The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 24, 1895, Image 6

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\ THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: JANUARY 24, 1895. Considerable Powder Burned on the Streets of Brooklyn. ; STATETR00PS1DER0RDERS Tbo Adjutant-General Comes on the tone and Confers With City Authorities. SJME OF THE LINES ABE BUSKING Shsrpibooferz on Tall Building* Fftre Into Strikers Who Interfere With lha Car.—Knough Troop* on Hand lo Pr.s.rv. Order— Taken lo the Court*. (Mate action toweml calling more troop* h— a., i. ... itleip. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Jan. 22.—The sit uation Mila morning was moat serious. The troops had boon Bred upon, at tacked with atones, brickbats and other missiles under cover o£ darkness and fog. Tliey hod heroicully faced the rjot- ous mobs, and fhe wonder fa that they withheld their lire a dozen tlrhs* under serious provocation. They 'had dis charged volleys over the heads of crowds, they had jabbed the street gangs with bayonets, they had done everything but shoot people down. Gen. Me Leer said two days ago that his men did not want to Injure any eiw, that they realized that tiring at a erowd meant the probaMe maiming and death of many persons. He.added, however.that tf duty demanded it h!s men wviu.d fire on the mobs. Yeator- day’s experiences showed that tils men had followed instructions. The point has now been roadbed when forbearince cojees to be a virtue. The troops have been ordered to Tire upon anv person s?en throwing a missile or •.lotiting at mom. Sharpshooter* have been detained to pick off people on housetops and In windows Who throw or khoot from their siheWered loca tions at the troop*, the police or the oars operated by non-union mea. The mob* do not yet appear to realize these facts. The citizens of Brooklyn do not heed the proclamation of the mayor, warning them to avoid crowds, refrain from assembling In the streets and In live vicinity of the car depute. Apparently there must be serious slaughter before peace orn be restored. This may come at any moment. THE FOG CLEARED AWAY. The clearing off of the fog and rain tills forenoon mu hi aid of public sifoty. The dloak for violence wus removed. The mobs which caused Che trouble yesterday afternoon and last night did not assemble today. There wire disturbance*. however. Wires were cut and car* interfered with n.t points oiwny from 'Uhe st itlon* or the troop*. The linemen refused to repair cut wire* today, widening the breach and giving Che companies more trouble. No genemf. resumption of running ear* has followed the arrlvaf <* tile troop* nnd the companies have made a poor showing despite their borst# of plenty of new men. President* Lewis Norton and Wicker* ray Hie outlook is bright er for Ml* resumption of normal travel on their tines. They made a slight gain this morning In the number of car* operated, but did not succeed In start ing cars a* promptly and as qulekly as they planned to do last night. President Norton did. however, run cars on three tine* wliloh have been closed sines the strike began. Put wires and refusal of linemen to make repair* prevented President* Lewis nnd Wicker from starting new lines. They made sn im proved Hhmving on the lines operated vector day, but on on! y half a dozen lines out of a total of forty-*lx line* nffeoted was cli-re anything tike is nor mal, resumption of traffic. THE FIRST DISTURBANCE. , The first disturtwnre of the morning was In the vicinity of the Fifty-eighth and Third avenue stable. The striker* made an attack on n wagon containing il motormsn and conductor. The wagon was on the way to the stnbtes. A howl ing mob followed the vehicle, yellln*. jeering, throwing missile* of ail kind* nt the men: By the time the wagon had reached the stables n mob of nearly 1.000 had gathered, nnd the situ ntlan looked quite threatening. Alt this point tile officer In command of the troops ordered a chHTge and the streets were soon cleanM. During the charge • shot was fired, hut no one was tilt. An assault wa* mad” about * o'efock this afternoon on Inspector Jcnnlne* td the Brooklyn Height* company. He an* attacked by a gang of strikers near the Halsey street station and was'y beaten, but not cerlouely in jured. Th» mavor. Corporation Counsel Mc Donald. Police Ctmmiacksier Writes. City Wcrks CVimmlnsioner Whttr snd other member* of -the mayor’s cabinet entered l.-sto o conference this morning nt the city hill. At 1 p. m. the meet ing adjourned and Mayor Scbleren, through his secretary. Issued the fol lowing prod sanest Ion as the result of the mooting: THE MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION. "Law ami order must prevan nrst In this community, must be respected by ail and must be enforced upon all. even if It takes the entire farce of the state." lawyer Mira beau L. Town* an nounced this morning that late last night he appletl to Justice Gay nor of the supreme court for a writ of mandi- mui to compel the Brooklyn Heights Company to operate Its tines, and that rho order to »r.»w mime had bcwi grant ed. The order required the company by come before him at a special term of the suprime court, to he bold tomor row, mil show why a peremptory writ of mandamus iSiou'd not be Issued re quiring Brooklyn Heights company to fo-tbwtth matntaJn and operate « suf ficient number of car* on *11 of its line* •»» ioav r.c r.ocr=zary for the tfjs piriatbin or the petitioner and hi* em- plvves and customer* and the cltliens nnd tax payor* of the city of Brook lyn. and for mirth further relief «s may s—m Jutd and prop-r. The Kings County and Suburban Company began the cgwrailon of Us B i5p*i hvenue fine tbl* morning. Six car* were run over thl* line »ird u) trouble Is looked for untH *fter dark. Cimpgly C. Seventy-first Regiment, ts guarding these car louses. During the morning the striker* placed a number of obstructions on the tracks of the FuKoo street line .a* Buffalo avenue. A crowd of about 200 persons surround)*! the cars -which were slopped by the obstruction*, and pleaded with the motorman and con ductor* to Itsve the car*. They re fused to leave their place*, and after the poBp* had cleared the track* th* oar* acre etarted for their destination, Th* men were not molested. SOHIERDK’S STATEMENT. Mayor. Sebleren, after the talk with the members of his rabtnst. said that the situation is unchanged from yesur- Liy. but be Intimated that n« inane- der 1* not stopped (he entire militia of tho state ould be summoned. He said ne nopea the nnng of mtutla over t-ae heads of the people last night would have a salutary effect and that trouble mouM cease. Mayor Schleren has boon In communication today with aim gov ernor and Adjt. Gen. MoAlpin. He has (l)lvlsed them fully as to *he occur rence* of last night and the situation toduy. At 2 o’clock llneamen had begun put ting up wires on Gates avenue, where they .had been torn down. The linemen said Connelly, the master workman, tow thorn to goulhead and put the wires up. It was stated that Connolly li ra said that the order to stop was a mis take. ADJUTANT GENHnAIf STARTS. Albany, N. Y.. Jnn. 22.—Adjt. Gen. McAfpIn and Col. Marvin, Governor Morton’* 'military secretary, left for Brooklyn today on a special ernm. The adjutant general took this action after consultation by telephone with Mayor Sohlcrcn and with Governor Morton. The governor thought It would be weM for Gen. MoAlpin to visit Brooklon and learn the actual situa tion. Governor Morton Is anxious for an early settlement of the trouble and he win be luformed of the state of af fairs by the adutant general, who will return hertf on a special train today, possibly. The govercrnor has recrlvdl protests from labor organizations against Civ calling out tile state troops, and win shortly answer the same, to the effect that It as but hi* duty under the Cdt- stltutlon to order out the mllltln. The governor today .revived the fol lowing letter from the mayor of Brook lyn, which was written yesterday af ternoon: “I de-lre to thank you for your promptness in acceding to my request for additional troops. The First Brl- 1,-ido reported promptly and are now on duty. “At the hour of writing everything Is reported quiet awl the calling of the itddltiMnal force of the national guard seem* to have lud a salutary effect. "I hope that in a few days at most the trouble will be at an end." The mayor think* the number of sol diers In Brooklyn sumaent io c»i>e with the s-trikers. Cars were operated on six lines today. A REIGN OF TERROR. Ou FuSton street, between Ralph and Patience avenue, serious trouble was threatened during the day. A mob of 1.000 striker* and their sympathizers held that nelgh'oortiood In terror for several hours and only the timely ar rival of a detadament of police and cavalry prevented bloodshed. At one time a small riot was In program anti the police were compelled to draw their revtlvers At the sight of the weapons th* crowd scattered, rushing Into tile side streets, but qulekly returned it a different point. Tne mrtb kept in creasing in size, and with multiplied forces Its demeanor became much bolder. Tliey hooted the motormen. Jeered at the police and stoned thu ears. The tracks were plied up with large beams, huge stones, ash barrels, (id stove* and numerous other obstruc tions, These caused much delay to the oars and gave rhe strikers an .oppor tunity to piead :vitil the non-union men to desert their cars. The trouble culminated at 1:30 p. m.. when car No. IIS ctmo along. Ncxir PateVn avenue It hnd to slop, owing to obstructions. The strikers crowded about the car and asked the conductor nnd motor- rrnn to Join them. They refujed. Strikers then Jumped upon rhe plat forms seized both men by the necks and yanked them -off and threw them Into the howling mob. Once there they were kicked and punched unmercifully. Then a dozen strikers picked them up bodily and ran down a side street wits them. A half dozen cans, with police ha l In the .mantlmc « up and the police drew Chelr club* and fell upon the orowd. They smashed right and left, generally landing on some unfor tunate striker’s head. The crowd re taliated with stones and for a few min utes the figClt was hot. The police grabbed two leaders of the men and at all after dark. Some of the last car* In hvi re<h®r rough esp"®'®"®*’* Fifteen linemen, most of them Oaves avenue men, struck today. It ts not svu.eci wnerm-r tliey <uu it ot tmeir accord or wore ordered out by their master workman, but the hitter cer tainly ordered them back to work and they were reinstated. Asked about the situation tonight. Master workman Connolly of District Assembly 75 says: LINEMEN ORDERED OUT. “Every lineman will be cwdered' out tomorrow and Um*e who remain will knowwMat they are doing. Everythin* la quiet and the men are firm." Master Workman Connelly raid further: “About 4 o'clock this afternoon mili tiamen of the Seventh Regiment for- dbly entered our aasecrtbly haii on Pal- motto Street. I wa* on the outside, but was unable to gain admittance, not- itdTIrllniff <mv ll vnrw in'dll.mii IVini wltlmtandlng my expostulations that the men wore assembled therein on a peaceful mission. Our private papers snd books In the lodge room were searched and the men kept In confine ment. This city Is not under martial law and I cannot understand that the militia have a right to intrude upon our private rights. "Instend of withdrawing my order to the linemen to return to work. I shall order them out, taking effect to morrow morning. THE MILITARY ACCOUNT. The military account at the affair varlt* materially from Connelly'* statement. It Is as tollowa: “When the troop* were ordered out to protect the starting of the first cars from Ridgewood on the Gates ave nue line, at 3:30 p. m., MaJ. Abraham* of the Seventh Regiment (noticed that a large lumber of Strikers who had been standing nearly all day iff front of their held quarter* retired within the building. As ■ _ a mutter of precaution, and to aertst In preserving the peace. should Rny of these men bq Inclined to break it, he ordered the second com pany to advanoe on the double quick down Palmetto elrept until they had p.iesed the hull. The poticc at his re quest followed immediately and caused the doors of the hall to be rocked. For over Dam hours nearly 200 men were secured In the room. N<> papers were seized, nor were any of their rights invaded, save keeping them tn invol untary confinement until all the curs sent out buil returned and been ae- There ere about 400 linemen employed oa the trolley line*. They are under contract to work until February 2*. Presidents Lewis and Norton s»'d to night that tliey had net heard that their linemen would strike tomorrow. ONE ATTEMPT AT TRAFFIC. . President Norton of the Brooklyn City system, which controls the Gates avenue line, announced that it would be operated. He moved ten cars over the line. Thl* number docs not mean that ten cat* were In operation all day. As a matter of fartt, they were started out close together after 3:30 p. ml and were hustled back Into the barn* by * p. m. MaJ. Abrahams and compa nies B, D and G, Seventh Regiment, 300 strong, were on duty this morning at the depot* In the Ridgewood. The dopot wa* also guarded by PoClce Cap tain Kitzer with 30 men. Beg:. Black with 30, Capt. Ennis with 30. and a mounted squid of 100 men, Th* first car, No. 521. wa* started at 3*30 p, m, It was escorted by Maj. Abrahams and a detachment of troops. At KnlokcrtwcUvr a von us sad Palmet to Street the militia and police charged a crowd wthlch bad tolleoMd. Capt. Kitzer of the police tired a shot, as did one of the n. One man hissed the militiamen add would not take his head In and the militiamen, Shot. Tiie msn then retreated, not be ing hit. Other cars wen hit with stop3*. All were stopped at 6 o’clock. Superintendent Qultra of the Atiantio avenue line stated tonight that the e nearly *11 She lima of the syvC.em. Car* I w«re sent over trae Butler line also. Mr. | Quinn uld. for the first time glace the < trike was Inaugurated. He declared there had nut been the slightest die- the linos. President m\ TfliKiun oiill inLmnu unnni Senator Gray Bcraains tbo Defender and tbo Advocate of tbe Administration. LODGE ON TBE OPPOSITE 8IDE. Th* Ilona* Manages 10 Flnlati With th* Indian Appropriation Bill and th* Uig«nt DplTcItncy conference Commit!** Mad* Itepirt* Complete Fertilizers for jyitatnr* fruit*, and all vegetables require (to .secure tho i.. |t yield and best quality) At Least IO% Actual Potash. Results of experiments prove this conclusively. How why, is told in our pamphlets. They are sent free. It will cost you nothing to read them, and they will w dollar*. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New y Plnoed thorn under arrest. Tax ahrlkera | oitionk and tu sanguine treat tlic company would be able to operalte Cheir roads fully tn a few flay*. tried to rescue tlhelr brethren and | were only prevented from doing so by th* police drawing their revolver* and driving she mot) hack. THOROUGHLY AROUSED. The mob wa* now .thoroughly aroused and Miry stoned the cars unceasingly. It was found ImpmeHW’.e for tbo tew polJocment tn tfno neighborhood to ix>pe with the strikers and re ltifoswtnenla were sent for. In a few minute* a de tachment of officer* under command of Capt. Dyer, arid a portion of troop A, Lieut. Badgley In command, came up. At (he eight of the galloping horses the mob heat 11 iiawty retreat, rushing Into near-by saloons, up aide streets snd across lots. The cavalry lilime- d:*t<1y formed * picket line anil pa raded up and down the rldowhlks, forcing Idler* to move on rapidly .There were a large number of women In the throng nnd they booted snd Jeered worse Uhan the men. Many of the women, with babe* In Mielr arms, rrowvied about the ears, and tbtir voice*, crying In rtirlll tones, "Scabs," "Scabs," rtrmld bo heard for blocks. .I- AsvotAy Ltirhro. M t’?1i,g The police were aomewhat gentle Car* were run Cater on the court street line than nt any time since ttio strike. Tho last car left the ferry at 9:40 p. m. No trouble’ occurred on irm ‘ “ 'mm tho line during the day. NO FAY FOR SCABS. Poor Thanks For .Serrkv <an 1 iyn ILU-miya with them, but tor all that, the wo men atoned them on every occasion. Many of thejn taunted the strikem for not tearing the non-union men from the cars, and one big Irish woman of fered to take a prisoner from a po liceman if some one would hold a child she carried In her arms. Up and down Fulton street, from Ralph to Tompklnn avenue, troop "A" paraded, keeping the crowds moving. This was a difficult task for tbe strik er* would only be driven from one place to aflsccnble In another. They were in a very ugly mood and the sight of »> many trolly can stirred them to a boiling pitch. But the cavalry did quite effective work and their efforts doubtless prevented a riot. About S:M p. m. a number of strik er* rushed up Rochester avenue to Fulton street, threw a rope over the trolley wire and attempted to pull it down. The cavalry charged and tbe •trikero tied. COLLISION WITH MILITARY. A charge wa* made by the military at Broadway and Halsey streets at 11 o’clock tonight. Borne small I toys had been Jeering th® soldi rvs and there were but few men about. A drunken min from New York etarted from John Conway’s saloon on the corner to cross Halsey street. He wa* fired upon anil hit In tho face, sustaining a com pound fracture of the Jnw. Ills name Is Thomas Abns. He will die. Mr. Mitchell of tho Brooklyn City railroad, was shot in the nrm. Two of tbe bullet* from the gun* of the militia went through the glass windows of the randy store of John Eckoff at No. l«7 Broadway, narrowly missing the clerk behind th* counter. Mr. EckofTs daughter, who waa standing in front of the store, was Ju*t missed by a bullet. Dr. T. E. Wilson attended the wound ed man and wa* an eye-witness to the •booting. He nay* there were but few people about and much Iras excitement than last night when large crowds *t the same place rreated quite a disturb ance. An ambulance took the New Yorker to tbe 8t. Mary's hospital and Mitchell went to his home. At 11:40 the neighborhood waa al most deserted, hut the few men about were excited ov*t the occurrence. There were lea* than twenty men pres ent when tbe shooting occurred. Car* were run on the Broadway line lo Has: New York until t o'clock; on th* Ralph avenue until fM p. m.; on the Flathush avenue line until 3 p. m.: on the Fulton street line untH 7:30; on the Gate* avenue line until * p. m . and on the court street line until 9:10 p. m. The companies did not attempt to run until midnight. They acc.m- plished considerable br running Nctv York. Jin. Si—TtrjTurn*tod 1 jr prin’s th» fMlowIng: , An ordit was received ot tlfc Jairtiica airline (l>lr>t of Jlo Rrokkljru City IMilri.ul line jredtorday afternoon lo piy off Use nir,v 111.11. K.tcb man wus Ciivfulljr qaroiioued before any money was g.vco to hku. "Did you work y.-ijcrdiyY’ ask® ’> Tie foreman of one nun. "Vii.” "Bui did you Mtoc out 1 dirT" •'But I w-js bore.” "Tint'* true, hut you were only 1 ic ing broke In. You’re cnti.l'sl lo M coiv.s far y«*tcnJjy." t’My conixui't *vWt tin cxraipany cilU for ♦li 0 dty,” mid the now man Irallsitirtdy. “I ivuu 82 for my day's work." "We do not know anything hero,” re plied the fontuan, "olsmi your con- tram with die company. I’m Inttrarted to piy ymt 00 cants. If you (rant more you must go to the Irani otfle* in M"tt- t :«flie atrxxt." TMa conversutlon was jirriedpn In the preaeoos of • reporter of the 'nmes, and tlieivt wero muny -Miters of the •into nut. The men araxiied to ihitik tfjey were not on* tnMicl. Tile fore- nun trdd tl»in if thegr did Dot ’ike wtrut they got they oouil <ni!r. "We are not kwplng you here; jrw can go nfiero you like," ho and. Washington, Jan. 22.—Tho Hawaiian question was again debated In the sen ate today for about two hours. Mr. Gray (Democrat) of Delaware, occupi ed the position of defender aiid advo cate of the administration and Mr. Lodge (Republican) of Massachusetts, that of Its prosecutor. The latter sen ator wa* plain and outspoken tn advo cacy of the annexation of the .Islands declaring that he disliked to see the American ling pulled ylown where It had once been run up, or an American plan set buck which had been onco ad vanced. In the course of discussion Mr. Haw ley (Republican) of Connecticut, took occasion to correct the Impression that in yesterday’s debate he had charged the president with "conspiring" with royalist Hawaiian conspirators. What ho Intended to convey, he said, waa that the president had "conferred" with them. The Kyle resolution, cm which the discussion had been baaed, was nt tho close of the morning hour, plaocd on the calendar and tho remainder of the day’s session wa* occupied with a ‘Mr, Turpls (Democrat) cf Indiana, in opposition to the Nicara gua canal bill. Among the petiions and othc pa pers presented in the morning hour, were affidavits and protests from citi zens of Alabama in reference to the reesnt election In Alabama, presented by Mr. Allen (Popuflist) of Nebraska. The house "pxdlng bill" was report ed back from the committee on inter state commerce by Mr. Butler, (Dem ocrat) of South Carolina favorably and without amendment, and wus placed on the calendar—.Mr. chandler (Republi can), a member of that committee, giving notice of an amendment, ho Intended to offer as regards rates in connection with the Inter-state com merce law. The Kyle resolution disapprove* "the action of the administration In with drawing our war ships from the Band- wloh islands, und request* the pres ident to oraor a vessel to prooeed form- With from bail riaiicisco to Honolu lu.” Mr. Fry* remarked that the discus sion on Hawaiian qu.u.iona could Just a* well proceed upon Mr. ICyie’e res olution a* upon bis own. At the close at ilr. Gray’* speech Mr. Hill offered as a substitute for Mr. Kyle's resolution, the one offered lost Saturday by Mr. Frye, declaring that tho senate '.earns with profound et the attempt to restore a deposed :r to prwer in the Hawaiian la- lunds, and extend* to t.V young repub lic the warmest sympathy In her ef forts to suppress the rebellion." No vote was reached upon either subject, und at 4:40 the senate ad journed. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. After six days consideration, Mr.-H 'l- mau succeeded today In getting the Indian appropriation bill for the year ending Juno 39. 1893, through the house, A number of amendment* were made In Its text, however, herore the committee of the whole rveummended fav,cable action, chkfiy In the way of dropping suggested change* from the ratsbllsned practice by the Indlun bu reau. The houso blU for tho appointment of cadet* at Annapolis by ropreamt i- tlves In congress, whose district* arc not represented there, wn,i taken up. Mr. Crawford (Democrat) of North Carolina, moved un amendment no as to authorize the appointment of a ca det by a representative or delegate whose district or territory was not rep resented at the academy by u Irons fide resident of the district. For this amendment a substitute was prop *C(I by Mr. Urutelle (Republican) of Maine, to restrict the appointments to those districts where the cadet was a resident at the time of appointment. It wa* agreed to, and us thus amend ed, tbe bill wa* paused, 151 tn r,7, over the objection of Mr. Heed, who said such • bill ought not to nast. ilr. Sayers catted up tbe conference report upon the urgent deficiency bill. The senate is recommended to recede from the amendment to the Income tax nrovia!on and the house to recede from its disagreement to the other amend ments. The report was agreed to. On bchnlf of Ch.ilrman Wilson, who was unavoidably absent, ilr. M -Milliq prraented the resort cf the committee on ways and means, recommending the passage of tbe bill to repeal the provis ion of the tariff law Imputing an ad ditional duty of one lentn of a cent a pound upon sugar Imported from country which pays an export bounty on that article. A bill wa* passed authorizing the es tablishing at a national military park at Gettysburg, Penn., and appropriating 375,000 therefor. The house disagreed to the senate amendment* to the forti fications appropriation bill and asked a conference thereon. ilr. Sayers (Democrat) of Texas gave notice that tomorrow he would can up the sundry civil appropriation bllL At 5 p. m. the house adjourned. | J4 W To every Old Subscriber wlio will Pay Up and every New Subscriber who Pays in. Advance Published at this office every Monday ahdThursdi on receipt of the iprice of subscription, $1,( We mail to your address, FREE OF AULt CHARGE, ■DOUGHERTY A CO. FAIL. Big Atlanta Dry Goods Firm Haa Gone to the Wall. Atlanta. Jan. 22.-(Special.)—D. II. Dougherty A Co., tbe oldest *GJ one of the largest retail dry good* bouses In th® city, went to the wall today. The house was known to have been In aalsaky condition for a year or more and Tho failure has not been unexpect ed. aCthnugh It was h<ved in tuMinesa circles that the firm would cvcstusfiy pull through alt risrM. Tiie tubiltlea ot tti® house are in the n®l*bt<orhood of 3175,000. Of this amount 3153,900. wtildi was due so the H. B. dsflin (Ysupany of Nrov York, hss been settled. The remaining tn- d(drtrdnes* I* un soured, and unless the courts Interfere to protect these creditors they wilt lose all. am every thing tire firm has tea been favnej over to the H. B. Clafiin Company. Mr. D. H. Dougherty, who composed the firm, today filed a bill of ante to (be entire stock, estimating It at 350.000, to the Clafiin Company. H® also deed' edhtstsume, one of the most magnifi cent on Peachtree street, to the same firm on a valuation of 335.000. In con- sodaratlon of this deed and bKI of sale the dalltn company cancels Ha claim for $152,000. compromising that Mg item (or (75.000. As stated, the other cred itors are left out in tbe cold, unless the court rots aside the deeds nod bin of oaf* t* the Clafiin Company and di rects a division of the assets. Tbe house will continue to do bust nos* until the stock Is disposed of un- lo** closed by the court. BANK STATEMENTS. Atlanta. Jam. 22.—(8pc:lal.)—Stale Ilanluman today sent out no. Treasurer iianlomsn today sent out no tice to all the stale bank* requiring tlmm to make thutr report* to him. Under the new Haw these statement* or* required only when ca»J for In- •trad ot at Mated Intervals, mm for merly. ORILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURB. I* beyond question th* most sue- ct-.-ful cough medicine w* have ever sold. A few dams Invariably cure* the wont case cf croup, cough snd bronchitis, wlul* Its wonderful suo- csss in tbe cur* of con»umpt!oa ts without a pa rail'll In th* history of madlcln*. sine* Us first discovery it baa been sold on n guarantee, * test which no other medicine can Maai. If you bare a cough, wo esrnmtly ask you to try k. Frio* U cents, 59 cants and 31. U your lungs are sore, chest or gack Is lam*, uso Shiloh’s Porous Pirate rs. Sold by Goodwyn A 8mill Drug Com pany, corner Chcry street and Couoa avenue. 20=“IWENIY PAPERS--2 Landretifs Garden Seeds. Take youp choice of any of the seeds named in the listl low. You can select 20 papers of one kind or an assortment the different kinds to make up the 20 papers. BEETS- Egyptian. Eclipse Extra Early. Beezeno or Extra Early Turnip. Bsrly Blood Bed. - Long Blood Red (very rl«b.) CABBAGE- Select Very Early Jersey Wake field. -Landrcth's Large York. -Bloomsdalo Uullock-Ucart. -WlnntgstadL -Bloomsdalo Early Dwarf Fist Dutch. -Bloomsdalo Esrly Drum Head. -Bloomsdalo Largo Late Flat Dutch. -Bloomsdalo Large Late Drum Head. -Market gardeners’ Large Dal* Flat Dutch. -Market Gardeners' Large Late Drumhead. Green Glased. _ t CAHROTS- Orange Danvers Half-Lons (fine.) CELERY— Large White. Boston Market. CliC UMBER — Early Frame. Early Whit* Spin* (Improved.) . Early Cluster. Short Prolific Pickle. Long Green Turkey. , EGG PLANT— -Large Round Purple (full quantity only.) MUSTARD- -Whlte. -Black or Brown. 02* B * ——Dwarf. P«U. w Prolific. PEPPER -Largo Sweet Spanish -Cayenne. —Bull Now. RABSSK- -Whltc-Tlpped Early Scarlet 71 —Early Deep 8«arlet Turnip. -French Breakfast Whlte-TPI —Long Scarlet Short Top U can.) SPINACH- Bloomsdalo. SQUASH- -Extra Early Bush. -Early White Bush. -Golden Summer Crook Neck TOMATO- T. T. T. or Ten Ton. Moneymaker. Acmo (vuy fine.) Trophy. Stone, —Paragon. TURNIP- FITS Oil (IWe P.gjfanalg Pmf.W. ILIVefce,wfcosuk.'easper:zl;j of Epilepsy, cuwlthoat doubt Irtabdsodramfiaartriacattua sayUrlsgnytielaaiklssecctMlsastailshtsf. We hors heard sfcsseseftSyeses’zusiilszesrM by has. amis wkh a fargt hauls *4 Ms aSaafafa cart, frze ti say sagenc sk* ray seed the* PAX lad Kspras >A Mesa Wa atria* aayoMwfahlagt care lotednse. ftel. W. IL rZXKS, f . R, 4 Cedar St, New X*ur KALE- Tail Curled Scotch. ■ ■■ - ■Dwarf German (Green’s.) LETTUCE- Early Curled Silesian. / Early Cabbage.’ » —— Blooms,tale Early Summer. White Cosmopolitan. The Telegraph has contracted for thousands of papefl these seeds from Lindt-clli & Son's agents in this city (H -Early Flat Dutch (strap le*0 -Early Flat Red or PurpU (strep lest.) , -Sevan Top (for greena) -Dixie. -Bloomsdalo Yellow Ruta Bags. PurpU I Lamar fi Sons’). They are warranted by the grower* agents as fresh and without a superior on this market, retail price of the 20 papers would be GO cents. You can FIFTY CENTS WORTH OF SEE -AM) THE WEEKLY TELEGRAP For Twelve Months FOR ONE DOLLAfl SEND YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS AT ONCK