The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 25, 1895, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: FEBRUARY 25, 1895. 3 10 HI Kominaiion By the President Cwniniously Confirmed By tfce Senate. WA y ArPBBPBlATIOS PASSED, » „,drr civil* “I I* »«* D “ Con* He*»™ * h< > Bn, ly- Tht |> sr of llfrlu Debated In til, lira,. ■trjshlnifton, Teb. ».-flBhe pr-ddent 7 l nt to the genst# the nomlna- ’ senator Matt W. Ransom, ol ^ Carolina to be envoy cxtraordl- UEnd minister plenipotentiary ot the states to Mexico. Immediately .the nomination o f Mr. Ransom received. Senator Btockbum moved executive eeeaion, and the norolna- <ras forthwith taken up and con- oed by the unanimou* vote ol the n.'conflrmaltfon was moved by Sena' sfferman. who In making the mo- »ddre»ed the senate briefly M to ’ mneM of the nomdnedlon, which add was in every way deeervtng , appropriate. He referred to Mr. uaame Von* term of service In the U, sod said that through hie nev- daltof courtesy and kind-hearted- Senator Ransom has won the ea- as through hie ability, character devotion to the public welfare, i*a earned the respect of all hie cot- ^ues in the eenate. When the vote 4 uken there was a general response tie affirmative. The executive ecs- laeted but live minutes. Senator ppm made me croups to uw oosaUt room when the executive eeeeton i moved and was not present during proceedings; r. Ransom has been in the senate ct April 24, 1872, and has long been o{ the popular members of that . so it waa with pleasure that his nth Carolina, to be extraordinary other'on so quickly. He Is a native Nofth Carolina born In Warren coun- In 1821. He received an academic jcatlon, graduating from the Ur.lver- y of North Carolina in 1847 and was mined to the bar the same year. He a lawyer and a planter, and prior to H taring national politics held a num- r of ' eratlon of the deficiency bill, the houso devoted the rest of the day to the deliv ery of eulogiei upon the late Senator Z. B. Vance of North Carolina. Spe*eh«V! woe, cel leered bv Messrs. Burr. Alexander, Branch. Woodard and Crawford of North Carolina; Caruth of Kentucky; Henderson of lowa; Wheeler of Alabama; Hooker of Mississippi; Dan iels and Warner of New York; Sprlnuer of Illinois; Bland of Missouri: McMtltln of Tennessee; Swanson of Virginia, and Bryan of Nebraska. At the conclusion, as an additional mark of respect, the hous* at 8:18 o clock, adjourned until Monday at U o'clock. LOAN OVER-SUBSCRIBED. Plerreoortt Morgan Gives the Figures About Bond Subscriptions. N-jw York. Feb. 23.—The allotment of the new UWed States 4 per cent, bonds was completed today and at 8 o'clock letters were mailed to the suc cessful Udders. Mr. J. PierrepoUt Mor gan stated that the subscriptions • In London, according to his advices, amounted to 8880,000,004, willch, with the 8200,000,000 subscription here make the totul subsoriipKions 8760.000,000. The loan was consequently thirteen times ovor-tUbsctflbsd. The Morgun-Belmont syndicate de posited 8300.003 gold at the sub-treasury this morning and asked for a receipt without stating whether the gold was to pay for bonds or to be exchanged eventually for legal tenders. There was much suppressed excite nent In Wall street ovwvthe allotment of the new government 4's, as subscriptions bad been general among brokers, bunks ami speculators. A merriber of the syn dicate stated that It has been consid ered expedient to allot albout one-half of the issue on this fide, os the bonds would come back eventually end thus be of no «s an effectual check of gold exnorts. The small Investors who subscribed for fwo. three and five thousand dol lars will receive the preference In the allotment, as It Is the desire of Messrs, Morgan and Belmont that the bonds shall lodge as far as poariWle in the bands of the genuine Investors, who will take them permanently from the V THEY CUT TO LIBERTY j f ive Desperate C'riminuie SxKapctt FiOm Bibb County Jail N^ht Be fore Ids'. TWO OF THEM WKRE MURDERERS odious of trust In his native ite. i It Can- and MU Wherrabon known—Quirk hut KITeet- Drlll. Only Os Btbb /clock Mr. Hansom has been re-elected to e senate three times and his term jires March 3. He was first ejected the senate to fill the term to which h Vance had been elected but which was not allowed to'fill because his ,r disnMUtles had not been removed nr] the fact is novr pleasantly recalled • Mr. Vance's friends that Senator ansom, devoted himself zealously dur- g the early pen at hte senatorial reer securing the removal of the ir which hid been created against Mr. anoe. It t, ali*i recall'd,by scene that divided his first year’s salary with r. Vance. During Ms osreor in the senate Mr. «ii*sn has kept sell obreast of publla rralm He has from the Aral held high mmlttee places and Is i»w chairman 1 tne committee on oommms, one of hteee" 1 4mportant °f senate com- Note tr.standlng hs served through i? fsp »>f! th» side, iff, unsom first made hlmseif prominent !a?a£i*£ *£ vo ^‘ ,n *nte-bsllum *?•"£ *“ *MCTdtid the Montgomery 18*1 ns a del-rate m C f H » w - n * ln those 1JV5 fJUf' * ut ■‘nos the war has of- nSSJ 1 ** th# Democratic party. 1n « w »>* »med in aucceralon Jt fnaies ,* lieutenant, colonel, brig- ?nw ~TiTk »nd major-general, which *>»ld when he surrender- H«.2t L f* ** Appotnaltox. He par- ™«*y Important engage- "J*- ’ n "w «f which he was in T*!***': >>• was assctally noted for ! **** look of his men. , ""tor Ransom Is admirably equln- aa aT 5?Y. ®Plonsatte mission. Tic y. —vved to the senate for nearly conssoufly# tennis, is a born df- «nil Spanish 3 , thoroughly at borne In the Greek '>•*"»<*.. He Is sixty-eight iLa 1 te f ron * ana erllye. JA’"* J* 1 ' "«de a most vigorous J£3"J* n of htestate, speaking nesrty wry diy and effen travelling all night, tr IJal Jr **, r i* t** been a mem- Democratio and n l’*™*>»l executive oommltteea "wvdrrood the nomine- J? 1 ofMb William H. Heard, of Penn- Hvenla. to be minted- resident and iterta*”"* 1 ^ Ule Unlt,d THU fTENAnrS SESSION. The Indian appropriation Mil was pass- la the eenate late In today'e session, vlftg occupied the attention of that body r tour full day*. Ite con.ldeatlon waa terrupted at I p. m. by a motion to ho up and consider the pooling MIL but «t motion wae detested by tbe very iclelve vote of 84 for and 41 against, 'tar tbs MU waa thus shelved, for tho t * nt - at tenet, a somewhat angry die- raloa upon It was started and kept up two hour *' " ,th BenatoraBut- :r (D«ocraO of South Carolina, Gor- tBomocrat) of Maryland. Chandler Republican) of Now Hampshire, end lmc 0 l^am. n>UbU “ n, ° f COl ° r,Ml0> “ lh * A I JO p. m.. while tho Indian Mil wu Msr consideration, a ntasi-a waa ro- tovod from tho president? aiid as the ‘?** t of yellow tissue paper on which ><y appear, was bandad. around among stators near the principal entrance door, l »as known that It contained tho nom- Mtlon of Senator Ransom of North Car- ^t» as United States minister to Mex- •enator Blackburn, as soon as hs bad »*ed at the message, moved that the “rata proceed to executive business, and [raarkad that no senator would object If "knew the purpose of tho jsfitlon. There was no objection; the galleries «te cleared and tbe doora closed, and attain five minutes tbs public was again M»ttted, tho nomination of Mr. Ransom ••ring been. In the meantime. Instantly unanimously approved and confirra- *flav the psr-.go of the In Mm appro priation bill, the sundry civil appropria- hill was laid before the senate and *«me (he unfinished business. The •rife session was closed with the deltv- °f eulogise on the late Represen. “five Biaw of Wuconsln. and the srn- st «:tt p. m., adjourned until Mon ray at U o'clock In the morning. HOUHB PROCEEDINGS. After fhs transaction of some mlscells- raus tualnass, tho house proceeded In •urunltte# of tho whola to further eoo- JJ* 'ha general deficiency appropriation jut for (ho current year. The first Items „®u*h' before t bs rommlttoo ware esv- jvat amendments, providing for extra pay The annuw^ootftroversy over these ex I Payments was ngwl w .. *'* made against the practice cL.i ,r *' Owhery and Dtnglsy, hot every proposition to pay certain employee additional sums to their **isrise was agreed to, as waU as Mr. •Ll' "“'Udment to pay 4 extra eatery. AfU. — S W j.^ i ^ n 'endM SO ss to Include mem BNOLTBH OPTNIONB. London. Feb. 23.—Tbe Boooomtst In an article on the now United States lcu.n saya; If the United 8Utee government had appealed to the Investors directly they would have realised to their own ad vantage something of the high price which tbe loan obtains. It would ap pear that Mr. Cleveland underrated the oredlt of the United States, but it wUl e his dutv. neverthrioee, to nummor. a session of the new congress *» •peeemy a sxrisfble." The Statist amrs: "If the new congress does not pass requisite measures an other loan equalling ttfih one will be necessary before the end of the year, ami oosalbly thvwe may be stlH larger borrowing In HfSfi." . "When I talk, thm- must ‘o-'ine «’ with m- right, but I'm not anx- to tell nmd would inJther stay Out ;wo months than boav them catch those three fellowu. What do you think aoout UT" "I belters if you'll tell all you know about it the authorities will turn i u out. Suppose you tell them so." "I'll t.'ll them if they'll let me out, ut I want to make rerun that they'll nek up to what they eay. for they Ultehtdo with mean they please after reporter condnued to pump »n in au Indirect manner ,wl d.-d In gottlne enough out of him to make It anpear almost awaolutcly certain that when the corridor door "D-ned yesterday ad noon for the purpose of putting the twocraxy negro nom u into the cog- Paul slipped out and con-s'xled h*mcelf, either on top of the race or behind it. and as there n0 oriujeion to notice him In the afternoon, he remained out without am- at the attendants seeing Mm The prisoners had previously b4n JSroBed with saws and a brace and bit and through ith« brass Into tbe corridor, while Paul, whan Hickm-in s****"**" “ the boldest and sltek- eet fellow he bad over aeon cue »v,,, staple of the ktok oTth, ^Side Thte accounts for the w '‘‘■t’ 1 '- Jhe remainder of th? J^°tk was nardolcated ln by all. Hlck- TS&Si ^ ^ 5 through, anil I think m?m<£ e * nw ®*ked the. T^° w ;m't“n t ^ry t .'^ k0n ^ dM ' wickman further said that th« An i» th^e.ea^ 1 ” 0 ^ h ‘ m reaHy tel1 ab ®ut how the escape was made wim tn a Tn i. •_ . Mr^mlS* 0 "* how tht ,ock wn8 cut * •» , • Blrdaonj seemed i^eatly worried about It "Whm I do telThtm/' h.« that Is If I ever do. he will be surprised h * “»lness with which It was done.” Nono of tin- t-u iii-lf i.risoucrs have (not going wUh^he^Mtere,"Ind w[2d f m been capturcvl. atkl s 1 fur no clue to IgtWa From Dattv T-learnp i Frib. 24. Five prlscnera escap'd from county j.i 11 some tltii- herivt o’clock Friday nlslit and I yesterday morning. The prisonl r* were.: Tom Aliens who *v.ts wnlcnccl hittg last month but who got a 6tay of proc< d!n g.s p-ndiug m <tlon for new trial, was aft|tiwupite refuseil and the case approled to the supreme cooirt. Bb. Johnson of Tl hlfe county, con- rioted of manslaughter and sentenced to the penitent i-ar.v fojr twevtj years. Joe Roseuluum, serving a sentence of one year, and at i s expiration, If a flne of IWw was not pild, to servo one year on eh» ugang. It. H. Grooms, on-* ifa - m jail and I oo the chilsgiaitf for inlt with lnj teot to murder. Ed. Paul. »>u -n l:n'd week to aenrel six months for larceny] and in default of the j>jym**nt to servo six months on the ehaiiisr • n Lumberuitin Rrown Ready to Mioot Officer Brown in Hie Office of the City Prison. SENTENCES AT HONOL/ULU. No Indications of the the Ex-Qi I'lmlshmont for WAS A RAVING MANIAC * Beln( Confined He • ried to Daili Ilia Hi ulna OutA|(ainit the liar* of Ilia Cell—He Had Been Crazy Several 1 lines liefure. others, and Uked to I .<> ue »'««>s- wacn otnere, be- •ldes the reporter, asked him about he I woti.d tell them that he knew ghininiai« It ia Wft OsSsSB •"««" et what ; nothing and that h. was sound ariesp it u- Hi - p;-l- n r- -s j!«al. but It Is | he knew nothing about Atlanta, Feb. 23.—(Special.)—Thero come very near being a bloody tragedy in the office of tbe police station this afternoon. About 1 o'clock a well dew ed man walked lc unannounced, and drawing a loaded Smith & Weston from hto hip pocket stuck tbe barrel right up Into the foot) of Ufilcer Beavers, who was, sitting near the door. Tbe man's manner was excited, but hto action so rapid that tbe whole office force was taken by surprise. As quickly as he had approached Officer Beavers, the man turned and -with on oath threw tbe pistol on a desk. At tbe same time he -was seised with convulsions and ln lies time than It takes to led It was a bowling manioc let loose In the place, making savage lunges at every man ln algbL The man was Identified as J. C. Brown, a lumberman. It reqtored «x policemen to over-power him, and when he was finally lodg'd in a cell In his maniacal frenxy be tried to but ute brains out against the Iron bats. Brown was staged with Insanity once before, and It appears felt another at tack coming on and made bis -way to the police station, losing his conscious ness and controli at himself barely on the Instant be bad thrown bis nlstol away. their whereabouts i obtained. believe,! that U."y «•»»* SiSgT? S - -a* - i him for a chew of tobacco. Hla'reasnn for not giving the alarm, he would aay, waa that He wanted the prisoners to get os far away as poatlble. The nrst Intimation Jalkr Btrdaong had of tne escape of the prisoners was when he went to food them at 8 o'clock yester day morning- Hickman met him at the bars, and, laughingly, .jiotd him that he RESOLUTION TOO LATE. Fred Douglass' Remains Will Not Lie In State at tbe Capital. Washington. Feb. 22.—Represents- live Murr.i-v of South Carolina, the only colored meeriber of the house, endeav ored unsuccessfully today to **cure fa vorable action upon the resolution per mitting the retrains of the late Fred erick Douglass to lie in state tomorrow ln -die rotunda of the capitol. The matter waa brought to the attention of Sneaker Crisp too late to be pre sented to the bouse before the execu tion of tbe special order, '.he delivery of .inuini upon the lats Senator Vance, was ontered on. He Informed Mr. Murray that he had given notice 1 of Ms ileiki- • to pi isnit the resolution i. irhi-r in ithe day. he would bwve given him oDoortiinlt yto offer It for tbe ac tion of the bouse. AT NEW YORK. Ncmr York. Feb. 22.—A delegation of colored men. who soM they voiced tbe sentiments of the entire colored popu lation of the city, colled at the city hall today, shortly before noon, to aek that tbe remains of Fred Douglass be •Rowed to lie In state next Tuesday. They asked- that the body of their dead leader rest on a catafalque In the governor's room In the city hall, so that the colored people and others could view the -remains before Inter ment. The delegation consisted of Will iam R. Denria, chairman: 8. D. Stock ier. Herrs Barquet, Wu/verty Eacott and Rev. Granville Hunt. iA delegation has been aoooiuted to go to Washing ton and run reseat the colored pcoplo lit the funeral. Mavor Strong sent -word granting c rnjtotton for the body of Fred Dou glass to lie tn state ait tba city hall on Tuesday. SOUTHERN SPINNERS' UNION. A Letter From Alabama Talks of Or ganization. Pall River Maas., Feb. 23.—Secre tary Howard of the Splnn -r*' Union to in recetnt of a letter from the Fed erated Trade* of Atlanta, Go., asking for all data concerning tbe organiza tion at a aolnnera* union In this city sod asking for further correspondence as how to best prooeed In tbe organis ing of cotton mill operatives In the South. Heomtarv Whitehead of tew Weavers' Union savs that at a meeting of five manufacturers and fire representatives of operatives held In Barton yesterday It was asreed to submit a weaver’s particular law to take the place of the law now oa the statute books. It provides tar the particularizing of the length, red. pfok ami style of goods being woven, and to auttofactory to tnanufacturcra and operative*. Tho •eoretary also states that the local in'avers* union has drooled to send u delegation of -weavers to meet like members from New oBdford for tho purpose of organizing a state .weavers' union. JOHN' L. REjr.VI.NS DRUNK. between midnight s ’ n ,i ' • " terday murn tig. us •*. Birdsong and Dr. Roberts, who, alhho.ufh a gov ernment prlson-r, bus Ufa freedom of the Jail, up in the .1^11 office talk ing until 12 o'cl - k mi.ll no unusual noises uvro'hctinl. A p ' nor named H.ckmau In the some eke with the men who escaped siy.u liioy wore gone at 4 o'clock. Tbe cage In'Which the prisoners were confined Is In the s'.-mvh story of the now part of die J \ l. fibs cage Is made of flat bars »f s j-el and Is di vided Into cells, with u eprrldc. In the centre. At ouo end ■' >'' corridor Is the door giving untrat: f to she cage. The cage Is of the I'aulty - tent aud tha diors tire ,,p, u d ind shut from the outside by a let side door Is locked by which are nls> locked ir. heavy Yale looks, which in Qte puAslble reach cf 2 perse! the in-ile of the cell. Tin cn, ir - 1 with heavy sii-i plate them U a gaff "? feet tween the top of the , ai l lug -d ill- building. -I -mao n n occupied the s; m • cell, w the flr.-t oo the r.gtiir.- •.»>• e cage. The others -hv d th other ceils on the situ ski**. ii:- "di-r -Id ■ -f h.>,- >■ th- om-rs were tivo Crizi i nei drivelling Idiot aud lb to tits and otherii -se un L mkML The first work of Ilia prlu uiers In getting out W"S to cut It bars near the iloor in t ♦ e This gave them entn riuor but they were The next step was U the Strong Yale lock Ills Company Making Little Headway ln to Now Stork. Jacksonville. Fla., Psb. 23.-John L Sullivan U today repealing his pro< gramme of yesterday and to now very much latoxlcat»l aud taking la the town in a carriage. Ills company are still bustling to got oat of the c.ty, and the only arrangements to far unde was the puri.-ha.-o of ticket* to New York for the tw.» children who tray clod -with tho troupe. John L-’s frl-mLs are almost to despair. This evening Bulllvsn’g trunks eon talntng his wearing tppirel were selz-<I by tbe uh- r tf on an attachment sworn out by Miss Viols Armstrong, a mem ber of the deibndt company, wbo claims tiulbvun owes her 8200. MISSIONARIES RESCUED. Good Work of tbe Yorktown ln Saving American Cttlxena. WxsMngton, Frt). 23..—Secretary Herbert has received tbe foOotetag oa- bl-.-ram: "Chefno, Hb. 22. ISPS.—The York town arrival yeaterday; rescu thirteen mtoatonsrtea. Cttrpeoter." The Tort town baa been on. the South Tung con-t promontory, having be-;i ordered-there bv Adirfr il Carrcnter t tbe mirocse of rendering an ••) Itizn t Ati.-trl -ins driven to tbe coast during ude r:-m- the Ja;.in*ee sites to-1 ooeopatlon - nre.UiJ.WLl. I'he out- vy bolts, lion with be- cell- ■nd Al and the two craiy women were the only ones :.ft there to feed. Jailer Blrdeong was perfectly astounded anil soon ratred the alarm. Searching partlea went out In every direction, but no trace of the fugi tives could be found, and the auppoettton te that they are determtned to get os for away oa possible. Telegrams have been sent ln every direction, gtvtng descrip tions of them, and rewards are ottered by Jailer Blrileong and Mr. Frank O'Don nell of Ashevltte. N. C., who Is a brother- in-law of Carr, the man who was killed by Allen. Mr. O'Donnell Mogrephed to friends here yesterday -hut he would give Itm for the arreet of Allen, anil Jstl- r nirdeong offers a .-sward for each of the fugitives as follows: 8160 for Al len. rno for Johnson, and 828 for each of the other three. The eicipe was ali the talk of tho town it with- I yesterday and hundreds of --eople visited r-..o 4 I the Jail to see Ihe work 'one by the fu- — I Kuivf». Nvtirly ovary man .rad hie eve Ire cage theory ahmit It. end nil eerie i f talk wa» Indulged in. While everybody regrets the escape no Feme la vtteehed to Jeller ni-d-enj who has elwere been resented M over-cnutlous. He. of course, la really dleturbed over the alhilr, but his con- science la clear as to having performed hie full duty. NO CITY HALL. , Atlanta a Tenant of Private Buildings for Many Years. Atlanta. Feb. 23.—(Special.)—Atlanta te considerably worried over the city hall question. Tile city papas have been ag itated on the subject for several years, but no steps of s tangible character have ever been token to secure tbe much cov eted building. Ever since the old city halt was glvan to ths state for a state «'Pltol Atlanta has been a tenant In va rious office buildings. At present the city officers are cramped up In what Is known as ths Chamber of Commerce building on Pryor street at the corner of Hunter. Tne building Is not only a horror of incon venience, but some of tb i . at*, capable engineer* in the city believe U to be un safe, and a constant menace to the Uvea of tbe occupants. There have been sev eral scares on account of eettUng floora and cracking walls, which caused the officiate to say hasty pftyers. and It would really be no great surprise to the com munity If the structure should collapse any day. But the city's officers have b-.-on in such a tlx, that although previously desired, the new city hall haa never been In eight, and la not now, unless It 1a put up py private enterprise. Within the past week the city has had two propositions by private cltltens to build a city hall to suit the public needs, on a long term lease, and In the extremi ty of her condition, the chances appear pretty sssd that M!f! Att«Ka : who us ually claims tho earth as her footstool, wlITaccept, end contlnus to Itv.. In a hir ed tenement for some years to come. CANNOT OET TAY. i ts the sWCr.ll - pris- mlijcct ctl Id bound and robbed. Istwltl" H part that locked the door S _ the moat mystrltoiw whole affair ns tho sta po.-elWy have beer, "t s,raan on tile oulslil ■ ,f :: he Maple wns cut tl WUl for the person on tho ou bock the heavy bar* "iid thus admitting the non rid ir Hint Inclrules <n step wae to cut thi- 'i' r s I which was now ell t ia* i liiem nnd freed sm. The teet the windows ar- ns: one Inch In dlaswti r !'! In-li- . opart. A window the cag.- nnil nla.. In th hull ling was - " ted, t,-rha;i)i becaune farthest r-n oved from Ihe of- ■ and .dta-r p -rti- n* f th.- jnll mi- 1 - eh. i‘d aay "- r t-‘ h-’k t.!ir"UL,-h tho bars -.f the sntrence d.s>r they oookl not be seen Tws -f the,.- bars were cut. It being rv-oesary to out pa ii bar ln tw > plio- This left an opeiung c oven by itm i.-en iac'aea in s'xe with four jagg"' points of the out bars projecting np ,n<l l.-wn, making It m ire dim. nit f ir a man t.> g.-t through. The prlsaiters ha.l previously provide l themsL-'.ves w1 ■ ti a r.eie made of four or five strand* of large -lie twine ivrapp.-l with strips f blanket. PT-as-d to have bc-n steel m's coll. , into the coc- ill in the cue. ■it the SM ; 1 t held this bar Tills ■ f the Id not eX '-pt by * iv . age. JVlien i easy erai lsll ladde to shove rqn-n tla- I- Into tie- cor se. Th.- next n the wlr.'loae -to-. I between Bug thn- nd an 1 .t-.ut id atsiut four in th* r ir of of the the The taken Tbtar tenet to the t ire'i - ' the ... T eork tile Pipe to the i eom - fifteen oi r: Is n -t kn avr out at tho tell compare" ively . T1» look a ,-w wlik-h was f»s- s ar.-l aftre g"4nv ng In th.- Iwirs It Id th*m-eh i-n 'fid In tin- Jatt w.ol. Robbers Carry Awsy Money From an Aged fiplnster’a Home. y.anegvllle, O., Feb. 22.—81x masked rob bers broke open the door of the residence of Miss Jane Momson, an aged spinster, seven miles north of the city test night, using s fence roll •• a battering rsm. They tore up sheets and bound Miss Monsson and Henry Bowers and wire to their beds and gagged them. They searcty ed (he hou«v, over-turning furniture and secured 8200 In money, a certificate of depot!! for • large sum and a gold watch. Mr. Bowers, who offered resistance, was hit over the head with a wagon tpoke, but not serioualy hurt The burglars said they would poet a notice at the gate, telling what they had done. In order that tbe prisoners might be released In the morning, but thTT failed to do so. Neigh bors noted ths absence of signs of life about ihe house, and on making an Inves tigation, discovered and released the vic tims. eau r nuiUBw, . ..-. .icncpaiu Fed). 17.—(Correaimndenoo of the United l a rv»H. per Steam r G.t lie.)— Th- following perroin* ugder SgTSSt biavo a ■ opted (he priidleg.M uf I -."in-t the country ln preference to stand tne; trial before the military commission and hove been rtle-taotf on tltelr own re- -untzance In order to s.-:il" th'-ir ■ i f.i.: * F . '1 - : -i- ]: t'..Jh. 1 ' t nt-sa map; John C. White. HritWa, ma chinist: George Rlttmnn, British, liia- chlnJSt; Jdm Uti-lin, Hrit-h, backman; James Brown, Biltlitb, lu -kin.m: II. F. ltvlivtard. British, builder; Fred Harrison, British, 'builder; John tic Fries, half white: A. Peterson, .Ameri can, lawyer; Charles Creighton, Brit ish. lawyer; Edmund N .rrlo, a Dane, editor of Holocnua; I a,wit* T. Le«vy; Brltldh. auction,vr; N. C. Bailey, clerk for L-vy; Capt. A: McDowell, Arthur White and two Greeks named Oa-ii-tnn» and Oaraarin.i. Ashford, a Canadian, was sentenced to one year"* Imprison- meat and 81.000 fine. On uocounz of 111 hculth the hard l.rbor was remitted. John S. Bowler, an Irfsli-American, was sentenced on the 16th to five years’ Imprisonment and 88.000 fine. BfWler ualertoo1t_for Nawleln to take 'poe-.w- rion at the teloohoue system. No oth- ,’r leading Insurgents have yet received their final oentences. All statements to ths contrary, however, are erro neous. About seventy naltlvcs and h'alf whites have been tried, the majority for treason and a few for ntsprlaion. It Is certain that nearly all have been conxdcited. Twenty-thnki of theee have been oubllclv send raced—four for ten years, ttivo for eight .one for soven and sixteen Tor UTe years. Twenty - me natives were arraigned yvaterd'iy. Jolm F. Colburn at the ex-queen'a last oablnet has wrlttra to Minister Thurston to die effect that he la dls- Klisted with the queen's course Is wv>ric- Inr haril with tho natives for annexa tion. He urges Thunston to forward it by every posalble means. The disclosures from the queen's diary, wlbltehe din Ban Francteoo nnd roniibr.shsil 1ms VMM»*n1av. about Ru dolph Bprsokels, ware n-iv to die Hono lulu public. They are genuine extracts. _ All the senteneee of lrngirisonment for tne ineursnsris, os is -well undvr- hIilcsI. are open to much reduction In the future and snay be subject (o n general amnesty whenever tha condi tion of the republic shall be fawsratile either as the result of annexation or otherwise. In an lntervl is- irtth the United Press ruoorter lfe r evening. President Dole stated that United States Minis ter Willis and Briltteh Commissioner Hawes tend been given In oonfld li the scritenC'Si paasey by the military commission uptm citizens of their re- sneotive countries. Mr. Willis rtvrt-l that th« convmunloatlon to Ids govern- im-rY! at tbe death sentences upon Gu- l!ck oerd Bnsmrd •wros a correct state ment. Those sentence-* have not yet boon reviewed by the cwirarander-tn chief. It 1s the president’s Intention next week to summon the advisory council for the purpose of advising upon these sentences. Action bus bran postponed until all leading cases havo been tried that fhs sentences could be revis'd together nnd euttabto Judg ment be meted out. It was the desire of the government to InfAct no bdavlir penalty than waa absolutely necessary to nubile security. A furthrr reason for the deViV wax to a Walt ttle expres sion of pUblle sentiment abroad. • The nrcshlent declined to lnttSMts what course jvould be taken with toe ex-quern. Mtli—rv ccnrpBBfcB arc Keeping up their -1:118s and equipment to th-- liigh- Ile Is Fighting All Requisition! Bent on (d Nashville. Atlanta, Feb. 28.-(8pectel.)-F. J. Tay. the Plymouth Rock Pants Company trav elling auditor, under street tn Nashville for floating a number of worthleee checks In Atlanta, te making a moat stubborn fight agalnit being brought back to Geor gia to face the court* for hta misdeeds. He has so far fought for relaee on habia* corpus three times, and at tost the Allan- ,|, t ta of!t«r. who went to Nashville to fetch ^ iy point. citterns’ at.intlr Improving thrfr organizatl'.n. Then h nn .- . n*nt * tty. AMs noNurnj trailer these oooai- tlons. the grm-ral voice of the citlx<-n* Miouts for safe exunrlen of s -verity unon those who havo caused this Inse curity. WRECK ON THE L. AND N. One Huswmrer Killed and Bweral Gulls Seriously Injured. ,vh' »t h-1- he idow the would for ^ man nrf huil'1 to w. lirhfl <*VPn J' ■ ! I pot thpotip' .! 'HpFtesn anil C rirtn but n*‘itho len. T» »» <*nlv oris- all rtp4*r/n«r th«> rOlTTt VICTIMS KNOWN. Others Delog 8«ache4 for ln the Ruins at Hot Springs. Hot Springs, Ark.. Feb. 23.—The ruins of yesterday'* big tire Is being removed as rapidly a* possible and a close search Is being made for the remains of any oss who pe.iche*. unKown to **»• firemen. The death list la now placed at four, and Is a* follows; Mr*. Mary Sammons, 70 years old, who was living tn the T^egerwood; D, W. Wing of Gl<*na Falls, N. Y., who es caped the flame*, but remembered that he had $1,800 ln the house and rbshM friclc to secure it. IWore he reached the door his clothes vrere on Are and t e burned to death in the sight of thousands of people. A negro, name ..riknown, and Mrs. Maggie Hlscock, housekeeper at the Oaklawn, ran out from the rear door of the Oaklawn. her clothing a sheet of flames, und fell d»*id before help could get to her. The property toss I* now estimated at $L£.OC *ith but ;> •••• tn aorance. .4-r.e-' n with the other*, more to t!mrt l« mon ,v 5’ ^nterv'e for it><*. Hu^omnn dfrltn^d to h-»* **nly two Qbo it it n A Hii Will n«»t how th* 4-*- n.atlt*. but h“ ndmttt»-xi to l r*n>«»rtrtr fhi\t h*- kr«*w ir’l "I tkat h- r-nil'l l,-11 if h- th\t h*. hi said 4n -!!- tn full wAh th* tn^n *r»J wants ih«-n to g.-r a wav -i* hr- wants to e*-e mrybulv ai't «mt of tr«*U'SU‘ can **D >rj’t V"U b-l <-v«- th:»* *.f \du tell th*» wh"!» Tiibn rl. u you will h# f e- the r.«iri»rte-r. aft^r nn h- iir'rt tulk v-flth Hw*k*nan. during wh h hi- h id trnrrjHated himself Vnto th- uri •• n**T - iTpal sTi« ea by ft^re^lng v\.th hv;i tn rill he tux,\ and t*-ln ni? L-;rn s- Vvial j"kes. ^ "If I th- utfht th -y wouldn’r catch W 'd ln’t 'nir.'l t*-ll nsr If inr-v w .u'l Y- t r -si 1 ’■ Hail Hickman. “They ,re r< 1 f»*ll'T»**i i-nil I • . CMS ret away, arid you bet rti^y*ll RED MEN’S ORPHAN’S HOME. Atlanta. Fee. 22.-<Sj,.- Ul.p-Tha or phan's noun- .---mniUt-- of ths onto, of I( "* ' ! '• ‘ n I :t ■ | Harris of Ootumbus. J. F. Abney of Co- 1 ombus, repr. sentatlt * to Uv xr.n.l coon- cll, M. P. Camp, chairman of th, orphan home commute, of Atlan-a, D. B. Ston.- clirr, A. \V. Wldtett anJ Joseph Wylie of Atlanta, went up to Austell. Hvhteen mile, from Atlanta today, and Kleotrd the site for the Red Men’s orphan's mjiiAtt. a IIS kUUMiiiiUrc re SS iw«t S4H4 «u> tertalned by prominent citizen* of Aus tell, anl e<ra-orte*l to th*? place offered for the home about a mKa from the town, on the Georgia Pacific railroad. The site elected Is a beautiful one. It was dona ted by Mr. W. W. Austell cm a gift to tbe order. The home to be erected will cost aiO and will a . ommodate 100 chil dren A goMfy part of the amount Is already *jl)? rlbed i%nd In hand, and ths wr.rk of putting up the home wttl soon he b**gun. Tbe gran<| has chsnged the place of meeting of the ne«t state conver.ti'jn fr-jm A i*u«t.i O-ir’,:.. MAJ. WAltHEN’S VACATION. Atlanta, Feb. V. —4*p«* Ial.>-Maj. Jaa. \V. Warren. *^ y „r if, ezscttvs Irpir'r • rjt. 1-fr this af».-rr. -on roupv of Wteteic" r*«? -with hi* -1-1 sr. 1 farr.r’ at Timpi, Fit M • ? Warren has t -n vtmurr of ths- a. v. . • partrn-nt r »r.tin i*ly for twenty-tiir*-*- years, and hi* pr«-i< nt > itlng la thr rU tlnia hr haa tc-n away front the . fr. o during that time, except for sickn-.4Z him, was tfompelled to telafrapb back for new requisition papers, after Oovenor Turney bad already approved the first papers presented. The new papers were preps rail this afternoon and forwarded to Nashville. Whether they will bring Tay or not te still axceadlngly doubtful. Toy's victim, h»re who are furntehlng the money to set him Into court, believe that h. to being aided by the Boetim con cern Itself, and that h* to merely th, agent of that Ml commercial bubble In Ite swindling operations tcicgram'from Nashville this after noon stated that Tay »** releared on a writ of haboaa corpus, and so wlU not b» brought back to Atlanta by tb* officer sent there; INDIONANT EMPLOYES. 8V® Men at the Southern HoM * AVarm Meeting. Atlanta. Tr*>. *1—fiYiere -was a meet ing tonight in this city the opero- tlvsse. meahanks. carpenKws aud poJnt- . Misnloved by tho Southern railway in ths Atlanta stetoo to amn their indigrxitton st the action of fifty odd property hold** In the nethhorhood of the ihoce. ■wh« are bringing «!t against tht Sooitern Railway Com- I'-iny for obstructing streets by en- clorinx the rihops. The suits run up to shout 8100.000. Ths property own er, claim to have been dsermged in that extent by the action of the rail road. The filing at thesstantoge oults cau.-i.-l «9ie Southern to stop work on th,- now Saons and In entarglDg Ule ol 1 one,, 'n/ i hrotiriri the Issue to a climax with the workmen end they held •an tniHgnar.lrei meeting, which sms largely attended. They ctolm that the ritoivi have been of InastouUhle value to ths property owners Instead of an Injury, and It appears thte msny of tbe wortenxmen are lennnds at the property owners who are siamr for <> wnv-raying mxifiily rental for the lots and houses. At the meeting toritefiri they -Wtertnlned to ertree rent ing from those property holders wbo are suing the. road. ■Kiev also appteutted a committee to secure the oooperatlon at tho cham ber of ocmmerao and the city council tt> traduce the property owner, lo with draw the saMs against the road. Much enrinsWrem prevailed at the meeting- KILLED A NBORO. A Portion of a 'Mill Building Fell On Body. Rruwt in, Ala., Feb. 23.-WhBe re pairing the slab way st the Alco mill of the Peter, Lumber Company thte morning, s portion of it fell, killing a negro workman Instantly sod serious ly Injuring Mr. T. C. Nix, the superin tendent uf tbe ropilrlng department. Two aOter people were slightly In jured. Dm. nendenwn ami McLen don are waiting *.n the wounded. It I* reported that the big m II of Flowers & Peigler at Form* Station, about forty mil**, north of here, was burned this morning. It was only about three week* since their main building at Bolling in* burned. If was not known hers whdfher Uurs was any tnsurtiKO Montgomery, Ala.. Feh. rtnwen- ger train No. 1, for N«n» Orleans, on L. and N. railroad, was wrecked being derailed two Trifles |> low Greenville. Ala.. «md fdrlysev-n tnlle.i MUth of Montgomery, at 8:30 thin morning. The train was going about ft (tv miles un hour when the rdHs •oread and ihe tender of the engine Jumped ihe track and the combination wall, baaesge and express car, smok ing cur and two passenger couches were thrown over rile fifteen-foot p-r- ii'-n E' embankment and ploughed Into the mud, the scene of the :icd- il -nt being In a emramp. The flnst Pull man sleeper left the rails, while two a leone ra and a private car uf tbe Cht- snd Alton roftrood, with officials on 'boanl. remained on tbs track. Engineer Oanobell and his remain si at their poete, the engine Jerking tense from rite tender and ce- caring dnnwgc. The mall clerk, baggage master and expressman all made uitroculoue • s- espes. revolving but slight bruises. Conductor Keeler got out uninjured. G. R. Walsh of Birmingham, Ate. thought to havtf bean a barber, was kSlsd instantly. He was oerMpyliiy a trout seat in the first passenger nud| when It ersaheil Into the smoking ear, and woo thrown forward against the tolhrt room, breaking hto neck. Those Inlureil were: Mrs. a. P. Arm- ntromr of Buffalo. N. Y., left Mmulder and arm broken, cut and bruised •boat ths face and left side; Mis. G. W. Mo.*lv of Shelbyville. Tenn., Jaw brok.-n and cut left ankle sprained and foot cut: her little daughter M'lg- garet sustained a few bruteea; Mrs. Armatrnng and Mrs. Od'ady are n >w ln Oreonlvlle. Ala., at s hotel Huso, wh i > thev ore receiving medical ntt ntlon. W. H. Jdhnron of NowcMtle, Ind., se riously hurt in the took and groin, carried to Mobile; Miss flslko Johnson of Birmingham. Ala., right leg acstdrei hr tha wager from ths heater,; she continued her trip in New Orleona; Mm. tv. I. R. Thompeon of Monte-m- erv. Ala., knee apmlne<l; Mrs. 8. J. Wisdom at Moutaxnwry, Ala., fare and Iwad rut. left leg sprained, pos sibly Intur-d Internally; Mm. W. II. Befeoolcroft of Montgomery, head out and right hand mangtsd; C. R. J,im- wm. a traveling man of Toledo, O., Mn out ami arm lacerated. There were more than 828 pa wengers aboard and at that nurtrtkT M b-aat thirty were mere or ! -• !«Jro~4 ettrfit cut* and bruises bring done those whoss nwnes ore not iriven. The mall and haaarsgs car, three •xtchiw and two Pullman riespors w -reburned. Otte slertoer and the f.t A. prlvn -• ir roresned «ho fire, which orl-'- - t.-l fn )M i ttie etovea of Ihe esdM. All sorta of exagg-rated reports of the wreck were retrived l»-n- thl-* morntrar that there wer • twenty old Montrcmery pe-gds ths train, th . exoHrms-nt 1 the depot aad tel-- graph offices, .srt -o- lory ■ rcretie ;,.,d gathered. b>*lng Intense. At 10:1# o'elrok a relief train left here bearing seven i/iyaletana, toge ther srtth General BuperttrtrfMleat Evens •nd other L. nod N. officiate an 1 the relatives of tbe kail pscpls who wars In Ihe wreak. This train returned at 6 o'clock this tifterneen. x Ths track boa not yet bssn clasretL hut trtv-1 r- - * -,,p! ,i The mat^ desteoysd was town Moot* vlUe. Cincinnati. Cfalcsgo sod tbs West.