The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 07, 1895, Image 3

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Every reosnt official examination has ■hawn Dr. Price’* Dakins JYuvdsr to be hlghn* In Ceavenlng atrenirth and perfectly pure in In muke-UD. COWES Atlanta, -M lie Dart uiTphell to sr.umT. a N V Mir !i 1 T!i • THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: Somo Time During Next Month. RONDS TO BB PAID IN CASH fix ARGUMENT. TINSLEY GOT THE PLACE. Cleveland Showed no Dof.Wnce to Pet tigrew's Wishes. 8H0! 11 I CASHIER. jj luaufllclent It May Ho ■fb»* 4,M Atu>n»r-9tmmml U 111 speak In D.fen.e or the Conelltutlonillty. March 6.—lAnttngemeote nl uK . last month in the Ki>pr.mie .itJIaklng Will Probably Begin in tie Supreme Court This Morning. TIME ALLOWED. f€ argument* In the Income ,,’tfic opening or the court today igrorni'j-ficwral Otney Bald there ,0 tlnw ease* ntollng to the Incomo before the court, taro of them SuW York cast's) presenting Man- ,llv the same questions and based VlUf reonrds. The third ortslun/tud L piairlot of Columbia and was , nly one in which the government ’I, directly interested. That was a t in- Slid, tor an injunction to re- L„ tfie commissioner of internal ocu" from proceeding to carry out hw. Tile attorney-general a.*:0 it the government might be penult- t o appear In the matter, atyl he gug- l:,d that 'they he aill consolidated nhamver time wua deemed reason' jK.fur Iheir argument might be given cutis -1. Chief Justice Fuller asked toonad on the other side hid any ji ? to sucg'Ht in the matter, and Mr. Cjbfeirger of this city responded m sis ana sspaored tor Mr. ’Moore | Hi- suit against Commiasioner (Mil-1 r He was laboring under Some em- ] rnaonent, from the fact that It bad hi arranged tlwit ex-Senaitor Bd- mils. who su associated artth them, hiU make (ho oral argument in be- af of tliuir clleot, but that be had ml SiiU sick In lot with Ho llxid received a telegram «ii Mr. Edmunds yestmday saying « he expouled to be able to appear morrow and that he would make the jiuimk if required. Mr. SlioUibar- aiij that he had no objection to consJidatlou of Hiie oases If it did othMiwiso ubbrevkite the time to itch they wiouU) be entitled. The i f Justice said that the purpose of DsolMtulon would be tor hearing as Washington, March 6.—The action of the ArMlaw,. In m«einc 1 Tecess nomination of Alfred D. Tino- ley to he postmaster at Sioux Falla, S. D„ has caused much comment among au<fi i'gbaators as happened to he about the capital today. Tbls nomina tion was Riede during the second ses sion of the fifty-third congress and was permitted to remain unacted upon until that season adjourned. This was due to the opposition of Senate Pettigrew who reside* at Sioux Falls, It being an unwritten law of tile senate that the man named for postmaster of the home town of a senator must be acceptable to the oonaitcr. In the debate on this case. (Mr. Pet tigrew made nctne pldtn statements, chief among them, it is alleged, being one that Tinsley was a political enemy whom the South Dakota senator would be unwilling to trust to the care of his moM thait might pass through the office. The light against Tinsley was quite not In the second session but no action was taken and immediately upon ad- Jojmrnment he was again nominated. The opposition rtf iMr. Pettigrew was re newed and on almost the' hurt day of the session. Tinsley was rejected by ?. very large majority of the votes cast. Having been rejected, this was sup- podad to be the end of Tinsley; but no ooner had the senate adjourned than he was again given a recess appoint ment which will stand pood until his oase is again acted upon by the nomde. Senators who have looked into this case say it has but one or two parallels in toe history of congress. Section 2 of article 2 of the constitution, defining th powens and duties of thle president says that he shaft have power "by and with the advice anil consent of the sen ate, to appoint embassadors, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for,” etc. It has always been held toat the rejection of a nomination was the witlh- hoMlng of the senate's consent, and but few pnesidents have ewer overrid den that decision. Grant did It once and so did Harrison, during the first part of Ms term. Senators claim that by carrying the matter to the point The Bank Official Had Pretence of Mind Enough to Lock the Door of the Vault. ONE OF THE ROBBERS WAS KILLED Ills Partner in the Adventure I« In .lull, bat the Citizens of the Little Town Are Determined to Kill Him It lie Ilem&lna There# Ur. J. €. Cnrtw, who appear* flr>r the nfcnettl'd Trust Company Jn support the law, dbserved th-jit the onhnary lea governing tho time for argument mttl to bo Inadequate. Pbc chief Just c • inquired how much no oottnsel thought they should Have. Is Idea whs t_> take the three cases .•f ther, and asked if one bour in od- lion would be enough go safirfy unset Mr. C. A. iSeward, who retpr -cnt< the nctcividem m the N'cnv lurk Trust mpiny and is CffRie <1 to (he law, J Hut he could qwik.ita only two (locates, in which l!i ere a five unsol engag'd, and he Imped tiut nm - time iwoukl t>e given. Mter eansntteu* wVh his nssncialos the bench, the chief Justice an Bred that they bad tVerified to allot hours to counari. Ore on each side, ihvMbn of whlen they might ud it among themselves. If ’( develop- fbat (this time was insufficient, it uld be enlarged. The government. u!d, would bo jiermltted to be heard 1 three counsel on a attic would bo miittal to speak. The usual rule ring the opening and cloning to (ho KvliiiV. he aVd, would be observed, the court desired that but one ti» l for appellant* ah.mid he hrtinl oloaing—that I*, thnt (heir spreches nl'l be . winttwiriied in among Hu* for agtpellees. fcunsol hare n < arranged among Ktaaetvss hour (he division of time nil is* mode, but It is probable that [•Senator Edmunds, Mr. Joseph •>"ate and Sir. Deward will speak for ■appoHanKs In opposition to (he law >'l (tie nttorney-gisustii odd Mr. Car- r tit the appeUem. in favor of tho or. The argument iwlll prrtbahljr be- a tomorrow. case, the executive Is aKe to nullify toe provision of ths eonstltutlon, pro viding for the consent of the senate, Whlrii the construction of the conntl- tution does not Justify. One very prom- )P e "t senator said today that while the letter of the law hill £2" v “’ th c spirit had and teat toe whole thing was simply a ques- tton of taste, so far as toe president H??. <y 2! cern ? ! l’ If he *“ w bt to disre gard the wishes of the senate there t*-> power In the senate to restrain him. BOne thing may. however, result and Wat Is, a rupture at toe beginning of congress and a vlg- * or 1h e recognition of that senators contend tho consenting power In the matter of appointments. If the sena- toraremaln after toe nine months va- th S.. nli . nd toey appear to be « Tlrwie y case will be made fn tor . toclr future guidance to to”'Q‘0'tt er ^confirming or rejecting to the senate. It promises to become a celebrated case ln toe annals of this congress. ^The two ro-w examincr»-ln-riiief of ° r ce1y and ' W * M> were ncml- na/tea to Wie elenate to sucoec+l Judges “““I who fall al of mn- : ”2 weCe re-at*t>ointed by the P /TW^Hn° a “.I Tiallfied for office, rjhey mill ndt aosum- their new du- 1. JralgjVat^TAo upon re<]TicRt 2® 222^1 si® if 10 work untI1 aiontlnv. ©u. JU'icre CT.nfk, who r» f«e*c<*l to r^^Irrn Ji f8 W ST S l,y e\ unInerB < r t.b* °®ct tsurla^ this* month. Dea Molnea, la., March 6.-Adel, the county seat of Donas county, twenty-two miles from here, was the scene of a bold bank robbery this morning, followed by the pursuit of the amateur bandits, tho killing of one and the formation of an angry mob which surges about the coun ty Jail tonight and threatens the life of the living robber. Tho funds of the bank were saved by the presence of mind of the cashier, who, after receiving a load of lead ln his body, swung shut the door to the vault and turned the combination. Following are the casualties so far re corded: Dead.—Orlando P. Wilkins, robber, from Patterson, Madison county, la., aged 30 years; Shot by pursuers Injured.—6. H. Leach, cashier of the bank, seriously wounded In the left shoulder and neck. C. D. Dftlley merchant, shot ln shoulder. J. D. Chambers, a prominent citizen, shot In the hand and arm. R. S. Barr, postmaster, shot ln the left arm. J. L. Simpson, citizen, and Cecil Dexter, a boy, slightly wounded. The robbers, Orlando P. Wilkins and C. W. Crawford, were fanners living ln morning they drove Into Adel In a buggy. Leaving their rig a block away they went to the bank. Wiiktns carried a re peating shot gun with six loads. They entered the bank Just as Cashier Leach was taking the money from the vault. C. D. Bailey was ln the bank at the time. Crawford remarked that they wished to make a deposit. Cashier Leach was busy at the time, but turned with the remark, ‘•What is lt? M As he did so he looked into the barrel of a shot gun held by Wilkins, who Im mediately flred. Cashier Leach staggered and fell, but rousing himself, flung the currency and gold on the counter into th > vault and closed the door. Wilkins fired again, wounding Mr. Bailey. Then Craw ford kicked In the door leading behind the counter and he and Wilkins acoop« d I ’\v>* that of R. > r iprcsooted by ;ind a ]*lea of not all swing tfuninj? entered. City A: for Infants and HIRTY yearn’ observation of Cantoria with tho patronaq;« million*! of psnons. porrait ns to speak of it withont Rnsidii". It in unquestionably the be-t remedy for Infant* and Cbi. Iren LSn world lia* ever known. It 1* harmlen*. Children liko it. It j-ivu. thorn hoalth. It will unvo tholr Hvom. In it Mnthor. hnvo •omothine which 1. nh-olutoly »af^ anil practically porfect a. a child', medicine. Cn.tnrtn doNiroy. Wrrm«. Cn.torln ullny. Fovort.hne... Cft.torln provont. vomiting Soar Curd. Cnntnrla cure-. Diarrhea and Wind Colic. m'j* as a ovit •• CIS,* b' de bit.' d'sruMion IS (1*9 next at lb o'clock, of John la -in, char-' <1 with -dense, was then called and V. h. Connor, on behalf ot statel that IMr. If m only fk.-r of tho building and . Sctmerman was the (mil- r> ms referred to. It ; Mr I- -:u » • ■ 1 • -- * d;: -1 anil alirnved to - []-■. IV. II. Hir.tnrlt Whs .1 All nnan Cleveland nt-K'rs bo aunnnonnl >f Clmtnpl nr AltKeUl Sc«rg3 the ChlralBO iXewsp.ipers. f-prliL'lloId A1-. M cam m. i n iib by JEANS MAKEKS MEET. Eighteen Mills Represented at the Knox- vtllo convention. TUB TROUBLE IN COLOMBIA. Atlanta Ordered to Proceed to Boras Deltoro. l.'ashlnffton, March 1—On account of csbleSTsm received yesterday front ipt. Cromwell of the cruiser Atlanta I Colon announcing thnt the rsvolutlon- I »re iundlng at Cocoa Deltoro. Secrey y Herbert has ordered that veesel to eed to (hat point at once and protect rlcan Interests, which are conalder- DAHCN GROWS WORSE. Washington, March (.—For mors than three months George U. Bshen, the Georgetown College football player who was Injured In the game with tho Colum bia Athletic team on Thanksgiving asy, has been lying in the Emergency Hos pital unable to move any portion of his body bin his arms. It Is claimed that It la impossible for the Injured man to re cover, It being a question of time agslnet vitality before he succumbe. A few frelnda who are permitted to visit him dally say that they have noticed a change for the worse since last week. He Is a Richmond, Va., boy. -ocas Deltoro is only 100 miles north Colon add the AfUnta could easily Ike ths trip in eight hours. Oapt. unwell's new orders Instruct him to itch both points and tn case of fresh breaks st ths Isthmus to return to Ion. 10 Raleigh, Which Is commit) lid by .It Merrill Millar, Will be at least four is making the 1.80 miles run from ir.ldsd th Colon to rellers the Atlanta. Imlrnl Meade’s squadron should sail to- for Laguaysra, Venesueia, which Is miles nearer Colon, and If affaire grow ire serious Kie Ships will continue their lee st once to the Colombia coast. Prrwflco UjouseJirtH rew ■ ny hy uo- « Price's Cretan asking Powder. It's iroluteiy pure. STBAMBR8 FOR MANCHESTER. b>n,Jon, March (.—As one of the deni als of the Manchester canal. It is '■■I that the North German Lloyd "unship Company is about to run a Dice of fast steamers fortnightly be- Ti Brian, Australia, China and ths 'it Indies and Manchester. It Is also »ted that the service between Manohes- >nd Quebec and Montresl will begin n- The Wilson Lins announces tho VirntlonDf a regular service of steam- between Manchester and Baltic Ben FRENCH SEIZE AN ISLAND. Birls, March (.—The government Is in ' ‘Ipt of Information by cable from >(><ar that the French have seised the end of Nosslvey lying southwest of Ingiacar. ■R'e direct the attention of our adere to (be advertisement of BHD* ' «» Uvcr Ht-miiator or. another page ‘ e have used the medicine in our fam- • ran are prepared to any. from e: riepoe, that for a torpid liver or V’lni-rM stomach It la a good rented; ' Den traveling we usually carry som “Ur vn(We."—From the ''Cnristls Wtor." amlthfield, M. C, Knoxvllie, Tenn., March (.-The Jeans Manufacturers' Association for the South ern end Middle states held its semi-an nual session here today. Eighteen rnffis were represented by delegates represnt- lng Tennessee, Kentucky, Mlsaouri, Mia sisslppl and Indiana and an Invested cap ital of K,000,000. The mills are prospering notwithstand ing hard times and stocks of goods on hand are reported as only nominal. There have been no euepenslona and mills are running to their full capacity. The naming of ths place at which the next meeting will be held was left to the executive committee, and It will probably be at Nqehvllle. Henry w. Barrett of Louisville, Ky„ Is president and P. N. Clarke secretary. BOUGHT BY THE TRUST. Baltimore, March (.—The American To bacco Company today absorbed another Baltimore firm, making three factories in this city to Join the trust. H. Bills,whosa factory Is at No. HI North Sharp street, closed a deal whereby he entered the com pany yekterdisy. Ths American company already controlled one ot the firm's new factories In the South. Ellis has been chiefly engugvd In the manufacture of cigarettes and employed 230 bands. The American company. It Is said contrails the cigarette trade, and are absorbing factories when purchase!)!*. FUNERAL OF IUJAjOKIE. Edinburg, March 0.—Tho funeral of Ftvfi'-Kor John Hluart ltbok> took place this morning. The servibes were held In St. Glie’s Cathedral nod tho body was buried in (be Dean cemetery. The cathedral was Oiled with the fac ulty and students of Edinburg Univer sity, the members of the municipality of Kd-nbnng and tho literary ceJobrt ties of tho city, ns well as many from abroad, nil of twhom marched to (he grave. Easily, Quickly, Peivanently Restored. WfakuiM, Nenrou*ncM, Debility* and all the tral i ~kOf eriki IromeazJy error* or lUtcr ax .€<•- •. th results i * •lek: r overwork. *lr irwurn. Biritues*, worry, etc. FullitrenKih, dcTft- r ) T ^ etc. t. - ,« i cproent aud tqe•• flrea to 1 A-i 1 of t k. i,v. u- • ■ IllMC^'ed t-il iseu»t» III-]-' / “ // i 11 X / a'. UaBrortasol ; ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, H.Y. Ill., Minch 0.—Gorerncr 1 tflie AMMAtloo of the ThUng to the pon«T;iJ as- imnunleatk>n requearin^ i-^1 xtlon < > stop many of xivtln^ In th^ matugranedt 1 property In the stite. Ho io oun<llt'.on of affairs in )•. \Ylioro pr «n *rti€s bolon^- -liool fund of tho state aro r;> »r.itl« iis. it i rULcuIf>u.<djr Phi* land Is not subject to d itu- -«home Is for a ro- ri ry sis: years anil tho Cafttorla relieve* ToothinR Tronhlo*. Cantorla cnroi ConhUpation nml Flntnlonoy. Cuhtorin noutrallro* tho '*flY*ct*( of oarhonlo ncld Kn-i or pnUonoti* nlr. Cnstoria does not contain morphino, oplnm.or other narcotic property. Ca*torin a*%iniilato* tho food, rcKnlatc* tho wtamach nml howcls, glvinjj hoalthy and natural mlorp. Cawtorla i» put np In one-ilro hottlo* only. It in not *old In hoik. Don’t allow any oiso to boll yon anythinjr oLo on tho pica or promUo that It i» “junt a* Rood ” Avtll nnwwor ovary pnrpono.** Sco that you got C-A*S-T»0*R*I*A. Tho fac~«lmllo ■Ignatnro of Isonoyory wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. The Royal Baking powder is in dispensable to progress in cookery and to the comfort and conve nience of modern ho- sekeeping. Royal Baking Powdo* makes hot bi ead wnuuieGiiiC. Perfectly leav ens without fermentation. ’ Oual- ities that are peculiar to it alone. ROYAL BALING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. th* loose sliver Into a lack. It amounted to G*r. By thla time Sheriff Payne, who waa on the atreet had hla attention at* trated and opened fire on the robbers. They mads a dash for their buggy, Wil kins firing ms he f«fi and wounding the other cltlsens mentioned. The robbers started to drive across ths country. Th<ey were hotly pursued, the hastily collected posse being often within * 200 or SOD yards of the fugitives. After a chase of nearly twelve miles the wound ed horses could go no farther and were abandoned by the bandits, who separated at wtoat Is known as Neal's crossing. There Craw fort bid himself ln a clump of bushes, but he was soon surrounded and surrendered. Wilkins took refuge In a barn, which was quickly surrounded. To repeated orders to come out he made no reply. Then Crawford was forced, at the point of a Winchester rifle, to carry a can of kerosene, saturate a straw atack near tfi® barn and start a flro. Wilkins did not ahoot at hla comrade and when the flames closed around him made a break across thq open space for the tim ber. He bad proceeded but a few yards when he fell pierced by a bullet from a rifle, held. It Is said, by n prominent farmer named Pritchard. Then the in oh lost control of Itself and the body waa riddled with bullets. The corpse of Urn robber and hla living companion were taken back to Adel where, this afternoon. Crawford made a full confusion. He claimed he had been forced Into the job by WIlEtns, who threatened to kill him if hla nerve failed. He left Patterson Tues day and spent last night with a farmer five miles from Adel. Tonight the biggest crowd ever seen there Ls upon tho streets of Adel. Every man carries a rifle, shot gun pistol or dub. Sheriff Pnyne has *he Jail protected bv a large and woll armed posse. It ls believed that In the course of the night Crawford will he spirited away to a place of safety. All th* wounded are doing well. 'ANOTHER DEAJDI/)CK. Choose a Co ngTewanan. Kaknauoo, Mich., March 6.—Tho Re- publkvm oonventkm for <he third c >n- graal'wml district to nominate a r?p* rewentatlve to All the vacancy caui^* 1 by the election of J. C. Burrow* to the Unlt*4 State* senate met at noon totby. Hon. Charts* E. Broum of Kal- amazoo,. wan madr* chairman and L. P. Blaset! of Charlotte, secretary. Warti- Iriigton Gardner at Albion. J. Milne* of OakSwater, John M. Smith of Char lotte. and Frank W. CIj«» of Ba&le Creek, were placed ln nomination. Th** ft net ballot reindted: Gardner, 25; Smith, 20; Mttncs, II; Clapp. 11—neoeasary for choice, 25. The second ballot resulted: Gardner, 27; 8m!th, 11; SMIlnes. U; Clapp, 12. Thin! balkt: Gardner, 26; Smith, 20; Milne*, If; CSapp. 12. Fourth ballot: Gardner, 27; Smith, 19; Milne*, 11; Clapn, 12. Fifteen more ballot* were tnk^n— nlneevn In all, without change aftrc the fourth ballot. The contest promleoe to be a long one, aa there seems no prowpe<ct of breaking the deadlock. There wan no change In the vote until the forty-flrwt baP . <wl • n nn ..r Ctapp'* vote* went to Gardner. Efcrht more twlkfli were taken without dnn 1 and the convention took an* - offender* In this • 11M* ..S II n*-r. I tax (k<dger of gr ornor In closing said: “Thli peeaCar u hin'l -A I V.-S Ml ■ plunl r* tho pe ls getting tmtlrrl r> named sfl large [ttet, and the Chi ll in partUiilar 1»y also olai > (1 os a ability. Tho p>v* s c *mmuiiIc:ULon Infinite h i .tiRn and h tho other *n*i¥>n and ls COTE R NOR TH It CAT BN ED. Roby Race Indhnapolls, ilarch 6.—Governor Mat thews Bade public today an anonymous letter vhlt h threatened hts life If ho does not stof bln fl^fht on the Roby race tenck. The IoRjt rays the Roby interez's will be nve lo»g after tho governor la dead. Th* commud at I on states that a relatlvo of the goiernor*a accepted a bribe to Influ ence bin. Th* letter also states that Gov ernor Matthews, tn his future political career, will need the Influence of the Roby nee track people. NO LOSS OF GOIJD. Wawrtngrton. March 0.—The gold re* serve Stood at 129,000.000 at the close *rt bu‘in today, a l*».m since yester day it $2,000,000. Assivtmt Secretary CurtH explained that tho difference was tnon* rpparent than real, aa the treasiry this lost no gold by export or withdrawals, and that the apparent zs bimj.ty « matter of bookkeep- it and there- ansfer from actount to another. JEWS .MAY Berlin, March n - day by A v<*te ot l‘;< bill to reftdet M BiL'MANN S BODY I'OUXD, r. u^M M'lrli <X—(P!i 1 body of Adolpa Rium"in, wh * til a panaon- g*p oz'th • I’.I!>*. ha** ban picked up l.\ * . : i < '.I Mr. R.b ' ' '«■» • -n * t m» manager of ebe fragile opera house and eras on his WSJ t • N 1 ^ :’k i ■' i: 1 gjgejniii' a- s .'•» tmiuger under WaRer D *•!». OBR^AISf*« TRADE TREATIES. Berlin] March 6.—In the course of the debate ** the comm* rii! eitlmate* In the LandtaT. toiay Baron von Berlepeche, mlnlste'lof commerce, declared that the goveTOrbnt had no int- ntlon of revising the trrny eoaMtkl treaties, to which the at IMty of the country, he said, was prtnlclpdly due. Thu !• !>ration waa re ceived tlth cheers by the members of The Road Will Be Tut ou tho Block A New York Syndicate llaa Already Hid 101 for the New Issue, ami Another Syndicate Is Prepard to Pay a Good Hound Sunt, •Atlanta, IMjrch C.—(SjtrlaU-Onrpr- nor Aitfcloson, iStn-te Tro-murcr ILmlo- man an. 1 AUurm'j-General Ferrell, al ter a lc«stliy conference iKxliy, de- elil a npoD tlii- sals i«f tlio Nortlieist- era rallr i<L Th ■ s\lo (rill e.-1'ur S'liiin tin)-- during n .\: nnntli. At tiro mm-* time izuo rvdd * SuTCT a ot: of 5 1-2 jier cent, j^iJHji 1 authorized by die leslshtnro f,.r tho porp eg n>; ring the bond, </f the Northuatern rallrosil which !>■ r I he lndaoi:>nie<it of ;li" atsto. Th sa bonds will s 11 for I li niluni. Alreuly a Now York syndlatto lilt* offered 101 for them, s-nd o sellins ttr-m oft theso terms ami uslnK the proceni* to retire Ihd Northeausti-rn b>mU In*ead of using (hem at par to retire diem, tho state will ittve a very non* penny. Just how n.niy of tlio now lioniis rail bo Hold Is not yet known. Tht cannot be told until tho XorthttiHlen road la put upon the block. If M should sell for oil auab no boud* would lot to be issued, but If only part cash (a ro- odvid enough now tionds will have to be iesned to make up tho difference bo- tween the cuah ptymeut and the F-Jf),- 000, wtalch ia (he aBeredito of the eiato'e liability on tho iNotllhcafttem bond*. ft ■wifll bo tho policy of the utile to scM the road on liberal terms, t ilftra a partial oish payment, ami on this busls U is undendoad itlivt a Siw York syndicate, torouab Us aeant here, hna notinnl tho jjovurnor that (hey ar- rntdy to b'd tvpproxlnntely (dOO.Olli) for 1L ' Hut rnsatdlrat of the ti f->r a year or ne're It. has been tn llt- iiritlon. AlthouBh the rails, ties, wire, poles, etc., had been sold under order of court to the Halo Investment Com pany. other patties to the litigation, whose land was invested, were crp-- "" 1 to the removal of the tracks, and lost nkr-'it when the squad of men employ ,1 by the Halo Inv -stinent Company, with fifty tosnin appeared on the ground and undertook to tear up and haul toe rails, etc., off toe ground, (hey were surprlf'd by a doaou ot tli,■ who Were tr.ntln r th - removal and at tho points of pistols ami guns the gang ot laborers were forced to quit -work. The Investment complpny thought to accomplish the removal of the stuff without trouble by doing It at night, but their men hail hardly got to work before tho iHgMborthood was up ln arms. Henry Haralson. Henrv MoCool and Dr. Mott are named ns the leaders ,,C the«ttn«d party and will he criminally pros-' uL,-d. ns well a; the olli -rs. as they may bo Identified. IMsy th" Investment company ap- wlrlch tho nrad U sold, 'Jt now app, ora thjit the hoklers of (ho Nonli-ustern bond.* .will have (tn>ni toJcoiumI In cash Insteud of the dot Ikwc of 3 1-2 per cent, hwenty-yaar bonds. Tho wile of theo" band* at a good premium is already practically assured. SLATTERY NOT COMING, The ex-Prie«t Saya Ho Haa Had Enough of Georgia. Atlanta, March 0.—(Speotal.)—Ex- Prieat Siatery will not go to Macon to leotore. He baa bod enough of G,.->r- gta, and when he get* through In At- loots will make s bee line to rthe West. The «x-priest reached here today from Savannah. Hla ugent bod tho Gate City Guard armory yesterday, but' the letting of toe had for such a purpose raised a big row in the com pany, and toddy tee board of truste s met and declared the contract made by toe secretary of toe company with Slattery's agent off. The ex-priest now d.■dares that be will sue the Gate City Guard, for damages. No place tn town could be secured for .toe lecture, but the bell of ths lo cal A. P. A., ’Which Is located In a tumble-down block of more or leas bed repute on Peaohtre, street, and there tea ex-priest and bis wife wi l hold forth to dusty benches, mostly during toetr engagement here. TROUBLE ABOUT A RAILROAD. Ir N-ll Mil'",. 11 ..f .Isi \\<').T** sh** 1h pr> ak i n Mlt h**U t o. iime fame jo j- rf. r>n»*ii when Ja ailUctvd with Lite j Atlanta. Marrh 6 C- | of lov-my-llv,- latHirers empl---.- I tear ui> th** tracks*. **t<- . **f ,i*i ,l**n«il v. >\\oy liny h,.t\v - n t!i.* I’ I Icirrarks* an ! th- litM-* tmv n -*f ,:.t-* Point. hU m'lfH from the* . :ty t ha.l an -xr.^lInK'v llv-lv tltl) f it l^t nlk'nt T.n* vr -i- t-»w of th- tr..1- 1- y Luc t- Hcu tn tL-ir uu*JvrtaJciug, ami : ; i 'tr • w i.i i a mi l j.r«- vide for 500 *»f thom of $00 each. Up to date, however, out or 101 < mntles heard from, th to nro somo 4,000 appli cants, and a ettreful etulmito inn-!** up after oorreepoavlencc trtfh tbe ordina ries of the several counties, Hhow that . A III!' - . n t; tl-i I t . r- • , ^!l > ii; -I-!' ' 1," u-W lav id!! b* »•« or thrift tlrme ormiter titan ‘ho nurnfi> T that con Ih- paid out of Che appropriation. Under tho pre- oetleiit c-Mtabllsaetl when the firldows* pension law was passed, none of tho pensioners can b» pakl n'M-st there itt enough money to no all the way arnind. Th** widows* omidons \v«*ro held up n year, owlrnr to n similar discrojMmy betwwn tihe mimher «*f pensioners anti the size of tho appro priation. To the Editor: Flea • Inform jour readers ilmt 1 have a l»o*»u a v« reiuedy, for ubovo uainod dlh-ii—. By iu timely otto thouxnuJ* of Lop* .ess cumi Iiavo been permanently CP roil. 1 hliall bo to »eod t>*o bottles! cf mv remedy ireo to ir.y ot your readers who have con sumption, If they will h*‘ mi in«t iheir a - -a _ expreHd anil pu*toffi<*o aililresses. U« •pectfully, T. A. SLOBUM. M. D, " * Pearl *tr« t. New York. 75^ The Old Friend Ami tho frici. 1 that never fail t you ia Bimmuus Liver Regu lator, (tho Rod Z)- that’s v.-h.-.t you near at tho mention of thia excellent Liver ***—t^**-, - anil people should not be persuaded that anything elso will do. It is tho King of Liver Medi cines; it better than pills, and takes tho place of Qutuino and Cal'unol It acts direi tly on tho Liver, Kidney and Bowels and gives m w life to tho wholo sys tem. This is the m.'dii'ino y u want. Hold hy all Jlruggists in Liquid, or in Powder to bo taken dry or made into a t. a. Ha* tin* / Stftin(i in red on HraniMir J, H. a to., I'LLtcl.tu*, Vs. J