The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 21, 1895, Image 7

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: FEBRUARY 21, 1895. . 5 181 IK Work on Appropriation Bills in Order to Air Tkoir Views fliiTORCHAKDLKB’3 PREDICTION T>WW Win lie in Extra S.i.In.i Jl»ny Purpoiex, Anions them ,BlnvMtl««* ,on oft,le 0ola Loan-In the lloun. ntfUton, «*- »«co«.nce . tu . ,,-jer ufcd# yesterday, the e ‘ met today at U a. which IC ,ho regular hour until .'lurch . There was a fair attendance , eM tor* when the -proceedings 'f vice president, ha ving U’.d be- he le nat« the resolution offered rj.v oy Mr. Wolcott deoihVing it emt of tho senate that the con- 'tion of a silver Wit should not U (e red Into at this session, Mr. (Democrat) of Arkansas, wmo ‘charge of that hilt, said: , r ,, n *iy that the flRends of r ,stuLir order—‘Ihe pending silver -btte no disposition to Incur the [ t ,[ ( n extra session. We so wl |„ the beginning. Uevclopmenfs L , WW n that while the frlenda of , measure have « majority In this L ; t ; s unpossltole to pass the hill M pr-eut late day of the session am incurring a grave injury to A.;., hills Therefore the J, ! the silver toll have deter- li make no further effort to > it passed this session.” ■ H.cgin-s. who followed dir. Jones. Interrupted at 12 o'clock toy Ihe prtsldfiit, who announced the ■ of 'h» morning near and the tak- np of the unfinished business— i Ac silver bill. I/t l> he laid aside informally,'' Mr. in of Arkansas sufflgested, “so as to w the senator from Delaware '.uiie ills remarks." aa.-t appeal to (ho sauu tor from *aie," .Mr. (ioruwn broke in, "as is to the senator from Arkansas, Case .tils U.SCUSSiOU ut tills time. La sppavpniMlon o.lis are pending La seua,c or iu --ouiitottco aiui it uo iuiii.ku.uio to have a lair oon- railon or incui uuitvu we bog.u 1 must appeal to ithe senator t Delaware m public interest to way auu to permit me to make •tioti that the salute proceed uvusideratlon of tho appro- urn tolll." ter lumber discussion Air. Gorman his motion and Air. Butler, who l t-. c. i>n with the pooling bill, f 'f the yeas and uays. 'ihe vole tukeu and ihe motion was agreed -as uo, uays Hi. The ucgat.v ir « g-V'vu toy deuasurs Bijiicn- let-. Camden, (tamorou, Fuulk- ^union, Jones of Arkansas, Lind- firtm, Allichell of Wisconsin, ind Wolcott. The effect of the a to displace the silver bill, ra il to the calendar, and to bring m appropriation before ue. on this bill Mr. lltggms 1 'he floor and went on tvlfh very of his speech on the Jones ell and against tt. Chandler next addressed tho '*• not upon the Indian b.ll, hotv- bit upon tne silver oill and ■i ihe Wolcott resolution, toimel replied to tho speech of Mlfklns, which was, ho said, a 1 and pitiful picture of the d!s now pervading the civilized I 11 " ihst senator hid called at In -i) a starving lUanchester and [deluded Indian, he had -told the hut little of the distress which [ I'd his own country In c«n«e- the Ill-conceived and I 1 r d action of congress In ■he purchasing ctaiuo of the 'U act. Not a single prophecy ■■ which wero mado by Tne »of the repeal had been fuinitcil. • predlotions which Ue (Mr. Dan- xl alien stated In stated In tfN nr- against the repeal had been . He bed predicted that «n'- [lltlonal repeal of the purchasing j "t the Sherman low .oak* bet led toy s decllneil price of silver, (further decline In the prte -i of f r, bonds ati-l securities, and by ■nipt to retire tho greenbacks, |H 'heac prediction* had been nil- Tbe Democraltlo party, which 'edged Itself to tbe coinage of hkl and eltver and to the repeal ' tax on state banks, had failed t« pledge anil would now “b-> 1 of power, without ever being Jtor.” [r-cular eonsiderat'on of the in [pproprlaitton tolN sms then pro- ‘ with. rout* of dabats Mr, Chandler made a. aeoond speech on amendment to tho Indian blit to ths point that all ibo amendments proposing general legtela- tton on appropriation bills were reported by tho committee on appropriations with •““'"‘"fr’ ^revoking aiscuaston pre- yentln*. the passage of the appropriation bills and thus necessitating the holding , f ** ,ra aeaslon of congress. He ex plained his ballet and hope that the prei- wo “ l<1 c » n sn extra session Imme diately utter the fourth day of Starch, •Old suggested as work for that seaslon ths passage of die Nicaragua Mil, not through a private company, but by pub lic money, the annexation of the Hawai ian islands and a searching Investigation into the conduct of the secretary of the treasury under the direction of the pres ident "of the most remarkable financial transaction that aver took place In the history of fhe government by which a loss of IS,000,000 was caused to the people of the United States.' Two-thrMs of the Indian bill had been disposed of when the senate, at 0:30 o’clock, adjourned. The legislative, ex ecutive and Judicial appropriation bin was reported to the senate today by the committee on appropriations. It carried 121,128,907 as It passed the house In appro priations and this was Increased 190,017 by the senate committee. In executive session today the senate confirmed the nomination of Wllllsm I,. Islsr to be postmaster at Orangtberry, “ C. HOUSE proceedings. So for as the house Is concerned, the navy will be further Increased by the construction of three battle ships and nine torpedo boats. At tbe close of four days deliberation on ths bill making appropriations for the navy and naval establishment for ths hear ending June 311, HIM, ths bourn passed the measure prac tically as reported toy (he committee af ter having refused by a vote of 199 to to re-commlt ths bill upon motion of Mr. Sayers with Instruction to strike out ,e provision for the battle ships. An amendment offered by Mr. Sayers was agreed to, providing that ths secretary of th# navy should not contract to pay a higher pries tor armor plats or gun steel that is paid for ths same article to the some parties by foreign governments. It will also provide that two of ths nlns torpedo -boats should be constructed on the Mlsslselppl river. Efforts by Mr. Cannon tKepuollcan) of Illinois, uj make the bill carry an appropriation of 120,000,- 000 or of 18,000,000 towards defraying the st of tho battle ships, were unavaila ble. In this connection a letter was read from Secretary Herbert, stating that If the construction of the battle ships was authorised In the pending Mu, there would be expended In the year ending June 80, 1(98, on that account only I0U,- 900. The naval toll! being out of tho way, ths house Spent one hour discussing the Ha waiian cable project upon the report of the committee on diplomatic and consul appropriation bill. Mr. McCreary (Demo crat) of Kentucky opposed the cable ss a government enterprise, and moved that the house insist upon lie disagreement to the senate amendment authorising the p.-esldent to contract for laying tbe ca ble. Mr. Hitt (Republican) of Illinois, one of (he conferees, forcibly advocated the cable. He read from the annual mee- •ags of President Cleveland In IMS end 1888, to show that as for back aa that pe riod the president advised Congressional action to secure telegraphic communica tion wtth Hawaii. Tho matter was not disposed of when the house adjourned. A bill was passed a er the unfavorable report of the committee of the whole having been previously passed by mistake and recalled from the senate to Increase the pension of Thomas Corrigan. A resolution Introduced last December by Mr. Pickier (Republican) of South Da kota. and referred to tho committee on civil service reform, was called up by Its author, that commission having acted upon ft and passed. It directs the stcre- tnry of the tressury to Inform the house n*.n„ old soldiers hnvs bssn dis missed from that dspartment sines March 9. 18S3, snd the . An unfavorable report wms mads by Mr. Richardson (Democrat M T«me«ee from the commutes on PrtnUnr- upon the Joint resolution authorising the publt ration of the dairy tesM lumbla exposition. R* ..TL? was In no sense » ” the expense would he hbout www. t «c upb n<'tp*J I s aft* i<t I t Itched , DUKE 1GARETTES I- BAtto tOdete j tHAnk m X-A - Ay 5IGARETTES;, [cumuSTaolVajL. 5i’ made rno Grads Tobacco Absolutely pure Actor Gentry Tells \Yby Ue Shot Ilis Sweetheart in Philadelphia on Sunday, UE WAS 1!\ SAN ELY JEALOUS. She Had Failed to Meet Him In Kew Yo iml He lam* to Philadelphia In a Drunken Condition—May He Saved for fhe Hangman- Soul-Sickening Account of the Murder ous Work of Moosnir Pasha in Asia Minor. CORPSES MARK UIS LINE OF MARCO Village After Village Destroyed and the Uo«U*i of Inhabitants Burned in Their Churches—An Appeal for Help to All Readera* JTfiO pVm. «dJ®uroed un.U tomorrow. TA.KEN TBN TSM®B OVER* Immediate Success <t the Kste Gold Loan. vnw York Feb. JO.—The subscriptions for the 162.500,000 United ®**«*J P f[ cent, bonds wore opened prwnPjly at 10 o’clock this morning at the otnee of J. plerrepoot Morgan ft Co., and JMt twenty minutes later .SKPSosK were closed. There wss lltUaor no cltement at the office of. Morgani ft <- ’-- In fact the attendance there i about the same ss on "ther days. Thu tsao- counted for toy the feet ttos* ths butk od bid* were sent In by mad, and for this reason today's penfoimanice was lookod upon (ii a mere formaUty, to u*e tne exprewlon of one of the leading mein* bars of the syndk-ate. The bonds -were subserVbed for at least ten times over, and the loan 8o every particular has been an enormous success. Mr. Morgan Is authority foe the statement that no details will be given out until Saturday, when the allotments are to toe made. Tbe bonds soM at 4 per esn*. premium In London today and lid was bid on ths streets hers this morning. A mem ber ef the syndicate Is tho authority for the statement that the enormous over-subscription of the bonra wss as tounding oven to the syndicate. The guccess of the whole deal abroad can not toe measured In Immediate connec tion with ths sals of the bonds. It Is anticipated that It -wtft rsvtve the In- terest In American securities and r'Jm- ulate an Interest in other securities such as has not existed alnce the Ber ing panic, thus turning the real bal ance of Investment In our favor. The strain upon our gold holdings will thus bo relieved for the first Urns In two yetn, THE CONTRACT COMPLETED. WXsMmrton. Feto. It.—United mates Ticasursr Jordan sent thtt telegram to Assistant »v-rotary Curtis today: "New York. Feb. 20. 2:80 p. m.—In form the secretary that syndicate have completed th* matter of nunhsas of gold coin on this stde and hnve now turned tn 11.123,000 gold ooln In ex change for United States notes 4n ea rns of the contract." This I* understood . to mean that 9t0.000.000 In sold have been secured hv the Belmont-Morgan syndlesto In Amerkm fbr payment tof the bonds..'he balance, nearly tis.ii00.000, having been secured tn f/mdon. where nearly four 1 tones the sHottn -m fbr that side was subscribed foe, So dee trt,«S9 *Tn In gold have been received by tn- treasury from She syndic ite. snd J210CO HO In oertMcstes letued to It It will prob ably be several w.-ks before the bonds are ready Oor delivery. that r.ixHMiA nutuniN'i Atlii-ta. Fc'-. 2 ■ —(Fim- :<:.)—Wh<--... Georgia will have a building at th Cotton etstes Exposition or not all j r ibably be esttlel tom.-rrow. At the roquew: of Governor Atklnsbn, Presi dent Collier of the Kv.-reltlon cornu ny hAt appointed a committee from tn l- anl of directors to meet the etate 0--ard tomorrow and If poe»:blo to come tn rat understanding In r>-xsnl t( the building. Ths state iMird Is tirm ly of tho opin tt that the Ezpo-ftlon company shout' furti'.-'i a Goorg toulktlng, anl unleM tbe comrany do< fu :. - it tho -tats trill n <t have buKdlns at all. Phltadelpli'.a, l-\-to. 20.—Magistrate MlUlguo, accompanied toy nls clerk, John iloffott, ills* JLdda Clark, tne sole wlitness to tho shooting of mum Drysdall, and Detective -Murray, went to the German Hospital at noon und tho magistrate gave Gentry a formal preliminary hearing, holdi ng him r> await tho action of tho coroner, in - murderer -was conscious of the proceed ing. Gentry then made a depceTUon of tho tragedy, which -was reduee-i to writing by Clork Moffett as follows: “I Was Insanely Jealous, l Mil known Madgo iDrysUall since August, 1893. We became friendly end wore engaged to be marred snd she wore my ring on her linger, hhe also bought me a ring which she paid over $HK) for. I was to have met her In Now Tork on Sunday. Her letters had turned cold and 1 had wired her a number of times to let me know the oauso of tbe sudden change, which was natural, my thinking as much of her ss 1 did. Her talegram read: “‘120XJ—I leave hero at 10.' I hid Journeyed all night from Boston and was very sleepy -wood 1 got to nr-w Vork sod did not get there until 12:43. I arrived there and did not s-e shy. thing of her in the 12:43 boat. I could not do anything. I was a complete wreck and went to her father's house and asked if he hud heard anything of her coming. He said no; l had better go (town again; there were some more trains and 1 might meet her. I went down again and, not seeing her. bought a round trip ticket and took a tra il for i'hliadulifiila. In the mean time I had been drinking on toeing dla- Uppohiied. On arriving Iu Philadel phia I went to the Irving house and then to Miss Dlotnch and heard eho was next door, went into Aoss’, met 1'orko's room. 1 had u pistol In my pocket which 1 hid brought, -with me. Mr. Zelet and asked where was M ss I said, in my mind, "l may have to about suute Borneo la the toot.” I tuUy exported to find a muu In her room—a little -blonde fodow. 1 went up siulra and WAitked luto the room aud when 1 «.w her wus very much de lighted. I said: "Well, darling, 1 havo come." 1 l.veil on beef and olam bro.h f»r a week -provtoua. i was euuip.eUiy upset. 1 said: "Arc you glad to aeo uieif Sho seemed to be awfully d.s- auDolnted at uiy appeursnee. she •aid: “Oh! Why, idiktut *«B ftOUf here!” I said: "Darling, -won't you kks raer She said: "1 will not." I said: "You won’t?’ She replied: “No." These seemed to be her l ist words nod she result followed. I was Insanely Jealous. 1 had no 1 of shoaling her when I left Bcwt-n But 1 -was so enraged, for I loved the woman." The physicians under whom Gentry Is being treated say: Gentry has two lacerated wounds of the •cnlp, with toracturo of the outer part of ihe skull. Ho has one fractun-d rib, penetrating the pleura, the lining of the chest. Ue has three alight stab wound* over tbe region of the heart and numerous contusion* and abra sions of the body. The most serious of his physical Injuries t* the broken rib, penetrating the pleum. The wound permits the slf to enter under neath the skin and produce emphy sema. 'IV fpseturo of the skull is not serious. Ills real condition fa more of general exhaustion than any thing else. Ills chano-s for recovery arc even. If ho has -the stmitvi of constitution to puli 'him through fh - Issue of course will he favorable. All depends upon 8hls. lie Is unffortng from exposure more thsn from actual injuries. Boston. .Mass., Fob. 20.—The Globa nutol1s/ti«-H die following front MoohIi, Asia Minor, -which, tt stays. Is the first dooorintion by an eye witness of Moo- shir Parfha's march of ibtood. MooSMr Pasha Is (lie military governor of the city of Brzeroum end started toy order of tfhe sultan into ttoe Sassoun dis trict 1-aet Septem-ber. Innutnerobls burned villnizee-and 7,293 Uves wers the price of this official visit: “Moosti. Asia Minor.—(The number of our dead countrymen tn the fourteen towns visited toy Moostotr Pasha ts not far Hhort of 7.600. This Is from bridles oounted and known to have perished. We cannot tell haw many otlhers -there may toe. "The first town entered by Mboshlr Pasha -was Shtnlk. It contains four vil lages. Shlnlk, Mezra, Koojoek and Dony. When our people here hoard of the a rrlvat of the -partia, Fr. Johannis a1uh 3(0 ai the leading townsmen want to meet him to beseech him to have moroy upon town. They were eur- rounded -by soldiers long before they could xot to Mcnshlr Pusha. and every one was ktllnl. Their bodies were put In the dtnmft and burned. Them they reded to burn the vUluges. Tho number killed freen Shlnlk proper number 623. aud (17 from tbe reel of the villages. Those who escaped are now in the villages surrounding this town, but the villagers are tbetnselves very poor ssrts-many go hungry. “Moahlr Portia left Shtnlk to go bo the next town tn Baasoun district. This town i« Alvan and has fourteen vil lages. Tho people heard of Ids com ing and -Shat he toad twenty-four cam- Dsaales. each 400 men, besides twenty- throe cannon. They know bhnit It wee ust-leie) to aopeat to him, so they fled to the villose of Chive, composed of rooks and steppes. Mid (here Xliey could beitter esoaoo him. They Stayed m the mourjlalne for almost twenty days, and when all food wss gome and there wus nothing left too do, they fled ns be* they oould. Two thousand bodies were left behind at Chlvt. "Oall-Oaxa-n was next, and toeoaure the-town has twenty-two villages around It. MoosMr brought Kurds. Ah- n-ldls aod irregulars numbering (0,000. The i-iwn was deserted, for the people, with all the food they ooutd carry, had flel to Ch-e njountatns. They stayed In their fastnesses for thirty days, and nt last, with a frenzy born of hunger and despair, they made a terrible rush down -file mountain sides and attacked it,-- -tyrants LISUW of WTjiting to be killed. I'aftriot Vartan was like a goj Nothing but Dirt is taken away by Pearline? It raj Won't m?.ke black white— it gives you a clean black, instead of a dirty black, that’s all. Colors are re stored and freshened by it, and look just as they did when new. < They are cleaned, but they are never r.ltered or changed. Safety pomes first in washing. The easiest and cheapest way to get things clean safely is to wash them with Pearline. - I’eddlcrs and some mucninulom grocers will tell you. I—< QV T T Q "this isos good ss* or “the same os Pearline.’’ IT'S J- It . VV CXI xL l-'.\ — l’larimi tou an Imitation, he honest—tenj it loti. 309 JAMES l'YLE, New York. STOLE FROM THE MAILS. Chi more Opened Bank Letters and Forged Indorsemento. FMlsdelphla, Feto. 20,-John D. Oil- more of this City wus arrested today for atte.dlnx from the mulls and upou a charge of forgery. Ho was held In 81.200 ball to answer the 1 alter charge In tbe Delaware county court, but ae tho letters he stole hod never been mailed, the former Charge was dropped. Five valuable letters sent out by fhe Firm National Bank of Williams port. Pa., taut Novumber disappeared arid the bank ctoargnl they )md boon stolen Dram the mails. Ttoe let ters were -addressed to the onrr™pen dents at the bank In New York, Fhlla- delbhin. WllkoSbirre, Dltrona nod Bha- g -okln. arid represented s great dell of lerioal work, the cosh and time Items axeregntlng $00,000. OUnxoro picked tne letters up on the streets where they toad been dropped, and tried to dexKtslt m- at -the drafts with (he Dela ware Oaunly Trust Com- nenv of Cbeeker, P*., under the name of D. 8. MoDOnaJd. The receiving tel- tel susneoted somethlnff and Oltmore wim reoueHted to Have the draft for oolleotton. The ’Williamsport bunk av«* notified and bis arrest foil toted. fr. sd- mtKon 1o this Hir Delaware Trust Oo-m- pinv preferred a charge against him of ofitetmoting to obtain money under faltse nretelires. A stoillor ctonrge -was made against htm -by the Trust Crwnoanv of Camden, N. J., through whom he tried to collcot a drift. Gilmore orirntt-ted uhuil on January 14 and 15 he forged (he n-rnie of w. H. Pa-inter. coShier of the West Brunch Bank, to two sight drafts on the Farmers' and Mechanics’ B-vnk of 'his dtv. On* -was In the name of p. B. McDonald and for 9460, und tho other, for 1600. was In favor of F. P. Schade. was until reecnily a clerk in th« West Branch Bank of W-iDiamriport. It Is not yet known how much -money Gilmore ,-eillacd. BEHRING SEA SEALS President snd killed nineteen men with his own riw.-rd before too fell dead. Fr. Bedrns killing of any fur soils within -the ter- wn-K n ooldierl Koo. sKtoursgrd his rttory or Alaska "or His oh r Iron, an-1 when he urns at last W TBER indications I ' -ror; A DIPLOMATS SUICIDE. His Physical Sufferings Were Too iUiM for Him -to Eddairs. WaSWnxton. Fob. 20.—Mr. P. Bog- dinoff. first sScretary of the lluroian legation, shot MmseH with a pistol at 10 O'clock this moralng In his sleeping anartsneuU an-1 died lnsuuuly. The onlv cause assigned was that he had suffered from neuralgia since he came to Wbahlmstoa. a month it go. This morning, shortly before 10 o'clock, the maid at hie lodgings visited Me rooms and took hli order for toreokrost anil when She returned fifteen minutes later she w.n astonished to find him dead, no noise having been heard In the house In (he meantime. From the clr- cumeUnoes. todwever. no doubt It en tertained that Lhe fatal shot was fired hv til* awn hand. Mr. Bogdanoff was recently tha Ruaalon charge d'affaires at Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, where he nblr ronrosentad hi* country during the rsvotutksi. Hewn* 1! of>age. Slnoe toe came to Washington he has been afflicted with a srwere form of neuralgia. Which he attributed to the sudden change In Ihe^HltuaAo from Rio de Janeiro to -this olty. A SOUABBLF. AT LONDON. London. F*to. 20.—The Untied States i.sti pfgscaetax wss Issued tats res- terdav afternoon and a regular fight ; M : f- ' I’li - - l:l U.- line. 'Mid this morning there was re n-a-'-l rush of mba-rtherB. The loai mas »uh* r!b»d this morning for many times over. The tsSllKII :i-t one tlm today ra-odhed 4 3-6. Clovrland's Ptriclammtlon Has Been Imued. AVartfirortop. Feto. 20.—President Cleveland has issued his annual pro- elafaWon In regard to fur seals. The. document. Which Is dated February 18, hut -was onlv made public today, dif fers In no respoat (except In date and etgnrttures) from prevhma proclama tion* issued toy th* United Bt-sfes. Tbe provisions of soot tun l»66. revised stat utes, and of section 3 ftf the *«t of 6*- 2. i-SO. sec- Huuisi. Those prw- vlslops forbid, uniter penalty of fine and Imnrtnmoncnt. (he unauthorlzeil given totond oire from the counties of Wilcox, Washington, Ware, Screven, Oconee, Laurens, Jones, Irwin, Greene, Dodge, Colquitt and Clayton. The re ceivers who have not as yet given bond are from the counties of Stewart, Terrell, Wlicox, Washington, Wane, Troup, Screven, Ooonee, Milton, Marlon, Lamrens, Irwin, Greene, Colquitt, Clay ton and Brooks. CHARLIE TKWEATT PARDONED. Atlanta, Feb. 20.—(Special.)—Gover nor Atkinson -today pinioned Charlie T-hweatt, oolored, of -Monroe county, who was sentenced to five years In th • pe.nlleutlary for a simple case of Ur- ceny. He hid already served over four yc.r*. and tho pardon Was recom mended by Judge Harris and a great many citizens of ittoe county. CHIEF CLERK OSGOOD DEAD. Washington. Fob. 20.—Harvey E. Osgood of New York, dhlef clerk of tho fourth awlsCant piwtmnotcr general, was etrlcken wllti appoplexy about noon tril-lv while at his desk and died ■Wily offariofi}id ■ GAIT. FLH.M1NG DEAD. He Was One of the Meet txnoiwn Kali- way Men in tne Oountry. ri.ivanmih, Keto. 2U.—Robert U. CkMn- uif, «U|K-i-.«.undent of tho Buramuh, Florida und Western rsllr-ad, who was stricken with paralysis eight (lays ago, died this ufteruoun. Ho was one o{ -the -hurt kuo-tva railroad men m tne std-te. Ho.bqd long been connected with tn- Plant sjutem and has l> cn suocczifu! In hU railroad undertakluga. He was once conductor on tbe Charlotte an.l Columbia and Augusts ra-tid. in ISOS) he was appu. tiled toaster of tr-ansaort- atlon. He was ora-- »up?nnteudeiK or the Port'llnyal and Augusta road. In isst he acoegited the suprrlntendetioy of the Sivanni.h, Ftorkli and Wcst-rn railroad, und Oipt. Klenv'.ng has been with the Plant system ever since 18.81. During the -war lie was captain of a eompiny In Wado Hampton's Legfon. HU attack -of paralysis was the result of overwork. TWO FAIPA1L BUltNlNGS. , ^ „ . ban he win* at last kl-lo-1 his toady was cut in pieces ami given to the doge. , ,“ A ! r ^ ,hp ,n ‘ <t tewn that the bloodrhlretv tyrants visited, and this rJifn Hsht .xtHsgos—Verden, i- -1 n- to -"iu n ci i iJ; r’l'.,.! f >- the nwt Dart road-' thetr taea-pe, hut when Moortilr ,-ind his eil-Ilers went (heir Way 1.300 Indies were found y v ” n ..” r »- M'nv mere ns-re humnl. but (heir number cannot be known. • All bodies were left wbore they were butchered aisl those who muM travel this diairlet must risk ’ (heir live* through the pestilential odors mat gn uo from so many Vad. All who escanad from the Passoum diitrirt came to the villi-gen of the plains of Moorti. oral, hungry, destitute otid l>roken-ti«s:hrd, they lrr-k for ami belD an-1 srtnpaSiby from Che civilized world to -whom the nows of their ter rible lot may fill. WANTS TO KNOW WHY. The Chinese Eirincror Desires an. Ex planation of Recent Defeac*. London. F.-b. 20.—The correspondent of the Central News at Pekin says: Mr. IV.hlck. formerly Unvtesl States vice oannl at Dentzln, has gone to meet LI Hung Chang to consult with him tnxm tomwnttint tnutfeera. The em peror demands a full explanation of the defines of -oho Chinese of late snd wants to know the amount an-1 dispo sition of the wtir expenses. A disnateto frcmi Fo» Chaw reports that numerous secret ordera ntv being formed, whose abject* ere unknown, It It (bought they are political. Japanese warahlpn are In Formom Channel waiting to Intercept vessels with contraband cargs*»«. A dlsoatrti from Tokio says that Admiral Ito reovr's from W-H Hal AVel, under the -Hto of February 17, as fol lows: 'Tsfav the entire fitet enterel the trtitoor. The torts on Liu Kung Tao Island, the torpedo stands and the warships Chen Yuen. Chon Ylun, Kwsne Ptn. Chen Pten. Chen Chun, Chon PI. Chen Nan. Oh-’n 81 and Chen Long, together with the unvemment buildings, were ceiled to us. and our crow* were sent to prepare tho shine for silling. The Ohen Yuen will temmrarilv be sent to Port Arthur and the other vessels go to Japan. All the forts ere now toeM by crows from Port Arthur r.ttval station. PHILADELPHIA'S ELECTTON Official Figures of the Landslide of Tuesday. Philadelphia. Feb. SO —The complete vote tor mavor anl receiver of taxe* in vert-rdm"* - lion was: For mayor. Charts* F. Wars', k (Republican), 137,- it ibert E. I’lttls -n (D-m -raat), TS.;:*: Jo*m 1 Wsbeevm- fProh*W!!on- 1*41. 1.062: Albunrus 8. ASman (Populist), ISO. Warwick's rlurality, to,SS3. for r-'-etrer of taxes. Wtlllwn 3. Roney ffiMrAKouX 131.637: s>l\ er Ronif- f--n (D-moernt). 79.175; George W. ltron (Pr-a.tbttioolal), 97d. Roney's plu rality “ of nit n-nv tkris and proMMtlng all authorised persons from entering ths wnltera of D-hrtng Sea for uhla pur pose. The nroolamatlon simply follow* th* Bnea of the revised statutes of the United mates and makes no reference to (he Schedule* of the Purls tribunal of srlbttralton. Whtch ertatolhdied a for bidden gone at slaty miles around the Prtbvinff lslonds gad only pn-hltots Ole killing In Brtiring Bea outeldp (hot wins between ith* 1st of Moy and the (1st af July of each year. JOKES ON HATTERLRE. Hie Atlanta Friends 'Mad" Ills Wedding Tour One Long Pleasantry. Atlanta, Feb. 29.—(ftpeotoJ.)—Lieuten ant Batter)**, aulitant adjutant gen eral, returned to duty soday otter a wedding trip of two week* through th* land of llowera. Lieutenant Batter- lee I* a favorite about the capital and as a consequence of his popularity i« has had to stand the good natured practical Jakes of hta balchelor friends. When he res ailed his office today he found a bunch of whltu ribbon on the door knob, upon which was printed the date of bis marriage and -the announce ment of his probable return In about two weeks. When the lieutenant called for his trunk at Jacksonville to which point It hod been checked by his friends p> save him trouble (he day of bis wed ding, he found ft bedecked with a bolt af white ribbon. Of course everybody who saw tho trunk caught on and the blushes warn kept constantly on the gallant lleutcnasit’s cheeks. Then when he started out to walk In JacksouvtUo with -Mrs. Batteries, he found the sun rather warm, ami de. elded «o put up bis umbrella. His friends bad also fixed that snd when the umbrella was hoisted a shower of rloe fell out. NORTHEASTERN BONDS. BUte Treasurer Hardeman Has Re ceived 1110.000 of the Securities, Atlanta, Feb. 20.-(Spectal.)-Up to toftiy State Treasurer llardemau bad received 1110.000 of the Northeeatern railroad bom la deposited under the act of tho legislature providing for their redemption by raw state borate. Thera are (260.000 of the bonds In all. and ac cording to the terms of the act two- thlrds Of them or tlMOOdTausTbe^ta the bands af ths state treasurer by March, in order that the redemption plan may be carried out. There are only seven days left before the tkwt of March and 76,000 of tbe bonis are yet to be deposited to carry out the plan It docs not look now a* it they would be forthcoming and the plan will prob ably fell through. v Horrible Death* of Mr*. Norsowrather and. Mrs. B^rt at Ualumnus. Columbus, Ga., Fob. 2D.—-At 7 o’clock this morn tig 'Mrs. Norsowaither, wcilla Standing lu front of an open grate, caught nre and mis horrioiy iairueu before help touched her. suffered agony several houiu beroro death. »n.- loaves two children, graivn. Over In Girard, about in o’clock to day, Mm. U. O. Itert, who was r-.-centty releasod from -the asylum, was left alone In -tbs dhuug-room. Hh<* had not entirely rroovered her nil ml, tbougti sho was not cons'dwrjj hopel-rily oraxy. In some -may she cuugnt fir- from the atove -and burned so badly that death l» inevitable in a tow hour*. Complete Fertilizers for potatoes, fruits, and all vegetables require (to secure the largest yield and best quality) At Least IO% Actual Potash. Results of experiments prove this conclusively. How and why, is told in our pamphlets, ! >■/ »;<: s«d' It will ccst V'l nsthing lo real ihrm, and tVy wfll gsw yoa JULIUS HHDVVLW CLAIM. Atlanta, Frit, !W.—(Spcool.j—Judge John T. Pendleton, ss special master, is asguged hi b»Hug the m invoiv- ing tho fees to be paid on account of the rocriversblp of tbe Western and AitenUo railroad. Tbe raerivera, wtiy. wora tl»* late Joseph E. Brown ana Cof. K. B. Stshlm in, wire appointed on tbo petition of Mr. Walters of Uil- tlmore, through Julius L. Brown. Mr. Brown pot in a claim for 100,000 for bis tenders !n securing tho appoint ment of the receiver, an-1 it is to hx the smount of tbe fie tvsbe attowed that the case Is now bring bexrd. At bert Howell. Jr., as sp-cbl maater, also two g claim In for a snug fee. TRAGEDY OF THE BLIZZARD. Family of Five People Frozen to Death In Their Cabin. Iron-dale, Mo.. Feto. 26.—From Beau fort mountain, eight rot Ira south of this place, comes the report of a sad Incident which lUppeesed In that «ec- tloa during the rucent bllsxard. A wood- chopper named John C. Warner, hta wife and three chtktren, were found In an Isolated wood-clKg>plng. three mile* from (he nearest farmer, and five miles from any town. Tin- finding of tbe bodies was purely accidental. James Rollins, a young farmer, was tracking a deer and while pansing through tho clearing noticed a small cabin and being attracted to It, pushed open the door and Was horrified to see, on rude bods, the fomis at five persona, all still In death. It Is supposed tho summon* came wtoffs they niept. as all wore undot coverlets and (bowed no sign of pain or of a struggle. Rollins notified th* neighbors who mode cof fins and burled tbe entire family. They may have been dead two or three weeks but it • probaixe that they died on Friday night, February a, when tho thermometer registered fifteen degrees below fn this vicinity. WOMACK IN LUCK. Annotated Chief Clork of (he Interior Deunrtma-K. Wosblnxtrii. Feto. 20.. ■ Hoke fbnhih today -appointed Emmet Womack of Georgia abief clerk af tho Interior deportment, vice Josephus Ikuild*. sho rMfsiwI to nssunte mon- aoamont of ttie Ralrigtr, N. C.„ News and Observer. Mr. Womack hne tor same timo been an assistant attorney of tho Interior department. BONDS Atlanta. W ram the tax FILED. Ipecial.)—1 doll-u CfekMAN KALI .YORKS, vs Nuw.a Sytri, Nor Ynh, not os yet Most Penetrating Remedy in Existence. ARRAKTKO 1ATI1 Horse Slzex, 50c. and Sl.oo bottlex Dr. EARL S. SLOAN CO. BOSTON, MASS.. U.S.A. \ » llu>- Hook “Trcali ” v* at Free.