The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 14, 1895, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: FEBRUARY 14, 1895. j, the Only Answer I'ongn s to the Demands of the People /aBI :san politics in thb lead fmator Alton S»»k* to HiY.»tlgnto tbs j,,le Election In Alabama—Tli. lion.* I’romlie* u W«h of Work on ! ppmprlntloni. Washington. Feb. 10.—Beginning tomorrow there yet remains to iiilt congress but eighteen days in iilch to transact business and close up Sj atlulrs. Deso'Jte the fact that the i,,J is so near, but one of the thirteen appropriation bills that provide fo-r the Irerament expeditures for ithe year "cling June 30. 1SD6, has become a latv and received the Agnoture of (the presi- dent—the military academy bill. The ar.ry him bus been signed by the offi cers of both houses, and thas gone to White House. There are In confer ence the pension, formication* and Win I/strict of CoCuimWa bills. The diplo matic bill passed the sonata yesterday after a long debate on the subject of Ili'e Hawaiian cable. Tlhere Js n»» on senate calendar the postoffice 'and Ir.j an bills, nnd Chairman Cdckrell xpc-cts to repc-Kt the agricultural bill UomcrroW. t»o bills mow before the senate Will be subjected to much debate, but degree to which It may be pro tracted depends entirely upon the attl- ule of those in ctoarge with regard to ue shbumniui of oePtaJu “Ojc-c- tlacoale amendments that have Jjeen made. The first toiil to be called up Is ne postoffice appropriation bill. At the 1 saMnation of Mr. Vilae the committee . has reported an amandmeot to Ithls biX, j that the government Shall own the postal cars In use on the dif ferent roads carrying the fast mails. The Rsmib.'.'cans look upon hate as tihe first step In the direction of government oivnerSolp o.'ra.lroads and. will iratago- : nise the amendment. Another and far more Important ! r.anrrl.nent. more atojectlccootole from a ! Iilcal standpoint. Is one that places ' the expenditure of the three niUVtons of I togetfher with the Populists making (he ] ttsr.JorJty, Mr. Allen will take the first mil I opportunely tout presents itself inis week to bail up this resolution provld- fc* *!hc wyipMissuicst C» * tee to investigate tihe Atolblma elec- tinsss. and Mr. OKI. If he Is able to amend Kills resolution so as ho make It acceptable lo the Republicans, will do likewise. There Is a good chance of the RepUtOosna assisting the passage of bcuh these resolutions and thus retting two luvestfoatlng committees at work. In any event, they will be useful In con suming time and preventing the dlscus- slou of other measures to Which the Republicans are opposed. The Republican* may precipitate a discussion of financial affaitrs by tihe Introduction of some sort of a resolu tion. It Is apparent that the finance committee will do n lining, atthbugh the president's message will doubtless be discussed at the meeting next Tuesday. Should nothing eoene of It the mi-wage brought before the senate for discussion through some other channel. The Republican* at" willing that a financial measure should receive ample consideration, and wall lend nil the assistance needed to get some seheime practicable in thn.r ostl- m-itlon. b'Morc the senate at any time. W*ien the Democrats wlL Indicate toHr willingness to co-operate w--’i» A financial debate Kills week Is not among the Improbabilities. IN THE HOUSE. A strictly business air will character ize the actions of the managers of the house from this time forth to the bad of the session. Immense pressure is b ins brought to bear on the committee on rules for orders for the consideration of this or that measure, which Its advo cates deem to be of rarest Importance, but metnb'rs of the commttee said yes terday that until the appropriation bills were all out of the way, no arrangements would bo made for the consideration of special bills. Of course this discussion of the committee Is not Inflxlblo like the laws of the Modes and Persians, and should the committee on ways and means coma to the lmprobsblo conclusion to recommend the passage of a b.H giving the secretary of the treasury authority to 183UO the 3 per cent, gold bonds. In accordance with the sugg.-stlon con- !FPAM«!A1P[P1« mum mil iuLimu r.u uulio. Lattsi News From lltiw m—Six KelxIs iienlenc'd to D.atli—Qik-en Lii’s Turn. PROTEST OF HAWAIIAN REFUGEES hey « Ulm Tliwi Americana and (.llatinion Are lie I tig IVricruinl 1 (he llnwaltnn (iuvvrninont nnd Cannot Uet Juutlco talm a in rreeunsu •• •—* ***--- clal mess.ife, doubtless u day would be granted for Itn discussion. But no bill of that natur* Is expected within the period remaining of the existence of the Fifty-third congress. The programme outlined for this woek contemplates the passage of the legisla tive. excvutlvo and Judicial appropriation bill before adjournment on Monday. The house convenes tomorrow at 11:30. By unanimous consent Tuesday has been set apart for the consideration of m as- urei affecting the Interests of the Dis trict of Columbia. The naval appropria tion bill, which has been on the calendar for two weeks, will be called up Wednes day and the da' ate on s'mo of Us pro visions will probably exhaust the re- m-lnder of the week. The provisions for the new ships are sure to meet the de .. . , .. • , termtned, If not aggressive opposition of . Jars appropriated for the support of \ Democratic leaders. Interest- Hpv.lal fast mull facilities at the absolute discretion of the postmaster general. This, Republicans nay, la con trary to all precetlents. They man tain that congress itself should stipulate where and how this money should be sp-nt. Solong as tiloie is permitted to re- multi as a part of the bid RepuioUIcan fillers sav they will not permit It to ■ass. Necessarily It follows that this bill will pr-capitate a good deal of dis cussion unless those In charge of the isure capitulate early In the tight to tho opposition that will be ralseu to two ixmeniltmonts, Tt' passage of the postoffice bill will be I 'lowed oy a struggle between the peeling and the bankruptcy bill. Mr. Introduced a resolution wtilch makes Aie poollug bJC the unfinished business and keeps it before the senate on. finally acted upon. He gave no 8* that he would call It up inume- ottely afiter the passage of the pout- slice Mil. anti this contest will proo- sblv occur some time Tuesday. T-ae Rnuhltoans who aro against the bank ruptcy bill will -assist in oubsltutlng die Poding bill for It, but such a vtctorjr » 'U d be of no material benefit to the pcllng bill, for It would be let aside far uipr;vprlatIon Mils or talked to death. Which lad ter seams to be (the litre ■f Bhe bankruptcy measure In (la*, --he pooling bill should not displace it. There appears little hope at the piuiiirg bill ever reaching fine final stage, for a number of' senators <x»- Mble of unlimited spccrih and willing to Indulge therein are ready to an-tag-o- nse It. and they could easily at this hie day send the pooling bill to dn tintimely end. It Is Immaterial ■wh.Hber the agricul tural or the Indian blH comes up next. Change! in both of them will be de manded bv the Rnpubtloane. At the last session the Republican*, against the opposition of the Democrats, lvad lt.OOO.000 aippmprlated for the exter mination of tbe Russian tWitfe. this iprrortetion going on to tihe agricultu ral Mil as an amendment, but was stricken out In conference. Now the I 111 carries an amendment reported by the committee appropriating the same mount for tbe extermination of the gypsy motih, which will be fought by the Republicans. In addition >o this there Is said to be present la the blit some now and objectionable pur.i- tohs final expunged before he hill rnn nn«s the senate. The c<mitderi.tlon of tihe Indian bill ■will probably lie preceded by that of a I) 11 providing for fihe reomnlratlon of the courts In tbe Indian Territory. If Is nut done In a s- par.lte measure t will be put upon the bill as an uimend- runt, but the committee prefers that It shall come before the senate ae an I’il-nendent prooosTJon. This reor- irudaction Is the outgr.sartih of the re port of the Dawes commission and the personal Investigation made by a sub- lum.nlttee of tic committee on Indian tffalrs. Mr. DJatt. a leading member of the committee and Its chairman under tv> I?r ouVIrnn organleilion. Insists that bills bill shell post before the In- m appropriation bill become* a law. In this he Is supported by a number of Ivmocrats w'.io recognize the tfreat t o d for the legislation suggested. Tbe led in bill proper will be produotlve • f i long debate. Inasmuch as It has '" a amended very largffiy 'by the sen ate committee. Republican members “f the Indian committee do not hesitate ’■ sty that the bill has been loaded with a groat deal of abjed'-lonnble stuff i m- -m,«t he met out. Mr. Platt will l»id the debate on his measure. A f-ru ’nv of r’ie blH dhows that the ap- I n>p-a3’on committee ha* placed upon it e lirge number of amendments, the f-lowlng being the -most Important: Affecting 1310 rights of the ChocKafws "hi Chickasaw*, and suits relating thereto In the court of claims: to en- eh|c >he president under the a at to fir ivlde for the allotment of lands In f'v, raltv to tbe Indians; to cause such '“ads as are advantageous for grazing •fid grlculture to be surveyed nnd ■ T.ilcte tihe slloment; opening oegutla- tl"tr« with the Belknap Indians for the surr.mder of n part of their lands In eimtiir proe-xHtigs with the lihekfoot Indians of Montanl. and ln l i ns | n other states; appropriating ‘“" ’ ’0 f >r tbe survey of lands In the ,r • in territory; pryvldlng for legi*- Iitl^n In ibe mnrter of attorney’s fees • ed Indian claims; ex tending the law* In r<-strd to tin* rights of h«mc*trad "■tiler* on Indian la-nM*. and nimy '■ ; r imendments involving matters h It Is claimed should coats before the c-,tureis as Independent prtgxad- tl mi. Mi tnwbr.c. tb» having »U W* vote* now present, and they somo of the Democratic leaders, interest cd In keeping tbe total of the appropri ations by this congrc*s down to the low. est possible figure. But tho declarations of Sir. Wilson, chairman of the commlt- tco on ways and means, supplemented by these of President CleveVmd In his mts- sago to conyres*. and of Secretary Car- l.ste In his letter to tho senate a few days ago, that there will be a surplus of receipts over expcnilturcs In this calendar yenr, have undobtedly stren;th- cned tho ranks of tihe advocates of the proposed Increase of the navy, and one of tho antagonists of the proposition practi cally a>*anHtcd Saturlny that the bill, as reported by thb commlttco on naval af fairs. would receive tbe support of r mijortty of the house. Saturday nf'or- noon has been let apart for the delivery of eulogies upon the late Senator Vance of North Carolina. Victoria. B. C.. Feb. 10.—The steam er WUrrumoo arrived hero laat nkfat from Honolulu, brining nows of hap- pennlngs there up to February f. On board fine Wurrlmso are three men wins lie ve been exiled by fihe Haiwullan gov ernment for DortLcfiratlon in the recent rebellion. They are J. Cranston. A. Muller and J. B. JoT.Oion. Mt. Cran stun upon arrival here sent for the American consul. He Intends placing his ease In the hands of tihe American authorities anil will seek redrew for the expulsion of Muller, Johnson end hlmseif. Six of tho rebels have been sentenced to death tfor complicity In tbe recent uprising. The general ‘belief in Honolulu, however, wan that no cap ital punishment wouCd be meted out to Che rebels, 'the first hot feeling of re sentment against the disturbers having ussed diwuy an given place to one of mercy and moderation. Cranston claims to be an American citizen. Muller was In Cranston's em ploy. Johnson d£dms to he a BrliMit subjact. All have been Wtcrvlewod here and tell substantially Bhe cuime story, which In brief Is that they were In no manner connected with the roy alist uprising, Johnson, In fact, intend ing to enlist In the republic’s forces; that they were locked up and prevent- from communicating with their friends or the American or British raln- Isters.-tnat they were shanghaied abfrtfrd the Warimao without being allowed to protect their business; t.vit their letters received through the malls while In carcerated were opened by their Jailers ind that their private papers were ransacked. The trial of the ex-queen has prob ably already occurred. Tae charges and specifications were served upon her on January 31 and fihe trial was set for the following week. Her own diary, found at Washington poJacc, will be put In as fimiportant evidence against her. The impression Is general that she will p.caa guilty. B Among the passengers who arrived on the Warrlmoo wias F. W. Holmes, private secretary to the Hawaiian min ister of finance, Damon. The Advertiser of Janutry 31 pointed ly anlmr.i!dverted upon tlio Impropriety of foreign representatives interfering with local political affair! and by their Interpieltlon embirrassing the action of the now government. Within a fo.v days much resentment has been ex- prerzed on socoust c£ g *rr»° of t'ais nattrr.! whicn 4m recently come to l!«ht. It Is positively assorted in*it 111ti< i i; a coaued. Tne rebel ltiaders MTtf '.■'••UfC tried oy coart-'anard.u co.n* Mwiry out one of WStaUK vii.-.v fjn\;cU»y *ou(dV to tU>wr a sv\otd ,...u ,is COHoets uim kapuiiw were mnvw w orucr a) d*t on mat. court. \vuu»04, i*ao anu ivmue>i tne jua^e uavo- cUlO, WOiVtt eibOlXi ocaviiC it V ES uiii.'i.i J on tuem in tuo court martial room, ’iue cowutud woo lied ttciore h itunaml of rebcU adVocaud tdat n.l priaoiers oe uaot wituout trial. A *pe- i.t.ju exieusiveiy Mgued *by tfW iK»la*».ra le.imuatu® ute iiUtuoaiaie exe* tiuuiM 01 me t'oj'ttihac J*.Suoro. Jiittiadal TllUji-VvlC (MUkU "ji 1 nail my will thero would not oe a mufttu mail ui pnoon, ‘ Wii.cii in .in-* util ue wouid .moot im am 1 m cu uioiuutt a^o me manmal aaiu m me: “ii ever tue royalibus revolt every e>ui|*d , wita royalty will be Bitot uo»va wuuoui mercy* Armou or uiiarmeu, utey mui oe muul Qwtfii." We were uioieaOie in a very vnucai non. rue ^oveinment *us in me hands ox a nioo. r otc.^ii tmiUBtexu were **>.»• ci.etfi, as mere Mere 110 waumips in me uaroor to oaca tnem up or to protect us. r*very nuni we exited an indiu> crimiiiaie £*au*««ier. At lost me rm-a* ftirived anct everyoody xeit nioro weeure. Tue tnaU proceeded, but wete’grbbd.y one-siued. iiie govern ment lawyer*; would nul derend tue pris oned, »ud aii royal.«t i» ,/tis were in jail. Tne prisoner* tuvreiore wero com pletely at the mercy of tne enemlea and Aiaraaal nitcucock'a spies, who are tne mast competent men in the world when it comes to swearing away Uvea of innocent men. At tne trial of A. V. Amford several native* who nad oeen 1. At.11 prisoners during the hcatllltles tcdtlfled atrongly agaiust him. Tney swore that tney had ucgn Asaford at secret meetings of royalwts. On the croas-exarmnaiion Paul Neumann, who deluded Asnioru, aexed: "Way do you come nere to testily Against Mr. Ash ford? 0 The reply wus: “Wo were kept In our cells on bread and water, and were told mat we would be shot If we did not state so and so.” Let thlM be recorded to the cverlowtlng shame of the missionary government of Honolulu. The findings and the proceeding* of tile court martial had not been approved or disapproved when 1 left Honotulu. Mr* Johnuton in concluding said: Wiiat will become of distinguished X.m*rk»nn find Urlttah Rillitnoll were left behind In tht* Jali? THF Ho uesirt’3 to iiuKe liiu ucruiuu wait tho llcsl Urilliant in All Europe. BOHEHLODE’S SOCIAL DIPLOMACY Preldrlcharntie Hie German Slecca, an Thousands Prom All Sections of tho Fatherland III Celebrate Bismarck's Birthday, Whatever will give us Jlght and -whole some food ota fair outlay tends to make life not only bearable, but pleasurable. Dr. Price'* Baklnz Powder will do t:. IIIjIZ/.AUD WEATHER HURTS. Oks KIDxl Km Second* W.H Ptaa. Oujwd. Camilla, Feb. 10.—<Spec al.)—Kins is bus broken loose In (li'orgki. It U not cold weather. No cold spoil dnd uo t:D i p about It. It’s i recti Ur tvon,h.tves bl.zx ml tU.u: biiw foe more th.iu KWi lvo hours and ©ive us Kie coldest wea-ther on record. Theruiom.tter down below U—Ice n.-arly towo Uiehea thick. It Is a hinl bl>»v to fiirmer*. The fill sow ing of o.i'ia was killed out about Christ- ni ts. Naw tbe later crop Is thought to bo ruined. We bud a drought fast sum mer cut off the corn crop. But tin* auction otn stand almost anything. This same northwest seat us tb? A11I- unco crtzi\ the silver cr*ne and uhe w» man t.) bo mrtn or andTotnin ti erase and Bob Iugcrooll and Mtw. I.i-jse. Tho New Boutfa got* all sorts of blllXirtR As hive a crop of cotton will bo phuted us -the firmers am pul la. It l* turd to teach a dig now -trick*, but harder *tfj to break ithe avenge firmt?r from old tricks. Look out next fiH for 3-eent oatiton ami for third party pa pers -tn my Cleveland did it. Beilin, Feb. 10.—Neither the coldness of tho weather nor the of parliamentary paUtlcs lus affected the splendor of the court season. The last week -was crowded -with magnlilceot fetes at tho old oslle and ball* and ro- cepilons at the palaces of the court no bility. It Is the climax of HJ-cial gaiety of the short season deereed by the cm peror, and Is foot appraaohlng Its done, and by the end of -the week (ho people who make fashion here will bo making ready for -their trips aorthwjrd. The great fuivctUx> of the week was tho “Small court ball" on Wednesday even ing. It .was Instituted by Emperor William I. ami the emiprest Augusta, and an Invitation to tt Is regarded a* a umrk of special favor. Although nom inally small, tho Mat of specially fa vored guttata has been lengthened from jvar to your, until last week It con tained more than 800 tuin-.vt. The scene In the White Hall, -when the lra- ptrlal family appeared, was more im posing than usual. Conspicuous In the who i -i i-r.iu mu. j. vv-Ti- mi ln>v m-.-mbers of wore leu behlnn in tne jair; Tney can- [ , fleensinv th, not hope tor a fair trial. Are they to Prlucelj of tiermuny, the bo persecuted and Imprisoned and have I ambassadors and ministers of forel-iu W^r^lanrand I ""f siuna »aly by, wxu.e the best and -brav- | tera, arvl chlof ofllclala, with C-hauceBor eot men in Honolulu are oelng -perse*- ! p rI Ke Hohonkihe at the'.r head. All cutel and ruined tor no other reason ... .... than mat they entertained other opln- the men were in uniform and 'the w> low on annexation Horn those alleged men glUNmcd With dMnronda. The fa- ni trappings of the court roanfejfi to be entertained'oy tup go> erase: In in his Interview says he was at home In bed on Sunday, Jan. ti, ivuen the revolution broke out, and knew nothing of it until nc went to nis busi ness next day. He was arivsted in ll>* office togetner with Mr. Muller. In Jail he had at first about fifty compan ions, but later only thirty-two remained , on the date of ms deportation. He deecraaes his nrs.n life as follows: ; “Our dally life was to get let nut of ; our cells Into the prison, yard at tl a. m. where breakfast was s.-rved. c-in sisting of meats, a -potato and bread, which was washed down with a stuff called tea, but which Is a weed product staff was folio-wed by -the entrances of tho pag.’s. Tipn camo 'tho emperor lead ng five -empress, and behind them other members of tho high function aries of -the court. The em peror wore the parade uniform of the body guard*. A fr age of pearl* bir der id -the robe of tho empress, aud dia monds ni lidded -the diadem which held the -long nil :n place. The empress’ breast baud tvas nho -hlghwt I’russtan of tho island!. At we were locked decoration, the Greuf Star In briU-ant*. up wain until 1.30 p. m., when dinner i'r;it-jo aud l’rlncss Henry of I’rus- A RETIRED BUSINESS WOMANJ A Page From Her History, The important experience* of other* are I Imi-n-iun*. inefiinowinit i- nu oi.ptluu: “I bad been troutiled with heart disease M .yean, much of that time very aerlouly. For retire on account of my health. A phy- ilelan told my friend* Ihnt 1 could not live m month. My feet and limb* were badly swol len, nnd I wi* Indeed in aterlou* condltloe when n gentleman directed my attention to Dr. MUre' Now Heart Cute, end uld that hi* [lister, who hlul been sffiU led with heart dls-l Sn^«»e^h7;^S!^ y pJggJa otae Heart Are. f| rad.nk r< ..,nn I. n to Ions that t in y It-foru 1 had Ut.n one Heart Cure the •welling ti and 1 was *o much wort On my recommendation »l* Where ate taking thl* vtlnnblajetaMy.,.—Mr*. Mwgun. « ao wb better ibiflffay own tsklitf this vMUSDie renwij. SSHSJSsrnas receipt of price. was served, varying only from th'J breakfast by a wasn they called soup being given instead of tea. At J p. m. we were again locked up until 4.30, when In the prison yarS ihe miserable tea or bread or ship's biscuits were given us, and at E.30 p. m. were were shut up for the night until * o'clock the n .-xt morning. No lights were given us. "Our Imprisonment continued until Feb. S, when st^ w n. m. Mueller and told i-> pack up our things, fa the yard we found Johnston, a prisoner, early In the . recent outbre.ik United . a •> preparing to leave. We Inquired of States Minis tiv VVHIl* nn.1' British * Coannxlstloner Dawes Joined In request ing Presklent Dole to reprieve the British end Amerlatns supposed to be t-iader senf.enee of death, until such a time as their respective governments could be eommuaraited -with and In structions received as to tte course of action Ihey Should pursue. President Dote has not yet repCled to this request, and R is not o fw-'ltve that -the capital s.iavnees will be carried out. The heat ed outcry for wucOt executions which •'recalled here has subsided. There Is no doubt but that tho executive will extend to the ex-queen tihe utmost ciumency consistent with the public safety. The trial of V. V. Ashford >wled during pi-rts cf four day*. Nawleln testified to having arranged with Ash ford for Ithof part of the proposed st uck on the 3d. which mis to Im made from tho fish market. Davis tes dfiisl to having consulted Ashford about wotting ana landing tae nrms on the day he went to sea to meet the schooner. Knal testlfievl to bis copying, and the ex-queen signing, on the 38th of De cember a commission for V. V. Aidi- ford as associate Justice of tho su preme court. several witnesses testified to Now- .elh’s repeated Interviews with Ash ford. A vigorous defense was mode for the 'Accused. Both himself and his brother testified that the interview* with Nciwteln related to virlou* Item* of local business, especially a* to ad vising what to do In cose M a s»iri* warrant coming to Washington Paface. V. V. Ashfonl testified that he was attorney for Davis In various Malms made atsrrinst him. He stMKed that be knmv no.bine about tho arms or the proposed movement. He held advised Davis to keen elo-ir of any movement conducted by natives, as R would fill. Nowleki bad sold to him that If the ua’Kvra roee they would rlxe os one. Arens were not necessary; they should accomplish the umlontuktng with dubs. He had told Nowleln ttiat there eras no Ciunce for tl restoration of the queen, nnd chnt the ex-queen’s sun hail set when She refused the terms af Mlnli- tei* Willis. Ue was surprised to ’.earn that such a fodhartly -attempt bad been made to restore the monarchy, and said that he bid been in IE health for sene months and In no cODtitttoa to take part in the movement. On Februirv l the court proceeded wCTh the trial of twenty-thro natives. The derisions and sentences of the court will probably toe pronounced af ter the conclusion cf the ex-queen’s true. Jdhnston will kind at Vancouver and remain fhere for the present, but Cranston Tshd MuL'er assert that they will not leave the ship, but return to Honolulu. Johnston says: I wus to the service of the govern ment right up to the moment I was arrested on Monday. I toad made dr- r.Lrvjr*'merits with anedher Scotchman to take up arms for the government and lie went -home to notify his -wife of our decision. An hour Inter we would both MfVe -been at Kid ssat of war, bur. be- fCTe mrv friend retuened a -message from the marshal reached me saying that be wanted to see me. I hurried down to the stwtlob fully expecting to be sent to tihe front, but wUh several oth ers I w.w marched under strong armed guard and was thrown Into Oahu prison. Among my fellow prisoners were a prince of the royal bouse, an ex-Judge of tbe supreme court three ex-ateomey generals, on* ex-nostasMer general, three newspaper editors, two ex-avptalns of police, s colonel of vol unteers. together with many prominent people. For twenty hours a day we were confined In our cells and -we could communicate wtth no one. We were al lowed no newspapers. Even our foreign mall was taken from the postoffice. opened and read. W" were kept Igno rant of the cause of %ur arrest. Mar tial hv wm In force after actual hos tile guarads where they were taping us. but no reply was given. As we went from the'outer"CoJr'wv found • guuri of six natives walling for us. We were placed in the centre of them and were mirehed down the street to the sta tion house. The streets were crowd'd with people evidently on the lookout far new developments. Before the at torney general tv > were taker.. He or dered us put aboard the Warrlmdo to be transported." Cranston refused to go, and was put on board the Warrlmoo toy force. His business was abandoned without pro tection of any kind. Mueller had four dollars In his pock ets, and whs like Cranston In the mat ter of pi . paratlon. On the way from the prwon lo the vessel the British commissioner was encountered. He took Johnston's protest and sent Min ister Willis to Cranston for the same purpose. Up to that time neither Cran ston. Muller nor Johnston had been able to communicate with the repre sentatives cf their governments, nnd the opportunity afforded was acci dental A FORWARD MOVEMENT. A Fight Probable Between Jf.-xleo and Qua tamale. City of Mexico, Fab. 19.—'Telegrams re ceived here y the oommleeery d.-pertment aek for trenSpprtetlon to Ihe frontier for eupplies for 6.000 men. end snnounco a forward movement by that number of men in tho dleputed territory.' This body of men have been encamped at Hen Cris- tovat. Mexico, for Hire- weeks, ready to jump across the border. Gustamala has a strong guard In the disputed strip, und a lift seems sure. In official circles here. It Is said that tho forward move ment has been ordered. Dr. I’rlce's Baking Powder has re mained the standard of purity end strength for forty years. MESSAGE FROM THiTdEAT). Boston. FVb. 10.—Opt von Goes- sel’s -bnxhfvdn-law asys that when the contain haw from the Elbe's bridge that Mi shh> mus doom**! he wroto a few farewell words to bis wife and handed the paper to the pilot. Who was necued. Goessel ordered that: this note be ilellverid to tots -wife alone and be kept secret froen all others. The pur port af (Ms last message Is unknown outside of Ooessel's iumedfctte family. ROBBED BV MASKED MEN. Fall* City. Neb., Feb. 10.—Agent Hurst of tiro Missouri Pacific rsdlroid wus held up Ju tbe station by two nuiiked men tonlztot. Whf* on* held up the agent the other went through the *Afe. overlooking a package of bills, and got but f 17. They to>k tbe agent two miles up th* trick and then let him go. sis walked n *xt to -the Imperial oiup'.w and behind them -worn the I’rjpccsu FredeptSk Charles ami rrhieeiw Fred crick of Hohcnzoilern. The women In the loiw; line which followed the royal leaders were resplendent In Jewels and cesium -s whli-ir far surp.uMi-d In nng nifiooapo anything seen at -the birthday recept on. and probably a toy court spec- in cat- b'iuvi- -i*i« cud of Ihe last c-tuji’.re 1s France. After the excJiiuge of greetings with the chief gue-sB. -the cmpreiw i*cended the dal* -.tad atve the signal that danc ing should b.-gln. Neither she oar the emperor dinced. The mrperor moved through tbe bill, speskirg with his Intimate frlcwK ip-I occasioniUy vtopplug for a long talk w t.h a mlnlsaer of mute or an imtois- sidor. He dnv-nr-ed ful'-y bt-lf in hmir to Chiocdbr Prince Hohrulobe. Tb" ernprm* summoned the wives of th» smbimulors to her and piwteiT moat of her -lime In convetwi-tlon -with them. After tho m'nuit. lineer*. civoMe. qttidrllleand several iv-iltze*. l.he gura** went to mtpptr. -wtoleh was followed hy a reipfflt'on of the former pregrimme until the close cf the bill. A hmVv Itws s.ilotidld nff.ilr In Its way was the Prince Ridr.wll!*’ bill, which s supposed to hive readied the tieltt'xlh of splendor -timing private en- terjaloments. There -were .'WO guests, *1 1 nslnaaa w MOT WHAT WE SAY, but 1 ss what Hood's Hareapsnila Uoes, that tells the story of its merit and success Remember HOOD’S CURES. KILLED BV A DUMMY TRAIN. Birmingham. Fsb. 10.—J. G. Watson, white, n tUno-kesper In the Tennsssee Coal and Iran Company of this city was run over and killed last night at Third street. East Lake, fay sn lint Lake slummy train. His body was literally cut to piece* and was gathered up and brought to the morgue In a bar rel. among them many royal prince* <ind their -wlvtn, 'the Prince and Princess of Fueratenbefig, and -.ill the titled loader* of Bert tf* fidhlotsable wrt. The mag- n'.fle-nce of this and other private re ception* ;* r.tairiW a* on titimlstnki- ble response to the emperor's dorVirod nmb tion to make his coart soil capital the most splendid in Europe. Chancellor Prince Hohenlohe’s second parliamentary dinner wo* given on last Thursday. It had a Inu political anil nnd a more general chanter than his Unit entertainment. Among the four hundred guests were some thirty of the beat known newspaper men in Berlin, and other* might have been there bid they not seen tit to Ignore their invita tions. During the three hours Which the reception lasted the chancellor moved almost incessantly among his guests. He sat down only now snd then to converse with some political leader. The’ chancellor has brought most of the HohenkSrs ramlly treasures to his eaetle. and they were spread on the tables for the edification of the com pany. They certainly were calculated to please the clericals whose favor la most coveted by the prince at present, for the majority of them are religious relics which bear testimony to the un shaken Catholicism of his house. -AH wore encased In gold Jeweled cadki-s to protect them from the touch of tbe cu rious. There was a splinter from the crows on which Christ was sacrificed, a small piece of sponge which was of fered to Christ on th* cross; bone* from tihe bodies of several saints, a gold and aspptolre crown of antique workman ship In imitation of the crown of thorns, and any number of Jeweled crucifixes which once belonged to great men of the church. Beskto* these treasures, the prince had spread out a collection of msrelve gold plate which his family gathered through centuries. Everybody who had the good fortune to see the chancellor’s treasures remarked (that nobody after seeing them could doubt COSTLY BLAZE AT NASHVILLE. NashvtHe. Tcnn., Fob. 10.—The print tng establishment of Marshsfl A Bruce, one of the largest In Uts South, wart destroy tail by fire today. Th* loss is ! AN!SY PILLS! has been greeted throughout N irth body si t ms relieved to find 5fS which refieets ft-edb clpllnd among German ouses thei brought r .o light by the wreck is concerning a relative of the who was 1-fit In the Kibe's steerage. This relative was known in San Fran cisco. her home, as the daughter ol Fred Oreen. . . . Despite die protests of the doctors. Prince Bismarck promised a Hamburg deputation on Saturday to Inspect their torchlight demonstration on April 1. It is estimated now that there will hi 1,000 bearers. The notices of Bmmark * pllgrlmasea -by corporations, gul.ds and societies of all eorts have become so numerous that everybody round Freld- rlchuruhe is at his wlta to devise mean! of accommodating tho pilgrims. Dele gations and excursion parties have been organized by hundreds In nil parts ol Germany und Austria, and they multi ply from week to week. The managers of the railway to Fn'tdrichsruhe say that It -will -be utterly impossible to carry tile crowds and either the traffic must he limited hy Increasing the fare* or the Jubilee must be extended ovel several days. The Berliner Neueste NacJirichten pro-uses that a whole week be devoted to the Bismarck festival. BLOWING UP CHINA’S NAVY. Japanese Torpedo Boats Make a Daring Night Attack at Wel-Hal-Wei. London, Feb. 10.—The Central News corrciiwndenf lu Peking teJographn that Ihe Chinese government 1* consulting with the foreign diplomatists concern lug tbe now powers tto be exercised by the peace envoys to Japan. The Cen tral News corrowpandent iu Tokto has these tlutalU of <tho recent fighting si Wel-Hsl-Wel: “On -tile nighit of January 30 -the Jap anese torpedo fleot entered the bay -it Wrl-Hut-Wci. but the Japanese In "ia western foot*, supposing -that the baits were from the Chinese squadron, opened g hru*.— Srsaudcj2S"tt!!ei 1 *i’cn! to withdraw. January 31 arts raw nnd blustering. Toward evening it snowed burly. The 'warships, iheir gunu and the -torpedo Lists wero cou-tni with !og fire Inches -thick and were at too great a disadvantage to venture an attack. T-he second attempt upon -the Chinese mi deferred uotH Ihe n.jfht of Febru ary 2, when sn advance-of ithe torpedo basis -wj* ordered. Tho Chinese jvero on Ihe -watch, however, and their scouts d scovered the Japanese In tlma to give a general warning. Tbe torpe do fleet wus forced to withdraw* with out -oven approaching -the C-h!ne« squadron. February 3 was passed In prqpjrations for another attack. On the of February -1 the Chine*:! were less vlg.xttu than formerly. Tni Jap.imwe torpedo boa-t Ming L.tttf stole In upin >tho Ohines-o fleet, and while on- unobserved launched utvo torpe do,* a.t. tho Ting Yuen. The big -r n- clod begin to go down nlmtmt. Immedi ately «tier be.iig rftnuck. The Ming Ling lost eight men- In u.wuy. Fifteen other torptxlo boats took pari In tbe attack ami -two of them broki their propel.era on rocks of floating ob struct. ons. “On the n gilt of February 5 one Jap anew* torpedo boat iii«projchwl 'the Cb> mi! fleet and launched acreo tsrtpddoo*. sinking two warships aud a gunboat.” The correspondeut in Toklo say* that tbe Ohlutso Still hold forts on tho Marnl of Liu IvungTao. On the Oth the Jap anese nude an uunuccessful attack upon the anoaptured forts. On ihe 7th the oru sera snd gunboats aided the at tacking Japanese troops with a hot can non ide, but the malu forts renutned in the enemy's band*. Of -the fort* captured by the Japan- e*e at WH-H*l-Wel, -the western group I* ttse’.CK*. but the eastern group Is In tine cundltlon and well artm-d anil equipped, which will bo of great uso lo the Japan esc. The Berlin corrcHpondont of -the Lon don Font niys that the Chinese envoy* who arrived at MarseUiw last we.-It hive n> mission -to ihe European pow er*. and will make tw> effort to secure general Europmn intervention. The envoy* may nppral to Russia, however, a* -they wlU go to «b 1‘ntentburg osten sibly for tho purpose of convey'ng iheir emperor’s congra tula Ron* to Clear Nich ols*, A dispatch from ftt. Pi-teraburg nay* the Novo Vrenuy u<--s thl* hinzuas • In a leader on ihe Time*' recent prediction' of ICuropaan -intervention In the e.i»»: It l« * warning to Japan that China's destinies will be setltjeil by the great Europeau p .wrrs. Conit ,it»l Mnnebii- rlti In particular must remain outside Japan’* aspirations." The London Times' correspondent In Pekin wires Chat full powers io nego- tinge have been conferred upon tho Chinese envoys In Joqnn wltth a view to renewing the itUi-mpts to secure nezoe. From Wel-Hal-Wel the Tlmi-H has t-UIrt dispatch, daled Fobruary 1; "ffixteen Chine•<• warSMps ami twelve torpedo -boat* are In Che harbor and cannot escaoc. Some huve come eloso to tho shore to attempt tn land their crews snd lot them levape, but the JiVpinme tmoq» drive chem off. Gen. Otem aud a Jsoanese war correspoo-l, ent Were killed. The Japanese troops are In good health arid under strict dladpltne.” How to lire well at a moderate oast Is a perplexing pndblem to tnUHoni. Uso of Dr. Price's Baking Powder is In dispensable. Pure and economical. COLD WEATHER AH’CORDELE. the earnestness of has ■ciiaiuiU U>gelu tions. The chancellor had a long talk with Dr. Lleber on the center's attack on the anti-socialist bill, ne touched also upon Herr von Lowltzow's determina tion to glvo up the presidency of the relchatag In case the deputies should decline to Increuie his dksctp'.lnary pow- era. It is understood that ho extracted from Lleber a pledge that the clericals would support Lowltzuw and his de mand for more ample authority. In conversation with other guests, the chancellor spoke of the new agrarian movement In favor of bimetallism. To one he raid: "Germany will take no steps In this matter without first reaching an under standing with England. Of what use would It be tor me to make a declara tion iu the relchstag In favor of bimet allism. or to tell everybody that I aro agreeable to It, while all tbe time Rnz* | cures r land prevents our doing anything of Its guart practical Importancer’ Hohenlohe’s spescb U M defetose of Ike Elbe's officer* and crew 1 ma Too Mu* For the Aaxtugo Citizen— Personal -Mention. Cord do. Ft*. 10.-(Spccial.>-Old ba rrels, - with all of bis Icy soootnpanl- m uts. * tittle irieet, snow, ruin nnd many lcldte bas been anything but a weloame risitur. For Ate past forry- eight hours -wo who dwell tn this usu ally witnu euriser of Gourgw havo doubhxl whether we were Cn our own sunny Koutii. Our social circle w-ctaitncd into It* mblnt tig* iwiek Ullm Mary tioodo of Lumpkin. Mia* Goode -a the daughter of VUndorbUt M. D. llootle, one of Btrewsrt countyV kurgtwt and most In fluential pSnntora. 8he 1* Ube guest of Mra. W. II. Price on Tw(fifth nrenu i. Mian Goode la a L-.wtt ful and attract- Ire young fed? anil ha* gained many friend* daring L«r short sojourn sni -n ; u*. who vriB rnrreis lo see her defiart. BUCKLIN’? ARNICA SALVE. The best salve !n the world for cut*, bruise, v res, ulcers, salt rheutn. fever nres. tetter. chappe<l hands, chilblain». corns, and all eruptions, and i / lri.iw*a i •!<»«, or r. » ray 1 j i.rul It *<1 to fdve perfect Mils ft o> r 1 lion cr money refundwl. ru e. IS Hohenlohe’tto the deputies In cent-. i«r box. r r -ale ty Ii. J. i^. .of thw i'Jha's sifflraiNi ami rr«ur (mar & Pom. drUS£lit3»