The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 21, 1895, Image 8

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^— THE MACON TELEGEAPH: THURSDAY MOENING, FEBEUAEY 21, 1895. 7 THE WORLD OF TRADE. 25,000 bales, agralnst 36,000 last year, abd 41,(100 in 1852. reliable dry goods trade journals report & marked Improvement In business. The volume of trade is re ported to exceed anything ror a coimm< erable period. There is a large Increase of visaing buyers and they evince ti de sire to operate on more liberal lines. Re ports from the West show that tho re* New York, Fdb» 20.-Money on call easy 1 covery In trade, after the prolonged (le af lilt loan 1V4 and closing offered presslon, has betn rapid, and orders from at 14.' Prime mercantile paper. 84*4 per I 'h® South Indicate a general recuperation Reports by Wire From the| Great Markets. cant. Bar ailver 604. Mexican dollars, 4x4. Sterling exchange Is weaker, with actual buslnesa in banker’! bills at 4.86-14 for sixty days and 4.88 for demand. Posted rates 4.874*83. Commercial bills 4.364. Government bonds higher, state bonds dull: railroad bonds « tr0 “*; d Bl,ver at the Doard was 61 bid, 63 asked. f of the advantages lost during the latter part of last year. Considering the situa tion as a whole, thb latest reports are that the market is In a healthier condi tion Chan for several years past. E. B. Cuthbert & Co. STOCKS AND BONDS. BAILBOAP STOCKS, Amer. Cot Oil... do prefd. Am. Sugar Kehn; lio. 16% q..145% !... 71# >r iienu; «7, prefd. 90% Am. Tobacco Co. *8% ao prefd. 103% A.. T. and 8. Fe. 4 Balt, ana Ohio.. 02Vi Canadian l'acillo 43% Chesa. and Ohio. 16% Chi. and Alton Chi., ii. and Q. Chicago Gas... Dei., b. and VV*.. 168 Dii. and Cattle F 9% Erie 8% do profd. 17 Gen.Electric.... Illinois Con 86% Lake Erie and W 15% do prefd. 7l Lake Shore 13i.% Lon. and Mash... 62% Lou. and N. Alb. 6% Manhattan Cons. 107 Mem. and Char.. 10 Michigan Cen. .| 90 MiaHonn Pacitic. 21 Mobile and Ohio. 14 N., C. and St L.. C4 ■TATE BONDS. Alabama class A.105 . Tenne’se old 6a.. *• •• B.ioft * •• C* 96 La. stamped 4'«..100 K. Carolinaoa.... 99 - is....125 MANCHESTER COTTON REPORT. Manchester, Feb. 20.—The Guardian, In Its commercial article, says: The recovery of silver exchange has Imparted a more hopeful feeling and checked the decline, rather than having the efrect to bring about an actual Im provement. Some buyers are disposed to offer moro freely, but rarely enhance bids, and some producers are less eager to consider inquidies. Thfc latest Eastern telegrams do not report any improve ment In trade. The resolution of the master cotton spinners of the Bolton dis trict to join the Federation and notify their employes of a reduction of 6 per cent, in wages Is regarded as of much Importance to the industry generally, and Is widely believed that It will lead to _ combined action In Oldham and other districts In a similar direction, resulting In the early Issuance of a general notice of reduction. The feeling has become •widespread among the masters, that the general depression and the accumulation of supplies, arising from the rclmposltlon of'Indian duties and the low rates of exchange will abundantly Justify the Wh’I’g snd L. E.. 8% I attempt. Occasional lots have been plao- do prer<L 36% ©d In Calcutta and there haye been some Southern B’jf 6s. boj% I inquiries for Dhootles, shirtings and wide con. 9% bleaching goods from Madras at low P^’.S'• I prices, which have been partly booked. There is a limited amount of business from China, but elsewhere It Is trlfllpp. Yarns are generally firm. U. S.Cordtge.... 4% do prefd; 6% New Jersey Cen.. 83% New York Gen... 99 N. Y. snd h. E.. 30% Norl. and W. pref 11% Northern Pacific- do prefd. 15% Northwestern... 91 do prefd. 139 Pacific Mail. 22% Reading.... Rock Island..... 62^ ot. Paul. ®7« lmpor J2% |t is ’ >•••••• a corr rttatri, 1 . 18/4 ,h ' sfdt 7(1 si | sfd. 18 V, Silver Ceruno et wj, Tenn. C. and 1... 18/. do prefdt 7(1 Texas Faciiio Union 1’acitto W., St. L. and do prefd. Western Union 8. 0. iy* 108 newset.Sa* 84}^ - 6s Virginia 6sdef... 8%\ lundsddebl GOVERNUENT BONDS. U.S. is r6glst'd..!12 ] U. S. 2s regular.. 95 U. S. 4a coupons.lia | • Bid, f Asked. t Ex dividend. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, Feb. 80 Colton epot market fair; prices steady; American middling o 1-32. Sales 1J.UBB bsle-, *m«riesn 12.801': rpccnlation and export ll).x> Receipt* for the day 48,000, of which 43,200 were American. Futures closed quiet. granulated, 3 16-16; confectioners A, 3 13- fancy. 64*84; good, 44*44; Rice—Better ■I'-raar. choice, 4&a4; prime, 4 Rio Coffee—Fair, 19; low "fair, 184; good ordinary, 1744; ordinary, 1C’.; low ordina ry, l£%; Mexican prime, nominal; good, 194; fair, 19V4; low fair, 19. i Crude Cotton Seed i >11—strictly prime, crude, 204*31; loose, 184*19 j reflned, per gallon, 24. NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Feb. 20.—Turpentine cloRed at 234 for regulars; sale/, 60 casks; re ceipts. 32. Rosin—Firm; sales, 3,000 barrels. Quote ABC, 1.00; D, 1.05; E, 1.20; x, 1.26; G. 1.35; H. 1.80; I, 2.00; K, J.2I); M. 2.50; N, 2.70; window glass, 2.75; water white, 2.85. Charleston, Feb. 20.—Turpentine Ann at 284; no recetpte. Rosin—Firm; good strained, 1.10; re ceipts, 180. Wilmington. Feb. 20.—Rosin firm; strained, 1.074; good strained, 1.124 bid. Spirts turpentine 284 bid. Tar quiet at 1.00. Crude turpentine firm; hard, 1.10; soft, 1.E0; virgin, 1.70. 6TATE OF GEORGIA BONDS. BW.Assd. T per cent bonds. Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1836 106 107 44 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1915... 114 115 44 per cent, bonds. Ian and July coupons, maturity 1022 116 117 34 per cent bonds, Jat. and July coupons, maturity loss date..101 103 COTTON. Uacon, February 30. February I Opened. I Oloa"<l MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 5 per cent, bonds 104 106 Atlanta bonds, price as to rate of Interest ind maturity 100 120 Augusta bonds, price as to rate of Intereae and maturity ioo 111 Rome bonds, 8 per cent I1M4 10G Columbus 6 per cent, bonds ... .103 104 Macon C per cent, bonds, quar terly coupons ....; m RAILROAD BONDS. Savannah. Amerlcua and Mont, gomery railroad 6 per cent, bones. Jan. uiul July coupons 43 S3 Georgia Southern and Florida railroad 6 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, duo 1972.... 83 85 Fob.-Marcb March-April..., April-May. The Macon market for spot cotton is steady May-Jnne at the following quotations- Good Middling {K Middling 6 Strict Low Middling 4%, Low Middling Good Ordinary *% Ordinary 'f , Clean Stains 6 to 4% Red Stains June-July.... t _ July-August... Aug-Sept Hept-Oct Oct-Nor. 2 63-64*3 r 2 63-64 2 63*64a3 J 2 63-CI 3 63-64 a3 No 3 3 u3 1-64 6 3 2-04 3 2-64 b 3 3-04 3 3-64 61s 3 4-61 3 4-64a3 5-64 c J 0-154 3 6-C4 a 3 7-04 3 7-64 Ch 3 0-64 3 8-64a3 9-6) K >31 LOCAL RECEIPTS. rd i 1 4 5 1 •a* i 4 is 5 1 3 This Day.. 13 13 1 31 305 115 5115 Yesterday 156 39 195 60J 362 | 5149 coxrAsamx btatemext. Stack on band Mnninmber 1. 1894.H . Received since September 1,1894 51,762 The start roar receipts. Saturday. Monday. Tuesday Wednesday... Thursday Friday Total this week 14163 11290 14906 16901 10511 21904 24496 20369 10446 0262 82,439| 00,6? 0 81.6291 80,110 New York, Feb, 20.—Cotton dull. Middling gnlf 5y,i middling upland 54,. Hale* 66 bales. The fntnre market closed ta,y. Bales- 102.800. CHICAGO GRauN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago, Feb. 20.—W neat had quite a satisfactory tone, the buna deriving muoh gratification and conanserab.e prom from the action of tne mantel. Pardrldge waa said to have sold at and around tne bot tom, and to have bought tne wneat back when the major portion of tne day’s gain had been made. Tne greatest activ ity waa seen during the last hour, pre vious to that time no trading of conse quence having taken place. Commission houses were doing practically notning, the scalpers keeping the market trom degenerating into absolute lifelessness. as weiut on the noruiwest car* which were again large, 42U coming in. They were lost sight of later in tne talk of the financial Improvement, the senate’s Inability to reach a vote on the silver bill, and the London subscription to the bond Issue. Tnere were repo, is ot heavy purchases of cash wheat In the rshwMt bv Minneapolis millers, which Induced some buying. May wheat open ed from 624 to 624*4; sold between 624 and 634; closing at 634*4—4*4 hlgmr than yesterday. Cash wheat was hall cent per bushel higher. Corn—Very fow outside order* were received In corn today, but price* obtain ed strength from the rise In wheat. There was no alteration In the situation and the news was unimportant. Slay corn opened at 444; told between 44>4u4. and cioeed 444a4; closing at the outside —4 cent higher than yesterday. Cash January February March April June July August Keptember October. November December axestrrs and reposts. Consolidated net receipts.. “ Export* to O. Britain. “ Exports to Franco.... “ F.i|>orts to continent. Stock on hand at Now York | Opened | Closed I corn waa strong and 4 cent higher than 1 yesterday. Oat—The activity In oata waa altogeth er of a negative kind. The pit was fre quently deserted and even at best, the tranimctloni were insignificant. The tone was Identical with that of wheat and corn. May closed 4 higher than yester day. Cash oats were firm and 4 higher than yesterday. Provision*—The outlook for tomorrow In hoga was discounting to holder* of product, snd tinder the depression re ported at the yards, this market eased off and closed 5 cents under yesterday for May pork, and 24-6 cent* lower than that day’s final figures for May lard and rtbs. Domestic market* were easy, To-day. | for the | Week. Central railroad common stock.. U U Central railroad 6 per cent, de- bttuics 2| a Southwestern railroad stock.... 65 67 Georgia railroad stock 160 157 Atlanta and West Point rail- road debentures 90 33 Atlanta and West Point railroad stock so a Central railroad Joint mortgige 7 per cent, bond* Jan and July coupons uo Ccorgla rafipoad 6 per cent, bonds, Ja... and july coupons, duo 1697 103 103 Georgia railroad 6 per rent, bonds, Ja„. and July coupon* July coupon* duo 1310 110 ill Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bona* Pan. and Juiy coupons, due 1922 113 m Montgomery and Ejfaula ra'l- ro-d. * r-t cent- bonds. Jan. and July couoons. due VJ09....170 103 Ocean 8t-am*-.!p bond* 6 per due 1920 . a Columbus sod Western railroad 6 per cent. July coupon- tvs Columbus and Rome rallrotd 6 per ceit. bond* Jan. and July coupon*. . - .. a es Augusta anl Knoxville railroad 7 per cent, bond* Jan. and July coupon* due 1900 1054 108 LOCAL BONDS AND STOCKS. Macon Gas L-gui ana Water consol* May and November coupons m Wesleyan college 7 per cent. bond* Jan. and July coupons.tOS 113 Macon Volunteer A" Arnory > per cent, bond* Jan. and July cou pons 194 n* Bibb Manufacturing Company 6 per cent bona* April and oct coupons 199 Progress Loan and Improvement Company , H Southern Phosphate Company stock 78 Acme Brewing Company BANK tSTOCKfl. 16,901. 62.480 973, 7,916 28,983 .... 101 400 25,210 U,5« ’dotal sinco hep* 1—Not receipt*.... 6,492,693 «•«*. “ “ Export* toO. U. 2,669,393 - - - Exp. toFranoo. 629,012 I Exp, comment. 1,788,286 FUTURE QUOTATIONS, Tl.e leading futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT— Open High Low Clo* >x w oxlxax* cnoeixo r Croat* July CORN— Few. ■alee 46,800 bale* January 1 July. 6 40 February 5 17 | August 6 45 March. 5 24 | September 6 48 I April 5 22 l October 8 80 May 6 28 | November 8 45 June .6 34 I December July OATS— Feo. May June I-ORK— 28.—Dull. Middling. 64; Mld- PORT QUOTATIONS. Galveston, Feb. 2».-8teady. Middling, (4; receipts, 4,898: stock, 147.971. Norfolk, Feb. ».—Steady. Middling, 6 *-14; receipt* 654; stock, 43.449. Baltimore, Feb. 20—Dull. Middling 64: stock. 23.8“ atiuonng, Boston, Feb. receipts, 5e6. Wilmington, Fab. 3).—steady, dllng. 8; receipt* 41; stock, 12,Uo. * jj*l^»1iihla. Feb. 20,-Flrm. Middling, * 16-16; receipts, 63; stock 13.264. Savannah, Fat). Steady. Middling, * 1-16; receipt*. 1.12*; stock, 72,(36. New Orleans, Feb, IP.—Dull. Middling, 6 (-14; receipts, 7,60; stock. 3X7,710. Mobile, Feb. 30.-Quiet. Middling, % l-i»; receipt.. Mi; stock, 34.111. Mesnvhl* Feb. 30—Hteady. Middling, 64; receipt* (72; stock. 112.IB6. Augusta. Feb. (O.-steady. Middling. 64; receipts. 366; (lock. 2UW. Charleston, Feb. M.-Steady. Middling, 6 (-16; receipts 1.123; stock, 6U6I. Cincinnati. Feb. 29.—Quiet and steady. Middling. 18-14; receipt*. *73; stock. 12,307. Louisville, Feb. (9.—Steady. Middling, tit Touts. Feh. ».—Steady. Middling, 84: receipt* 878; stock, 67.X06. Houston, Feb. 20.—Hteady. Middling, 84; receipts, (.CM; stock. 43.47*. LARD— May R1B8— May Sis. 604 60 LO* 824 M4 624 ta 644 634 M 424 424 424 444 ♦44 444 44 «4 44 ♦«* 274 284 *14 »Vi ati 294 284 284 294 =»4 10 174 10 29 10 15 10 20 860 *634 • 474 6 60 8 274 636 6*74 • TIH CASH QUOTATIONS. Flour was slow. Then was no change In ttv» situation. Tha feeling was steady and prices were unchanged. No. ( spring wheat. 88<4aS74. No. ( red. 6U4,uU. No. ( corn, 424 bid. No. t oats. (84*4. Mesa pork. lO.tEaU. Lard. 4.(7V4at9. Short rib aide*. 5.10alS. Dried salted shoulders. 4.834*78. Short clear aide* 8.10*18. Whisky, 1.23. cuthbert on outtun. Nbw York. Feb. 2».-<S|netaL>-Tne speculation In cotton today waa more active, hut the market continued In the eofiTrol of the local operators. The chief ettmuhis, as In the past, came from Liv erpool. cables reporting an Improved de man there for spot cotton, with salsa of 140,060 balm at unchanged but firtntr prices, and the futures firm at partially l-*4d. advance. Under the Influence of these advices and some small buying by local speculators, prices opened firm snd ruled steady throughout the forenoon at 1 to 2 points advance. In the afternoon the market relapsed Into extreme dull ness, and the bears took advantage of tho situation and jumped on the market. NEW YORK GROCERIES, ETC. Now York. Feb. SB.-Butter: Fancy, firm; moderate demand. State dairy 10a 20; creamery. Malt; Western dairy 94- al8; creamery. 16*23; eight* a. Cotton Heed Oil—Quiet and firm; crude 3*2*4; yellow Prime, 3(4; do choice 27' Petroleum-Nominal. Rosin—Firm and quiet; strained, com. moo to good, 1.40*424. Turpentine-Quiet and firm at 34*4. Rico—Fairly active; domestic, fair cstre. *H»*: Japan, 4404. Molasses New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 2te38; firm. Coffee-Steady and unchanged to polittaf February, 18.00; May, n.16 hcpttnXber. 14.75*80; December, 14.79*76; spot rio firm; No. 7, 144. Hjgni—Raw. quiet and steady; fair fining, 3 Ii.ll; refined, quiet, steady and unchanged. Freights to Liverpool-Firm; cotton, 7-6td.; grain, 214d. asked. closed easy at a net decline of 3 point* The receipt* at the ports were hales, against 30.9® last week, snd list year, making the total so far for the jvaatt ma-twiim I'llkl may gg*g iv week 83.463. against 96.M the same last steS. The semi-weekly movement NEW ORLEANS PRODUCE. New Orleans; Feb. 30.—Sugar, open ket tle. la quiet; centrifugal steady. Mole earn—Open kettle, steady, and i.e* trifugal steady. Centrifugal—Plantation, granulated, . 9-14; choice white. 3 6-16*4; off white. 34 a4: gray white, 3 1-14; choice yellow. 18-14*3; prime yellow, 34*18-14. Molasses-Open kettle, steady; prime. 13*127 good fair and fair. Mall; good com mon and common. 1*3. • Centrifugal Quietly prime. 11; good prime. 3*3: prime, 6*6; good common. Hyrup. 3al4. Local refinery sugar market strong per cent, bonds. RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN- TURKS. Red Cherries—2 pound can* 11.60 per doMa WUlte Cherries—2 pound can*,$1.7l per dozen* Limn Beans—fl.25 % Feicner-ai puuuu uui, «Lwv dozen. Mi.eapplea—1 pound cans. 41.50 to J2.25 per dozen; crated. F*. nfe W.. 42.25. KaspbemtM—2 pound canja, 41.85 par dPzeo. Strawberries—2 pound cam*. 41.60 poi dp»en* Peaches, pie—2 pound c/inj, 41.35 per dozen. Aprlcou. California—3 pound oana. 32.25 p>*** dozen. Peachy* (.allfiynla—42.25. PlK Feet—2 pouna canx, 42.26 per dozen. Boast Baef-'-l pound cans. 41.20 per dozen: pound cans. 43 per dbzen. Corn Beef—1 pound cans, 11.25 p*r doz. l*o!tea Ham—1-4 po\.nd cans, 65 cents per lozea, i*2 pou/vi cans, 4L25 *>er dozen. LuncT* Tongues—1 pound cans, 43 per dozen. Tripe—2 pound can*. 41.86 per dozen. DRY GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by S. Waxel- l a urn & Aon. Printa—Berwick. 3 l-Se; ntandard 4 1*2 tu 6c; turkey red. 1 to 5 l-2c; Indigo blue, 4 to 4%c.; aoil i3 4 to 5 cenia. Shc-niuce—3-iaH4. *4a4c.; HiH i cent*. Ticking®— Prom 5 to 12c. Check*—3 3-2 to 6c. Bleichinge—Fruit of the Jjoom, • 3-4 to 1 l-2c. FRUITS a?;d NUT A. Corrected by 4. A. Cullen. Fige—Pry, choice. 12 VI tb 15 cent* Peanuts-'■'forth Carolina, 3 1-2 cent#; Virginia. 4 and b cents. Lemons—b.&0a4.OQ. Nuts—TOrragonla &:monds, is cents pet pound; Naples walnuts, ib cents; French walnuts. ). cents; pecans, 1U cents. Applea—Suu dried. 6 to 7 centa per pound Raisins—New In market, 1.75 per box; London layers, 2.00 per box; loose Mus catel, 42 per box. Irish Potatoes—12.2» per bock. (MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Corrected kve*y week by t! R. Jaques & Tinsley Co. the day is to keep whisky away from tho prisoners and out of tho guardhouse, but it Is impossible of accomplishment, for they certainly get it in some manner and whenever they want it. Whisky has been discovered being smuggled izcldc of leaves of bread when food was brought to tbo prisoners. A sontry might fill tho barrel of his musket with liquor and walk his post smelling awfully like ram, but never bo found out. Prisoners returning from work under charge of tho guard, carrying stable brooms over their shoulders, hnvo had a flask or two concealed in tho bulky part of the broom and yet escaped discov ery.—New York Tribune. FORTUNES ON THE PAClFl(f Jonrnallstlo Spiders. In Russia tbo correspondents of our English daily papers sometimes havo a bard time of It. Not very long ngo tho police mado a discovery of eomo nihilistic plot In nn out of tbo way corner of St Petersburg, and the special correspondent of Tho Standard camo to bear of it. Oft ho went at once In search of tho house. He found It without much difficulty, and a polico officer was in possession. “Can I como In?” he esked. “Certainly,” eald tbo officer. And the correspondent en tered. Having taken n good view of tho surroundings, ho turned to go, but tho officer hatred tho way. “You cannot pass, sir," he snld. “But you yourself said I might come In." “Quito so,” responded tho policeman grimly. “Anybody who likes can como In, but they aro Immediately arrested.” In vain tha Jonrnnllst explained that he had Important engagements elsewhere. Thero he was, and there bo had to stop. Thon he wont to tho window and looked out with a malicious gleam In hli eye. Presently ho saw n sight which filled him with Joy. Strolling down tho street was Mr. Uobson, the correspondent of Tho Time* The Imprisoned one hailed him. “Hello! Where aro you going!” ho shout ed. “Trying to find the nihilist place.” Lack Has llad Much to Do Wifi, lug Many of The,,,. 8t: - It has been asseited that all tk. , taken from tho lower levels of *£75 stock are due to a blast fired 0,1.1," c< ® ders In tho Crown Polnt^mTae^l*; know of at least three fortunes of r„ “1 000,000 each accrued to the own*' 1 milling shares which they vainly „ to dispose of at beggarly figures os « veiy eve of developments multiplvi n „J values by hundreds and thousand* v mauy real estate owners In San Franrt aro in afilueneo today beeause thevr?* not sell their holdings during the ^ depression caused by the discovery oN* on Fraser river, and a largo hotel , city occupies n block of land which « keeper of nn cntlng house reluctantl.i_ for n board bill of |60, 35 yean ogoi A very prominent mining stock tor, now doccased, admitted that a ml?" In n telegraphic cipher dispatch from vf glnin City to bis broker in San 1’nuJ saved him from bankruptcy at a ciii£ tlrao. 7Iad bo sold tho stock short.. intended, ruin would have resulted v the broker bought Instead, and a tmX* 8250,000 followed. Another well k 0 i San Francisco stock operator, whoeok tho rental of a substanlal biilMin/ substanlal htiUdlu, Montgomery street, might relate a wlint similar personal experience we-t so dlsposod. A gopher holo led tothe discovered,— valunblo deposits nn Shane’s Cut, la- lumne county, and In falling oversr; n drunken Swede brought to light oti tho richest quartz veins in Amador cot «7- In tho summer of 1883, In deflua tho advlco nnd jeers of tholr nelghbon party of lnoxporlcncod miners flnij rlfflo of tho North Yuba, whero the ig bedrock was bare, nnd thoro was cols eatlon of gravel In the channel, and I •Oh, this Is ltl’ “Really? Can I como | 3 1 ra ^ el .? f °° n,0<Iuen ,™ w "‘ f’ up?” “Yes, any one can como up.’ And Mr. Dobson came. He took a critical survey of the room, made his notes, and then, turning to his friend, he suggested that they should go. Falling to got an In tho bed of tho stream after the »- bad boon dlvcrtod from It, but the h crevlcos were stndded with nuggetefc 1 to 20 ounces In wolghk Then • not less than halt a bushel of then, nnswor nnd somowhnt bewildered, ho ° f S “ n made for the door, anti there tha poiienui- ^ ccn i . tho ? J f h b t on ot tl >etn forti fleer enlightened him. The two correspond' •rh* following are strictly wholesale | ents spent the nftornoon inviting other prices. No goods sold consumers: Fsh—Kit, white fish, 60c; In half bar rels, 84; No. 3 mackerel, 18.76; No. 2, In kits. 86c. Flour—Best patent, per barrel, 83.35: second patent, 83.15; straight, 82.90; family, 83.60. Sugar—Standard graulated, 4 1-8 cents; extra C New York, 3 3-4c: New Orleans clarified, 34c. Hay—We quote today: No. 1 timo thy at 818 and fancy 819. Meats—Bulk sides, 64c. Oats—Mixed, 43c; white, 4Jc. laird—’Tierce*, 74c.; cane, 8c. Oil—11c. Snuff—LortMard’* Maccaboy snuff, slime Jars, 50c. per pound; glass Jara, 60c per pound; 2-r.unce cans, 89.25 per gross; ono-pound Jars. 60:.: Railroad snuff. 1-pound glass, 60c; 1-ounce tins. 85 per gross. Tomato Catsup—Pints, 90c; quarts, 81.25. Hominy—Per barrel. 83.50. Meal—Bolted, 55c; plain, 56c. Wheat—Bran, Oh'. Hams—94 to 104c. Shoulder* 8c. Shoulder*—9 l-2c. flics Into the spiucr’o web.—London Dis patch. The Ballet Girl’s Big Toe. A mnn will watch a performer In n nov elty danco nnd allow bis applauso to bo guided by tho things that ho had for sup- ; ror or the previous condition of his liver, do forgets or does not think that tho per former before him has practiced tbreo hours a day for ten years perhaps and means to go on doing the same thing 09 long os sho remains before tho peoplo In n professional capacity. It never occurs to him, unless ho bo of the thoughtful. In vestigating kind, that tho girl who smiles and dance* back of tbo footlights may havo n great too that Is twlco the slzo it ought to be. Tbo work used to bo a source pain to her, but that ttmo has passed, and now n oallous lump doadens the hurt that came overy 111110 sho placed tho weight of hor body upon that usually unruly and weak part of hor anatomy.—Philadelphia Times. . POULTRY, EGGS AND PRODUCE. COUNTRY tta 100 First National Bank stock 126 American Natloail stock 10 Exchani* Bank stock Union Savings Bank ana Trust Company stock IT Central Georgia trank stock Macon 8avtnge Bank stock Central City Loeut and Trust Company stock 33 U* HARDWARE. Correoted Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardware Company. (Corrected every Saturday by E. A. Wax- elbaum A Bro.) Hon* 25-271-3. Chicken* la-xv. Turkeys. C3-J1.00. Geese, 40-COc. Egg* 13-203. Rutter, !5-!Se. Sweet pots toe* 60 to 60c. bushel; Irish potatoes, 82.50 per bushel Rutabagara, 81.15. Cabbage, 83 to 83.50. onions. 83.25. White Peas, 78-1.50. Country Ground Peae, 80c. Evaporated Apples, 10c. Evaporated peaches, 124c. Georgia Syrup, 23-2Sc. The Coming Heroine. Mr. Jinks—I wlsli you wouldn't nllow our daughter to rend tboso sentimental novel* Mrs. Jinks—Sho Isn’t reading n senti mental novel Tho herolno doesn't marry for lovo. \Vcii, too iimuufn society novel In which tho horolne marries for money Is Just as bod.” “She Isn't reading a socloty novel.” "Thon what is it?" "It's an advanced novel." “What's that!” Tho herolno marries for a political pull.”—Now York Wcokly. LIQUORS. Corrected Every Sstu-dsy by L. Cohen A co Whisky—Rye 81.11/ to 83.66; corn. 81.3) to 81.60; gin, 81.16 to 11.78; North Carolina corn.41.10 to 81.60; Georgia corn. 8L80. YVlnea—99 cant* to 81; Ulqh wine*. 81.33; port and sherry, II to 83; claret, 86 to 810 case: American champagne. 87.80 to 88.60 per case; cordial* 813 per cozen; bitters, 83 per dozen. MEATS. Currecied Every Saturday by W. L. Ilearv. Fresh Meats—Western beef. I to 84c; Georgia beef, 6. 64 and 8c; dressed hogs, 6 to 54; Westers mutton, 74 cents; na tive mutton. 0 l-2c: smoked pork sau sage. 8 1-Jo; fresh pork sausage, 8c; Bo logna sating* 6c. HIDES. WOOL. ETC. I 'Axes—86 to 8? per doezn. Bar Lead—to per pound. Bucket:—Patntz. 81.23 per dozen; ce dar, three hoops, 82.38. Cards—Cotton. 81. Chain*—Trace. 83.80 to 34.9 per dozen. Well buck-t«—43.25 per dozen. Rope—Mxania, 10c; slsel, Ic; cotton, 13a 12 oenu. 6does—Horae. 14; M<Us. 36. fihovels—Ames. Sle per dozen. 8hot—Drop, 11.35 per aack. Wire—Barb*! 2Xe per opund. Corn Bern—X pound can* 33 per doreo. Nails—31.0 base, wire; cut, 81.38 baa* bass Tubs—Painted, 32.35; cedar, 34.60 per neat. Brooms—Si.25 to 35 epr dozen. Home* iron hound. S3. Measures—Per nest. 31. Plow Biadee—I :::u per pound. Iron—Swede, 4 t-2c per pound: refined, 2c basis. Plow stock—llalmen, 31; Ferguson. 80c. DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Corrected Every Saturday by Henry J. Lamar & Son* Clnamon Bark—Per pound. 11 to 16a Cloves—Per pound, 15 to 26a Drugs and Chemicals—Gum sseafoe- ttds. 36 to 60 cents per pound; camphor sum. tn to « cents ptr pound; gum opium, $2/6 to $7.75 p*r pound: morphine. 1-8* 32.25 to 32.46 ounce; qui nine (according to size) 33 to 90 cent* ounce; sulphur 4 m 6c pound; ealta. Ep som 24 to 3c pound; copperas, 14 to 3c pound; salt petit. cO ja 12c pound; bo rax. 11 to 16c pound; bromide 15 to 60c ptr pound; chlorate. 25 to 30c per pound: enriMlto acid. SO: to 11 75 pound: chloroform. 76c to 11.40 pound; calcmel, 850 to 81; logwood. 18 to 20c pound; cream t-rtar. commercial 25 to loo. Correoted Every Saturday by G. Bern! St Co. Green salt hide* 34c. No. 1 flint hide* 44. □oat ekln»—10 to 20 cents each. ~ Sheep Skin.—20 to 10 cent* each. Bess wax—II to 83 cent* Wool—Washed, tj to 20 cents per pound; unwashed. U to 13 cents; bum, 7 to 10 cent* FRONTIER CAVALRY DRILL. CANNED GOODS. Cot-reeled Every Baturdsy by Js'ues b Toasley Co. at thirteen interior town* shews receipts I powder* snd cut loaf, 4 6-16; standard I dozen. Applea-e-txrmd can* 8LS par In* III 1 U I.-:. — ! p.-und can* 81 per doz-n. . p-.ur J :: V, per dozen. Corn—1 bound cun* fd cents to 81.60 par dozen. Stnnx. Beans—2 pound can* 90 cents per dozen. Tomatoes—3 pouno can* per doz- n. 75 cants; I pound cans, sl Okra sod /*»—2 pe>und can* (Lit Pte dussn. Junt Tetw—2 piund can* 8125 per Teaching the Recruits Howto Cat Off the Heads of l-’oemen. Thero Is one drill practlco by a cavalry troop st several frontier posts which Is not only useful and Instructive, but also deetd edly Intorestlng to wltncs* Out on tho prnirio have been erected numerous posts the height of an ordinary man from his foot to his shoulders. A number ot lnrgn leathern ball* the elgsof a man’s head and filled with straw, aro placed on tho posts before drill commence* Now tho troopers are hauled up In line, and each Individual Is set to work cutting off tbo various leathern heads from tho posts. When a man's turn cornea, he draws his tnber, tho command Is given, and away ho goes at a mad dash down upon tha encmj', cutting off tha first head with a down stroke, tb* next one with a hack sweep, and the third is slashed on tho crown or decapitated In some way. Of course it It ridiculous to eeo the re cruits first practice these maneuver* but tha rswboscd Wlow Uv-nmes nn expert after awhile, and bis laugh Is turned on others who succeed him as tbo butt of rid Icni* The drill also Includes firing blank charge* with n revolver nt tho head* the sharp concussion of the explosion general ]y blowing tbo leather Lead* oil If tho aim ohan.v to bo a good on* Tbe hump of fun is an exceedingly largo ono In tbo averago soldier of the line. Young men In tbe prime of manhood, of fine physique nnd generally perfect In evi ery way look on tbe term of enlistment at a sort of task and proposo to get as much amusement and fun ontof thofivo years n» pos-lbl* Their devlcesand tricks for g> ttlng ont of drill and other duties are of various description* Whisky Is the soldier’s weakness. Kboold a post be 1,000 mllis from clvlllzatlnu and stringent or-l ders be In force forbidding liquor on tbe re-. rvetlon, with every possible means taken to prevent Its Introduction and ns* MU tha avalaga soldier wIU lo some way or other have his toddy In spite of every I obstacle. Ha's bound to get It In some vray, Tb# greatest trial of tbe offletrof days In n Montgomery street wtm Ovorland Monthly. Sick Headache and reltere all the tmiblakt, dent to a bilious state of the smtem. raeta Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness.' Dldmi i‘iL eating, Pain In the Side, Ac While tMra*| remarkable success bea been shown la Sbi'yp&A B, jt% CAimex’a Lrrruc Lnn wo equally valuable in ("nnfttqvition. cm and preventing this annoying complaint. they also correct all dinordcni of Ui« e the liver ami reguU they only cured HEAI Ache they would he almost prireleei ts Ss who suffer from this dl-tre-.lng compta hut fortunntely their goodneer dees nets her* and those who one* try them win I StattbsEttSlSflt m " they will not bo willing to do without: I r all sick bead But id Oscar Is Bo Modest, When Oscar Wlldo was askod If he Is nervous on tbe night ho Is presenting a now piny for tho first time, ha answered: Not I am exquisitely Indifferent. My nervousness ends at the lost dress re hearsal. I know thon what effect my play, as presented upon tho stogo, has produced upon me. My Interest In tbe play ends there, and I feel curiously envious of tbe pnbllo—they have such wonderful fresh ■motions In store for them.” Lucifer matches were patented In 1834, whilo friction matches preceded them by 18 year* The Improved machinery by wbleh matches are now made by tbo mil lion at a trifling cost were the Invention* of comparatively recent year* A suit of chain mall, such as waa used about tho tlmo of William the Conqueror, often oort 81,000. A Necessary Practice. Brown—I* young-Flylngwedgo practic ing law! Jones—I think not. He was admitted to tho bar, hut I think he's practicing oootjomy.—Vogue. A CUB to the bane of no many Uvea that fare fcvH we make our (Trent-hotel. Our pita c Caimen’* Lirru Lnrn Pine arevmre end very ee«y to take. One or two preM e doer. They are strictly v«reUbWat r >t Rrip*c»r puru'e, hut t»y th**Ir p-nti- e plfoae nil who iih* them. In vials nt t.m flvu ft r i 1. Soi l »-\i ry\vhrri\ *>rM-nttjs CtZZZZ raiCUTS C0.,4far Icl MM Uk Snail iE B«UN*8s5SSa&B AS A PRSVENn tjrwttorwxlLUtMMMUiti MijMNNMrMt di«***9; *»t ta • Umm •l«e*v Umwihk = — m with Oimlm anl Owe. GOODWYN'S DRUG STOP.! Bole Agents. Cherry Street and ( Avenu* Macon. G*. L.MIUIJG5CS DO YOU K50* DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S JTEEL BSD PEHYSEYP. I OOODWYN'3 DRUO BTORl •jrmimmnmmmmwmi P. P. P. Pimples, Blotches- PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria 3 gr Wakes S Marvelous Cures and Kidney Troubles; Are entirely removed by • ' —Prickly Aib. Poke Boot and Pour* in Blood Poison ; Rheumatism and Scrofula elan), the grcateai blood purlllcr uO | earth. Abekdkbw. O.. Jllyn.liBLj Menu jgwgAji Bxoe.. Cerinn* Oa.: DrakPine—I bongbc ebqotoj your P. P. P. at Hot Hprlnjr ltha» done roe moro tnoiitba* tri«ai:ner.t At fllfidtfeneDO'tleaC. n«o«tfafi, r ar, J . EWTO 5Bh- il.« H >»tlee C. O. D. ^ JAH. M. > r.\V ] Aberdeen, Brown County, Q* >— p. p. p. rcrtfli* the blood. bnlMs op Capt.J.D. Johnaton. w— a»*. Tm» n»« «»«>•« «««ra.-1 h*«* 1. «i?J;!n^ugtaol BmpV.v.ii5C 1°/ tr.jr face, fly L Hi 1 — Fcr; r: :.c ry.«^con«i»ry and tertiary , “eisnej“hj)““‘3?D.'JOHN970^ bl •• h--, ptoplea. old chronic olc»*r*. ** 8A truer, scald bead, bolu, ery»Jpela*. |klu Cancer Cured. 1 ’ P. U pfuthebe-*c Teitimony/romiheMagcro/StqvinJtSb t m bio-'J porifiertn the world, and makes -— — |j and permanent c»rca ** lnallcaie*. 8bqcik. Tar., January 1 Maaeaa. urrMAK Baoa^* Oa-t Gtnlltmen-l have r* P. P. for a duoaae of tbe — Ladlee wbm»* e/ateroa are polaonK, f* *ki*acaneerofUdrty BSSgg^tgaSaSa^rrg^ • r i*. - MtlMof P. P. P.-Prickly Boot and Potaaalum. iMng p ▲ah, 1 FrujjtamLD, Hu , AQ|. 14th. 1*33. and f**l conn^l-nt tliataaotL-r''* . will s-Sfcaai-tir-. UIu.'.’h r*. « -- ‘ ation and Att.iraej at j? -Iwn In tho ‘hlgheet teraia oC ^ab£ Yoar»’i m oiMeae. i.uun*r aad rheumat;»L tor * - Li-.*.'!' *r".Vi^i.t’t.I-M'r^V’'f-i h q] yyt C:.;--E3 I:'•! fii ^ ALL DRUQOIfiTS BELL IT. iSGBiiSSSg: reaiedy with* out f:ir g r»Uef. I have only taken ^ one uvttle of your P. P. P., and r»n * ZZ LIPPMAN BROS. ^ pKoPHinioRa. I Green County. Mo. Uppmau • nioff-M,^..-nna ^UUUUUttUUUUUUiiUWl*