did nny scrcccbln over It. Sho haln’t tenderfoot, sho haln’t now’s tho ru below?" “Plenty of Indians." “ Yes, durn ’eml Injuns haln’t gm hos9 sense nohow. What’s tho uso tali cuttln up nnd faolln around when t, sure to get hurt to pay lur It?” Next morning It was decided that In; 1 : Mr. James Roseberry, one of the old est citizens of Newton county, died at . . ,, , bis home In Cedar Shoals district one i * taB ° pu,h on * nd kcep tl ‘° t0 ' 1 day last week, aged about 85 years. °P° n - Tho captain’s wlfo was urged ■ | entreated not to take tho chances, hat Tho poultry and pot stack show wait or return east gi.o had little to i . which opens st Augusta on January 15 ; In reply, but that little was to tho point wTl -be tihe largest ever held In the If tbo stogu went, she v.-uuld go. South. Eight negroes nre confined In Dough erty oounty Jail charged with stealing cotton from the warehouse of Air. 1-ut- ncy at Hardaway. Albany’s cotton receipts this season ihove Sn=n 31.524 bales. The stock on band Wednesday amounted to 6,664 bales. As wo were ready to go tho womu beckoned mo to approach the stagoo whispered: “Sergeant, do you think we’U bo attack cd between this nnd No. U?" “The chances are that wo will." "Then borrow raoa navy revolver otc of tbo mon. I know how to use It." I got her ono, with 13 extra csrtrldg ■, | and I know from tho look on her fnco tl. Tomn/te—Aunt Sarah, why do they IwtryV picture Cupid, the god of love, liked? Aunt Sarah—Ilekase he most rt spankin' '.—Cleveland );i> 1,1* 1 !•■ 1 ' i.: ir■ . won.l *r to (Vl -UL- for divorce on ;i jn-support. 'Texas Beauart—Why did ‘you have je of chat Venus tinted with red. Mr*. Parvenoo? Mrs. Parvenoo—I thought ao woman oould help Mushln' Who didn't have on no more clothes than she has.—Puck. Northern Reporter—I notice that a white man and a negro are booted for a foitrace lu Georgia. Northern Editor —Give tt a scare head and call It "Re newal of the Race War.”—Atlanta Constitution. I First Guest—That woman dancing with Brown is undoubtedly handsome, but Sho ha* a marked lack of expres sion. Second Guest—I gue»a you never heard her express herself. She la my wife.—Cincinnati Tribune. _ . . _ ~~—■— i If wc had a row iho’d play a part in Dr. A. A. Smith of Haiwklnsvllle has About hnlf way botwcon No* 8 and bee nappolntn da member of the board of allopathic medical examiners for the state. there was a sharp ridge running aloci Claud Daby, convicted at the Mavuh term of the Gwinnett superior court of the murder of 'his wife, has been grant ed a now trial. Citizens of Wage . In:.- of the prisoners confined In fill there. The music la said to be on tho melancholy onder. THE pi!;* The Clarke Rifles of Athens have been reorganized with James F Mc Gowan as <-i.ptnIn and Thurston Craw ford as first lieutenant. With new year Alpharetta’* great butter and oheese mnnuftetory began operations. Mr. R. W. Williams Is In charge.I Farmers -can be seen dally go ing to the factory with cans of milk. ' A cofored boy started a fire at Ma rietta with kerosene. It caught his clothing and as he had a few Roman candles In his pocket he furnished quite a display of fireworks for those who happened to be neu by. Dinks—I'm IncfllneJ to think that the ret I be a lot of sleeping car porters looking for jobs before long. Dank*— Why ao7 Dinks—This paper say* a Western railroad has discovered a plsn for doing away with train robbers.— Buffalo Courier. . The wife of Bteve Milter of Union county, Oa., died a few months ago, and, to the surprise Of all who knew him. he married the other day his wife's mother. Now he Is pronounced to bohts own fafher-lndaiw. Tho Birmingham Nows says thut the furnaces that tiro to blast In that region sought to .bo protwlted is ona dependent are pnctlng out more Iron than they U[Km t ho use of capital for employ- have ever Join hot ire, and the cost mine* are running with full loreos, ami with tho-Jangrat ou-ptit In tbeir bis- tiry. Invprovi«!»«’« In the n.rt of making Iron during tbo last few years, It says, hare retsilted In tha tnrnlng out by 'toe furnaces of ,!i0 pc rent, more Iron than was before luswible with the aims plant. Those at'iitlomcnts are no doubt cor- n-ct, atld httere is much promise In them errat future for tbo Birmingham Ml district. lmpr*vemc-n* lit pro- i by wliiilh tine furnaces produce per cent, more than thev d.d a short Wing Chong Ohew, who plnys right tackle in the Chinese laundry dropped a pillow cose on a stranger’* toes in ,tbe barber Shop last week and came hear having to hire a lawyer to apolo gies tor him last week. The pillow else was full of flatirons —Grifton Record. MUST WORK FOR IT. NOT A NEW EXPERIENCE. Tlio Saw York Tribune says that "the bJccrm of Port Huron, Michigan, hov* been indulging in t Uv-.-ad war, the out come of whidi has mightily surprised them, la 'their attempt to miu «u h other, they OnsCly cut down the price of 5-oaut loaves to 2 cents, :,ml then it hocowte e quesrioa —hlc!s of them would go under. But the pooplo of the town all (flopped <V4ng their own bak ing and bought baker's bread, .th; re sult cf which Is that all baker# cre linking mouoy at 2 cents a loaf and there is no .talk of going back to (be old price." The somowhai rnmtrkable faot tta« otum been comnuntcd upra ilia:. t:<ad I* sold at tbo same price now, when flour Is three or four dollar* s barrel, as it was when the same a-ude of tour could not be Insight tor lest thau seven or eight ddilar*. ” 'ups tb- Trib une's Uttko story polo s out the way in which ibis dUorepuncy at be c->r- reeled. The Whole history of Imlos- tnsl life during the last hundred yjsr* •hews that prouussli which cheapen u>s In hi* speech la the house a few day* ago, Mr. Itourke arakran said that most of die science of pohUcal oumtoniy was reveuled .to Adieu tvhna ho was told that In the sweat of hi* brow he must earn hi* bread. This Is a very graphic statement of a general truth. It Is by industry thut » man or x nation im proves Its (tradition. Other ihtnffs may 'Is* nec-s-ary. but uuU-ss tho man ur the toU.ra produces, it will remain time S4» Is worth a. gnut deal more to I poor, no nuttier wbnt else It may do. that district than a. mere revival ol in- | There Is on tiharp practice by which dustry. It pemvinontly strengthens the porpte of the United Statts can As swiftly o’er tihe Ice they flaw A» anon-flakes whirl. With no one nigh, what could be do? He-hugged tlie girl. Incoastant man! A crash, a crack, A list ant rear, Proclatnted a thuiw, and then, alack! He hogged tihe Shore.—Washington BUT. OF GENERAL INTEREST That Biblical student who ha* flgurrtl out Oast agomon’s Temple was only 10? feet Ions. 36 feet wide and 54 feet high, to now busy a.t work trying to show that the Tower of Babel was not big enough to be the elevator well of a New York apartment house. At a meeting of the directors of the Marietta Trust and Banking Company, on December 29th. they declared n di vidend of * per cent, on the capital stock and passed 12,600 to surplus ac count. The Georgia Crnokcr Is locally the brightest weekly newspaper In Geor gia. Brother Harris' editorials are Just what might be expected of the man who made the '‘lOracker’’ the toast of the whole country. T.albotton New Bra: The old state of Georgia In five yearn. If cotton remains at 5 cents, will be rtoout one of the biggest “hog and hominy” state* on earth. Such a prophecy Is worthy to go on record and bo remembered. A negro named Obandler Brooks was arrested in Dougherty county on Wednesday charged with assault with intent to murder upon another negro named Mack Brown. He tried to shoot Brown, but the gun snapped. the position of tho Iron mikers of tho district. It Insures profit* under con ditions flhht foimerly would have yield ed ootse. If this Improvement of rto- ceNsra is 4he result of the recent hard times, iflson Binnluflum has already received much compensation for ttio hardships onduiul. Perhaps they would Dover have been ffitido if they had not become necessary. CONDITION OF THE TREASURY. Thk> Now York Financial Chroutrio dora out tike tile gloomy view of (be financial situation expressed by most of the (lolly neiwiquperm, which ore more dovohsl to politics than u* busl- nras. In a recent aiOde It says: "We have been not a little eurprised this week at the tone of current opinion expressed In Wall street and by the dally press. The Ides prevailing lippesrs to be that the ire saury Is tn a desperate condi tion; that another bond call will be neces sary before the month Is out. or certainly euly In February: and that the country Is very usu n new reason of trouble. Of course It I* possible to create a dis turbance. but there Is no ground what ever today for this feeling or thought. grew rich. They costuot grow rich by (floating tbtMr neighbor* by getting the ^ bett'er of them to legltlmato trade, by any currency dovloo, but must produco the wivtltli whloh make* tb -m rich. It ukiy, by wise law* prevent the waste of wraith which they have produced. But it nmff be safely sold that legtola- tbsj «mn>t dull so wisely with the ln- ttulta numtoor of transuctlon* bjr which mon make money or lose money as can men theouudvra. It follows, that ITo government wfeloh lute; fores tout with production and trade, which leaves to Its citizens i#be greotsewt freedom poMt- ble In tho tiuimetfou of tfanir btuuu-ss, to the wisest navernraant. X^gtoldtiou which U intended to proleot men against •Unsun.uT.w, wnlcu swum.* that a small legislative body Is wiser than tho mass of the people in tha traossc- vi on of their own affairs. It almost al ways -mistaken li<.*li-.l»e. It to realty based on cantcrapt tor the poipi . ho"*- urer benm-ohuf: It Uiay be in Intern ion. Augusta Evening N«ws: A good lesson for calumniators of the Houtb, If they want to learn, to the Wiggins murder. He Is given gratuitously two of our ablest kawyera fur hie defocec. Twenty too usual dollar* was paid by toe government to the Sac and Fox In- d'.iuw three weeks ago, and • week later white gamblers and bunco men, who followed okeve nob kid the govern ment pay ogeots, w. rv in poasesslon of practically the whole amount. There to a breed of cat* HMIe known outside of Maine, and designated in that state as “coon’* cats. Animals of toe species ore tortoise shell In color, ut toe fur Is remarkably thick and long, the tall being no butoy as to ill- grst that of a young tox. A new thing to women's clubs has Just been organised nt Princeton, Me. They coll It the "Snow Plow Club,” and its members are to hold teams, «oci*a« sod fancy tain* during the win ter, with toe object of raising funds to keep the streets and sidewalks clear of Talbotton New Era; It to estimated that quite 30,000 pounds nf pork ban been killod 1n town alone since tho tv (-Inning of the season. This Is worth in the neighborhood of 12.500, and will he no small saving to the families tost were so fortunate as to have porkers. The Oeorgtn Cracker: Tam Wat son's Dally Pres* Md Itself down and peacefully gave up toe ghost last Fri ll rasa bom without excuse, idled with out hope of a hereafter, and was buried without tears or ceremony, in all of •which it was a lit type cf the party of which it waa toe exponent. The Untied States now have about forty vessels engaged In whaling—the remnant of a fleet which once num bered 500 ships. The demand for whale cil has so greatly d -crr-ised toad the Industry has dwindled away. It to now supported chiefly by toe demaod for whalebone. Lady Henry Bumeraet knows very little about the luxury of rest, she is an Indefatigable worker In every good cause she to ImereWtided. and her Inter rat means practical help. During the tost year She held 115 meeting* and tweaty-eevea conferences. She travel ed oyer 6,100 miles and spoke III twen ty countries to about 200,000 people. Brunswick Oall: Contractor James McDonald, who to sending material over to Jamaica with whloh to con struct a railroad for toe West Indies Inspr--.van-.tant Cornpaw, arrived in the city yesterday from Knoxville, Tenn. He wit'. tp> on the stnunehtp Jason when be sails for Montego Bay. parallel with the rood for halt a milo. Tts heavy rains hnd cut deep furrows in fnco of tho bill, trail them was room hr 1 100 savages to hide awny and prepare st lib. To tbo right of tho-lad vail pluln cuvcri-d with r. .-I.- end mtuI. I.u- J and the coach must ksep to the road. 1 enjoy the sink- tho hill and Its ditch ; In mind when driv. r poll d up hlo hones and sold: “.Sergeant, If thcco noodlo heudod I juns nr’ knlkorlatln on raisin our ln'r. they’ll try It nt tho hill.” "Yes, I think so.” “Thon fix up things to suit yerself. I' hov tny hands full with tho bosses, who', probably run away at tho fust yell." My orders from tho captain were m mako n running fight of H If nttarko. Tho Indians would number live to nr. ! or there would ho no nttack. lfwemn.l| I a halt, tlvoy would shoot down the sto - j horses nnd enclrclo us. Therefore in v.(l drew near tho hill tho seven of us fell ' hind tho stage, unslung our carbines, or.! tho driver got a fresh grip on his II:. Wo guvonoslgn that we expected an r,i- ! tael: and had almost cleared tho hill whej 1 out ot a dry ravlno os wide and deep u«i canal poured nhordo of mounted redskin I At tholr first yell tho woman looked ou: and nodded to me, nnd tho driver utter. 1 a bellow at Ills spirited horses nml let tie i go. Of my troop, four of us rodo to t:.(| right nnd three to the left of tho coaeh keeping about even with tho front wheels. In their first fright tho burses wuro un steady, but after a mile wo sottlcd then down nnd then turned tn our saddles to llro on tho pursuers. Tho Indians wasted very llttlo bronth or ammunition, Imt pushed tholr ponies to tho utmost to conn to cluw quarter*. Once upon u* the- wero strong enough to wipe us out. For tho flist two miles they gained hut Utile Then wo struck had ground, and tb-f carao up hand over hand. Of a sudden, when tho foremost Indian was only a pistol shot away, we dropped behind tho stage, stupped our horses un.l wheeled about, and tho seven soven-shoi t- ors which ployed upon that dusky crowd probably did more execution than nny M had lwforu. Wo pumped out tho cyllndi-n nnd then wheeled nnd reloaded ns wo gal loped after tho stago. Wo tried tho earns trick twice ugatn, hut ns wo wheeled aft f tho third time ono of tho hind wheels c! tbo coach gave way, and tho vehlclo vti brought to a standstill. Then fully 60 In dians catno whooping down upon us, nnd no man could explain whnt ac tually occurred In tho next flvo nilnut. Of a sudden, when I, for one, thought all was over with us, tho redskins drew off und vanished Uko smoke. Of my six men, Peter* Larkins and Davis wero dead and tho other three wounded, whllo I had an arrow In my shoulder ami a bullet tu tny side. TU driver bod two wounds, and three of hu horses wero dead. Lying on tho ground around us wore nlno deoil ponies nnd four teen dead Indian* I limped over to tha stage nnd opened tho door. Tho woman lay back on tho seat dood—killed by her own hand and with hor last bullet, us ih« thought hor capture was certain. Lat.: on, when thomon hud comoup from camp and tho bodies were examined, we found four Indians who had fallen before the bullets from her revolver. Too had; too darned h*'ll" said th> driver as ho wiped a tou from his ey*- Sho was cl’ar grit, list as I told yo, he: FOILED BT HER FATHER. A Pretty Raroanoe Is Brought to Sudden End. A romance In real life developed here this tu orator, and which promises to end even .more romatlcally If tor room prospective possesses to* "grit" ac corded to him by these who know him wall. He Is now biding We time, while outlining a tfttn to “do” toe old folk*. U ts another ot the many eases of true love, confiding hearts, stern parents and withered hopes, to aay nothing of a locked door behind which the bride-elect weeps alone. Dut "love laughs at locksmiths." and just so sure as tots I* true will too love-lorn todtft* In tots osae triumph In the end. The case tn point Is of toe Gretna Green variety, and wee briefly refereed to by toe Tlmes-BeconKr ■bo didn't wait to see If the Lord wouldn't help us out." M- Quad. Ad Agreeable Aid to Peaceful Slumber. Nothing Is more agreeable on retiring for the night than to take a bowl ot hoc broth, like oatmeal gruel or clam soup It Is a podtivo aid to nervra* psopto and In duces peaceful slumbers. Tbtetoeepeclsuy tbs ease on cold winter night* when the stomach crane warmth a* much as any other part of the body. Even a glass of hot milk is grateful to the palate on suea occasion* but a light, well cooked grue‘ Is barter sad during the sold month* of winter should b* the retiring food of ev ery woman who ftel* as many dig the need of food at night. Tommy—Raw. wtuU ts the osureot writer’s orMnp? Mr. Flgg—The Inferior quality at rinegar they put In toe free tuuob, I guees.—IndlanapoBn Journal-