The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 21, 1895, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY TELJSUdiAl'.Li: tARCH 21, 1805. |0#ae l f 0 r tbo Children sprung a Big Sensation on (Iio Court. DOCUMENT PRODUCED , r . »!>»«• Three Day. Later Than .lo.troment Which Wa. Stolen. Doe. Away With the Trn.t yeottire—Other Change.. M Francisco, March 18.-When the .‘1*111 matter came up before Judge ■JL. this morning, Beriben H. Lloyd, Lunsel for the children, presented n inrrapb'o will of the dead ox-senator three days lator than the one finally filed for probate, and which «f been stolen. He stated to the , o,at Fair had given the will Into * custody Of a highly respected lady, ho had just become cognizant of tho L mat the document was dated la- , r than toe missing one. A, soon as the will was put on rec- d the attorneys on both sides agreed tave the matter of the probate of documebt set /or April 2. The at- ,-neys Of the executors asked that elr petition for the probate of the rtlfled copy of the stolen will be set the same date. The understand- is that at that time the executors tie stolen document will proceed to t»ok the authenticity of the now one. is attorneys for the children were I|» slated over the sensation that I. created, (but none of them would ■ulje thp Dame of the woman who A tihe will In her possession. 'Mr. ■daehed toe name of the ••'V. , hod produced the Will, and re- 1 that he had solemnly promisetl K sot to divulge her name at pres- * The new will differs from the old in several Important particulars. s most important one Is the absence [the trust clause. The estate Is dia led of absolutely. In the first Will, luis C. Bresse, Thomas L. Crdthers, lues I,. Angus and W. 6. Goodfellow ire named as executors. This latter El drops Bresee and Ooodfellow, and Istltutes Dr. Marc Livingston. Un- t the first will Mary Anderson and [rjaret J. Crothers, sisters of the de- l?eii, were given $250,000 each. Un- r the now will the testator bequeaths ' them 1200.000 each. The bequest I his brother was raised from $20,000 1125,000 by the new will. Charles L. Ilr receive* a special bequest of $500,- 1, to be paid before the distribution I the estate, and he shares equally lh his sisters In the residue. More- tr, the bequests to him are absolute, [that hts hdrs can Inherit from him. tie petition for toe probate of the v sill was signed by C. L. Fair, leresa A. Oelrleh*. Virginia Fair, ght and Haggerty, Lloyd and Wood, her, Boalt and Bishop and Wllsdn Wilson. The children ask for tho at# of the document and that lot- of administration be Issued to SALVADOR'S REVOLUTION. ftierex Orderd Wholesale SbCCllagS for Conaplrticy. Ian Francisco, .March 1*.—The ale •"trti from Panma brings (totalis * K* 0, ’ m Salvadorean Insurrection. iFeoruary l a conspiracy was dla- “red to proclaim Oen. Antonio Kzeta E»“b As toon as Hie fact came kht. President Outlet*** oniered' the 5?? 11 ! shot. Among them recols. Dlglno Berios and Fernanda Itole and Capt. Slaglndl. P* **•» of police was shot lmme- li .i, ut *? n •*>* dlactwery of the plot ■J.®* wbola city was thrown Into a |teof excitement, agents of the gov- ™?t arresting alt thhse who were be concerned In the plot. . . Jhnaplraey seems to have origl- C„* n different departments of the |»hllc, Inaudlng employ,* ot Guttle- x who had turned traitor to him. I Prisoner! who were In Jail since the 1 uprising were ordered to be hanged J ■* supposed by this time the r been erecuted. 1" *»*1 people of Salvador became plated upon the discovery of the FI’,racy and Ouitleivx's followers re- a.! to the ofllce of Col. Angel Vaa- |i tnd lynched bkn without parley, i* Crete. who Is here, la much wor- 1 over his children. When he eent P“ away from sun Francisco a Pth ago they were in chant* cf fifad- f ilurela, his mother-in-law, who wo* jrueted to go to Adapulco and wait Ihtm. under the protection of Presl- r Dias. It appears that she went IP) Salvador where they are now 1 Hie la fears that they may be shot. | THE VENEZUELAN AFFAIR. FEDERAL 6UPRMMTJ court. Three Important Southern Cases Were Decided Yesterday. - lw ^*f*ringtDn. March IS—Supreme court decisions handed down today: Henry N. Frlsbee wu* convicted tu toe circuit court fbr the eastern district •in . ,? na for peoelvlng more than $10 for the prosecution of u pension Claim, tlie act of June 27, 1890. The only question presented by the supremo court relate to toe sufficiency of the indictment. This. Mr. Jualtce Brewer said, was established by the record and the Judgment of the circuit court waa affirmed. ■Hte case W James T. Shields, Jr., re ceiver. etc., v*. John Coleman, et a!., appealed from the circuit court far the eastern district of Tennessee presented the single question of toe Jurisdiction of the federal court to appoint a re ceiver and take railitjad property out of tne possession of a receiver appoint ed by a Btate court. Mr. Justice Brew er* for tlie supreme court, said It had not this power and the case was re manded to the circuit court for further proceedings not inconsistent with that opinion. Mr. Justice Brown announced the opinion and judgment of the court upon the appeal of, J. T. Stokes and eight others convlobwl in the southern district of Alabama for conspiring to use tin? malls of the United States for an unlawful purpose. There were four teen indicted for participating in the conspiracy, none of whom were convict ed. Tbedr scheme was to order goods from merchant* in distant cities, with out the intention to pay for the same, certifying to one another's financial ability andi reputation. The record presented only questions affecting the Indictment and toe admission of evi dence on the trial. Error wa* not found In respect to cither, and toe' Judgment of the court below was affirmed. C. F. AND Y. V. MORTGAGES. Bondholders Prepared to Establish Their Claims. Baltimore, 3rd.. MarcK 18.—The com* mittae representing the first mortgage bondholders of the Caipe Fear and Yad- Kin YeJiey teiiiuiiu held a. meeting here today and completed final arrange ment* for establishing toe claim* of the first mortgage bondholders before the special master 4lpp>lnfcd by Judge Sltnontxm at the hearing to be Held at Wilmington, N. C., tomorrow. This committee represents about $2,800,000 deposited under the terans of the first mortgage bondholders’ agreement Out of a total issue of $3,050,000. Hie property hoe been operated by Gen. John Gilt of Baltimore, as re ceiver, since April 1, 1891, and ha# shown satisfactory results, considering the times. The bondhold -rs hope to get a de cree of foreclosure at the April term of court, and wilt probably buy the property tn when It Is offered for sale. The proposition to form an alliance with the Boanoke and Southern has, it Is said, been favorably received by security holders of both companies. Nothing definite In this direction can be done, however, until the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley foreclosure proceed ings arc disposed of. PENNSYLVANIA DlRECft'ORS. Philadelphia. Penn., March 18.—The present board of directors of to* Penn sylvania Railroad Company was to day nominated for election on the 2t!tn Inst. The nominating committee met at noon anil nominated tho present board aa follows: . __ George B. Roberts. Alexander M Fox. Alexander Biddle. N Parker Shortrldge. Henry D. Welsh. William L Elkins. H. H. Houston. —. -• <—" sntt C A. Crlscom, B. B. Comegys' AtnoH H. little. WMliiu II- Barnes. George Wood. Frank Thomson, John ; - ;; • < *>' ' I. ■ - It. I'U-'.ll. KILLED BY A NEGRO. British Government Has as Yat Taken No Action, ndon, March 11—In tho houso of ons today Sir George Baden-Pow- [Conaervattve, asked if the govern- s had fixed a date for tho paaeage of fores against Venesuela In the event - failure to girt satisfaction for tho *( and detention of a number of BrU- pulsna policemen. Edward Gray, parliamentary oecre- I for foreign affaire, replied that It llmpoeslbls to msk* a statement In pi to the question at presmt, but he td the matter would not bo dropped hut proper reparation waa made by pels. « i k Edward Grey further Mated that no [>»s had been intdc tow.i'd reaum- Uplomatlo relatione with Venesuela. [Edward Grey announced that In ouence of the government having bed Information alleging that os the > Of mock trials, or without trials 1.2,506 Armenians had been sentenced ►brlaon merit and were still confined, [Halations had been made to the > tor the purpose of ascertaining the [ and the attending circumstances. I FEAK WOMEN _ all mothers who are nursing pies derive great benefit from | ' Kmulbinii. Thisprepara- l n serves two purposes. It l n vital strength to toothers f a l*o enriches their milk anti |* s makes their babies thrive. Emulsion ■ 1 constructive food th*f P*®T. | l w the making of healthy Vue and bone. It is a wonder* ■ remedy for Emaei ation, Cetera) T *f> Throat and Lung Cormliints. gj*-Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and J > .• i cf Children. I. . r P *' m ? x, -r fn VrfTr ffwlrfni Prt*. •• W.T. AQ 0rv99*tie COc. votl *J, Tho Steamship Ilorsa Will Leayo With Kcgro Emigrants From SaruDab. PR01EST FROM A NEGRO MINISTER lie gnyi the Ship Do Governm Sot Comply With Regulatlom mid lie a Vory Poor Opinion of Liberia a. a Home. Savannah, March 18.—The steamship Horaa will sail from Savannah tomor row for Monrovia, Liberia, with 200 emigrants, men, women and children. The emigrants who are mostly from the neighbor hood of Memphis, Tenn., and Birmingham, Ala., have been wait ing here ten days for the ship. They are an very enthusiastic on the sub ject of Africa which they declare to be the true home of the sons of Ham. The Korea came up the river this morning and was greeted by Immense crowds of negToe*. The gates at the wharf on which she stopped had to be closed to keep the crowds of curious negroes out. The Horsa Is a seven hundred ton fruit steamer end has been newly fitted up with rough bunks and and other tempo ray conveniences to oonvert her Into an emigrant ship. She passed a rigid inspection by tho cus tom officers this morning who gave It aa their opinion that she compiled with the government regulations for emi grant carrying ships.. Rev. C. S. Smith of Nashville, Tenn., a prominent minister of the African Methodist church. Is making a fight oil iu« uiuiai'Kiii. He ueviaiee that ship 'does not comply with the govern ment regulations and will make an ap peal to the collector of the port to re fuse her clearance paper*. Rev. Smith ha* been to Liberia recently and gives a very unfavorable report r-n the state of affairs there. He considers the move ment simply a scheme of white men to make money out of the ignorant ne groes. The move is under the direction ot the International Migration Soolety which has Its headquarter* In Birming ham. The secretary, E. B. Cottlnghain, and two other white men Interested In the company will make the trip to Li beria bn the Horsa. the Cause for K U* j City, Mo., March 18.-Th* Na tional ink of Kansas City failed this tnoruln The capital of the hank la $1,- 000.000. t to detailed statement Of the con- dltloa < the bank has been given oht. Tin Ilure was unexpected and the new* o the suspension created quite a sensatic tn financial circles. The bank is the deal financial Institution In the city, h i. in r been established by Mersrs. J. II. V. H. Chick before the war. Un til the | uilc of 1893 It was ranke as ons of the rosiest banka In the West. In July. . It sue- umbed to a run and tem- porarlly, closed It:, doors. Although the capital | as reduce! and the stockholders paid in .50 per cent, assessment In toe rcorgan ation. tho Institution has never recover- ! from the blow it received, end the susl nslon now Is directly attributed to tha$ Suspension- According to the atatome t of the bank March 5, the de posits w re $990,559. The following notice waa pc- sd on the bank door: •'To f eposltors: Tho director* and stocking ers of ttii* bank tviv* decided to disco* tlnue business. All deposits will be paid * 1 full. (Signer “j. s. Chick, President.” A sect, d notice read: ■This ' ank Is In th* hands of O. W. Galbraltj , comptroller of the currency.” Presl-1 il Chick says the suspension Is merely t liquidation and that no deposi tor will' aae a cent. The official state ment w 1 ' published March 5. Since then deposlto i have Been drawing out, as they consider- 1 the statement very unfavora ble. Dc osltors on Saturday drew out over tub,' A and the officers saw that if the run * entlnued they would not bo able to contli i* payments today. Tho BoyS Played a Joke on <hc Man Who Shot Them. N>w Orleans, Mxrdtll.—A negro Zhot two brothers named PatonglB today, killing one and fatally wounding toe other, for a most 'trivial cause. The youigf tnan bad n propensity for teas ing every one. Frank IPattenglll was in the second story of the factory where the young men were employed, looking out of the window when he saw the negro beneath on the pavement at work moving barrels from toe house next door, avblch he was emptying. In a spirit of fun toe men threw down a lot of splinters nr shaving* upon tbs negro's head. The negro look ed up and applied a vile epithet to Pattenglll and made other threats. Harry PatteogMl then sild to his broth er that he ought not to take that. The trays then went down stairs, prob ably to punish him for his insolence. On reaching toe banquette the negro draw a revolver and began firing, strik ing Frank In the left breast, killing him almost Instantly, and shooting Harry 1n tbo breast near too right arm. The negro was arrested. LEXOW INDICTJtKNTS. A Big Batch Handed Down by the New York Grand Jury. New York. March II.—The extraordi nary grand Jury which was iron In on January 7 and has been Investigating the police department and toe testimo ny taken before toe Lexow committee, oame Into court at l o'clock today and handed a big bundle of Indictments to Justice Ingrahrun. It is believed that there were twenty- five Indictments In toe package but Justice Ingraham refused to tell who they were against. Bench warrants were at once Issued for thoae who hod been Indicted. It 1* MM on the authority of an assistant district attorney this after noon that all of the Indictments handed down against were members of toe po lice force. Five indictments were found against Inspector .McLaughlin. The fact Is never questioned that Price's Cream Baking Powder Is ab solutely pure. THE INVADBRS DEFEATED. President Cairo Sends Good Netvs to the Panama Papers. Panama. March 11—There waa public rejoicing here lost night over the fol lowing dispatch which appeared In the Star and Herald: Begota, March 18.—The revolution has ended In the complete triumph ot Gen. Reis over the Invaders. Malaga and the whole army of rebel* has surrendered to Gen. Martens at Capltanejo. The Lord be praised. $Slgn< ' ’ This the* Star and HeroM *ays. is confirmed by other telegrams of similar tenor from the provincial government and military commanders. FELL FROM THE FOREMAST. Pensacola. March 11—Vlncenso P.ttori- no, on Its/lan 19 ytars old. while at work near the top of tbo foremast of the Ital ian bark Africa at 7 o'clock this morn ing. loot bis hold and fell to the deck, landing on his head.and shoulder*, kil ling him Instantly. HI* brain* war* scat tered a!! ever the deck- OIABANCO NOT KILLED. WaN nburjr. Col.. March U.-Peter G :ut>ano), one of the men supposed to have been fclllrd at Bear creek I-i*t Tu-.-tsy was found ten miles from t - -no of < v ting last it cht. He bs* been lit. .-J la JjU at SlMfelo. NEW YORK'S POLICE FORCE. Th* Grand Jury Recommends a Radical Reorganisation. New York, March 18.—The extraordlna- ry krand jury today dismissed the chargee of conspiracy brought against the agents, E. A. Whitney and Arthur Bennett, of the Parkhurst Society by Datectlva Ser geant Jacobs. a Similar charges against Charles Llss and Samuel Cohca was also dismissed. The Jury says that In Its opinion the great body of subordinate police officers are uuucei arm Capable men, and their asslstunco In the ' Jury's Investigation IEROD APPOINTED. His Nomination Was Not Opposed but Simply Overlooked. Washhlgton, March 18—The nomina tion bf J >hn B. Herod, who was today nomlnat 1 by the president ns secretary ■Bat -n In Japan was sent to the senate f • the same position February 21 last I Id failed of confirmation. It Is under ool that there was no objec iron, tm- it wae siuiyly O'»»o of thee: matters 1 ’hlch were overlooked In the rush alt he eml of the session. Mr. Herod Kin been second secretary bf the legal n since January 4. 1893. and has acted a secretary since Mr. Durls’ promotion! This legation has had harder work. pr< ably than any legation of the Unltcj Statqs during the oast year and It wa deemed a simple matter of justice to. romote Mr. Herod who had rendered ■ ry efficient service. Mr. 11. ' lylor hiss cabled the atato dc par bmer. a confirmation of .the news that the . overnor has resigned and that Caent s has been appointed enp- taln gene- I at Madrid and that the new gover ment will prOtnbiy be under Do Casttll The diat ct court of appeal* today sustilned hr*' decision bf the lower court In t! case cf Fred P. Miller and others ho Jng that racing and, pool soiling wit tn the limits of the District of Column l were gambling anil there fore prohl ted by statute. This prac tically clo >s the Bennlngs track but of Course loss not effect the tracks Just aero? the Potomac In Virginia. BEFORE THE STOCK COMMITTEE. Justice Gaynor Made Borne Very Cour teous Remarks: Broklyn. 3Iarch IS.—Supreme Court Justice William C. Gaynor, appeared before the assembly strike Investigat ing committee at 12:30 o'clock todhy •r,d. after having giver, some towimonv almiK ;ln late strike and what lie 4 ' i., j..l.-.u- r. j:e,.- — i The World’s Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in leav ening power as the Royal. S'. ROYAL BAKINO POWOfn CO., 100 WAll ST., NEW-YORK. v would doubtless have proved most valua ble had they (the Jury) been able to com mand' It. The presentment then con tinues: "The Impression was crested and sup ported by most convincing facts that our labors In ferrttlna out and enabling the prosecution of unfaithful police officers, Instead of being approved by the depart ment, was an attack upon It "Those whoss duty Is was to aid In de tecting crime have united to pravant Its detection. ‘ 'The Influence of this apparently rec ognised antagonism upon a large number ot wetnessea called before us waa mani fest. “Many persons—themselves law break ers—who bad been the vie time ot extor tion and blackmail In the poet, feared to speak, being apprehensive that their dis closures would be punished by greater persecution hereafter. “It la manifest that we should not have bean confronted with this condition of affairs had our Investigation been attend ed by honest and sincere co-operation of tho officials who have the power to di rect the service of the entire force. Du ring our entire session no polk* official, high or tow. has volunteerred one parti cle of aid. nor has any evldsnce whatev er been forthcoming from police circles, except such as has been drawn from un willing witnesses tnd nfttr persistent ef forts. Members of tha fore* with no oth er apparent motive than a desire to shield their superiors have professed an Ignor ance of wrong doing with which evidence showed them to be familiar. 'Th* evidence has left no doubt tn our minds that for years It has been the practice of many police captains In their respective precinct* to receive money as bribes for protesting violators of law, and to estort money from taw-abldlng dtt- tens aa the price of exemption frtm po lice Interference and annoyance. We be lted that this practice has bran nul.d to an extent unprecedented In the history of the city. Clear eases have been p-esent- ed In which, by reaeon alone of lapse of time, tbs law has precluded as Iron: Bias ing Indictments •The enjoyment by the executive head of tba forte of a considerable fortune ac cumulated as the result of favors granted aa a recognition of tba performance of official duty may well have caused de moralisation In the force under his com mand. •The distinction between the receipt of such favor* end tbs taking of direct grat uities for official services Is not on* bis subordinate* *r# likely to appreciate. “The existence of tbs evils to which w* have referred evidences th* absolute ne cessity of radical reorganisation of tha fore* by new men and new methods.” BUCKI.UNB ARNICA BA LYE. Tbo b**t sstve In the world for cuts, bruises, sore*, uk- rs. salt rheum, f-v-r sores, tetter. chappM hands, chilblains, corns and all akin erptl .r.* and posltive- tistacii ly H. J. Lo.xer A d What is Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants and Children. It contnins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotlo substance. It la :i harmless Milist ituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. , It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,' cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves' . teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.) Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas« toria is tho Children’s Panacea—tlio Mother’s Friend. Castoria. **Castoria fsaa excellent medlclno for chll* dren. Mother* havo repe&todly told mo of ita good effect upon their children.” Dr. Q. C. Oboood, Lowell, Mass. •» Castorla I* tho host remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hop© tho day la not far distant when mother* will consider tho real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.” Dr. J. F. KiNcnELor. Conway, Ark. Castoria. “Castorla Is no well adapted to children that. I root >m in*’ml It as superior to any proscription known to me.” IT. A. ARcmtn, M. D., Ill So. Oxford .St., Brooklyn, N. 11 Our physicians In the children's depart ment have sj>o%pn highly of their experi ence In their outsldo practico with Cn*torI.a, and although vro only have among our medical supplies wluvt is known na regular products, yet wo are free to confess that tho merits of C/uUoria lias won u.? to look with favor upon it.” United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Moss. I At i.rn C. Smith, Pres., Tbo Centanr Company, TX Murray Street, Now York City* . cm isi Tho Supremo Court Says So, but Dis Lawyers Will Try to Get a Trial for Lunacy. WILL MEYERS’ CASE ARGUED. A Do cl. Ion on the Election Lair That Will Change tho Political Com plexion of Office. In Two Counties of ttieStato. Atlanta, March IS.—(Special.)—The su preme court today rendered a decision affirming thn verdict ot the lower court In the cue ot Alex Carr, convicted ot the murder of CapL II. O. King. Carr was under sentence to be banned on Fcbru* ary 8, tut, but sentence waa led idln draught of compulsory arbitration roadn an rxpkination as to Why he did not obey the summons before. He sakl: "I de«lre to say that tola is the first opportunity I had ot appearing before this committee. I waa subpoenaed at 9:30 o'clock on Saturday inqrnlng to be here at 10:10 o’clock. I wu required by law ;o hold court, sad therefore couM not come at that time. I wa* engaged In court untn 1:30 In the af ternoon when tt was too kite to respond. I ham u I ways been ready and willing to come before the committee and tell you anything I could you wanted to know. 1 have had no communication with the committee whatever.” After he had finished. Chairman Fri day arose, and with a bow, thanked tho justice fbr his courteous remarks. ,rlBp. awF8> fUIo d fw The purity of Dr. Price's Baking Powder la never questioned, because it Ifl absolutely pure. CENTRAL REORGANIZATION. Savannah and Western People Are Not Satisfied. New York. March 18.—The proposed modification of the Georgia Central plan whereby the Savannah and West ern bondholder* are to receive for each $1,000 bond $500 In new general mortgage 4 per cents., $350 tn first pref erence Incomes, and $$50 In aenood preference Incomes, Is not acceptable to the Savannah and Western protect ive committee. A member of tots com mittee says that tbs terms are not as favorable as originally proposed, and tost It It doubtful whether the origin al pnpisltloit would be accepted now. It Is believed that further modifica tions will be necessary before the plan can be officially Issued. Several bouses who participated In tlie plan aa first proposed have practically de cided to withdraw from participation. The belief le quite general that the firm of J. P- Morgan 4k Co. will event ually reorganize the property on terms more i..*>ribte to Southern Railway Interests. GETS $*.000 A YEAR. Ellsworth, Kan., March 11.—County Treasurer Dick of Ellsworth county appror.,1 In Judge Eastland's court to day and withdrew his idea of not guil ty to the charge ot embezzling tx,000 of tbe county fund*. On bis plea of guilty b-' waa sentenced to serve four yean In toe penitentiary. FITSCURED l r.fLJ nTTuilofMtd > Ulikffa am*r Ult J of ?ptl«p*7, <F rrof.W.ILF <1 mote t tiiAn a:.jl.vr.’It/fiif:xn; Irst*;crv«aUaft>mkiliing. W« Lav'-1.^7*fell*/-*of tOT^An'fitinvJln^cnmlbyhini. He; '.*^A Ya;uaM«j wurkoaihi*d!*»**« which be wTh & !*%•« bottle of hu *h4oIn;e cart, free to RnTitvT r*r«howndthwrP.O. uid RiprramA. £.*• »«. V. ■ Rfijotic nUtiri/acure to arltlreM. ftpr. v,. IS. I'iX&g, r. I)., | Crier be, bra Vn*. court. Will Meyer... the youthful lulu uercr oi Forest Crowley, mam oruicm^l to hang at tho same time, but his caio was also sent to the aupremo court and was argued there today. Carr's defense before the Jury wa* in sanity, and hla attorneys will now taka out a writ of lunacy to bo tried before th* ordinary, hoping yet to save hla neck upon that plea. Hla friends are de termined to exhaust every move that gives any promise at all of saving him from tho scaffold, and If tha plea of In sanity In tha court of ordinary fall* a second time the governor will be nppeal- ed to to exwclao executive clemency In bla behalf. Carr himself took 1,6 news of tha actlob of tha auprama court aa he took tbe verdict of tba Jury—without ary appirent emotion. In the Meyers eas* there baa been no Insanity p!ea and th* verdict ot the su premo court will in all probability be tbe seal of tba young man's fata If It la a confirmation of the lower court, which refused a new trial, the application for which sms largely based upon alleged new evidence going to establish tbs Iden tity of the mythical "Brown Allen.” The supreme court today rendered a de cision which establishes a precedent In contested election cases over county of fice. Tbo case In point waa the contest In Polk county where the Populist candi dal* for tax collector w»a elected on tha face of the returns, but on a contest being made before the Judge of tho su perior court of that circuit—Judco James —the Democratic candidates war* de clared legally elected. Then the contest- tee undertook to ippral th* caw, to tho aupremo court, but Judge James refused to sign the bill ot exceptions, holding that Ms decision was final. Just aa tho governor's would bs, but the Populists secured a mandamus against tha court. The supreme court held that Judge James was right In holding that hla decision was final, ruling that the intention of the law was that when the Julge of the superior court waa given J In such eases It was not Intended tha- thtr* should bo any appeal from his decision, because his action was not of a Judical nature, but should ho regt.-d'd »» similar to thst of th* governor In such c. ft*. Several other case# InvoM.ig s.mllar points are now pending, but txtry's de cision practically dortle* them a'i In Lowndea county the PppnlW* wfil gain an office by ths declaim which glv«s the Democrats on* In Polk, so th* two par ties brssk even cn It. PLANT SYSTEM dH-SiNGES. Gtatonl 'Moving Around In tho Ojrarjt- Ing Degrartitpitt. Savannah, Until is.—vVI ctungp in Kira ojxsutlne ,l*-islirtu11 n; of tho Plant sjrutom k<hw mto effoc't lo in arrow. A diYular wtis Issued today announcin',; the crenton ,,f the ottlrq of sup Tin ndrnt of traoa- porhntlon, to which AV. J. iHs.ylnnv, for- tncrly manor of .itirnuspuiiiatilon of th< A1 al>,in:i Mnlluti,l. hut ti ,i j.jxilnt ,1. Tht* sjrstenf Is npi)t Into five divisions, to which siiporlutendenitc havo been appoint <1 os follows: Go \V. Holms, sup-w it omlcnt of tii' Ilmnnwlrk owl WMcm ral!t*,nl awl of the Suv.inuah, Florida mat \V. .torn radii ty I n - bt ,.v • n s.\ in- nah Hid Jncknonv i! ■ nnl Way or i I'l-I Dupont, with .111 Oil W iyi J. W.t'nig. sup.irin- ,!. ;,,* ,,f thr Si- r-mn«h. Merida -ml Wost-rir I n.-- t,.*- tu -II lkipoiit. <!i . I!' I I/l'k'-hnd. I'll . High Borings. Fla., anil Gainesville. FI i . 1 ,ri Whit ■. i'l i , mud L.k,* lYtv, i'll. A'Iso tin* Silv-r Springs, <>.-iii :i IX1 Gulf Mill. Id, VVI l|| ,.lllo .- i,! II -It Snr: tugs. I'M i I', it 1' i I ». 5m;,.*rln|i'n,li4it ..f Uio A1 ■ Irani.■ Mldlind r iilr..,.l mb... v II.* H "111,.*,"! riilw i v iin* s„v lull. IM-rlilt .."I W.-||. r n nllr ",1 linos w.,-1 ,.r Hu:, mt. gt.. \ ■ n,rug :*| I'll Hilt ILIUbrUlg" >11.1 Al- l,inv. <Li . mnl M III'll., with oin,',- it m >in.-.miry, Ala. It. It. Sw.supiTlnt i"l. :u of -ho Savannah, Florid, uul W*m rn Inn b*tv. ii Sinf id. PI i„ oral Pori Tam pa. Hi . Sinf I. Ovrid ■. r:i. hi-* ni i'i i. m i niimmsis-. I'll.. Bun -V .Inn.* n anl It,now. I'll.. Irak'dind, Fit.. m>l ll.n* ..w, Fla.; also Wavt'iqi tnd It n* Vntloy railroad; ibiltiugn ami Tbonot ntisi i ilr i ■ I wi*h • III ii Suuf ■ r.I. I'l i. i' s i: id- I' II. -'I ■ ■■ ii ' : ■ I l- "f Hi ■ 0!url'*st'u ind Bivannoh railroad, With offices .v Obarfewt n. A C. Tho p-li'oiH .,f *«.slant superin- teodcots aro abolished. D who ha ATiL ITbEE. • w’i i h ive ii <ed I>r. rry kn".i' Its vwh] ih.. BROWN COMES XOAIN. Be'Accuses Major Htahlman of Bring a Lobbyist Atlanta, March ti—(Special.)—Mr. Ju lius L. Brown, *x-attorney for tho receiv ers of th* Western and Atlantic Railroad Company,' comes hack at MaJ. E. B. Btahlman. the aur-lving receiver, again today. MaJ. 8tahlman and Mr. Brown appear to be launched upon a never-end ing controversy, growing out of the lat ter's displacement aa counsel hr tha former. It Is a case of one aiylng "l did,” and tbs other "You didn't.” Last Saturday MaJ. stahlman took two cot day Mr. Ilronr Mr , It ■ ar H.-H ihv nlty to try tt free. C.m on th,, adver- tlsed dnu-.i.-i anil r- t n trial firttle. f.eo. S-nd y nr n i me and giMrMM to H. E. Bucklen O >..1*1,1' .-o, and n-t n mni|il'* t-\ f Dr. King's New I.lf.*. pills fee*, qs wc:: an copy ot Guilds to tt*a!th artd Hous.-lt.4d instructor fr e. All of which 1-, gunrant I to do you good tin I ■ -t you n .thing. H. J. La mar & Boa's Drug Store. PLEDGETS IRISH AUTONOMY. I. '.'I o, Mar |. .lit -tin M *, 'art - IT. ..' l.*i;s . al II,annual NuUonalNt banquet In London. He said la his H[-M*ch th.K th.-rc was neith er dlvlMon nor faction In the party— that all v.ere plrclgml t*. ee ire Ire land's anti nomy and to nothing et*,*. J'.lm Dill P. O’Connor and others altered similar sentlinenta. The Old Friend Ar.d tho l;cnt friend thni never faila you i3 Simmons Liver Regu lator, (tho Rod Z)—that’s what you ii. tr at tho mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and 1 eopb fihould not bo persuaded anything elso will do. It is tho King of Liver M< cinc.= i; is be itter tin n Dills i, and hikes 3 tho pi aco of C iuinini o and Calo mcl It acti i din ectly c in tho Liv- r, Kid'.. :y a nd : Bowelt t and t;i\v i now lif e to tho whole 8V8- tr*m. Thu i s th. i iin hlii’iin i you Want. Sold by all rini.-u. Liquid, or in Powder t./l ■ i Jry or into a tin. S«-KVKKV nCKAI I ., II** n»e X Mginu in $ r.1 .i wr i j,u.auuN * co. ( tiab^i„LA