The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 17, 1895, Image 8

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il'IBIWW—mi THE MAC OH TELEGRAPH: TH iSDAY MORNING, JaHUARY 17, 1895, I THE W0RLD_0F TRADE. Reports ry Wire From the Great Markets. New York, Jan. 16.—Money on call was em»y at 1 per cent., laet loan at 1 and cloaloc offered at 1 per cent. Prune mercantile paper,' Sat per cent Bar Oli ver, MS. Sterling exchange dull, with actual bualneao In bankers’ bllla at t.l17% to 4.83 for sixty days and 4.8874*4.89 for demand. Posted rates, 1.89a4.9U. Com mercial bllla 4.MH*t.n. Oovemment bonds steady, state bonds weaker, rail road bonds firm. Silver at the board was 5974 bid. STOCKS AND BONDS. New York. Jan. 14.-Speculation at the stock exchange was even more quiet than usual today, only 117,535 shares changing hands. Of this total 28.WJ0 were Chicago Oas and 10,000 sugar. Chicago Gas alone saved the market from utter stagnation. The recent action of Attorney General Moloney has disturbed small holders and there is a steady dribbling of long stock by this class. A new feature of the trading In this specialty was the selling on sixty days of opflsns at 697*a'(i against 71a71U regular. A rumor was current that the pool In the stock had dissolved und that the members had taken up their lndivdual holdings. There 4s no way of confirming the report, but the action of the stock of late rather confirmed this theory. The general market, while dull, was llrm, the engagements of gold and the political crisis In France having had no Influence on the market. Prices, how ever. were better, especially for New York Central, Illinois Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Lake Shore and the Grangers, which moved up anywhere from 74 to 1% per cent., Lake Shore leading. As r rule, the best prices of the day were cur rent In the last hour of business. The market closed firm and 1«a74 por cent, higher for Lake Shore, Northwest, 8t ’ Paul, Rock Island and Lackawana, and li to 1 per cent, lower for the other Is sues. . The bond market was higher. Treasury balances—Coin: 571,912,000; cur rency, 168,376.000. aaiLBOAO STOCXS, Amor. Cot. Oil... 29 J5., C. and Bt. L.. 05 do prefd. t>7‘/f U. S. Cordage.... 6% Am. Sugar ltehn; do profd; 10 7, do pref’d. I'll, New Jersey Cen.. 91 Am Tobacco Co. 9s , Now lork i'eu... tl9% do met'd. 108'/. N. Y. and N. E.. 32?* A T. and s. To 1% Norf. andW'.pref 19 Balt, and Oluo.. 6'2 : l; Northern Pacino- 8?{ Canadian 1’xcillo iay, do profit 17 V. Chcan. and Ohio. 17 Northwestern ... #6^ Ch'. and Alton. .140 do profd.143 •'Chi., B. and (J... 71M Pnclflo Mnth 22?4 Chicago Oas 73M Beading. W, Dei., L.andW-.Ji62% m. C.ltln V US' vunee of 1 to l polnta The strength the market displayed plainly Indicated Its oversold condition. This Interest hss been largely Increased during the past week by large sales of futures In the I vnarket e* hedraa aealnat snot cot ton by a prominent Greek bouse and lo cal exporters. Five thousand bales of May were sold here today In this way at 6.(3, but the market as readily ab sorbed the offerings as It hat In the past at tba prices. It Is no exaggenrtlon to nay that somo of tbe largest bears arc getting nervous at the manner In which the short Interest Is being Increased, and In the present uncertain condition of af fairs It would require but ll'tle fresh outside buying or slightly bullish news to frighten them Into covering, In which event a substantial advance would fol low. The receipts of ootton at the ports today were 25,621 bales, against 32.704 last week and 27.881 last year, making the total so far for the week 134,446, ngalnst 141.460 last week, while the exports for the day aggregated 44,621 bales, bringing the total for '.he week up to 186,437, or Just 60.991 hales more than the receipts. The eeml-weekly movement at the thir teen leading towns show receipts of 48,440 bales and shipments of 68,3e7. against re ceipts of 45,000 last week and shipments of 62,000 and rec4pts, 41.S4J and shlpmenfs 45,831 Inst year. The stocks held In these towns show a loan of 20.000 bales for the week, and are now 431,202 bales, against 360,740 last year. E. B. Cuthbert & Co. low, 2 13-10al; prltri. 1C I; good fair. Mall: fa!', ion, 8a9; common, Hd). Frlr-tlv it* 1 1-U; choice yellow, to 17; prime, 12al3 2G&11; good common, Ceuliifutfal; Strictly prime, 11; Jood prime, 8a9; prime, 6a7; good fair. 5afi; fair. 6a«: good common, tool common. 4ao; new syrup. Pali. Rice—Steady; fancy. &HM4: choice, 4% to 514: prime, 4Ha%; good, 4K*H; fa*r. 3% to 4; ordinary. 3%a4; common. 2%a3U,; in ferior. 2H*%. Coffee—Rio, fair, 18*; low fair, If. Crude cotton seed oil at wholesale— Strictly prime crude. 22a24; loose, refined, 28a27. UVERrOOL. Liverpool, January 10.—Spot cotton market demand fair, prices easier. American middlings 31-16. Hales 12,000 bales, of which 1,000 were lor speculation and export, and included 11,300 American. Receipts 24,000 bale*, of which 22,000 were American. Futures quiet. Closed. | Opened. | January Jan.*F«b Fob.-March Marcb-AprU April-May Mar-Juue Juno-July July-August.... Aug-Hept Bept-Oct 2 62-64 2 63-64 2 6304 1- 04 2- i>l 3 2 64 3 4-64 6-64 6-64 fl-64a3 9-64 1 62-64 2 <2-61 263-64 3 3 2-64 3 3-61 3 4-64 3 6-64 3 7-64 8-64 l)i« and Cattle b* 10* E. T.. V. andO do prefd. .... Erie. W do prord. 21*4 Oen.Electne.... 34V, Illinois Con 87X Lake Erie and >V 15\ • » do prefd. 71 LakeBhor6 13? Vt Lou. and Mash... Co Lou. and N. Alb. 7 Manhattan Cons. 105 Mem. and Char.. 10 Michigan Cen... 95 Missouri Pacific. 23M Mobtioand Ohio. 16*.J STATS BOXDS. Alabama class A.102 Teune'ao old 6s.. M B.104 M C* 03 Ja. stamped 4 S..100 N. Carolina 6s....100 - 4s....124 OOVERNKXirr BONDS. U.B. 4s reflat'd.. 113 | U. B. 4a regular.. VJ U.b. 4* ooupona.113 | • Did, f Askod. t Ex dividend. Reading. R. and W, Pt.Ter Rock ls’undU.... €*&£ bt. Paul 66$ do prefd.117% Silver Certifle’es. 69% Tonu. C. and 1... 15*; do prefdt 70 Texas Paciflo.... 9*4 Union Pacific.... Ilk \V., Ht. L. and P. 6% do prefd. 14 k Western Union.. 87$ WhTg and L. E. 0% do prefd. 39 Southern Ivy 6a THE MANCHESTER CLOTH MARKET. Manchester. Jan. 18.—The Guardian In its commercial article says: Business hits been quieter. cwlhff If* the roalcr t dcncy of cotton. The docllne In silver on the Indian exchange, ha. awakened a feeling of anxiety In regard to the | res pect. of exchange on India in tins imme diate future. Moat purchasers 01 Indian good, are very abort of business. They are quite bare of orders and are unable to resist the lowering prices with rhe al ternative of stopping their machinery. Workable business ha. been very moder ate. A few producer, of China staples and the best Indian shirtings are lalrly engaged, but the mlacellaneoua business Is moderate and Irregular. Yarns are quiet and spinner, nre sometimes willing to accept offer, which they had previously declined. new set-te. . j j , * i COTTON. Macon, January 18. The Macon market for spot cotton la quiet at the following quotationa- Good Middling «X Middling........ f Mrict Low Middling 4?-, Low Middling 4*/. Good Ordinary Ordinary New York, Jan. ld.-flpot cotton dull, middling gull #: middling upland 6%; Bala. 38,100 bales. Tba tutors market Opened quiet and eloaod January February March ,*7- Juno., July August (September October. November December GRAIN AND PROVISION& I Chicago. Jan. 18.—lock of speculation was tho one principal cause for weakness In wheat today. The decline was not very great and It was nil recovered at tho close, when the crowd endeavored to cover their c.riy Mies. May open, ed from 5774 to 6771. aold between 67S and 5814, closing at 58—74 of a cent higher W, . than yeaterday. Cash wheat sale, were „ *?“• —y I at steady prices, tho nominal feeling being rs®' 30/ » | easier after business was concluded, but the Anal tone was Arm with the futures. Com.—Thl. market was In one of the lowest stages of dullness, outside orders being conspicuously absent nnd the local scalpers and professionals seemingly giv ing their attention to wheat, where tho action was a little more pronounced. Tho movement of prices showed that sympa thy with wheat was the only Influence, but the range waa narrow and restrict ed. May corn opened st 4774. sold between 4774 and 4S%*84. closing at 4774—unchanged from yeaterday. Cash corn was *4 of a cant per bushel lower. Oats.—The Incident of the day In oats came during the Inst Hour when several of the largo houses. Including Rartlett, Frasier A Co.. Norton A Worthington and Baldwin & Famum, began offering freely. The selling was In the line of u raid, prices declining 74 of a cent, but recovering fully before the close. Con siderable long oats were sold while the flurry lasted. May closed a shade under yesterday. Cash oats were steady. Provisions.—Packers probably bad an insight Into matters In the hog line yea. terday. which explain, their selling of provision on that day. The estimates of the receipts of the live animals ware placed at a liberal figure, hut the run to day was far In excess thereof nn dprlccs were off from 15 to 2 Ocents per hundred pounds. Those who brought product yes terday needed no urging to Induce them to dlipose of their holdings nnd a de dine throughout the Hat was the natural outcome. At the close May pork was 1774 cent, lower than yesterday, May lard 19 cents lower and May ribs 'VialO cents -tower. . H NAVAL BTORE3. Wilmington, Jan. 18.—Rosin firm at L08 for (trained; good strained, 1.06. Spirits of turpentine steady at 28 cents. Tar steady at 96 cents. Crude turpentine firm; herd, 1.10; soft, 1.60; virgin, 1.70. Savannah, Jan. 18.—Spirits of turpen tine market opened and closed firm at 26 cents for regulars, with sales of 330 casks; receipts, 174 casks. After closing, sales were made at 2674 cents. RoJln—Market quiet for the finer grades and firm for the tower grades, with de mand poor for former and strong for lat ter. Sales, 2,608 barrels. Quote A. B, C. 1.00; D. 1.06; B. 1.10: P, 1.16; O, 1.35; H. 1.16: I, 1.90; K. 2.J0; M, 2.65; N. 2.70; window glass, 2.80; water white, 3.06. Charleston, Jan. 1*.—Turpentine firm at 2SV4 cents; no receipts. Rosin—Good strained firm at 1.00; re ceipts, 147 barrels. MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. STATU OP GEORGIA BONDS. BIAAskl 7 per cent bonds, Jan. and-July coupons, maturity 1898 108 101 474 per ceat bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1915. ...115 114 474 per cent bonds. Jan and July coupons, maturity 1922 ut U7 374 per cent bonds, Jaa. and July coupons, maturity long date.. 100 101 MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 5 per cent bonds 104 104 Atlanta bonds pries as to rata of Intarest ind maturity 100 U8 Augusta bonds, price as to rate of lntcrese and maturity 100 111 Rome bonds, 8 per cent 10174 106 Columbus 6 per cent l-onds Macon 8 per cent boi terly coupons 113 111 RAILROAD BONDS. Ha van nab. Amsrlcus and Mont, grtnery railroad • per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons 5174 6274 Gsorgta Southern and Florida railroad 4 per cent bonds. Jan. and July coupons, due 1973.... S3 n South Georgia and Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons ;r Northeastern railroad Indorsed 4 per cent bonds. May and November coupons 100 Macon and Northern railroad certificates of bonds, .March and September coupons 44 44 Charleston. Columbia and Au gusta railroad 1 per cent bonds 98 lot railroad STOCKS AND deben tures. Corn—2 pound cans. 93 cents to 31.50 per dossil. String Beans—3 pound cans, 98 cento ja?r Tomatoes—2 pound cans, per dozen. 80 cents; 1 pound cans, 31. Okra and xon-movs—i pound cans, 31.10 pe» doxen. Juno Pe.ce—5 pound cans, 11.25 per dozen. Red Cherrtos—2 pound can*, 31.60 p;r dozen White Cherries—! pound cnr.a,JL7l per dozen. Lima Beans—31.25. Peacbeo-^1 pound cans, 31.60 per dozen. Pineapples—1 pound cans. 31.50 to 32.25 per dozen: grated. P. A W.. 32.25. Raspberries—2 pound cans. 31.85 por dbzen. Strawberries—2 pound cans, 31.68 per dozen. Peaches, pie—2 pound ennj, 31.35 per dozen. Apricots. California—3 pound cans, 32.25 P» F dozen. Peach;*. California—32.25. ^Pig Feet—2 pound cans, 32.25 per Roaat Beef—1 pound cans. 31.20 per dozen: 4 pound sans. 32 per dbzen. Corn Beef—2 pound esns, 31.85 per dozen. Potted Ham—1-4 pound can., 65 cents lozra. i-2 pound cans, 31.25 per | OpenaA | Cioaei Suze Lunch Tongues—1 pound cans, 33 per dozen. Tripe—2 pound cans. 31.85 per dozen. DRY GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by S. Waxd- Vaum & Son, Prints—Berwick, t l-3c; standard 4 1-2 to 5c; turkey red. 4 to 5 l-3c; Indigo blue, 4 to 474c.; eoilda. 4 to 6 cents, £hevtines—3-1*374. *s4c.; 4-iM-S, 5 cents. Ticking*—From 5 to 12c. Checks—3 1-2 to 8a Bleachlnge—Fruit of the Loom, 6 1-4 to 1 1-Jc. onds quar- FRUITS AND NUTS. Corrected by 4. A. Cullen. Figs—Dry, choice, 12 1-2 to )5 cents. Peanuts--North Carolina, 3 1-2 cents; Virginia, 4 and b cents Lemons—3.50a 1.00. Nuts-TArragonla almonds is cents pet sound: Nasles walnuts it cents: Frenco walnuts 10 cents; paeans iu cents Apples—Sun dried, 6 to 7 cents per pound Rolzlns-.V*— In market. 1.75 per box; London layers, 2.00 per box; loose Mus catel EGG3 AND PRODUCE. DR. J. WHITMAN. DR. R. RBNWICK. Por two days only this visit, OCTOBER 24 and 25. WEDNESDAY and THTTRS. DAY. All who call on these eminent physicians the above date will receive all medical services and surgical treatment FREE UNTIL CURED. The object of this FREE SERVICE la to become quickly acquainted with tht elck; also to demonstrate the .uperlor excellence of their methods of treating all diseases of a chronic or long-standing nature. The doctors feel assured that th, grateful endorsements of the many they relieve and cure will give them, durini their future visits, an extended practice that will amply repay for this great out!,; of time and money. Although they treat all diseases of a chronic, long-slab*!, obscure or difficult nature, and euro many so-called incurable dlleasee, they wish | thoroughly understood that If, after a thorough examination, your care is feusi to be Incurable we frankly tell you so and reserve the right to reject all sue. MAIN OFFICE 80 WALTON STREEET, ATLANTA, GA. ALL DISEASES AND DEFORMITIES TREATED. CATARRH CURED-Consumptlon In the Incipient stage; Bronchitis, Asthma Rheumatism, all diseases of ths nose, throat, lungs, stomach, liver and kldnpjv Scrofula, Sores, Ulcere and all chronic blood troubles; Eczema, Psoriasis, Plmpla Blotches and all skin troubles treated and cured If accepted. NERVOUS DISEASES—Epilepsy positively and permanently cured. Nervous ch. bllity from any causa Hysteria. Neurathenla, Chorea, St. Vitus? Dance, etc, poa. tlvely cured by the London Specific treatment If curable. DISEASES OF WOMEN,—We examine ladle, without exposura and treat al> diseases peculiar to their sex without tbe use of rings, pessaries etc., by a new aoi painless method. MEN—Weak, Diseased, Despondent—Men suffering from premature decay »x haueted and enfeebled [cowers, diseases raustng losses, drains, weak or tolling men ory, blotches, pimples, impure blood, falling of hair, etc, should visit them once. By their Anglo-German methods and remedies they guarantee such gutter, ere Immediate relief and a permanent ours. CANCERS and malignant tumors and growths, all enlargements and glandule, swellings removed and cured without the use of a knits. No pain. No matter whet disease you are suffering from, or how long standing; no matter how many pbyil clans have tailed to cure you. call on us. It will cost you nothing and vou nn. profit by It. Office hours 9 a. ra. to 8 p. m. y “ J ' »l WalUm atTMat. AtUmcta (Jj nxcxirrs axo xxroars. mmrnmniinTiTTiiitiTtT •• Export* to G. Britain. “ Exports to France., “ Exports to continent Stock on band at New York rKTtEe I WmIl FUTURE QUOTATIONS Tti® leading future* ranged as follcffs! WHEAT— Opntng. Highst Lwsfc Clear Central railroad common stock.. U U Central railroad 6 per cent, de- betures a a Southwestern railroad stock.... 70 73 Georgia railroad itock ...1ft 157 Atlanta and West Point rail road debentures W gj Atlanta and West Point railroad ■lock 80 a Central railroad Joint mortgxr.o 7 p«r cent, bonds. Jan and July coupons 119 13) Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bond*. Jan. and July coupons. due 1897 103 Georgia railroad 0 per ~ent. bonds. Jan. and July coupon*. July coupon*, due 1910 U0 111 Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bonds. Jan. and Juiy coupons, due 1923 115 Montgomery :u.l Ejfauli r.vl- roud, 6 ge? cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1309.... 102 lto Ocean Stea/ns.V.p bond*. 5 per flue 193) n Columbus and Western railrqxd 6 p«‘r cent. July coupon* 110 111 Columbus and Home rallroid 6 per ceit. bond*. Jan. and July coupons ,..3* 4* Augusta an I Knoxville 1 per cent, bonds, Jin. and July coupon* dun 1900 105 LOCAL BONDS AND STOCKa Macon Gaa Light and Water consols. May and November coupon* 73 Wesleyan college 7 per cent.' bonds, Jin. and July coupoor. 105 115 Macon Volunteers' Armory 7 pee cent, bonds, Jon. and July cou pon* KH iu» Bibb Manutncturlng Company 6 per cent. bond*. April and OcL coupons J08 UB Progress Loon and Improvement Company * , » * Southern Phpsphat* Company stock .-71 *> (Corrected every Saturday by E. A. Wax- elbaucn ft Bro.) Hen*. 23-271-2. Chickens, 16-20. Turkey*. 65-51.09. Geese, 40-SQc. Eggs, 18-20c. Butter. 15-lSc. Sweet Potatoes, &45c. Irish Potatoes, 52.3. Hutahegars, 51.73. Cabbage, 51*30. Onions, 52.60. White Peas, 75-1.N. Country Ground Peas, 50c. Evaporated Apples, 10c. Georgia Syrup, 25-280. anwtwwmwwmmnmk ^ Q P P flmptos* Blotches 3| ■ * .U—Li and Old Sores 3l ZZ PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT rTT-jrr, =31 and potassium Catarrn, Malaria ^1 Makes < and Kidney Troubles ^1 MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Corrected Every waturday by th. S. Jaqua. & Tinsley Co. The following are etrlotly wholesale prices: FIsh—KIt. white fish, too: in halt barrels. J4i mackerel In half barrel*. No. t, 33.75: No. 2 in kit*. 88 cents. Flour—Beat patent, por barrel, 83.21; ■econo patent, 81.U; straight, 33.75; fam ily, 33.50: l.iw crane*. 32.25. Sugar—Standard granulated, 4<4 cents; extra C New York, 174 cento; New Or. leans clarified, 174 cento. Bay—We quote Coday No. 1 Timothy at til and fancy. 119. Meat*—Bulk nl.les, 874 cent*. Oat*—Mixed, 45c; white, 47c. Lard—Tierces 8 cents; car.*, 874 cent*; 16-pound can*. 9 cents. Oil—lie. Snuff— Lorlllard'* Moceaboy snuff, (tone Jarx 43c V-f pound; glass jar*. 45c per pound; 2-ounce bottles, 39.900 per gross; 3-ounce cans, 17.80 per gross; 1-pound cans, K.'.-J per gross; luurooo snuff, 1-ounce glass, 6c: 1-ounce tins, 31.28 per gross. Tomato catsup—Dints. 90c; quarts, 31.35. Hemlny—P»r bvT»1, 7-173. Meal-Bolted, 66 cents; plain, U cents. Wheat—Bran. 75o. Hams—1074 t" H cents- , , Shoulders—9 l-lo. unu U0.040U *6,707 49,858 “ Export, to G. B. 2,1183,837 “ Exp. to Frsnos. 519,91h - Exp. continent. 1,445,5*3 New Orleans. Jan. iu.—CvUuu future* closed steady: salesio ,500 bslea TS January 8 14 February 6 *30 August. M.reh —** 5 33 September.. April 5 35 May 6 41 Jane 6 47 October. November.. December. 8 87 ... 8 61 ... 8 65 Jan. May July. . . I. , conN- Jsn. . . . , May. . . . July. . . . , OATS- Jan. . . . May. . . , PORK- Jan. . , . May. . . . LARD- Jsn. . . . May. . . . Rins- Jan. . , . May. . . . 8474 5774 8874 48H 47% 4774 8474 83*4 8874 4874 41 4774 8.8274 6.8274 8374 3774 6174 4874 4774 4774 *»74 •«% 84% 68 88% 4874 4774 4774 28% *0% 1117% 11.4274 8.62% 6.82% • PORT QUOTATIONS. Oalveston, Jan. 14—Steady; middling, 4 3-18; net recelpta, 4184; stock, 259.992. Norfolk. Jan. 14—Dull, middling, 6741 net receipts, UN; stock, 84844 Baltimore. Jan. 14—Dull; middling, 874; stock, 14977. Boston, Jsn. 14—Dull; middling, 674; net receipts, 1.813, Wilmington, Jsn. 14—Dull: middling, 6; nst receipts, 4B, stock, 22,084 Philadelphia, Jan. 14-Qulet; middling, 8; stock. 18,264 Savannah, Jsn. 14—Steady, middling, 574; net receipts, 3,424; stock, 94,633. New Orleans. Jan. 14—Very steady; middling, 674; net receipts, 4974; stock, 284.444 CASH QUOTATIONS. Flour was dull and unchan sed; prices irer# steady. No. 2 spring wheat. 68al4 No. 2 red wheat, 8474- No. 2 corn. 4574. No. 2 oat*. 29*2974, Pork. ll.Ski3774. Lard. 48274*8774. Rhort rib sides, 1074*14 Dry salted shoulders. 478*3774 » — Short rib sides, 5.96*488. Whisky, 3122. NEW YOnK PRODUCE. New York. Jsn. 14—Butter, quiet, weak; state dairy. 10a»; state creamery, 18*13; Western dairy. 18*15; Western creamery, 16aS; Elgin*. 24 Cotton seed oll-Dull. easy; crude, *4; Mobile. Jan. 14—Quiet; middling, 8; net I yellow, prime. 23%; yellow, choice. 29. —— r — • —— L io l Petroleum—Nominal. ‘ Rosin—Dull, steady; strained, common recelpta, 881; stock. 37,747. Memphis, Jan. 14—Strong; middling, 6%; net receipts. 4138; stock, 1241 Augusts, Jsn. 14—Very steady; mid dling. 874; net receipts, 419; stock, 38.214 CLutoatos, Jos. 15- Steady; middling, MV net receipts. 1.(09; stock, 81,614 Cincinnati. Jan. 16.—Steady; middling, 574; net receipts; 4215; slock, 14464 1-oulsvlUe, Jsa. 14—Quiet; 6 3-18. Ht. Louis. Jsn. 44—Steady; middling; 6%; net receipts, 434; stock, 74894 Houston, Jsa. 14—tltesdy; middling, 1%; net ivCclptr. *«■•*: ,*ock, 67,* B. B. CUTHBERT * CO.'B LETTER. New York. Jsn. 18.—(Special.!—'The feat ure of the opevulatloa la cotton today was toe remarkable strength li dhideyv! In tbe tore of the spelhettc condition of the lAterpeol market, liberal receipts, lack of speculation and a further decline In print clothe In ihovldence and Fall River. There were other factors which were against any Improvement In the price of cotton, but the foregoing were regarded ee eufflct-wtly bearish to de press th* marker, but much to the sur prise of the bears, price* refused to break; In fact, they showed a strong dls- [Mlitoa to advance throughout the en tire day, finally closing nr mat an ad- to good. 1.36al.4& Turpentine—Quiet, firm, 2374*29% Bice—Fair demand, firm; domaatic, fair to extra. «%*9; Japan. 471*474. Molasses—Foreign, nominal: New leans open knttl*. good to choice, 25a54; quiet and steady. reanuts-QuIet. Coffee—Firm at 18 to 15 nrdnfi decline. January. 14.00; March. lt.kanl4.iB; May 13.18*14.08; July. U.89; September, 13.I5.XC December, 14.00. Spot Rio—Finn, quiet; No. 7. 14 Sugar—Raw: Firm, quiet; fair refining, 3ta. Refined: Steady, unchanged. Freights to Liverpool—Dull, gearce; cotton. 7-44-1. nominal; grain. l%d. s«nip»i NEW ORLEANS 8UOAR. &G New Orleane. Jan. 14-Sugar, steady molasses, quiet. Sugar—Open kettle: Strictly prime; 3 8-18: full fair. 1 l-l«a3-lf: good fair. * 1-18 to 3 3-18; fair. 3 1-14*3-18; g * 1 16-11*3: common. 1 15-78*4 Centrifugal: Choice whit*. 3 6-18*74; off while. 37*76: grey white. 1. »-t8; rhot-e yellow, 3 18-16; prtmo yellow, I 13-14V, off yellow, 3 7-18*74; second*. 175x374. Molasses-Open kettle: Oood prime, Acme Brewing Company.. BANK STOCKS. First National Bank stock 128 American National Bosk stock.. Exchsag* Bank stock Union Savings Bank and Trust Company stock Central Georgia Dank itock Macon Savings Bank stock Central City Loan and Trust Company stock 18 DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Corrected Every Saturday by Henry J. Lamar A Sona. Ctnamon Bark—Per bound. 12 to 13c. Cloves—Per pound. 16 to 25c. Drugs ind Chemicals—Gum aasafoo- tide, 55c pound: camphor gum, 55 to 85c pound: gum cptuin 3449 to 11.60 pound; morphine, 1-8*. 32.IS to 3445 ounce; qui nine (according to sire) 33 to 90 cents ounce: sulphur, 4 t- 4c pound; aalts, Ep som. 3 1-3 to 3c pound: copperas, 2 to 30 pound; salt petrv. -A to 12c pound) ba rs X. 16 to lie jocund; bromide potash, 50 to 56c pc. pounds chlorate, 25 to 20c per pound: catholic acid. 60o to 31.75 pound: chloroform, 78c to 5L40 pound: calomel, 86c to 31: logwood. 16 to !0o pound; cream Irrtar. commercial, 25 to 30c. HARDWARE. Corrected Every Saturday by W. li Henry. Freeh Meats-Wcatern beef, 374 to 8e; Georgia beef. 4 1-3 to So; draasod hogs. « to 674c; Western mutton, 774 cents; na tive mutton. 6 l-2c; smoked pork sau sage. 3 l-2o; fresh park sausage, to; Bo logna sausage. Cc. HIDES. WOOL ETC. I Cortsoled Every Saturday by G. Bernd 24 Co. Green weJt hides. 3 3 7. Goat skins—10 to M cents each. "TV Bbeep Skins—20 to 60 cents each. Beeswax—16 to 32 cants. Wool—Washed, l* to 30 cents per pound; unleashed, iu to 12 cents; burry, I to 10 cuuu. LIQUORS, Corrected Every Saturday by L Cohen & Co. Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardware Company. 'Axes—38 to 31 per doezn. Bar Lead—4-- per pound. Buckets—Paints. 31.23 per dozen; oe* dar, three hoops, 32.28. Card*—Cotton. 3i. Chains—'Trace, 33.68 to 34.0 per dozen. Well buckets—33.25 per dezen. Itopa- YTanlih. 29c; rite!. Sc; ccttss, 12i 11 asms. Shoes—Horse. 34; Mule. 35. H hovels—Ansee. 319 per dozen, fc Shot—Drop, 31.38 per week Wire—Barbed. M6e per opuod. Corn Beet—2 pound cans 22 par dozen. Nail»-»V.(3 base, wire; cut, IL35 has*, base Tubs—Fainted. 32.23; cedar. 34.80 per neet. Brooms—31.38 to 38 epr dozen. Hsnex, iron bound. 33. Measures—Per nest. 31 . Flow Hiadee—4 reals per Mend. Iron—Swede, 4 1-So per pound; refined. Sc bull. Plow stock—Hatmen. 31; Ferguson, MC, , i CANNED GOODS, ! | CoTected Every Haturday by 8. It J*.iu*s * Tinsley Co. Appl »—e-pound cans, 31.28 per doses. Blackberries—2 pound car.!, n pe dozen; 3 pound tips. ?M per dozen. Whleky—Rye 31.16 to 33.30; corn, 31.21 to 11.50; gin, 31.18 to 31.75; North Carolina corn.31.10 to 31.50; Gaorgls corn, 3LW. Wine*—38 cento to 31: high wines, tljS: port and sherry. 31 to 33; claret, 36 to 310 easst American champagne, 37.80 to 3460 per case; cordial* 312 per dozen; bitten. 33 par dozen. P. P. P. makes poaluve cures of all txgps of RilcumaUxin, Syphilis. Blood IW.Hon, Scnrfu'a, Old Somi,, Malaria nml FVmile Comp'ulnts. P. P. Is a powerful Ton’.e, and an ex ooUont apisCIzor, building up the sys tem rapidly. For OH H<nv*, Sltln Eruptions, Pint pica, LTci-r* ami Syphilis, use only P. P. P., oral ttit wdl nod tojoy tfm blows ing only to bo dorivod from the use of P. P. P. (Prtck'y A»b, Poke Root and Potassium.) FOR CORN*, wtirm Avn ritn YON* 17*0 oofy Abbots’* Bast India Corn Ps'.nl. zzz Marvelous Curas S In Blood Poison ^ Rheumatism ^and Scrofula and Kidney Troubles Are entirely rrmoved by P.PJ. * -Prickly Ash. Poke Boot and Potw ‘ ■inm. the greatest blood puriter oa • earth. Abxxdkp.m. O.. July 21.1WL Ga.: DBAS RIM—1 booxht s bottle or morn rr!o.f tti^tlirea ^1 months* treenasnt at the Pot tfprias** Bead three bottlee O. O. D* i *r*%zo£*fc E wTow. - Aberdeen, Brown County, O. w Cap!. J. D. Johnston# - ,,*oJjaudpi-iaaovo;LUrvj .1 ex,.—. HCkMwbaaetnteraaare polaoMd anlmiiura renal- l.dreipwca-traxi Rresutorltlre, Skin Cancer Cared. EltfiaiMy/iromta. Jfsyregf SrjetnJtS* ' breanOuuaty. Mo. •ores. I hove taken fire or - " I sedfeeleooflflentthAtenotbereoer-* —^ i will eBeotii cure. It baeshorelieved .1 ret,, friini ImUStMtlofl Rlsti ■ -JSfjjOWWSg ■s pom Mswbbs sm sumbsot * troobAee. Yoorstrulr, OAPT. W. M. RUST* Attorney st Lair. BccK cq EM nscoses Mil free. ALL DRCQOI8T3 SELL IT. LIPPK1AN I3ROSJ -< | PROPRIETORS, Ltppman's Qiock^sta»iinab,Gn Skating Champion John 8, Joluuon. John S. Johnson, tho sturdy young Minneapolis Swede, Is not only king of American skators, but ho 1s ono of-tho iwlftoit bicyclists In this country. For n number of yuan Joe Donoghue stood at tho head among American skaters, bftt on Fob. 18,1893, Johnson defeatod Donoghue In the majority of the national champion ships and became generally regarded as tba New burg expert's superior. On this occasion Donoghueclalmod to bostok, but rnevs slnco then have generally resulted In Johnson’s favor. Donoghue, however, still hns hope* of wonting his Minneapolis rival, and the men will doubtloss meet In several mors this yonr. During his career on the le* Johnson bo* broken many record*. In January, 1894, It* went against hla own world's Eryslpifas. HwnOcn Mmhs. Bed Bores. Brtilcu and Haito* on the leg bare been unUisdy cur'd by P. P. P., the tnost wonderful tdaod mdlidne of the dty. A conra, of P. P. I*, trill banish all bid Mlo0 and nicoro your built h to perfect (aindltiao. 1th cur*live pow er* are mamdngis. If oat of eons sml In bad humor with yoamelf rod the world, take P. P. p., and bjeomo heaMiy ami rational Ohar’.m SI. Rhirbndy., of San Jose, wt» IxitnAd at otbllob for |3tIO.<JOO the Ban Frnadsco Gall, la the owner ><t the Ban Jcstc Mercury. He Is m yrara old, and Irwin nowtdrai-tr Wort as a c-rrlor for cauks-.e *o tbo De* Muin.w Hcglstcr. jobx 8. jomitoy. record of 1 minute S3 second* for half n mile and cat thereoord to I minute IS 4-6 eecontl*. On Feb. 98 of tbs same year ha broke the world’s ten mile record In Montreal, covering the distance In 31 minutes 11 18 sc-.-onda. The beet prevton* time was made by Nmlth of B4 Paul, who skated tbo ten miles In 38 minutes 37 sec onds. Johnson made tbe entire distance without tbe assistance of pacemakers. -Tlw annual championships of tba Na tional Amateur Skating aaaooUttoo are ached oled for Orange lak«,New Jersey, Jan 19. Tbo programme forth* championship Includes races at 440 yards, one mile, five mile* nnd ten tulles. None of three events came off last winter, owing to Uta absence of suitable Ice at Red Bank, N. J. In tba 1893 series at Rad Bank, Howard Mosbler of Storm Klug. N. Y., won the 440 yard event, and ha 1* training to retain bU tills. Other entries for tba 410 yard cham pionship are Jam and Jos Donoghue, New burg, N. V.; C. and W. Clark, Storm King, N. V.; W. G. Douglass, New York A. C.; K M. PMUIps, New York, and John U. Johnson. _ Pick Headache and n-lk-vn all the l rouble, t: I drat to a bllioua state of ths .Jvtom. ewrti t lXxxItM-M. Nauara. Droaraiocax blatrea. «U rating, l-aln In the HMr, Ac. While thrir >: momrkabla and pn-vrntlng this annoyingci'inplaint. 3 thay also correct all diwinlere of tba atnaM sUmclata the liver and regulate tba L.<- 1 Bren U they only cured Ache they would be aJmrat price Ire. to I who suffer from this dWrcreinc ccmNah but fnrtunatriy their goodness <lnre not 2 hut ami these wlio nor. try them will f* these Ut tie pills valuable la so many ways i they will rot be willing to do without th- But after all sick bead w* make our great boast. Our tills c while others do not. C-umm'e Dm* Liven Pius are v> and vary sasy to take. Onaortwonl a duae. They at* strictly rectal'!- not gripe or purge, but by thrir grail ptoare all wlmuaa them. In vials at See five tort! Bold everywhere, or amt by * C 52722 dl:n;E CO., Be* T«k HE urn* tim TO MANHOOD. —gwjm-y lawDtty, mi-cry. —-ft. JFrmtar* €U A to, V* onrowlliie of Wh. ■ramrasssSa -JUIHAMTLtto IWM. d only by OOODWYN'S DRUG STORa bol. Agenia, O..TX : tn.--.: .r.i C~’ J Avtuue. ilotMa. Ga,