The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 25, 1895, Image 4

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THE MAC OH TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORTTIHG, MARCH 25, 1395. — WHEAT— Open High Low Close MaCfh. . . . 63(4* 61(4 581. 64 May. . . . . 6F4 65(4 M'4 K(4 July. . . . , 66(4 50(4 65 4 W!4 COHN— March. . . . 4P4 43 <4(4 MT4 May. . . . . G’i M'i e* 46(4 July. . . . . g; 4 40U 43vi 4614 OATS— May. . . . • 23 20(4 29 29(4 Juno. • . . . -v SK4 W4 2914 July. . . . . 28 2S14 2S 2S(4- PORK- May. . . .12.07(4 12.2T. 12.02(4 2.20 July. . . . . 12.23 12.43 12.S l2.40 LARD- May. . . . . 7.00 7.0214 6.K 6.97(4 July. . . . . 7.10 7.16 7.10 7.16 RIBS- May. . . . 6.03 6.15 6.CG 6.12(4 July. . . . 6.22(4 6.30 6*22(4 6.27(4 THE WORLD OF TRADE. Reports by Wire From the Great Markets. New York, Mareb 2S.-Money mi call I* cur at UW, per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4(4e5(4 per cent. Sterling eichongo firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at 4.87&a4.8» for alxty days and 4.8314 for demand. Posted rates, 4.88(4a4.K). Commercial bills, 4.S6da4.87(4. Bar silver, 6314. Government bonds, firm; state bonds, dull; railroad bonds, active' and strong. Silver at the board was 63%aM. The sales of stocks Included 137.000 stares of listed and 10.000 shares of un- listed. Treaxury balances: Coin, 187,965,000; cur- rency, {S9.101.000. STOCKS AND BONDS. SAIUIOAD stocks, Amer. Cot Oil... 3014 do prof cl >1)4 Am. Sugar Rehn; 99K ' -a. oat/ pref Am. Tobacco Co, prefd.107 d. 93/, *>. 98% d.l07V{ uu urei Ucsui/% A.. T. and B. Be. 5% tilt, and Ohio.. Cl Canadian i’acifio 87 Chesa. and Ohio. 17% Chi. and Alton. .146 Chi.. IS. and Q... 78% uu., u. inu i°7* ChicagoGas.,... 72% Del., L. andW*. .1C3 Dia. and Cattle F 14% Erie 9 do profd. 17% Grn.Klectno.... 87 Illinois Cen 86 Lake Eno and \7 17% do profd. 73 LakeBhore 137% Lou. and Nash.- 61% Lon. and N. Alb. 7% Manhattan Cons.108% Merc, and Char.. 10 Michigan Cen... 92 Missonn Pacino. 23% Mobile and Ohio. 15% N.. C. and fit. L.. 70 | STATE BONDS. Alabama class A.10& Tenne'se old 6s.. U. B.Cordage.... 6 do profd; 8 New Jersey Cen.. 96% New York Cen... 95% N. Y. and N. E.. Norf. andW.prei 12% Northern Paciflo- 8% do prefd. 10% Northweatern... 91% !r fd - ifiB 00 pun u.s«i7. Pacific Mail. 33^ Reading. 11, Bock Island..... 64 (J ok PauL 67/4 do prefd.11514 Silver Cerufleex 68M Tcnn. C. and L.. 15/4 do prel'df 7u Texas Pacific.... 10 Union Pacific.... 9*4 W., St L. and P. 0/ do prefd. 11,4 Western Union.. WbTg and L. K. 1344 do prerd. 43*4 Southern U’y 5s. 58 " “ptid 8- C. i'/jt R'4 con. 1254 - 34T4 “ •' n.mj “ •• C> 93 La. stamped 4x.lbu K. Carolina 5s. ...100 “ 4a. ...197 Virginia 6a def... “ t’ra 654 lundeddeDi ou OOYEB.VHrNT BONUS. U.8. 4» regist’d..lll | U. 8. 2s regular.. 95 U. B. 4s coupons.113541 * Bid, t Asked. t Ex dividend. Hank Mauinant, New York, March 28.—The aasociated banks make the following statement lor the week ending today: % 8,345,275 . 4,351,600 . 2.458.20U 3,361,400 9,419,300 70,800 PORT QUOTATIONS. Galveston, March 23.—Steady; middling, 5 13-16; net receipts, 8,159; etock, 1<*.«7. JfOTfelfc March M Rt«uiv: middling, 5%; net receipts, 757; stock, 48,915. Baltimore, March' 23.—Nominal; mid dling. 6H; stock'. 23.839. Boston, March 23.-Steady; middling. « 5-16; stock. 827. Wilmington. March 28.—Dull; middling. 5%; net receipts, 329; stock, 17,253. Philadelphia. March 23.—Quiet; mid dling. 6 946; net receipts, 296; stock. 20,046. Savannah. March* 23.—Dull; middling, 574; net receipts, 2/139; stock. 57,968. '"Means, March 23.—Quiet, steady; middling, 5 13-16; net receipts, 6,126; stock, 345.850. Mobile, March 23.—Dull; middling, 613-16; net receipts, 1.232; stock, 27.451. Memphis. March 23.—Quiet; middling, 5%; net receipts, 611; stock, 100,321. Augusta, March 23.—Quiet; middling, 5T4; net receipts. 706; stock, 22.225. Charleston, March 23.—Steady; mid dling, 5%; net receipts, 320; stock, 46,664. Cincinnati, March 23.—Steady; middling, 6; net receipts, 1,704; stock, 16,071. Louisville, March 23.-Qulet, steady; middling, 674. St. Louis, March 28.—Easy; middling, 5 13-16; net receipts, 611; stock, 69.332. Houston, March 23.—Quiet; middling, 5 13-16; net receipts. 3,032; stock, 86,018. CUTHBTSRT’S COTTON LETTER. New York, March 23.—Special.)—Cotton ruled feverish and Irregular today. Prices opened 4 to 6 points lower, owing to to weaker Liverpool advices than expect ed, cables reporting spot cotton there freely'offered at l-32d decline, with sales of only 8,000 bales, and futures easy and 3-64d below yesterday’s closing prices, but rallied later on good support by the bull sllque here and in New Orleans, closing steady at a net advance of 2 points. The total sales were 93,700 bales. According to the Chronicle’s figures the amount of cotton "brought info sight during the week aggregated upward of 148,000 bales, against 58,000 bales last year, making the total so far for the season about 8,750,000 bales, against 1,250,000 last year and exports of 5,56ft,000 hales, against 4,33,060 last year. After the close the majority of the operators united in saying that the advance from the open ing figures was due entirely to manipula tion and that the “Course ot tne market Monday would depend entirely upon the action of Liverpool. The receipts at New Orleans on Monday are estimated *»t 7.000 bales, possibly 9,000, against 12.600 last week and 4,760 last year. E. B. Cuthbcrt * Co. and July counons, due 1909....101 Ocean Bt-amship bonds, 5 per due 1920 Columbus and Western railroad •r cent. July oouuons Ill Columbus and Home railroad 6 per celt bonds, Jan. and July coupons. — SI Avgusta on4 Knoxville railroad ? per cent bonds. Jan. and July coupons, due 1SW 102 LOCAL BONDS AND STOCKS. Macon Gas Light and Water consols, Mi) and November coupons.. Wesleyan college 1 per cent ponds, Jan. and July coupons.110 Macon VorantrerT Armory t per cent bonds, Jan. and July cou pon .in CASH QUOTATIONS. Flour was dull, with the feeling steady; prices were unchanged. No. 3 spring wheat, 6774a6i&~ No. 2 ted wheat, 6474- No. 2 com, 4574*4674' No. 2 oats. 28%. Mess pork. 12.1274*12.25. Lard. 6.87%a6.90. Short rib sides, 6.00a6.05. Dry salted shoulders, 6.1274&&25. Short clear sides, 6.25a6.30. Whisky. 1.26. per cent bonds, April *:r.d Oct coupons ...IN Progress Loon and Improvement Company * Southern Phosphate Company •tOQk 75 | Acme Browing Company ...THE... CATTLE. HOGS AND SHEEP. New York, March 23.-Beeves-No trad ing; feeling Arm. Calves—Steady for all grades, with sales at 4.5Oa6.0O for common to prime stock. Sheep and Lambs.—Sheep were In light supply and steady; lambs were a trifle weak and slow, with two cars to sell at the close. Common to choice sheep sold at 4.25a5.60; fair to prime lambs at 5.60 to 6.25; no spring lambs reported. Hog»—Market nominally firmer at 6.00 to 5.20. Union Stock Yards, Ill., March 23.— Cattle— Receipts, 1,000; market st--^dy; common fo extra steers, 4.10a6.50: Stock ers and feeders, 2.60a4.50; cows and bulls, 1.50a4.75; calves. 2.50a5.25. Hogs—Receipts, 11,000; market strong; heavy, 4.65a4.90; common to choice, mix ed, 4.45a4.85; choice, assorted, 4.70a4.80; light, 4.50a4.70; pigs, 4.00a4.60. Sheep—rtecelpts, 4,000; market steady; Inferior to choice, 3.00a5.00; lambs, to 5.90. BANK fSTOCKH. First National Bank slock......'US American National stock 80 Exchange Bank etock Union Savings Bank and Trust Company stock W Central Georgia Bank stock Macon Savings Bank stock Central* City Loan and Trust Company stock 90 HARJVWAiUD. Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardware Company, ..-g, Axes—$8 to $7 per doezn. *7 Bar Lend—Go per pound. Buokete—Paint*. Si.28 per dozens oe> dur, throe hoops, 82.25. Cards—Cotton. 34. Chains—Trace. 13.60 to 34.0 per dozen. Well buckets—33.25 per dozen. Ropo—Manilla, 10c; edael, 8c; cotton, 12a 12 cents. Shoes—Horse, $3.75; mule, $4.25. Shovels—Ame*, $lo per dozen. 0 Shot—Drop. $1.26 per sack. Wire—B«n*d. 2%c per opund. *1 Nalls-3.65 base, wire; cub $1.25 base. MtcoN TelegraTi li. 1 A PROGRESSIVE, NEWSY STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC Reserve, decrease Loans, decrease Specie, decrease Legal tenders, decrease Deposits, decrease Circulation, increase The bansa now bold in excess of tho roquimentsofthe25percent. rnle.S14,146,500 The Financier, reviewing the bank statement, says the excess reserve Is the lowest for two years The statement, If it reflected actual and legitimate changes in the conditions of the New York banks, might be regarded as unfavorable, but as the matter stands, it is simply Impossible to determine how the various totals were brought to show the heavy decrease noted. Tho only pkiin feature of the case is that money Is going out of the New York banks or has been ordered out by checks which have not been put through for collection. In two weeks the New York banks have reported a loss of $13,- $72,800 in cash, of which $11,269,200 was le gal tenders and $2,10&,600 specie. The des tination of this money Is a mystery. It did not go Into the treasury, vis ih« rec ords of the fourteen days show. In fact, the treasury gold holdings have decreased in the last week between $3,(1)0,000 and $4,080,000, exclusive cf nr. Increase of *2.- 300,000 In goM certificates. The only ex planation Is that the cash has been trans ferred to places wheie it can be locked up to await the pleasure of the bond syn dicate, the members of which have no doubt withdrawn the money as they have received payment for their bonds. Nor has it gone to the Interior. Bankers re gard this as a cheering sign of better business. The price of loans to depositors is now 96.92 per cent., as against M.83 per cent on# year ago. 1.13 1 I COTTON. Macon, March 23. The Macon market for epot cotton is firm at the following quotations- Oood Middling Hi Btrict Low Middling Ix>w Middling Good Ordinary Ordinary - Clean Red Stains LOCAL HCCKITTS. TffR SUN’S COTTON REVIEW. New York, March 23.—The Sun’s cotton review says: Cotton declined 3 to 5 points, but got It back and advanced 1 to 3 points, closing very steady with sales of 93,700 bales. Liverpool declined l-32d on the spot, with sales of 8,000 bales, and futures declined 3 points. New Orleans declined 1 to 2 points, but recovered this and advanced 3 to 4 points. New Orleans is being closely watched. At* one time today it was 2 points above New York. Southern brown cotton goods have advanced during the past week. Fall River advices are strong er. The receipts at the ports during the coming week are estimated at 106.000 to ItO.OOO bales. Silver advanced 1-16 of a cent In London. Spot cotton here was unchanged, with sales of S3 for spinning. The port receipts today were 16,419 bales, against 12,772 this day last week and 7,833 last year. New Orleans on Monday ex pects 7.000 to 9,000 biles, against 12.640 last Monday and 3,239 last year. The South ern spot markets were quiet or dull. The New Y ork warehouse stock Is now 180.000 bales, against 242.000. 273,000, 388,000. 127,000 and 118,000 In the previous five years. Today’s Features.—Quite a number of bears of late have had the Idea that the market was getting ’Hoppy,” but a good many of them were undeceived today, and they covered their abort*. There was more or less selling for Liverpool, but on the whoi® ihw«- was mere pres sure to buy than to'sell. The continent bought and so did many local operators, for both sides of the account. Many op erators have been waiting for n good break to get In again on the long side; In fact so many have been watlng that this very fact prevented any decided de cline even today, when Liverpool was considerably lower and the receipts at the ports and the Interior towna were largo enough to excite some comment. But spring work" at the Bouth Is back ward. silver la stronger, dry goods are better, the whole commercial world is waking up, merchants are plucking up more courage everywhere, Wall * lrM J** stronger and faith In the doctrine that 1896 is going fo be a Bull year all along the Tin* has an increasing number of ad herents from week to week. F.ven if the NEW YORK PRODUCE. New York. March 23.—Butter-Fancy, firmer, fair demand; stato dairy. 9aJ8; state creamery, old, 10al6; Western dairy, 8al3; Western creamery, new, 12a21; old, 8V4«14; Elglns, 21. Tubs—Painted. $2.85; cedar, $4.60 per neat. Brooms—$1.25 to $5 epr dozen. Karnes, iruil bound, $3. Measures—Per nest. $1. Plow Blades-5 cents pound. Iron—Swede. 4 l-2o per pound; refined, 2c basis. Plow Stocks—Halmen, 90 cents; Fergu- 1IIEI James A Tinsley Co. |"I ;>ui, EsIginS, .1* I .. , Cotton seed oil—Strong; crude. 5214; yet* I *° n > w cen “* low. prime. 2fct26(4. . rANMrcn nnnno Petroleum-Nominal. I **■* CANNED GOODS. Rosin—Quiet, steady; strained, common to good, l.Mal.65. Turpentine—Dull, steady, 38(4a37. Rice—Fairly active, firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4(4a<; Japan. 4(4a4(4. Molasses—Foreign, nominal. New Or leans open kettle, Hood to choice, 28a38; firm, fair demand. Applea-'-poand cans, J1.2S per dosen. Blackberries—2 pound cons. J1 per dozen: • poun« »*rs, J1.05 per dozen. Corn—i pound can* *0 cents to 11.53 per dosen. 8trim. Beana—7 pound cans. SO oents Coffee—Dull, unchanged to 10 rolnts pg, j 0M «n. down. April. 15.10; May, 14.90; October, cents; < pound can*. Jl. 11.50; December. 14.60. — * ~ Spot Rio—Firm, dull; No. 7, !fr v i. Sugar—Raw: Quiet, firm; fair refining, 1 11-10. Refined: Quiet, firm; ofT A, 554 to 5T4: standard A. S 16-16aA54: cut lonf and crushed, A 9-1 Oa5*; granulated. 3 15-10 to 114. Freights to Liverpool-Quiet, nominal. NAVAL 8TORE8. . Savannah. March a.—Spirits turpentlns . r iour—neat patent, per dmtci. oV I cem,: “"*• “ C " k,: I straight. J2.00; & 1 5 i A l 1 i 3831 8831 ThisDav.. Yesterday 2 15 191 311 31 93 1 47 1 40 1)0 30 coxrAnvnrx mrzJixXT. Stock on hand September 1.18W, l.AOO Baoalved ainoe September 1. IBM 82.016 roar nxcxins. bulls are ready to go ahead on the Idea that It ts to the last degree Improbable that rhe weather conditions Will be phe nomenally favorable as they wer. last yesr, when the South "only bad to tickle the toll with a hoe to make It laugh with a harvest." and tho biggest harvest rec ord at that. There was very little Inclina tion to sell today. The hears were timid. The bulls were talking of much higher prices aa probable In the not very dis tant future. A good deal depend! upon the course of the Liverpool market: how ever. the bulls here believe that they have eaught tie Manchester spinners with very small stocks of raw cotton on hand, and If that Is ths csss Liverpool may go considerably higher before long. Petards? Monday Tuesday Wednesday.. Thursday.... Friday ...... Total this week ¥ aobiM 17490 16191 Jl £ n 90MI f«Jfi 181b 70/7 10,411)1 13.7731 0,833 7,W2 4618 0621 1H20 New If ork.—Cotton sUsdy. Middling gnlf 0 9-16; Huddling upland 0 S-1G. hi bales. The cotton market for fntora delivery closed steady. Bales 83,700. ^ t Opened January February March Sfc::::::::::: Jana July Angus* H«pt*mber October. bovember December • 05 6 05 ON • 07 6 09 6 12 6 16 C 19 C1om3 6 37 6 12 6 12 G 15 0 13 6 15 • 1H 6 29 G 24 6 24 6 33 BXCSim AXD AXTOKTH. Consolidated net receipts.. . Britain. Exports to O. " Exports to France... “ Exports to continent Ftock on ham! st New York O-dAT. ‘ 15,413) >7,401 900,1561 If or the ~TSyllS iotai since bept. 1-Net receipts.... 7,7W,M0 “ “ “ Eiporte tod. l>. i.HUO.Oii “ “ “ Exp. to France. 679,t'i6 *• * “ Exp. continent. 1,973,841 NEW ORLEANS PRODUCT. New Orleans, March 23.-Sugar—Open kettle; Choice, 2 U-l«;‘ strictly prime. 2 9-l«aS; prime, 2 7-l«; good fair, 2%a7-l«; Pair, 2 5-ltatti common, 2a2H; Inferior, 144 to 1 15-16. Centrifugal: Plantation granulated, 344; Whits, 2 7-!Sa9-U: eft whU*. gray while, 3at-16; choAce yellow, 3>4: prime yellow. 3al-16; oft yellow, ZNd 15-18; seconds, lHaK- Mousses—Open kettle: None on the market. Centrifugal: Gopd prime, 11; prime, 3a9; fair, <74; common,' 5. Local refinery sugar—Strong: powdered and cut loaf. A 8-16; standard gnanulated, 414; confectioners’ A, 414. Rice—Clean steady and rough In better demand: /ancy, nominal. Fntr, SAAa’i; or dinary. ftta*l: common, 2V»314- Rough rice—1.60a3.25. Coffee—Rio felr, 18; low fair. 16a>4; good ordinary, 1744: ordinary, W4; low ordinary. 15%; common. 14V4a%. Mexican prime, 18%; good fair, 19; low fair, 1S%. Crude cotton seed oll-Wrictly prime, In barrels, 19; loose, ltslSAA; refined, 20a21. Okra and Tomatoes—2 pound cans, 11.10 pe» J»»n. June Peas—2 pound cans, J1.25 per dozen. Red Cherries—2 pound oana, Ji.60 per dozen ■White Cherries—2 pound cans,Jl.71 pet dozen. Lima Beane—<1.25. Peaches—2 pound cans. 11.50 pet dosen, pineapples—1 pound oana. J1.50 to J2.2I per dozen: grated. F. * W„ J2.25. Ranpbemi»—2 pound cans, J1.S5 pec dozen. Strawberries—2 pound cans, JL50 per dozen. Peaches, pie—2 pound cans, J1.35 per Apricots. California—J pound cans, J2.26 per dozen. Peach?” t-allfiy-nla—J2.25. _ Pig Fool—2 pouno cans, 12.21 pet Roast Bref-r-1 pound oans. 11.20 pet dosen: a pound mu*. 11 per il’iz-n. Corn Beef—1 pound cans. J1.J5 per doz. Ported Ham—1-4 pound cans, 65 cants per lozen, z-2 pour/1 cans, $1.25 par dozen. Lunch Tongue*—1 pound cans, J3 per dozen. Tripe—1 pound cans. JL85 per dosen. (MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES Corrected Ev«-y Week by the R. Jaques & Tlnatcy Co. The fallowing are strictly wholesale prices. No goods sold consumer*: Fsh-Klf. tfhlte flail. 60c; in half bar- rets. <4; No. I kits, 85c. Flour—Best patent, per barrel, 13.35 ltosln—Dull, nothing doing. Quote A. B. C| 1 «): D, 1.15: E, 1.25; F. 1.60; O. 1.75; H. 1.9#: I. 2.00; K, 1.10; M. 2.85: N. '3.15; window glass, 3.35; water white, 8.76. Wilmington, March 3.—Rosin firm st j 1.15 for strained; good atralned. 1.3k Spirits turpentine quiet at 3314 cents. Tar steady at LOO. Crude turpentine quiet; hard, 1.10; soft, 1.60; virgin, 1.70. Charleston. Maroh B.-8plrlts turpen tine firm at SI4 cents; receipts, < casks. family, J2.Do. Sugar-Standard grautated, 4 14 cents extra C Now York, 1 Mo; Now Orleans cUrltled, 3»*c. Hay—We quote today: No. 1 timo thy at 518 and fancy $19. Meats—Bulk sides, 514c. Oats—Mixed, 43c: white, Co, Lard—Tierces, 714c;; cans, 3c. 011-12(5 cents. Snuff—L/> retard's Maocshoy snuff, slime jars, 50c. per pound; glass Jars, SOo per pound; 2-ounoe cans, J9.26 per gross; one-pound jars, 10c.; Railroad Rosin—Good strained firm st Ll»; re- | snuff. 1-pound glaas, 50c| 1-Ounee tins, cclpts, 15 barrels. 15 per gross Tomato Catsup—Pints, 90c; quarts. LIVERPOOL. Ltvsrpool. March 23.-Colton spot market moderate; barely easier; American middling 1 9*32. Bales 6.UUU bales, Amer loin 7,400; ■peculation sndezpori 000. Receipts for tbs dsv 11,001), of which 10.000 were American. Futures closed barely steady. CES37 MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. March- Uarch-ApriL.... April-Key. May-Junu June-Joly July-August.... Ang-Bspt. Bept-Oct Oct-Nor. Nov-Dee Opened. I |3 lu-C4aa I1-C4 S11-04 11144 3 1244 111*1*3 13-64 114-64*3 1344;3 12-64*3 13-64 ■TATE OF GEORGIA BONDS. Bid. Ask'd. 1 per cent, bond* Jam and July coupons, maturity 1890 KB 4(4 per ceat. bonds Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1815...114(4 U5(S t<4 per cent bond a lan and July coupons, maturity 1922 110 $1.25. Hominy—Per barrel, JS.M. Meal—Bolted, 55c: plain. Me. Wheat—Bran, 80c. Ham*-4t4 to 10(4o. Shoulders, 8c, SrouMcrs—9 l-2o. 1(8(4 (DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. 10-64*311-64 itt per cent bonds. Jsn. and July 10-64x111-64 | coupons, maturity low date. .101 117(4 Corrected Every Saturday by Henry 3. ■one KB Clnamon Bark—Per oaund. 12 to 15a una. 15 to * 31644 31044 31744 31044 31941 CHICAGO GRAIN. Chicago, March 23.-The recovery which was due In wheat took piece today. It occasioned no surprise, considering the persistent short selling of the week, con. tlnuous decline from M to 54 cents for May. It was to be expected that the wheat which had been put out Wednee- 6xy In proerse of covering would bring about a rally and- the expectation! met with no disappointment. No extraordi nary or Influential trading was noticea ble. but the aggregate oi scattered or der* was of fslr proportion. May wheat opened at 54*4. advanced to 5544 and cloned at 60(4 bid—(4 of a cent higher than yeaterday. Trading In car lots Was at un' changed prices. Snorts covered corn because shorts In wheat were doing so. The situation pre sented no particular change and only a small share of the business came from the outside. May corn opened from 40(4 MUNICIPAL BONDS. 1344*311-Of I Bavunaah j per cent, bond* 104 Atlanta bonis, pries as to rata of interest ind maturity IN nl*s 1944 I Augusta bonis, price as to rat* 16-04*319 64 I o( lntert „ and maturity IN Rome bonds, 3 per cant 1M(4 ICO Columbus 0 per cent, lend* ... .1(4 “' Macon 6 per cent, bonds, quar terly coupon* 11$ RAILROAD bonds. m w APEPN tw ^PAFB Full Telegraphic Service o! the Southern Aasocian ted Press. The News of the State of Georgia Covend by Active and Reliable Correspondents. n id v IN Savannah. Amsricus and Mont gomery railroad 6 per cent- bonds, Jan. and July coupons 47 Georgia Southern and Florida railroad I per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due UTt.... S3 South Georgia and Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent, bonds, Jan. and Jui> coupons Northeastern railroad indorsed I per cent, bonds. May and November coupons IN ■aaeon bwJ Norihzm nfirraj csrtlflcuaes of bonda March and Reptember coupons 40 Charleston. Columbia and Au gusta railroad 7 per cent bonds M RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN- TUBBS. Clovos—Per pound. 15 to 25c. Drurs and Chemicals—Gum sssxtoe- ttda, 80 to 75 cents per pound; camphord gum, 65 to 00 cents per pound; gum I opium, tlto to $3.75 per pound morphine. 14s. Jt25 to J2.45 ounce; qui nine (according to stxe) 33 to 84 cento ounce; sulphur, 814alc pound; salts, Ep som 214 to 3c pound; copperas, 2(4 to le , pound; salt petrv. r» 'ja 12c pound; b» rax, 11 to 15c pound; bremld* potash, «3 I to 60c ptr pound; chlorate, 31 to No per pound: carbolic acid. 60c to JL75 pound; chloroform. 75c to 11.40 pound; calomel, SSc to Jl; logwoad. IS to 20c pound; cream vriar. commercial, 2J to JOo. If You Want ths Hews, and Want tc Keep in Line With Your Party, Send in Your Subscript tion for 1895. FRUITS AND NUTS. -12» ; Corrected bi k A. Cullen. I IB rax WOSLD'S VI MB LX St'BBLT. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 4.620,393 Of which an American. 4,803.192 Against the same time last year..... 4,233,443 Of whten were American 3,600,213 Receipts tor the weak st all interior towns. . 74.S82 Receipts from plantations 113.9/3 Cr>W brought in sight sine# Beptem rail- 8,917,361 New Orleans, Kerch 23.—Cotton fstares steady. Bates 39400 bales. January.. February Mans. 6 8* 6 M May fi 7* lone t el <«>y. Aagnst September. October.... November.. December.. 5 « .691 . 0 st . 0 96 . 6 no to t&V advanced to 46iiat6. closing at 46(4 to 46(4—(4*04 o< • cent higher than yes terday. Ther* was no material change In I central railroad common stock 12 cash corn. Central railroad * per cent d»- The half-session gar* emphasis lo an I belurca otherwise dull oal market. Prices wer* 1 Southwestern railroad stock.... M dependent on Wheat and com for motive | GsorSks railroad^stock.... ..147 and tone, ths close being (4 of a cent higher than yesterday for May. cash department prices were without Provisions.—The hog market led the praduct market upward today. The ad- vtcca from the yards were encouraging, both early and late, and with grain mov ing higher provisions could scarcely do otherwise than advance. At the close May pork was 15 cento higher than yes terday, May lard 2(4*5 cento higher and Mi Fig*—Pry, choice. 12 J-2 tt> 15 cento, Teanuta-Noyth Carolina, 2*.4a3 cents; Virginia, t end b cents. Lemons—iX Nut*—'TArragonla almonds, is cent* pet pound; Naples walnuts <s cents: trrenou walnuts, t. canto; ptcana, lit centa Apples—nun dried. 4 to 7 cento per pound Raisins—New In market, L75 per box; London layers, LOO per box; loose Mus catel. Jl per box. Irish Potatoes J140 per sack. POULTRY, EGOS AND PRODUCE. COUNTRY Atlanta and Went Point rood debenture* I Atlanta end Watt Point railroad stock 9 j Central railroad Joint mcrtgixt 1 per cent, bonds, Jon and July (Corrected every Saturday by E. A. Wax- eibeum * Bro.) Heist 25-271-2. Chickens, tb-SS. Turkeys, 65-JLOO. May ribs M cents hlgbsr. PCTURB QUOTATIONS. The followirj Is the closing of the le.i 1- • tr s future quo! .11 nt: Georgia railroad 8 per cent, bonds. Ja— end July coupons. due IM7 18 | Georgia railroad 8 per 'em. bon la Jcu. and July co upons, July coupons, due 1914 ill Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bonds San. and Juty coupons, due 13S HI I Montgomery and EjfauU rail- rosJ. s t«= ceut. bonds, Jan. Extra 1440c. Butter, 15-lie. Sweet potatoes, 50 lo buzhel: Irish I potato**. 82-5* P*r bushel Rutabegars. 81.75. Cabbage, P to PR unions, J2J6. Whits Peas, 75-1.50. V Country Orcnnd Pets. 60c. Evaporated Apples. Me. Evaporated peaches. 1214c. Georgia Syrup, 23-23c. Contains the Latest Hews Up Days of Publication* to ONLY $1 A YE