The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 31, 1895, Image 4

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g^HDKfl THE "WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: JANUARY 31, 1895. THE MACON TELEGRAPH PUBLISHED EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR AND WEEKLY. Office 5G9 Mulberry Street. THE DAILY TMLliUltAl-H—Delivered by carrier* in tbe city, or mailed. postage tree. CO cent* a month; C1.7S for three month*; «9.M (or *lx month*; 27 tor on* year; every day eacept Hunday. H XHB TELEUKAi-Zi—Tri-Weekly, Mon day*, Wednesday* and Fridays, or Tues day*, Thursday* and Saturday*, three month*, li; el* xonth*. Id; on* year. H JX’HH SUNDAY. U'nlLEURAl'il—By moll, on* year, 8. THB WEEKLY XJULKaRAPH—By mail, one year, IL buhocBifiton s—payable In advance, ltemlt by poetal order, Chech or regia- ttred letter. Currency by mall at rlak of tender. COMMUNICATIONS should be eddreaeed and all orders, checka drafts, etc., made payable to THIS TELKURAPH. Macon, Ga. rtlctwl; but rhe Inrtrxluntlon of aentni ia Tfiaco of Ijnuft ttJE ceStahffy mint a pnwivwlvo atop Cn in<vHeine, and t<3im IO JMXJVA* till** al't Otriul t/7 u !d«»C ckutc at 0! saisrs to this style of orervt- nx-Oi. THE DODGE UAIXD TROUBLES. THE TR1=)ARtnW8 TROUBLES. Mr. "WHson dtieWiml in bis speech in rhe bmse Oia.t ttoo present laws w'U produce «U tbe revenue* neritai by the government nod even provide a surplus —after n tittle while. They fail to do m now because oosne of the taxret lin- posed by them have mot yet bacoat ■> op erative, and beoause the depressed state ef bus'.ness MinVts consumption, and therefore lnvportaitlon. We do n't doubt thait (Mr. Wilson ■« rtflvt—the- ex- iMtung taxes will prov'do revenue e~»J2h »«<«* « while. Ue Is also rltpit In saying H4*tit, oit the pnwArtt rm of expenditure, the tressury' will not be bankrupt f<f a good \nm iime, if H have no other call upon 'X than the i«ay- tnent of the guvernuMm's runuiug ox- penst*. But tbe irontole is ttba* the de- flottnwy of the revenue, known to all the world, ism much do do with the want of conMenoe tfwit la causing the withdraw*! of «<id at the rate of twelve millions a iw»vk. While the revenue was excessive, the goirernmeut's de mand notes -wore riot prtwTOled for re- <lompr*r.i. Everyliody knew, as an aD- solute certainty, lint notes would be redeonuxl If prasentod. and Un any kind of dtsusnrted by the holder. That certainty still exists, If notes ar» pre sented at once, butt -there are tbutisands of people, inUilons of them pvluips. who befl-we tbit after a IItitle -t me the treasury will be unable to redeem in gold. They sro led to this belief large ly by ribs feot tho* the govx-.iutmt is Obliged to use Hs credit largely in pro- ourlng money. Tbe Ikkincisl diffleulty Cn wbtrb the government finds Itreflf ba, two branches. Tbe first nod mast Import ant grows out of live existence and onatlnual redsaue of about five hundred million daUant ef ilemand notes Tuts la a permanent trout Ue, which can be overcome only oy the redemption of ootes. Hie other trouble Is the lack ot a sumoiotCt amount of revenue, and this contributes, J* we have saitl, to the other, but tt Is temporary -n Its char- soter, uau be m« by temporary expe dients, and as Ur. Wl-lsia explained, will be cured, ev.-n if congress dnea noth log, Cn time, through the upemtion of laws alrrarty on du* nutate li»u But because this truulfie la tompurary lu Its mature, it is hardly less import ant. The most obvious remedy for tt baa bean suggested In auroral bills in troduced In coogncss, sod is to borrow moony on che best teiros the govern- ment ctn Obtain. As Mr. lull in his speech s.imnkiy ttgtet la Now York said, the particular mean* adopted (s not of very great importance—provldrd only Wtuit It docs not odd to the power of speonlnors -to drain the treasury of geld. Tbe present ootigresa baa only about live -weeks more of ttf ,\ and there is no reason to expect much tram It. Hut as we have said before, R most do •omdth'xig to sdttin this question, tlte Democratic party nil suiter great ly. The country to prepared to accept soar reasonable edtUicmunt. AOTI-TOXINE FOR BMAULVOX. In Friday's issue of the Telegraph a local article appeared, yAlltig of tbe de parture of a number of deputy mar shals, whose mission was to arrest per sons guilty of olI«n««t against the Dodge Company -and charged with hav ing roundered a .oojro iu Uie employ ment of Unit ctampauy. The repori-r luadvertudtly stated that Dodge conn- 1y was tb be tho scene of ilia opera tions of the dopants. W e have ruoelved a. Utter from several oit lam’s of East man, in -which they protest angnly against this statement, and charge the Telegraph with malice towards their county. The charge Is a prupwterons an-. Tho Tctocrspli roteruCcw malice <ig\Inst no counminMy, but, on the con trary, Is anxious to do everything In Its power to build up 'the material and advance tho iuLillrotual and moral In- tereatg «f every oanmiunity In Geocgra- Tt regrets, of course, the error made by lit* reporter, but 1s bound to say that his error -mas fl natural one to a man writing hastily. The trouble* which the Dodge Company 1ms had with squattera upon Its land have attracted wide attention, first, through 'the mur der of Mr. Forsyfflh, and afterwards through the sensational trails In the United States court at this place. At tint time and during 'the years since then, they have always been spoken of ns the “Dodge county troubles,” and perhaps 'the name of tbe oxnpany had something to do In locating the scene of the troubles lit the public ptf-ti-l, The Tdlegn-ph is wronged by Its eor- respondon/ts when the carelessness of a reporter, repeating the forms of com mon speech, Is tortured into evidence that It ban « malicious desire to injure Dodge county, but it is a. good sign to see citizens of that. county sana tive on this subject, even when itheir sensitive ness finds expression In smn-wtiat un- ressom-hCie action. If they will keep at work on this same Hue, they w tt soon disabuse the public mind of the Id«u 'thait Dodge county Is the seat or la-wlmsaesa, even If newspaper report ers continue to 1>e careless. meres worth Rxcktog -r. ts • d!ss» •Stabs ssaSsjusits of ttve past -ear Save utterly Impoverished the t*tr -ly g^iUU,- GuG r*wnKfS m iria »>t uio uvutru y, nau theCr poverty has m«de the ir-mendous public debt, amounting t-> m .h»,iv«i,0"‘i or more, an tiabuairabie tiur-l-a. Tljc umUxtion of tbe Greek nu i ion t-1 become a “power" has almost toriugat the coun try to moral, political Mill unsocial bankruptcy. King Ucouve has proba bly become conivliiced th -1 his subjects will be unable to longeu support a royul establishment. OLEVEUAKD SUSTAINED. In 'the senate Saturday, every Kepob- Uoan except one voted against the res olution dorlarins that tho United States “recognize 1V> the fullest! extern, the right of avery people to adopt and nKi-inatn their own form of govenanent, unawed and uninfluenced by foreign dictation.” Every Democrat Toted for it. Ilul the nwjliltlau dot gone tur- Ohor and approved the course of t'ivs- ident Clerciand’s admlnlrtrutloQ in the Hawaiian lunitur, U luuukl still hare couddumnl, In strong firms, the course of the llepuliUc-i-n cemgressmen and iKiwspspcr* dur ing this controversy. Tile conduct of MLnister IStereas and of his supporters and apologists tn con gress urns based on tho idea that tbe United {States gorennmeqb bad the right, and was under an obligation to Its own peqple, to Interfere In tbe af fairs of Hawaii and set up there a gov ernment not desired by tbe people, but favorable to its own Interests. Tbe resolutiiou declares the true and tradi tional policy of our government, a. pol icy from- which tt cannot depict with out seating a precedent tbat will lead to disastrous consequences. GEORGIA NEWS AND COMMENT. nerv-nnt after a couple of minutes. - Xo. He began to weep und *ob, nnd for two hour* hs vhae Ilka * leedle soblUL It took more ash three quart* of beer to brace him oop und get him boma Dot vlma all right, howeler. It make* notice- ference to me If he laughs or cries oafer my sboke*. I vhlll now read some more," "Really, Mr. Sunder, but"— “I know, cergoant—I know, but I can’t help dot. Your fodder vhac deadt, nnd your mudder vhac deadt, but dot doan* •htop my almanac, ehf You vha* In o harry. Bo vha* t but we can wait a leedle. See bow(ou Uke deeeWokca: “ Vhen vha* o man’s nose like * bouquet of flower*! Vhen he vha* a nosegay. “Vhen doe* a person resemble a corn- ■talk! Vhen be vhac a leedle husky. • Vhy vha* a pig like a tree? Because hi* living dopend* on bl* roots “In That respect do** dot Island of Mada gascar resemble a bob tailed dog! Because •he”— The officer arose and began to put on hla ovorcoat, and Mr. Dunder looked up from hla manuscript and asked! "Vha* some moro of your peoples deadt, sergeant! Let me tell you aboudt dose ■hokea You know dot doorbell man on Butternut street! HI* whole family vha* burned oop 80 y’nra ago, und be doan’ laugh since till yostorday. Den I lnwtte him to my houso to fix my bell, und I held him oop against dcr wall while Shake read him four (hokea. Sergeant, ha, ha, hal” "Mr. Dundor, hadn't you better soo a doctor before the disease get* seated on your system!” "Dot system vhas all K. O., und dot disease may kcop right onl Dot doorbell man turns red und den white, und his eyes bang ondt, nnd hts hair shtands oop. I doan' let go, und Shake keeps right on reading, und pooty qneek he vhas con- wulsed. He goes ha, ha, hal und ho, ho, hot und sbllps down on der floor, und 1 pledgo you her word we baf to lead him home. I neffer saw aooch a teekled man In all my life before." “What tickled him!" naked the ser geant as he was ready to go. “Vhy, dose shokes, of oourse!” “You got off soma Jokes, did you!” “Did I! Sergeant, I see how she vhas. You vhas down on me because I vhas no more hayseeds und greenhorns You"— ••I’ve got to go, Mr. Dunder." "So hat I, und wo go along by each other. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest V. S. Gov’t Report ima G& Powder Absolutely pure IN BETTHR SHADE. Tbe ruBuMphto. Renvoi thinks that a *X!W Htugo in thsl latest triumph of Modern tnrtlMne, scram thermpouttos, seems to have already been foresbad- owed, if nM attsliMd, in tho expert- meats at Dr. J. J. Kinyouo, peuvwvl as sistant sunreoo at tbe United states marina eoqs, vrttfa the aoti-roxinn ot vsrtoia or smallpox. Tbe rumor that Dr. Roux of rare was at work upon a si rum consumption cure eras prompt, ly dented. vrtMO published, and the ns- tore of oonsumpdaB to auch that remedy of 11x1* kind to'out probable, to say the least. Smallpox, like dipbBxe- rta, should be amenable So this petfnMffts have boon based Upon th# ussknut In flsot. Dr. KtayounS ex- discovery of Raynaud and Hternberg, hoc dm* mso, and sbe blood serum of as immune aolmafl destroys tbe poten oy of raodno lymph, o*If Dr. Ktuyoaia has found la two vrm bt immunized blood of a heifer oases of sartols of the sdrauced pustu lar acts* Hast aba strum exerts s mod- l(fx| effect upon tbe disease, especial ly upon tbm eruption, lu (use case life eras poodoopol at lam seventy-two hours. This success naturally suggests that in the fin* case of aruptloo a pa- tlse* might expesimes even greater re- wdtA The petnetpto would seem to be as true tn utnullpox as in diphtheria, sod aba existing roods of Tardus Con with tho pnlsonnus lymph Ksaif may soon b# sprsahl by ibe practice of Immunized snt- dVhether Sbspsnod of immunity In «t* ortglual form, tho iVraragua oainal bill, in effect, .pronrtivl ibex me canal Should be paid for by the United Rtri'tea ami owned by irviirtbody elm’. In tho form to which it has passed she, however, h in very much Im proved. It now prortdtw that the gov ernment iiha.ll gturatvtee tbe bond* of the canal company to the extant of $70,000,000; nball receive to return $70,000,000 of Stock, Which 1* non-n*- snble, mid tbe stdcdtlon of ten the fifteen directors of 'the company, the remaining $30,uoo,ooo of tho stock, $0,000,000 1* to go to Nicaragua, ,000,000 to Oosta IKca, $7,000,000 1o the old StockhtaltVra of the company, nnd the remaining $13,500,000 useil wholly in the conatructton of the canal, which we understand to moan that bonds to this extent twill be put on too m-irkdt when ftuvomblo oppertnnl'Uea occur. Tiie changiw do SK>t malm the bill wholly acceptable. We do not ace that the government is undw any obligation to save the old stockhdden fr<«n loss, thedr etatetprtoe having oomptutcly liroken down. Nor does tt Obviate the rtojoetlon that the government goes be yond the Hue of .’its duty, if not Its tights, whan It uao* the people’s money In commercial antorprlses of this kind. Rt-IB, there Is a powerful anrtlmcint be fallal the tnorvenuxxt, and it 1s a good thing tbat auetx Vtuportaui modlfica- Hons In the interest of the pxvernmem have bero made In the bill. It still lna.vra cocsidiraldo room tar Ind’vld- ttals to get rich at too expense of the gavernnunt, but tbe treasury seems to be better guarded than when 8t was eampeUid to balM tbe Usclfic railroads and then turn them over to a lot ot epoculators. Even tinder Ibis but, how ever, the government win be biking great risks. Break* county's tnx collections Show a falling o ft from those ot a year ago. A German capitalist from Pennsyl vania is In Brooks county prospecting with a view to settling a colony of German immigrants. Anthony's shoals on Broad river will furnish. It la said, 36,000 ihoise-power. The Washington Gazette thinks it a good -place to locate a big cotton mill. Mr. F. W. Barnett of Washington, Ga„ shipped to Savannah la»t year 5,000 pounds at butter, for which he re- received 30 cents a pound. The Alpharetta Free Press celebrated Us fifth birthday last week. It to no longer an Infant, but a full grown Jour nal, and as bright os the brightest. A resies of petty burglhl^ts were perpetrated In Home on Friday night. Ttxc burglam seemed to have a marked fondness for cakes and -urhtoky. The captain had thrown ns down. As soon as we reached town wo xtarted out to look him np, but learned tbat he was far on his way to Prescott and might be ab- tont for weeks Wo had regarded him aa a brave man, though not one to be reepect- od all around, and it hurts us as we recall the trlok he ployed on us. Our people like n square man and have no use for any other sort. When a critter hunkers for an other critter’s blood and invites him out to dlo, he should at least tend a messenger boy with a brief note of explanation If any change Is made in tho programme. We owe the captain one, and If heaver return* to this town somebody has got to light or crawfish. Focxd Hxn Son.—Two weeks ago a Mrs. Clay of Ohio, whose son William oame west several years ago,wrote us that he had mysteriously dropped out ot sight 111 this territory, and she was greatly wor ried over the circumstance. She forwarded a description and asked us to do what we oould In the matter. It It with great pleas ure that we announco a solution of the mystery. After consulting the ooroner’t books nnd talking with Bob Wllllnmt and , Joe Davis, both of whom have remarkably good memories, we made tbe dlecovory tbat tho missing Wllllam Clay dropped out ; of tight about seven miles east of this I town on tbe 3d nf July, 1898. Tbe exact ■pot to on the eastern bank of Raccoon ford nnd under tho large tree on which somo ono has nnlled a cough sirup adver- i tlsement. Wo happened to be riding over ' to Lone Tree that dny In the oompany of j the gontlcmen above mentioned, nnd at tho ford wc catno upon a small hut en thusiastic assemblage of Colonel Burton's cowboys. They wore holding *ni»n*ted conversation with a stranger who was In , possession of tlx mules belonging to tbe colonel. IIo refused all Information about himself and was grievously Insulting In his As wu go along I vblll read you observations, bnt wo distinctly romomber some more shokea." that tho hoys pulled on the rope oo gently “I haven't time to even listen.” ns possible, and ho dlod as easy as oould be “Dot vba# ehnst der same. Come along, oxpcctcd under tbe clroumatancea. Tbo Now, don, vhy vhas a man who plok* np on, » ‘““B found on the body woa o card a redhot poker like dot animal who mon- ? n 'T hl « h In pencil, evidently keys mlt der buzzsow! Beoouso—ho. ha. by tho dead man s hand: WAR SEEK 1MI1SER1, Nothing but Humors of Bloody Conflict Heard About the Uexican Capital EVERYTHING IS IN READINESS Twenty Thousand Troop* Ar* II.m, to Invad* Guatemala nnd Volaa. teer*3 ’ r • Pl« a tfut—The Gov eminent Say* Nothing, key* mlt der buzziaw! Because—ho, lio, hoi Becouso"— And as they turned tbo corner the ser geant was stepping oft aa stiff as a ramrod and looking as solemn ns a funeral, nnd Mr. Dunder was working his short log* for all they were worth to keep beside him nnd finish tho answer. ON A “TOWER.” There are only eighteen widows of Confederate soldiers tn Wilkes county who wf.l draw pensions from the state -thto year. Ttrere are fourteen old eot- dlem who will draw pensions In tbe same county. The YaMosta Tlmen eny.v "Ho* raising to one of tbe omin* esitarprtaoa of this mx'tlon. Th - tramp of 200 boss through flic atreeta of Valdostu Severn) days ago, en route to the pack ing huose, pnvo evidence of th# foot. For fifty miles around word comes th it the farmens are going to pay more at- tenUnn to bog raising in future. They ore planting crops with that end In view.” NO TOTE TO IjUTTHN. The Scrgnii* Trten 10 Hrfatako Carl Uumlsr In Vats. "Honesty Is the best policy. “What to home without a mother!" “Bo virtuous, and you’ll be happy." “Integrity Is tho road to success." “Honor thy father and thy mother." We have found tbe card among our rrltca and shall forward It to tbo mother, who la waiting for news. Why He Wept. Seated on a log betldo a creek at which I stopped to water my horse was a man For a long quarter of an honrallttle old ! « 5 . ot „ age l * n , d ho was weeping men In the scat ahead of mo tn the track- “ nd “ 9ln B t " u » ° l » > on B Hhjn duster lng car hod been scratching his head nnd | to w ‘ p0 . h 1 1 * bj 1 7“i* Jotting down figures In a memorandum over to him and Inquired tho canto of hi. book, and at length he turned to me with ! •? rrow ’ H « B“P« l nnd • obbod » nd ol >ok FRANCE’S DEBT. Since ’fixe close ot tbe -war with (lev manor In 1S7I, too public debt of France boa about doubled, ami amount* now to aoroettbltiff like $7,uuo,uuu,uuUl Th« revenue from taxation this year is estlnastiel by tlxa gorertaiHsit nt <(138,000,000-ubout trwkse the ordinary revenues ot the United States. These figures give some hks of tbs trarden ot taxation wbk-b toe Frwxob people are bearing, and oa tbe public debt In- croasee ootxtiauelly, tbs burden every yoar iMDomos heavier. It seems that Fiance has »n beyond -the point at wtifc-h she can reduce her debt, and ft to dlfflcuk to see wbaA tbe ontcome will be. There Is s limit to tbe endur ance ef the French people, and though this Mmtt to higher In France than In any other country, becouso the French debt Is held almost entirely at homo ami Freach Indus trial enterprtses are supported eaUMy by Fresxm capital, slut limit must be ranched tn France after a while. Possibly the first great experiment in state soctaltom wlU corfi.i in thto .way, but It can hardly bo hoped that tbe French preqgo will qui etly allow tbe fynvrtxmcut, erven grad ually. to cosxflsixuo their property through its power to tax. Greece to rumored to be nu the verge of a revolution, and King George Is re ported to coBtsropUte abdkwtkSL llxero tumors sro necther incredible nor tor- prtotue Urorcs is asturaBy » poor country, with oo industries or com- [Copyrtrht, IMS, by Charles B. Lewi*.] “I happened to be down hoi*, und I ihust ahtop In for n minute to eeo how you feels.” Tbs fat police sergeant had Just dipped' hla pen In the mucilage bottle In place of tho Ink and was wiping II off In dtogusl After waiting for 13 seconds he looked np and said: “Ob, It's yon, Mr. Dander! I heard you had left the country!" “Who heard you! I vhna right here to abtoy If bo knows herself! Vhen I vha* In der saloon peetnesl und eaferybody vhas playing somo gum game* on me, I thought it vbas better If I go avhay, but I vhas all right now. Ha, ho, hal” Y-e-a> Havo you got tbe winter work done on the farm, Mr. Dunder!"' "Winter work! Farm! Sergeant, look at me a few time* Don't you remember Who I vbas!" “Why, younroMr. Dunder, aren’t yon!” queried the sergeant a* he scraped away at bis pen with the blade ef his pocketknlfe. “So I vbas Carl Dunder, der man who couldn't find nopody two times alike in America I vbas In dcr saloon peesness. Der tax assessor, der gas man nnd der wa ter tax man used to come aronndt eafery two hourq und come soma tricks on my greenness. You advised me to go ondt of dot peesness nnd print some comic alma nacs. Don’t you remember her!" "It eeem* ■* If I did." “Ot coatee! I take your advice. Dot almanae vhas a walling eooooeaa. She vhaa aelllng all oafer Europe und Amer ica. She Ybas mostly comic, und eafery body likes her. Being I vhas hero, I shell read you soma of my ehokes for der next number." “Mr. Dunder, didn't yon read In the pa pers that—that my aged and beloved mother was called from earth away!*’ "Yea, I did, but be doan' make no dee- ference; It vbas ah oat der same mlt my own aged and beloved mudder. I read her some of my shokes on* night, oml she vhaa found deadt In her bed In der morn ing. I shall read you something to sheer you oop. Linen to mo now. “Vhy vbas a bootblack Ilka der sun! Because ha thine* for alL “Vbat doe* a dairymaid most resem ble! A buttercup. “Vhen vhaa a droit like a isnsuser! Then ready to strike. “Vhy vhaa a meesaner boy Ilk* n wag on wheal! Because b* goes aronndt und ahtop* nod needs grease und vba* always tired. “Vhy vbas a cow oop a tree Ilka a mnn mlt a boose! Because he”— “Mr.Dnnder," Interrupted tb* sergeant, “I must be at tbe dty ball in 15 minutes." “Dot vhas all right,’’replied Mr Dan der, “and I vblU go along nnd rend you soma mon ahokas on day vbay. Say, ser geant, l got oop all dot* shokea In half a ed up, and It was a long minute before ho replied: “I—I’ve lost my old woman." , “Lost her by death!" "Yea Sho's dead and buried.” "That's too bad. Do you live around here!” “ ’Bout flvo miles away. I was goln over to my brother's, and Jest os I got along hero I happened to remember that xus’ffiK’ I ssiSKK.'Sr»s:.‘'S,s7rsa “And of courea tbo rooollcotlon mokes you feel tad!" “Sho does. You must excuse ms, but I can’t hold myselt Did you ever lose a wife!" “I never did, bnt I ean realize how you feel and sympathize with you In your to- : reavomont," i His heart was touched, ond he broko I down again, and while I picked tilackbcr- i rics off o handy bush he shed more tears 1 and hunted up dry spot! on hla duster. I didn’t want to leave him thus, and so ( after a bit I ventured to observe: • ’ Death comes to us all, and we must not.grieve too rauoh. You will be happy yet” “How’ll I to happy!" to asked as ho oeaaed to wipe his eye*. “Why, after a reasonable length of time you will feel resigned and naturally look around." “What'll I to lookln fur!” “Well, at your ago you will naturally look for a second wife.” “Stranger, ar' ya eeckln to eonsolo mo!" “Why, yes." * “Then ye can't do It In that way. My old woman died two months ago, and since that time I've asked four different wlraln to marry mo, and they'va all given roe the cold shake. I'm a-weepln bekasa sho died, and I'm a-woopln bekasa nobody elao'll her ms, nnd If yo can't offer me suntbln more Ineouragin ye'd tatter pass right on.” I got tho last berry on tbe bosh and waited around for a spell, but as be still wept, and aa I couldn't think of anything to choer him up, I mounted and rode away and left him with bis grief. a M. QUAD. Progress in a progressive asre I* tho record made bv Dr. Prtee'e Bakins Powder. Witness fixe highest honors ait the Chicago World's Erpoaltlon and flrat reward and amid medal at Califor nia Midwinter Fair. the Inquiry: “How much Is 98 ond 18!” “That make* ill,” I answered. “Jewhlz, but you don't say sot Tbnt makes $11.10 I have spent In three days! Jest add up them Aggers, will you!" I took the book nnd went ovor tbe fig ures he had set down nnd found his sum total correct When I so announced, he said: “Waal, the thing haa hero and nowl Why, bonso In a month went onl I tlggerod tbnt she wouldn’t go over 87 at the outside, and ihe’s gone over 'leven already!" “Are you taking a little vocation!” “It's a sort o' oomblnnshun. It's git- tin married, goln on a bridle tower and takln a vacation nil to onco, but nto's goln to com* to a sudden atop aa toon aa wo reach Taylorsville. Land o' massy, but It’s a good thing I rot down to Agger when I did!” "It costa money to get married ond make a tour," I suggested. - “I should say It did!" he heartily re plied. “Bln married only two days, and hero's 'leven dollar* gone to smash, and we ar' 60 miles from limna!" “Is the bride on tbo train!" “Yes, right in the next car, eatln pea nut* and marsbmellora and never mlndln the expense. I'Jl go In and tell her that things hev got to stop.” H* left tbe ear and was absent halt an hour. When he returned, bo looked wor ried and anzloas, and be sat down besldo mo and asked: “Ever marry a wldder!” “Never." “Nor I either till this time, and I guess I'va made a mistake, and we ar' aa good aa separated. I’m bound to bold her down to ’toran dollars, and she's bound to soar around till vre use np at least 830, and when I left her ehe was buyln four more boxes of manbmellere and klckln our satchels all over the carl Hay, stranger!" "Yes." “I'm older’n you be, and lemme gin you a word of advice. If you ever marry a wldder, bev it writ down in block and whit* before the marriage tbat your bridlo tower hain’l to eoet over 87, ond when them $7 ar 1 used up thar shan’t be no klokln nor eallln names, and you’vo got to go home and live mostly on apple sans and let marshinellers and peanuts alone, and be happy.” day. Dsn I calls dot umbrella man Into my bouse to make soma repairs, und vblle he vhaa at work I springs 'em on him all of a sudden. Hal hal ha! I slab you vbas dare! Oxcuae me, bat—but"— Mr. Dunder went over to tbs radiator and leaned on It, and shut hie eyes, nnd screwed np hi* face; and kick, -i up his basis, and a noire tosoad from his throat Ilk* the squeal of « pig eaugbt In a fence. “Mr. Dunder, did the man burst a Mood vernal In lgoghlng!" solemnly asked the THE ARIZONA KICKER. now the Captain Failed to Keep III* Ap pointment. A MIAN trick.—Last weak wa editori ally stated In thl* paper that Captain Hint*, who owns and runs the Polar Bear saloon and to looking for political office, was not a fit man to represent tbo people and should be sat down on at tbe flrat op portunity. Saturday noon we feeelved a tote from him to the effect that wa were a liar and a slanderer, dnd he asked ns to meet him at Fox creek, four jnlle* away, and shoot until soma one was killed. While wa were drawing up our tost will and testament our agricultural editor clean'id one of our guns, our marina editor tbe other, and our bona editor put tbe saddle on our running mule and Sled up our spurs. At 9 o'clock ws set out for the plsee appointed, baring hy on* will left the bulk of our fortune to Arizona to build a new statehouse, and In tb* course of half an hour wa arrived on tbe spot. Ws fully azprotad to And tbe captain there ahead of M and to at one* enter upon th* programme of pacing off tb* distance and arranging signal*. Hews* not then, bow ever. It was a cold, raw day, with an Inch of snow on th* ground and moro fall ing, bat wo waited pstuntly and pat In th* time shooting at a mark and compos ing a poem entitled “Gone to His Bast” While ws waited old Jim Hewson came along on hla bub tolled mula, drunk, aa usual, and ha was shortly followed by Colonel Davidson, who was out fox bunt ing, but whan th* shadows of night began to fall and tbs recording angels mad* ready to olos* their books for lbs day ws war* still waiting tb* captain's arrival. Th* curfew toll had toiled, so to say, and tbe lonely whippoorwill bad com out nf his hole and chanted his sorrowful lay, when wa brought tb* toad of oor mate around to th* scuth and Marted for home. St. Louis. Jan. 27.—A Globe-Demo- erst special from Uhe City of Mexico say a: "Nothing is beard here now but ru mors of wlar, will to inevitable. All the opposltics papers are aiding with the Diaz government and emit extravagant ’proffers of aid are mad, frctm foreign resident*. E. C. Ord po* at the G. A. Rl bos passed resolution of fealty to rim government. A num ber of Union veterans have Kigniticd their wltllngness to go to the front fo, Mexico If itlhetr services will be accept ed. The memorial wifi toe presented to Gen. Diaz on Tuesday toy a commit tee from the pant consisting of Gen. Asr2.T.?ii— jni O'!. W. J. D* “C.ipt. McDonald of 8ho Tera* Rangers has .tendered ids services to Col. B. C. 'Feta with 309 scouts in vu, of wrer. Col. Pate served with On. Joe Shelby In the civil war and at hj call thousands would cross the Um. The president and several members 4 the oafcthat -were In secret session a dny. It 1s said the government Is nos studying the itreaty of 1882, which Gua temala Ignores. "Article 4 In the tr.-aty calls for arbitration. It 1* rumored that Mexico will not arbltarte. The feeling 1s general there among Ariwirlcuna that Mexico's cause Is right. “Should war torctik out tomorrow this country would toe entirely prepared and would have lie 20,000 droops now on the Guatamalhn frontier ready to move cn the enemy at an hour's no tice, without altlng for ouppll'v or Waving other hindrances. The rlfl-e used In the Mexbun army are Rem ington*, and additioni.ul supplies are on band for Uhe arming of additional troops which rosy be put Into the fleM. Appearances arc that Mexico wt'l op erate on boBh the north and west rM~i of Guatemala for Hhe invasion of tltit tvpubllo Should occasion demand. II la pHphesferi in some places that M*x loo will settle the boundary line dli- pute toy appropriating the whole Gui- tcuitalim republic as a 'part of tn. United •States of 'Mexico, .with the city of Mexico aa Its capital. "artcit activity is evident nt lira government arms factory in this city. Fifty thousand cartridge* are helnr turned out every week and the*, in, being rushed to 'the bordtd- with other supplies ns fast as steam and rail can take them. "The government maintains a v.-ry guarded attitude aa to tbo exact state of affairs and n generally unoonnumi native paMey I* shown. The ejtceisllns delicacy of the situation Is cwtrKeritly fully appreciated, as to also ttae know!- eg* Mwt a slip Of the tongue at tbs moment uxiy plunge affairs Into a cri sis moat grave in it* result*. LABOR RIOT IN OHIO. Thirty Shots Final at Op? XeW.7 Em ployed Mm. 'Martin's Ferry, •>., Jan. '.’7.—A rift wu* precipitated last night by tbo ar rival of three non uul-ra iron at :he Buckeye Glass Works from Wcltobury. When they got off tho tr.i'n at works a nxob of HZ! ruptured tb-’m. Two uf lho new trr'v.iU were rerap tured by the company's guard and sale ly lauded In the works, when lllanke!, the 11k third uxin, was taken u<nw rhe river, where hts'eap wa* found this morning. Thirty shots wore fired, tins ball pimnl through (he coat of John Weuiman, an employ.', gr*s.Dg bis *.M A rioter Is reported to hive fallen aol to hanro boro hustled away In tlte dark- Item. The crowd jevn dispersed. Alexander Humphreys, the manager of the works, aaya Ms men were nut ordered to shoot, and did not fire a sin gle shot. The three men telephoned that they were coming on the train, ant the guard* were ready to receive and protect them. Glass snaking was com- menced yesterday tot good shape. The World's Fair award to Dr. Price's Baking Powder proolalma Its super! r- Ity over every other. This verdict was o>nArmed bv the highest award at tt* California Mid-Winter Fair. M. DE (HERS DEAD. Russia's Groat Diploma list Has Pawed • Aw.iy. St. reUradMiiy, Jjn. 27.-01. Do Glors dlnl of intiamnratlon -nf the lung* com plicated by rauralgU of Hie In rift n't <i p. in. Saturday. Ho f>81 asleep uthl died without waking up. Tho ezir, the Grand Duke otkl Duchess Vitd aitr, most ot (be umriber* of tbe diploma tlo corps and sH the mlnlst-rs attended the service of lawyer tufd In his imu- ory this rooming. Vba funeral will take place OB Wednesday. GRIFFIN SOCIETY. Griffin, Jan. 27.-(Special.)—Miss Flor- ris Jean Richards, one of Criffln's social favorites; In company with Mks Mary Blrt Howard, a. great favorite In At lanta society, left this morning for Oo- himbua, where they will visit Mtos Mary Eta Burdel! Mire* Richards will be gone for three or four weeks, much to the regret of her many friend* here, who will look forward with pleasure to her return. On last Monday evening at the hos pitable home on Poplar street. Miss Bes sie Ward save a card party tn a select party of friends. Mire, Addavale Kincaid entertained re number of friends socially at ber pa latial borne on FtapJar street, last Tues day State Chemist Dr. White of Athens, who to very prominent In Athens so ciety. will be here and at the experi ment station for a few days. Dr. White is an elegant gentleman and Is loved and honored by all who an oo fortunate as to earn* In contact with him. Mia* Lelht Broadway of Macon and Jackie Stewart of Decatur, are visiting Mias Georgia Devotte oo Taylor street. More Distinction Than Difference, “Then you mean to say that th* roan it a constitutional Half” “Ob, detr, no, sahl My dear tab, no, tab! Hit family Is one of the tost la th* state, a family, sab, full of tbo bluest of blue blood. He could not poribly be » common, vulgar liar, tab. It’s not possi ble, nab. Ha has a weakness for misstate ment, and hla word U not to to relM upon, and my private aUvloe to yoo 1* Is believe nothing to says, but to call bln a liar—considering hla family—would Is preposterous, not to say dangerous, tab! —Lift. Profitable Diplomacy. “1 with It bad been the lady bsrntf Is stead of a young lady tbat came to th* door," said th* tramp to tho lady of *h# house. “Tb* young ladle* hasn’t goi sacs hearts as th* older one* has." “I’m the lady ot tb* bouse." "Ob, I beg your pardon. I thought from ver look*"— “If you go around to the back door, I will an that you got a good msaL York Press The rinlthloff Btrok* Don* Avikov* Th* Young Lady Authoress— I’m P* such a lovely name for my fortheon.Ug novel! Her Friend—Wbat's the novel about! Tb* Young Lady Authoress-Ob. * haven't decided that yeti—Chicago ord. Tl$« i^ae Effect, McSwattaro— la tbat boy of youn • lag thorn confounded cigarettes! HI* Wife—No, bo's only wanning bit feel by the stove with his rubh**» <*•" Syracuse Post