The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 31, 1895, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: SB’S I . . at «* in CnnrrvPCQ fnr pie Preeweui ~ WS S prompt Action in Regard to Finances NATIONAL credit must be saved , »«**•■'• ,he 1,,u * of ,u * rI " r Oon^of Small Donomluallom to It.dtemAll Tr.aa.ary SolM fur Import Diitl.i. i>r nM t>®*n drawn out of tho iroisury during I paid In any otbr r • Hi • year Tor (h« purpose of shlpmt-uts I toe] vo alt the prov .s u< i :i abroad, or boarding at borne, wUllo ] suggested should be ubodl *1 In near»y *!iH,(juu,uuu of This amount were I laws if wo are to enjoy a comp: ;e i n drawn out during the first ten niomiis statement on i s .and fitun- d c tidl- waaliinston, J«». pMsWont S eat to congress the following yj, on Ilie Unanclnl question: r , h( , senate anil House of Itepre- , irrtJ . in my last annual message l^immended to the serious cotsld- f , l!: ou of The congress the condition ct , HI>w ,ly relufoncoment. _ "national finances, and.In conneo- , The aggravations that must tneriiwy us from the obligations already tneurred with the subject indorsed tno man follow the preseut conditions and metli- on their account, these figures are currency lvglslatou vtucu, at tn-it ods .will certainly lead to misfortune given by way of suggesting that tltelr emed to furnish protection aI1) j j oss not rta iy ( 0 our national credit |P( tmpendluK danger, litis plan • aill d prosperity and financial enterprise, y", uo t been approved by congress. In t but t0 those of our people who seek cm- meantime the s.tua-tloo has so I ploy-meat as a means of livelihood, and rfunssed aml ,!l ° emergency now ap- i t0 thoso whoso capital Is their daily Lars so threatening, that 1 deem it i i a i )0r . Jit duty i" ash at tho hands of the leg- j it will hardly do to say tint a simple native branch of tho government such j increase of revenue will euro our „ rt ,an>r and ('tractive action as Will re- ( troubles with the apprehension now ex- * .. In our ttaniK’ ll 80UUd* YiMruv on.l nenuUntU (n.mnaot.a.. «« ui mu |«w, a bum aggregating inure Uvau two-thirds of that amount, being about llW.OW.OOO, was drawn out dur ing the fallowing two months, thus In dicating a marked acceleration of tho depleting process with the lapse of lime. The obligations upon which tills grid has been drawn from the treasury are still outstanding and are available for use is reposting the exhausting op eration with shorter Intervals ns our perplexities accumulate. Conditions aro certainly supervening tending to make the bonds which may be issued to replenish our goCdJens useful for that purpose. ADEQUATE RESERVE NECESSARY An adequate gold reservo Is, in ml circumstances, absolutely essential to the upholding of our public credit, and to tho maintenance of our high nations', character. Our gold reserve has reached such a state of d.minution as to require uon. Toey ueeu not intends any currency scheme provided for the Increase of thd circulating medium, through iho ag ocy of nation it or s' \t« banks, since they can easily be adjust ed to such a scheme. TO RETIRE LEGAL TENDERS Objection has boen made to the issu ance of Interest basrtfife bonds for tuc purpose of retiring the interest hearing legal tender notes. In point of fact, however, these notes have burdened us with u largo load of interest and tt is still accumulating. The uggregate in terest on tho original Issue of bonds, the proceeds of which la gold consti tuted the reservo for ih • piym -nt of these notes auiountisl to *7U I 32U I 2M) on January 1, 181)5, and tho annual charge for Interest on these bonds, and those issued for the same purpose during the hist year will be *IM4S,000 dating from January 1, 18115. While the caDeten tion of these notes would not relic -JANUARY — RisFir.-d Mmumi to tho Senate and Chamber of Deputies Received With Applause. DEMOCRACY THE KEYNOTE. FraiirVi L«*t« Por I»< In tl»e Meun;<>, mi of 1930 Wui i Strong I’olnt Ilibol'a Policy. Jan. 28.—President Faure’s ■Ills Attitude Toward America is Fully duel.nett. Is a synopsis of the oooycUeal letter of I’qpo Leo, nddroused to the Catholic obureli In the Uult-xl States. Alluding to pr jvious encyclical totters addressed to Catholics at large, the pope says that at this time he bud resolved to address himself directly to the Cathnllc church of the United States. lie expresses a high esteem for tho American nation, und says It Is a power for the advance ment of civilization and Christianity. In alluding to die sending of an apostolic delegate, ho says It was tor the purpose of adding the voice of tho Wage was read In the Semite and church lu commemorating tho fourth Vrmlhlenoe lu our tlnanc al sound- utlng and constantly Increasing ns to - irtS ami avert business disaster and j 0 ur tlnanelal ability does mot rest upon uolversil distress among our people. | tt catoulatlon of our revenue. Whatever may bo the merits of the The time has passed wtteu the eyes jj-in outlined In my annual message as 0 f investors abroad ami our people at ’ remedy for evils thou ox.stlng and home were llxed upon the revenues of a safeguard against the deipletlon of tho government. Changed conditions L goH reserve then lu 'the treasury, j have attrackid Their attention to the , jiu now convinced that Its rejection gold of the government. There need bo | lV congress and our present advanced 1>0 four that wo cannot pay our current iisgo of tlnanelal perplexity neecssi- , expenses with such money as we have, rates additional or different legislation. There is now in the treasury a comfort- ItosOURCES UNLtMl’iT.D. sbto surplus of mere than Wilh natural resources unlimited In hut it U not In gold and therefore does rir ,>tr a ml productive strength, oud not meet cur dlttlculty. »ldi p«tP*e whose aclivriy »«1 enter- SILVER NOT THE ISSUE. seek only a fair opportunity to | i cannot seo that differences of opln- tleve national success and greatness, ion concerning the extent to whten si- a: pregrios should not be cneckixl by ycr ought to be coined or used in our false Unsocial policy, anti a needless currency should Interfere with the conn- li-gard of sound monetary laws nor gels of those whoso duty it Is to rectify ..oald the timidity and fear which eit- evil* now apparent In our finniicUU sit- pol-r stand in the way of our prosper- ! uallon. They haiva to consider tins qttes- It is hardly disputed that this pre- t- 0 n of nat.onal credit and tho conse nt confronts us today. There- queocos that will foLow from Its col lapse. existence has not been free from Inter est charge* and that the longer they ore outstanding, Judging from the experi ence of last year, tho more expeustve they will become. RELUCTANT TO SEE MORE HUN US ISSUED. dumber of deputies today. 'Hi ■ president says: “By raising me to the first otiToe of the r public tho natjouul assembly chos • f i this high funotlon one of the httmblea|| servants of the country. I should imperfectly express the profound gratiiudj which I feel If I did Hot at tribute the entire honor to the labori ous dcmicracy to which l belong. •‘It Is to the democracy that the man ifestation of tba sovcinl.-eenth of dauua- ry -was addressed; to obscure labor, „ , . . ‘ ,, j cuisuicssly acuievlug souiethlug and to f “ fr . anl£ . ly ,0 < " on ' 111 - tritieaum of .the fatherlaud. that fess my reJuctance to issuing more bonds In present circumstances, and fire, no one in any degree respons.Wo s the nvaklng ami execution of our itvs should fall to seo a patriotic duty lunestly and sincerely attempting to eve the situation. .Manifestly, this effort will not succeed unless It Is made untrammelled by tine prejudice of par- ti.-insltip and with a steadfast deter mination to resist the temptation to ac complish party advantages. We tniy B-dl remember tbat if we are threj.t- rned with tlnanelal diffleulttos, an our -pie. In every station of Hie, ore Ciiti- er.xl and surely those who sutte-r will not receive tho promotion of party In- -rests as an excuse for permlttiDg our Wtotover Ideas may be insisted upon as to silver or bimetallism, the proper solnt.on of the question now pressing upon us only requires a recognition of gold as well as silver and a concession of Its Importance, rightfully or wrong fully aoqu.rcd, as a basis of national credit, a necessity of au honorable dis charge of our obligations payable In gold and a badge of solvency. WHAT FRIENDS OF SILVER DE MAND. I do not understand that the real friends of silver desire a cond.tion that £ Mta to .dVsSce to a ' v conclusion. It is also of the tit- must Importance that wo approach the ndy of the problems presented as as possible fount the tyranny of uv'Uved opinions, to the end that n a common danger we may be able to sJe wiih unclouded vision s sits and I'-uiWe protection. THE TROUBLE EXDUUNEU. To.- real trouble which confronts u* B ^swis in a lack of ontldnnice, wide- tdd and oottstoflUy increasing. In the Knifing ability or dispos tlon of the w-minimt lo pay its obtlgattoos in i ll. This lack of confidence go>ws to ^■extent out of the palpable and ap- prwlute the meaning or the pr^mt ex i«-.ncy, if it should result ln'the cniiTo banishment of gold from our linanctil und currency arrangements. Besides treasury notes which should -certainly bo paid in cold, amounting to nearly *500,0O0,0OO. there will fall due in 1U04 *100.000,uuo of bonds. Issued during the last y«ir, for which we have received gold, and In UH>7 nearly gutki,- 000.000 of 4 per cent, bowls Issued In 1877. ShaR the payment of these ob ligations In gold be repudiated? IT they are to be paid In such :i ma-tner ns the prmerwittoa of our national hotrw and national solvency demands. we shonld not destroy or even imperl wit emharrsssment attending the our ability to supply <sirselves with gold fforts of the government under exist- f or t j,i* purpose. N’OT UNFRIENDLY TO «n,VKR. While I ant not unfriendly to s.lvcr, ■nd while 1 desire to see It recognized to such au extent as is consistent wmt the tlnanelal saMy and the preserva tion of nattonjl honor and credit., t am not wUIng to seo gold courtly abolished from oui’ currency and finances. To a vert wtch a consequence 1 believe thorough and radical remed al li«iaL>Oon should bo promptly pissed. I therefore asktd congress to give the subject Immediate attention. WHAT 81IOUIJ) BE DONE. st laws to procure gol-J. and to a pstvr extent out of the Impossibility ' -itli-v, keeping It In The treasury or snerUlog obligations by Its eXpeudt- ar s after It Is obtaaned. 0 ISSUE BONDS THE ONLY REM EDY. Tlu- only way left open to tin- govern- ient bar procuring gold Is by tbe issue awl sale of bonds. * The only howls tbat can be s,» Issued •to authorized twenty-five years ago, nl were not cafiouHted to meet our ■nt needs. Among other disadvantages they oro id-, payable In coin Instead of opecMIc- ily in gold, whleh In exlsUng eondt- tois detract largely awl In au Inereas- ■ratio from their desirability as In- tw-meuts. It Is by no means certalu hat Is.mbt of this description can muon -'.•r be disposed of at a price ctvdtta- to the financial character of our gov- meat. The most dangerous and lr- [ating feature of The situation, bow er, remains to be mention,si. DANTiBROUB FEATURE. It Is found In .the means by wtiich the :*U!T Is despoiled or gokl thus ole r. -d without c.uncelllitg a stogie gov- mment obligation awl solely for tbe ■ii -tit of those who find profit lu ship- it abroad or whose fears induce bent lo horde It at home. We have out- :tiling about *50U.ikKMSZ) of currency t-.» of the govcmuHant for which ■11 may bo demanded, and, curiously the taw requires tlrnt when prv- ■n: >1 owl in fact redeemed and paid - >M, they shall be re-lssued. These r- notes may do duty tuauy times Irawlog gall from the treasnry, nor i liiia process bo amuted as loug as [vat.- parties profit or otherwso see a advantage in the operu- | .Mom than *.Twi.ismmssi lu these s have already boon redeemed, in !. iad, uolwitll«atiding such rctetnie they ore all st.'ll outstawt'.ng. the 17th day of January, ism, iv bonded Interest bearing debt ba* thwhI *100.000,1)00. For the pur- • - of obtaining ttoM to replentsh onr n reserve, two Issues Were made counting to fifty intHioos >-ich—one P J| ninry and the oiher to Nov.nnber. ' 1 a r.-Miit of the find Issue, mere was ‘‘■■'• d samettitag more man SOtuxJO,- ’’ in mdd. Between that Issue und i-m-ectling one In November, eotn- ■ i't a ptI kI rff about ten months, •"i.v In gold were drawn m th > tTeasnry. Thbl made tile s»c- P' 1 lw, e- msvKsary ami upon that more *-VS,000/X)0 lu gold was again Ktzad. to’tweett the date of the second Issue , ,,K> bresent time, corertog a period r only about two months, more than *ia.0oo la gold bars been drawn toe 'rr-aaury. These large sums ..J" i 1 n, ra expanded any i."''- lh| lon of government oMirMlmw. ‘ toany peronnentiwty benefiting «tr or improving our pecuniary sit- ’• -V ENTS OF THE Y BA U. ’fnaanetat events of tho past year v. n , * cl " 1103 conditions wbtcb Id c-nvlnly arrest alN-trlon: ,l, 'n ?l72,000,iyjo in gold bare with no better results than have Jateiy followed that course. I cannot, how ever. refrain from adding ,to an as-mr- anco of much anxioty. to' co-oner i to I with llio present coagritss in any rea sonable measure of relief, and expres sion of my determination to k-ive noih- lug undone whleh furnished a h >pe for improwing the situation or checking a suspicion of our disinclination or dis ability to -meet -with the strictest honor ovory national ooigatton. Urover Clereland. iLxecutlve -Mansion, Jan. US, 1810. MR- SPRINGER'S BILL. A Measure to Uno with the Message Introduced In the House. Washington, Jan. 2S.—The mtesage from President Cleveland to congress upon the financial condition of the government was read to the house almost Immediately after assembling to day. At tbe conclusion of the reading Mr. Springer presented his now bill ■to revise tho currency and banking systems, and It was referred to the com mittee on banking and currency fir examination and report. The presi dent's message was referred to the committee of Oho whole. Mr. Springer's measure Is entitled "An act ,to authorize tne secretary of the treasury to Issue bonds to maintain u sufficient gold reserve and to redeem and retire United States treasury nates, and for other purposes.'’ The bill provides for the Issue of bonds bearing interest at a rate, not exceeding three pec cent, and redeem able in gold In am aunts of twenty and fitly and multiples of th-xc sums. It also provides that no national bank notes In sums of less than |to shall be taued, and that all of lower denom ination be redeemed and larger n- ’- s Issued In their stead. All silver certifi cates of den-jcnli)itk**s above *10. when redeemed by -the treasury axe to be cancelled and certificate's of lower de nominations issued to take their places. It lisa provides for the payment cf nil Impart duties In gold from and after the first of July. 1175. The Ntonugua bill was received from the senate and referred to the committee on Interstate and foreign commerce. tn committee of the whole toe house continued the ills-.-u.o lon of the hill to repeal the differentia! duty of one- tenth of a cent a pound on sugar Im ported from countries paying an ex port bounty oci tost article. The committee acvxK) and Mr. Wilson (Democrat) of West Virginia, endeav- tlif nation's riiprnstuiat-vcs are deter mined to offer their solemn homage. "1 uppi',-\u t« ixta whole extent of tli" dtutlaz which Use assembly has lm- posed upon me w.ui the guardhtush.p of the constipation aund 1 shall -not full therein. You may rely, gentlemen, upon my entire dtivotlon and vlgjanca Strikers Oiler (0 Return to Work at tho Rato Formerly Raid by tbe Company, THE GENERAL MANAGERS DECLINE The Whole 9Iatt» i Likely to lie Car* nrte for Settle- •order Shown i Yesterday* century since the d scovery of Amer ica. deeming It most fit for the Cath olic church to be specially represented at such -an auspicious event, ltei speaks of the progress <«f this country and says that it holds good in religious matters as well as tn other directions. ■Calling attention to the growth 'of the Catholic church In this country, he claims It Is due to the equity of the laws of this country, but at tho same time does not consider the divorcement of church ami state the most expedient for all countries, and thinks tho church would bo more prosperous ir she en joyed the favor of the law and tha pat ronage of public authority. Calling attention to the establishment of the Catholic University at Washing ton, lie speakes of his expressed wish that erudition and learning should be united with soundness of faith, lie commends the institution to the' Cam- olios of this country. He also calls at tention to the Catholic college fouudtM In Rome by Plus IX. for the training us a guarantee uf uhs ous evauoe of the of young men for tho -priesthood as constitutional laws and'their loyal prac- ’ nn Institution worthy the support of tlce by parliament during my reg.uae. ] all Catholics. By tiia ej-tm, unalteralko confidence Referring to his action In the appoint- arltfoh jmrkeri the Inansmlsslou of i moot of on apostolic deloiratp. bo sav* power, France has again demonstrated J it was his wish in this act to certify that she feels htirself mistress of her the high esteem the church had for desrlnes under Ole protuatiou of re- I American Catholics; but at tho same piitdiean 1'aiws. | time disclaims any punposn of making “Y U have -proved, gentlemen, that the authority of tho legate an obstacle th free working of our Institutions Is to the authority of the bishops. sutliei?nt, whatever may be toe circutn- i He believes that America Is destined stances, to assure tha unbroken pel - - f u r greater things, und desires the form :uc« of public bufiuens. At each church to keep abreast with her moment tbs nation possesses the paw it , progress, to eM.-. ss Its wish.-s through its vepre- Tbe Indissolubility of the marriage uoutstives, who aro always sure to I vow and condemnation of divorce find in the government a faithful co- nffipmod. work r to trying to accompl.ah all re- , In reference to civil affairs, he en- form.-, of moment wbich wifi be useful Joins the Catholic clergy to treat to the country. plainly the topics relating to the du- “Franc® will not confound sterile ng- ties of citizenship. IMt.oit with the -uceseant pursuit or | He ex Herts the clergy to advocate progress, tit-rong tn her probity and I temperance, and admonishes all Cato- prou.l of her economized 'wealto, yet olics ro beware of secret societies whlrti sensible of every gonarous Idea, She is have been openly condemned by the not the skive or any preconceived the- ohttreh. but docs not tncludo In this list ory though reading the faoe of any associations of the working classes gr. it pr.. gems which ura passionately hftvlng for their object the lawful pn>- lut'.-reetaa to great uiUidt throughout motion of their Interests. -He says, tito miriilf In seeking the solution of however, that the fact must be borne these problems ami adapting them to In mind that while It Is right to work our national genius, traditions and cus- - for the rights of the many, this right toms, lies tho essential labor you bare should not be construed to allow an in- to pursue. All g -l-wtll l citizens will tcrfsrence with the right, of any one tin. • to is st In the )l t-alament of tho lo dispose of his services when and Sim-- i-ii'ls of social just'xe, concilia- Brooklyn, Jan. 18—The strikers prac tically surrendered to the companies this afternoon. A tfonmai statement to tbe public was Issued by itho execu tive committee ami tbw men tond.-red their services to tbe presidents for II per day for motonmen and oonduotors, and 11.50 per day for -trippers. These terms have never been In dispute. The men say that the move In mode In the Interest of public safety and quiet, and that tba non-acceptance of their offer will bo tfoikiwvd by application for peremptory mandamus against aCt tho lines. The presidents wifi nrdbably adhere to their former position of re fusing to treait with their men In a ‘ ■. Tho proposition will be replied >y tbe counsel iif tho roads this afternoon. The following letters were given out by tho executive committee by the Knights of Labor District Association this afternoon: MASTER WORKMAK MARTIN CONNELLY. tlon m l p.iclflejtiou, thus prrpirlng by -i il ceoe-itd awl rspiiOlteafi ft*- t i'.m.v f- 'i - level-ipirnt of air in •■till nrl moral well-being. ‘tSu; am pining with Just pride (lie fact thit our army and navy are strong cuougii to entitle us to affirm Mir Jove for price ami having conquered jnv- clom synvpitWts to which we are funic fully .ittichftj, France In a new fi ght toward progress Is pr( ;>irin,g to Invite th? nattoin of Ut-e wretM t > take part in the grand labor fetes which wSI wor th ly crown tbs century which Is aiboat t> end Ih.Jotlterz. arts, seiences. Indus try, comrtHrc?, agrlcnlture and cv ry orej to secure unanimous consent for ■ field In wbich the fertile activity of the In tuy opln.on, -tho secretary or the trivwury slvoutd lx, authorized to lssuo bonds of tho government for the pur pose of procuring snd maintaining a sufficient gold reserve and for UP' re demption and cancellation of th» Unlt-vt States legal tender notes end the treas ury note* Issued for the purchase nr silver und;» the ktw of July II, I«m. We sboUM be relieved from tbe hmnil- lating process of isstiing bonds to pro cure gold to be Immediately and re- pea texfiy drawn out on these obliga tions for purposes not related to our goveruc-ieut or our people. The priflleliMl anti interest of these bonds shoulil ba payable on their face In gold, beeauso they shoulil he sow only for gold or It* representative, and bemuse there would now be difficulty hi favorably disposing of bonds not ’containing this stipulation. BONDS OF SMALL DENOMINA TION'S. I suggest that the bonils be Issued in denomlnMlolM of F-ffi ami *50, anti their mufftlples, and that they bear Interest at a rate not exceeding 3 p.*r cent, per annum. I do not seo wny they should not be payable fifty years from their date. Wo of tbe present generation have largo amounts to pay if we meet our obligations, and long bonds are most saleable. Tbe secretary of tbo treasury might well be permlttiM at his discretion to receive on the sale of bonds the legal tender/ and treasury notes to be retired, ami of ootirxo -when they are thus rot nd or redeemed In gold they should be cancelled. These bomb under existing laws could be deposited by nattonat banks a« soonrity for cirmlstlon. »nd such banks should be allowed to Issue circu lation up to the face vslnc of these or any other bond* deposit'd, except bonds outstanding beartna only 3 per cent. Interest, ami which seffl In tbe mar ket st less than par. -National banks should not be allowed to take out cir culating notes of s less denomination than *10, and when such as are out standing reach the treasury, except for redemption and retirement, they should be cancelled aod notes of the denomi nation of *10 and upwards Issued their stead. H irer certificates of the denomination of *10 snd upwards should be replaced by certlOextes d-ti'cnitiatlons under *10. IMPORTS PAYABLE IN HOLD. As a. constant means for the main tenance of s reasonable supply of gold In the treasury oar duties on Imports *bot£d be paid In all gold, allowing on other dues to the gorenmrat to bo ntt agreement to close general debate, after two hours uwvnrow. but Mr. Utosvenor (Republican) of Ohio ob» Joe ted. It la probable, however, that u vote on the bill will be reached be fore adjournment, tomorrow. After pass ing a fe.v private Mils tbe house at 5 p. m. adjaurned. IN THE BE.N-ATE. Vice-President Stevenson, who bad been absent front the city for the last few weeks, owing to the death of his daughter, Mary, presided over the sen ate today. The first and most Important nutter <ak m up was the prertdent's s,ieclal message. Most earnest atten tion was given by senators to tho message, and It was Immediately, with out discussion, referred to too commit tee on finance, whleh meets tomorrow, and will take It up for oonslderutloo. bourn were occupied in' the dis cussion of the house bill (passed July 6, 1x01) to disapprove the treaty made with toe Southern Ute Indiana to be removed to Utah. The bankruptcy bill, wblefa had been morrow. After a short executive ses sion. the senate adjourned St 4.50 until t-imorow. The Whale today confirmed tbe nom ination of Robert L. Oliver of (leor- If7:i to be United States consul Merida. Senator Hill, when asked his views up.n the president's message, entd: “The message states the situation very accurately. Permanent as well as temporary relief should be granted at once. 1 trust tbat there is good sense and patriotism enough In the present congress not to refuse consideration of this subject. The buxines Interets r.f the country demand it. and the Demo. oeratlc party cannot afford to antag onize that sentiment My views were fully expressed in my speech before the Democratic Club of Now York last Saturday night, and R is unneesary to repeat them.” he faint sweet odor of appto blossoms t* not more deileate than pastry Into which Dr. Price's Baking Powder ters. * NO MANDAMUS. Judge Clark Refused the Jones OOunty Petition. Atlanta, Jan. tt.—(Special.)—Judge (Park t xtiy refused the mandamus In the Clayton county election cue. In the recent county cSedtlcns a chaotic condition prevailed tn Ciuyfon. In the contort for sheriff the populism claimed n majority of twelve by the counting of the Jonesboro precinct. This pre cinct was thrown out, l*o«r»v»r. because of trregutacUles. ami the Papnttsts went btfew Judge Clark to compel returns to be made of that precinct. He, hone- ever, found that It was thrown out by agreement on both sides st tbe time, and therefore refused to Interfere. The case Till now he appealed to the su premo court , DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY'. Is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Itac, llie harmless, guar anteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nlootlntxed nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gi strenzth. vigor and manhood. You I n-> physical or financial risk, as N c' Bsc « s it' !-■ ■ sr, • •>,«*! rat a- < under * guarantee to cure or money funded. Book free. Addreas st- rli Remedy C . New York or Chi »so. whoro he ple.iww. The power of the press for good or evil, snd Its value In aiding the church In Its work of elevating mankind is •ckuemf edged. The encyclical clos-a with the apos tolic benediction to the bishops, tbe ei'csy and the people. Character tells tn everythin*-. The hlsh dharacter of Dr. Price’s flaking Powder w the fruit of forty ve-am* growth. Its reputation -has stood the tests of time und e;mnetitlc>n. MONEY FOR A RAILROAD. m is displayed. Amongst the misses wha enjoy the sdvati::«» of universal suffrage, a* fit llto political vrorld, It Is neeess.iir'tba,t ibcce should exux; -tus same ardor -to renni-ie all who have at ItMrt the hrtt- llvncy of France. It ts -to this union of common effort for the (sower and glory of llio French republic that I convoke y ru as sure Interpreter* of our entire democracy.'' In both 1be ehamb-r of deputies, whre the message «-.n retd by M. Ill- tint, awl in the setfute, where tt was read by 51. Trarletix, the president's titInn-cea were Dud'y applauded. This fi\tt p.irtlexfiariy tho case lu rogtnl to M. Faure’s refert-aoe* to tho demon-, cy. France’s lore for pmee anil the >mlng exposition of H«k>. At the con- duslon of -the reading of the message, the senators and dopulim expr-sstd their xitiafnctton in salvo# of cheers. 51. Oohlct, vx-Iallst, -declared that he tad on wish to upset tlte plans of the government, but he honored 'hit the chamber was entitled to an Immedi ate explasatton of Its policy. '51. Uaslmlr-I'erter's strange rnesugo to parliament oil tie- ocetslpn of hi* resignation, wh win ho had denounced the i-hamlaer and its represontafivn, laid again dftnK«t>rra,t«d the necessity fora rorkdoa of tho constitution. When M. Bourgeois had failed tn h’s efforts to form tt ministry, M. Uohh-t said, ’resident Fstare ought to hnve sum mon. d another radical. Instead of en- tresting the coostracfioo of n cabinet to 51. Rlhot, whose ministry wonld merely ouitlnue tho potlfiy of the kite premier, it. Dnpny. He therefore pro posed a resdtutlon that the chamber re ject a policy of compromise with th® Right and resistance to the democracy. 51. RHnt sold tbe govenunout did not aspire to achieve anything except tits pawcage of Hie budget. This miMaure being dlsposexl of, they wonld lear® the ctamtar to deckle whether It should be a rc-ji'tional or a reform body. In th* meantime, he bel oved that his past his tory and his attitude while president of tbe labor commission were sufficient to show bis loyalty to the democracy. He nxmU. he dtstlrrod. govern as bon- oniiiy nsiteanduouR-Mueu u- Vra» i»i«e m'er of th® ministry which voted to Institute Inquiry Into th® Fsnsma scan dal. i5I. Oddef* motion was rejected sed Hi- chamber -.ben aroted Stti to 7U its approval of the government's dectara- Douglsa Citizens Subscribe Dberafly to s New Enterprise. Douglas, JVtn. tt.—(Special.)—A few of Coffee county's enterprising citizens at an Informal meeting, subscribed 17.720 to assist J. B. B#1!y ft O' jn completing the Douglas and McDon ald railroad ita Doufas. This Is a. gxxxt Investment to -those Interested, sbso- eolute safety being assured by the ar ticles of agreement. The road Is now being put In firm-el ass condition. The company guarantees to hove trains running to Douglas by not later than Ute firut of 5tay next. , Cols. Quincy and McDonald have purchased the cosy tittle drug store of Dr. 51. 51. Itall aod -will convert tt Into a ktw office. Dr. M. M. Hall has let. toe contract to Qua L. Brack to build a large and commodious drug store, whlati -wfil be pushed to compistlon tor occupancy by the first of April. Taro more new stores will go up soon. B. Preston rontempia/te* budding a (5,000 hotel tn toe near future. Real estate changes hands ahtast ala'ly. Horsewarc Cheap tn -chic markon, being oeffrod by drovers at >10 nod up. Mrs. E. A. Buck and IHMe daugh ter are spending a law day* pK-a» aptly In Albany. CRUSHED INTO PIEOE8. '•Brooklyn. N. Y.. Jan. 28. 1895.—To the Pub’.tc: We have this dnv sent to Oho Messrs. Daniel F. Low Is. Benjamin F. a(orton and C. M. Wicker, repro- sentMig tihe different street railways fithtdh haye ceased operations In the city of Brooklyn, tho subjoined tetter, which speatokjfor Itorflf. We wVH ad-l ttwt we have -made this offer not be cause of tbe strike was wkning or our cause weakening. It never was stron ger. But tn tbe Interest* at Brooklyn, our home, sod Its citizens, our friends, we are willing -to xnaku ton sacrifice suggested In toe totter. (Signed.) r "Martin J. Conntfily. "'P. J. Collins, , “AnAraw D. -Best. "John Glhltn.” THE EMPLOYEES' LETTER. ‘Be -(klyn. N. Y., Jan. 28. 1895.— Benjamin F. Norton. Esq., president olf the Atlantic Avenue ILiHp tut Company —Dear Sir: I am Instructed by a!t toe represcntatlvva of tbe -Atlantic Rail road Company, tnriludtng lVtvesnen wrlio were In the service at tbo onmoany nn toe 13th day of January. 1895. to offer you -their services on too Simo terms und scale of -wages Obtained In January, 1IM. which wun. as you hnow, (2 a day far tnotoftivn sod con ductors baring full day cars und nod lees -than (1.(0 for motonnen snd con ductors having tripper*. It these terms are accepted, the oosnmlUte® will meet you and arrange to resume work -with in six hour*, in conclusion, permit mu to observe tost though this Is s great concession on «t» port (g the employes of the company, they are willing to make tt in the Interest of Ore public, who have been great sufferers from this controversy existing batwven the corporation and.Its men. I bane rent a simitar letter to the Brooklyn -Height* Railroad Company and Jo Mr. Wicker*, ropreaematlvo of toe Brooklyn, Queens County and fluburban Company. (Signed.) "ILirtlti J. Connelly." The action eg the strikers In offering to return without the many BtlpuLitlons which their former offer® have contain ed is generally oonslalered s surrender. Tho st.lkers my tt Is not. and Intimate that applications tor peremptory man damus will follow a refusal from vuo presidents. Forty deputy sheriffs at -toe Maspeth car stables struck today. Kings county will have to pay th* expense* of the national guard of to* state during toe strike. The trolley presidents claim to Have 581 cars In operation; ),300 Is too nor mal number. Soul Sickening Accident st s Lumber MU in Ylontgomery. Dublin, Jan. 28.—(8pecl«t.)-A horri bio accident occurred this morning at McCriwmon's lumber mill In Mont gomery county. Johnny Kceres, a 13. y(tar-old Ud, who resides In tbe nlffl grounds, bail been warned on several occasions to keep away from th* en gine, bnt scorned to disregard tbo dan- gar. He was play'.ng near tbo lly wheel when suddenly be was drawn tn and was InstanSay revolving round a round, bis body bring torn to plre Wham tbe machinery was stopped s alckMXLg sight met the eyes of tha en: pl-iyes and spectators. Hcatterext around were tbe boy's arms sol legs and s portion of tbe stomach sal brad. Blood oorered tbe msohlnery. The child’s liter, which hod dropp'd to the ground, was seised by bogs and partly de voured. ' The father of the boy .was a witness of the terrible scene snd was rendered speechless for a short time. Tha n-ntl- laud limbs sod body were picked up tioi then taken, fi ats ted. At/be of smnfHty tot dlscipHnary m for political sc This morion by 51. Fotoxtn «d ttby 1 vol ute cbumb-i day. i the amnesty bill wns 1 Jhe result alrrady emlre proposed a vote rgymeu, against whom surra hid been taken wsly opooeed .smtarsdopt- uood’s Sarsuroriii.i w: * " int-a the confulci.-.c of CURES. CLOSED A HANK'S DOORS. Scranton, Penn., Jan. 28.—C. dl. Krumbaucr. state superint.-nilem '.of banking of Prnnsylmnla. this morn ing closed toe doors of toe Olyphant Trust Company Saving* bank at Oly phant. He feels that some of toe In vestments mode by the bank are not mtlafactory and has dose*] the insti tution, pending tn examination of ™ *| them. Tbe superintendent also felt ! there was sn Irregularity in the ride “ , I ot the bank, tbe business being traas- s it* way : octet under t o n-rue of the Hank of he people Olyphant, while (he bank was ineorpo- l- • . , rated os tbo Oi.vphsnt Trust Company. ie 51. Hull ts prerident and M. one cashier of the bank. (•he YOUNG CIRL'S FORTUNE. AN INTERESTING SKETCH. appealt so «’r .-igly to a mother's r. her •!/» i/fhur J'i*t bu l ;m< into K«rai.yVb 11 j Lt HU ln-tafu e: "Our S . uowr Li jrr*n m brc, haji ■q tcrribljr with owroonaM^ \\ • It- . .Tr- I.-' < 1 t,rr T Ifhl ft. wat jo Mh 1 aoadHon Umi tihidVM IMT mm adMOl nd hlMSdon I., r miMir. I, v booi> In f-irt, w« feared b- v t j «itinr«*, und are p vitl?# bet for an InTnlnable remedy iho wosm ftm had ita! tarrifeic ftj!!.< ti-,n. • wu had *m;. j. 1 phy*i Ur.», idit »h.- ruceivcl no l rtifr .ra itu ux. Tbe nnst nt ltu-i Aujcubi «h.i weUhtd bat 75 poun lfi, aa l akhoosh »he hu lak»;n only thr «- u ; s. rvu.. »he wtljche 10S p»un<U; her c- rviKdot.-vm oj..*. »>u.r- Hom of ft. Vum batt* m wMvmZm ■ • l - A it f rt ft.’. 1 .jLx.. .“he h.i.4 nr*'. nt he? h* r dj ij r - 1 ; i.r.- I- r - Mr It M '.m N-r*. J.ftj« > f>uu Wi. :i r .f r n^! e r r« „u • I i.%• 1 ji«* i :’i» in { at< r.i n. t t 1 •' :t • , L.:n. f ji ej* a . r. ’ • »•• t* • kii i(iv ■ < •--’t Mil ~ O-riit iRtlL-il ! ri,’hu . N V IT Ml.i-ft KrfttonvU\e V. (irr/jriTi t,ri « |otUu- r’lnt rapleie i .1. and r the ht a C -jftaagVfOUj. 'ifU4pL -***' viy ixw frua 1 j: