The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 18, 1895, Image 1

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Connscl Waived Commitment Trial ,nd Jndge Griggs Sont Him to Jail. TOBACY SHERIFF APPOINTED tumbo Will DHclrarge this Du- oflh. Offlc« During Mcalllstcr’s loprlionment - Sentiment Demand* a Fair Trial, Fitnl>lls* , i*il iH-sn. H'.eS"’ 1 ' 11 1' ul ' 11 ‘ ,1 ‘ ,1|J *-“• Dabllihirs. MACON, GA„ MONDAY. MARCH is, 189 „ G8-. March 14.—(Special.)— irtrrant Issued by Judge Griggs arrest ot Turner UcAlUater “ rvcd .Jjy E. E. BoyaJ, roroner of aunty, to whom it was directed. McAllister, in the cuBtody of Mr. anJ accompanied by his lounwl, ■^rcnce Wilson. Joim D. JUnibo jjdge w. A. Boost mat a tmttfti Mends, headed by his brother. Win Dttter, mayor of Fort Gaines, ar- liere twenty minute* peat three, adved three how*. J*ong before idsedulie time for toe arrival of m me streets were fined with of men on the lookout. There i repressed feellnr manifested on !«, for in this place the friends C, Hvatt are numbered by the To their, credit, however, no tr was manifested when MrAl- r t Is an appearance, nee aa McAllister and party here he was taken to the mse and a rush was made by anxious crowd In the direction. Within five minutes Hie doors were opened .the court was filled to overflowing. ' t quarter to four. Judge Griggs id and promptly called tile court der. Solicitor-General H. O. 6hef- of Arlington, Judge J. H. Guerry ,wson, W. C. Worrell of Cuthbert W. Walters of Albany appeared e state. Col. Price Gilbert of Co- retained for the prosecution, unavoidably absent, and Col. ldu- Guerry of iMaooo, of counsel for proiecutloix waa detained by uts between .Macon and this account of Col. Guerry'* deteo- Solicitor Sheffield suggested tr ourt that the bearing be post- untll Oot. Guerry reached here. D. Bambo, of McAllister's coun- aid that die thought if counsel state end defense wsc* allowed ifer they would be able ren litactory agreement, no'Ml isd to this, and s conference v Lt triog ihe interval rn.- crowd in ourtrewn sat in eager silence, a result of r. r.n . .nin ths defense waived an c.nml- ssd Judge Griggs commltt-i der to day county jail to await non of the grand jury. Hs waa In custody of Coroner Bambo ' county, who was wnpowsred dte Griggs to act as shcrlfT of county until the prisoner was g|*d by the court, jojular term of the superior of Clay dainty wHI convene Mon- ksfch II, and Acting Sheriff » was directed by Judge Orlggs ive the necessary aid on Sand to hint, and the Judge notified 1 that he would preside during *ir* teitn. ft the formality of the comralt- «** effected, the court was ad- *1- ’McAllister and his pary left owrtmom at once, attd went to names House for supper. At 10 i they left on fits westbound for Ft. Guinea. previous dispatches the dtsposl- ’( the law-abiding people of Fort ' and Clay county baa been al to. p conversations with men from ’tines, who were hero to.lpy I nore strongly convinced han ever the good people—the law-abiding e of Clay county—want the law- red, and can bo relied upon to terythlng that Utv-ablding cltl- Tuy do to scour# this result. They • keenly alive to the necessity for action and more solicitous for It anyone else. Gils ter bore himself r,ulet)y. but waa n confident air In hla tnan- liat he couldn’t conceal. He didn't the appearance to the casual ob- • of a man who has horrified the of Georgia by taking the life of dlowmnn, and that man one svho body aaya always avoided quar- nd always acted as a peacemaker id of * fighter. It is strident that liter doesn’t fully reaMs* tbs f of Ms situation and doesn't to be convicted. A man would id Indeed who didn't read this speech and movement He can- be unaware, however, of the fiy Increasing sentiment In Ft. s that he must submit to a fair for his offense, and be recks If he thinks that th» sentiment law-abl.ling element ot Clay can be set aside. NO right TO BEAR ARMS. Attorney General Terrell's Decision of the Cate City Guard Case. Atlanta. Mare-1, H.-(SpccIal.)—Attor- ton ^* ner »'.Terrel) rendered an cj'.n- K" Vteeiml lnurret to the military of uie stale today. „.?S P . “ LS ®, In point grew out of the withdrawal of the Gate Cliy P f ‘hla city from the ce » The company did not like the policy of the Ktate toward the mil itary. and after being enlisted one year r e ‘ tn;i * t Adjutant General Jven demanded the return at their guns i?..i .c state ' the company complying n lh 72* oW * r ' but Protesting at the same ttme that they had th,- right to under a opeclal charter granted to them as an Independent oompany years ago. Upon this lomt. now ever, they were overruled by the judge advocate general of the atate. The guards then ajppeated to Governor Atklnron to pass upon their rights, and the governor refereed this matter to At- tonrey General Kell, who sustains the Judge advocate and holds that the gov ernor has nothing to do with raying whether the company has the right to bear arms or not. The attorney general bans that it to a matter for the courts and says that the company la liable to arrest the same as any other armed mob If It appears under arms. The company has bought sixty stand, of arms and paid for them. In view If the attorney general's'action, which proven I them from carrying their arms, the guards have determined to make a tost case In the supreme court and will nppear on the streets under arms on the first favorable opportunity thnk they tray be arrested and the case gotten Into court, * THE GEORGIA. EXHIBIT. JyffM Evidently Fired by Ono of old Karat A FULL STATEMENT IS WANTED Tl»o State Department Has Asked Capt, Grossman for an Affidavit Concern ing the Attack ami a Chart of tlio Exact Locality. Kan Adopted by the State Commis sion. Atlanta, .March 14.—(Special.)—The state exposition board today adopted a plan for the collection otf the agricul tural department of the state's exhibit. After a thorough Investigation it was decided that no premiums for the best agricultural displays by counties shall be offered, but that the best speclmona of agricultural products shall be col lected by offering a separate premium for each Individual crop. These pre miums will be large enough to guaran tee wide competition, and secure speci men of every crop from every part of the state. Six thousand dollars of the appropriation will be devoted to the collection of tile agricultural products under Ibis plan. The commission also adopted plan* for the educational feature ot the ex hibit setting nulde JS.EOO for that pur pose. This department will Intrude practical working classes from the Glrttf Normal and Industrial college of MllledgevlHe and the state school of Technology os well as exhibits f-em the State University and the Colored In dustrial college'st Savannah. Commissioner Neablt, who Is In charge of the agricultural display, fill l-uue hla premium list scene time next week. NO SUSPICIOUS VESSELS. MONET NEEDED. Savannah Custom. Auth cities Said Hath Were All Right, tvanoatt. Ga . M irch 14.—Tbs yacht Pedro Pablo, which arrived here yes terday from New Tor's via Norfolk and Wilmington, Is lying it Rourke's dock undergoing repairs ,and will veil ns soon as the repairs are completed. There to no suspicion attached o the yaoht, and she 1* not under surveil lance. She la a new vessel, '.rd Is be ing used for towing logs. As I* cus tomary with all arrivals of ..outhbound yachts she was Inspected by the cus tom# officers. Her Spanish name and the fact that she Is on her way to Cuhi gave rise to s rumor tolay that she was to take on board a number of suspicious boxes lying at her dock. The customs authorities were sent for and the boxes were found to contain steam pipe be tossing to repair shop*. Neither ihe customs authorities nor the Spanish consul her* have received any Instructions In regard to either Pe dro Pablo or the British steamship I Elilott, which has cleared for Costa Rica for fruit. The Elliot ht* been run ning between Savannah and Rluefields for a year, and until a couple of mon’hs ago, when »he was laid up awaiting a charter. There Is no repre sentative of the Costa Rican govern ment here, and R. Salas telegraphed the consul-general In New York for authority to give the vessel a bill He was instructed to do so. and to see that nothing contraband was on board. The Elliott will sail In a day or two. The customs authorities are annoyed by sensational reports that have been a»nt out from here in regard to the alleged auspicious character of the *°«g Ttio Rebels to th© of t Troops Pofiitl Now York, March 14.—Capt. Crewman of tbe steamer Alllanca which waa fired on by a Spanish gun boat near the east ern point of Cuba while on her. last trip front Colon, has received the following letter from the departmeat. of atato at Washington: To Oapt. Jamrs Crossman, Command er of the Alliance—Sir; I hAve rettived your letter ot March, without date, but which reached the department trday, March IS, which reports the clrcum- stsnees under which the above named steamer on her homeward voyage from Colon, Colombia, to New York, off tbe north Cuban coast on the Sth Instant, was fired upon by a Spanish gun boat. “The department desires to receive from you s statement of the facts In the form of an affidavit, accompanied. If poa- •IN* hv a sketch chart showing the course of the Alliance In passing Capo Maysl and the distance of the vessel from tbs nearest point on (he Island of Cube. "The affidavit should be explicit on these two points. Awaiting such, I am air, your obodient servant, "Edwin F. Uhl,' AcUng Secty." Capt. Croasman said he would send a chart to the state department showing alter* the attack occurred. It was tn latitude jnrw north, longitude 11.16 we«t. He said he knew his vessel was at least four miles off Caps Maysl, which Is the extremest point of Cuba. Cap't. Cross- man continued: “The man-of-war which attacked us eras broad off our port quarter. I will say right b*re, and this Is a statment Which I have not made before, had the man-of-war signalled us with the Inter national code I would have stopped Im mediately. She showed no. such signal, however. Her fire war practically command, and 1 am not a man to take orders from anybody axcept my superior officers.'' A little moro In regard to the Identity of the Spanish man-of-war was learned this morning. Capt. Crossman aatd that hs could plainly ■** that she had a cop per bottom. In the- opinion rf the **■ petlenced teamen thta Indicates that Ss must have been a wooden hulled ship, for copper bottoms sre always as a rate used only on wooden ships. If that be so tbs AManca waa evidently one of Spain's old ships, for Spain has not built a wooden ship within tha past ten years The state department should therefore, the maritime circle think*. have little dlf- flcitty in discovering the identity of the man-of-war. SAlMOA'NS READY FOR WAR. els. orer Leonard Urges Contributors to Pay up at One*. E. C. Leonard, treasurer of the fund. Issues the following re- I to all parties who have con 'd to tit* fund for the proaecu- < McAllister, but who have not heir contributions. I* earnestly desired that all -who ruhscrlbed or Intend to subscribe fund being raised for Ihe pros- 'o of -McAllister will send In the at once. The lawyers hare gone tly to work on the case, and It '"iary .hat we get the money tr at once. B. C. Leonard, Treasurer. tiurer Leonard says it I* neces- •o have the money at once. This ‘ first appeal the drummers have blade to the public for anything, they have responded liberally to I* for the building of churches, 'house* and for thousands of oth- It Is not too late to subscribe. uFu-OURTT FOR SPEAKER. "i'n. Mitch 14.—The Globe *» *ot 'nhlmaMoo has b"0 cmvey d fHin members of tbe opposition WHltstn Hareourt. ctutKdhr ' -r'fietpifr. will nnipt Hie spcik- p "f the hniar of common* If hi* '■'ey It not opposed. If this to '■- Right Hon. II. O.impbelt-B'tn- will stare ri Sir WOUim I lar i’* Buvemntcot laid-: tc the THE VENEZUELA BOUNDARY. Tbe South -America Republic Willing to Submit to Arbitration. London, March 14.—In the house at commons today. Sir Edward Gray, par liamentary secretary Co the foreign office, said In reply to a question on the subject, that England has no di plomatic representative* at Caracas, th* capital of Venesudha Brlttoh In terest* there, he said, had been for some time in charge of the German rep resentative. The British government was reatly to take steps for an amica ble arrangement of the differences ex isting between the two countries anil had communicated that fact to Vene- suela In WO and 1133. The latter com munication had never been answered by Venezuela and England mu* t there fore malntnln the provMonai' boun dary settled upon, which, however, does not embrace tbe whole of the Brit ish claim. Venezuela has been Inform ed that England Is willing to- submit the question of the territory outside of tbe Schooberg line to aabltratlo-t but that she could not agree to aibltration In regard to territory which baa long been settl'd as part of the British col ony. Mr. Edward Grey, referring to tbs labors of the Armenian commission aiding st Moosh said that In conee- quence of the representations made by the European delegate*, steps bad been taken to provide the commission with an additional dragoman (Interpreter). The commission, he said, would have every possible assistance tn prevent in terference with the Inquiry and to se cure Its efficiency. GIANTS AT JACKSONVILLE. Jacksonville. Fla., March 14.—The first and second teams of the New York club played again this afternoon, the regulars winning. The feature of the game was the heavy batting. Regular team r«i —14 Second team #SOSOOBO* Bese hits—Regulars. 14: second team, II. Earned runs—Regulars, 6; second team, *. Errors—Regulars, 1; second l, Battrrle#—Regulars: Getraorx Meekln an-1 Wilson: second team: Krauss, CLrk and Smith. .„ . ,.: „ , They Arc Doing Nothing Toward Pre paring For a Crop. Sin Francsoo, -Jtirch 14.—(Corre spondence of the United Frem per steamer Arawad—Apli. Satno*. F.O. 27, 1K05.—The rebel p.irty has gathered in great force's* Letdomogi In Atu.i. They ore 3,000 string and well sup plied with anna and lurnatnl’.'.on. Tiuty are to meet In council todiy to diker- mrlne the cottm* to be pursue! It will doubth-* be the usual programme— Impn-ublo demands nude upon King Mlllctua In reference to b'a abdication or * suggestion of dlrid d awhority. Those bring m'rurjlly declined, wur will ensue without ony doubt Whi* orer. ’Pile mlsslonarlts from the out lying ntutlons say northing to being I'Lntrel :iu*i that nothing In i'he nature at work in any twuy la being done. A half mate named Taylor rtcidly oiraitatnl a report chat the late Robert Louis Stevenson was some tf.w mouth* ago In eotne way connected with the Importation and sain rto Atu i rebel* at s quantity of rifles ood ammunition. IJoyd Ostraume, tbe departed ooreltot's ntepwon. In « letter to the local pram, has resented this attempt to rllllfy the dead, and ihe public generally dtocreollt tbe rreport. Taylor Uts been arrested and charged with criminal libel. An notion in the supreme court brought by the Ibtman consul Byenmnn net Inst Ihe Mu- laala Gorana of Mantua In to rn for entering upon the property of a (iomnn has been causing some wild excitement lx'trty. SuU lit s--lxed st arms mil ammunition which was in tended for the rebels. Ooosnl Ryer- tnsnn (filmed that five art wan a breach of Hie treaty, and when Su'.uU anti same of bis friends appeared tn Apia with the selaure they were taken Into custody. The case Is now before the supreme court. Suisair* friends hare been discharged and there to but lktlre doubt hut that after Judge I tire has duly admonished Kakuln tbe case aailnut him will be dtomtosed. Mobile, Ala., (March 14.—A t iblc .Us- patch from Ctolon, printed lu^aat Bun- day's papers, gave a brief account of the rebel attack on ltocas del Toro on Friday last by a ha nd of Insm— nts udder Gen. Garza. Tonight, uiwn the arrival of th- otcanisnip Harold, about 7 o'clock, th- Rcgtoter oi Uned from ltn corr-spon- dent at, B-.-as the full i and bloody att* Booaa <1*1 Toro, U. March 8, 1895.—A tlespera made abou, 4 o'clock thlt a band ref rebels under upon the Colombian tro here, and the buttle was ly for. three hours, durir the ballets flew th: k * many of the principal h Tlddlsl until thej lot In order fo better un lowing details of the bat'd., may n amiss to give a short dfsartiiiliiii r wpofHfihy of Boeat^ and pertlrt that part of tt whi ., waa th „ . tbe sluught-r. Picture to your min I 4.-3? moonlight night in B del T city of 8,000 aoulj; the h>u. ■< lus along the sea one street making the city r . On one alt! • of tills street 1.1 t Inunedlately In tic . ir .a in I swamp, covered with underhn front of the city ■. .cj vialble to the Unltetl States cnilner Atlaie. anchor, casting h. r »k»g the ooaat, thence suddenly uplift ed to the heavens, the reflection in the sky having the appearance of an Im mense comet. Such waa the night »h..n a band of rebels unu t commind cf Gen. Garxa an unexp? l attack upon the barrack! of the Colombian soldi ra. The barracks Is a emoll frame, shlnglo- roofed store and ffwethn rltuab I la :h.- centre ot the city. Tin- .-i.r.. ot Wilson & Co. to fifty feet north. John H. D. Rlnko's store is directly m-ro-.i the street, about forty fcot. rim eoldl re were asleep* up stairs, while their arms armnutmiuu were down •—ra, th: ■ brill on the outside of toe I ulld- Iflg, thereby exposing the soldiers to the fire of the febeto as they ran down stair* to secure their arms. Aa to th* IsmUns of the rebels, no defi nite Information can be had either aa to how, when or wnere they landed. The general supposition Is that tnay landed from a ecnooner at or near a point on Columbus Island known na "Mg Ulght." From this point they marched through tho swamp a distance of three miles, to Boose del Toro. The mud on the shoes of the dead men proves this to be s fact. As they marched along each eentlnel In turn was mad* s prisoner. Th* outposts were policemen armed with club*. It was 4 o'clock In the morning when Gen. Guru and about te mnen opened Are on the barracks from (he Flake bultdliK acroea the street. Tbe first win to meet hU fate waa the government sentinel at the barracks. As the shots were fired the second lieutenant, who was In command, ran out on th* front gallery and met a rlmttar fate to Ms comrade. Th* rebels advanced and kept a constant lire upon tbe barracks, where the soldiers were en trapped, us tile sea was behind them. The rexulars made a desperate rush down stairs' for their arms and com menced to return the lira The troops opened fire upon the squad of rebels wtfb were firing from the second story of Flnke’a building and actually riddled tha house. Osrra conttauUly called to th* govern ment troops, “Surrender, you tools.'' He was heard to say In English: "The sol dier* are shooting high.’' and ran down stairs, where he met his death. He was found deed not more than fifty feet from th* barracks. So died Ihe man who waa th* terror of the Rto Grande and success fully escaped the United States and Mex ican troop* for rinny year*. When the rebels Ice! the!' leader they loot their os use They had th* beet ot the battle until dnyHeht, when the government sol diers seeing the enemy not near as strong a* supposed, rushed from the death trap and forced the enemy to retreat. One* getting their opponent* on th* run they pursued them with renewed entrap and deadly effect. They Shot he . neuiy to death Is the streets, dragged them from house* end chased the remaining few Into th* swamp. It was near I o’clock when the TBtlk ri returned to th* barracks and the roll was caked. Tbe face* of thetr contra.Ire Mowed how deeply they real ized th* fact that their soldier brethren had died In s Just cause, fighting for their FAILED TO OPEN HT, DOORS. StooktiiMors Are* Liable, However, anti DepoaCiot* IV'lfi Bo Paid. Dulvtie, IS., March 14.-fMie Bank of Dubois felled to open kg doors tola morning. No at-itrtnetit his bwn given out and nothing of the biok's condition can bo learned. President Long to triv lng n t pres ent an 1 Cartiler Wise oannot be seen. Tbe depositors, how ores’, arc not great ly stormed. Tbe stockholders *rre Jq. dlridutHjr liable and sit are owners of rsluxUe real estate. It to dslmed shat there? hmi been Quite a run on th» bsnk for tore last two wceko owing to certain rumors and tint toe bank has simply run oot of Tiro to-ll.-f is matters will be adjusted erithhi ± week. Oomjfete Exoneration of leans Mayor. New Orleans. March 14.-Judg* King of toe civil district court rendered hi* decision this morning In the Impeach- ment proceedings' against Mayor Fits- Patrick which he has had under advise ment since the arguments were heard scene weeks ago. The opinion of the court Ire lengthy and comprehensive and deals with the case thoroughly. Tt commences by telling bow Urn trial was one which had been watched with oon- sldcraMe Interim by the public and it 1 * 1 'U*" * «■*» »f vital Intereret In New Orleans. It also stated thnt on the resuH of the trial depended conald- sraUe for the raeondratt, as much of his future character would depend upon It. The judge then read what defined malfeasance In ofllce and what duties were Imposed upon the mayor anti retli. r city officers sasi read from the city (bar ter what offices ceenpnwe the city ad ministration and told how the mayor wan oblige.1 to report from time to tone the condition of tfa* city. That he should suspend any officer derelict In his duty. How he should examine and have the vetoing power over nil ordi nances. The duties of toe other city officers were defined are was tils, the personnel and powers of the city council and stated that the power of court' H to so extended as to give It n. arly en tire control of the city. The sumlng up to s complete vindication of the mayor and acquit* him on every charge ref malfeasance. TOO MUCH SUGAR. The United States cruiser Atlanta was three miles from the city during the fight. She beard no report of the guns In th* miming, ahhoush her fichu were visible from th* shore. No effort was made to communicate with her until T o'clock Just as a small bo4t started to her toe weighed anchor and steamed away to her practice grounds. The steam launch Maacot waa seat by the Ameri can consul to await the return cf the Atlanta to her anchorage. She hove In ettori about i o'clock in tho evening. Aa ■-on as the commands of the Atlanta learned tho tact* without a moment's de lay each officer waa called and given In structions. In k fow moments all eras bustle on th* ship- A steam launch was lowered, a GatUng gun put aboard, earl with three boats In taw containing oev- enty-fira marines, I looms del Toro waa reached at"* o’clock In tho evening. The doctors from th» Atlanta rendered valu able aid to Dr. FVusa. an American doc tor. attending Ihe dying and wounded Oarxa and bis men wr* In front or (be moms occupied fcy Messrs. Krau- nvm * Feus* In the second story et the Flnke building. How the latter escaped no oa* could tell- They could not get out of their rooms and were compelled to stand tola awful Or* for nearly three hours. Every bottle of medHn< In Dr. Feuas’ room W«* blown to atoms. The doctor, however, was soon about toe wounded, relieving their sufferings. Five of the Colombian so Idlers are Flvo of the r»< Is arc dead Germany Finds that flhe Has Become an Over-Producer, Berlin, March 14.—The Rsichreanxel- ger says toe council of state has de cided to .postpone voting upon the grain mon opoly prop sals ref C.unt Ka- nltx until the end of the neaalon In or der to enable toe special committee to consider toe various proposals which the meeting has suggested. It als- > de clare* the sqgar proposals as virtually adopted. "The low price of sugar,” ft says, "‘Is caused by over-produrilon and fight- Ing tho crista by International meins to impomlble. Improvement In the market price of the world can be effected only by mean* of small harveMw or limita tion of tore production. Germany Is a large over-producer and tmprorament to possible for Germany, outside of im provement in the market of toe world, only by an Increar » of the export boun ty-. if such an increase to determined apes, it will also be necenatry to pre vent ever-production.” READY FOR LOTEftlA'.' ebabiy id If pc ■>!;• fro nly men. *! jrtii elci to l-i pen n will be ANOTHER WOMAN’S EDITION. Knoxville, Tcnn., March 15.—This morn ing's edition of the Knoxvttln Tribune was edited, managed end controlled by (be lady managers of the Tennessee Cen- tenniat resident at Knoxville. Ihe edi tion constats of thirty-six pages; about N.ooe compute papers being tbs number required to fill toe orders received by th- tadteo. One thousand sere sold to the Centennial management at Nsahrllle. The flrrt half dosen papers were SUCH toner] off al fancy figure* in tbe corridor of the Imperial hotel last night- Thta edition la probably the handsomest and most lib erally patronized poper yet printed M tot* city- Tbe pror-.-l«, whhh sre quit* krg*. will >1 devoted to pr-r aring a wortay exlhlfcf of K -.xvIll.. m 1 east Ten- nessre at tbs State <•• nt n il u in t it srtll be lint used al the exposition at At- louts tola fall. AIMXDSI'Y FOR l‘l! 1S-INDUS fifty! In p:* of Kliu: Kn* nr r»r npyritr . • •ndtfd fni »'i ft li.* ri ir OLi— i «r* to may •>t «rho are feorlnc R VTX V.l M)\V ORLHA'Vj! flvo-4 l ijhttm of yoir .jl.l fMin. rv