The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 24, 1895, Image 5

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: JANUARY 24, 1895. A 1\/rTTID Tr'' A 1VT JLYlIlAVl'OniN FERTF t 7 * 0 JUJLZ^iJlV POMP A 1S.TV W1U1 HIT 1 . Manufacturers of “PLOWBOY’S BRAND GUANO" and “BLACK ROCK DISSOLVED BONE.” Importers German Kalnit and dealers in Cotton Seed Meal, etc., etc. Sell direct to Farmers. Office under Exchange Bank, Macon, Ga. GUANO SEASON 1895,- -1 his company is new to the farmers who trade in Macon. Its officers, however, are well known to them, as well as arc the brands of Fertilizers they offer. “PLOWBOY’S BRAND GUANO.” T*** 9 ! s on the market. Our Mr. A. M. Rodgers (formerly of Messrs. Itodperw. Worsham & Co., and who recen tly \raa president of the Farmer*’ Supply Company) dfftflnated this brand years ajo. It 1» the best ffuano soia, aa snown by field results—Its anlysls the highest, is proven by the Georgia chemists's analysis. Wo own this brand and formula and are the only manufacturers of It. ^ “BLACK ROCK DISSOLVED BONE.” •fbls 1* the strongest acid phosphate sold in the state. We refer to any of the many farmers who have used It to subat antlato thin statement. Also to Its analyses. We also control and own this brand of acid phosphate, “HARVEST QUEEN FAVORITE.” This brand Is sure to take well with the Intelligent farmer on account of Its Urge percentage of potash, having more than double the quantity of other brands. Besides the fJ??SJr r .S2?S ££*..£££!!!*£ Kalnlt * Urgely In cotton seed meal and all fertilizer material. IVK SHALL HAVE THE BEST FERTILIZERS ON THE MARKET AND BE PREPARED TO SELL THEM LOWER THAN EVER KNOWN. Our Mr. A. M. Rodgere has been selll ng fertilizers to the farmers of this section for sixteen years, and respectfully solicits a continuance of ths liberal patronage heretofore enjoyed for his high grade brands of fertilizers. We cordially invite all rarmers to call at our office under the Exchange Bank, where they will find plenty of room and a warm welcome. Prices and terms furnished on application. AMERICAN FERTILIZER COMPANY, OFFICE UNDER EXCHANGE BANK, MACON, GA. When writing, please mention this pape [{LIED TO GOME SOUTH. meots Advanced by Cotton Mill Companies to (he Massachu setts Legislature atlR PRICES AKE TOO HIGH. . uli.r to* 4 N”' 1 * Mor » T h«n U ««lb. Sent h »nd a Chang. l fUK*l>°. *• * r °“ Bd '° n ® IMlWItl* SWIMIJ' oughly enragrid. He went to the house, bantered (town the door, «m<l when about to enter, Qlllenwuter gave him both barrels of a double-barreled shot gun. Cochran fell dead. GUlenwater escajxvl. HAWAIIAN TOLICY CONDEMNED. 4M, Jan. 22.—The keldMlve com- t murantlld affairs give n K today at the rfUUie house on the a j I i,c llaott and Jlerrtmao Lowell for permlsson to man ure goods outside at the eommoa- A the titter oirpariUlon also t’»k- jcauthority fto Increase Ms capital (toai »2,300,000 to 13.300,000. E. arte, tnuasurer of the Bodtt Milts, addressed the comtre.tJU'e and ex j simples of ttte kind of goods ahctur.d by the mills. Tin**? con- il <>t coarse cotton goods, ilrlL.ugs, fiDi-s shlridngs and a claw of . Ciarko said (that the Boott Mills incorputuoeiil by spuciDl charter In for the mimiticturu of coat on 1 in Lowell, Mass. Bor fifty years . goods have boon made for ex* and home eonsuuipLou, tho only , uiuu tor the greater part of the cutulugs from ibe NofJaern stales from abroad With.n the last few however, oocupdilKon has arisen Sotialncu s'.uus, .where fuel and ire much chiuper. The lucreasa . uumber of mills In the South he u pllenaaitml, hie per • ent be- n tin p>d tuw years OU per cone. ! per cent, at uhe North. All. the kero odis are* mating the uf gjodtas arc being made In 1he Mils, and tticff are making them ifiRkper, and If me Book Oum hboontlnue m make the goods wot maloe tliam vvhero they have me tidvanniges us the Southern [r,san Ibe Southern cocupanies uking a Usui profit at width lw s.irvuitton prices for the Ujmpuuy. He further said that r.M'iiul il-Hiro of the company lu lit move Is to preserve. Its mirks, which are very valuable, ally ill Ute markets, heal Resolutions Passed by the Legislature of In diana. Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 22.—A resolution was presented to the legislature today con demning the Ha-aim policy of President Cleveland's administration in ita evorv phase, denouncing the hauling down of the nag and urglDg the annexation of the ialands and recommending a war ship to bo kept at Hon olulu to prevent any other > s ion from gain ing a foothold there. It fused by a strict party vote. A bill was also put through today providing for t ie flying of tho American flag over every achoolhouse in the state. Mississippi's Vetera, s in Session at Jack- ton. Jackson, Uses., Jan. 22.—The fifth annual convention of the Mississippi division of United Confederate Veterans was called to order in RepresentsUva hall this morning by ex-Oovernor Lowry, major general. The as sociation now numhera fifty-one camps, with a total mnmbcrahip of abont 2,Slid. Governor Lowry said- “1 but volco toe wish of the Confederate veterans that the flag of this gov. emmont may oontinne to float over the entire country, protecting all alike. Secure new lustre and grow in strength, power and great- nets. Franco had her Napoleon, England her Wellington, the world an Alexander, the southern Cunfedetacy her Robert E. Lee, and whan all are grouped togother, the verdio. of mankind will place the great Virginian at the bead of the list." The aaaociationwUl be in session two days. Hi,, ivutpany la allowed to go lb it will Unvote it* Unwell plant •if ® making finer goods on which wjflu* cun be dv.itd. The coni' ini.ii.Is ’to kivp the Southern U' i i heiper goods, although Mr. admitted to a member of the Uait in time It la prottukle h>r lu the South will become tut I as that ut the North.. TVve cap- f the cotnpuny Is n«nv pereiWnd ♦1-SI0.000, but only *1,200,000 hue tamed, no dux enough ran* to* I to tfViw (the company sfkkt it noctU without licking for treuee. mis I-onvtfil, praddant of the Haiti «hn company bn* not de- t into vrttht Southern tttiue I the idea of moving Ins riot yet ubmitted Ho the stockholder*. No <1 drip txis jnrit Uwu taken. If seen thug »nno move of ibi* amst be while lu the near future. |,1 (tit :* iKltibltahsvl In ibe South, !>• likely no go ibo white n |incdt>mIun.t«H, ituhisr than tit • negro** are. b'Wdl Halil that the Boo'A and niic C'Vti:[Mtiles ore the only M nitiamms 'tfiut am likt*y to b. iltut it la prUUtble that »>me IL Unfold. Me., omipautai will •tvs to do *>. ■1 SrvHrton, the aecrwMry Wmac Ootnpitxy, said duu the lf e bln onnpuuy'a asking to go ft - state to make good* are the " In the ciaeo t the Hrxtrt C.*n- Tli" Merrioxtc Company, how- ■* r >» an incmuie of capital, be- J* 'UpseHy for printing la wo will be ofiomory to erect -' f'-ant to supply eoarise good* to roottt the demands of the *ork«. At pnenent Ibo oompnny ■mV! }v,r 3s.000.0no ynnle of . Nun griod* and prtatai 88,000, ?2“' "taking K naconary to buy '•"t rarda. J? * Old nutter flor Uowifl, too.' ‘ v ‘ fl hkton, “that of she good* «h* bought In the South. •Si hey owe umito by o Lowcfli door to me. Iatnnocbny •1 I’trauee they root to) moeh. for *_** «*■ ua 123,000 more Macon Will Send a Delegation to Visit Mannfactarers of Cotton Goods. WILL OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS Knlliuilaatlc M.etlnff of the Bureau of Information Yaitarduy—Frao Sltaa, Ex.mptlou From Taxation and Some Capital. CONFEDERATES ASSEMBLED. SHOP MEN MADE IDLE. Wholoaome Catting of Forcea on the Big Pacific Liaaa. Omaha, Nob.. Jan. 22. -Five hundred am' ployea on ths Union Pacific, between Connell Bluffs and Cheyano, got their time chocks last night. Out of tho number laid off, SCO are at the Omaha shops. Matter Mechanic Hanning •aya tho man will be put bock u business *11 warrant. The men remaining In tho ahopa continue to work olgbt hours a (lay, flvodayaa week. The Missouri Pacific also began to re trench yesterday. Half thamen in its Sedalla ahopa are to work elternato weeks. DEATH OF UR. TOM DONOVAN. One of Ut* Bast Known CUixaus of Jefferson County is Oons. Wadley, Ga., Jan. 22.—(8pectal.>—The many friends throughout the state, and especially the commercial traveling>men, will learn with profound regret that tlrTTim Donovan, com monly knowu aa Uncle Tim, died laat night at 11 o'clock, from a stroke of paralysis. This was the third stroke and the ratal one. Thus has paaaod away t<> reap Ida reward another honcat man, one who loved everybody and ona whom overybody loved. CONTEST BILL PASSED. Turney Will Be OovernorTib an Investigation Has Baon Had*. Nashville, Tann., Jan. 22.—'The guberna torial contest hill passed tba Senate today by a vote of IS lo 14, a strict party vote. It pro vides for an investigation of alleged bands be fore a governor shall be Inaugurated. Gov ernor Turney will continne to hold over while tho Investigation in being made. NO LACK OF HARMONY. Berlin. Jan. 22.—In the lower house of the Praaaian diet today. Chancellor Count,von Uohaulohe, referring to the statements re cently made by Herr Richter that the chancel lor's position wu merely ornamental, and that dissensions existed in tho cabinet, said that the SMertiona were entirely without foundation. The chancellor farther aaid that It thurumorawhichhadgalnedcorrecurthrougn the press, bad bad no elleet upon the minia te r», who bad noticod them simply with a view of counteracting any feeling of unrest t “ might exist among the people. The met of the cabinet, he asserted, wore thoroughly in harmony. DYNAMITE UNDER THE HOME. Sanlte 8te Maria, Mich,, Jan. 22.—An at tempt was made to blow np tba Reacne Home of tho Klng]aHooa and Daughter* early this morning. Dynamite was mod. and the rear sad of &e building was badly demo'dabed. It wu e video tly the intention to injure ii\ asgeh tat Wbtiaker, who hu succeeded in weeding out disreputable houses, thereby making him self obooxiona to the tongli element. Mr. Whitaker Uvee tn another house across the street, ard thereby escaped. The Uvea of sav oral inmates of the house war* endangered. PANIC IN CHINA. Lot don. Jan. 22—A dispatch to the Central News trum Hhanchai -ays: “The Japanese movement (n Wd Hal Wei hu earned a panic in Tien Tain and Pekin. The Chinese pence envoys have orden d to expedite the negotia tions with the Japanese government. Japa nese cvniseia an watching bath channels at Wei Hat Wri The attack upon the atronghohl may be delay id a week. The aiege trains move slowly, the reads being covered with JACK LON AND MITCHELL. London, Jen. 21.—Peter Jackson hu ac cepted Charlie Milcholl's challcge on condi tion that the fight will toko place at the NsUonsl Sporting Club, end the stake bel,WJ0 mr cnai .thin tt coats • njiU >‘N .W Bedford, in ^L“ Tmr * <»f miUg arel to °ww»e the peti- the tiearing* wwi» alooe.1. ■^Ved Tire SAVE WOMAN*. Suhorm settle Love Affaire V'UJl Hbotgun*. iirjlL- Ter^YJan. 22.-J»mea ^ e^_* ho ? * J * d Instantly killed - .r* 1 ** •* *** Ridge "Lahore* Crunty. Oootaran w!S2V er w *** whmaod of tho r.nZFIh.""* forbade >4 nL Wn * witb ! “ r - 1M4* night wer * «o«®H>*rand *^* n heard of tt he vnu ti.or- DF.RYI8HES ROUTED. Peris, Jan. IS.—The PoUtkae Colonlole hu reporta which are not considered entirely trustworthy to the effect that tha Italian troops bare rooted a force ot 10,010 Dervishes at Ksaaalo. Tel-grama horn Maeaowah today state that nnlet prevails at Kaisala and vicin ity. Tbaee advisee also state that Its* Man gueoa hu token refooe tn Tembon, an * Cla fcreen have been dbpanod. THE BILL REPEALED. Babe, Ida.. Jan. It—The legislature jss tevday passed a bfll repeelirg tha ut passe, twoyeara ago making ol/l moons of alt kin, payable in cither gold or ailie-. aU contra lathe contrary sotsritlistscding. Tnnefl of the former arsinr« was to do bo good tho cans# of •• r and tv driro cap.ul it tho SUl«. TO GO TO HEW HMD. raoetting Tve-iv: Meairs. Thomas Ellis, (•tty airpeatter, B. IL Ad nut, William B. Moor,', II. M. Mi dona, Jr., .T. 15. Po- l ik. |i. L. M mson, W. E. Chopin. J. 8. Balna. A. E Crifllth and a number of ollhioni. A REMARKABLE RECORD. What Mr. Hightower Has Had to Bofall Him During Hia Life. Douglas, Oa., Jan. 22—(Spodal.)—Douglaa entertains on the 19th inat. Mr. J. JL High tower, of Wiliacooohae, whoso parents came to this country when it was wild, and who, it can ho trtithfiUly aaid, have Buffered more ter- riblo accidents and survived all,(than usually folia to the lot of man. Mr. Hightower has been bitten three times by rattle-anakoa, struck once by lightning, torn np twiee by l-anthern, had one hand ground on in a cane The regular monthly meeting of the Bureau of Information held yesterday afternoon at the office of the bureau in the Exchange bank building, was ■ many rewpecte the moat profitable meeting the bureau ever held. Ah a result of the meeting a oommit tee will be sent to the New England states for the purpose of laying be fore the big cotton good* manufacture era of that section, who contemplate moving their mills to the South the many advantages Macon offers for the location ot their mills and Inducements the city and citizens are prepared to give them to come. The committee will be composed of one member from the Chamber of Commerce, one from the city council and one from the'In formation Bureau, and by the time they are ready to start on their Jour ney they will be prepared to aueure the New England manufacturers that Ma con will not only give them a free site tor their mil la and exemption from taxation for a long number of years, but that they will tie able to guarantee tho mill owners that the citizens of Macon will take an Interest in their mill* and that local capital Ls being raised for that purpose. The meeting wa.i an enthusiast!? one. Everyono present woe enthused ’ with the outlook. an,l the encouraging 1 item read from manufacturers who want l" come here un i locate their mills. Dur ing a general dl-cusalon if the out look it was plainly evident that Mu- ] J[ oon capitalists ware ready to put money Into the manufactories an a guarantee to the mill owners that they will have the support and protection of the peo ple. President and Manager George A. Smith rend hi* monthly report, which was ae follows: To tho Directors of the Mnran Ad vertising and Information Bureau— Oentlemen: I have called you together particularly to discuss the way* and means ot securing at least one of the Eastern cotton mkla that are already moving to tho South. Some lime ago we had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. Walter R. B. Whittier from Low ell, and from a recent communication from him, I have good rea»jn to be lieve that If we do as wet! for him as other cities an* willing to do, we can secure bis cotton mill for Macon. For months, both privately and publicly I have sold, that in order to get any of three Eastern mills we have got to do something. I have told you what that something is: A free site, liberal taxatlve arrangemrnUi and stock; and I repeat with all the emphasis I can, that unless wa do these thlnrs right away, we win mlaa the opportunity of a lire time. If the recent panic has done nothing else for us. It has attracted the atten tion of the world to the South as a section of wonderful resources and re cuperative powers, and If we do not profit by the signs of the times, wo deserve no longer to have a “local hab itation and a name,” hut should ha dropped from the list ot cities and die with the dry rot of conservatism. In order then, to get Eastern man ufacturers here, we must go to see them with some business propositions In our hands, and If this in done by a good committee from this board, tha city council and Chamber of Com merce, I firmly believe that tho com mittee wF.I come back to Macon with at least ona counter proposition that our citizens can accept; and then wa will have begun real progress and give employment to the unemployed. It there Is anything in the world that we ran manufacture successfully In Ma con It la cotton goods. Just think of Georgia, the second cotton growing state In the South, being led In cot ton mills by our slater state, South Carolina! It ought not to he so now, and must not be ao In the future. The legislature of South Carolina recently passed a law exempting cotton mills from taxation tor twenty yeare. Why cannot arergla do os wall? U it con trary to the constitution of the state? Then let us tear the old obstacle to progress to pieces, and make another constitution consistent .with the times; and In It. If we do nothing more, ex empt every mil! and factory, run by steam, that manufactures tiny article from cotton, wool. Iron or wood, from taxation for at least twenty years, and, my word for It. Georgia will not only he the empire state of the South, hut the empire state of the Union. My Interret In this subject has led me into a lon ger report than uiual, tor which * crave your pardon. alangbter— all thi» occurring before ha was 21 years of nfpp ColToo coimtjr'e newly elected officer! took np their commi-sinna vesterriay. Mrs. J. M. Quincy has retained home after an extended tour among relatiree and friend* in Florida. MiHsLillio McDonald, after upending tv week pleiitnUy with Mia* Minnlo Lott, ha* returned lo MoDoosld*. Os. Mine Lir.zio Wilburn is riilting Hisses Tip and Lanra Dongls*. Miss Bolls Ga-kin of Shepherd is tisiting MiMAIinnl** A NEW HOSIERY MILL. BsmesriUe Soon to Hire Another Big En terprise. Barneavillo, Gt., Jan. 22.—{8pecial.}— rfe-nesvillo has secured another enterprise that means much for the town, This time il is s hosiery knitting mill that will begin o-Der ation at once. The mill will manufacture hosiery on s large scale, and no doubt will cause thousands of dollars to circulate hero that would not other wise do ho. Mr. W. P. It-ciunr, ot Snapping Hhoala, Ga., and Mr. A. E. Uro *a, of Lowell* Maas., an- the principal owners of tho mill, and arc oxporwneea business raon. They wfflemplo) -i\ty <tseventy band- ml alto- 111 be a lar^M uue. tb.« alert fot °s *!»! ente end ugh. Ml ,.I THE VON KOTZE DUEL. Berlin, Jan. 22. The report that Lehreebt Von Kotae, formerly ma-t r of tb * mechanics, fought & duel ttirt-f day * ago with Baron Von Schrader, tho incumbent of thatofttco, ia er roneous. Baron You Schradt r'n opponent was Dietrich Von Kotze, a cousin of LsorechL BOOTT MILLS COMING SOUTH. Jan. IL—In tho Seusie thU buttling a bill was introduced authorizing the Boott Cotton Mills to engage in bunirii ht outside tho state. This is one or tho mills that intends to build in ths south. CYCLONE IN TKNNESSEK. Memphis. Tana., Jso 21—A cyclone struck Covington, Tena., this morning at 2 o'clock anil bl(iw oil tho top of tne court hou-e ami ilcmoUsbed a dozen residences sod a score of barns and outhouai. The damage ia HO,- UUO. No Uvea were lost* elections for senators. Results of Treterday'a Ballots In Bev- entl States. Topeka. Kan., Jan. 22.—At noon to day the two houeea of tho Kansas leg islature balloted aepatrately for United States senator with the following re sults; Houae—Luden Baker (Republican) 91; L. P. King. (Popultat) 26; E. R. Rig- ley, (Populist) I; John Martin. (Demo crat) S; George W. GUck, (Democat) Senate—Baker 1*. King 9, Dennison 8, Doater 1, Daniel* 1, Rldgley 1, Bot kin 1. The two houses will meet tn Joint session tomorrow, when Mr. Baker will be fonnafly elected. A VOTE IN WEST VIRGINIA. CharlMiton. Jan. 22.—Tha vote In the house ami senate today for United 8tatea senator resulted: Senate—Elkins 12. Camden 11. Neat 1. President Worley declared no ma jority and no election. , House—Elkins 48, Camden 17. Wilson 1, Neal 1. and senate took re cess to 2:30 p. m. The constitution requires that the suocMMful candidate shall hove a ma jority In each house before a Joint bal lot lo taken. NO CHOICE IN MINNESOTA. St. Paul. Jan. 22.—The vote In the house and senate taken at noon today on the senatorial question, resulted in the house: (Hugh Washburn 22. Nel son 45. Comstock 10. McCleary ?. Don- neifiy 8, MoHale 9. Tawney 1. Buck- ham 1. Senhte—Wakhbum 22, Nelson 17. Comstock 3, McCleary 1. Donnelly 5, MoHale 2. PUIsbury 1, Dickinson 1. Mitchell 1. No choice. Another ballot will be taken at noon tomorrow. SOWELL ELECTED. Trenton, N. J., Jan. 22.—Both houses balloted for United States senator this noon nnd the resurt was the election of William J. Sewell. Republii^jt. In the senate the ballot stood: WUlImm J. Sewell (Republican) 16, Allen L. McDermott (Democrat) 5 and Franklin Murphy (Republican) L In tho house the ballot stood: Sewell 43, McDermott 6 and Murphy 5. • THE ILLINOIS ELECTION. Springfield. III.. Jan. 22.—In th ate for - imi ci slieiby M. Cull Krn K'.in M< Veugh in Alisentfr i nr- milillraw 1. Deni . rafa 6. I., I*,.. 1: .. Cull Ml MarVcngh r,u AI .-.Il t . !i. . .1! .11- 9. |( 111 '■ crata 1. DELAWARE'S NINTH BALLOT. Dover. Jan. 22.—The ninth ballot In the senatorial contest was taken In Joint session today and resulted: Higgins 10. Addlcks 6. Massey S, Wolcott (Democrat) 8. Tunnell (Demo crat) 1. ONE BALLOT IN OREGON. Salem, Ore., Jan. 22.—The senate to day voted for United States senator. Fltwt ballot resulted as follows: Dolph 19. Bennett «. Harris S. The house met and adjourned till 2 o'clock. OniLTON SUCCEEDS COKE. Austin. Tex.. Jan. 22.—At noon today the Texas legislature elected Horace Chilton (Democrat) to succeed Richard Coke as United State* senator. WILL GET NO INTEREST. THE RIOKS IMPEACHMENT. Censure la All That Is Iterommiondc By tbo House Committee. WuslMigtou, Jau. 22.—(JuilBo Augui tus J. Rfcks, Judge of tho district cun of tho United NniiiCH for 4ho fifth d!i trlct of Ohio appeared before the turns Jmltc'.'ury onmnlbtfte flndny to re-ply t tdko cliirges undo acalurit him by lb Labor Union of Okvruijnd, O upon which the riwilurion of Impeach mens. fmnvxl by Mr. Bulimy of the sut connni titiM' l* bused. When uhe hairing mis concluded tb oontmiMee sprat two hours in cxccu tiro svffaion discussing the mutter. Ml Ueor*e P. Harrison (Democrat) of Lou Mana offered the following roaotfitlon 'while lue ouiuauiviieis ia DOt (riit lath'd that Judge Kicks has been guilt*, of a ivy wrong committed while jndg HLi t will Justify. It in rtiwvrtiiig a tree I ill. on of imptirlmmirt. yog five o>m o.iuuot boo atrongly «-ensuiw Mv practice under -which Judge Itick made up hi* accounts.” Tho renukirtain wits adopted by a vot- of U to 7, i l fdlxtN: ) i i —iFevlnigr, of Kentucky, Layton of Ohio, Wolver ton of l*eiiu.4j'l\Mula, IlnniKai ,.f All 1mm, Huy of Now York, Pbwens o Vermont, Broderick of Kangui, Wll lla,m A. 8torn of Pnnsyivanla ant Childs of Ulnois. Xnjia—Culherfon o Texas, Miv>ckdaV> of Mississippi, Baal nor of Lou simn, Lnno of Illinois, It,: ley of Texas, Dirmowl of Missouri am Udegnff of low,. Mr. Builfty will wtffl pennst In log lu favor of the Hnpnaebimu a Judge Hick*, anil wtvn the uxvttd aomeu up '.n itv> house iwlU eaOmror t> Ixivo that body adopt Ms roconuuenda lion. BIBUCAL ASSEMBLY. Citizens of Aibevillo Want It Held in The City. Asheville. N. C., Jan. 21—Thn eiti/on. - tine ) !«-■" at a union mas* meetim; ."t- inaniiKOdily to Invite the Hontliern ■ : I A.r* ii.My to 1 " bald her" next „iuiiiii> i a i GREEK MINISTERS UESION. Albans, Jan. 22.—Ti e Greek ministry has Signed. Tha resignation is Cue to the king's refiusl to accede to the minlator'a re> qoeel to iliMolvo parliament aa ths boat way to the solution of the economic problem. ARTHUR FOI!Ill5-TER DEAD. Boston, Jan. 22.—Arthur M. Forrester, wall kuuwn in Irish revolutionary circle*, died to day, aged 44. ADJUSTERS MEET. Insurance 1L.-U From AU Over Country Are Il -re. It is (•4'lmnhil that 4h.'r>» are no lc-u thin thirty InsnrAOoe m-n In the city for the purpose of adjaaffing th.' In (■ur.aoce on ■* n..-l o> i:»- ■ > drstroynl by fire on ink Friday n'jht Yiigarekiy At adJwMis hold ami Ing at the otn -- of the Macon Kl>- lu ■are are Ongapaay and mss tn mm. , ihe gr-«- r pm of th- dsy. N h - POOR! PIE is responsible for tnanyW of man’s (and woman’s)^ physical woes—but the- pie needn't be poor,and it ( C-i may bring joy instead of( )woe. How? Use noth-( .•} ing but C0TT0LENE for ( ^shortening and the pief a crust will be delicate, ^ Sflj.hy, delicious, and SO| v healthful that even a dys-, -r peptic can eat freely of ( ' 2. it and be comfortable.'' COTIULfcUb can't be; equaled as a shortening, ’ and is flAfoiWr/y healthful. 1 Genuine has this trade < mark on e\'cry pail. Take! IJ no other. Sold everywhere.; # No Law Compclllug Bute Depositories to I*ay Any. Atlanta, Jan. 2L-(8poeUL)-Under tha law ragalstiog sUts d <■ pool tori >-«, the governor Is directed to tasks tho beet cnnlraets be can with the banka for the payment of Interest on the etat imoocy in their vaults. Incou.p'iancc with the law Ouvernor Atkinson has requested ell the deF*ltorirs tomako tliclr bids. In a few nays bo wUI begin lo receive a Wof ''smiles" in response to this reonett The depasitoriec never have paid any interest fur the nae of Ibe atato'a money under the present law, which was passed in 187», end according e depositary 1 , .._ tutted ho cannot revoke the appointment be came Of its refit*#) to pay tba Interest. The motley paid Into the clcpositoriee la pat there by the tax ooUectore of certain eoantim, sod can onlv be cheeked oat by tba treasurer for stats tar pose*. This loavoa the governor powerless to withdrew the srets's money from the depositories bees use of their tafnasl to pay Interest, end conaeqaently thn banker* always smile vary sweetly when they receive tbs fiveroor's perfunctory request for “in- -.11 oral nod -11 ) lfs/*n only by 1 The N.K.Falrt'ani: Company, ST. LOLLS nnJ CHICAGO. C!', re, •»-, ft -a j. 534- - A MORPHINE FIEND'S MADNESS. Henderson, Ky„ Jan. 22.—Edward Rlvere who waa a victim of morphine, killed bis non, aged six, and bis daughter, and eight, at lb "ir home hoar Brownsville, ana oom mi tied i ng tin Ibe a--"inbly rnntiiui'’* about tour iv-'. k- wb- ii Ii- ttir,--. re and conferoni'"* ( variona will i-.- , r. .t.-.1. Mit.-r.—r >>■ nnd profitable to tbu general Christian puMu The gathering will be composed of dcnomin. tiona, anil aa ill be tmliku any other bold in th south. Committees of finance, correspond cnee, arrangemi uta and ert'-rtaiuiLunt at at work perfeciing local details. A NEW PRINTINO DILL. WaaUngtim, Jan. 22.—Mr. Quay Introdncei intbeaenals today a bill which has : r il purpose the abolishment of the office of tmbli printer and tho ru-creatloo of the office c congrraniunal printer, anch pereon to 1, elected by the senato xod receive a salary < I4,(«>0 per annum. BertbeloL th* French chemlot, Uilnki that perfect food can be made Iron coal, air and water. He hold* this opln ion because the constituent* of food an cartmn. oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen When his prophecy la verified hunge will be unknown. Until then no foci ran be so delicious and wholesome ni that prewired with Dr. Price's Jrcatt Baking Powder. BOUROEOI WILL ORY AOAIN. Paris, Jan. 22.—After an extended In tervlew with PnjJdent Faure, M Bourgeoia definitely agreed to tnaki another attempt to construct a cabinet It is behaved thnt M. Loekrey, Doumer Oarricn and Hanqtaux will accept portfaCioa. t Lie lie by shooting himself. His wife was absent at the time end went into convulsions when aba beheld the bloody (pedicle. Her life ia in danger. Bo Imagined that his fkm- by would become completely ioatne. The products of dainty cake, ffrky . i- ft, superior ehort-ceke. wonderful griddle-cake*, incomparable pi-- rust* made with Dr. Price's Baking Powder are supremely gratifying to tU who would Uve well. MISSISSIPPI PUBLIC LANDS. Washington, Jen. 22.—Mr. Kyle of Missis sippi introduced in the hones e resolution di- rectigfi »*■* asereiarw of the new to certify to the secretary of l! o interior ell lends in 'AIx- batre and .lfiarfaiippt not required to.-navel pari Oies. The laads when certified axe to be restored to Ibe pablic domain. HOW'S THIS? W* offer one hundred dollar* reward for any cat* of catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall'* Cetarh Cure. F. J. CHENEY * CO.. Proprietor*, Toledo, O. W*. the undersign ad, have known p. J. Cheney for tb* last fifteen years, and be- Uav* him perfectly honorable la ell bum* ua transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West A True*. Wholemle Druggists, To ledo. O. Waiding. Rinnan A Marvin. Wholeeale Druggists, Toledo, O. Half a Catarrh Cure I* taken Internally, acting directly upon tho Mood and mu- ooul surf seas of tho system. Price K cents per bottle. Sold by all druggtata Testimonials free. Don't S-orget that when you buy Scott's Emul sion you are not getting a secret mixture containing worthless or harmful drug*. Scott's Emulsion tannot be se cret for an analysis reveals all there is in it Consequently the endorsement of the medict world meant something. .Scott’s Emulsion overcomes Wasting, promotes the making of Solid i-tesh, and gives Vital Strength. It has no equal as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, Anaemia, Ema- elation, and Wasting Diseases of Children. ScottkBowaa,N.Y. AUOruggiili. 60c.and$L ORDINARY'S OFFICE. JONES COUNTY. OA.. December list. 16*1.— Whereas ■» report uf corranieMumere eastxnln* one yeari* support to Atm Card and ber minor ebSM from errata of Reuben Card, da'ccon.-d. Is now of tile in rht* office, and I wM paan ate order aoprovinc name on first Munday In February next, unkws some Wui cause be idtown to Ml* contrary. Wit nee* my band officially. IL T. ROSS, Ordinary. wit. ms. DR. J. J. StTBERS. l~(l l.lanantly located. Tn the special ttae renewal. Lost energy watered . Female Irregularities and potion oak Core guaranteed. Address In coot*.,-nee, with stamp, it Fourth street, Macon, Ga