The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 24, 1895, Image 8

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THE MACOH TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORYIYG, -JANUARY 24, 1895. THE WORLD OF TRADE. Reports by Wikk From the ftnF.AT Markets. New Yoric, Jan. 13.-‘‘Monty on cajl lias .been easy ait 1. la?X Run at 1, cjoa- in* offered at 1, prime nj^tsantile pa- j>er 3a4 per cent; ojar Silver 59 3*8; Mexi can dollars 48 3-4. Steriin* exchuti«e is strong, -with actual business In I)aOkers’ business at 4.88 l-4al-2 for CO days; |4.89a44.S9 1*4 for demand, rotated rates 4 SfcU.&O; ocmwnerclai bills 4.8?a4.87 3-4. Government bonds Hrm, state bor*te steady, wilroad Ibomls weak. Silver et tihe .board was 59 3-4 asked. STOCKS AND BONDS. RAILROAD STOCKS, U. S.Cordtge.... 5% do prefd; 8% New Jersey Con.. 87 NeVYork ten... 99% N. Y. and N.E.. 81 Norf. andW.pref Hi,*4 Northern Pacific- 3 do prefd. 15V* Northwestern ... 94*4 do prefd. 143 Pacific Mail. 22% Heading 10‘ 4 liock Island..... 62% bt. Taul 65% do prefd.117.% Amer. Cot. Oil... 23 do prefd. 69 Am. huger Kehu; 90% do prefd. 93*4 Am. Tobacco Co. WA do prefd.loi l 4 A..T. and 8. Fe. 4% Halt and Ohio.. 63% Cauadian Pacific 55‘ % C’hebu. and Ohio. 17 Cbi. and Alton. .148 Chi., ii. and Q... 70? 4 Chicago Gas 72? < Dei., it. and W*. 1161*4 Die. and Cattle P 10% Lne 9% do profd. 23 Gen.Electric.... 33% Illinois Cen.. .... 87*4 Lake Ene and W 16% do profd. 70*4 Lake Snore V&A Jxm. and Nash... 03- 4 Lou. and N. Alb. 7 Manhattan (.ona.107% Mi-ir. ami Char.. 10 Micbiuan Cen... 95 Missouri Panfic. 21% Mobile and Ohio. 15 2L, C. and St. L.. 65 STATE DOXDS. Alabama class A.litf Tcune’se Old 6s.. - " B.104 •• •• c* 94 La. itr.mped 4 0 N. Carolina os.... 99 - 4s. ...124% GOVf.RXMr.XT BONDS. U. 8. 4s regietU .113 I U. S. 2s regular. V H 4.<y»nnnn« lift I • Bid, t Asked. $ Ex dividend. Silver Cenifie’es. 69% Tenn. C. and L.. 15% do pref df 7o Texas Pacific.... 8% Union Pacific.... 9*4 W., bt 1* and P. 6% do prefd. 13*4 Western Union.. 87‘ 4 Wh’l’g and L. E. 9% do prefd. 39% Southern R’y 6s. 87 •• •* con. 9*4 “ '* pf,d. 32% S-C. 4%s 103 newsotbs. 84% ” 6s Virginia Ga def... 8% M t’rs... 10 “ landed debt 59% son Why a furfil^r decline was not es tablished waa due to generous support b ytfbe sam* commission toouses who held tine imarket yv*ste*r<Iay. The buying fr^m rource, ‘t'^gether with ,vw * cring of tfhorts iby w*me of tho Wrgwr operatons and 4flje c8re»pness r>f the price, restrained the ibears trom «»t* taoki-rtg the market. We •fihlnk the de cline has gone far enough and we do not hesitate to advise purchases of cotton ait these price*. The short In terest ihias 'been largely increased and any new buying or slightly bullish feature would change the entire aspect of the .market. The receipts of the ports today were 38,000 bales, while the ex perts exceeded 63,000 bale*. The re ceipts so far this week are 144,299, ag*ln*t 134,446 !ast week. E. B. Cuth- bert & Co. LIVERPOOL. Lirsipool. January 23—8pot cotton market demand fair, prices easier. American middlings 3 1*32. Sales 14.000 bales, of which 1010 were for speculation and exnort. and included 12,800 American. Receipts 32,000 bales, of which 27,200 were American. Futures quiet. I Opened. | Closed. January Jan.-Feb Fob.-March March-April April-May May-June June-July July-August... Aug-Rent Sept-Oct 2 60-64 2G0-G4 2 62-61 2 65-64 2-C4 3 361 3 4.64 3 6-64 12 59-64 s2 GO-64 2 59-64*2 60-64 2 ©>-64 2 Gl-64a2 62-64 2 63-64 1-64 a3 2-64 3 3-64 3 4-6U3 5-64 5-6 Ia3 6-64 in Augusta and Knoxville railroid 7 per cent bonds. .Tax and July coupons, due 19C0 iocty 105 LOCAL BONDS AND bTOCKS. UuVVM CmI V’*Lu consols, May and November coupons pi an (• .. -e < per cenu bonds, Jan. and July coupons.105 115 Macon Volunteers* Armory 1 cent bonds, Jan. and July cou pons 194 MB Bibb Manutocturlng Company 6 per cent bonds, April and Oct coupons....*. 100 Progress Loan and Improvement Company 4 53 Southern Phosphate Company stock 75 Acme Brewing Company BANK STOCKS. First National Bank stock 125 American National Bank stock.. Exchange Bank etock Union Savings Bank and Trust Company stock Central Georgia Bank stock Macon Savings Bank stock Central City Loan and Trust Company stock 70 HARDWARE. . COTTON. .Macon, January 23. The Macon market for spot cotton is quiet etthe following quotations- Oood Middling 6% Middling 5 Strict Low Middling 4!I Low Middling 4% Good Ordinary 4% Ordinary — LOCAL BECEirTS. This t)ay. Yesterday I 25T 208 i Stf I 2711 35 1 52 | 711 153| C8U6 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. ktock on hand hoptembur 1. 1394. 1,400 Becelvod saw September 1.1894 (K>,862 PORT RECEIPTS. Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday... Thursday Friday Total this week jU! & 38U>2 42676 35512 88UTJ 25831 63458 10196 26621 37991 38326 144,299 133,546 121,032 it e 26446 23214 338.V, 247)7 21115 17302 •B S 6 9780 1507S 1472S 11705 HM61 8502 81,201 New loti:. Jan. 23—Spot cotton c*«y; middling gulf 8 18-10: middling upland 8 11-10. Bale. 228 bates. Tba lntnn- market opened qnlat and closed ,tead.r. Hales, 120,700- I Oncn.'d l Ciosml January February March Air.! >'»y June July August (toptembtr October. Korembw 15»r.nh»r 8 45 8 44 8 40 5 52 5 5H 8 m 6 84 8 CO 8 80 8 42 8 47 8 to 6 66 8 67 8 Cl 5 08 8 70 6 7o ucxim .an mom tooaoUJal.d not rMeipt... " Export* to O. Britain. " Export, to Branco.... " Export* to continent. Flock on band at Now York To-d*y. | 3*.009 141,396 h 81,((9-4 k .... 14,217 , 15,928 58.497 J 1,080,045 c 'lot.: unto bept. 1—Not receipt*.... 6.801,074 “ " “ Export* toG. B. 2,180.233 *• “ - Exp. to Franco. 67s,281 “ " “ Exp. continent. 1,648,071 ntv oaiuxa cnoamo rurnua. NewOrleana. Jan. 23—Cotton Alton* doted ateady: a*le*33,3UU bale*. 1 Inly ..'.Oil January 8 U6 February 8 10 Karen.....-— 8 28 April r. 22 Uay 8 28 June.... 8 114 August t 41 I Heptambor 6 48 | October 6 62 j November.. I Itammlxr.. PORT QUOTATIONS. OolvPriton, Jan. 23.—Quiet; rot-idling, 6 1-8; not n-celpia. 7,329; stock. 22(7,529. Norfolk, Jmn. 23.—Quiet; mlAE'ng, 8 1-5; art leceivLn 1.504; xrus, rovr.t.L* 68.554. Baklmorc. Jan. 23.—Dull; in'.tldllrg, 6 6-8; stock. 26.110. Baaton, Jan. 23.—Quiet; middling, 6 11-141; act receipt* 428; atock, 3,237. WiPmlngton. Jan. 23.—Dull; middling, 4 7-8; net m-c|ppt*. 454; stock. 11,487. iPhlladelpblt. Jun. 23.—Quiet; mid- riling. 5 8-18; stock. 11.399. Savanna'll, Jan. *3.—Qn!ot and ea.y; mlddNnjt, 3 1-18; nc4 receipt*. 2,489; stock, 88,384. New Orleans, Jan. 23.—Steady; mid' dllng, 5 1-18; atock 399.768. Mcfblle. Jan. 23.—Quiet; middling, 6; not receipt*, 1.879; stock. 46,704. Msirgrills, Jan. 23.—Quiet; middling, C 18; net receipts, 1,2412; stock. 131.611. Augusts. Jan. 23 —Quiet; middling, 6 14; net receipts, 675; stock. 34.2SC. OharierDon, Jan. 23.—Quiet; middling, 6 1-4; net receipt*. 3.888; stock. 68,340. •Cincinnati, Jan. 23.—Steady; mid dling, 5 3 8; net gecetpts, 1.893; stock, 12.983. Louisville, Jan. 23.—Quiet; middling. 61-4. St. Louis, Jan. 23.— steady:middling, 6 l-;8 net receipts. 494; stock, 72.20(5. Houston. Jan. 23.—Easy; middling. 6 1-8; net receipts; 6.837; stock. 51,714 Now York, Jan. 23.—fSpeclai.)—Cot. ton declined 2 to 3 points further today, cl uing steady o*. the decline with to- 1x1 sales of 1K.700 bales. Liverpool ci- td«s were better than expected, rc- porting sales of 14.000 bales of spot return at l-32d decline and firtun-a steady and ptHClkrilly t.nohang(\l fnen yesterday’s Closing quotations. m’nUtv cause dour market to open Arm where It left off last night. Prices Showed * disposition to advance after the call. 1>ut wxi# prevented Trim doing so hy lfxvler receipts, athldh led to further llquldatloti nt tong stuff and some fresh short celling. The demonxRxatlcvn In xiie stock market and further weakness In wheat and prospemlre further ship ments of god to on Saturday Increased the nerv:«sn.wa If the week tiolders. but In the gvnem! movemem wliloh foiiowed. and mdiioh wa* eon- firmed tip to the close of the market.* orty receded 3 points. Tha rca GRATN AND PROVISIONS. Chtca'go. Jan. 23.—Prices of wheat keep slipping .way and tlhe (bu'.io in #hat grain are in despair. In fact, there are no bulls left, if the general tenor at the oonveravtlon on the board of trade is to toe believed. Wealthy houses who have been clinging to the long side drfggedCy sold out today, much of tide wheat showing 10al5e per bushel less. (Several (houses that (have Pacific coast connections were selling early, thus giving color to the reports that Senator Fair's wheat was being liqui dated. Other prominent concerns who have rich men for ahelr clients also let go of big lines. The almost unanimous opinion now prevails that nothing short of 'an accident, cither In the way of damage to the growing crop or of some complication tbtlt wV1 cause an in crease ill icie WIIBumpilvc uenisrul, will rescue the market from the posi tion It now 1s in. A greater impor tance 4s now being attached to the general ’business situation and contin uous shipments of gold to foreign coun tries. Bradstreet’s report of a decrease of ■„300,000 'bushels In the world's avail able stocks stemmed the tide of sell ing today and brought about a slight recovery In values. May -Wheat opened from 65 1-8 to 55. sold between 55 l-4a 53 3-8 ii nd 54 3-8. closing at 54 7-8a 54 3-Sa54 1-2 under yesterday. Cash wheat was easier. l-4c decfdne being quoted. Corn.—The action of Wheat was with out imuch effect on the corn market to day. There was a good demnnd from receivers, naturally consequent upon an imp- iv-ment 1n the cash dnpart- ment. (Shorts wore willing if not anx ious buyers, and prices fe'.t the stimul ation. Inasmuch as offerings were no- ticrnlbly light. An ine.rei«’ of 1,1999,000 bushels in availalble stocks was report ed by Bradstreets. May corn onened from 45 1-4 to 451-20.45 5-8, sold be tween 45 1-8945 1-4 oirl 45 7-8. closing nt 45 3-4n.46 3-8 Wrihor than yesterday. In the <4is(h brnrech of the bnrslnesa there was .material ■strength. New England buyers evinced a great desire to pur chase and t-3c per bushel was gained. OsiU.—The shorts In oats wore pos sessed of the same opinions .as those in corn. 7t was noccvkiry to told for the stuff'and the strength mras the out- c-me. No irKf.lnatlon to follow wheat existed, the firmness being continuous: Monr oats close dst 29 l-2a 29 5-8—l-2c hleiher than yesterday. In o’-rh os.ts orders to buy wore mimerous. par ticularly from tho East. TV,ces were l-4c hlglher. Provisions—<Ir»aotl vi tv seemed to have sot tied on prffvlrtofis and bust- nesadragged In a peirfimotlonsry min- per. It was evident tint the snecula- tlvw eioment had intcreets elsewhere, very likely in Wheat, ond were de- votin gthelr attention to that article. H'.-rher hogs caused flrmn*ss at the start, nnd dullness succeeding, prices declined in evumsthy with wheat. The close was 27 1-2 lower Fim yesterday far (May Pork, 5*7 1-2 '.ewer for 'May lard and 7 1-2 lower for May ribs. NAVAL STORES. IVlhnlnartoei. tjan. 23.—'Rosin firm: Savannah. Jan. 23.—Spirits lumen- pales; sale*. 10.009 barrels, llosliw. A. B. C. 1.00: D. 1.05; E. 1.10; F. 1.15: O. 1.30; H. 1.70; I. 1.85. K. 2.05; M. 2:30; N. 2.50; window glass. .60: water white, 2.75. mm edp m stock report STATE OF GEORGIA BONDS. Bid. Ask'd. t p«r cant bond* Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1188 108 107 4V> per cent bonds Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1815....Ilf ill 4V1 per cent bond a. Ian and July coupons, maturity 1922 116 117 8(4 per cent bonda. Jaa. and July coupon*, maturity long dal*..109 101 14UN1C1PAL BONDS. Savannah 8 per r*nt, bond,...... 104 jot Atlanta bond*, prtc. XX to rat* of tod maturity 100 UO Augusta bonds pric. aa to rat. of Inter... and maturity loo ill Rom, bonds, I p«r cent IM44 ks Columbus 6 per cent, (onde ... .108 104 Macon 6 per cent. bond*, quar terly coupons Ill it) RAILROAD BONDS. Savannah. Americu* and Mont gomery railroad 6 per cent, bonde. Jan. end July coupons 61H 5214 Georgia Southern and Florida railroad 6 per cent, bonda Jan. and July coupons, due 1972.... s& u Bouth Georgia and Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent, bonds; Jan. and Jut> coupons ju Northeastern railroad indorsed I per cent, bonds. May and November coupons tqg ug Macon and Northern railroad certificate* of bonda March and September coupons 41 45 Charleston. Columbia and Au gusta railroad 7 per cent bonds M lot RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN TURES. Central rallroed common stock.. 18 17 Central railroad 8 per cent, de- beturee a 13 Southwestern railroad stock.... 70 71 Ueorgta railroad Muck 156 lit Atlanta end West point rail road debenture. so x; Atlanta and Watt Point railroad •pock *8 19 Central raliroal joint mortgage 7 per cant, bonds Jan and July coupons 12) Georgia ra'lroad 6 per cent bonds. Jan. and July coupons due 107 108 103 Georgia railroad I per -ent_ bonds Jsi*. and July coupons July coupons duo 1919 11* m Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bonds dsn. and Juiy coupons due 193 1U 115 Montgomery and Eufauia rail road. 6 it: cent, bonds. Jam and July coupons due 1208....108 in Ocean Eteamahlp bonds 6 per due 1928 H Columbus and Western railroad I per cent July coupons ill m Columbus nnd Rom. railroad 6 per coit bonds Jan. and July erupt nj 21 41 Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardware Company, Axes—56 to 57 per doezn. Bar Lend—^tx, per potut.i. Buckets—Pnlntr 51.23 per dozen; ce dar, three hoops, 52.25. Cards—Cotton. 51. Chains—Trace, 52.60 to 54.0 per dozen. Well bucket*—(13.25 per dozen. Rope—Manilla, 10c; etoel. 8c; cotton, 12c, 12 cents. Bhoes—Horse. 51: Muij. 55. Shovel*—Amea. 51b per dozen. Shot—Drop. 11.35 per »ack Wire—Barbed, the per opund. Corn Bern—X pound cans 52 per dozen. Neals—50.63 baae. wire; cut 51.SS baa*, baa* Tubs—Painted, 52.25; cedar, 54.50 per neat. Brooms—51.25 to 55 epr dozen. Ilameo, iron bound. S3. Measure.—Per nee:. 51. Plow Bunles—4 cents per pound. Iron—Swede. 4 l-2c per pound; refined, 2c basis. Plow atock—Haimen, }l; Ferguson, 90c. DRUGS. PARTS AMD .... Corrected Every Saturday by Henry J. Lamar & Sons Clnamon Bark—Per oound. 12 to 15a Cloves—Per pound. 15 to 25a Drugs ind Chemicals—Gum assafoe- tida, 55c pound; oamphbr gum. 65 to 65c pound: gum rplum 52.49 to SA69 pound; morphine. 1-8*. 52.25 to 52.45 ounce; qui nine (according to size) 38 to 50 cento ounoe; sulphur. 4 to 6c pound; salts, Ep som, 2 1-2 to 3c pound, copperas. 2 to 30 pound; salt petr-, -9 .0 12c pound; bo rax. 18 to 13c sound; bromide potash, 60 to 56c pc. pound! chlorate, 25 to 30c per pound; carboho Held. 50c to 51.75 pound; chloroform. 75o to 51.40 pound; calomel, S5c to 51; logwood. 16 to 20c pojnd; cream friar, commercial, 25 to 30a CANNED GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by 8. R. Jaaue* A Tinaley Co. Arple*— B -pound cans 51.28 per dozen. Blackberries—3 pound cans. 51 per dozen; b pound ern:t. p ._. r dozen. Corn—2 oound cons. 90 oents to 51.50 per dosen. ;, ,, Strmx. Beans—2 pound cans, 90 cents per dozen. T.imatoea -2 pound cans, per dozen. 50 cent*: 3 pound cane. 51. Okra sml Taauatoes—2 pound cane. 51.10 pe- d-x-a. Juno Toe—3 pound cans, 91.25 per dozen. Bed Cherrltx—2 pouod cans, ( per do-eu White Cherries—2 pound«.9L75 per duxen. Luna Beane—11.25. Pe&chew—9 pound can*. 51.50 54.25 per groos. Tomato catsup—Pints, !0c; quarts, 51.25. Hominy—P-r barrel, 5S.7S. Meal—Bolted. (6 cents; plain, 65 cents. Wheat—Bran. S5e. Hams—1014 tu 13 cents. Corrected Every fmturday hy W. L. Henry. Fresh Meats—Western beef, SV4 to 6c; Georgll beef. 4 1-3 to Gc; dressed hogs, 6 to 6<r4c; Western mutton. 714 cents; na tty* mutton. 6 l-3o: smoked pork asu- sage, 8 l-3c; fresh pbrk sausage, 80; Bo logna sausage. Gc. HIDES. WririL. ETC. Connoted Every Saturday by G. Bernd A Co. Green salt hide*. 3 3-4. No. 1 flint hides, 6 l-2c. Goat skim—to to to cents each. (Sheep Skins--20 to 60 cent* each. Beeswax-16 to 22 cent*. Wool—Washed. 1. to 20 cents per peund: unwashed, 10 to U cents; burry, 7 to 10 cents. LIQPOR3. Corrected Every Saturday by L. Cohen A <10. toTM^ia"to’ILnf North 0 CaroUrS wl l? ™ ea * ed ln °°“ ,Un * buslnca*. Ho coru,51.10 t. 51.60; Georgia torn, 91.60. Balled a few weeka aa mate of the vessel Wines—90 cents to $1; lotah wines, a, 'd then became her captain. Meantime 51.23: port and aherry, 51 to 92; claret; Wlnt wooed Dorothy more ardently than 58 to 510 case: American champagne, over, but ho got hut little satisfaction A COAST ROMANCE. To tall the atory It is necessary to go Imuk Iwo joara, when the three characters playing part ln the romanoe lived In tho llltl* «nwn n» r»n« M«» They were TVr. othy Moshor, a young woman of 19 yoars; AUz Wlnt, a farmer, nnd John Christo pher, n young oysterman. Dorothy was the belle of the town, and there was a strong rivalry for her favors between Wlnt and Christopher. Tho girl enjoyed the contest and ref used to encourage ono more than she did the other. The young men kept np the slego sev eral months nnd finally lost their temper. The oysterman Christopher went ono day and said: “Allx, I’m getting tired of thl* fight between us for Dorothy. I’m willing to go Into a ring with you and see who's the best man. If you are, I'll get out of tho way, and if I’m the bettor man than you, then you muBt leave Dorothy to me.” Wlnt agreed to the proposition, and In the presenco of a large number of their friends the young men stripped one night ln a fisbhouso on the beach and fought like tigers for the girl thoy loved. Thoy were pretty evenly matched, and It was a long tlrno heforo the contest ended. It finally came to a close with the knocking out of Christopher. Christopher took his defeat deeply to heart, and ho left the town. Ho had saved money and Invested ln a schooner that 57.60 to 58.50 per case; cordials, 513 per dozen; bitters. 58 per dozen. THE HISTORY OF QUININE. front the girl, who blamed him fordrlvlng Christopher away. He believed that ho would win her for his wife sooner or later ond porslstcd ln giving her attention. Ho was not a little surprised one morning to find that tho night before Dorothy had disappeared from town. Her friends went ln search of her and found that sbo had been secretly married to Christopher, who lmd taken her aboard his schooner to llvo. The discovery that the girl loved Ms Bow the Use of tho Drag Supplanted the Practice ol Hireling Fatlent*. In 1830, when tho French wore conduct ing n campaign of conquest in Algeria, tho mortality among tho troops and colo nists there was frightful France was being . continually called upon for fresh levies of rival best was a severe blow to Wlnt, ivho men nnd youths to supply this terrible found it lnipostihlo to content hltnsclf on loss, chiefly through fever Incidental to tho farm. Ho finally found ids surround- tho ollmato and tho life the French In Al- , Ings uncongenial, and disposing of the geria wore loading. At that time tho prao- | farm Joined tho life saving station at tic* of hlcndlnu still prevailed. "Bleed Hereford inlot. In tho excitement of this them until they ere white,” was the in- wild life he did his best to forget Dorothy, junction which Broussals, tbo medical Ho was considered tho bravest of the crew, master of tho French, gavo to his followers Thcro was no wind or weather In which ho moment to leap Into the s the boat was on the crest of a\._, was sweeping toward the wreck, he ini overboard and the next Instant 1 tllng With'the stlohgUi uf three 1 the foaming water. The wave eon Hbn „ —— dished Wlnt against the rig"inT 1 grasped the ropes, climbed towhjLJ woman was lashod to tho mast and 1 few seconds bad fastened tbo life Br «i, around her. Tying the rope around ' waist, he signaled the men In the h, hanl her aboard. It was a terrible t make, but Dorothy arrived safe and mn- The problem now was how to tetens ? man. ' 5 Tho life preserver was fastened to a* and thrown overboard, ln the hope *h!L would float within Wlnt’* reach foil didn't roach tho mark. Again aud'agv,| was hauled In and cast overboardvl out striking tho rigging. At every, 1 the masts showed that they were gro* weaker, and it was expected hy the mjl tho lifeboat that thoy would go hy if hoard before thellfe preserver could foj to Wlnt, but luckily the swirl in thoJL ter as It broke over the wreck csrri-M among the ropea, and Wlnt got It JJ, J It on and was soon aboard tho lifeboat 1 Dorothy’s husband and all the ere. J the schooner were lost Tho young * 0 J on had no home, and what could / Why, bccomo Allx Wlnt’s wife, of coni ond that was what she did two daya id her old lover rescued her from deal 4 Omaha World-Herald. A Watch Chain With Charm. There is a symbolic significance foil watch chain ornament formed of two!, tusks bound together ln crescent 1! with n piece of gold or silver. Thlil ony other figure of two prongs—a |, 0 J shoe, for exumple, or a pair of open shn —Is bcllovcd to koep oil witches. ™ Effect of Bard Times In Australis. I In tho lost two years and a half vJ bourno has lost 48.0CO inhabitants. FotJ ten years ending 1801 she increased aid overage rate of 21.000 a year. sinoetJ not only has ths Increase ceased, but ai crease of nearly 20,000 a year has set lil With tome .people a roll of honot J made up of Dank mils. when tho condition of the soldlcra was re ported to him. At Bona In ono year, 00, of an effective forco of 0,600 moo, 1,100 died of illness In tho hospital. afraid to put out in ihu lifeboat, and lio seemed happiest when in the midst of a storm on tho sea. Sotno thought that bis mind was unbalanced, and the ndvls- At that time the offecta of a sulphate of ability of discharging him from the service qulnlno were known, but few physlolans hod l*en considered, but tho faithfulness ventured tocmployit. Maillot had Inter- with which ho always performed his duties estod himself ln the now remedy, and go- ; argued strongly ln his favor, ing to Bonn ln tho medical sorvlco of tho 1 Last Thursday was a stormy day on tho government ho resolved to soo If It would Jersey coast. Tho wind blow fearfully In- not reduce tho frightful mortality, which lend, and the wrecker* kept a sharp look- wns 1 to every 8J4 men who ontored tho out for vessels In distress. All day tho hospital. At first he employod tho qulnlno min came down, but at sundown tbo merely os an adjunct to the bleeding. Ho ! clouds broke nnd fled, but tbo wind in- soon found that bleeding was killing tba creased it* strength, and tho surf of Hero- men, and that qulnlno was saving them. f°rd inlot ran higher by many feet than Littlo by little he loft off bleeding, to tho th « t°of of tho llfo saving station. About great scandal of tho medical profession, midnight the patrol of the boach saw a Exactly ln proportion ns tho bleeding wckot curve through tho darkness. It ceased the deaths In tli* hospital decreased. wna quickly followed hy a scoond and a In two years the deaths foil off item 1 ln3J4 A vessel of some sort was in dls- of nil who entered tho hospital to 1 ln 2B ‘toss ln the vicinity of North bar. Tho nnd finally to 1 In 46. - crcw was aroused, and the lifeboat got ln Maillot quite naturally onough grew to rendlnoss, but It woe Impossible to launch be tho opponont of blooding, but lie wus .0 “> 80 terrible was the surf. Answering ceaselessly vilified by members of tho mod- signal* wore given to encourage the unfor- ical profession that he became Imblttered tunatca on tho foundered vessel. When toward his colleagues. Nearly 80 year. J»Y broke. *l>o wind began to die out, nnd passed before Maillot sow tho oompleto by sunrlso tho surf bad lcssonod ln force, triumph o( hl» iden*. Dootora continued Nearly a mile from tho ahoro tho nust* to bled their patients heartily for all «nd rigging of a schooner were vlsiiilo manner of Ills. But ln 18(10 Maillot was fboro tho tumbling waters, and at tho made commander of the Legion of Honor *>«“«! «io mainmast was seen a dark ob- nnd chief of tho mcdlcnl staff of tho French l cc ‘- Tho vessel woa completely aub- nd his Influence with others in merged^nnd tho maata were swaying llko CARTER’S! •ITTLE Twiiii*. * nm ui uie skip, rcc n nue weir remarkable succem has been shown in c Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver I are equally valuable in Constipation, cu and preventing this annoying comnlaint. w they also correct all di torders of the stnai stimulate ths liver ao<l regulate tho Lots Btoq If they only ccrod ■ 1 Ache they would bo almost priceless to t who suffer from thl* distressing compld but fortunately their goodness does not I hero, and thoso who one** try them will Ml these little pills valuable in so many wmyi twfi they will not b* willing to do without tfci Hut after all sick bead <3 07 -1 pound nns. $1.50 to $2.25 ' ‘ • e i. F- * V. .. $2.25. (-2 puund, $1.85 p*jr HtaC-applet- pel dozen; v dfiz^n. Strau-berries—2 pound c-ir.s. $1.50 par Glue** Peach**, pi-—2 pound cans. $1.35 per dozen. Apricot*. California— 3 pound con a. $2.25 p*»* doze»*. Peach-*. California—$2.25. Pig Feet—2 pouna cuna. $2.25 per dozen. Hosat Bief-'-l pound cans. 21.20 per dozen: q pound :ano. 32 per Corn Uoaf—2 pound cana, $1.S5 per dozen. Potted Ham—1-4 povnd cane, 65 cenU rmy, n I brliiKlu i praftlci n virtual revolution ln tho lic-lno wuh sully recognized, cckly. dosen. Lunch Tongueb—1 pour. 1 can*, $3 per dozen. Tripe—2 pound cane. $1.85 per dozen. DRY GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by S. Waxel- L-aum St Son. rrlnte—Berwlcic. 3 l-2c; standard 4 1-2 to 6e: turkey red. 4 to 5 1-fe; Indigo blue. 4 to 4Hc.; mu. 4 lo 6 cenu. Bhe^ilnge-3-4a3\C •***«.; 4-ia4-^ I cento, licking*-From & to 12s. Checks—3 1-2 to 6c. Bleaching*—Fruit of the Loom, • »-4 to T 1-la The CotilluuUj sf llixtory. A month ago I stood in tho cathedral of Llslcux, in which, when tho mortar of tho church wa, hardly dry, Henry XI of Eug- lnml married Eleanor of Aquitaine. That marrlr go gavo tho kings of England n great domain ln Franco ond entailed long wars between tbo two countries. This struggle, lasting throughout tho four teenth and fifteenth centuries, was tbo chief cause of tho baronial anarchy which culminated In the war* of the rose*. The reeds. Evidently ono of tho crow bad been hished to tho mask After acvcrnl vain at tempts tbo llfoboat was finally launched, and tbo ctnrdy crew sent It ncro-s tho waves as rapidly as It was posslblo for them to do. Thoy finally canto noar enough to the wreck to eee that tho object at tho masthead was a woman. Hho was allvo nnd encouraged the crew ln the llfo- bont by waving her arms. As the lifeboat cninn nearer It wo* found tlint It would bo extremely dangerous to attempt to toko tho woman off until tho waves bod subsid ed, for part* of the shattered hull project ed above thowator, and tn bo dashed upon IS them meant quick destruction. While tho LM Xlliurf 0 crew W04 debating what it was best to do. -r. it I . | wiiuo own no not. ('.(men's I.rrri.r l.ivrn nus nr* very nt snd very easy to take One or two ritis n» a dose. They nr* strictly vegetable sr-ill i t cnpmi.- I if,- , Iml by C. ; nil . elms. *11 who us them. In vlat* al 2t cr« five for 8i. Soki everywhere, nr srnt by CASTES MDHOn CO., Btw loth I otJ Pill SaallSB Small Pw FRUITS AND NUTS. Corrected by K. A. Cullen. FlB»—Dry, choier. lj l-j to 15 cent*. Peanuts--North Carolina, J 1-2 cents; ^’i2moM-^3.6S4.WI. CentB ' NutS-rTSey.goel, a!h>«!K9*. 19 c*!”.S ~! pound; Naples walnuta <b cents; Frenct walnuts, x. cents; ptesna lu cents Apples—Bun dried. 8 to 7 cents per pound Rmlsins-New In market. 1.73 per box; London layers. 3.00 per box; loot-o Mus- oatel, 52 per boa. Irian Potatoes—99.a per sacx. POULTRY, COUNTRY Tudor despotism was tbs outcomeof those ST u f T )o .„ ' L°°', wnrs. ond In trying to maintain that do.- Wlnt caugh.jtpa “^gi.M^dJurnod crow were surprised to lieiir him exclaim, "It's Dorothyl" He held tho glass to his eyes fnr n fow seconds, , , _, M warn, and in trying 1a mw.xi.wnl um. no.- .. ,v. 0 »—, per luawn. S-. «~W,X Pm POBtam.Ux. M. •-»«-*«»»» ‘o\h^ S revolution which overthrew tho Stuarts gavo supremacy to parliament and led di rectly to tbo union. Finally the parliament of Great Britain, after proving it* capacity by creating the British empire and dofeatlng Napaleon, formed the model for constitutional gov srnrrrent throughout the clylllred world. ^.^10^^ Thus tho effects of tbs marriage of Henry ’" t k ** ll 7 darcJ ,0 - " he c “Ftnln ro ll are felt to this day throughout tbo clrt (Corrected every Saturday by E A Wax- elbaum tk Bn. Hens. 25-271-2. Chickens, 15-29. Turkeys. 48-51.00. Geese. 40-G0c. Eggs. 18-29C. '■> Butter, 15-lle. Sweet Potatoes, 25-46C. Irish Potatoes, 52.26. Hu tab*gars, 11.75. Cabbage, 11.60. Onions. 52.60. White Peas. 76-1.10. Country Urcund Peas. 50c. Evaporated Apples, 10c. Georgia Syrup, 23-28c. MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Corrected Every r-stardey ty tsj 5. Jaqse. A Tinsley Co. The following are strictly whole**!, prices: Fish—Kit. whlta fish. 80c; in hs'.t tMtrr*;. Hi swtkml in half barrels. No. t. 53.73; No. 2 ln kits, S cents; Flour-Best patent, per barrel. 53 3; rvoomj patent, MW: straight. 9175: fain- lly, 62.60; low grades. 52.28. Sugar-Standard granulatsd. 4R cent*; extra C New York. 214 cents; N#w Or- loans clarified. XH cent* Bay—Hr* quote today No. 1 Timothy at 512 and fancy. 819. Meats-Bulk side* 814 cents. Oats—Mixed, 46:; white. 4«e. Lard—Tterce* I cents; cans, tt{ cents; 10-pound cans, 9 cents. Oil—lie. Snuff—Lorlllard's Mar-aboy wnuff. atone Jin 45c per pound; glaaa J-irs, 42: per pound; 2-ousce bouies. 19.949 per groae: 2-ounce oani. 54.86 per gram; 1-pound can*. 0.H per grate; r-^iir-xa snuff, 1-ouncw glaaa, 6c; 1-ouaue Uus. Uzod world. And so w* msy—nsy, wo must—treat any great hLtorioal event un til the ogts are “ bound each to each by natural piety.” This 1* what la meant by the continuity of history.—National lto- vlow. Thirteen Old Newspapers. According to tho oonsns mndo by tha editor of tbo Rutland (Vt.) Herald, thcro are but 13 American newspapers which have reached tho century mark. The nixmoj of theso paper* and ths dates whon they were founded are aa follows: 1760—New Hampshire Gazette, Ports mouth, N. H- 1788—Newport Mercury, Newport, R. L .J76+-Connecticut Courant, Hartford. 1771—Massachusetts Spy. Boston and Worcester Mas* 1779—New Jersey Journal, Elizabeth, N. J. 1788—Augusta Chronicle, Augusta, Ga. 1788—Hampshire Gazette, Northamp ton, Mass. 1790—Salem Gazette, Salem, Mas*. 1793—Greenfield Garotte; Greenfield, Moss. 1793—Now Jersey State Gazette, Tren- 1793— Tbo Guardian, New Brunswick, N. J. 1796—Portsmouth Journal, Ports mouth, N. H. 1794— Rutland Herald, Rutland, Vt HOW’S YOUR WIFE. Doe* she foot poorly all the time, auffer from lack of ”n~ngy, and a gen eral "'no-account" Gutless enervation? Hie needa a tonic. Something Is wrong tnfdh her (blood. Run for a doctor! Not at all, any dear sir. Get Tier a bottle of P. P. P. (Prickly Affli, Poke Root and Potamtirm. the very best wnmnn's roe- ulator and tonic extant. It readhe* rho source of trouble quietly and quickly, and before you know It your wife Witt be another wetnnn, and will bless tho kind fwte that brought P. P. P. tn her notice and relief. Our best phy sicians indorse and recommend It, and no well oonduoted household where pure Mood and Us coacomtatant hap piness I* apprecited should be without It. Fur sale by rrp-jtable medicine dealers everywhere. Mr. Randall Pope, the retired drug gist of Madison. Phi., says (Deo. 3, 1X49) he regards p. P. P. (Prickly Ax*. Poke Root and Potassium) as nhs best alterative on the market, and than be Iras seen more benefietul result* from the use at It than any ocher blood medkfioe. Exhausted vitality, nervousness, lost manhood, weakness caused by over taxation of tbo system will be cured by the powerful P. P. P., which gives health and strentgh 80 the -wreck of etc system. ns If to make sure thnt he was right, then tossed It into tho cudily, and snatching up a life preserver fastened it under his arms, and tying a rope around his waist ordered they dared to. The captain monstrated with tbo man, but be calmly told him that If tho boot wasn't put nearer ho would Jump in there and try to awlm to tho woman's rescue. The captain saw It was useless to pro test, and ho told tbo crew to do as Wlnt desired. Wlnt fastened one end of the repo that was around hts waist to a cleat ln tho boat and waited for a favorablo I UK XlT-xSA -ax* flu :o4 tesSteteaS K.netif ta ft* HH —seflkeOitee View [ixxi. NqvlIW Be rtlMX W It K.—OH, MIMIIlUlM fkMVXlH hiMiiske tMg&M A3 A FBEYEHTIVs _ 6<iynt«rHiAiM8jhitottt« —-tetU6>a)mtfTUBW»rrfsm. ktrm .r* pmiHi •iilfliBirtmjAfllirt,**|0i OOODWYN'3 DRUG STORSk Bote Agents. Cherry Street and Co tie) Avenue* Maoon. Ga. Li, W YOU 1LNOW DR. FEUX LC BRUN'S mm PEHHYROYBL Pi onlr FRENCH, soft sod GOODWYN'8 DRUG STORE. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Wakes £r Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Catarrh, Malaria snd Kidney Troubles El Are entirely remove*! by P.P.P. ' eartb. iunm, O.. July 21,1«9L * mu LtmuvBKoe..iej»oQZQa ^ i Ditinu-I boejrht a bottle of — fneUcMA*. SLJs Cssccr Cared. Ttx&sasffrcrz lAe Maz*r A.arsSssriBiS - SEfegagasffsnas ^ leMthxtsaotbsreosrec —A u*. Itks.skorrifovi-1 outs truly, .—Sf; CAPT. W. M. BUST. x- AttocneystUie. m m Blood anaa im Hit •-% ALL DBUaaiSTS SELL IT. ,, lippman bsos. B> SLIerer.oltSejtwv.meteteA y PHOPniKTOUS, ***' eprincL,! 1, oreinOosatyVifio IJppmin'i Illiirlt,H»ijnnitl).^*