The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 24, 1895, Image 7

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THE WEEKLY TELEGBAPH: JANUARY 2' 1895. s lere lnterlerei TO on Imy cl the Lines in Brooltlp. (I ilflliS SHOT. knight De Was Living and Uis Ktovery Is Counted a Possibility. s STOPPED AT 10 O’CLOCK <( „ wry In lleadlnee* to Resist All „ „f XV'I 111’. Decision Sol Y.l Rendered. i . N- Y„ J® n - 2S.—MaJ. |, \ n ' command ot two companies Regiment, at S o’clock morning closed aK * a ’- 00ns Deflr hcstatKmod ploketnat the ? g[ each with orders not to allow t0 pjss in our out. A targo . „[ men were practically bn- . jijj, Abrams said he would Uiem closed da Y. He 111,0 a iVp hall on Palmetto street In Striker* gatrer. There were .. 1„ me place at the time and dM1 ored to get out. Finally a , r , V j9 dispatched to the ottlco .,in tRi-aus, a lawyer, on Ful- a an hour later he ap- Justice Gaynor In the court, asking Cor a writ at i L i*yiis comseHll* Brig. Gen. . to produce the imprisoned , in court. The -writ was gntnt- imido returnable at 4 o’clock. Gen. M'cLcer was served with trit of habeas corpus he sent word re, Appleton to release the men ure penned In the hall, and when la*-,era entered court to arRue muter ane men were at liberty not produced In court, lul G. Before, who appeared lor judge advocate of the national •j in tne matter, stated that there other exits to the mil than the Stocked ny the mliltla and tlhere- e strikers were not prisoners at time. He said that the troops the main entrance to the hall veskt the men from rushing out Drawing bricks, stones and other lea and then retreat to their ms to escape the militia* The writ dismissed. UDWKKS SUSPENDED, rod,-rick looser & Co., dry goods nants, on Fulton street, suspended clerks today, so they announced, the strike Is over. They say their de hue been affected to such an ot UMt they cannot afford to keep r cleiKs on pay. At/naim & Strauss, gixds merchants, suspended seveu- « clei ku today for similar reU- thc pickets of the Seventh Regiment, died shortly before noon today. Judge Gaynor, In Buprerne court spo- oktl term, heard arguments nt 11 o'clcak today by Beioe MuCutdy of Now York and II. L. Towns of Brook lyn on ilonoMtlen nf .TnMeteh Tom/ler A Co., Fulton street .merchant*, on an order to show cause Why a writ of mandamus should not Issue against the Brooklyn Hetgwta Company to com pel Bhom to operate their lines. The oturipany was reresented by' Julian T. Davies ef Now York arid Thomas II. •Moore of Brooklyn. Judge Gaynor said the differences between the companies an the men were so slight he thought they should be easily adjusted and ■would hardly Justify the court in In terfering. The decision was reserved. SYMPATHETIC STRIKERS. Early In the dap Troop A. New York city's swell cavalrymen, charged with drawn sabres to disperse a mob which was stoning a gang of non-union work men repairing tracks. In other Instances troops tired at windows from which stones were thrown at them, and used their bayonets to disperse crowds. Wire cutting, obstructing tracks and bombard ing cars were continued In spite of the presence of the troops. The linemen and electrical workmen, after much deliberation, decided to strike out of eymp&thy for the conductore and motormen. Their motion will increase the trouble* of the presidents of the trol ley lines. The latter made the best showing In the operation of the cars of any day since the strike started. Blx new lines were opened. More cars were run on the other* which have been operated all of this week. The new lines opened were the Third avenue, Myrtle avenue, Reid avenue, Butler street, Sackett street and Hicke street. The showing made Is an excellent one. The companies brought many new men in from other cities to day. Presidents Lewis, Norton and Wicker declared that the strike Is practically won by them, now that they have shown thst they can operate their lines. They propose to open new tines tomorrow, and predict complete restoration of traf fic In a few days. The strikers made a proposition to the presidents today offer ing to leave all matters in dispute to the arbitration of William J. Richardson, a director In the Atlantia Avenue Railroad Company and a son of the late Deacon Richardson. The presidents once more Mr. Dingley Proposes That the United Suites Shull Have a Full Share. A BILL FOR TOTAL EXTERMINATION Sundry Civil Bill Conildered 1 a Comrnl tee of tile Wllole—Senator Jane* Hue a scheme for tiling Sliver In the Place of Notes, and national bank notes than 110, arid to make all ouch lower denominations Oliver certificates payable hi silver coin, ho claimed that that would be a «rroat stride foihrttrd la the Interest of silver, and be appealed to the extreme silver men to stand by the bill. Dvilei-t w IhAlgtt, the h.C’.d his seat In the senate under appoint ment of the governor (to fill the va cancy onus*-l by the death of Senator Wbridge), oeased today to be a sen ator. and Mr. Burrows took tho oath of offli-o In h'.s ft cud, having prevdoais'.y resigned his scat In tho house of xep- ntutlvps. io Nicaraguan canal bill was taken anil Mr. Turple (Dumocrat) of In diana mode a cfivaracterlstUraRy sharp and 'bitter sioach In opposition. At the close ot Mr. Turpte’s speech tho M l went over, and the senate, af ter a short executive session, at 3:55 m., adjourned until tomorrow. ilynan: General MoAlpin, Judge Ad- Gi'uerel Wallace and Miiltury Ji Marvin of tlhe governor's ailed upon Mayor Bolileren this t».ii and Aid a brief Intervlaw him The '.mayor subsequently tint there was no necessity ot .las out more troop*, wre Ear. 200 special poltcemou bava a Worn In during the past two days ». viile.unitary lores to the rogu- t appointed police. 11LOUWHED AGAIN. Ad was ohed In starting oars on Hicks street line ot tlhe Atlantto ■system this afternoon. Pre- anons were made to open the One rtly after noon. The Thirteenth fluent, Col. Austen In command, 1 Mai*. Cochran and Luaco.n were ihargn of the two battallans, had in on duty on Fifth avenue and nty-thlrd street and at Ninth ove ns 1 Twentieth street respectively. *>' were ordered to protoot the route tie Hicks street oar. This regiment me ivhlah saw service In the Uuftato 1 and will stand no nuneenae. be Unit car was started irusn the retreot stribles at 2:26 p. m. it car No. 166. On the front platform l special policeman and on the Olficer Seward was on duty. Austen deployed 111* men over irnl blocks In the neighborhood *te he anticipated trouble. The Scc- [lattallon got a hat reception in region about Hicks and Harrison s nones, bottles and ottier mls- were thrown at them from win- . They were taunted and rldl- 1 by people who stood on the door 's at leant one Instance a layer was pointed ait them fret— a Tbs first car itself was not vk'-d, at least so Its occupants say. HOT FOR THE MILITIA. IV militiamen themselves were the v -< Finally they ordered that all Mrs be closed and the sldriwalks l-i rwaya cleared. The people In windows did not obey. There was track ..f a rifle and a piece of brown >n« was chipped from a house front tv side ot the ■window. The window closed. People across the way d over their window# and threw o. "Crack!" spoke the guna and vVhlzsed past several heads. The 'if rurhed Into the laousc at 413 <> street and arrested Jacob Quln- tor throlnr lumps of coal at Pri- : tVlUisan Cole ot Company I. H 4» Hicks street they arrested tia Meade, who -pointed a revolver * of a wineWw at Corporal Plato of itifaby I. Just beyond this bouse, *r Hillard’# saloon. No. 444 Hicks fri. a man was seen on the roof, girder was given, "Stand back, almost simultaneously several Shots nt fired and the Clan dropped. He * roofer by the name of Thomas ‘"■"v- A bullet entered his right ■ ‘ and passed up through the groin “t abdomen. Ho wna removed to the >"■ Island Collegs Hoapltal and the Filer sent for to take his ante-mor- •» statement. There were In art about shot*. Carney was the only man **■ The car then proceeded without upthm after that. TV people of Hicks street had ir »ed their lesson. Windows were |t>. closed and doorways deserted l»o cars passed through the street ' '•turned to the stables without In- Ti; ”5* firing of the troops caused a Of terror in the vicinity, which **1 until about 4 o’clock, when the _•<>* m irctied tn the city hall, entered ■ y can and were transported to “Hr aivnory. O.UINBTS statement. 1» • roofer and say* be was whet he heird the order to ant m*. ho started to run hack, *"* ‘••'f-ro c mid get out Ut f* 1 * ®»a who was 1161 on l!a_>-y street tost nlgst -/ positively refused brertures ot arbitration or to treat with the striltere. SOME INCIDENTS. A stone was thrown from the elevated railroad' structure on Broadway near Aberdeen street about 7 o'clock tonight, which struck a car on Its way to East New York with such fore* as to pass completely through the roof of the .car. It narrowly missed the motorman. At 7 p. m. Corporal Doyle of Company B, Seventh Regiment, while on duty at the Knickerbocker avenue station of the Union elevated railroad, told some men who came down the elevated steps to move on. They refused. Doyle itruck one on the shoulder with his clubbed mueket. He smashed the mueket anil knocked the man down. He Jabbed his bayonet tn another man deep enough to draw blood. Both men were taken away by friends. The strikers were paid oft today by the assembly. The married men were paid (10 and the single men (7 each. The strike fund has been growing dally, and a considerable sum Is now on hand. Considerable of the money has been used to pay tha fares of the non-union men brought here back to their homes. Troop* found their task easier today than heretofore. They did not meet the etubbom resistance ot yesterday, nor were the crowds so great or violent. There was not so much clubbing by the police, either. OPERATIONS CLOSED. All the lines concluded to close opera tions early Jn the evening. The Atlan tic avenue system gave Orders to have all oats.(mused by 10 o'clock. Thomas Oumey, the roofer who was shot In 'Kicks street, « nil?* at mid night, but not expected to live until morning. After the last cars were housed ot 10 o’clock an ominous calm prevalliil all over the city. The troops at their different posts hud their sentries out and a rttarp watch was kept for any signs of dlstburanee. Mon wore ordered away from tho vicinity of the houses and extna precautions were taken to guard against disturbances. Extra poilament were detailed to look for wire-cutting. At midnight all was quiet. Tho linemen held a mooting at Odd FeEum’ boll In Palmetto tonight. They decided to go on strike tomor row morning, and declared (hat any man who repairs a broken trolley to morrow goes out of the union. M’ALPIN AT ALBANY. Albany, N. T., Jan. 23.—Adjt. Oen. MoAlpin and Col. Marvin, Governor Morton’s military secretary, cam* back to Albany Shortly after 4 o'clock thta afternoon, having left NSW York at 1 o’clock. Gen. MoAlpin drove at once to the executive raasion. where tie had a short conference with the governor In regard to the attusitlon of affairs. He reports everything quiet In Broolclyn and matter* looking better than *t any time thta week. Brig. Oen. Oliver, commanding the Third Brigade, this afternoon counter manded hla order to the troops tn his brigade, directing that they hoM them selves In readiness for a call If un emergency should arise. The Papal Letter Seat Out on the Ireland McQUAlD REPROVED. Rome, Jan. 2fi—The Vatican haa closed the Irelant-McQiuU Incident after me king the oln«''»t investigations Into it* merits. Cardi nal l ampoUa. the papal secretary of state, has written on behalf of the rope a letter to Cardinal Gibbona, in which ho admlnialera a reproof lo Biahop MrQuald for hla drplorablo violation of cbnrch diacinlinn in hla attack upon Archbishop Ireland. The letter fully Justifies Archbishop Ireland In tbs attitude ho as sumed. The pope has also written s letter to Biahop McQuald, at Rochester, eapresaing re gret at hi* conduct towards (he archbishop. M. FAURE'S CABINET. Paris, Jan. 23—M. Faure haa appointed General Ponmier to be chief of the military household at the Elysee palace. The refusal of M. Cocnery to accept s place In the new cnbinet la due to bis disagreement with several of hit presumed eaiociatee in the mini-try in regard to U>* Income tax M, Baur- E l It has ofiersd the portfolio of juatice to nator DeMole. President Faun baa received 3,000 tele gram* of congratulation upon hla election. M. Bourgeois called upon M. Faure at 1 o’clock this afternoon and held with him * prutractn J conference. It la reported that M. l evtral ha* consented to aocept the ministry of Washington, Jan. 23.—'Among the executive communications laid before the house today wan a letter from the secretary of the treasury In answer to the resolution ot inquiry Introduced some days ag> by Mr. Dingley (Repub lican) ot Maine, relating to the condi tion and prospeots of the Behring Sea seal herd. Mr. Dingley called atten tlon to the otearacter of this letter, which Chawed that the Paris regula tions for the protection of the Alaskan seal fisheries have proved a flat failure, a* shown by these facts cited 1. The lessee* of the government, notwithstanding there hid been three years' cessation of killing seals In Alaskan seal Islands, were able to se cure more than 150,000 male seals the past season, whereas 100,000 were only ubbaluod a few years ago. 2. The pelage sealers, mostly Cana dian, secured nearly 50,000 seals the past season, of which 15,000 were killed In Behring Sea, Whereas previously they had not 'been able to dbbaln half of Ibis number. And as ninety-five scaling vessels are now preparing to soil with Alaskan epeoromea on board there Is little doubt they wEl kill 100,- 000 seals In Behring Sea’ tho next sea son unless interfered with by new legislation, 3, it is the opinion otf the secretary ot the treasury and all seal experts that under the Paris regulations with In iihree or four, or, ot the most, five years, the entire Alaskan seal herds will be exterminated and property worth 310,000,000 to this country, and a source of comfort ot Inestimable value to the world, will be exterminated. "Obvlotnrly,’’ he said, "self-respect, as well as self-interest, demand that this fame dhoukl be at once ended. It costs this country more than (200,000 per annum to execute the Paris regula tions, and for the benefit ot tho pe- lagls sealers, mainly Cunadil. "We should at ooce notify Great Britain of the situation, and I under stood -this baa been done, and Inform her unless sne will jotn us In regula tions that will protect tne Alaskan seal herds from extermination we shall be Obliged to at once kill and seourc the whole herd and save to that extent the property whldh belongs to us. And I believe that Should be done." Mr. MoCreary If Kentucky naked if the United States was not now paying more than it ever did before to protect the seals, and If the arbitration at Parle was not a total failure sa Ur as the United States was concerned. Mr. DlnRley answered that bo hnd already expressed ids belief to that ef fect. Mr. Reed—IVe are paying out a larger sum than ever to enable the Can :l.;;i *■ alera to do their work more perfectly. Mr. II ii-klnH (Republican) of Illinois n-k.vl wh-ehcr or not the administra tion iris doing anything to acquaint Greng Britain with the fu-’.a. Mr. Dingley replied that It was. and. he bellevid, InofT" dually. “Great Iirl- : tin." -i 1 .Mr. I'lngi -y, "has nearly os much financial Interest In the pres ervation of the seal herds as tills coun try, because the seal skins are nearly aX prepared and dyed In London, giv ing employment to probably 60,000 per sons in the English capllxri.” Mr. Dingley then Introduced a bill authorising the secretary at the treas ury to forthwith kill and secure the sktna of the whole Alaskan herd of the Seal Islands, eeE the same from lime to time and convert the proceeds Into the treasury. The eeoond section author- lie* the president to suspend the ex ecution or the act When Great Britain shaH unite with this country In regula tion! that will In bla judgment pro tect the Alaskan seal herds. The bill and Secretary Carlisle's let ter were referred to (he committee on vaye and means. Mr. McMillan of the committee on ways anil means reported a resolution referred to It on the 12lh instant, which was agreed to, calling upon the secre tary of the tmisury for additional In formation on the subject, all facts on file relating to tho seal business since January 1, 18M, tho contracts made, aulta or claims against the United States arising thereunder, toes of reve nue to the government by the diminu tion of the catch, and an Itemized statements of the expenses connected with the Paris arbitration, also What expenses the government Is now un der for earring out the treaty for the government of Samoa. The sundry civil oppropriatln bill was then taker, up in committee d the whole. Mr. Sayres briefly explained the pro vision* of the bill aud Mr. Cannon (Republican) of Illinois, a member ot (be committee on appropriations, ex pressed Ms regtvat at life fact (bnt the committee hud not seen beat to make more generous appropriations tor certain pubAe works, especially foe the lighthouse establishment. With this, general debate dosed and the Mil wus considered under the five- minute rule for amendment. At the earllert possible moment Mr THE! INCOME TAX ill 11 «Aii mux iu Manufacturers of HIGH-GRADE FERTILIZIHS And. Importers of GERMAN KAN it G A. rTTfr oore's A pplloatton to Go to n Higher Count Waahinctrm, Jsn 23.—Judge Hagner tills mooning distaiaaed the application of John G. Moore of Nqw York for an injunction to restrain the commis sion-:' of In'-iruil revenue from collect lug ithe income tax. Tho oaso grid be oarrh-d to the district oourt of appeals on amended nppl!oa".on. Judge Haguer hold Chat there was pracKcalty no dupfccattau of tux on div idends at corporations, but <<viin If there was. It was #a: tlol l.nv that vex atious as duplicate taxation was, !t ;n >t poAtibie f» avoid It In every case. Ho also held that the conten tions that the tax was unjust, because It taxed only Incomes over a certain amount fell wi;hm the direction given to corvjivMS by she OcmvJtu'.on and was beyond (lie ooutrol of tire judicial au thority. The tlir.m that the tax was nnconotlMiUonal. because nil one were Included in It, the oourt said, was of benofllt rather than dotrlmeat to tho ciim-pUIin!i- aryl did not mippfiy n gr.evaneo clause for an lnjtutur oa As bo the fifth and last specification that o-w-Mmonbs were to bo made upon Incomes |hnt had b -n earned and re ceived pftor to tbe date of tho act tak ing effect, tho court dretdrd against five contort:on. Judge H ign -ralsi held that a claimant hid tn« rtgrn «» re cover taxi-s Cllo-gaDy oollotitcd. I't eras also hdd that the counts were without authority (to grant un Injunc- lon In such a ease as thfs, because of the provl-.i >n In five revised statutes, “that no suit far She purpose of re straining the assessment or collection of any tax dhiT. be maintained In any court.” Coune -1 for the pfirintlff announced h's Inii-ntfon to submit an amended bill, asking for tin injunction. FOREIGNERS NEED NOT FEAR Missionaries Taken to Chee-Foo by a ., War Vessel. Washington, Jan. 23.—The navy de partment lias received the foEowlng dispatch from Commander Folger of the YortotoWtl at Chee-Foo: "Teng Chow Foo, Ohlna, was bom barded by ten Japanese vosels on Jan uary IS and 13. On the 2lst, in answer to an appeal ot m.--I marie* and as travel by land was c-mddercd Imprac ticable, the Yorktown trans; r:-1 to ' ildren MACON, Fop the coming 1 season we are prepared to offer to the trade our High-Grade Fertilizers, including the best and purest Guanos, high-grade Acid Phosphates, pure .German Kanit ol our own importation, bright Cotton Seed Meal, etc., at prices to suit the times. We say positively, without any fear of contradiction, that we are in a better position to servo our friends than any other concern in the world. If you will invest a cent in a postal nnd write for out prices and terms, it will prove a blessing to you and make a customer for us. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING You will find us at 6ame oflice, No. 358 Third street (nexl to Dunlap's). FARMERS’ SUPPLY COMPANY, MACON, GA. Georgia Seed Co., •th Grasoes and Clover food. Mall ordera wit' receive prompt attention* Write for prlcee. 067 Poplar Htrcet. opposite Market, Macon, Ga. ’nieviaalw II AM J _ _ _ _ _ Tools ami Hardware HpoolalUea III 11 IN riMii > Hardware Trvnveloa. velocipedes VJUI13( 1 IJlUlJj Uai U VV Cl I Vj Feuiutmlar cooklwr Btovo*. Tabli f.n«l Pocket Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools, and all klndwof Sporting Good#, Muhin* Tnckltyi, Paae ball Gouda. A description circular will bo aent on application free ot charke. C. Huhn, 69 Mulberry Street. Macon. 9«. BAM SMALL’S LIBEL SUIT. Gold Exporters Uake a Heavy Demand on the Sub-Treasury at New York. WILL NOT ACCEPT OF BDLL10N The tag Phi, They Say, Will Blake the Gold toat Too Blneli to Alto*v a Itvnaonablo Profit—fixporte Likely to It# Heavier- i 1 si,-it nlsslo the 20th and 21st the J panli-l by t.venty-thret of-war. landed a. large ry families. On Wel-H.-il-VVal. il l at thr Japan ■ . 1. WAR VESSELS 51 ADZ BEADY. Vellaio, Cal.. Jan. 23.—An order has been reeel red from the lu tv deptrUnenUo immedi ately prepere the crnleere Banger awl Alert for eea, end the cooling and pravieioaing at these vaeeole Is now being rs[ idly poshed. It Is stid both vessels will put to ee* oa Thurs day under sealed orders. Tha ember Boston is also being n • i*d. POWER OF REMOVAL PASSED. Albany, X. T., Jsn. 23. -.The La wean power of tenoral bill haspsmed the assembly with out amendment. 102 yea*. 13 Does. It sow goes lo the senate for concurrence. Under it tbs mayor he* four months (boot January 1 to remove the btada of Now York eity depart- ntnkis TO HAVE A BANQUET. Washington. Jsn. 23.—Tennaeas* Mends of Senator Harris rcilJing here ore preparing to give him a banquet In honor of bla m-elsetioa. Most* r Htfris u tbe fit.! nun from Tbnn-*- see ev<r etoemdto the bolted gules senate for a fourth term. Pickier (Republican; of South Dakota got the floor and delivered an eloquent tribute to She ousnory of Cherles L. Carter, late annexationist commis sioner to tbe United Stance, who killed In the recent rebellious uprising in Hawaii, wihtch ora* received with ApplauM. After considering fifty-five pages of tbe MU She committee arose and the house adjourned. THE SENATE SESSION Mr. Hale gave notice of an amend mem to live diplomatic and oonsubtr appropriation Mil, appropriating (504,- 000 toward five construction of a tele graph cable between the United Stab's and the Hawaiian Islands, and snld that recent to rni.* showed Umt £,» time bod come wOten file United fit ought to have dose, n»ir, quick ed.-nmu ntcmtlbn -with tbe tsktndn. The financial Ml'-s wi re then intro duced, vrtfloh were .after remark* bv their autlwre, referred to the finance ootrknlttee. The first vras by Mr. Smith (Drenocra.1) of Now Jersey), ltk title being “To provide tor the appointment of a non-partisan monetary committee and to provide mean* f r tanporary deflclencfe# in the revenue*.’’ The sec ond part of the title refer* t» a pro posed issue of Dotted States 3 per cent, bonds punrhaseehle and payable in gold coin to an amount of not'ex ceeding S500.000.tW. Tbe title of Mr. Jones’ bUl was: "To provide for the tamo of bonds, tbe coinage of stiver and for other purpose*." In hi* explan atory remarks, Mr. Jones declared that he would under no condition vote for an Issue ot hoods unless the bid was scuffr-l -vlth a ■renrihl-, manly and ■ubstarttUl recognition ut silver." Ch-c-Vc •nu ll Wl no fear further than th.-i'. till- Japanree will the port. Ohee-Ff but neo rding to tloned. la th n an uprl-lng oi expe lancy that be jeopardised the place by the n rrelJents of lined, would have enese forces, and !e not likely that ke an attack on ■> a treaty port, nuthority men- ,riant of these. New Yoik, Jan. 23.—There has been 13,000,000 ot gold withdrawn from tho the tub-treasury for export Saturday and the total to he Shipped on that day will not be les* thin (7,000,000. The sub-treasury ofllcers have been con ferring with gold exporters today rela tive to the delivery of gold bars In redemption of legal tf-nd--:-s Instead i.-f Shit Entered Yesterday By Superintendent o Education Uataey. Norfolk, V*., Jin 23.—Suit was entered to day In the circuit court of the city of Norfoll by Hon. John E. Messey, inpcrintcudcnt « education of Virginia, against the Norfoll Pilot, a prohibition newspaper, Sara W Small, Its editor, tbe director* of the company and B. E. Byrd, a lawyer of Wineheater, Va. for libel. The ,u-n named la $50,u00. Thli •nit ia the r< salt of th* charge made by thi Pilot that UaMsy was bribed by the America! book company to secure that cmnpmy'a t on tracts with tho state of Virginia for furnlahtni book, Xb tho pnhlic school children. Lcadinj counsel for Sir. Massey aro Alfrod P. Thon and Judge J. Neeley of Norfolk. Tho notice o suit waa filed this afternoon aud the procesi mad* rclnrnsble to first rules in Fcbrusry. The charges made hr the Pilot street Gov S or O'Famll and the Hon. 11. Taylor Scott >mey general of the state, who are, will Mr. Massey, th* board of education which let thu contract. The trial of the cate, whtcl promises to bo a celebrated one, will b< watolied by tho people of Virginia and tbe on tiro country with great interest. FAMILY 8CANDAL, TOO. th.' slilo hlppt Should p- 1.1 not excepting Chln-Klnng. The Jap anese might desire It for n pose of sup plies but even this Is unlikely, an there are other p>ru along Oi* coast bet ter adapted for the purpose, th* Cheo. Foo anchorage, being an open road town and practically unprotected. A* to tha probabilities that the Japans** might fis. sire Chee-Foo for th# purpose of landing troops there preparatory to an sttuck on Pekin It was stated that tha Japanese had already a sufficient force In China for all purposes contemplated at present. The stats department he» received a dispatch from Minister Bill at Seoul. Korea, under the date of Di'enlk-r so. giving (he translation of a royal decree limiting Chinese residence tn Korea to the open port*, forbidding them to travel tn tho Interior, compelling (hem to regis ter within twenty-four hour* nfter their arrival end removing their extra territo rial rights by bringing them under tne Jurisdiction of Korean courts. Secretary Greeham reertved a dispatch today from Minister Den by at Pekin re porting that tho Chinas* penes plenipo tentiaries will leave Shanghai on the 22th instant for Jep-n DANtBUr RESIGNATION. Washlngt-.n. Jan. 21.—Although the rcMignatl. n of Chief Clerk Daniels of the Interior department has not yet been accepted by the secretary of th* Interior, there are a number of ap plicants for the position and an equal number ot names are rumored a* hi* suoceasor. It Is probable a euocesaor w!3 not be named for a month, the custom being to grant the outgoing ofli-lal thirty (lays’ las re of abeeuc*. Mr. Wormer "f Georgia will be de tailed as acting chief olerk for the next month, which practically means his appointment to tho position. ira :l!>. :i: * (:i 11 •■> l.V* "f mint- g the gold Into coin. The govern- ent 1* willing to suppfy the gold bar* a reasonable premium can be ar ranged with the gold exporters. The exporters, however, show little disposi tion to pay anything for the gold bar*. They claim they will have to pay a slight dhurge to the Bank of "England for the assaying at the gold bare, which would counteflbalanee tho bene fit derived tram scouring (ho bar* .here. It 1* true that scene small quantities of of gold tart* have been purchased from smelter*, hut these bars were sold In the open market. Large quantities, however, would 'have to be sold to (he Bank of England, as th* demand for gold In the <Bpen market abroad te Drtt very great. The treasury alto bos only slboirt 322,000,000 gold coin available for redemption of loom! tenders, as about 153,000,000 must be held against gold certlfloate* outstanding. The exporters consequently bellove that gold hare must be furnished by the treasury per- force tf the gold exports continue as heavy as at present. The exchange market Indicate* that (he gold move ment will increase rather than dimin ish, and the shippers consequently ere reluctant to pay any premium for gold bar*, as the time Is near at hand when Oh* treasury will have no choice In the matter. The mints can turn out only about (1,<00,000 gold coin each week. With gold exports averaging (5,000,000 (0,000,000 a week It Is obvious thnt tho gold coin will be rfgkaced In a few weeks. The Inrasury will, however, close more gold than the amount ex ported, as the shippers have to sort the gold coin withdrawn from the treasury And deposit all gold which ha* been rendered light by abrasion In the bs.nka. Another issue of bonds t* eon- stdernd Inevitable, but It oan be stated on high authority that the floating ot 5 per cent, bonds 1s extremely doubt ful. him and expressed their sincere regret •t bis severance of hte connection with the department, and th# watoh force presented him with a silver set as a token of their esteem. TIIE SUOAR TRUST CASE. The Soprcn Court Did Nothing ill the Mat ter Yesterday, ishlnfri 0 Jsn. 23.—The supreme court -.the petition; tor ih*wri'» tiv Broker Chspmin soil Correspond.-ot Stein r end III* nowoader- stood tnit n-> r ig will be made until Mon- div/ Solicitor General Maxwell has file! bis brief te opi—itiou to lb* graating of a writ ia theenaeofEu r: n R. Chapman. It* main point is that the writ will not terao unless the court nn.lir whoa* warrant th* pe titioner is held i« without Jurisdiction. Itcannolbe u«d to correct sno -a. ••Nothing short of want .if Jurisdiction in the court Lv *l.. -o warrant the application la held will Justify bis release oa habeas corpus." DI8PIDOUXY SPY SHOT. l B. C„ Jsn, 2S.—A special to Tbe HOrtevide, Darlington cooatr. says: : a nun named Jenkins, who has tstons vender, bnt wss rjopr. and who had 1 per*, n* wfc hospitality 1.* rvi. .adt.g thedtsj -nsarjl*. ’ unknown parties through _ erne ■ wm t-odresm. Tbs ballet took .-2 :... hi* L» k. Tie wotnd to P04 sailnos. Colt bssn ps-»ing as a ton really a iggg r-i . '• hi 1 *» ii* 1 the Elysee tho private residence in th wife went to the home Avanno Mmtalgso.” cut went to h s formo Rue Nltoti wtiUo hi of her stater, In th MURRAY SHOT DEAD. IIo Resisted Arrest end a Poeso Went to Him. Colombia, 8. C., Jan. 23.—A aperiil to Th* State from Darlinglon, 8. C., says: In the Lydia neighborhood today Depul, Sheriff Hcsrborongh attempted to arrcrtbeaii regard Murray, a negro, auppoeed to be a rcl ativo of Cungroasman Murrey, chargod wit) malic Ions trespaa,. Murray raw la lad and dis armed 4'ie sheriff, who returned fur help Backed by a posse, he again attempted t> arrest the negro, who doctored he would no snrrendea anu tried to draw tbaplatol whtcl "" ‘iod taken Item tha sheriff, wben-upuu In shot dead with a Winchester ritie. WILL BONDS BE ISSUED? Tbs Shrinkage of the Gold Reserve Gives Else to Inquiry. Mr. Dnnletoe. the outgoing official, _ „ ,. . wn„ today given nn. ovation, Th. Wn.hto.totofreffi-OoM to ffiyggj . . was for ex- poat and ItOO.flOO for exchange of United Staten notes-wi* withdrawn from the New York snb-tr*aa»ry today. This red nee* the gold rrs-rveto (M.705,006. Kotlee o41/-, to be dresro tomonow we* also recalled. The gradual rednctioivof the gold reserve ha* not np to thin (fane given rise to eny authorized ste’ement that a bond l«*ue will noon be made, beta cabinet official said today soother proposal inviting bids for bonds would certainly be issued in th* absence of action by C Alwbat point the gold res area would be al lowed to go before the bond ieece would b, mode WWW W iwwtfor cf dlzcrcttsa r.o!»!y. ssi |muet naturally be decid id by circumstances. MATRIMONY AT MONTICELLO.^H Two Marriage* Celebrated Within Twenty. Four noon. Monties Ho, Jan. *3.—(Special.)—A. matri- mooal fever seem* to have struck this little eity. Loin night at tbe Begtiai chnrub Mr. W01 SeoM ef Griffin wm married to Mtes Baby Holland of Ibis connty. Mr. and Mr*, ticoit left this morning for their heme *4 Holland- vdls, Upson county. Os. Tbia morning at It o’clock Mr. C. R. Ooolsby end Mis* Keonon were married at the hoes* of the bride t few miles from town. CHURCHILL’S CONDITION. London. Jsn. >L—At td0p.m.. Lord Ban- ddph Churchill wm aUR unconscious. It te understood that Lady Randolph Churchill te prostrated tram the strain of cocmntly iuning her husbeafi. PLEADED GUILTY. Baker Changed Ills Mind After Hie Firs Arraignment. Beltini >re, 3M., Jsn. 23.—There »t> . sen lUon In the criminal court this aftcrncoi when Horace Baker, alias Georg" hage. «r ralgmd fur tho forgery of drafts l.y which hi secured $3,100 fte tu tlio llirt.o.-d X .tiooa beak of Belslr in May last, withdrew hie pl*i of not guilty and pleaded guilty to tho charge The apectstore coul.I n it help giving vent ti their feelings when tho forger ecutowledgel bis guilt. 11 wu una ef the shortest and mss sensational trials conducted recently In th< criminal oourt. Sentence was suspended am Rage was cent bock to jail. CRISIS IN ARGENTINE. Washington, Jan. 23.—Minister Unchanan at Bnenus Ayres, cabled the state departmen continuing tho news heretofore published tha the Argentina cabinet resigned test Wednca day, that President Pen* t. -ignod yesterday and that Vice-President Uriburu baa luumrl the presidency, All was quiet there today. HANGIKQ ON A TRANSOM. St Lonis. Jan. S3.—George R. Jackson, agei 4, on of the former president of the St. L mi Elevator company, wan found by a aervxri hanging to tbe transom of hte dressing roon door this morning. Lite waa eitliirt. Mi Jackson was n bachelor and lived with hi mother on th* corner of Park and licntoi Place. No reuse for the suicide te known His father killed himself in a rim iter manna four year* ago. SUICIDE AT JACKSONVILLE. Jacksonville. Fla., Jan. 2).—Arthur Pardon bonkko<*por of tho Florida Hardware com pany. infolded by •hooting himself throngl thrt h ad in room 12 at B^ttelir.ia hotel a 1:10 o'clock thin afternoon. No cmoim ia aa •igned, taro that young Pardee had beet OMkiai bwvii/. CotiBiimptIon K.slly Corea. To the Kdiior: l'hu luforin yocu fttdcra that I Liive a poniuvh rcu-eu' f* r ftituVc if . t ... . :ii. liy iu umeij 0*6 tLua»a:. :■> of i ;>< .(.’fti hav« tHfii j.;:.. ■ .;• i. i be g.a< to kvod two bettie* of mr remedy ir«.< t*j ir y o: jo'ir i •»-!■ th «L ; u.k\* «„. 4 •umplion, if itey will Kai uiu tueii tipn-m and p«;-: iilif.i adilr. iaom. iu, •l*ctfu!l/e T. OPF1CIA L After the first da; tha legal advertlaamei county will be publlaho^l County Xew*,’ r a weel liibed in th* CQuruy. Roland T. iu l It. N. tKihrti W. W. Burro notice of Febn