The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 17, 1895, Image 3

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THE "WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: JANUARY 17, 1895. Tbo Income Tax Brought on a Lively Bout Between the Maryland aud New York Senator?. EiCB OF TUESI BL \MED THE OTHER Sir. Gorman Salt! .Mr. lllll'i Rekolutlnii Trouble, it ml Sir* Illll Hlameil Sir. Gorman With ll»e Imper fections of the Tariff Bill* ^V'a.^ilneton, Jan. 14.—After the rou tine jnorninu ibueiness, the urgent de- ilcienoy bill was takon up. the ques> L ;,e iunendmenit offered by him to au thorize the United States courts to iv ar and determine questions as to tihe 0 , n stUutlonality and validity of the iiK’irme ‘tax. ^enatAr Stewart took the ji, kV and concluded ills speech begun Saturday—* free silver speech. x Senator Gorman next addressed the senate. The pending proposition wa8, he said. a simple and plain one. An appropriation 'bill was before the sen- ute j>r>vidlns for deficiencies, among them t»» enable rhe secretary of the treasury to carry out the law for the collection of an income 'tax. ••Out what the senator from New York desires," Mr. Gorman continued, • is a provision, separate and distinct— an exception In this cane—a provision that would •mable any tax-<uayor to suspend lll<J inic< >mo tax so as by in junction to reverse the rule, and to .pre vent the money coming Into the treae- until every question that migirt be raised by wary unwilling tax-payer should bo decided fby the supreme court : ±2 United Rt****." SuA an attempt. Mr. Gorman d«»- cland. would be wrong; would be be lt,id the power of the fcens&e. and •juld bo destructive to the interestB of the treasury. annot eliminate a single pro- vibion of the -tariff law which brings evenue into the treasury without eub- lituting something in iUa place that will produce an equal amount of reve- And I repeat that there Is no f r any eenaior who .pr»>ooses tu nuko a reduction ui/ he can show that this body can legally add to the •-‘venue an equal amount by other oto- ,'islons—and that cannot be done. TARIFF RBVilSiON. • There never was a more hazardous iertuking than that of revising the lit law at the lime the Democratic rty undertook it. The bill was a • iipromlse measure; and no bill could iv»* nassed the senate except by a finis** to \% hlch every Democratic senate changed In the line of cloture, an ’l a t Mr. Gorman with having 5gp°f®« such a change, which would, eald, "have enabled! us to pro vide the necessary revenue for the *w ernment/' continued, "tliat It Is U..W,/ **i*i*v>aiaiiu»c fur u» iu iegusaaie uuless these rules are changed," and oft referred contemptuously to "the ex hibition much the senator from Mary land today, turning round to his Re publican friends and appealing to them In a piteous manner to come and save this side of the chamber." (Laughter in the galleries.) "I do not," Mr. HKil said, “Join in any sucii appeal. I would appeal rath er to our own friends here—if we are in the majority. The appeal of the sen ator will ibe fra vain. Our friends on the other side opposed* Uhls tariff re form •bill, and they do not propose to help us out of our difficulties. That is natural. The patriotic appeal which the senator made to them will not find any response on that side of -the chamber." THE RECENT CAUCUS. In tlh« course of further remarks Mr. I !«.. „„ \ft* TJIIl'ta amiwiil fwrt 111 '-“IWOU OH 'LUriUcl lUIiaiim • lion being on ^lr. Hills appeal ficm gm referred to a recent Democratic the decision of the chair ruling ouC\ senatorial caucus, and said that ft had done nothing on the subject of cur rency reform. •Mr. Pugh, Democrat, of Alabama— That was one of the specifllc subjects before the caucus. “What has become of it?” Mr. H1U asked contemptuously, “is It up in the air. or where is it?" (Laughter.) "The finance committee." Mr. Pugh implied, "did not consider it its duty to act on that subject until it is disposed of by the ihouec. After action by the house, I take it for granted that a com mittee of this body will consider it aud bring it 'before the senate. I understand that the finance committee is now pon dering"—- "Pondering is good," Mr. Hill inter rupted with a sneer. "Pondering with great care.” Mr. Pugh continued with quiet disregard of Mr. Hill’s remark, "and with a sense of the responsibility which the senator him*.*'if recognizes, liecause the subject is ful’ of eoinplications and difficulties. No party has ever had tihe responsibili ty which U now resting on the Demo cratic party, and no party has ever been able to deal with it without the trouble which' now surrounds us." in the further course at his speech Mr. Hill said: "I do not propose today, or In. the Immediate future, to submit a financial liupectcr Anderson Searched the Ware house of Borden & Co. at Fernandina. MORE ARMS IN THE RIVER. Marti, the Lender of Iho t’ropoicil In rectlon, I« Supposed to Be in Savu nail—Some Suspicious 1'artlea at Jacksonville* SUGARS TOIt SPAIN. The Gauges for fta Recent Onlnr of Hie Treasury DftpamtniMrt. ought to be done. But unless we have the rules amended so e.s to be able t i pass our legislation it is (practically use less to present any measure." Mr. Gorman made another short speech in reply to Mr. Hill, denying that he had made any "piteous apnea.' to t'he Republican side of the chamber, and averting that no change of the rules was necessary. There never had been, he isald. a measure mending In the senate looking to ameliorating the condition of the party, or to advanc ing thelf Interest and honor, at home or abroad, which had not been acted upon under the existing rultu ini iv ^promise to w hich every Democratic* t *-i:itor, except the senator from New York (Mr. 11:11), agreed. As a whole, land as it «tan<U* today, the tariff law u Aw- uct o»f 'the De-mu ratlc party; and it is tae best tarilf law that has been on the senate book fur forty years. The senator from New York was not u -par ity to that conipromtae. There U some thing in 'the atmosphere of Northern N .v York whkUl, it ttedms to me. makes U tiapo»Njple for a statesman from that Ion ever to coirypromlcte. (Laughter.) ijiuvtion then was, the McKinley •r the .pending bill, but the sena tor I rum New York told his colleagues en this side of Lhe ehajivber, ’elttler my way, or you shall never bill.' in that compromise we • k at th:.; income tax. Now. 1 might ex- tnw tiie Mcnutor from New York for wuii? ttizlng this provision if it were ** (>r the fact that wt'ulle wo were MsUvrlng the tariff bill he not only W*il the income -tax feature of it, km h« Joined with all the extreme tar iff rtf-anur* who wanted to eut down toreti-nuu from customs. If that sen- atyr had had bln way he would have Isal live hundred millions of bonds to •iu.- In which to pay tile current ex- r.-f < of the government ibetween .that ■nit- and is»7. I could never follow a U-ader who would deliberately put this government in a .position to Imereaee toe nation ul ddbt to iwy its current ex- [pewi*. i do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing. 1 have no sympathy with the men who proclaim themselves udvaneed reformm and wh», under tfut»k* of -reform, want to Increase the national debt." Mr. <; -rrmin said that under the ex isting tariff law the grcwicr part of the revenue came, not from customs, bin frmn Internal revenue -taxation. The customs did not furnkdi revenue tnwgh to pay the pensions. UXFBNBBB WILL GROW. "Can we," he asked, "reduce the ex- rewlltuivs? 1 answ-tir no. You cannot rducu the expenditures materially* The genoral expenses of the g jvemment *1.1 grow, rather than diminish, ln- i I, the secretary of die treasury puts th^ expfiidUurt-H for 1896 some millions tlyher than those #««■ 1895: and he is quite right in that estimate." Appealing directly to Republican sen- it >iw, Mr. Gorman said: "You come Into power on the fourth ef March next, under better conditions tun we dUl on tile fourth of Malvh .3. We have removed from your ithway many of the obstructions, /u have, as compared with our work? tie to do. You come with a majority the other house os great as we had . You have in fills body a moJor- iual to, if not jprenter than, that ali-h we have. The resp t >n»iblilty will . then on you. And I say to the nat..r from Pennsylvania (Mr. Quay) Hat t, for one, will treat him and his fiend* in u aplrit different from that v hieh bo has manifested to us. In any motion that affects the finances of H ••rernment, or that is necessary to at the bankruptcy of the treas- «»r tlutt is necessary td reform tho l *Muy, 1 will help you; and you Httt io volunteer to bebp tw now." am. HILL’S REPLY. .Hr. Hill replied to the speech of Mr. ^fii ri, who should, he said, have eon- lnr, l aiMiself to a vindication of his °*n . uirto, instead of trying to put ' nut or* in false positions. That r hud been with him (Hr. Hill) • >' tight against e-jine of tin* pro- '» R* uf the tarilf bill. That sena- ’ hail not been aFone in his nredlc- ri ’( tho failure of the revenue un- l p *6e bill. He #Mr. Hill) hml also ilia Clke predictions. He had } v i' i for the tariff bill which he r ' l facetiously to us "the Gorman- • U’Rriee-WUsoik A Co.’s bill." and d-xilncil to be held responsible by .'""nan or anybody ei*e for any ir'iSvh it w-w! iiiillctni «>n ^ juutry. He supposed that the , ‘ v * *° voted for u bill should be Rdble for it—not time who l , gainst IL The senator from instead of complaining of "* ndment offered to tkie urgency 1 v bid. should be glad of the | ;lo vindicate himself. That wa» • '.>jrtunlty which the senator Some remarks were made bv Mr. Call, and the senate, after a short executive (session, adjourned at 5.30 t». in. HOUSE FROCEBDINQS. At the beginning of the morning hour Mr. Hatch called up the bill making oho- margarine subject to the laws of the state or territory Into which »t is Im ported, and demanded tho previous Ques tion on it. Mr. Bynum moved that recess b*? taken until 1:30 o’clock. This urns a lMSUstei and It was successful. No quorum was shown and the point was raised. J*y the time a quorum was secured :he morning hour had expired. Mr. Hatci afkfi unanimous consent to mve the house consider the oleomargorlao bill, but ob jection was mode and the bill iort Us favored place without having reached a vote on Its merits. An order from tho committee on rules will probably he nec essary for the further consideration of tho bill. Objection was made to grant ing unanimous consent, asked by Mr. Hatch, to consider the pure food bill. Mr. Catching* present-si from the loro- initteo on rules a resolution providing that the rest of the .’ay be given up »o business from the committee on Judiciary. Objection was made to this by Mr. Cobb (Democrat) of Alabama, who claim-d that tho rules gave up tho day to the committee on the district of Columbia. It was finally agreed that next lllday be set apart for District business and the resolution giving today to judiciary business was carried. Chairman Culoer- son called up the senate bill "to provide for tho re-dlstrlcting of the Indian Ter- rltory for judfclul purpos***. for sn ad ditional judge and for more United States commissioners and to provide tho Juris diction and authority of such Judges and commissioners." It took the committee of the whole al most the remainder of tho lay and was finally passed with certain amendments, recommended by the commlct**e. The bill to make an additional judfdal district in Kentucky wns taken up. but no conclusion had been reached when the house, at 5:15, adjourned. SENATE EXECUTIVE BESSON. Washington. Jan. 14.—In executive ses sion toduy the senate agreed to take up the Japanese treaty next Friday after noon. It Is thought that, owing to the absence of any opposition to this. It c»n be acted upon at this one session. On the 10th of this month the senate confirmed the nomination of Herbert Wol cott Bowen of New York, consil at Bar celona, Bpaln, to be consul general at the same place. This afternoon Mr. Platt stated that he had received certain tele grams miking charges tfilnlt Mr. Bow en, and at his request tho confirmation was held up until the matter could be in vestigated. Jackaonhrilip, Jan. 14.—Special United Staitos Inspector* Anderson of this place wont over to Feruandhacu today aud saireli<xl the warehouse of X. B. Borden & Oo., ltx» whom -the yacht Uigondu, now undo? detention, was ctonslgn'od. lie found* 150 cusos of arms and aonun’tlon in tihe warehouse. Tho 'bay was dredged in the •neigtoboi*- tiood of the suspecting fiLlnistiering yucfiut Lilffouwti and throe oases of guns were brought to <he surface. While BardqD & Oo. endeavor 4o tmit the affair as trivial, they have en&igixl itihe sorvices of -Biuker & Dnaw, the most prominent la-w finn of Fer- nandiinu, to look after tdielr interest. Mirnndi and Martoll, •who protended to leave Jacksonville for Fennandlna, are riilU suspeoted of being In hiding in the house of u Cubaa -patriot sym pathizer. Two housed are being Wiitolied by ITnitetl Suites marshals, with instructions to detain them if they atUtemipf: 'to leave and 11 is ni- nioivd among the Gulxius In Jackson- vlUe tHrut Miantl, fthe leader of the In- uiiWnetj/m.iry -iwivumml la in <S.iv:in- u.iSi, Oa. THE AliiMADIA’S VOYAGE. B.nurwt, N. c., Juin. H.—lJia yadi't Armadia. lias just 2e£t, bound south, aud will pisibibly slop at Ohuirleston, S. C. Ttie cup a.n said he wu* bound for S.ivumi.,1.1, ntlnnv he would lit and thoo go to -the West Intliis. He had ooaj sutflelena 'Co n».ike Ohadestoa stowed on diocik In bags. The crew numbered obout nine. AH were very pilot. Close observation' failed to (lis- olosp arms or eaigo. Tin- yaett will encounter Caistd wlu-U amd sen today ainl will probably not reach Charles ton untl! tomorrow evening, even It It does 'not stop tK SmvtUiport. .S OT AT OH ABLE!>TO\. Oharlestron. Jun. 14.—The steam yacht Armndla, suspaotad. of concorued in a Cuban bl it and sup- |M*od 'to b: en route to Cuba with arms, etc., few XI«Rtl. 'Was e.vpeotod to arrive In Charleston haa-bor today, but failed in put In ah app.uiv.iaee. Tho collector of olhe port Is on the lookout for luir and «i>o will bo detained If rfiie turns up. hml long sought. He (Mr. not propose now to enter into —-.on about the t>ng>rlety of Jn'-.*in... tax. The di*tln«ul>ih«l *en- ‘ r an Maryland had been wtth him 1) When be made the at' s mi that provision ti the bill, but . day. after ho fMr. Hill) had ’ •"t in the North, he returned —nate ehamher and. prtwto! the .1 uator from Slaryland nxlou*, InlouitoUM In- ' i^arcaatloillyx for a period of ,r ' (leiuahter.) Ti,,: SENATE ItL'LBH Hr. Htll drifted Into a reference ■‘•tempt to have tbo rules of the T-hyskal culture tn woman Is keep ing pace with her liueflcotual advance ment. Nothing ountrlbukw better to perfect health than Dr. Price's Baking, Powder. NO OOVEUNOR YET. The Tennessee House 8till Talking About Investigation. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 14.—The house of representatives ha* been engaged In debate oil day on the senate resolution to Investigate the gubernatorial election before announcing the result. The adaption of tbo resulutfan Is a fore gone conclusion, 'hut the Republicans tire dutaylng action In the hope of re versing public sentiment. Something of a stir was crofted In the senate to day alien Senator Bates, by request. Introduced <1 petition from a number of Democrats of Hamilton county, Keans' home, asking thM no Investi gation he made, os the face of die returns show that Evans has a plu- ralUty. It is contended that If Evans Is counted out because of Che fact 'that certain voters failed to pay their poll tax It will be injurious to the party, the state and the nation. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Is beyond question the most wo- cc -Iu! ecash medicine we have ever c./.d. A (ew dose* Invariably cures the Worst case of croup, cough and bronchitis, while Us wonderful sue- ce»i In the cure of consumption ts without a parallil In the history of medicine. Since Its flrst discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a which no other medicine can stand. If you Lave a cough, wo esrneatly esk you to try tt. Prto. it cents, to cent* and SL It your lungs at* sore, chest or rack la lame, use Shiloh's Poroui PLater*. Sold by Goodwyn & Rmtll Drug Com* pany. corner Chrry street and Cotton avenue. MRS. WATTO DH.VD. Charleston, 8. C., Jan. H.—Mrs R. C. Watt*, wife of Judge W\tMs of «be Fourth circuit, died yestenduy at her home at Cash's, fn Darlington county Mrs. Watts moved with her husband nti'l children to her oil biw a year rgo. soon wfer her husband was elect; ed Judge of this court. WaAingtou, Jem. 14. —Tultvrrama n'A'i upon the 'trmsuity dupirlnient t- day from nffldal and lmolllctal sour- C'U, .wkluB an expbntytlon of tlie let- i ■ s u> Cbl’ootor KUbreth on Satur day as to fr.uu Spitn «ml her colonies upon which n bounty was paid an esport, brfng Subject to the dlMrimtnailing duty of one-eonth of one par amt. on lmip>rt Into the Uni ted States. Oollaator K'.lbrpib was today In- ati'ua ed by wire .to assess the duty upon retinol sugar* only, for the pres ent. Some time nao it became known unoffldelly to tho ttvn«ury doparttnbm that Spatn had paid bounty on export- id retold sug-irs, the product of that eouni'.ry or of (ter colonies. Spain her- > i f prmluces, It Is mtd. but Htitle, tf any sugar, but her colonies, Cuba and I’. rto Bloo, ana I'lirtfe producers. S|>iln, It is unklerdtiood, too. Imports lant quantlt’e* of raov augam from her oolon'jes for refining purposes, and upou tills sugar, when rrfhied, rile al lows for tvfeMfjca, dues and waste, an export toourity of 20 per cent, of tho prlco puld for The raw sugar. This unofficial Information at the instance of S ordtary Otrllsle. was semi by K vrotary Greeihom to Mr. Ilannls Tay- 1 ir. United Hlttos mluldter to 8pa!n. He had am Inltetwlaw with the Spanish minister of finance, witui stated that .Spain allowed a bounty on exported so garni) 'die produot of Spain aud her colonies. When «ds WPortmtlon ratcihel here last ovedk. the Instrucit’ons enntn.-.n«l In these dtHpaltrties last Saturday were sent 'to Cotteator Klthrefh for hi* guid ance. The treasury depantdienit, ns shown by Secretary Ctrflkle’s tefiegnm of to day. Is not entirely Aitldlal a* to WVKfilrar title Spanbh governmeM al lows a bounty oefty on refined sugar* export'al or M'lvitlter It also al'otvs n bounty on tuw sugars exported. As fair as '.he tretsury Jopartment is officially advised there are uo *u- gar ; rethner:es ,n elduer Cuba nr i'orto Illco. and «ugntf< oxpxiirtl from tbeno countries must nettiwdirily be in the raw state. If there t«c reflnerles .there, then ittae low requires thtit each In voice of sugar out must bi> -ac companied by a certfR-Mta setting forth 'the fart; that the expo.eer receiv ed no bounty oil thait particular car go of sugar; oittirnvls', by law, it would be subject "jo Itihe il lTeremial duty. fKit* -would hav? to '■>' mado before Ithe proper Spanlah custom of- tleer. and It won at also have to bo nf'teot d by 1ho Unttert R'ates consu: at the port of export. Brsldes, the annoyance -of 'tills proceeding, consular f - s nvxild have to t>> paid. Until {Secretary OtclM e on r veive d linite Information' on tfae point* no. yet definitely determined, h'.s telegram 'to C'rtlrtTion KIlbreMl will be .flirt guide, of tho trauairy official* In as- fiesslng duty on sugar from Spain or her qolonloa. Tlio Equitable Loan ami Security of Atlanta Seems to Continue Doing business. A CIRCULAR TO ITS PATRONS. All Are Guaranteed Against Loss If The Will Only llavo More Confidence In the Concern Than the United States Government Had. NO TROLLEY CARS IN BROOKLYN. Not One Conductor or Motorraxn Went to Work YeMcrdar. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 14.-The trolley car elrike began when the last night car had been homed, which wae aliortly be. fore 4 o'clock thin morning. Not a elngle day car on any road In Brooklyn, with one exception, the Coney Inland and Brooklyn, waa running out thle morn ing. Although tho motormen mil con ductor* nro in the neighborhood of the Marling etatlona, not one of them of fered to go to work thin homing and the unually nolay clang of trolley <- r bolls on busy etreote b hushed. The i • voted trains, although tho ne-vlcc mis Iren nearly doubled, were unable to accoinmo. date tho people, and during tile working hour* this morning the train* were crowded to suffocation. When tho olectrictana imptoyed in the four power .houses in the city went to take their night shift at t o'clock <*st night they were naked by the foreman If they would be willing to take place* on the cars u« motormen and cci doc tors. They replied "no.” Then they were told that there was no more work for them. Thl*. the first net In the lock-out, threw him Olio men out. Tho employe* nay the action of ITealdent Lew I* In locking nut the power house worker* precipitant; the strike. They aay President Lewi* tcld a friend lest night ;:ial the strike wou'4 coat the Brooklyn Het-ht* Company at least tt.00.000. The companion Involved In the strike are the Brooklyn Height* Traction Company, one of the tangent r.illrmd companies In the Earn; the Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company, which ki now the Long Island Traction Com pany. and the Brooklyn and Newtown Railroad Company. Over 600 mile* of trolley line* are tied up by the strike. The Jay and 8mlth street Unco are not Involved. The United State* mav become Involved In the trouble. Tho tl«i-up read* carry the mall*, and In the eliorta to move the mall car* tndav several small riot* occurred. The strik er* were violent, and at one time tt required a show of pistols by the po lice to get the mall cor* along. It ha* every appearance of serious trouble to morrow. The tle-UD wo* complete to day on ail the road* Involved. Atlanta, Jan. 14. — (Special.)— Several months ago the postoffice department at Washington pounced down upon the “Equitable Loan and Security Company of Atlanta," and another similar con cerns, and doclarlng them frauds, pran.b- Ited them the use of the malls, Tho nameB of Governor Northern State Treasurer Hardeman and •other prominent people appeared as officers and directors of the companies, and tho ctlgma of "fraud"'placed upon them by die govern ment, which also threatened criminal prosecution, created a big sensation. Governor Northern Col. Hardeman and others of the more Influential ones who had been Induce.! to allow the use ol their names by the real managers of the concern, quickly withdrew when they found (hat the business came In r on met with Uncle Barn's Ideas of legitimacy, and are still oat of them. But tt appears that tho government' embargo on the conccm'3 business has not had the effect of killing It, a'thimnh at tho time the government shook It was believed that the concern, which Is similar In operation to many others over the country, which arc being both civilly and crlmlnully prosecuted by th government, would lay exceedingly low. Today the Telegraph correspondent came Into possession of an Ingenious cir cular which Is being sent out by tho ■'Equitable.'' It Is after the order of the familiar 1'aul Conrad Gulf Coast Ice com pany Lottery advertisement, and when the-postoftlce people catch on to It, which will probably be when they see this in the Telegraph, It Is More than llke'y that there will be more trouble. Following Is a copy of the Imitation type-written circular letter being quietly sent out under tho heading ol the "Equi table I.oim and Security Company." which company Is under the tun ot’ihc gov. ernment: "To Holders of Live Outstanding Cer tificates of the Equitable Loan and Se curity Company: When the Equitable Loan and Security Company of Atlanta Issued Its certltlcates to you. and each of you, upon your wrtttn application, wo believed the contracts ns set torth *n the certificates to be tn uo sense vio lative of law or morals. We arc still of this opinion. We think the order Issuid ny the government with reference to registered letters and, money oi rtcie was Issued under a misapprehension of 'lie (ved the blank forma lo be u 4 in the Section o f .he Income tax, and will at onee proceed to prosrent* that work. Under- th*- Income tax law. Collector Trammell • stlmates .hat some ta.'itfl per. Iona will have to the burden of thi, new law, though In making returns only W per cent, of that number will Hive to pay the tax. Of tills number there are about 2,0e0 lit Ailnuta, 1.SJ0 In Savannah, 700 In it n on, too In Augusta and 400 In Columbus, Tho bal ance are scattered all five- the state. Two per cent. Is tho imount of the tax. tills being levied on Incomes exceeding tl.WO, though corporations nro tuxed on their net Incomes. Collector Trammell will send blank forms to everybody thought to have an Income of 13,500 in order to catch all the fish In hls net. All corporations are re quired to make returns, regardless of their incomes, though partnerships ar< exempt from returns, and tho members of the firm only nro required to pay th« tax on their Individual Incomes, All returns must be In .he collector 1 ! office by the lint Monday In March and tho collection of tho tax completed by July 1. So far no additions! assistance Has peon furnished the dc|«artment to carry on tho collection of the income tax, but Col lector Trammell thinks that ho will be provided with necessary help as soon as possible by the government. RELIEF FOn NEBRASKA Fourteen Car Loads of Provisions Will Leave Atlanta Today. THE DEBS HABEAS CORIPU6. ent in the Case to Be Heard Next Wednesday. W n-line- 'n, D. C., J*n of K. V. Dot : lei U. id HI What'S also use of wasting tima with infictor cooking material*? Dr. pine's Baking Powik'r naves time and nrm *y. FLOATING IN THE RIVER. Jacksonville. Fla., H.—The body of J.rmv* Luirfberg, aged 35, a fruit commlti-ion mercimrtt of Philadelphia; waa found flouring In' the St. John'* river thl* morning. Lumbers came her* December 25 for hi* health. He dWap- p-ar-d from hi* boarding house on De comber *9. When found, there wo* a gold watch in hi* pocket. *35 cash and a railroad ticket to Washington. D. C. He wae a partner of Paul Pohl. com mission merchant. Ilia elster. Mrs. J. E. Jones, live* a* 75th and Butit street, Philadelphia. RAILROAD ORDERED SOLD. Charleston, 8. C.. Jan. 14.—Judtge Slmonton in the United States district court today signed u. decree ordering sale by Special Master Hagpood, on February 15, at the Charleston. Boas ter and Northern raHrmd. The peti tion wo* (tied In behalf of she Atlantic Coast Line and ,vss not opposed. DISTRICT ATTORNEY NAMED. Washington, Jan. It.—Attorney Gen eral Olney has appointed H. H. Buck- man of Jacksonville, Fla., assistant United Stale* district attorney for the Southern district of Florida. TUB «»*LV ONK PRIXTKD ' Cmm Yim Find Itl There Is a 3-lnch display sdrerLa*. meat lu this paper this week which ha* no two words alike except «ue word. The name is true ol each new one appearing each week, from the Dr. Harter Medicine Company. This boo** places a ‘‘crescent’’ on everything they nuke and publish. Look for it, send the name of th* word, ami they #w return you a book, beautiful inn, grapht or samples Ins, s-nteJ to tae 1 supreme court < r tlio Unit".! Sta'rs t -lay by C. S liarrur of counsel for tho Imprisoned oflb I lls. Dribs et. al. were nUnttlMi of the famoua railroad strike In Chloago tost Bummer an-1 were recently sent tr» JU” by Judge W'.od of the Seventh clrcuH court foe ronttmpt of court in refusing to obey the orders of court In connec tion with tbit strike. They applied to Judge Oroseup for ra'*as* on n writ of hnbtiaft corpus, which he refused to grant! nnd from u it decision they ap pealed to the Bupreime court of the United States. Application was made toy Mr. Darrar to Justice Harlan Sat urday for a writ, hut be referred the Application tn the full court. It was finally determined toy ttoe court o hear argument on tho question of the Juris diction of ttoe court In respect of a writ of error on Wednesday after ttoe con clusion of any argument that may be In progress on that day.. Atlanta, Jan. 14.- (Special.)—Tho Geor gia relief train to the famine sufferers of Nebraska will leave the .old Georgia l’acltlc yards tomorrow evening at I o'clock. Governor Northon -vas busy to day at the big freight warehouse In th« Georgia Paclltc yards la receiving the In coming contributions and In aiperlntend- lng the collection and loading of the cars. Number of solid car loads of provisions have already arrived and others ara en route, billed lo reach here tomorrow, but there are so many broken contributions that It Is Impossible as yet lo tell jus! how much the train vlll contain. Gov ernor Northen, howover, estimates that there will be about fourteen car loads, wants the good work kept up to ths last minute, however, so that the offering will reach magnificent prnporticn* and will be ready to receive everything that con be got here until late tomorrow af ternoon. SURRENDER NO MORE. The lUritoric Place Is Again Called Appomattox. Washington. Jan. 14.—^"Surrender,"’ the Virginia ipostoffice where, under the famous apple tree, Leo handed hls •word bo Grant, Is '’Appomattox" once more. The porno (Tic a department toil* found a way of bringing about ttoe chang* by ceDhng the new county sent, formeriy known u “Nebraska,” “West Alppamattox," nnd motoring to tho original Appomattox Ita historic name. An elaborate official! explanation accompanying tlio change allows that the selection of rhe name “Surrender" sim on the advice of Mr. Henry Bt. Oeorge Tucker, the representative from tto^t district. A. P. A. TAKES A HAND. Tlio AriKMriHe -Influence May De feat Carter for Koaitnr. Buko, Motir., t4.—A eommlttoo of 'twelve, frosti four loeaP A. 1*. A. lodges kid: for Htfona till I* morning with an a/ldre-- Issued by St ir.on Pres ident J. I). OaUlwo l to flic members of the 1'«'-*Hukv, paateft lng ugdinst the rtlert'l'iu of 'tie Ittiputollein national committee clulnnin, lion. Tti.mis Carter, as' United Hull*a senaitor. A pfl.ntisl cn;iy of'the addnset n iU bo la III on 4ho ib-4t of every legtrikilor ami reul by ltd < cforit of ,Sie house. Car- t.r a Ortbolle uml ttoe address con tains a vlitd' in doouDelation of the sl- logcd P.vpul Interference with civil nml po lticul affairs In 1C)!s coutr.ry ami wfirtH (fie leetslihors in tbo mine of (he A. P. A. not to etaat a Roman ist do the aeiMte on pettilty of pf'l'.ti- cal d uch. Tlie created a tre- m "iidous sennit tin, anil It Is believed If tbo A. P. A.’* In foe legislature obey orders. M may dafm t the Itepnb- Uoia caucus nominee for senator, 11 *f- bslnw •»«!«!« mmnrnw, Good t»ou*cwlv«i never dlsace* as to the suptriority of Dr. Priae’s Bskmg pwutv over every other brand. RELIEF FOR THE MINERS. Cleveland, O.. Jan. 14.—Mayor BToe wu rnoMflcd from Columbus of the condition of the Hocking Valley mi ners rhLmoroIng and he at once called a meeting of tola cabinet. In five min utes enough money was raised to pur chase U0 bairel* of flour, and within an h»ur H was loaded mad Shipped. The <4ty council and ohamber of com merce will take action today. SHOT A NEGRO FIEND. Kiwimme. Fla., Jan. 14.—Yasterday •t Buckle's mills, five nriles south of here. George Hay (white) shot and fataHy wounded George Hardy (col ored). whom be charges with criminal assault upon hi# 7-year-old daughter. Hay will surrender. Hardy u . true plan of the company. None of tr.e undcrslnged would, for any cocidcretlnn engage In any enterprise that could Just ly be classed as a lottery scheme to de. 'fraud any one. While the undersign, d still believe the company, ns a corpora tion, is and will be at all times able to carry out its contracts ss expressed la the certificates, yet In view of tho pro-st bl* uneasiness on the part ot some of our certlhcate holders anil to n-yss'irt them In the premise*, we, tl.o .;n", ry|„n ed officers and stockholders or re. , tom pany. In consideration ->f the purchase of the certltlcates made l-y you. hereby personally obligate ourselves to you each ot you, and bind oursclvoa qs pirti. vidua!*, that the Equitable Tvun nnd Se curity Company will fully, completely and In all respecta carry out It* crntracc us set forth In Its certificates Issued to you and each of you. Witness our hands and se-ila, this De- cf tnncr 14, lias. H. E. W. Palmer, (Beal). William 8. Thomson, (Scat). John 8. Owens, (Beal.) P. If. Harrolson. (Beal) I hereby certify that (he shove la a true copy both from the minute* nnd hies of the company. John S. Owen*, Secretary. BAILEY ON TRIAL. Jurors Admonished Not to Read thl Newspap-rn. Allsntd, Jan. 14.—(Special.)—B. O. Bailey, tlndlcted as an -accessory to tilt murder of Cajit. H. O. King, for wliict crime Alex Carr is now und.-r aonteuci to hang on Veto. 7tto, wda nlaced on trial, in the superior court today. Judgt Richard H. Clark presiding. Carr wu also brought Into court. He Is allcgeii to be insane, and motion for a now trial Is now pending. Bailey was accompanied la the court room by hi* wife. The whole of she dly’n session wm spent In getting a Jury. When courl adjourned for the day Judge Clark ad monished the Jurors that they must not read the newspapers. He referret! to the conduct of the Jury that trlpf Carr qnd gav* notice that he would Investigate It. saying tlie Jurors weri guilty of contempt of court In hav'.ni newspapers flipped In to them. ATKINSON AT MILLED JEVIlLT. Atlanta, a an. 14.—(dpoa al )- G jvvru or Atkinson hls gone >o Mill•is.cvtlli to pay a pt- . 1 vc.l to •.■•'.' N r. Ill il • : I ! . ' r .11 U ■ I !■< stale lunatic asylum. He wul bo abaerf from the .itlve offle mi.' I V.'. -In.., Uuy. A cltvy complexion Is a woman's glory. Pastry made with,Inferior bak- the powdero op-lls R. Dr. Price's Crsusn Baking Powder Is a surety ol REPUBLICANS IN CONTROL. Sallow and blotched convalexton* are rtcducod by alum, ammonia and other adulterant* in hok'l.v? powder. Th* perfect -purity at Dr. Price'* ts a guar anty again*! every facial blemish. ATLANTA'S INVESTIGATION. Effort Will Be Made .o Coniine It to Narrow Limit*. Atlanta, Jan. 14.—<SpM<al>-The B<H commlttcr-gcncraily referred to a* Atlanta'* Lexow—will begin ||* work tomorrow morning at > o'clock on tho Investigation of ttoe character of Mr Aoa Baker, el;lit of the police court, which Is the specific case In 1*tnd. Two hundred and snore witnesses have al ready been subpoenaed, and U la ex- peeted that the lnrea0gatJon will bring out a whole troop of municipal n nwi- ttons, although there one many who predict than the public will be disap point-d la IU expectation* In thl* re- ■pevt. Under the reooluUon creating the In vestigating committee, pow r -waa only granted to Investigate Clerk Raker. 8o far as Baker mmuelf I* concerned, there I* little in the Investigation that tlie public care* -about, but It la the onaal- Witty that otter thine* will be brought out In the way Of direr .Min* witnesses on both oidc* that will exult In the rUvargement of the committee’* action. Ttoe meat tn the cocooaiut 1* that two rival political elements—one Bucking Bak r and the other defending him— are brought to daggers' points. About the only thing that will satisfy the de tective side will be Baker's dismissal! In dlagrace. If the charges against him are not sustained—and there la a very reasonable doubt of that—the pfl'ev de partment will be In a hole hard to get out of. A good d.hl of bluffing ts being done on both side*, especially It appear* by the police, who would probably pur sue a different course If '.hey had the tlkllig to do over again. ’Ill) grand Jury spent a good many days in In vestigating charge* of uribe.v against the detective* li-t summer, but fatl-J, and this fact will be an advantage to them In the present instance. It Is understood that the lawyers on both skies will try to k*;p the Investi gation down to the obarges against Baker strictly, keeping teat all cjbIct- chsrgea not bearing directly upon that THE MSATADFB CRGO A-FIRE. Columbia, 8. C., Jan. 14.—The South Carolina railroad commission today Is sued a circular establishing Joint freight rates of M per ce.rt. less than the sum of ttoe local rote* on all rail road* In the state. This 1* the first Ume the state has ever bad a Joint rate. The South and Coast Line system* have been opening tins rate, mutatly agreed on, however, tout the other system* refused to come In. •till BUCKLIN'* ARNICA SALVE The best sale* In lb* world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeura. fever sorts, utter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns; and all tniptloiu. and positively cures pile*, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refund'd. Price. 25 cent, per box. F. i • de by IL J, La mar *. Sons, druggist*. Th* First People’• Party Qovemui nt Ho* Ceased to Exist. Topeka. Kan., Jan. 14.—At noon to day the “first People's pyrty govern ment on earth” passed out of exd#tenco and the Republicans again took pou- sbsslon of .he Kansas state house. Th* office seekers brought a strong press ure upon Oovsmor-eleot Morrill to in due* hkn to take the oath of onion this morning ut 5 o'clock, and thus prevent Governor Levelling fro-n aiq«>intlng any more Fopullisis to office and hav ing hls appointment* confirmed toy tile Popuist senate, but he declined to break the custom which has been In vogu* ever since the organisation ot the stale. As a result the send* wu.; In executlv* session during ttoe entire morning, aottng upon Governor Lessen ing's mppolntmenu. The governor-el-vt and retiring governor ■were escorted to the stag* too us* toy a civic and military pared*. The oath of office urns adtanlnlalcred by Chief Justice Horton Inunedtatoly after tho Parewetl aildrc** of Governor Unsclllng was delivered. The city U crowded with visitors and the entire day and night to as twvn given up to a celebrajlon at the return ot the KepUbMain* to power. A VETERAN'S VERDICT. The War ij Over. A Well-known Sol- dier, Correspondent and Journal- lit miasm a Disclosure. Is csss; imi "hoi/’ has woo*! tng the late war Id. If. Y. Cavalry i mil do t>tat —pact th.' rapidly uUofbrt— ."ii fan try Volunt elrcum*Lance he • •^•veral of u Dr. M 1 Ll- tUfact the ,'K M of ihi old y t fOi and NerTe ai tpkjpdld—U Nerrlne, Hear iu all of turn . tn fact, we ban nat compare wtth the *mw tin y are the bex i' .. mind I i We ha ■» iry ij. rent' Vewellq Marlon. I ml. Dec.; medlta are gold by all druxiri 1 Ikh trt* ‘in I . 1 Udwo'.tw's* tin.,!-