The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 14, 1895, Image 5

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THE WEEKLY TELEGBAPH: FEBRUARY 14, 1895. 3.NT. 5S Of con. T Of at H.'ia- 1 of. br Senator Hill—Tlie Proper [ora! Plainly « nd ' Viso| y Slated. - • • • ■ JCPTHBSEYADA senator wf»““ B,H c »-" Do - of S-brsab* Talk, of L.m*.. 1 *.p»l>^'‘• n, Ar * Feb. 11.—Olr. 9HU Intro- ;t r.nolutlon declaring of congress .that “the erument requires non * f.» Just 1 be •ible AtnJ ( l in LgftOD. I C90^ ,rr ' : »the sen** Ljc? of tlio S' to the next congress *s to the laiw and Tacts of ,rhe statement made by the Indian bwwi of accounts between :he United States and several Indian tribes, as authorized by the act of 1S9I, lor the purchase anu opening of the Cherokee strip; striking out thq aipprdprhtlon of $2,000 to pay the salary of the private secretary to the secre tary 01 the. interior; and requiring-the Master of every vessel upon arriving at any port In fats country, -where there la no naval officer, to mall a copy of Hits manifest to the auditor of tho treasury department. In the course of discussion upon the paragraph of tihe MU providing for ses sion committee clerks, 'Mr. Van Voor- hls (Republican) of New York advo cated their employment on the ground that more brains were necessary In the financial committee, and that if the chairman could not And tho Tacts con nected with the recent'negotiatSonSfor bonds, which he declared to be suspi cious on Us face, some bflatny clerk might be able to do so. 'A senate bill was passed authorising tMe coinage of gold 'and bllver nt the A.s should be steoidily di- Denver mint, g.ffon. . , . - The sennits amendments to the Chi llier kh’« iclai nest lent r , 1I1? estabCislunt** of a safe I ^himeullism wherein gold and J J, y be maintained at a parity, I doll or coined may be file lk-m in value and power of ©very 1 and or issued by the i itatos. but, If our efforts to os- .r maintain such h metlUsm , wholly successful, autl if, i r ri , iwn , our sliver coin shall Lifter 1*. at a parity with gold liter, and the equivalent itliceeof |L and power In the market and , Bijwent of debts, then I t Is tl-darel that the toocwls of the Sa , teB now or, hereafter Issued, , hr tiled terms are payable In I ,'jaU. r- -vertheta**, he paid In lard g"i*l il'clarH, It being tho poli- , u/mtted Stall’s tha.t Its cred it ai all tins?*; ho paid in the Inusey In use." , Mention was foilowied by ono Id by Mr. Stewart declaring that [u no authority of law to buy gold ipnfeMice to silver coin for any ■ whatever. Id the regular L of procedure, on© or both of I will come before the | In the morning tomorrow, epecotlice appropriation was then 1 up. Mr. Butler giving notice that t wus disposed of ho .would ask he Hire nho pooling hill .taken up. le. Hi< fim amendment which led’ to n In&sioai win the one the •oprlatlon far railway postottlce car fee from $305,000 to $3,205,000, and Jadil,<1 these words; “Said sum |l be expend'd under the direction l n tho discretion of the postmaster- |eral, and ;vmy provision of existing in conflict herewith is hereby re- Bed.” lr. Lodgi made a point of order llmt ib s provision on the ground |t It was general legisla tion on tin cap. pr.atiou b.H. .Mr. Lodge argued It adoption of till a amendment ■nil In oonnecllon with the next lmini nl to sirlko out me item "for and apecktl facilities ou Ink lints front Sprinafleid, Miss., to Infa and -Vtav Orleans,” throw Jnto Ifcindsoftbe piwanaster^ the I lo init she Southern fast mall lL-re hn phnsed. To that he objected, because tha t should |Klnl by eongroM, 1 Blackburn. In charge of the bill, F~Id 'li' nmtndmenrt. lie was Mhy Mr. I,odge whether It was the P" to abottlsb the fast Southern J1 < Trice. Ho udm .toed that fl was, |l siiil there was only cm© route in |* country that got this subsidy. The -I'ltlv department had never rveom- »d il it. and the poslnnater-sreneral ■ a*«l congress to al»ll.«li it, for rmn tint H was an absolute (let- ■nr instead of a service. Mr. Lodge I that the Bonrifem fast mall sor. ‘hid heon of vas* IkmicIU, and that d d not want to see It abolished. Mr. Allison (Republican) of Iowa d that the amendment was a radical d now se change of existing law. Mr. Allen drifted from the discussion Pstoffice matters to tbit of affairs the state of Alabama, which bad n. Mr. Alien said, for the last’ two three years deprived of 11 republican in of*. When Mr. Alton I spoken about don minifies ho was • erupted by Mr. ChandliT. who mid it when such a question wts being '‘■listed as whether a sovereign state the Union bad a republican form of ' ommimit or not there ought to be a arum pres.-nt In the senate cbtmbor. ■ sugg.wted tho abaenco of such a .rum. Mae roil was called ami fffty-tavo tutor* retiBonded—eight more titan a l., ru ?.' itr - Alien then proceeded tli ill* epoch. He gave wh'ait pur- ■ri"i to bo statistic* of the election tae “black bolt'* counitile* in Als- inia in August. I.'Di, showing, county county, the number of vote* count- I the actutl number cast (estimated) it tile number of fraudulent votes "Monted). tthe aggregate being 60.508 *** counted. 15,315 vote* actually cast • 1 31.765 fraudulent vote*. Mr. Allen tieOd the 1 floor for two 'Jr*, mose of I.!—* time being consumed 1 the reading of depojltfioUa In proof 1 clioaon frauds in Alabama. There '* t itle If any attention given to the Aiect by senators. The two Ala- vaia sonukors. PuiA.i and Morgan, sat **• neat the desk from which Mr. '•kn spoke, but did not seem to be at ! vv,,tried By bis affidavits. Mr. Mor- ia "jcupyln* himself with bts cor- ’ii in teroce and Mr. Pugh having only ■lie appearance of one -who was thor- =u«hly bored. M 6:30 o’clock Mr. Al- • '1. without having finished B19 speech, 5™ saying that he could not do so. he lm* 8 o’clock, yielded the floor. A resolution Instructing the committee on Indian affairs during the recess us to MU’ Invcstlontion inito Indian schools, m tltn rrearvatlons. etc., wu reported *nd referred to the committee on con- tinaeat expenses. It was immediately bncs-ted back favorably from tbtit : immlttee and -was placed on the oul- 'ndar. \ call at the roll showed the Presence of only twenty-qllie senators, nrteei, less than a quorum, and the ■ note, at 5:45. adjourned. IN THE HOUJE. The session of the house today lasted ’ v end tt half hours and was given ,v, r almost entirely to the considers* “2 of the ’.egtslatlve. executive and lomcbl appropriations bill for the jv*ar 'n itng June 10, 13M. It was oxm- before the house adjourned, with ‘he exception at the pant graph pro- '’••ng money for the pension office ! Jfc ri and upon that a debate of one h*ir and a quarter at a subsequent •ession was arranged for. Amendments •verc made to the bill us follows: DI- f'-vlftg the secreUry of the treasury to arrange f.w tile refining and melting mm ban of (<> id and silver bullion at • D ' Helena. Mop., assay office; refer- to too attorney geawml for resort onffo $4,000,000 puiblis bulMIng were con currod in on motion of Mr. Dunburrcyvv (Domocrt) of IUtnoC^, and tlie bl’.l no«w goes to tihe president. All senate am?nd*tncnts to the matlc am! consular approipiration bill were, on motion of Mr. McCreary (Democrat) of Kentucky nonconcured in. and a conference tx^eeed to—*Mesprs. ^fcCreary, Hooker (Dcmocml) of Mis sissippi end Hitt (Republican) of Illi nois. managers. The conference report on tflie bill to rejrulatc the r.:w!fatlon of rivers and harbors of tho United States wua aprei^d to and tho house, -at 6:30 #o*ock, adjourned until noon tot.norrow. The RopulbHenn memlbers of Che sen ate ft ounce oom-mHIee he’d a meeting this evening and decided that they had no autfgvwtions to make on tJhe finan cial question. There will be a meeting •tt Che finance committee tomorrow. Mr. Gorman will offer «n amend ment to sundry clvfi bill -authorizing -the Issue of 3 per cent, treasury certificates •to m?et current deficiencies, -and If *he does tihe RepilbliMtis will favor It. Tiiw senste committee on^ the Judi ciary this morning on a oivUion or- dered a report rejecting tile nomination of tV. M. Oarmfoei: to be United Htate* marshal nf tho fftatrift of'Min- iiernhi. male Dreivtiber 5 '**1. T*- ve- Jectlon wits the outgrowth of a fac Ilona: light. Mr. M. Oorin naWonal poocratic com mil term nm from Mlnne sotci. opposing Che nomination. NASHVILLE ASKS UNCLE SAM To Up'p Her Organize an Exposition Next Year. AVashlrffl’on. Feh. 11.—IMessrs. 3. M. Head and Thos. J. Tyner of -Nashville. ’Tcm, representing the eoni,ptiay which propose,, ho’.dlng an exptwlt on In that dty next year, appeared bofforc the sub- rieutiifs Foil at Last, i Los-* Struggle Willi Disablfd Haciiinery. HEARTS OF ANXIODS WATCHERS aiau* Glad by tlie Newt of Her Safe Arrival—Sir >n£ .Men Wept Mk< Children When Told That Shu Had Ileaclied l*or(« Fire Island. N. Y„ Feb. 11.—A French steamer Is uow off Smith’s Point aiM Is moving very slowly. She has signals sit, hut we are unable to reaxl them. She will not be oft Fire Island for four hours yet. Two other steamers are now south off Fire Island. One looks like an Anchor liner. The other 1* a tank steamer. Quatumitlne, S. I., Feb. 11.—Tho steamer Bolivia of the Anchor line sighted a* noon today tihe French steamer La Oascogne, fifty miVs east of Fire Iskind. The Gascogne was nearly abeam when first seen, but hauled In towarti the land anti grad ually fell astern about 4 p .m. Saw her last shewing three balls, one above the cither. Indicating, “disabled; un manageable; but as no assistance was asked. dF.d not go to ther. The oil tank steamer Washington from Rotterdam reports that she passed the Gascogne at 1 p. m. today ton'mlloa east of Fire Island, gotmg about six miles an hour, nhorwlng on" tthe foremost three balls in perpendicular line, Indicating “un- manoigeable and dlisaibled." The Go*’ cogne hauled In toward the Mod ns If about to anchor or signal also brings wqrd tha* t'.ie La Gascogne hoi anchored of Shlnueoock Light. The Bolivia did not have her 4n tow. Tho La Gascogne wus proceeding under her own steam, when she suddenly broke down again and cctima to anchor. Sandy Hook, FWo. 11, 11:20 p. m.— Steamer La Gascogne anchored outside Sandy Hook, bound In. The news that tthe La Gascogne had been deed was received solid the great est excitement at the office of the French tine In Bowling Green. The cabin office was crowded with anxious Inqutrere who have relatives and friends on boaiM that ate.tmsaip. They ooramlttee of ithc bous? apimqrtatlins | hrnl been studding around with pale oommltnea todav. BCtii g.-ixlomeb ajacko j laces, expecting *t any moment to hear comm e ; ,m»osed in the I‘ho worst. Whon the word came that against the eon, Itlon tnposed n he ^ ^ ^ ^ {or a a , all . bill, which requires • 11 ' L . f , ness reigned which wus almost pain- shall giuriirtteo to raise $7oD.0W) for be fuj )n Ug )ntenslty- purpose of the exj>».t:oti before tlie xgent Forgot for a moment was ren- government appnnpriat.ou Is made. It I dPrw j npcedhless, wheoh evidenced how was argued on the part of some o< the j anx , out ,hc had been for the safety of members that the WU would b • i soigne. Then he regained stronger before the full rewnmltiee and | anJ w udi y utlarlcms. four miles -were nnd ■ On the Ui:h ir,0 miles were made, and t-»diy, to the great pedotcing of all on baird, Fire Is land wus ritf’ ?'' and the ship creased up to her anchorage over the bar.” Tk, United Press tugs tree, ived a cheer from tlie anxlos pai—nsera. They crowded to tho rail, yelled anil clapped their hanls with all the enthusiasm of the French race. The officers refused to allow anyone on board, and would not come to tho rail to talk. The passang ra were more obllg- Jullus Matrlsln, a representative of the glove nran o' Perry. Frees ft Co. of Part* nnd New York, was Interviewed over the side of th» ship. He said: “We broke the third day out. We did not become alarmed, r.s we did not know very much aout what was the matter. The captain said tt was all right, and wo had confidence In him. Our first experi ence with Bales was February 4. Wo had a t-rrlble blow and one of the boats »fa» damaged ’’ “Wan anything carried away?" “No; the ship stood It well. We had plenty of provisions and fared first rale. Wc were blown away off our course and spoke no steamer* until yesterday, when we saw an American liner bound for Philadelphia.” fther passrniter* Said that they had been given plenty to eat. and except for th» num'.ier of lime* the sun rose and set they would not have known anything was wrong. Kitchens knew the Joy of economy bec-mse Dr. Price's Crown Diking Powder Is absolutely pure. condensedIelegbams. A Second Edition of the Storm Wave Strikes tno eouminuu, Bringing Snow, GRADUAL KKSU1IFTI0N OF TRAFFIC On 3ioith«rn Unrt, but cn boulhern Lines Tliei o Will Ue Many Utlayetl Trains, Due lo the Worst Know Storm In Yfon. the house; aihat It .would *tv>w the expo sition to be In gaod cotulltlon, and that It would Insure a gruater safety to the government exhibit, 'alio committee show, d a Wltltnirness to strike out the provH on If desired, but Kepr.acato- tlve Washington of Tjwxwsee, .who l*as tin* mailtil’ Ifl Charge, ntaited. however, that he would not insure favorable ac tion by tho appropriations eonunlt'ee, or the ijsusc* af?o of the measure through the house If tb it change were m ide In the 1)131. and the uiid-TStutiding 1* 14 will not be mnde. 1; was decided to gtrlke o»t of the bill tin* amendment which requires the ex- position managers to 4rive bond for the safe re-urn of the government exh’b't. Inasmuch as this point is covered n the bill a* originally .pres'nted. The sub- coiumlsteo sliowial an Indtsposltlon to Increase tho ippcoprlatfon for the gov- govorntn .re exhibit beyond *125 000 us that sum will, in ther judgment, be tinmK The government exhibit (it Nashville -will be the same as 'tbit at Atlanta, and the only expense will be In forwarding the artle’es to Nishvlb* ard eroetlBK the building. It wits also suggested that the government Is likely to l»o called upon for approprlsUons from t me to time for similar state ex positions and 4ha* It Is well to estnhl sh the preei'd'an of not exeTfllng mor? than $125,000 for snch purposes. IPs tihe strongest sard best. Dr. Price’s Baking Powder, snd it’s Abso lutely pure. BIRMINGHAM AGE-HERALD SOLD Will Remain in the Southern Asocl- uted Press and Democratic Patty. Birmingham, Fib. 11.—Tho Age lleroLd plant, including all press fran chise* uud account*, avis wild at public outcry a* she front door of Ue couuty court house today «t noon, snd at tracted a large number of spectator* and wouldho purchasers. The sale w.i*' under a deed of trust to bondholder*. The accounts were flrst disposed of, and then came the '.ntarewtiug part— the sale of the plant and all It* frau- o'jlsiw. Tltere were several ready to bid. and the first offer was $5,t»*i; tip? next .was double that amount, und the third $12,500, offered by N. E. Barker, pn**:d,>iv of the First National Rank, Interested In the bonds of the Age- Ilertld. TW» b d was raised by Frank P. O'Urien, a bondho!d.T, to $17,500. At this juncture K was evident that only two Richmonds ware in tho Held— Mciwm. Johnston and O’Brien. Then began the struggle. First one. then the other would raise the bid, and so It continued for nearly an hour, until flntlly the $20,000 mark ova* retched, this bl.l being offered by Air. Johnston. Sir. O'Brien prnmpilly weot him $10 better and their struggle ended, the crier decLrinu -Mr. F. P. O’Brien 4he purchaser at $20,010. The paper, os in the pi*, will re main In the Southern Associated Press column* and In ohe servloe of Alshtma nnd tOe Democratic party. Mr. F. V. Evans will be business manager under the reorganization. OHILOH'R CONSUMPTION curb. Is beyond questl an the mou suo- ccisful cough fhtdiemo we have ever sold. A tew do*ei Invariably cure* the worst css* of croup, cough snd bronchitis, while its w-mderful suc cess la the cur* of consumption U without a peralltl In the history of medicine. Since Its first discovery it hss been eold on s guarantee; a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough, w* rarnrefly *-•< you to try it. PriM l« cents. 60 cenu snd It. If your !«>*»*« *>re, chest or geek is Ismt. use Shiloh • Porous 1 gold'by Goodiryn ft 9mafl Drug Com pany, earner Chery street snd Cotton sveuus. He shouted, ran here and there, group ing the sand of this one and that one and fairly Jumped up aud down und over the flour In the excitement of the moment. Then he put on ni» coat and surted for the Fren.u line pier, wnere a tug bad been In readlnins for day* to take hl.n to the Li Gascogne should she be x.ghted. Several of ih* anxious ones waiting for news started from the office to oourd tun* tug with Mr. Forget. Many wet eyes could be seen In the French line office when the good new* was ascertained, *n.l the tears wfre not from the er- alone. Wrorw men wept a* little tdtll dren. The strain o< days of worry had been too rmioh for them. ° n ®,J} Mr. Riche, broke down completely and Nibbed a* tf his blurt would break. MriRtoh. ba* three daughters on board the La Gascogne, two of them of very fender* yesra. He bad abandoned al' hope, When the Joyful tiding* ca-ne. LATER NEWS. Quarantine, S. I., Feb. 11.—The La GuttcoffOi) in wfc?* The Frftoh 1 utT c glit days overdue, tlr.q»pe»l an chor at tbl* bar Just before uilduirat. all well cm boanl, and a * gb of relief goes up from two continents. The de lay was duo to u broken piston rod anil to the ferrite gale* which have swt pt tho north Atlantic for the pint week or more, and brought d easier to many a staunch craft. Capt Butticdon and tho officers aud crow of the Li Has- cogue brought ship and pamemjer* through the gain* aud made port with out help. From abe aims thfry left Ha vre on January 2U until yesterday they spoko tv) trinvAttontic steamer, and saw only » four-masted 'Schooner, the one which reported «i tit. Pierre, Mlquelou, er. S„ as hiving *en a ktrge steamer off the banks apparently In d strres tost tiiturday. Tho United Tress tug Fred B. Dal- zell, with representative* of the Time*, Tribune ami Reeortler on board, was the first tog lo reaoh the 1st Gascogne. Tbo disabl'd steamer had left . Fire Idled tiweotydve miles astern nnd was e'ght miles to the eastward of San dy Ho'k Pghtrihlp. It wm* 0:45 p. m. The big stiumer was limping Into port at half speed, with rwo big red lights, slgnils of ilistrest, <tt the foremast. Th • tug Iiy aloumdde half an hour and the following story of the trip was ob tained: STORY OF THE VOYAGE. The steamer left Havre oo January 2U. On tho lira; day out 441) tulle* wu* logged, on the secoud dty 407 uiIIcm, ©n tho third tkiy, after travel.t« 3S0 inlk 1 *. the pston rati broke sod eighteen hour* were spent in making repairs. When they were completed th<- ship steamed nine utiles an hour, making In all (It! miles on the 21Mb. On the 30th, 31* nnd Fi4*ruary 1 215, 215 und 280 mile* a dty were made respectively. On Febraary 2 the piston rod broke down agtln. The break was more serious this time, ties anchors were pm out and for fut’tj-ofls hems the ship mis hove to, making rejutrs. Ou the 4th the first severe w,other avis experi enced and the ship was blown 150 utiles out of her course. On the 5th tlie repair* haring been completed, luQ miles were traveled. Hie sh p wu* then dear to Mu- northward of rite t flick of tratM-Aitimrtlc steamer), and was therefore not seen by the many steam er* which pasted over the regular trac. Ou February 6 ICO mile* were mule. 6a tho 7th the machinery broke down for the -djlrd time. The heavy cyclone struck «r on this dty and she hove to wMh sea anchor* out all diy. No headway was msde snd. owing to the iwodt’on of the ship, repilr* were difficult. On the next day the chief engineer, who bad been at bis post night and day, arntplelid the repalvs ami the ship pro- -d-d 131 mile*. On the nth. far the fourth time, the ma chinery broke do* a, ami only seveaev- A voung man nAmel SiUi Jones broke through the tee on a poqi In rutnio' county and was drowned. A number of friends uttemn** dto rescue him hut were unsuccessful. The stitcher* snd turn workmen in Faunce * stiinney’s *h«* foctorv at l.vnn. Maw., have joined the other i.peratlvco In a sympathetic strike, ar.d now every department of the factory Is Idle. A special to the Florida Tlmes-Unlon from Leesburg, Fla., say*. The Bank of Leesburg assigned todav to Presi dent Stsylton of the Leeiuur* 8»alo r-i.nk. It Is believed the hank will pay uJIr,,' far de‘l»r. Th? national Zeltung at Berlin say* the emperor lias decided to nave placed upon the Bismarck tower, which I* in course of erection at SmfljUXt the 'D-'cripttou: "To the Grut Chancellor; by KaLer Wilhelm II., 1895.” Tho Panama Star Herald says: Pres ident Caro Informs Gen. Doinlnl'ii***. who Is nt Maul rales, that all tic* rev olutionary tomes of Tollma, which w?*re Intrenched at Chumbaimay, have eurrendered. A dispatch from Rome says: Several shock) of earthquake were felt In the province of R-'g.glo d! Calabroa ntii Slcllv today. The people of the town of fled to the fields, nnd several hmi-ea collapsed In the village of tinn- tlanna. The St. Petersburg correspimlent of the Berlin Tageb'.att sends i remarka ble dispatch to the effect that both the empress and dowager empress are cn- ciente. The impress, who was the Prince** Allx of Hesse, was married to Nicholas II on last November John Redmond, leader of t ie Farr.ell- Ites, brought forward in '.he common* hta motion to amend the aodrceo by demanding that government appeal at once to the country. Inasmuch as they had failed to rsrry out tbelr home rule programme. The motion was defeated by a vote of 254 to 236. A seri ms riot occurred In the village of Acerara. Italy, growing out of the rrelMnnoe of people to the grain tax. Tlte populace set Are to the tax offices, ■which were destroyed, and endeavored t. throw from the trick the Stfri" express, as It pas-ed the town. Tho troops were . .tiled out. and In their coll -Ion with the rioters, a number wore 1 oun !■■ 1 on both sld is. Secretary Job 11. Hedges went to Al bany ant delivered the New York city power of removal hill with Mayor .Strong’s approval, to Speaker Hh of the as'cmbly. Mr. Fish snd Mr Hodgn Immediate.y went over to tne executive mans! n, nnd Governor Mourn m-lde the bill a law by affixing his signature thereto. , Assistant Corporation Counsel Ti of Brooklyn, N. Y., will pres) it a n.o- tlon to tne general term of ihe * q rente court tor the’ removal of Police Justlees Watson and Quigley. The affidavits on which the motion will be based are now In preparation. Mr. Yongo ^atd that they would be ready for use by this afternoon. The- charges-are In sympa thy with the trolley strikera, and their friends, during the four tricks’ strike. A dispatch from Perth, West Austra lia, says that seven men have been ar rested In Coolgardle for nwesacrelng an entire native tribe, Including women and children. The’ men had gone out gold seeking, and were encamped near the village of the tribe, which they are accused of exterminating. They say that they acted In seCf-detense, as the nstlve* menaced their llvee. Hon. Lorln M. Thurston, the Ha waiian minister, received u>e fellow ng telegram from P. H. Hatch, Hawaiian minister of foreign offairs; HonotLlu, Feb. 2, 1896.—Hon, Lorln M Thurston. Hawaiian Minister, Washington—All quiet, trials progressing smoothly. Queen to be tried Monday, 4t'i Inst. Cranston (American), Muller (German) and Johnston (English) depend fer Warrlmoo for conspiracy. Crsn.ion and Muller also Imp.lcated with con spiracy to use dynamite. A few days ago the coal miners s( Derghoiz, Jefferson county. Ohio, were nottiled by th* operator* tlist owing to the present condition of business. It would be necessary lo reduco the price of mining ten cents a ton. The men who have been receiving 55 cents per ton refused to accede to the terms pre pared by the mine owncts, anil accord ingly went out on strike. Unless a speedy s-ttlement Is effected, It Is feared suffering will ensue, as many of the miners are In poor sltape finan cially to remain idle even for a short time. The harbor pilots at New York have had their share of dlecunif >r*. nn.l ■"“'■l incident to the lete severe weather. F. urteen boats of the New York and four of the New Jer.-oy fl.cj *r» w.'ll out at sea, and from moot of tnem no report ha* been received. The ere wo and pilot* on board number nearly 200. file J. If. Stafford was doing sta tion duty outside the bar, but on Fri day stood out to sea to escape being blown ashore. She has not returned, and six pilots who took vessel* over the bar on Saturday, were compelled to stay on U>* ships and make the ocean voyage. The position of almost every buoy In the harbor hss been changed by drifting Ice, wbloh Is already an other difficulty the pilots have to con tend with. Washington, Feb. It.— 1 Communica tion between Washington and the South, which has boon suspended for three day*, because of the big suonv drift* between this city aud Alexan dria, Ya„ was opened up tills movnldg, und tr.ilus are nonv running with some degree of resularity. Tr.tiiw from the East are also arriving with slight de lay, and the Now York. Philadelphia and Baltimore pipers readied Wash ington ait 'the usual hour this rooming for the flrst time slqce lust Thursday Beyond tho blockade 'ou the Freder ick branch of tho Baltimore uud Ohio railroad <Uat sytitem wu* in better shape this morning than It has been since tho storm begin. The 'road open to Philadelphia and New York, and trains tire arriving ard departing several hours late. Trains from Pitts burg, Olnelnmitl and the R’ost are ar riving Irregultrly. The Penusylvaula and the Southern rallrouL claim •have overcome the isnlinrg>>. nud the Norfolk sud Western Is hopeful of get ting its tratDs out and in within Hen ty-four hours*. Pemtsylvaala and South ern trains are arming aud u>vw?!flS at frtsn three to four Otours behind Ihe regular schedule NORTHERN GEORGIA. AthtWo, Feb. 11.—‘Nor(ft Georgia Is under snow txxLy, end the streets of Aittliuta aro HI Id ?vi hastily rigged sleighs. Snow begun falling this morn- lug tftontly after mldiHgtm, uud by 8 o’clock .t was five ittcfies deep. A hotvy sJet't'lhon begun 4o fall jd<1 it has con- tinueil lnceiuintiy slhiv, so that tlie m has been covered with n heavy of sleet. Hundred* of butrgtes have been put cm runner* by repltelng tho wheel* with plnnk skid*, holts lie- Ing bored to reco ve the axle*.- Vehi cles of this riurautrr are ilo be seen on every street. Tltere ire few regulation sleigh* lit Atljintn. but such as had been laid atvuy are out. Rustnes* Is generally sttapendid, nnd the dew con tinue* to fall. Nolle of the street car* are running. 4he tracks being caked with lco and sleet several Inches deep. Th? efeo’ric light wires h ive been broken tn some ffloecs by the snow and Ice. and parts of Ihe city nro dirk. To- n i$ht a light rain 1* falling. The first through train from the North since Fri day am veil th.* •morning, bringing a hotvy mall, the accumulation of four days. IN SOUTH CAROLINA. Colnutb a, 8. C., Fri). 11.-^8now be gan to fall alllover Smith Otrollm at 5 o’clock Hit* moroiug .itwl -the whole «Wto I* biirlid biueath from three an I a haK to live Inches «f q particularly dry mnntle of snow. Tlie downfall has eowtinu 'd without Intenn sslon ever since It began at 5 e. tn. TYaln* from the North are arriving 'five bourn be hind schedule. FROM TENNESSEE. Chattanooga, Twin., Feh. 11.—This city was visit *1 inlay by tho worst fall of anas- known for many years. It be gin falling at 1 a. m.. nnd continued for twelro hours Incomantly. Street railway traffic t* praotloilly atoindoncd. There are six Imihni of strew ou the level. ; 'to be deceived; it’s an-; j I noying to have a poor ar-1 ■ j pi ticle of shortening. You |j'.1 ;. | can avoid both by seeing f. >• ; • •; that your pail of COTTO- r j ? ‘LENE bears the trader i rinark—steer’3 head in|s| & ; cotton-plant wreath v ' p i —and be sure of having delicious, healthful food. p| ' Other manufacturers try ( to imitate COTTOLENE, that’s the best reason why you want the original | .-...article- Made only by^ TUB ^5 N.K.FAIRBAKIt COMPANY, 4;i ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO ‘' r ~i Tf j W. S3 SHOE bo^'Wp. Do you wear thcm7 When next In need try a pair, the) will give you more comfort and tervlco for tho nwnej than any oihm make. Best In tho world. 45.00. 44.00, 43.50 §2.50 §2.25 *'' $2.0C_J _ 9HBBRI W. L. Douglas Shoes are made In all tha Latest Styles. If yea wist • Is* DRESS SHOE don’t pay 18 to $9 try my $3.50, $6 or $ J Sho*. They will fit e^uai to cus tom made and look and wear it well. If yon with tt oconomln In your footwear, you can do oo by purch»ln| W. L. Dougin Show. My umu and price li lUmpct os tho bottom, took for It when you buy. Tike no out* otltuto. I toad ohoot by mall upon receipt of prlcq postage frau, whoa *ho« urni-r, cosset supply K9 W. L. norm.As. WrncVtnn. Mass. Sold bj ROCHESTER SHOE COMPANY. OH. WHAT A COtfOH. Will yuu bnw toe Wuri.mgT Thu slcos), pcrlutpu, of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, consump tion. Ask yoursulf If you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cenu run the risk anil do nothing for It. W* know from experlnece that Ehlloh’s Curs will cur# your cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a million bot tle* were oold the past year. It re lieve* croup and whooping cough at onces. Mothers, ,|o not be without It For lame back, side or chest, use Shi loh’s Pur Plasters. 8-M by Good- wyn ft Small Drug Company, corner Cherry sir,-.-! am! Cotton avenue. Mm f n IN bosrs (S ooorrbuf s Snd dUrhnrcrs from thn f ^ K-my.Tr.vsSetv*® wltheut Irw-aveol-ar-. V -J THE MLYB WORKERS r.V SES irON. Movement In Favor of a Pop.irate Or ganisation a Failure. ’ Cotumbue O.. Feb. 11.-Th* miners’ Knight* of Lubor convention began ut 11 a. m. in Wlrthein’s hall with forty delegate* In attendance. .Winter Workman Phil H. Penm oalled for the report of tho committee on credential*. 'There were no contests. The r.-port of the New Orleans delegates was llieh oallel for. Around this report ull Inter est centres. Tho delegates will advocate the withdrawal of Kie miners from the general assembly of the Knlitiiu ot Labor on the grotmd of t’overelgn and B.vyos’ alleged highhanded action In axcludlng thorn from the convent!an. Neither Mr. Hoverlgn nor Mr. Hayes Is here, but they hove friends In the convention -vSo -witi makq a fight In their Interest. The knpresllon to that th* resolution will be adopted. Secretary Patrick McBride occupied all the foreneon tn making the report for the excluded delegates, nml de nounced Sovereign anil Hiyo* In ravage terma. The niuift talked < f se- cedere' conference, at which it was expected n now organization In oppo sition to Sovereign and iliye* vould be Lunched, ha* proven a flzslel Only flve delegates outside at the miners ura here. Thev are diaries R. Martin ami Hugh O’Reipy. representing district aasemblr No. 72 of Northwestern. Ohio; Hugh Cavsnnsugh sud John Mo’loy, representing district No. it at Clncln- nutl. and Jsmer L. Michaels ut glass- workers’ local assembly No. 300 of Pl'tobucK The miners’ deh-gati-s are giving them no encouragement, anti their to start a new legion with powderly at the head will fill flat. The minora say they bays had -nouglt of dual organizations. . Cirl Brawn. Gen. Coxey's Lte tleu- terant. Is here, by special Invitation of the miner* of S(S*sill<m dlstricf, to at tend the convention. He has licen n- vlted to make a speech before the looat trade snasamhly tonight. At tho afternoon session Messrs. Oa van trough. Mnioy. O'Reilly ;stl M!- cbacls. the leader* 'if th* seceaslon movement, wore admitted to (%* con vention to address the delegate* on th* queslon ot the new organlaiUtat. f - general op triton among the delegate* Is that HtU H. Penn* still be fleeted pfeatdent on the flrst ballot, but .he re-election of Secretary Patrick Me- Brydo Is considered doubtful. W. C. Pear**, secretary of the Ohio miners. Is bis strongest opponent. Consumption Fnslljr Cursrf. To tlie Editor: Pleat Inform yota rtaurr- that l liaae a iwaitire r,uivUJ („r stioi« i.nnird uiaea**, By its timely me ihouren'la of hopciem case* have h-en permsnenjly < ,i- I 1 ihail be x.*.l to eead two bottles "f mv feiusdy tree to iry ot your r-uder* who hare coa- tatspuos. if ti-’T wilt •‘•ud me llieir exprei- auil ^.o-toth.. - ipectfully. NOTICE. By virtue at a cower of sale contained In n deed of trust executed by Julia E. Vinson to the Southern Building and Loan Assoctoiiion ot KnnxvtCle. Tennes- nee. which deed I* recorded In the offleo of the clerk of tihe superior court of Bibb edlinty. In book of deeds AD. paze flve hundred and flve. Will be sold on Friday. March 8th, 1895, between the hour* of eleven and twelve o'clock noon., before the court house door. In (he city of Ma- e,n, Bibb county, to the highest bid der for uudi. the following described property, as art forth In said deed, to tal t: That lot or parcel of land known tn the plan of the city at Macon as lot number thirteen, block number thirty- six. on Hmdrtck* and Haxlehurat man ut (he city of Macon, formerly Cot num ber eight, block thlrty-elx, on Board- man's map of ealil dty, front: lng on Ash street sixty-seven and a half feet, and fronting Telfair street one hundred and twenty feet, together with tho dwelling • house and other Improve ments Sakl' deed made to secure an Indobtedneas therein npooffied, upon which Is now due for principal. Inter est and fine* the aum of fourteen hun dred and flfty-thrcc dollar* and five cent* and one hundred and forty-flva dollara and thirty cents as attorney fecu, and the sum of - dollars for this notice, default having been mads In the payment of dues and Interest for more than six months before this no vice, as specified tn said deed. Sold ax the property of Julia E. Vinson. This January twelfth. 1895. SOUTHERN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, by Its president. U B. Lutlrell. JAS. A. THOMAS. Atty. aLOBUM. M. D, La! t’vari itze .t New Yutk. NOTICE. Georgia, Bllfli County.—By virtue of a .p urer of stl* contained In a deed ot iruat executed by Jacoblna E. Farmer to the tlouthern Building and Loan As- soclwtion of Knoxville, Tennessee, ro- cotil d tn dork’s office of Bibb county Miperlor court, lu deed Look A. D„ page 203, Will ho add on Friday. March 8,1835, between 'the hottr* at 11 and 12 m., be fore the court house door. In the city of Macro. Bibb county, to tho hchewt bkkl.T for cu*h that lot or parcel of I.iihI In tile county of Bibb, state of Oi'flgH, being ono aud Uue- qu inter saxes, more or l«w. tn South Macon, unu’ iy pr n th-- fork of iIl* okl end now Hbuv’xt mail*, being t!- In shape and fronting on eich roail, anil running tuck front the f rk of said rot-ls to the Tkmd of IV. E. Jen- kliw. Said deol mode 4o secure d.hly upon which la now due for principal Int-r.-at. tneumuw, due* and taxew tho sura of $1,241.4(1 and 10 pv cent, attor ney fees, default having been made in the payment of dues and Fnteevnt for inn than six months before tb'* no tice. Sold ns the property of said Ja cob' n* K. Farmer. February 5. USB. TI' ■ S >mb rn Bn Min* and Train A > elation. I. R. LnttreTL Pr.“i •Li : A 'I A .:, y.