The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 21, 1895, Image 6

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THE WEEKLY TE1; GRAPH: MARCH 21, 1895. IE6R0E8 CLEAR FOR AF A PILLAGING EXPEDITION. riicy Left Savannah Singing .Songs and in General Good Iluraor and Iligh Spirits, A WELL-EQUIPPED COLOSY. They Go With Plenty of Implements and Enough Money to Smtaln Them Until They Can Begin Work in the New Homes. Sirannoli, Go., MawW 10.—The fitounshVp Hama, -with 200 ' Liberian omlgriota, sailed frooi K.u-.inmh this afii-emooa. Five thousand nesnow gath ered on tlio wharves ntxl cheered the vessel ns tt passed dawn the river. Knots of negroes began gathering In Hie vicinity of .the dock where the riteamer was lying early dais morning. The number kept enoreaslng nnd nt noon several thousand were ipudkad in the Streets and lanes and covered the roots of building? for several blocks. The offorir by Bov. C. Smith, secretary of the Suinela y-school Union of ttho Af- rlaaii Methodist (finirch, who has been endeavoring tto prevent the clearance of M.e vesvet on the ground Ithait she awis not properly ocjulppatl, failed to accomplish anything. The neenmmo- datlons of the iHorsa- compiled fully with the laiw and the vessel passed o thorough tMjKdthti by the customs officials!. Shortly offer noon the gates to the wharf where ‘the emigrants were wait ing .were etpenrtd and the negroft? went aboard. Jt was a. curious procession, ranging in age from the ilr.nliy In uwis to the old ‘man tottering on the verge of the grave. The women came Amt nnd made strange contrasts. One with a checked apron and a sun bonnet was followed by a Jauntily dressed girl of more tender years with gaudy plumed hut and bright ittobons. Some carried valises, otlh«m buckets, others /tins full of email articles. After the women came the man, some wilt shot guns, riflcHand others wfih fammImplements. All were sgnt Into the Stem of the ves sel usd grouped together In older that n picture of the vessel might be taken. Tlw court showed 202. of which 38 were children anil 7 Infants. The clear ance papons pun the number aft 11)7. Over four hundred trunks and boxes were taken as baggage. In the boxes are agricultural Implements. fir* arm*, ammunition, household uttnsels, and supplies, clothing, etc. The party will probably be the beat equipped that baa ■ever left America for the dark conti nent. Since their arrival In Savannah they have spent probably 11.500 to $2.- 000 laying In itores. The majority of the nggroes appear to be still quite well supplied with money. There la r,.i .'.1 , l.lj n . I ;| mm In lb" |“| rl v but who baa sufficient to provide subsln- t we r .- s .Ill" ibn.- after 1 Hiding in Xj-' eria. Supplied in they are. there la no danger tx ihia pariv ilarvlaa io death or otherwise aurrering ir there la any potalblUty of making a Ilvng at all tn the land to which they nre x -Ing. When the vena l‘s lines were coat oft there was a cheer from the crowd on the wharves, and the emlgranta sang their parting song: "I’m doing Home to Africa’s Shores." The refrain was taken up toy those on the shore. The singing was kept up -until the vessel passed the city. The crowds following along the wharves shouting good-byes. From the negroes gathered on the crowded deck of the steamship came back answering shouta from men and women, while the color-bearer of the party, a sturdy negro of email dhnln- slons, violently waved an American flag that wtll be displayed when the Ilona enters the harbor of Monrovia. The Horn expects to reach Monrovia about April 1, and after landing the emigrants, will endeavor to secure a return cargo. The party la accompani ed by E. B. Cot tin ah am. secretary of the international Migration Society; It. C. Trueedall and J. C. Lanshes- ter and W. H. Simpson, agent of the charterers. The mlastonary cause la represented by four colored mlnlsten who go to build a Church In Monro- It Was That Kind of a Crowd That ' Garza Led to Doc as. Mdblle, Ala., March 10.—The Regia- ter'e correspondent at Bocas del Toro. United States of Colombia, under date 1 -March 13, says: The Identification of Gen. Catarino Jvrasmo Garza, slain In The attack on Bocas Is complete. Several letters were found on Ills body addressed to him self; also a telegram. Indlvtluals also Identified him. Three times during the fight, he advanced within ten feet ot the barracks and caltol on the captain to surrender and each time the an swer was a volley of musketry. When killed he fell within twenty feet of the barracks. As he fell he shouted: "Fire the town," and a rebel named C'artro poured oil on a ‘building between Wil son's store and the barracks and struck match but wan shot dead in Ms tracks. Government soldiers captured the small schooner on the 9th In which the •bels came from Greytown. Five reb els were on board, but they Jumped Into the sea and escaped ashore In the ■bush. They alone escaped to tell the tale of the defeat. On board were found forty Winchester rifles and large number of cartridges. From this the Inference Is that Garza expected to have a larger force than that which ap peared at Bocas. It is passible he an ticipated Hint'the force would have ac cessions at Bocas. Since the fight forty more government 'soldiers have ar rived from Colon. The total record of, the battle Is eleven dead; twenty-five wounded and thirty-five prisoner* Sev eral of the wounded will die. The wo man and baby who were shot are doing very well. The prisoner" say that they were signed as laborers n't Greytown to work on banana plantations rt Bo ca*. They sailed from Greytown Feb ruary 2. and visited Carreta, Costa Rica, where arms were taken aboard and many more Joined the expedition. When they arrived at Bocas the arms were given thorn and they were told to fight or die. This story Is not credited. There was but one Colombian In the party. It Is thought It was merely a pillaging expedition. The fruit steamer Brlefond from New Orleans reports seeing a schooner, oft Cape .Gracias, supposed to have soldiers on board coming to Bocas. Should It .prove to be another rebel Invasion they will meet with a warm reception. The United States steamer Atlanta has withdrawn her marines and returned to Cblon. TAYLOR’S ANSWER. The Spanish Governmenr Will Inquire Promptly. Madrid. March 19.—United States Minis ter Taylor Informed a reporter of . the United Press last evening that the Span ish governor had answered his note, say ing that as yet the foreign office had re ceived no notice of the alleged firing upon the American steamer Alliance by e Spanish war ship. The government prom, tsed to make urgent inquiry for an offi cial report on the Incident and the affair is adjourned pending Its receipt. SHORT IN HIS ACCOUNTS. BiUlroore, Ulsrch 10.—Jnbo IV. Bn ker, cashier for the I.ubrobvilmvOll Oompiny, Is mid to bo short In hl« arcoiufto b> The extent of about thousand dollars and the inrot-gement Is looking for him. Biknr tnoin here from Rile!rib, -N. C. IVhen It was certrlnnl some weeks ego that hie ac- e/vuttt* were nut correut, Rnknr was dlstnlured. He wn furnish'd with tmnqoortarion to Raleigh.„n nd with his wife loft for that iphtre. Jt t$ claimed now that other dlwerfpinn'ea have been found tsnd the cenpmy boa decided to prosecute him. BIO FIRE IN VERMONT. Burlington,Vt„ March M.—Twelve build ings were burned here today, causing i_ loss of t2M.0d0 and throwing 400 men out n* emnInywiewt. The principal eatabllah- merns burned were Booth's planing mill, a refrigerator factory nnd a shade roller factory. Insurance, about flit,WO. M. W. Millington was burned to death ' Booth's factory. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the oar. There Is only one way tn cure deafness, and that Is by cnetltutlonal remedies. Deafneaw Is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous tinging of the Eumodhlan tube. When thie.tutbe gets Inflamed you have a rumbtng wound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is en tirely cloned deafness is the result, and unleen the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to 1M nor mal condition, hearing wilt be denaoy- ed forever, nle caaes out of ten are caused by catarrh which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tbe wiucuousl We will give one hundred dollars for any earn of deafness (caused by cfl tarrhi that cannot be cured by Halim Catarrh Cure Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY * Co., Toledo, O.B fioid by dress***. 7*& m The Atlanta Editor Is Not a of Ur. Manning’s Hallo, Ilights League, He It Citilfil a Demoralizer of j Securltlei—Sir, Ilowcll Prefe vacating Parity of the Ha),] in Ills Own Fn«hioi THE W1AIR IN CJUHA. Spanish Officers Say Their Loaves Hive Been 8muII. Havana. March II).—Gen. Lmebairtbre. commanding the 'Spanish forces In Cuba, reports thul the los? of Ct>L San- tosoMMe's force 'in .tho engagement Mhni bnnd of rebels at Guadranunomo on’'the 10th 'Inst was five seriously wounded. The revohitloniflis lost seven killed and fifteen wound'd, among the taller being one of rile leaders of 'ihe bawl. Msjor Van Qunro's column, the (ipert says, hn» attacked and dispersed the rebels In (the vicinity of J.icuibnoa, wounding one off them. Col. Sautos- chlkle arrived u,t Mansaulllo on the 15th iiMt. »nd asvumnd command of the troops in ithhift dietrtor. On ihhe 16nh force of government troops under Col. Booch u trucked a party of rehejs at Gu intarxrocmno and completely routed khnm. One of the rdbols w«e Bed. 'Hie next day the same fonoo overuxak the Perez bind and ufter a sharp eGcmgnment, during which two ho ruhels wire wounded, tTanptrsei n. cmpturlng all their arms. Lngo'i || W IS (Is,. <1 tfoiti-l i IV1 .1--I 1-, I he mountains. The dispatch start from Key \V<nt >; Now York writing than the Spanlah ar Infauna lubd hid fired at an American -nnaok Is dejvaumvil here a? untrue. The denial of the rqjaort is based upon the fact that the cruiser us Id port four days ago. NOW BOYS. GO AHEAD. Campos Warns Both . Bides Against Any Misbehavior. Madrid. March 1».-Gen. Marlines de Campos, captain general of Madrid, sum moned the officers of the Madrid gxrrl son to him last tvenlng and mid to them: "If {here Is any further rioting on the part of this garrison they wilt have to meet me os an opponent.” Later he received a deputation of Journ alists, to whom he sold; "If you make any further attacks upon the army which Incites a renewal of the recent rioting you will undoubtedly be Shot." ClABirOS VTSHTED TH8 QUEEN. Madrid, March 15.—Gen. Martinez de Campos, captain general of Madrid, pakl another visit to Queen Regent Christiana this afternoon. Later it was stated that -Premier Bagasta and his colleagues In Ihe cabinet who had tendered their resignations, -would prob- ably resume their ministerial func tions. THE STORY IN ENGLAND. London, March II.-/A despatch to ths Central Nows from Madrid, via Bay onne, France, soya that the condition pf affairs in the Bpanlsh capital has born more serious than for many years oast. The censorship ot dispatcher leaving the country has prevented the full truth from becoming known. The fact Is that the government Is pow erless to control the army, and that tbe officers, from the generals down, have sided with the riotous subalterns When Premier Bagasta learned of this state of things he meditated, summon ing the civil guard, hut he found that he could not dep.-n'd upon that branch of the servlet, its officers expressing sympathy with those of the regular army. Thereupon the prime minister and hia colleagues tendered their rA- lgnattona, Benor Sagaata Informing the queen regent that he feared insistence upou the pulshment of tbe offenders' would result in a mutiny of the milltn. ry officers In Madrid and the provinces, and might even endanger the mon archy. The Impression produced upon tbe general public at seeing the gov ernment at the mercy of a few score subalterns, la most painful. INSURGENTS LACK MONEY. Madrid. March 1ft.—Official advices from Havana state that the insurgents tn Cuba are much depressed, owing to the lack of funds and the men to car ry on the revolution. IXOOME TAX IN ENGLAND. London, Worth 10.—In vlqw of the mat number of reek loots of Great Brit tin who derive so Income from the Unltni rttxKw, tho fontgn office has mused the pulfikutloo In tortiy’* Ga zette of tbe tonus of the now Unltni Stages Income tux law, neunpinlid by a nottflextlon that the thuifof dirkira t’.on ttmler ihe Itw his been extended to April 13. CONSUMPTION EASILY CURED. To Ihe Editor: l’lea: • Inform you readers that 1 bale a posiuw remedy fur abut* named disease. By lu timely use thoosaeds of kopclese uki liars b-en permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of mr remedy Ire* to ny ot your readers who bars iua- •umptioD. If they will scad rue Ih-ir rtpm, sod postofilr* addresses. lte- tpeottuliy, T A. SLOBIIM. M D, , tel P?«d »;t«jv be* X«u. inber HARD WORDS FOR JiANNfiTt* Imma fid- AUsnira, March 10.—Roplylnulto the press Ht.'Uemecit sonlt out flto'ij Now York last night cotrLIniug an it ffirrlew with Conarcssmtm• Howard iu Ala bama nnd Mr. ,1. C. Manning {'-I that Htate, In which tho orodlt of tli state la assaulted oral in which Glr. .'lemiliig as ‘tpreddeDt af the Soulther'WBallet Rights League” cxipreNscs him-'.jit upon •the Cooper Union meeting w. llth he has worked upon, the ConSHeuit! n mill aay 'tomorrow: . 'T ‘Thebe men are engaged tn 1 Ijtrfdl.t- ing the good name of AJabaimtelft New Yortt and In doniiara'llzlng au-ldcpre- da ting the -value of its er-cml.' 1 'Tsi. Tlrls may he a very commendable Ji-irk of amtagonlsxn which leads themnlfto a enwade against their own-staltt fi it to the great majority of thepeopl’lif Ala bama, Bind everywhere else wh'Bp they are ktKiwn. the mission of the A men will not be favorably received. 1 We observe that Mr. J. C. iX' willing, win signs hlmsdf as prcsiden nif the ‘Southern Balloft Rlgbtii Lvigm'Jjls out In a lengthy '.ntervlew lathe N-B York Tribune ooacernliig a meetln;'|avhii'.h Is to be hdd in Cooper UnionAr the purpose of discussing ‘ballot llrages n The Sputh.’ | ,1 "He anuouuees that bo taut eNtuml the oo-opertafflon of a- uumbeit New Yorkers, among whom are lL. Park- hutxt, John II. Inman, IRecorjl a) Goff, John S. Wise, Gen. It. S. P<» :tr and Mayor Strong, and, In prescj ;'aig a Hat of -those unuouncid os" -eatling merahena of the leigue, he) »ames, among others, ‘Mr. Clark II- ell of the Atlantu Constitution’ as < j of its vlcdpre* ilcncs. As far •• Mr] JnoweB l* concerned, he knewN ji--ps)tv| j- noth ing of the league or lr« purri w and has not been notified of hts hi] Ton h> the position rofurretl to by i ' Man ning. and bud he been uxaiVl I 1 ve re spectfully declined, nit that . , Is not IntanTly lnrere.-t-il In the put* j rvf the balhrt, bart bce:iiu-!e he prefen ‘io pro ceed In the advocacy iff such Vf'cm.i -as are nnsezsary as hia mBak die- tultes, and It does not mpprove ilrl Man ning or his course. “PuWc acntlmont In the South Is tn favor of fair election* and tM senti ment la growing every day, but the ImMSTu'Tyt | J J V* I*%ji;n*/1 wikliar »J**n aided if the Inritniments of Ls yuccr-ea are to be *ueh as 4hn*e who halt taken this worthy cau«’ as the cloak <1# their crusade ucmuui iJiego,*! itanie-'-f tbolr own staitc. “It t* probable that one of the ob- TWO BIO REWARDS. Governor Atkinson Wants the Lynchers and Tide Forgers. Atlanta, March 19.—(Special.)—Gov ernor Atkinson offered two Interesting rewards today. One was *500 for tfie first arrest of any of the parties who took part In the lynching of Amos Glb- •*>n In Forsyth, Monroe county, on March 13. Gibson Wat lynched for the usual crime In such oases, although the faot that he was under arrest when taken In charge by the mob mokes the case an aggravated one from the standpoint of the law. After the lynching Governor Atkln- ■on wrote to Solicitor Blooilworth for the facts. The solicitor's reply Includ ed a photograph of the dead negro, taken as he hung to the tree, the coro ner of the county steadying the body with hia hands .while the jwtograph was. being taken. » The other reward of *200 Is offered to put a stop to fraudulent land granh) In this start*, which have been going on for years past. In some counties bogus deeds have been given toy the swindler to twice a* -much land as there Is In the county. In some cases these swindlers use old genuine copies of the great seal of the ■tate to effort the perpetration of the fraud and make the bogus deeds look genuine. To stop this Governor At kinson has offered $209 for the detec- tloivof any person using a copy of the great seal for this purpose. BOARD OF I’HAlIOMIAlOY. The southern Ferfumety Company to die Prosecuted. Atlanta, March 19.—(Spaeftil.)—The White board of .phvrmaiisds completed the examination of a number of appll OJivta anti granted pharmacists’ license tod-ay. During ':1m weailom off the board Max well Keefey of AtVwfta prefferred charge? against Ihe Southern. I’enfuni- ory Company of this ojiiy for Belling udultrn.Hted drug?. Specimens of cas tor oil alleged .to be sold toy the compa- ny were pixwentert to the boanl, and, on a no i.vims, Ti niml to be iwc up to uui requirements of law; Airing upon th'.s, the board has (Siniployod attorneys bo proceed against iilte liKSTiimery Com pany. The peniltiy for e<tllng adulter ated drugs Is severe. Keeley, the man who made the change, recently hid .some trouble with the perfumery company people, hairing been rtrrosted by them for alleged eheiitlng and swlylllng. and fhe action before lihe b)ard of pbarmacty Is In re- tahaltlon. FIRE AT AMERICUS. Two Stocks Damaged but the Deport ment Did Gcnd Work. ’ .-"I Amerkms, March 19.—(Rpycfal.)—At 5 o’clock this atternoon adfi-e was dis covered in the store rtUYv. H. Scarbor ough on Cotton a - eiiuc. It Is supp iacil to have originated from a match thrown In r fme rubbish near oil i-ans. The flai'ies spread rapidly. When the fir<*'“partmem arrived they were bu »t "■'g t>ut of the front doors and bad caught In tho large dry goods store of Pinkston Bros next door. The file was soon under control. Scarborough's stock was badly damaged by fire and •water, Pinkston slightly. Both were fully covered by Insurance. MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. America!. March 19.—( Three o'clock this afternoon the train for Montgomery on S. A. M. road mine near killing three negroes ua It creese S lew street. A woman with a child In cr arms and leading a renal! boy at tempted to ertas the track Ju»t In front of the engine. They were all knocked VJL! X AUXi* X * vxn Perfect Reliance Ytfas Placed mi Paine’s Celery Compound. "When I was aeteatod by Lieut. Peary to aooompvny him on bis trip to the Arctic regions to try and find a way 'to the nos ii pole," gays Mr. James W. Davidson In The Fourth M-ltara, “it was putty Ibocumse of my gtroag, healthy constltiutlon. mnd hlslr.ftlef.UKtt'' I could endure the fiaUgu# ami;danger Incident to ithe Itrip*. I Usd been auso- cirted 1njn<is his bu?lncsg man ager on bts loamrlng totrr. aeul was on termsedr tbe greatest Intiimacy with .WnT "Wiheai -the Whip iFileon Tcifit Now York on her trip northwards tt bad among tlhe Wtores geveral cas'd? of Pa'-ne’s celery ontpoural. The rttpu- tation of that mwlldne wan well es tablished, to 'tha t It Was the moot «nt- riling in ithe wortl tba.t the fnem- bets of the party, and llbey oomprlved men from nearly every walk In life, from common sa-'tors to men of science, SboUkl desire to use it. "Tito record of our pittlons trip to Oamp Awnlvcrsary Is too well known to rwvtl repetition. Once !n comp we naiiuraVy bit* «n Inventory of our p* so-Vom. and I was erceotUrnffiy glad to find Paine’s celery compound. TV medicine dbeat was open bo all. and we TwfTc free ifo *t*k? fponi .whut wi* t ndrW-Lblo. I. inccmipiny with several others. siel^otM «ome of the compound, taking a bottle of It t * try y»Mr. that It iWould be handy ■when wanted. Nor waa I mistaken, for the ex^estflve cold w’ather p-> >n The Royal Baking Powder is in dispensable to progress in cookery and to the comfort and conve nience of. modern housekeeping. Royal Baking Powder makes hot bread wholesome. Perfectly leav ens without fermentation. Qual ities that are peculiar to it alone. ROYAL ZAKINS POWDER CO., 10S WALL ST., NEW-YORK- JecrtA of the New York merttug con- tempi at ot a call for a ‘fair elect no fund,’ and If this *tcp Is next In driler tt!« to toe typed uo eontrbutlotw will be based on ftbe antlecstn nillng tint Mr. ITowell la an officer in Mr. 'Manning’s league.” A DISGRACEFUL ACT. Birmingham. March It.—In an Interview with tbe Axe-Herald. Dr. R. A. Moseley, Jr.. Chairman bt the state Republican ex ecutive committee, characterised the manifesto of tho two Populists—Congress men Howard and Legislator Manning— relative to the ftnanctaUcondltlon 0 f Ala bama aa a moat disgraceful act on tho part qf the two men occupying prominent positions. No man. says he, "has the rlrht lo' attack the credit ot his own state. The statement Is an egrlgtoua blunder, to any the least of lb and seems to seek to drive men and money away from Alabama.” PULLAIN WILL EXHIBIT. from the track hut escaped death. The baby hod an arm broken, the woman was knocked senseless but the buy was only slightly hurt. RBdBIVBR-TO SETTLE. Athens, March 19.—(Special.)—Jolhn Booth bos been appoints! receiver Df the Athens OH Mill and Fertilizer cun- B iny. The assets are about 169,000; lla- llltlee a great deal less. The receiver Is appointed simply to wind up the busi ness of the concern. had its effects, andlfbegan to be troUb. j led tn a number o.* way?. ,n t\ >, r case, whenever I felt the slightest l». disposition, I used the cotnpouni, ait found relief. .."One thing noticeable In the ajw:« region was tha t the cold weather ssl, us all exceedingly nervous. Web, came Irritable and cross. Our item were all unstrung, and naturally It affected our health. I talked the ant. ter over iwtth some of the other,, art made up my miind that possibly the celery compound would be .beneficial for I knew that It ivas used for nerv ous disorders at home. Well, sir; tried it, nnd 1 must aay that it hi-lj every one of us. "When the long night of six month came on and we were In darkneu. n found that the effects were very de- preaslng. Imagine, If you can, llvlri for six months In darkness, such ui curs here every night, and you c readily understand how we were sttu- aled. It la a wonder that som- ot u.? did not go mad. Wo ha-1 no* very much to divert our attention, and the effect was something like solitary con finement In a dark cell. "I have used Payne’s Celery Cow pound for a dozen Ills, such a*>p» son Is liable to nave at any time, rrt especially In that desolate country. It hn« nhvave helped me. and I shmfil be pleased to have more of It ahoil I go North again. "I do not know of nny one thing Hz I can say more than nr F?yne'n Coin, compound, it certainty ;» a great mi Iclnc, and I am an advocate off It.” Control of the Police Commission Undo Cause for a Very Hot Wrangle. KINO IS IN CONTROL. If the Polle* Board Falla to Elect a Chairman II* Will Have Full Au thority—Oar,bull Stays tn the City Two Mnntllr. CALLAHAN’S SECOND TRIAL. Prom laid to Head tho Fine** of Hit Can, tn Adnata. tUtiinia, March W.—Mr. Georg* U wut to Atlanta, yesterday In his cur and was the guest of PrtMfdMrt OolHer. Mr. S. Inman anrl other gcotVmcn nt* loach flxlay and was driven by them to the exposition grounds, where • be gained a general view at cpe-MIlona. He etqirmsed *or- prise a* the magnitude tt <he werit and evidenced much interest In the oxp»l- ttoo, aejrlng that be would 'mud me flnerit train of cun ever built to the ex- ponlt'.oo, ami that on h'.s rdturn Vice- Preddmt Wicfcai of ttie Putlmro Com- piny would <*>me to Allanla and look over the ground with a view to tniktnc an exhltrii. Extra, npace In bring add,*! to the transports non building for Ihe ■ooimmodatton off locomottvea and ratHcg stock. There will be from *X to ten of the (local train to ths MOfkl exhibited hero. The main Bore of tbe traD?portatlon hut tiling w II. of course, be devefed to exhibits of a different oh j rioter. GMlrmnn H. Yl. Atkin- a of tbe committee on electricity report plana tor tbe IWhttag §fTflo> will 1 exhibit will id atroplT of power. The tbe vory beat and the rer tbe tnoot important nr.toi of tho I'ciwd The New Orleans Councilman Again Before a Jury, v New Orleans, March II.—In compli ance with the decision of Ihe supreme court the coke of John Callahan one of the Indicted councllmen woe this morn ing taken up before Judge MoI*e In section B, criminal district court on lU second trial. Tbe charge la that Calla han accepted $600 aa a bribe or os a pres ent ar os a reward from L. S. Wldley agent ot tbe Pennsylvania Coal com pany, for hts vote to secure the passage of an ordinance granting the coenjany certain rights to a coal yanl on the levee which were held by die tlrir. of B. D. Wood ft Co. Upon the first hear ing the hooka of the firm were pro duced As evidence before the court The defense appealed tbe case to the supreme court, taking exceptions to the !ntrc4tic*.!o!! cf *h* •• against Callahan and the appeal wail granted by a majority of opinion. Cal lahan had been released from custody on bli fornrr bond after tbe supreme court granted the new hearing but the district attorney promptly proceeded to bring the matter up for the second hearing In Mellon B and this day was fixed tor the bearing. Four jurors were secured and the court adjourned. OIL WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed tbe warningT The signal, perhaps, of the sure approach ot that more terrible dlaeaea consump tion. Ask yourself It you can afford for the sake of saving (0 cents run the risk and do nothing tor It. We know from expertnece that Shiloh’s Cure wilt cure your cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a million bot- f I ties were sold the put year. It re lieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothcra, do not be without !L For lama back, aid* or chest., use Shi loh’s Porous Plasters. Sold by Good- wyn ft Small Drug Company, corner Cherry. au«*$ a„i Cott 1 .:, avenue.. Atlanta, March 19.—(Special ,)-The city council had another wrangle over tbe police department today. The art- to was down on the programme for the regular session yesterday, but other matters Intervened and crowded tt out. So a special adjourned session was held today to have It out. The light Is the same old political quarrel betweeb tbe two factions that brought about the first of the farclal police Investigation. Instead of investi gation now. however, the fight la to gain control of Zbe police board, and through It manipulate the police de partment tn the interest of the politi cians at the election in April, when tbe department ta to be reorganized from office janitor to chief. Wham tbe police board met • week ago to reorganize, after the election of Caipt. W. H. Brodherton, who election waa the first crook tn tfi'e Eng- tsh combination, the attempt to elect a chairman to succeed Capt. English, resulted In a deadlock. Capt. Eng- IlShe opponent won Commissioner Johnson, who stands tor the element represented by 'Mayor King and City Clerk Woodward, as opposed to the other aide of which Cept. EngUrtt la the commandant. This deadlock left the board without a Chairman, and the council took hold of tbe situation to day, upon a resolution making Mayor King temporary chairman, nnd pro viding further, that in'title event the board fails to elect a new ponce de partment at the April election, tne mayor was to have full authority to do what be thinks should be done. It Is generally understood that fr Eng lish ts finally turned down by the King faction, there will be an entirely new deal In the police department, from Chlrf Connolly on down, and It la fihla situation staring them tn the face that has Involved the whole city govern ment, practically In *be fight for jrn- preinacy on the board of police Mm- missioneni. It Is bard to are the end of It, the situation la m> mixed but the odds ap- pea to be an Chairman English. At least one Important move In the oppo sition to hhn tailed today, when the council ordered that tho offices cf the tore* and the salaries should be the ■ame after reorganization as now. A plea was made to create the office of superintendent off police at $4,00# a year for die benefit of Cel I’ark Wo.xl Yard It !• underwood, but the council knock ed it on the cranium. .While the aml1Bng*lsbitoa lost on their move they gained on the paaxapi of the resoluttbn making the mini temporary chairman of tho beef though a sufficient majority could x be obtain 'd to make It effective * once and ihe deadlock on the Wert will be broken before It becomes open- 1 five. There was any amount of excltemut at the meeting (today. Oouncllmu Nelms ami Alderman Colvin each ta* a chip on his shoulder amt dared tlu other to knock It off, while Cornell- man Welch took the floor and de nounced eveebody In general but M fine In particular, declaring that f me- body waa doing a dirty political ttUL The one redeeming feature of the an ion, which goes down In evld-nce u one of tho wildest and wonllest en re curd,, was the feoonsidcratlnn of yr* terday’s action In refuel mr to grant license to baseball In Atlanta thin Mi- non. This action waa reconsidered xlt* the provision that a license tor nlxtf day* will be grantee tor games at tic present park. After that time tM bleaching board* will have to be re moved somewhere else. OHILOH’S CON SUMPTION CUBE. Is beyond question the molt rj> ce-stul cough medicine we hare mr •old. A few doses Invariably cum the worst case of croup, cough esi bronchitis, while its wonderful nt- ce*H In the cure of consumption li without a parallxl In the history *t medicine. Since Its first discovery It ha-i been sold on a guarantee, * tea which no other medicine can stanl 2 you have a cough, wo earnestly ut you to try It. Prioa 10 cents. W crn'J end $L It your lungs aro dot*, cht* or gack is lame, uno Shiloh’s Porno I*lae>tcrs. Sold by Goodwyn & Smtll Drug Coo- party, corner Cilery street and Cotaa avenue. SHORTER SCHEDULE. Savannah. March 19.—The New T«* and Florida special over the Plant *1* tem and Atlantic Coast Line will nhertrs its schedule going nonh two hours ah* this week, leaving JicksonviHe at 12J* the afternoon and arriving at Now Ta* at 1:23 the next afternoon. Most Penetrating Remedy in Existence. WAR RANTED SATIE FACTORY. • Herse Size*, SOc. and 51.00 bottle*- M »y Dnfffirtt as* OM/era Dr. EARL S. SLOAN CO- BOSTON, MASS., U.SA. Dr. Sloan’s Xow Ilook “Treatl* <>u thy Horse,” gent Free.