The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 04, 1895, Image 3

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l-oniinent Eastern Firm Will Furn- isb a Torpedo Boat for the Cuban Insurgents. ff ILL DO QUICK WOI1K. I (j.^olut lonl*ts "'ant Something to Fj (b> Aathori II'. Ill Turin.— Slorie* aC Pa««“K« r * Aro of „ spreading Revolution. >V . p,, iti., April 1.—In nn inter- I (he TinnB-Unlon correspon- | ton ij:liiU Col. F. Figueredo, leader T,e l ,J ' trlotB T ' Jln P a and head of the movement s section, aiid: [ mest news I hare from Cuba Qen. -Maceo has Hndcsl a largo v \t men on 'the Wtand, together . n (K)0 rlfltoi ammondton and army 1,1 bet at wba< poWt the landing Teffected I am not inform*!. He I lange force urith ttolrtiy-sevon offl- 1 stl( [ mg nien are well drilled end |i Gun. Maceo captured a L )Vi taking Horenal hundred men liners, besides seizing 100 males a nd [\, lut of valuable munitions of '■mis ts On 1a»0<t foots. I know | 0 tre oil sorts of rumors Hying but whait I have (ftated ore the ’ facts as they exist according oo information I would advise ltrlo credence to toe ffAsced In lly colored and sonsatloail Lovts. We shall learn more fully intuit is toeing done upon the arri |t(the dtetwner from Havana to _jtilfs Quosada, saeretary of the |in movement in 1he United States, is the guest of Col. Figueredo, Enrique CoMozo, a. OubaB leader Xow York, also here, expressed opinions substUibtially. Col. ,tk1o. Secretary Gonzales Qudw- Enrique CottoZo and Dr. Domongos fin to Jacksonville Wednesday ami jiblresa a mass meeting on Tburs- night ■ i tint*' HWB AT WASHINGTON. ' jhington, April 1 .—Information somewhat sensational character •n received in Washington with- past twenty-four hours with it to the rebellion In Cttba. Offl- inter,rated have been Informed sources which they deem entire- liaiblo that a prominent eastern building firm has agreed to fur- the Insurgents a torpedo boat at |triy date, which will toe used to ly the Spanish war vessels now liban water*, lether the ilrm In question will 1 or furnish a steam launch which [be utilized as a torpedo boat Is nown. but It Is asserted that a beat o? some character which e u«cd for torpedo purposes will In the hands of the Cufban ithlzer* |n this country * then proposed to equip this with n full supply of torpedo anil start her Immediately to a waters. The Spanish govern- b said to 'be aware of this expe- and to have notified 1li> state tment officials. What action the will take cannot at this time toe I. inasmuch as no Inrfnrma- t'carlog upon the matter wfll be nut at the department. ''easel such is that referred to could possibly destroy several *h cruisers before she was enp- even though she should be un- * rough to fall Into the hands of panlards. In such event. It Is short shift would be made of Tli'ers and crew, who would be I as pirates and executed with- lay. IVIRTS BT PASSENGERS. York, April 1.—A Tampa, Fla., to the Herald says: Passen- roin Havana by the steamer pie last night report the revolu- Cuba spreading rapidly. There 00 Insurgents reported In Pu- ■Inetpc under command of iMal- Santa Lucia. He reined thti i«r Granaja and la marching Yarn, where all the forcea are Ing In reaponae to the procla- Issuod by Gens. Maceo and proclamation la supposed to Ibcen promoted. If not uaued by Marti, an<l oalls for a convention dare Cuba Independent from and form a provisional gnrv- nt. It la Stated that March mas set for the date of the con- Ppanlsh government neknowl- the prewnce of Gen. Maceo In ago de Cuba. No official eintlce of Iresence of Marti or Gowes has [made. and If they are on the their pretence la (till kept *e- ^r tbs vlotory of Cotrtpscheula ■urgent* burn-d the big Pan sugar plantation near the vll- lon March 23, 200 men are said |v« taken up amna In Pan Tu- |e. under command of Col. Alda, nd are making their way toward "OTHER CALL IN SPAIN. ■on, April 1.—A dispatch from 1 to the Pall Mall Gazette Bays tin order to replace the troops ve been sent aa relnforc ments v the government will call out ven. Martinet de Campus, who la toe full command In Cuba, held swell audience -with the queen last evening. noiJCET 18 DEAD. April I.—Of. Charles Camille It the distinguished French dra- I author, waa found dead In hit It noon today. The doctors bars d that be died at about 4 o’clock Tnln^. He waa S3 years of age. |tV DO AH MUCH FOU YOU. I Fred Miller, of Irglng. lit, writes P'C had a sever,' kidney trouble y yearn, srfah severe pains In . and also Cist bis bladder waa He tried many so-rolled kld- i—* but without any good result, l a year ago he began not of EUrc- snters and found relief g oner [ l itters In especially adapsd tf, all kidney and liver trouble* '• n given almost Instant relief. At bottle will prove our state- , Price only t*c for Urge bottle*. I Laioar ft fds'i drug store. Cleveland Will Soon Send a Commis sioner to Investigate. rw.fio gt K n ' Aprl1 I.—President CTeveland has determined that the official exhibition at Aimerkratt Interest Nicaragua oanal, which was authorised by the last session of con gress, shall toe promptly made, and a governmental commission to examine ii, °u n al route, for which the sundry tin nne bl . 11 “SI?® an appropriation of ♦20.000 Immediately available, is lo be sent to Greytown as soon as possible on a United States war vessel. This Is to emphasize the concern of this gov ernment In the enterprise of Ameri can citizens, who have been acting Jn* 1889* charter granted by congress The programme of the administra tion s action In the premises wa* agreed upon at last Friday's cablent meeting, when Secretaries Lament and Herbert were directed to select a member of the corps of army engi neers and one of the naval civil engi neers, respectively, who, with a ctvl- "an to toe selected In a day or two, will constitute the board of engineers, changed with ascertaining the feasi bility, permanence and cost of c.on- stfcctlon and completion of the Nica ragua canal. The committee will visit personally and Inspect the route of the said canal, examine and consider the plans, profiles, sections and speci fications for Its various parts and report thereon to the president on or before November 1st next. It was also decided that the army should have the ranking office on the board, and Secretary Lamont .elected Col. William R. Cralghlil for the ohalrmanshlp. Col. Cralghlil was the last president of the American So ciety of Civil Engineers, and the 'weight of his opinion upon :he canal project would 'be convincing beyond that of any other man who could be appointed on the board. Secretary appointed. Secretary Herbert select'd Civil Engineer Mardecal E. Endl- cott, whose relative rank of lieuten ant commander is tout a degree below that of Col. Cralghlil, and who is the seoend officer on the clvil^ engineers fcsslonal attainments and an author ity upon naval works ashore. The provident has not yet announced the civilian member, but Col. J. A. Mont gomery of Birmingham, Ala., who has been prominent In the oanstruotton of Southern railroads, Is said to be the leading candidate. As soon as the president completes the board It mill organize In Washington and go to (Notn York, where plans, sp »l/lcat!ong and contracts of the canal company will be closely scrutinized. One part will then go to Mobile and embark on the Montgomery, which has been detailed for the duty of con veying It to Greytown, and which will remain there as long as their stay lasts, furnishing them a marine guard aa well as boats and steam launches and lending them the moral support of the United States flag. Gathering of Loyal Germans at Freider- ichsruho to Do Honor to the Old Prince. Flower! and Other Glru Tell of the Old Man's Popularity—Profeiaore and Students Received—A Speech co the Young Mon* DESPERADO IN FLORIDA. Made' a Sensation at the Georgia South ern Depot. Jasper,,Fla., April 1.—About 8 o’clock this morning near the Georgia Southern and Florida depot, in what Is known as the Cox quartcra and In plain view of a number of people, while and black, one Walden Mitchell, colored, ehot and killed his mistrcss^Rllla Beaumoh, a nlcc-look Ing mulatto girl. He put three platol balls about her neck and shoulder. Mitchell, armed with two pistols, and a chum of his armed with a double-barreled gun, made for the woods. Deputy Sheriff Jones and Town Marshal Dennis Cannon, with a couple of trained blood hounds, are after him with a posse, all on horse back. Mitchell Is It bad negro and the officers think somebody will have to be killed when they come up w^h him. PRTEM l SUr'iDED. New. York, AprIJ I.—CUrl Prlem. who was the drat witness to furnish the Lcxow Investigating committee with testimony regarding police cor ruption In this city, wim found dead In hla room, at No. Gl East Third street, stout It o'clock today, having committed suicide by taking poison. Prlem returned from Europe about two 'months ago and went at once to live In tnc bouse where lie killed him self. Mr*. Hdnlck, from whim Priem rented a room, not having heard of seen the latter for twenty-four hours, concluded samethlffit was wrong ‘and sent for one of rrlcm's friends, who broke la tbs door. -Ho found Prlem lying dead on the bed. Two papers containing powders were on the table. Two dollars were also found on the table, with the words “For my rent' on a pteoe of paper with the money, ASSAUL/PED BY XHGROES. MoAlpIn, Eli., April 1.—I. Rytoorg, s stranger, died here fast night from in juries rKxvral fijr toeing thrown town a freight grain. Friday night Itytocrg started from High Springs, Fla Live Oak oo a freight train, haring paid ittoe negro brakcutm to allow him to ride in a box oar, as passengers were nut allowed on stoo train. Soon after leaving High fipriwpt two negro*- came Into the car, assiudtnl Uytoerg ami robbed him and threw him from tho train. He lay where be M MU yeot«r- day evening, when ho was dlsonveml ami brought here, where ho (Mod Short ly after making the a bore Mtuement Twvi negroes hare been adregtod for the crime. Byberg waa an old f.41ow and has a mothor In Copenhagen, Den mark. MEXICAN.OONORFSS MEETS. City of Mexico. Alpril l.-Tbe Mexi can congress convened here tonight and it Is believed that unless a reply 1* received from Guatefalm, seceding to certain demands made by Mexico, before the session opus, President Dias will make a strong declaration of his policy and will probably ask con gress for the power to declare war waalnst that country In case be should think It necessary. The difficulties In the way of a settlement of the troubles between the two countries have great ly Increased In the last tow days and negotiations are now practically sus pended. BALL PLAYERS ARRESTED •Cincinnati, April I.—The Rov. Dr, Pellon and others, representing the Re form league, wutseared at the hail park yesterday and Instated on the Indianap olis sod Cincinnati players being ar rested aa aeon as they appeared In uni form on the grounds, but the police re- fusel to make the arrest until after the at nine Innlngi had been played. Then they were all arrest*J. This will toe the way at all Sunday game* here during the season. There were 6,929 paid admissions. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. The state commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb.. 03 follows: “After fry ing other medicines tor what seemed to be t. very obetiuate cough In our two children we tried Dr. King's New Dis covery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left them. We will not be without It hereafter, as our ex perience proves that it cores where all other remedies faUI/’-Signed K w. Stevens. Stete Com. Why not site this great medicine a trial, ss k 1* guaran- : ■ l an 1 trial DMtlea or*- free at H. J. Lamar 4k Son’s drag store. I I size aui II. A MULTITUDE OF PRESENTS. Frlcdrlctaaruh" April' l.-vVfftler a bit ter cold night, everything Is white with frost this morning. Tho bright sun shine soon o.ius«l this ito disappear. Deliachtnenta of stoulodts are pouring info A mm Wo and crowded special trains aro arriving from all (parts, thir ty-six coming from Hamburg alone. Boer booths ure narougtd with visitors. Sightseers crowd the anpnouohes to the castle gate, and only members at the (press, under guidance Of Chidf For ester Lang, were admitted to the park. Some of the favored on<« were penmit- ted to see Prince Bismarck's rooms, which ere heaped with presents. Hun dreds of bouquifte, gifts from a number of friends of the ex-efaanceBor, who adfud in concert Ito surprise the prince, were sent to the castle this morning, to gether with numerous laurel wreaths, tied with ribbons, .with German colors Attached ami bearing mottoes and In- sortpf.ons “In iMeunotty of April I.” These hking •from the branches of the trees around the front of the cas tic am! upon the vomnds, and added greatly to the fostivo aspect of the place. Bismarck arose at 0:45, feeling vigor ous and refreshed. Dr. Sohwenlger was first to congratulate him and pre sented him with a bouquet of roses. The prince procottled to tho morning room, where the members of Iks family were assembled. Bach member presented him with a birthday gift. I)r. ScUwvmlger gave him a cask of Pshorr bier. Prior ito the recaption of students by fhe ex-chancellor, Prince Bismarck give audtcnceiHo the dtilqgitlon of uni versity profe.woia, beaded by Rector Pfffelrercr. Ho also received a delega tion of officers of the Zodliz Culms- slent, of which the prince Is colonel, a number of representatives of the sen ate of Hamtnzrg and several other dep utations. The ritudemt'S, after twenty-live min utes’ march from tho station, reached the park at .12:50 p. m. They were headed toy Chief Forwttcr lunge and Professc-tw Pllugar and Otzen, The atw- denw took their pMccp In front of the vetvi.tadi. The ibaml of the Fourth Guards played while the students were taking their pitot**. At 1:15 Prince Bismarck appeared on the veranda, and was xrsaUu -with deafening cheers end clashing of swords. -He looked hale and hearty. After tho cheering bad subsided litie ttnaden*’ ad dress to Prime- Bismarck -was rend as follows: ■On thb happy, Vippy day when all Germany Is reaoundfntJ in Jubilee, It Is the sacred duty of German student* to present their homage to your highness with thankful heart*. Tho students oelebrato the anniversary of a nun who hias raised tho Fafhetfland from long disunion to the glorious height of s united and powerful umpire. “What was achieved on battle fleld under the victorious banner of our fa them Ira* fallen to the present genera- tlnn, an unearned tianrost. But Ger man youth hope -to bmvoly sustain and advance the avork to which your high ness devoted a life-time with great re sult. "To this we heartily pledge ourselves May God bestow Happiness and abun dint blnsslns*." Prince Bism.inck replied: "I have Just received from the rec tors * recognition of what has been alone In the past, tout of very nanoh higher ana.hie u yvur welcome. It Is the promise of the future anal is of greater worth for a nun of my age, because the na Mortal tooling yon evince is oridenoe of the oootimuaoo of my good work. “It Is very satisfactory Jo me to find a prospect «*at German ct»meter will remain steadfast to tiki principle*. In politics if I* much easer to know what to avoid dun wtnt to do. Gukkiace, policy its poHties, can bo compared to tho navigation of s ship in unknown seas. The principal aim Is to retch a safe harbor. “If tt Is retched wo ought to be thankful. One Is never perfectly Inde pendent In cnkllog polities, t»ut u al ways more or lest dependent upon the decisions of others,. Therefore, if we hsve souceeded partly, wo ought think God and not comphtn beranse we bare ndt achieved wtout we hoped to. ’Man proposes and God ihspose*.’ “Let us foster and guard what ave Dare secured and be thankful therefor. We mean to keep fast bold on the Ger man empire as It is. Germany . was powerful under the Cartorinclans and the Raxon Hohenstanfcras. Losing her position, it took netrty nix hundred years to regain it. , TIIE AFRICAN DISCUSSION. London, April 1.—In tbs house of . am mons today Sir Edmund Grey, iindea for eign secretary, said that tho question whether tho Nil* Valley between the takes and the southern frontier of Egypt was within the British sphere, was tha subject of discussion with Franc# in 18M, but no detlnlta conclusion had yet been reached. England, he said, did not reccsnle* the Mehdl. nor had she Ignored tho rights rf Egypt-In the upper Nile. Her Minufaotunig Concerns Continue I So .Hold Their Own. Thu htver, Mass., Apr! 1.—Loading Southn. piper* which have been re ceived! 'Ubllah stories of .the rlso cud fall of i'oil ltlver as a fttanufiiuturlng city mA aro Somewhat a*t "triune., tv ih 8« facto, Indtea.l of toeing “a detortfl vilhgOk" as these pi pore re port,. Fall River give* promise of a tnonj active and Sturdy growth hihan ever.] if the changed conditions In the ptst two Weeks may bo taken as a ba sis fcr prophecies. Ills wo k *h« na il* add 370.000 piece I of goods and -the week previous 1110,0 It piece*, thus disposing of more than hroe sreekF prodtnvlc-n in two week i ■with the demand still very g-exl. Thes figures are taken from Brokers’ repot t of the tradrlt*; among tho print cloth n'.Us. They <*» not itxdude silos of go Is by the Iron Works -Mill, King Philli riturens. Gtotio Yam. tVuvf-rd or Bt naby Mills, an»l do udt with tho 1 xhmtlon of .tho Jesse Eihly wool< mill or the largest low-grade htit f ffory in Now England. It tv ts an exhltolt’OTTa by those latter Oonce its that sunprtspl mIH mota and btzsin ss tnen a few days ago anal has since revoked "renewed intccadt In tho local: arkqt among tho leading factors in tho Iry goods -trado. Thcso products are d wed with the bent made. They are ru nhag in full, Justt ns are all other locnl mcerns, tihough their goods arc being old on a low margin of profit. In it: o past two weeks more than .. half d ten corporations have paid quar- teriy . vJdrads ratftlng *om 1 1-2 to 2 per etot.. anal none of thorn are re ported as going behind. There <* leas than ! wedk's production of goods on hind < id 't.he demand for many grades of wld fabrics cannot be mot for some weeks o come. In d ecitlotis other than Ithat of cot ton n nufaoturing Ihe ciily i» also stiowlr Agns of much future prosper ity. The «tk of renimv'.ug Fat! River ’toe traffic another terminus has no foundainn, anti the business of the New Yjrk, New Haven and tl-irt.f.rd rallroua-'i* showltiK a pHofitatolo inorenso In thrshetMion. Cltizsis outside of the mill Invest meant terent* agree in toeil'ovins that the bat le for the (survival of New Eng land's otton industry is to be fought CHINESE REQUIREMENTS. -London, April 1.—A Central News dis patch from snsnghal says It Is reported the conditions of peace are that China shall pay «■■ '-a yen Indemnity and red* Formosa aKd South Mancnuna, Ja pin'boi ling guarantee*, pending the pay ment of Indemnity and tho settlement of the' boutvtarios. THB PUBLIC DEBT. Washington. Aprll.l—The usual p lie debt statement was not Issued today but will appear Wmmm-r. EUCKLE.VS ARNICA SALVE. here. « d 'they are ready to go on with tho fig t wlmlowi out of at any time. n-'tr K LLED BY A BOILT3. iesult of nn Explosion at Woburn, Mass. Wdbu a, Mass., April l.-Tho resi dents c Woburn Highlands, one of tiie mo t thickly settled portlonn of iniciwy w-uicu -a the city were startled thla imornlng by a lo id report, which ahook th*t*ir and caused every one to rush oora. At the same moment *Ul Ul . IAI ID, gab e * 1 ** ^ _ huge pices ..of timber were thrown Into the air across the street Ih front of Lorit* & Jones' leather factory. Just a the men in the factory were preparln ■ for work -the boiler in the engine r om, at the northeast corner of the b 11.1,ng. exploded with tremen- dous for o, tearing out the end of the building, burying in the ruins at. least a dosen nea. The huge chimney, sjver eighty feet, caane down with a crash. The force lot the explosion was such that One of the boilers were thrown through a hs.ivy partition into the imtln part O! the building. The following men It Is known were killed: Austin Clements, foreman; Pat rick Laity, Patrick McGenic!- Frank McMahon, —-—Patterson. Injured: Patrick Kelly. John Ken : ney, Join Tracey. Patrick O’Keefe, Octavla landers, colored.. The efforts of the firemen were at once dlreited to the huge mans of de bris. Strange to say, the -ruin* did not take fire and the work of the fire men was thus rendered easier. The big tinders of the structure were piled up in such a manner on top of the unfortunate men that It was diffi cult to itroove thtm. It Is Inpossible to tell at this hour Just how many aTo dead, as there are many Jtuslng. Tho cause of tho ex plosion las not been determined. The udtal proportion of baking pow der to ffwr is one teaspoon fill to a pint, or two bospooofuls to a quart. Owing to Its superior strength nn even tea- •poonfu of Dr. Price's nocomplWw* better rwuVts than a rounded or heap ing teoipoonfUI of any other brand. J.. T * K. W. FORECLOSURE. Jacksravllle, Fla.. April 1.—Final force loir# proceedings were begun In the United States court today on the part of a mortgage of 14,000,000 hold by the Pernsylvanta Company for the In surance ot life and granting annuities against the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key Vest Railroad Company, the Americin Construction Company et al. Of th< H,000,000, however. IU10.WO Is at issut, the balance being held as coltateril security for notes by tho defondrat companies. Areunent in the matter was begun today, and the fact that It will be a gnat battle la shown by the array of legs, talent in'crested, among them being to less a personage than Judge Wllllat) B. Horriblower, who was Preel- ldent Cleveland'* cholee for the au- preme bench. , , , .... The suit was begun In July, 1892. when R. H. Coleman waa president. The fiture control of the road lunges on this Issue. ■■ The Old Friend Anutud Ust frior.d that never fail: you ia Simmons Liver Regu lator, (the Red Z)—that’s what you near at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, find people should not lo persuaded tl: t anything cL“t will do. it is tho King of Liver M- li- oin:?; is hotter than pills, tail > tho p! i.-o of Qti'.Mt... at.' Ca •'.:<•! It a- rs .Uro.-'iv < a tt.* Li.-er, Kidney at.-t R-.w.-U gqrt i new lift: to tho whole fy t<-n. This is the m.'.li.'it.e v wr.t. S.. 1 1 t .• . 1 r.'ruL'L’i-'i it I., 'l.l, or in i ■ i.'r to tuk- : i a -r.v>:iii I'Ack.i<:♦:-♦ a ii.. ih- /. ... ,-a .... J 11. CLILIN A LO.. 11..UJ-. T for Infants and Children. IIIRTY j-flan' observntion of Caitoria ^rlth tho patronage of mlllione of peraonn, permit u« to »poak of It without gqomlng. It In nnqaonttonnhly tho bowt romody foj* Infant* and Childron tho world ha* ovor known. It i* liarmlos*. Chfldron_liho it. It givo* thorn health. It will «avo thoir live*. In it Mother* havo ■omothlng which 1* ahwolnteljr *afo and practically perfect a* a ^ child** medioine. Ca*toria destroy Worm*. Cantoria ullay* Feveri*hnes*. Caatorla prevents vomiting Sonr Curd. Cantoria cure* Diarrhma and Wind Colic. Caotorla relievo* Teething Trouble*. Caitoria onro* Constipation and Tlatnlonoy. Cflitoria nontraliae* tho effect* of earhonlo ncld ga* or poi»enon* air Caaioria done not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Cantoria afuimilnto* tho food, regulate* tho stomach and bowel*, giving healthy and natural iloop. Cantoria i* put up in one-*!zo bottle* only. It t* not sold in hulk. ^ Don’t allow any ono to well yon anything elwe on tho pic •promise that it is “just aw i^ood** and “will gnawer every pnrpose.** See that yon get C*A»S*T-Q-R»1»A. Tho fao-Bimila ■ignature of ia on every ggP.H: Children Cry for Pitchers Caaioria.' THE WORLEY WHITECflPPERS. Another Arraignment of tho Murray Connty Prisoners L’eforo Judge Noivsou. WITNESSES WERE ABSENT. Soino Oaiu tVere Postponed on That Account—A Second Trial Caused by a Technicality in the Writ ing of the Indictment. Atlanta, April 1.—(Special.—The noted Worley whitecapping case was called for trial again l n tho United State* court before Judgo William T. Newman today. Tho four men ar raigned were McCutchln, McIntyre, Uober and Gilbert, the indictment charging them with the miurder of Henry Worley.. Wh»n tho 'rose waa opened Attor ney W. C. Glenn, for the defense, en tered a demurrer to*the Indictment on the ground that It did not set out the allegations os requited by the statute. There were seven counts in the indictment, and after an exhaus tive argument The demurrer was sus tained on six out of the seven counts. District Attorney Joiner then an nounced that a. near Indictment would be presented by 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, and tho defendants will he arraigned upon it at that time. McCutchln wna the first man placed cn trial, the case* being reveraed and McIntyre having been granted a post ponement on account of the elokness of an Important alibi witness, A hundred wlnesses and over are In attendance on the trial, most of thorn mountaineer* from Ihe fast nesses of Murray ad Ullroer counties. The failure of the Indictment today ww* the second time the trial of the men held for the murder of Henry Worley has failed through defects In the Indictment. They were released six weeks aw* on a simitar techni cality. -but a few days later they were rear.-ested upon new warrants. Henry Worley, the man for whoso -murder the prisoners sre held, was a well-to-do fanner of ailiifcr county. It was claimed that be gave Informa tion to tho revenue officers shout .mooiMilneru, and his death wtss the vengeance o'' the whltocappers. An at tempt was first made to hang him, but by a miracle almost he escaped. Afterward he was shot down In his cotton fleld In broad daylight while ploughing. lT*u_, AGAINitrr BLACKBURN. Vfy The Printing of Akfanta Did Not Go to She Commercial Atlanta, April 1.—(Bpectol)—The city council -this afternoon nmlggod on Us former action whlrtt ©tre the contract for the city’s printing ito Ole Evening Conumvcial, HU tor B. M. Blackburn's bright afternoon ipspur. There has been a bet fight over the matter. After tbs council granted the oootmot to the Commercial on ttie recammeodst'.on of the printing committee, the aldermsnlc board duciared she fratMacUon irregu lar and turned tt down, and today the council accepted the Mbuk» of ttoe al dermen and the whale tourtnem will be reopened. Editor Blackburn made a red hot speech oo the floor of tho council cham ber. and at one time matters looked -','.--.11;- » FVU,<w (Ubsnlas of tbs Journal sad Urn, but emanations smoothed tbings not ERtor BlteJdnjrn etahns that his compound have rtxtored him through the conolvance of weak-kneed coun- cilmcn. '1V- J A BDB3IAN EXHIBIT. AtlanU, Ai ill 1 A-lv. ^-s haw b’-n r-- -1-1 !>;/ ih” •' tt/m an 1 Irit-r- nitlonal »*xi-• *»itl**n man:»«-' ment fr«>rn Mr A. Ma •I'hl. romnwlon.’r l l'c- I* ir i” thf •fT*’* t that l'.*' li.i- f- ! rnr.J—1 f*»- i Ku> , n .,t tl. • • j. - ?! a with Mr I* N tr v ll •; Gnin'A’aMt Ii i ! • 1 j( tt..- r. t <• tn ^ ••!. r, ,t I...* . I ’. at. I hr*.nr .t .. • i i: ,-nt of fims. Mr Maochl haa Ju»t to Paris, where he had an interview with Monsieur Lehon, minister of com merce, Who hoi* agreed to anunonce the opposition through all *the odlclal pe- rlodlcaH and the lAmerlcan chamber of commerce ha» undertaken a pro-pa- iranda ln French llirough tho medium of all the French chambers of com merce and tiie chamber's syndicate. Tho agent olf the exposition In Paris Is (Monsieur ChevnUe. CAIjIFORNIA represented. Don’t that when you buy Scott’s Emul sion you arc not getting a secret mixture containing worthless or harmful drugs. Scoti’s Ciiiuisiuit iunnvi’uc se cret for an analysis reveals all there is In it. Consequently the endorsement of the medical world meant something. A Good State Exhibit to Be Prepared at Atlanta. Atlanta, April 1.—President Collier, of thPeCortton States and International Exposition has advlcou that the statu hoard of agriculture of California, which intended to make nn exhibit of the rerouree* of -California, at the Mex- le,an exposition has reconsidered and de ckled to transfer the exhlhlt to Atlanta, ‘Mr. Frank Supidee, major , .f the Fifth Maryland regiment of Baltimore, who l« In the city ntaten that .irg.inl- saitl'.n will go Into encampment nt tho exposition n.-xt fill The Fifth regi ment Is the .-reck regiment of Bslti- muee, ari l (Set year defeated th- fa mous y.-v.-nth of New York In compet itive drill. It I* one of the tln.->t volun- te-r reglm-iii.! ln (be UnRed si-n.-o and ita membership Is of tin- tK--t BalUmcre fnonlltss. It is ttie lineal mjccessor to the famous old Maryland line of the rlvtl war, the pnt of the southern arn»- and baa In its possesion many of 48m battle (lags and battlo trophies of that Invincible corps jlliM EVANS I N ATLANTA. Aitlanlu, April 1.—(Kp.x4a-1.)—Gover nor John Gary Eva no of South O troll- in HF'bt toLiy In Attaaba. lie came here irtth W, A. N.---1 to l-"-k into Ibo plan for South Carolina's exhibit at ih - exposition. During the afternoon Gov- .-ni " ' ’'- ’i m <■ ill .1 tip -n .: . rn. r Eton* at his npartmettta nt til" Kim- ball. Tl: • call was purely a (social, of rnnese. There was no poTHcs In It. but tiie two pwernotw—the two aiottt eonsplcuoas young (non in ftouthem polities today—found pU-ntty of Intorost- Ing toe tier toydiscus* about tbelr re spective shat.-* ond .the country at l»rgo. I ' ' #t A GRANGE OF DOCTPORS. “ Alkinto, April 1.—(Spv'.al.)—Dr. W. O’DanioL principal phyrtctaD of thn p ‘n’-t.-ntlary, wus *uce".»led In ollleo today t>y Dr. -Malifiash of Thomas coun ty. Govern.*' Atkinson’s appdnb—. l)r. O'Dan'ci, who was apjioltpoi f- year* ugo from Twiggs coutfiy l»y Geo-, emor North an, will return to Ids home, there to resume 'the r.'^ular practice of mollcinc. He has ta'cn a rqdendld ..ffi- etal, anil was besides so impukir per sonally 4hat bis loss will ls> keenly f -lt by all who have come in contact wltJi him daring IrU offirini career. SOITTIIERN RAILWAY E.YRNING3. New York. April 1.—Tho Southern Railway company reports for February grow earnlngn of tl.2S8.458. a decrease at 191AM. Expen»es (9(7,813, a de-. creosriof 1112,880 and net 1388,844, a de crease c-f 119,474 and from July 1 to t'ebruary 28. gross tlI.498.S9i. an in crease of 8333,233. Fixp-n*--* 37,597,CIS, an In-'reaJie of tl68.5M. and net 11,911,210 ao Increase of 8492.992. t MINERS QUIT WORK. " » flltnmwa, la . April 1—Twenty-flvo hun- hondred miner* hi Apponooae county quit work today. No dlnurbanea of any kind has occurred. In tho rest of tho district forty operators signed tho Ottum wa agreement, and the miners are work ing , ■ < , . / ) 5cott|s Emulsion overcomes Wasting, promotes tin: making of SoltJ Flesh, and gives Vital Strength. It has no c as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lunps, Consumption, Scrofula, Anaemia, Ema ciation, and Wasting Diseases of Children: »coU*B<m«e, N. X. All Pretests. SCc arttt.