The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 11, 1895, Image 4

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v i THE MACON TJ*;LEG RA2 Tl: 'ATCRDAT MOILING, AIAHCII 9, 1895. THE WORLD OF TRADE. Reports by Wire From the Great Markets. y«w 'York, March 8.-Mor.ey on call was Arm at 2aJ per cent., laat loan at 274 and cloalnic t'ffere.1 at 214 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 4!4a5 per cent. Bar sil ver. COTi. Sterling exchange Arm. with actual buslnees in bankers' bills at 4.877, to 4.88 for sixty days and 4.89'A for de mand. Posted rates. 4.8874a4.90. Commer cial bills. 4.86Vat.S7!4. Ooverament bond.. lower; state bonds, doll; railroad bonds. weaker. Silver at the board was 6044 bid. STOCKS AND BONDS. XAILROAU STOCKS, Amer. Cot Oil... HI'/, do prefd. 67 Am. Sugar Kebn; 9854 do prel’d. 93y. Am. Tobacco Co. MU. no prefd.104 A.. T'. and H. io. 854 Balt, and Ohio.. 6014 Canadian Pacino 3214 Chess, and Ohio. 1654 Chi. and Alton..147 Ohi., B. andQ... 69V, Chicago Oae 7154 Del.. B. and IV-..166J4 Die. and Cattle F 12J4 Erie 754 do Gen. Electric. Illinois Cen Lake Ene aDd W 18% do prefd. 70% Lake Shore 1<*4 Lon. and Nash... 47% Lou. and N. Alb. 6% Manhattan Cons. 107 % Mem. and Char.. 10 Michigan Cen. • • 02 „ . Missouri Pacific. 19% Mobile and Ohio. 12% 8-C. 4%a U® N., C. and St. L.. G3 kta'^e nouns. Alabama class A.l(>"% l |Tenns , u old 6s.. — ** B.1U6 U. B.Cordage.... 6% do prel’d; 8% New Jersey Cen.. 84 New York Cen... 94% N.Y.and N. E.. 29 Nort. and W. pret 9% Northern Paciflo- 2ti do prefd. 13?i Northwestern ... 87% do prefd. 138 Pacific Mad 21 % Reading. 7% Rock Islai ot. PauL.. do prefd. 117 Silver Cerufle’es. G0% Tenn.O. and 1... 14 do prefd 1 70 TexasTaclflc.... 8% Union Pacific.... 9 W., St. L. and P. 5% do prefd. 12% Western Union.. 86% WhTgandUK. 9 do prefd. 35 Southern Ivy 6s. 86 con. 9% 61K .... Ml? nowsotha* 84 •* ■■ i Virginia 6s def... 8% *• * C* 95 La. stamped 4 S..10O N. Carolina 6s. ...101 ** 4a... .126% OOVEIINMF.MT BONDS. U.B. 4a regist’d..110%| U. 8. 2a regular.. 95 t Ex dividend. j | COTTON. Macon, March 8. The Macon market for spot cotton is steady at the following quotationa- Good Middling 5% Middling Strict Low Middling... 5 Low Middling 4% Good Ordinary 4% Ordinary 4% Clean Stains 4 %to4% lied Stains 4 LOCAL RECEIPTS. •7 a a 1 4 £ 1 ■3H 1 £ 4 5 O g 3 3 CQ ThliDav.. 17 16 67 71 68 44^9 Yesterday •• •• ** 4107 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. Stock on band September 1. 1894.... Received since September 1, 1894... 1.400 C2.17C POET RECEIPTS. is! I s K © f O g e £ e s* r Falimlay. Monday Tuesday Wednesday.... Thursday Friday 20603 212H1 18441 16066 14491 12199 »IN 29219 18505 1«V.M. 8185 13150 11376 12004 8703 7133 11221 9904 9317 M10 Total this week 116,12b 134.226 69.036 57.G74 New York. Mat. S.—Cotton »ta»dy. MiuuliuK ciiIf ft 1-1G; middling upland 5 13-1C. 613 bales. The cotton markot for future dolivory closed very steady. Sales 17,3300. January February March April.. Juno July August September October November December b 67 5 GO 6 64 6 66 ce b 71 6 70 a 6 73 5 71 ap 6 76 6 74 d a so 6 77 I 5 83 £ S3 5 90 6 67 6 95 b n y 5 97 M held the advances and Closed firm at about yesterday’s final quotations. The stimulating factors-?,ere good buying by Wall street and local operators, moder ate receipts, firmer and higher Liverpool market, with smaJlar offerings of wot from’ the South. Large purchases in this market of »yot cotton by Eastern spinners continued good; outside Investment de mand and a decrease of 77,000 bale® in the amount atioat. and in Liverpool price* showed a disposition fo advance from the start, and at one time they were from 2 to 5 points above yesterday's closing. The Improvement was lost about noon and prices declined 4 points under the In fluence of bear raids and long selling, but another wave of buying orders carried prices back to yesterday’s range and uosen the markot firm. Th6 sales for the day were ii!£600 bales. The receipts at the ports were 14,276 bales, making the total for the week 116,1184 against 13*.226 last week. 69.036 last year and 92,000 in 1892. All the Southern spot markets ruled firm and generally higher. The total amount brought Into grght for the week was 123.571 bales, against 70,750 last year and 129,729 In 1892. The receipts at New Orleans tomorrow are estimated at 7.000 to 8,000 bales, against 3,600 last week and 3,821 last year, and the total for the com ing week at 40.000, against 44,281 this week, 32,421 last year and 43,000 in 1892, and the total at all ports 110,000, against 116,118 this week, 68,164 last year and 91,000 In 1892. A recession in values would be nat ural after such a sharp and rapid ad vance, but the great strength of the sta ple Is shown by the market ruling firm at about the highest point reached. E. B. Cuthbert & Co. THE SUN’S COTTON REVIEW, New York, March 8.—Cotton advanced 2 to 3 points, loot this and declined 2 to 4 points and later closed steady with some early months 1 point higher for the day and later months 1 point off. There was so much covering of May that May and June were close together. New Orleans advanced 1 point, but lost this and de clined 4 points and then recovered most of this. The sales were 37,000 bales. In Liverpool futures ailavaneed 1% to 2 points and closed steady. Spot cotton there was unchanged, with a hardening tone; sales, 24,out) bales. In Manchester v4rn» w«r« ni*]»t nrwt firm ninth* Sii]|, Spot cotTon here was quiet at a decline of 1-16 of a cent; sales, 615 far spinners. The Southern spots wero generally steady to firm. Today’s Features.—The short interest has been reduced of late and outsiders re port a scattered and not very strong In terest on the tong side. The bullish ar guments are the cheapness of the yneb, first and foremost; then the possibility of a reduced yield next season, and finally the possibility that the receipts in the near future may show a material falling off. The buying by Weld & Co., Munn As Co. and other commission houses early In ‘the day, together with more cheerful private reports Trom Liverpool and Man chester explains The advance noticeable at the outside. But later on when tho buing subsided the market relaxed and the early rise was lost, although in somo cases there was a subsequent rally. Some of the German element, who have latterly been buying pretty freely, turn ed out and sold today and Stevens & Co. and other commission houses also sold some to realize profits. The members of the bear contingent say that they have no tatth In the permanency of an ad vance while the receipts continue al any thing like their present magnitude. Many a time in the past, many a time Indeed, during the present season, the market has gone up like a rocket and speedily come down like a stick. It Is true that the port receipts for the week, though they fell considerably below estimates, were heavy, being 24,000 more than in tho same week of 1892, the big crop year, ntul moreover tho Interior receipts of the cek ran ahead of the estimates. Nobody looking for more than (Z.f**) yester day, bul IW iuru Out to C*££d w A- 000. However, tub market overrode tho hourish features In the shape of liberal receipts and showed a degree of strength that surprised many. There was some now buying by outsiders. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, March 8—Cotton spot market vision.-;.--v'-'n! \s of Mwere -eiri •vt *. \t ;llef tha • 1 tin,' a V#:. - Vf ' off 1 r iiiits |ini'!icon absorbed look pin*'. “Vi ntually n- •rwsth, pav.b ularly for pork. • with :i g;Ju of r> cents f. r nt.- f -rlMay 1 ird and 2ft FUTURE QL 1 following Ts th't tftTipNS. r of the lead ing fature quot WHEAT- ure •March 62 May ;»i July. .... M CORN-’ March 43 May 45 July. .... U OATS— May 29 June. .... :::* July 27 PORK— May 10.SG LARI*— May.* .... 6.62 July 6.75 RIBS— May 5.C0 July 5.7< CASH Qt Flour—Several ro worked for export The feeling was fir No. 2 spring whe No, 2 red wheat. No. 2 cccn, 43fta4 No. 2 oata, • Pork, 10.80aU.CO. Lard, 6.50aG.52ft. Short rib sides, Shoulders, 4.62fta J Short clear sides, Whisky, 1.28ft. NEW ORLEANS PRODUCT. Now Orleans, March i.—Sugar, open ket tle, firm; Centrifugal, firm. Sugar—Strictly prime, 2fta3-16; prime, 2 7-16; full fair, 2%a7-16; got.d fair, 2ft to common, 2a74; inferior, lftal5-16. Centrifugal: Choice white, 3ftaft; off white. SftaU; gray white. 3 1-16; choice yellow, 3 1-16a ft; prime yellow, 3; off yel low, 2ftal5-16; seconds. lft a*. Molasses—Open kettle: Unchanged. Centrifugal: Good prime, 11; prime, 8 to 9; good fair, 8afl; fair, Gfta9; good com mon, 0a7; common, 6; syrup, 9al4. Refined, sugar—Strong. Powdered, 4 7-16; cut loaf, 4 7-16; standard granulated,, 16-16; confectioners’ A, 3 7-16. Rice—Steady. Fancy. 6fta%; choice, 4ft to 5; prime, 4fta%; good, 4^5»; fair, 3ftp4; ordinary, 3ftaft; cdfnmon, 3%a3ft. — Coffee—Ordinary, 10ft; *ow ordinary, 15**; common, 14ul4ft. Cotton seed oil—Strictly prime, 19; loose, ISaft; refined, 24. NAVAL STORES. Wilmington,Mtorch 8.—Rosin firm at 1.15 for strained; good strained, 1.20. Spirits turpentine firm at 32ft cents. Tar firm at 1.00. Crude turpentine, firm; hard, 1.10; soft, .60; virgin, 1.70. Savannah, March S.-Spirit» r o? turpen tine market firm at 33ft cents for regu lars; sales, 324 casks; receipts, 78 casks. Rosin—Firm at advance; sales 1.000 bar rels; receipts, 1,430 barrels. Qbote A. R. C. 1.00; P. LlOatS? E. 1.25; F, 60; G. 1.66; II, 1.96; 1. 2.05; K. 2.20; M, 75; N, 3.00; window glass, 310; water HARDWARE. Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardware Company, . Aiea-io io 57 A»er uoczn. *v r Bar Lead—6c per pound. ‘ Buckeu—PnJn^s. 31.25 per dozen; ce dar, »in*ee hoops, 32.25. Cards—Cotton, 54. Chains—'Trace. 33.60 to |4.0 p<T dozen. Well buckets—12.26 per dozen. Rop^-afanltla, 10c; slsel, 8c; cotton, lift 12 cents. Shies-Hoi-pe, 33.75; mule, 34-25. Shovels—Ame* 3lo per dozen. 6 Shot-Drop, J1.25 per Back. Wire—Barbed. 2ftc per opund. Nalls—1,65 base, wire; cut, 31.25 base, base Tubs—Painted, 32.35; cedar, 34.60 pef neat. Brooms—Si.23 to 35 epr dozen. Hames, iron bound. 33. Measure*- fw nest, 31 . Plow Blades—6 cents pound. Iron—Swede. 4 l-2c per pound; reflnod, 2c basis. Plow Stocks—Halmen, 90 cents; Fergu son, SO cents. DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Corrected Every Saturday by Henry J« Lamar & Sons. Clnamon Bark—Per nound, 12 to 15a Cloves—Per pound, 15 to 25a Drugs and Chemicals—Gum assafoe- tlda, 50 to 75 cents per pound; camphor gum, 65 to GO cents per pound; gum opium, 32.C0 to $3.73 per pound; morphine. 1*8a. 32.25 to 3145 ounce; qui nine (according to size) 38 to 90 cents ounce; sulphur, Sfta6c pound; Balts, Ep som 2ft to 3c pound; copperas, 2ft to 3c pound; salt petrw, *9 .0 12c pound; bo rax, 11 to 15c pound; bromide potash, 45 to 60c ptr pound; chlorate, 25 to 30c per pound: carbolic arid. 60c to 31.75 pound; chloroform, 75c tt> 11.40 pound; calomel, 86c to 31: logwood. 16 to 20c pound; cream trft&r. commercial, 25 to 30a. Charle: firm at S3 cents: no ree Rosin Firm; good RECEIPTS ASD EXPORTS, Tewla,. For tho J Week. J Consolidated net reoeipU.. M Export* to O. Britain. M Exports to France.... “ Exports to continent Stock on hand at NowYort 14,491 *14,856 914,497 110,120 * 41.633 » 6.905 O 88,077 N Miy-Jnn* Juno-Juljr July-August.... Aug-S-pt.. Bept-Oet OcLNov, Nov-Doc 'iotai smee bopu 1—Net receipt*.... 6,912,721 “ Lxporu to O.B. 2,704,707 Lxp. to Franoe. 060,790 M ** “ Lxp. continent. The t*bh below show* the total receipt* at the port* named since September 1,1891: Galveston... 1,633,466 New Orleans 2,216,920 Mobile 226.684 Ha vanuah.... 840,643 Ch» ieston.. 344,873 Wilmington. ' 223,762 Norfolk* 397,264 Baltimore... 97.662 New York... 159,066 Boston. 234,986 Newp’t New* 31,025 Philadelphia 68,694 West Point.. 260,366 Brunswick... 92,317 V fiasco 592 Port lioyai... 129,423 Total 6,912,721 WEEKLY COMPARATIVE BTATEMEXT. pwi-ito. 1 uarsn Toul receipt, it all Unitod tstatua port. Toul recoipu to date Export, for tbo wmIc Toul export, to date Stock at .11 U. 8. port*.... Block at interior town..... Block at Liverpool American afloat for Of B. 116,120 6,91*2,721 136,515 6,224.165 911,497 149,771 72,411 5,253,576 103,2931 i.iu.'.»; 604,926 ■153,770 1,860,000 1300,000 123,0>iO| 160,eC0 VIM OIUU.V1 CUMMO rDTOBU. Kew, March 8—Cotton future, eteidy. Kile.55.50U tale,. January FeLinary Marco. 6 36 April 5 30 May 6 37 June 5 43 July. 6 49 August 6 61 Kupiomber 6 58 October 6 61 November 6 61 December 6 67 POUT QUOTATIONS. G.tvMton, March 8.—Very firm; mtd dllng. 614! net receipt., 1,974; Mock, 104,146. Norfolk Much 8 —Steady; middling, O', net recelpU, 1,944; Mock, 40,809. Baltimore, Much 8.—Nominal; middling, 684; net receipt., 740; Mock, 24,568. Boston. Much 8.—Steady; middling, 674 net receipt., 835. Wilmington, March I.—Steady; middling, 6; net receipts, 254; stock, 15,446. Philadelphia, March Firm; middling, 614; net recelpU. 241; stock, 14,451. Savannah, March 6—Firm; middling, 6 3-14; net receipt., 2,193; stock, 63.014. Nos Orleans March 8—Steady; mtd' diing, 614; net receipt., 4.841; Mock.366.26L Mobile. Much 8.—Firm; middling, 6 3-14; net recelpU, 214; stock, 29,844. Memphis Much A—Finn; middling, 6 3-16; net recelpU, 1,255; stock, 36,477. Augusta, March 8.—Quiet, Arm; mid dling, 174; net recelpU. 441; Mock, 37,373. Charteaton, March 3,—Firm; middling, CVt: net receipts, 397; Mock, 60,463. Clnctnmti. Much 8—Firmer; middling, 6 7-14; net recelpU, LC4; stock, 17,441 Louisville, Much l—Firm; middling, Sf Louis, March 8.—Steady: middling. 614: net receipts, 470; stock, 44444. Houston, March 6— Firm: middling, 614; net receipt*, 13(7; Mock, 43,147. CUTHBEIVTS COTTON LETTER. Keir York, March »-<3pecUl.>—The Speculation In cotton today continued five end despite the heavy realizing Hies and frequent vigorous bur raids prices I Opened. | Closed, 1-64 1311 3-64 3 4-64 6.61 3 7-64 3 8-61 3 19-61 3 11-64 3 12-01 1-04*3 1- 04(3 2-64 2- 04*3 3-64 3 4-64 i3 6-64 6-61u3 7-64 8-64 3 9-64 16-64*3 11-61 |31l-6»a8 12-61 WEggLY BTATKMKtT. Liverpool, Murch 8.—The colton ataUstica for tho paal week at this port are a. follows; Total. | Amer'n total ulna of the week.,. Trad" taking., Including for warded from ahipa' aide... Actual export. Toul import. Total Stock. ToUl afloat. 4 Speculators took Pure hast ehaacafor export. 07,1X8) 65,1X8) 73,000 4.606 122,666 111,000 1,866.000 1,713.660 125,000 123,060 8.606 8,600 NEW YORK PRODUCE. New York, March 6—Butter, quiet and easy; Mate dairy, 0al8; Mate creamery, old, 10x14; Western dairy, 8(13; WeMern creamer, new, 13S20; old, 9alS; Elgin*. 1944 to 20. Oolton (ted oil—Quiet and unchanged, l’etrcleum—Nominal. Roaln—Quiet, .firm; .trained, common to good. 1.56.1,60, Turpentine—Firm, quiet at 1603644. Rice—Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 444 to 4; Japan, 44ia444- 'Molaaaea—Foreign, nominal; New Or leans open kettle, good to choice, 28a3S fairly active. Arm. Coffee—Barely Meady, unchanged to 10 polnu down. March, 16.10; May, 14.65.70 July. 14.73; September, 14.70a75. Spot Rio—Dull,, easy; No. 7, 1474. Bugar—Raw; Fairly active. Arm; fair refining, 2 U-14; refined, quiet. Arm; off A. 6 9-1&U3-16; standard A. 374a4 1-16; cut loaf and eruataed, 444aU-16; gray, 274*4 3-16. Freights to Liverpool—Quiet, Meady cotton, 7-64d: grain, 244<L CHICAGO GRAIN. <*lcago,"Much f.—'Wheat had little en couragement today and the trade degen crated into a mere scalping deal, price* hedging In between put. and call*. Partridge was reputed to have Mild rath er liberally, that gentfoman not appear ing to have eHered hi* views as to the pomtion of the cereai. 1 he iaverpooi com trade news was quoted a* authority for the statement that 23 venela were load ing at Argentine ports, the average cargo of each being 60,000 bushel* of whexf view of tMs news buyer* were Inclined to bold off to the detriment of prices May wheat opened from 6(44 to 6444, Hid between 6374 to 54 and 6474 and closing at (444-44 of a cent higher than yeittrday. Cub wheat was steady. Corn.—A Hie of ltt.000 huhhela of caah corn at New York yesterday caused hold era to l)e diary about selling In this mar ket, the scarcity of offerings making tha short, a little more Importune about buy ing, price. Improving through thi* condi tion of affair* May corn opened from 45 to 6644. advanced to 4444, receded and dosed at 4444—74 * cent higher than yes terday. The caah market wag Arm at about yeMerday*. price* Oat*—'Taking mnugth from corn. c. - - Improved fractionally in price, bnt not In activity. The same Mew movement wag noticeable, and new arrangement- nillnx from the beginning to the ,-no n r th- s.-.«- tUm. May, oxtl cf-.a .l MU -eat hither hlte Mn plrlltl turftcntlno Minnw Rnwn sTnnir htiport I'tUUUll AJWAIAX A**1 *» haw wen IOC, ^ JO'*, ft itn<l A i:» ..lift li*- j BTATE OF GEOROIA BONDS. Bid. Ask A per cent, bonds. Jan. and July coupons, maturity 4ft per cent. i>oni. s, July coupons. maf.Tiii ft P^ r ccn t. bon<ls. Jan ouj j«sj coupons, maturity l'.'-J 116 • 117ft 2ft per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity losg date.. 101 102 MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 5 por cent, bonds 194 10* Atlanta bonds, price as to rate of interest md maturity 100 120 Augusta bonds, price .is to rate of interes# and maturity..•«....lto 111 Rome bonds, 8 per cent .....ltMft 30G Columbus 5 per cent, ltonds ... .104 194 Macon 0 per cent, bonds, quar terly coupon* R3 II* RAILROAD BONDS, Savannah. Americas end Mont gomery rallroa-l 6 *»cr cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons 47 4$ Georgia Southern and Fiord* railroad 6 per cent. bond.ft Jan. and July coupons, due 1972.... 82 S3 Bouth Georgia end Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent, bond* Jan. and Jui> coupons ICS Northeastern railroad Indorsed 6 per cent, bonds. May and November coupons 108 110 Macon and Northern railroad certificates of bonds, March and Hi ptember ns 40 41 Charleston. Columbia and Au gusta railroad 7 per cent bonis 91 101 RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN TURES. Central railroad common stock 12 13 Central railroad c per cent, do- betures a 23 Southwestern railroad stock...- 66 68 Georgia railroad stock .. .167 158 Atlanta end West Point rail road debent':r* < M 13 Atlanta and West Point railroad stock 8*? 90 Central rallroal Joint mortgixe 7 per cent, boa la Jen aud July coupons 119 120 Georgia ra’lejad 6 per cent, bonds, Ja*. end July coupons, duo 1897 103 103 Georgia railroad 6 per '•enL bonds, J&i*. and July coupon* July coupons, due U10 110 111 Georgia 'abroad 6 per cent, bonus, van. and Juiy coupons. due 1922 113 116 Montgomery and Bjfaula rail road. 6 per cent, bonds. Jen. and July coupons, due 1M ...108 IW Ocean St*oma.-.:p bonds. 5 per due 1320 19 Columbus and Western railroad 6 per cent. July coupons Uf 03 Columbus end Home rafirovd * p*r ce it. bends, Jen. end July coupons. . a 69 Auguste ml irnoxvlll* rellroid 7 per e*nt. bonis. »p.<i LOCAL BONDS AND STOCKS. Macon ties Light enl Water console. Mjj end November coupons 18 Wee.cyan coil tge 7 per cent. Mecoii Vo.antes' Armory i i>er o-nt bonds, Jan. and Ju • cou pons 1M US Ulbh Manuinx?n.iring Corq'V’ny 6 p^r cenb bonus, April u -u Oct. coupons UM 1* ProgTiHs Loan end Improvement Company 4 M •• Southern Phosphate Company stock If • Acme Brewing Company 100 ranx «t:x:kb. First National Lanr. stock 13 IN \t!i»Tl< an Na:i*-.-atl r k SO Xl Exchange Rene stock Vi Union Havings Uank ana Trust Central Gmrgu ifaxn* stock • Maron Savings Bank slock «l CentrU City Iri>mn and Trust- Ctwaay Mott Muiuimu.. II Jfll i * CANNED GOODS. Jamies Jk Tinsley Co. litf I 1 Applca-J“-pound cans, 6L28 per dozen. Blackberries—2 pound cans, 31 per dozen: • pounty etna, 3l.0o j>er dozen. Corn- : cans, ZZ tm* io euag per aosen- Stnnj* Beans—2 pound cans, 90 cent* per dozen. cents; s pound cans. jL Okra and Tomatoes—2 pbund can*. 31.10 pe,w daz»n. Juna reA»— 2 pound cans, JL25 per dozen. Red Cherrlys—2 pound cans, $1.60 per dozaa WTilte Cherries—2 pound cans,$1.71 x>er dozen. Lima Beans—$1.25. Peachee—2 pound cans, 3L50 per dozen. ldneapples—1 pound cans. $1.50 to $2.25 pei dozen; grated. F* »fc W., $2.23. Raapbemto—2 pound cans, $1.85 per dbzen. Strawberries—2 pound cans, $1.50 per dozen. Poaches, pie—2 pound cans, $1.35 per dozen. Apricot*. California—3 pound cans, $2.25 p— dozen. Pcache- LallfoirnlA—$2.25. PIz .Feet—2 pouna cans, $3.26 per dozen. Roast Baef-'-l pound cans. $1.20 per dozen; pound tins. $1 per dDito. Corn Reef—1 pound cans, $1.25 per doz. l-o!ted Ham—1-4 po*..nd cans, 65 cent* per iozen, i-2 pound cans. $1.25 per dozen. Lunch Tongues—1 poun. a, $3 per dozen. Tripe—2 pound cam*. $1.85 per dozen. MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Cirroct.*! Evo-y ...The... A PROGRESSIVE, NEWS! Week by the S. A Tlastey Co. iro srtrl< tly wholesnl-: in Flour—Boat patent, per barrel, $3.25; second patent, $3.15; straight, $2.90; family. $2.50. Hug*«r—Standard graulated, 4 1-8 centa; extra C Now York, 3 3*4c; New Orleans clarified, 3ftc. Hay—We quote todny: No. 1 ttmo* tliy at $18 and fancy $19. Meata-Bulk sides, 5ftc. Oats—Mixed, 43c; white, 45c. IsHrd—Tierces, 7ftc.; cans, 8c, Oil—12ft cents. Snuff—LorRIard's Maccaboy snuff, mono jars, 50c. per pound; glass jars, f»0c per pound; 2*ounoo cans, $9.25 per gross; one-pound jars, 50c.; Railroad snuff, 1-pound glass, 50c; 1-ounce tins, $5 nor frroas. tomato Catsup—Pints, 90c; quarts, $1.25. Hominy—Per barrel, $3.50. Meal—Bolted, 55c; plain, 55c. ! Wheat—Bran, 90c. Hams~9ft to lOftc. Shoulder^ 6c. j SrouWers—9 l-2c. . „]! 3TRUIT3 AND NUTfl. Corrected by K. A. Cullen* ! Figs—Pry, choice, 12 1-3 tn 15 centa Peanuts*-No/th Carolina, 2fta3 cents; Virginia. 4 and b centa Lemons—$3. Nuts— 1 Tfl rragonla &:monds, la cents pe« pound; Naples walnuts, 16 cents; French walnuts. cents; pscana 10 centa Apples—Suu dried. 6 to 1 cents per pou:i2 Halslns—New In market, 1.75 per box; London layers, 2.00 per box; loose Mus catel. $2 oer box. Irish Potatoes—IL50 per sack. u LIQUORS. Whl«Vy—Rye 11.19 to $3.50; corn. $1.19 to $1.50; gin. $1.10 to $1.75; North Caroling corn,$1.19 to $1.51; Georgia corn, $L6Q. Wines—50 cunt* to $1; hWh wines, $1.22; port and sherry, $1 to t3; claret, $6 to $10 case: American champagne, $7.50 to $8.50 per case; cordials, $12 per dozen; bitters. $S ner dozen. POULTRY, EGGS AND PRODUCE. COUNTRY (Corrected every Saturday by E. A. Wax- elbaum A Bro.) Hens. 25-271-2. Chickens. 15-20. Turkeys. G5-$l.OO* v Geese, 40-tKc. Eggs. 18-20C. Butter. 15-lfc. Sweet potatoes, 50 to GOc. bushel’, Irish potatoes, $2.50 per bushel, liutab*gill s, «1.7o. Cabbage, $3 to $3.50l Whits Pcaa 75-1.50, Country Ground Peas. 60c. Ey ttyvisiM Aypiev, 10c. Evaporated peaches. I2ftc. Georgia Syrup, 2C-LSc. MEAT3. Correc.ed Every Saturday by W. Henry. id? hti Ira STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC NEWS p Full Telegraphic Service ol the Southern Associa ted Press. The News of the State of Georgia Covers by Active and Reliable r m , r*Qcnnnrlanlc WU1 X WjJ^UUVlUJl II ir yf I cu Want the Hews, and Want! Keep in Line With Your Party, Send in Your Subscript tion for 1895. Fresh Meals—Western beef, 6 to 6ftc; Georgia beet 6, 5ft and 6c; dressed hogs, 5 to Cft; Western mutton, 7ft cents; na tive mutton. C l-2c; (moktd pork aau- 8 1 2j; fresh Pt»rk sausage, 8c; Bo* logna sausage. 4c. HIDE3. WOOL. ETC. I Corrected Every «*i-»rday by G. Bernd 4k Co. ^ 1 Mint libl-a ''ft- qoat skin*—U) to 20 cents each. ’* * * btieep Skin*—20 to 50 rent* each. 1J. «3*ax—16 to 22 CLr.m. Wool—V\«wbAd. to 29 <v*ntt p^ pound; onwaxhed, 1$ to 12 cents; bu.1T, I Id II ecu Us I ItlfSIW Contains the Latest Hews Up .Days of Publication, to its