The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 14, 1895, Image 7

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7 THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: FEBRUARY 14, 189.5. reason the Browns are so exempt from sickness is the i 3 t by an occasional course of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med- Iscovery they keep their blood, which is the fountain of 1 strength, pure and rich. In this way their systems are 1 to ward off attacks of grip, fever, and other dangerous . not so prudent, who have become sufferers from in- n. torpid liver, or biliousness, or from any of the dis- taiised by impure blood, will find the “ Golden Medical Very ” a positive remedy for such diseases. Jecially has the “ Discovery ” produced the most marvel- Iwenf all manner of Skin and Scalp diseases, Salt-rheum, I Eczema, Erysipelas, and kinuicu diseases. Not less Irful. have been the cures effected by it in cases of “ Fever- ’ 'White Swellings," “Hip-joint Disease,” and old sores Js. It arouses all the excretory organs into activity, ly cleansing and purifying the system, freeing it from all fr of blood-poisons, no matter from what source they Cipt. '.VIell of tho Clark® Rifles has made application to the city counc l for ts-istnaco. He wants $3UO to help ir. equipping the company. The council appointed a committee to look into the matter. The SvonlE® v«w* has been awarded half of the city’s printing by the gen eral council Yestenday evening Col Tom Oliver sms grossly Insulted by n negro named Bob JJ'-tt. He ordered Bob ont of bis store and then iKtgan loading bis gun. which was accidentally discharged ..mi about fifty shot took effect in the shoul der of * negro named Jim Hoard. Tho wounded man is being looked after by Dr. 8. C. Benedict. ~2l k lb; j rtincsi |jnsen. tepsia sad Constipation. Elizabeth Helfer, of Morrton Farm. Monroe Co. % N. K,write*: "I had been troubled with dyepep- fin and cotutipAlion for the last fix year*, nnd had tried all med icine* that I could think of. I pot ao low in health that I thought I would once mute trvthe ‘Golden Medical Discovery • nml Doctor Pierce’* Pleasant Pellet*. Af ter taking them for three month* I be gan to feel better— suffered less from the gas nnd sotir rising off ray stomach at night. Formerly it was a terrible dis tressed foehns—could not rest nor sleep. , thank* to the ‘ Cola* d Discovery. 1 Zh IS* IflH.PKft. x completely cured, thank* to the Dyspepsia—Constipation. Mrs. A. L. Prases, ol Stillwater, ftnoiscot County, Me,, writes: “ Three years ago I SMS s«tiering from constipation, distress in the stomach, bow els, feet and ankles Moated, kidney and heart troubles, toss of appetite, bod taste in the mouth, sour risinas In the stomach, and indi gestion. I was un der the treatment of three physicians seven months. One rave me up to die. This was my condi tion when I was pre vailed upon to take Dr. Pierce's r,otden „ Medical Discovery **•*■ P***c*- and - Pleasant Pellets.' I am well, your medicines have cured me permanently." Inr VALLEY'S INDUSTRY. [Hundred Tbitwiml Pencil Trees Now in Bi'arlug. Vjllf-y, Fob. 13.—(Special.)—-As i-HVH near for tb® gathering ng of the lusc.ous peaches are locking cut sort miking ■M f.T gathering th® crop. It ■f:merest to nom® of the Tele- ’ ruder* to know tsoumthlug of it industry that prom se* so I'd" Valley and vicinity. In ■•u tiie largest crop ever known red. Uicr® were not tnouvli • to suiter uutl ship the peteb-s. < a eons.-quetneo many rotrttl on Slue® then the acreage has oereated to a grot,; extent, one Mv tig been planted out with " ire w. will bo In bearing rhore ml he In boirtitg iti irottnd Fact Valley tbls jvur SStl,- ir."*. The*® tr.-.-s •will average P*-' of poaolKM Ho two twn at a ' < 'mate, for many of the trees P':r a case or more to the trro, '< tto.ihk) ois-.w. Lt Igts break cue- O' n the paret to posit 500 case* to pr, but It bos boon fouml best not i’ th® itop layer of 100 eases In, ao rirs this year will oioh bold 400 Prom this It w:U be scon that cal shipment avlll be 1,100 cars. • ;wt these csra off In g rid ennd - i vast amount of Ire will be used., ••ir load of Ice will start off tn condition three cara of prudbes. hey are re-lced .-ilotret '*• litre otr.l ich more Ice la us.d. Estimating ■ir of Ic® to .throe orrs of peaches, 11 take 300 oirs of Ice at Fon Vol- The whok.' time enusumrd In •ring and dipping the crop la ■ -live days, miking a shipment of j'y four car* ov<-ry day. The pa are aR tfJttoopra by hand and ini In cas-s Ilk® oranges, hone® n »ne begins to ih'nk of 440.000 • to be picked, assorted. ctssI, I to tho railroad, packed. Iced, I and e'SPted off. It -will h® arm quit® an army of men will be cm- 4. Tt Is feared tbK not half the *• , n b® bundled, as ttoec® are not *h people In Port Va’.ley at pros- • prepare them for shipment. The Ions gtvm shorn are accartg* th® nnmtbec of tree* In hear- ®m be verified by individual mtmti 'll® Hii.tJ4t.cs arc on lit® ahowlnst "very tree. ■ Lt hi* ben asked: p't th. re s probability of glutting mtrfcretV Mr. 01. Rojhl, our lira I '-r. vpprialng ipeach and melon • r. s,ys Is no chance of an ' v'untlon chitting the market, for N** Pbllulelphlt and Now York r ''oil’d be snppUnl, and all th<» i' * with nitij-.p d there. Th® has b®pn ®xcndlngdy favora- :l; “l 1b® prtmpeuts of a fin® crop > naver brighter. The continued 1 ivfather bis kept The frees back 1 '' l l t s> Jl than w®hiv® yet hud I I hiv® to o>m® h> injur® them. In y »'D I will give the tvimos of jpi- of our most Important sb'ppers, ’h the number rf trees drey wig hire '' "’’ring and th® amount they hart ..tiMid . n fniit culture. Joined should be sustained In their »* fort* t« enforce tile law as laid down by the state constitution. Hr. Farrar appeared for the complainants, and stated that the two vew, represented were at this port seeking cargoes for foreign countries under mir- atlme laws, and were stopped from loading same by the police authorities. Judge Parlange said that the act based on tb® state constitution prohib iting sailors from working on wusrv®s was an Infringement of the Federal conHtltutlon, and that In his opinion ti. mayor and chief of police could be held for damages If they attempted to carry it Into effect. Under these circum stances the restraining order was granted. THE XHIVS AT ATHENS. 8ult Against a Dramatic Company— Possibility of a Shooting Affair. Senator Vilas Introduced a Hill Look- ing to tbc Interest ol tho People. HE IX DO USES CLEVELAND'S IDEAS Mr. Shtrman Introduced a Substitute 1, die Kill lleported Yesterday for of Silver— the Free Co SAILORS MAT LOAD SKIPS. •i*’** Orleans. Feb. IS.—The Injunction _\°f the Cuban Steamship Company **'“*. Mayor John Fitzpatrick and • police was called for trial before ■*'*» I'arlnngu this morning in the clr- l itt rourt, L clt > Attorney O’Sullivan opened the "T itatlng that foreign commerce i not been Interfered with by tlie who had oeted under a state law, I r those rewoas the ofiicera en- Athens, Fob. 13.—(Special)—And now cornea Manager Barrow of the open bouic and will enter suit against the Unde Tout's Cabin Company for :i breach of contract. It Is uudenitood that tho nutttT h is been placed In tho hands of Col. Alex. Erwin. Jr„ win win proceed to make the amount out of th® company If possible. Har row’s claim atinntits to about *<50. which is shout *410 more than would have been taken In bad the troupe played here. It now develops that the uian who died at the Central hotel here and who reg stored as It. L. Douglass, Memphis, T®nti., was a brother to B. II. Day, the gentleman who came here after his body. Douglass, or Day, was a rays' terlous customer, and It Js believed that he was a detective who came to Alboni to work np cases which have long re- tnVned unsolved. II® evidently hod some connection with the exprean'etau- pauy, but those in a position to know are adverse to talking. C. C. Dean, known aa “Major,” for whom a warrant waa sworn out by (lira. Larina Caldwell of Comer, obang Ing him with criminal •■null, has not yet been afpreluulnl on I It (g not known where he Is. Mr. Caldwell, bus band of the lady, shot and klBed a naan at Paduoab. Ky.. for insulting hJa w fe, and It la bettered that he will give Dean a warm rectiwlon should he come In contact with him. The assault is said to have been committed last Friday at tho home of Mrs. Caldwell and she did not say anything to her huHbaml until Sunday night, as she says ahe kDcnv there would be trouble—that he would klU Dean. Th® accused is the same man who figured aa the star actor when a news paper correspondent, Walter Lowe, pi loted a policeman to Dean’s room In the old -Fraklln build ng, where It waa said there was gambling. Lowe climbed up a ladder to the window and met a reception which he did not anticipate, being "rehltowashcd’’ wf'b several buckets of slop which bad been pre pared for him. Dean was heavily fined for th s by Jndg® Cobb. The weather bon moderated consider ably, bat snow fell almost continuously during the morning ami is now about nine Inches deep. It Is perhaps the deepest snow Athens baa aver known and there la a great deal of auffertag even among those with ample means, as It lt almost ImpomlUn to secure either wood or coil The city, as far aa {KKtible, '» looking after tba poor, of course the extreme cefd w,-a thee preceding the snow only mad* the alt- nation worse. Many of the beat people are doing their cooking on grates, ami of course there la some “great” cook ing. In testimony of which one of tba fair yoong ladles of a neighboring city who Is visit'ng here damped a pitcher of ice water Into tho coffee pot. DOWN AT DUBLIN. A Very Brief Visit From the Macon and Dublin Oflldalo. Dublin, Feb. 13.—(SpeclaL)—An ele gant special coach, on which appeared “Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Taul,” came from Macon to thet depot of the Macon, Dublin and Savannah. Six in telligent gentlemen left the train and walked to the river, the present termi nus of that road. We learn that they wera President Wright, Engineer Dunn and four Western stockholders. They returned anil were on their way back toward your city In a short hour. Of course the visit meant on tho way to the seaport of Oeorgla and the ces sation of monopoly rates. We regret President Wright did not tuke time and let them see the beauties and advan tages of the “Gum of the Oconee,” but we know he is a friend of Dublin and bad good cause for bis haste. In the morning Sunday there were services only at the Baptist church. Itev. I. Ware Brown prached to a large and appreciative congregation. At n ght the services at the Methodist church were altogether singing. The large choir, which, under the leader ship of the organist, Mrs. Peacock, so enthused the audience that many, yield ing to the penraaslve Invitation of Pas tor Chester, s‘d»d In «tiding to the emo tions of “Lave Divine” always produced by suitable music and the hymns of Charles Westley nnd Watts. The pas tor, recently from Macon, baa made a fine impression here. His sermons are sbl® and not on a plane above the com prehension of the bumMest of bis hearers. As an evidence that ho Is ap- prclated, bis congregations do not di minish, but Increase. Dehnonlco Cannon has taken George Smith of-Montgomery county as a part ner and haa added a candy mintific- tory to his bakery and restaurant. We have room and a warm welcome for all such enterprising clt sens. Report says our county comm'**1 on er* ho-ve fully determined on having a new court bouse. Dame Rumor has giver, the dimensions 40xfl0, Just one- half that our needs at thls time require. These county officers will have poster ity write their spltaph on snch o build ing. It wlU be not nnllke “Fanny Fern’s” on the old mill and pond: “It was so old and useless that it was not worth even a dam.” Another quotation came to my defect ive memory npon read ing an account m one of the kleptbpollat Journals of an aosault tn words of a lawyer In recent case upon a young -brother, young man of acknowledged character and promising ability, who doubtless felt much an-nnyaaoc- that his te*' 1 '"" ivy was such as lu the eyes of the tyged "kurnel” should comltonn him to a po sltion among tboto “who would dance on his parents' coffin.” Ho uced not grlove long t»r bltteriy, Byron wrote of Bishop Rrrkriey nnd his theory. “Bishop Berkeley says there Is no nutter, oo matter, evhat Bishop Berkeley Oi'js." lllluin fait. If It ever was. This weather Is abom inable. No reliance can be placed on It. Yesterday It was mild and bright, today It Is everything but right. How ever, the blowing may be for the future —health, good crops and plenty of fruit. Wo notice (hat the Chicago apodal car has return'd. Any nnd everything that has the slightest appearance of another cotuuirtloo with Kavaanih trouses the attention of our people. They fully realise the necessity and Im portance of such a route. We need competition badly, and reid with interest nil Information In the Telegraph about the Macon. Dublin and Savannah. Whilst we hare three ra Irotid* anti steamboats, there are only roundabout, short haul ways of reaching Augusta, and lirutw wick. With proper competition our farmers msy bo a Mo to nnko other pro ducts than cotton, uuw their only money crop. All other commodities are entirety dependent on ibe local de mand. It la universally regretted that I. C. Powell and bis Interesting family wlU remove to Marlow. He was one of our county commissioners nnd also an si dwmin of our town and was mast (in dent. Aa a church member he m> moit useful. His fam'ly were favorites with sit dassea. May be and they pros per wherever they go. They bsv®' the twteem and good withe* of this entire community. * Horn! Xmi Washington, Feb. 13.—During the morning hours proceedings In the sen ate, when the vice-preddent called for •'bills and Joint resolutions” Mr. Vllaa arose and Introduced a bill entitled "To save the people of the United States 116,170.770.” and asked that lt be read In full and lay on tho table for the present. The bill reiterates tbat the president Of the United States has advised con gress In Ills communication of Feb. 8 that he had contemplated an arrange ment with parties able to fulfill their undertakings, for the purchase of 165.- 000,000 in gold coin, for thirty-year bonds, “payable In coin,” but that he had reserved the privilege of substi tuting 3 per cent, “gold bonds” for them at am annual saving in interest of 13,378,169, and for the whole thirty years, of 316,170,770; It, therefore, au thorises the issue of 3 per cent, bonds, not exceeding In the aggregate $'63,000,- 000, running for Shirty years, principal and Interest payable in gold coin. At a subsequent part of the proceed ings Mr. Hid expressed the opinion that Instead of being laid on the table lt should be placed on the calendar. This view was .expressed by ( ilr. Vlias, but objection was made by Mr. Te!v®®. The rules were appealed to, and it turned out that under one or them an objection to tbe request that a bill 11® on the treble caused its reference to the calendar. Tbs vico-preoldent, on objection, announced the bill on the calendar. A Mr. Sherman introduced a substitute for yesterday’s bill reported from the finance committee for the free coinage of sliver, and at his request lt was read in full and laid on the table. The first section provides, that, "to provide for and maintain the redemp tion of United States notes according to the provisions of the act of January 14, 1875, the secretary of the treasury may Issue, ae.l and dispose of, at not le«3 than par In gold coin, either of the description of bonds authorised in tbat act, bearing not to exceed 3 per cent, interest, payable semi-annually and redeemable at tbe pleasure of the United States in gold coin, after five years from date.” The second section authorises the is sue of 3 per cent, “certificates of in debtedness parable In lawful money to pro ride tor a temporary deficiency In the revenue.” Tbe senate at 6 o'clock adjourned. IN THE HOUSE. ' ’ What Leads You to use the imitations of Pcarlinc? Some trifling prize, cheap price:;, or because the grocer or peddler says “same as” or “as good as?” What do these amount to. if your things are ruined in the •washing? They F 1 may be. And you can’t see the dam age that a danger ous washing com pound is doing, until the damage is done; with the poorest, that takes some ‘time. With these imitations that nobody knows about, you have to take your own risk. Be on the safe side,' and use only the original—Pearline. Mill ions of women can tell about that. Ask some of them, and satisfy yourself. Get their experience. Q 0 „J Peddlert and soma unscrupulous grocer* will tell you “thU Isos goodas" ijCUU or "the same ss Pesrline.” IT’S FALSE—Pearline a never peddled, . ^ Back 'ifiaST* MftSJWhS Ladies insist on having Dr. Uslcc's because It makes rake, biscuit, pastry, griddle-cokes lighter, sweater, whiter and more wholesome Chan any other bolting powdtr. OATS KILLED AGAIN. Ala pa ha, Fife 13.—(Special.)—Tbe nun has come out bright this morning, but not warm enough to have much effect on the froocn ground. The olil cltlten* •apeak of this a* .the lonRCst cold spell they bar® twee known. Date have been klll<il the second time, and but few of tbe farmers can g.-: sc il to mskc th • third plant ng, so tha cut crop win be ■very short In tbls oration this year. 1 suppose numbers of the fitment will try to save more hay next rummer. Tbe cold weather has affected the turpen tine and mill men are w.-ll as farmers, as but little -work coaid be done oat of doors. We !«*£ for gcod wrea’bey won: then uR wll commence ban! work and try to make up for loot time. VIGOR MEN Eatily, CUIakly, Permanently Restored. TTcakofia, NarrouiDCM, Dt'blllt) , ai. i thri trail, of avila from early error* or Ut«r eicffiiFs. tb* result* of overwork, *kk ork. •!. kr.?«a, worry, . Full *trcr.gtb ( derri- . l cement and tone given to MIDI. onion ... . I w / at* improvement *«en. Failure impo^iM*. *.000 rifereooaa. Hook* •SpUoAtion kr.-l jiroof* m&lled itcAled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. Republicans Prying Into Secretary Carlisle’s Financial .Method®. Washington, reb. is.—Tu® house w»« principal.y occupied today in consider ing bueineres relating to the District of Columbia bill it com ware found in that dlecusslin for the introduction of n resolution by. Mr. Voorhire (Republican) of New York, bearing on the govern ment financial matte:®, the rosin tenor of which was to requeet a report from the committee on ways and means of the testimony, evidence and statements made by Secretary Carlisle before tbat committee yesterday regarding the re cent bond oomraet. Tbe New York rep resentative was very anxious for this lnhc-matton, and Air. Wilson, chairman of the committee, ensured Mr. Van Vor- hia tbat he had a copy of the contract In his pocket, and would at the proper time present It This ware done later In ths shape of s report from the ways and mean* committee *s the president's _) Manufacturers of HIGH-GRADE FERTILIZERS And Importers of GERMAH KAHIT, MAOON, GA. For the coining season we arc prepared to offer to the trade our High-Grade Fertili; e -re, including the best nnd purest Guanos, high-grade Aciu Phosphates, pure German Kanit of cur own importation, bright Cotton Seed Meal, etc., at prices to suit the timc%. We say positively, without any fear of contradiction, that we are in a” better position to serve our friends than any other concern in the world. If you will invest a cent in a postal nnd write for our prices and terms, it will prove a blessing to you and mako a customer for us. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING You will find us at same office, No. G58 Third street (next to Dunlap’s). FARMERS’ SUPPLY COMPANY, MACON, GA. ment of the secretary of the treasury with the parties to the contract effect® tha purchase of three million five hun dred thousand ounce* of standard gold coin, of which shall be obtained In and shipped from Europe. For this gold coin ne contracted to iaaue to the par ti ere furnishing It, under authority of the act for resumption of repecle pay ments. approved January «h, 1875, 4 par cent, thirty-year coin bonds of the United States at a pneo which realises them interest at the Tate of 3 3-4 per cent. "But th* sserstary of the treasury has reserved the right, If authority.!* given him by congress, to substitute si par any bonds of tbe United Slates, bearing 3 per cent. Interest, of which the prlncl-' pal and Interest shall bs specifically psysls In United States gold coin of ths present weight and fineness, said substi tution, however, to be made within ten days from th* date of the contract. "It Is the object of the Joint resolution, hcrowlth reported, to give to ths secreta ry of the treasury authority to substi tute each bonds to the amount of the contract. . "Th, saving to bo affected by the gov ernment, os eet forth In the preeldent'e message, will be 353*.169 per yeer. for every year the I per cent bonds run. menage relating to the |s:,'Mi,0W bond . ^-- - - ---, WJ contract. It ware s-x>n evident tbat there 1 *" d of the amount of 3te.17l.TO should wore a disposition to know what the , ®* r V A, lt ®°* '>*• j • z. la - n, AI a.. .* II MV Aft hv that rnmmlM®,. flint ihre (Mail* * minority of tt® committee thought of the matter, oml the house adopted a motion which will allow them to pre sent their t’lesrs on the subject tomor row. The report was ordered printed, and referred to the calendar. The house, at 6:10 adjourned until tomorrow at B. NO PARTY LINES HERE. Ways and Means Committed Agree to Report Another Bond Bill. Washington. Feb. 13.—The Ivausc way- and meow committee today agreed to report the following resolu tion: "Resolved, that the secretary of the treasury be, and he Is hereby author ised to Lrevue and dispose of. at not less than par In gold coin, bonds of tbe United Statere with the quality and exemptions of bondw Wsued under the act approved July 14, 1370, entitled an act authorizing the refunding of the national debt, to an amount not ex ceeding 345.U7.336, bearing Interest at a rat* not exceeding I per cent, per annum, principal and Interest payable lleved by that committee, that the Issue of bonds specifically payable In gold, will Impose any additional burden or lia bility upon the government than If Ibey are nnd* payable In coin, under Im pledge and policy to preserve the parity of tha coins In the two motsls, the sav ing of this large amount becomes s mat ter of substantial moment and advan tage to the government. And the parties to tsko ths bonds are under contract to furnish gold for them, it seems no hard ship upon the government to contract to pay them back In the seme coin that they furnish to It." Following Is the text of the contract between the treasury and the syndicate: •This agreement entered Into this 8th day of February, IMS, between the secre tary of the treasury of the United States of tho first part, and Messrs. August T. Belmont tc Co. of New York, on be half of Messrs. N. M. RothsShllds * Sons of London, England, and them selves, and Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co. of Now York, on behalf of Messrs. J. II. Morgan A Co. of London, themselves, parties of th* second part, la provided that whereas, U Is provided by the re vised statutes of the United States (sec tion 170th that the secretary of the treas- *bort»vd r to 0, |rew.°*t such "rales'aad'upon that*no Dart of tbeproceeds 5 the »«•» ««™** “ »• «»* Bort • <,v,n - irieoJauSMto ; nor P oW noS.'E Ugeou. to the PtibUe tetwmt. and ths deemed with such proceeds shall be i f?^2J2L«w*w!S"S?rt5eh thTnubUc available for tb® payment of th# cut” “ emergency estsls In which the public rent expenses of the government." , ‘"J*”* 1 ^tro Trie resolution «u adopted by a vote 1 Jdded. ^*“!' .SLTI.TEVm * *- of s ti j, those voilnc In th* | hond* Of, tho Lnlied States of tb* firmstive being Wllren of West Virgin- eriptlon hereinafter mentioned^ author- la, Turner of Gcyglav Cockriut of New York, Montgomery ot Kentucky, Stevens ot Massachusetts and Torsney of Missouri, Democrat#, an-l Reed of Maine, and Paine of New York, Repub licans. The negative vote was cast by MoMlUln of ’i\-nlit-."' --. Bryan of No- braska, Wheeler of Alabama and Wait ing of Michigan, and Hopkins of Illi nois, Repub!l- an®. Orosvmaor of Ohio (Republican), did not vote. Inasmuch as be was opposed to the reeo.ution but was willing that It should be brought before the house. The committee then adjourned. THE BILL REPORTED. Mr. Wilson, tba chairman of the ways and means commit!- this after noon reported to th* boons tbs kfint ratolulan agreed upon In committee this afternoon authorising the Issuance of a thirty-year 1 per cent. Interest- bearing gul l bond. Tbe r®:- rt accom panying the resolution Includes a copy of tbe president's recent message to oongrrree, bedring upon the subject, and a copy of the oontract made Ited to be Issued under the act entitled ••An Act to rrovtde for the Resump tion of Specie Payments," approved Jen- usry 14. 1973. being bonds of the United States, described In an act of congress, approved July 14. 1970, entlltled "An Act to Authorise the Refudins of the National Debt," now. therefore, the aald parties of tha second part hereby acres to aetl and dllver to tho United states three mill ion. five hundred thousand ounces of standard gold coin of ths United Slate*, at the rate of 917.90 per ounce, payable In United State* 4 per cent, thlrtyi-yenr coupon or registered bond*, said bonds to b* dated February 1, 1995. and payable at the pleasure of the United States after thirty years from dale, issued under the acts of congress of July 11 tffe January If. '471. and January 14. 1975. bearing In terest at the rate of 4 per cent, per an num. payable Quarterly: “First—Such purchase rend said of gold cola being made on the following con ditions: ••U.h-At least one-half ot all coin deb erod herein under shall be otalned tn interest, which Is to be assumed and paid by the partial of the eecond part ut the time of their delivery to them. “S. Should the secretory of the trea sury daelre -to offer or soil any bonds of the Untied Staton on or bcPor® Octo ber 1st. 1895. he shell first offer the si me to tho rrertles of the second part, but tWereafter he Shall be free from everv such «bllg-.tion -to tho parties of tlhe second part. ,; i. TSi® sserriary of tho treasury beritbv reserve# tba thrift, within ten diva from the date hereof, In case he shall receive authority from conxresa therefor, -to substitute any bonds of she Untied States bearing 3 per cent, irtterest. of whkfr -the principal an-l in terest shall be renedncallyi pjynble In Untied BtretfS gold coin of the present weight and fineness for the bon-Js he—- In alluded to; such 3 qpr cent, bonds ho be accented by tbe parties of the second part at par, I. e„ :i« $18.60—411 per ounce of standi til gold. ”4. N® bonds rehall he delivered to the nirtlc* of the second part, or cither of them, except In payment for coin from time 4o time recetviil hereunder; whereupon Hie secretary of the trea sury or the l!nlt(*l Stouten shall und prill deliver the bonds aa herein pro vided a t math places -is shall be desig nated -by the parties ®f th* sorond port. Anv esnen*®# of delivery out of Ihe United Stales shall be assumed ami paid bv the parties of ttie *®cond part. ”5. In consideration of tire* purchase of such coin, tho parties of the second rart. ami .their nmoolstes hereunder, assume and will bear all egpenaes ami lores of bringing gold from Europe Chat lies In their power, ttnl will egert all finvnoal Influence and will mako all Irctlmate efforts to protect th* treasury of the United BUiSere strain*: the with- -re-awals of scold pending tho complete performance of his contract. "In stints* whereof th® parties here to hive hereunto set their band* In five parts this Mb diy of February, 1393. "J. O. Cl.-dale. Secretary of th* treasury. "Aurust Belmont A Co., on behalf ° f “? Rolschll W A Bops. London! v o P .'. M 1 *** on. hob .If of .Messrs. J. 8. Moreau A do., London, :md thetroelveg. • ‘ “Afteat: W.‘ R. Curtis. ’’Francis Jltefaan.” OEM. RETHUNE DEAD. Washington. Feb/ 13,-Oen. James Nit Bethune, ■ distinguished Georgian, who was the owner and for many years ih\, manager of "Blind Tom." ths fsmoiw nsgro pianist, died at his son’s realdsnc* her* today, aged 91 years. HOWS THIS* W* offer ons hundred dollars reward for any cass of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hali'e Catarh Cur*. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Proprietors. Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, bsv# known F. J. Cheney for th* last fifteen years, and be. Ilava him perfectly honorable In all busi ness transactions and financially ab!a to carry out any obligation made by thslr firm. West A Truss. Wholesale Druggists, To ledo. O. Welding, Kin nan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting directly upon th* blood and mu' onus surfaces ot th* system. Pries Ti cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. by the iresreu'ry ?e£kK™,b *1 “"fig European syndicate for th* purchase the writisof of ti.. new hoe4a Contlnu 4. the re , ^rn^mmittee have had th. bene- I "a>-A» Oajtvwlto fit of a conference with tbe e-creUry aay of ttro^wihjMirereln or al reay.ot> of the treasury, who exhibited to them , »*■■* *?**""* k. the original contract tnten4 into by JrSiL Mnawir on tbe 8th of February an ! e*- t**"* ^n^nnar* It plained Its «1eUil« to A. full and - itandaM gold per doUar If within the oomptete ivpy of cald contra t > here I i w!SK > !ShM«jf thi« m to be acided. From a reading of this "(l.y-Bonda deUvered onder this con- paper lt will be fxn tbat tbe arraagtract are to be deUmod free of accrued UUilOUtfu Biyav To na Emroa—Fleaee Inform your resd- SJS that I hare re pudtire reta. .ly for the rtov# named dlseres*. Iiy tti timely a*j thousands of bopclss* cure hare been per. mrep enUT cured. I shall l* idsd to mad two boUleaofjny remedy ffere to anyof nates who hare cmreumption if Uiey wiU Mod me their Mprres and lavd nEW a , M r ,^ TJ-hlocum, M.O., lxl 1'irerl Ht.,Vw York. «*»• UK. DR J. J. BUBERS. Permanently located. In ths vpseui. ties Ten-real. Loot energy restored. Female Irregularities and poison oak. Cure guaranteed. Address In confi-icncre, with stamp, DO Fourth sirs*!. Macon. Oo.