The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 11, 1895, Image 1

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j Publishing Co. Publishers. [i01is and Fatal Bxptadon la tt# '-rket Section of How Or- IVE PEOPLE WERE KILLED, ploiion Occurred Ju«C at the ,«hen P«®F 1# Wer0 a * ,h " ir „g About the Market— Baltdlng" Demollehed. r ortwns. April 5.-WH«e was a ' expl^on «hto monriaw ou «ho „( Decalur and Utsulincs nv * |p»p.»>i» ore known to uj tolled and quftte a mimlwr niur.'d. The Ixilldlng In which occurred conxprisfd two p 0e of them «t» Kiwery and Lndlery of VHUto* J. ^he, adjoining one was a ratoon i, live IFitshcitman’s Exchange. Rjj routdvt fire Immediately at- , (.jipjiys.on. mar of the exjdortoa the !n front of the idaoe was begln- w till OP with markett people. A , r „f Tvngons avero on Decatur *,4 ..lie the *lu<nv:u'ei. < fins 11 knot» of men Were Rot- ' . K , r j-fodo and trading for daily »Ul»pl>s. >ir iriule iwaa cot short by the d sound that came from ocrora , a nd as ttvey instdncltlvely j tontml the experted explosion nlh lifted and came down with ih on oil s ites, force of the cxpJoslon seas terrl- Drvera were buried from their end the wares on dtie meuket b wore Mown to the tour winds, ■iploaion is thought to hive heeo ,1 hjr gunpowder, twenty-live or pounds of which wag always co' band by Salathe tor rale to the in and fishermen, who make their Piers Iln the ntt^iiboriiood of ren'li market. fcMowing pi-oide are known to been ia the two buildings at the |,f the v»plosion: Charies .1. Sa- wife, biby and two children. Ed ged 10, ami UUy, aged 5; Felix ml, barki iper, 18 years odd; a boy was me**, ingiir; Hmile (Donlet, iriolor >,f the saloon, who dept his place of ami svto cs- J; Joseph flifmild-. uod Mike Bltl. icnters of the ratoon, who are owd to have been dn there at the ', and Constantin,. 1,10), a fruit d kebper 1rr the From* niartcut. these the bodies of IMr. ami 'Mrs. be, ,4ssped in ouch other's arms, been recover:*!; also tint of their Ilmlli- -Roulr't ami OonHtaatilno were Mown ctcar out into tho . turf were not much Injured. Tho s of I-'Hlx lb tea nil, Joseph flrt- ami 'Mike Biri aro yet tn tho Bile 8ak>the, aged 10, *m! Icily, sl.|pt tn .the rear room over tho I'-ry store nml were waived. They ■■ bruised, but not snr*>u»ly hurt. | Is Mloved that many more people • tuned in the ruins besides the f» list. u keeper Bonlet spy*: "I be- • there are a number o< people bur- I in the ruins of the laftooix os tt was lenstom of a nomfier.of person* cm. lot aboift tho amrltitt to come Into I saloon bertween midnight and tho to go work, and they sleep until >• to Is gin their tibor. I have often i ten or IWiecii tn ihern at one >e injured, so far as known, are: -*s Msiriphy. driver of a, market |'in, blown from his seat «ml struck ■titjy again* the breast, his right -■veivly lacerated, trl.s Bets, stall keeper, was sert- ly injured about the bead said ren- d imootea-eus. Hts Injuries ere painful but ore nog necessarily ve Ixibue, peddler, received a cut be JkfuL aiile. AM wilier, 12 years old, bad skuH crush'd. ly and Eddie rewired t injuries about the head, usiantina Ltvo, 3.1 year* old, who i Ash stand, hud Ms head crushed. Valine: o, st.tud keeper In the tlsh ket, was caught under the falling ami sustained severe Injuriiy ut the ttead. ie 12-year-otd ran of Frank Afenl- who was sitting on the wagon In It of the Fbthenmuo's Exchange, re ed a severe cat ou the head, but recover. h..n the firemen ranched bo scene r found the flames creeping out n all quarter* under the dbbris. iter was pumped on the debris and kige force of moo started to work clear It away, over where It w»» ued the bodies lay, and •tie work 1 continues. tvhbUbop Jaanson ami a number of clergy were among the first oa the Ce. 'The explosion was distinctly ml at the Dkeoemu house only a few eks away, and they bOHtened to the to render whoa ora’stsoce they Jd. he tadhM of Alike Biri, Fetix Rl- 1 Ibir keeper) and James Edwards re been npoverrd frdm the rains of oxptorion. Edwank Is an oyster r«rm«B and la suppcMcd to have ", sifting In front of the ratoon when exploMon occurred. This makes hod Ira so far hoovered. The work -Miviting tho ruirw Is sdl going oa •w Oitcnm, April 5, 10 p. ra—The Hewing is « correct tig of those who tbeir 8ro* this morning by the ex- ion cf the gunpowder «t tbs FMt- 'Penis Exchange, near tho Fravvch ■ 4. Sill the. proprietor of tile Fish- “•■o’* Exrismge. Ira. Hits the. wife of C. J. tfcbtbe. Edwards, a shrimp guhenr, ^-llx H gsnd, her kraper. e- ,vigtn of the exptatfoo is s mjs- ' The puiutww were lighted by ami a iisl t&>: **tu left burning in the Nkoro at «ght. 'nho pow/. wh ch explodid -was kept in two k-v^A • f va: nty-tlve jcmiulv each, and was ' usually kqpt in an loe box. The dors rays the powder was left under the oo outer fast nlgtilt. DID NOT PARTICIPATE. Federal Attorneys Not at the Meeting ol Cuban sympathizers. Washington, April S.VThls statement was given out at the department of justice this afternoon: The attorney-general has received authentic Information from Jackson ville, Fla., to the effect that neither United States Attorney Clark nor United States Marshal McKay par ticipated in the meeting of Cuban sympathizers at Jacksonville, Fla., yes terday, and all reports to the contrary are false. THEY WEHE BOTH THERE. Jacksonville, April 5.—The United States officials who attended the mass meeting held In this city last night to express sympathy with the Cuban revolutionists do not seem at ail disturbed by the re port from Washington that their pres ence at the meeting is disapproved of by tho federal authorities, united Slates District Attorney Clark and United States Marshal McKay, when shown the dispatch from Washington stating that Attorney. General Olney would demand an explanation of their presence, said they did not fhtnk that they had vio lated any of the proprieties. They stated that they attended the meeting merely out of idle curiosity and took no part In the proceedings whatever. They ray they did not vote on the resolutions that were adopted. m reference to the later startement that Mr. Ulney nos received tefonastie!' **»«' the officials did not attend the meeting. If .he (Olney) has received such in- formation. H Is absolutely faises. Messrs. Clark and McKay were at the meeting and hundreds saw them. They do not deny that they were present, and they came to the Southern Associated Press agent to axplain thetr presences, which explanation is given In the beginning of this dispatch. In the report of the meeting aent out last ntghit it warn not stated that Atorncy Clark and Marshal McKay took part In tho proceedings In the sense of making speeches. Their presence was simply noted, as was that of other prominent cltlxens of Jacksonville. It would be In teresting* to know wno is Olney'a author ity for the statement "that neither Clark nor McKay were at the meeting." Tho Sou. ftowe a Smaller Gain Than *4 ., Any i Section of the Country. BANK CLEARANCES HEAVY. They Have Passed the Mareh Records for 1S93 and 1894 Already, Though the Demand for Commercial Ijoans I* Decreasing* ORD0RBD TO ASIA 'MINOR. Admiral Klrklnnd to Protect Holy Land Christiana. Washington, April 5.—UMgdnit len ders have been cabl?d to Admiral Kirk land to assemble the ships of his squadron on the coast of the Holy Land to .prevent the threatened mas sacre of Christians. Admiral Kirkland, In the flagship Ban Francisco, will sail Immediately for Smyrna Asia Minor, and both ves sels of hlv squadron will visit Alexan- dretta nnd Adana to confer with the United State* consuls an l resident American ciilxvr.s, and If it •> found there are good grounds for the rehenslons expressed in those * Vtr cinltlos concerning a probable mas- sacra of Chr!«Hana, to intimate qjearly to tile responsible local authorities that the United tttatea Intends to af ford full protection to American citi zens In that territory under Its treaty guarantees. At the aame time a cablegram was send to Capt. O'Neill of the cruiser Marblehead, at Gibraltar, ordering him to proceed with the dispatch to Bei rut, Syria, and there report to the ad miral. The San Francisco and Marblehead have both been coaled within the past few days, as their commanders re ceived urgent orders this morning. , This display of force in TurkUtj waters iby the United States Is de clared at the state department .to be due to unsatisfactory delays that re sult from dtplomatio negotiations at Constantinople. The Warramt Based upon 'His Testi mony in tho Qneensberry HLibel Case, CONVICTED HIMSELF. Islbel Clig»(j 8 Thrown out of Court itt Account of Lack of Evidence to Convict the ^larqulc of Saying Anything Falie. New York. April 5.—Bradotreet'o to morrow, April 6, will say: The appear ance of more settled weather together with the continued strength of cotton, stimulating manufacturers to demand higher prices for fall delivery, rains In thu northwest wheat region, where it was greatly needed, further Increases In wages of industrial employes, heav iest sh'pmcnta of wheat abroad, and the rush of the volume of the week's btnk clearances above $18,000,000 mark, ere ovldcnoos-of the. continuance of a bet- tx tellng In trade clncles and return ing confidence In many lines of butt ness. Lathee, leas of improvement In feeling o', tudlvera and voluit of distribution of meutandlse has Wien felt at *he south, proportlonaUy during the pari few than elsewhere, the central wosio n and some eastern Industrial and commercial centres continuing to report re!**!velv greatest lncrea»» in demand and prospects. Trade Sias tern fair at Ohartston, where dkrmand 1* r.latrvely best for phosphates and there in Improvement at Memphis and Nash ville under the weather stimulus. No change Is reported from Augusta; at Savannah buslnees Is quiet, except for naval aturee while at Jacksonville the volume of trade has decreased. There is a better request for dry goods, shoes and groceries at Atlanta, where one cut- ten mill 1* doubling Its capacity. Re ports from Birmingham and Chattiuoo- ga arc in contrast, the former falling to retort special-Improvement while Chattanooga refers to gains in scvetal line*. Wholesale builnew* at New Or leans and at Galveston .hows mod fate Improvement, dry goods and groceries receiving perhaps most attention. DUN'S REVIEW. R. O. Dun * Co.'s weekly review of trade tomorrow will aay: Returns of the highest Importance this week show again in the retail In March throughout tho country and the distribu tion of goods to final consumer* in com parison with tho same months In 1881 and 1SB. While the return* cannot be con densed Into a single comparison, and In view of the widely differing conditions In different sections and branches, it mlcht in that iom, » icuz urtiy, thee* la crat- Kytng evidence in that many dislrh is v .i n.urki-d Improvement <a-r l-'-'l TEXAS BAiNK CLOSED. Washington, April Comptroller Eckels today closed up the city na tional bank of Fort Worth, Texas, and placed Bank Examiner McDonald tn charge. At the Inst examination the bank had $78,0M In loans and dis counts and $829,000 in Individual de posits. Its capital was $300,000 and Its surplus $00,000. The bank was the dnpoaltory of the city funds, the county treasurer’s ac counts and the local branch of the Knight* of "Pythias kept its funds there. It became Involved by the with drawal of these large deposits. FELL IN AN ELEVATOR SHAFT. Washington, April S Dr. 8. Bussey, one of the leading physicians of the city, fell down the elJvator Shaft at the Con cord apartment house today and was dangerously Injured. HI* head was cut, his thigh wae broker at the hip socket. Dr. Buasey presided over one of the most Important session* at th* International Medical Congress, held In Washington som* years sine*. , a ' FOR A LIGHTHOUSE. Washington, April 6.—Upon the re quest of the secretary of the treasury, tne secretary of the interior has recom mended to the president that Black's Island, in St. Joseph Bay, Fla., be reserved for Mghthouae purposes. FOUGHT WITH TRAIN ROBBERS. United States Marshals In a Desperate Battle. Hennessey, O. T.. April S.—'A des perate fight took place between Mar shal Medaen’l deputies and five of the Rock Island train robbers at Clouna- ron, five miles west of here. One robber was killed and another wounded. The leaders of the robbery. It Is now learned, were Charles Bailey and Hugh Wyatt of Inga ft*. They were recognised by United States Mar shal Grimes, who was a passenger on the train. They w-r» formerly pris oners In hls custody and greeted him courteously. The others were evidently local thieves from Kingfisher. The robber* were taken unawares and fired at ran dom at their assailants, not on* of the shots taking effect. The rubbers then took to the brush and the marshals were sent to cut oft all avenues of The dead man was identified as Rattlesnake BUI. a notorious territory ontlaw. Hls body was brought into Hennessey. At lint the dead man was sup posed to be Sylvia, an escaped train robber, wanted for th* other holdups, but It was later learned that Sylvia la la Texas. CHILD FATALLY BTHnkD. Jacksonville. April $.—At Weir Dark today Jease Pahper. Use l-yaar-otd daugh ter of Mr. W. F. Walker, was burned to ,1 itb. She *-.,a ptavins with a*' * • cad act fire to her clothing. th. revs from trouble* have been sallied, Mahoning and Eastern woolen mills being again in ac tive operation. Next tn Importance .1* the demand for many manufactured products which gives greater reason to hope that the recent advance from the bottom may prove successful,' Chicago shares In the rise In Iron, and the Illinois Steel Com pany has achieved a notable success In taking tho contract for steel pistes for shipyards at Newport Now*. Eastern works gain more slowly, notwithstand ing the low price of anthracite coal. The production 6f ConnelTsviile coko for the week—168.101 tons—was the largest on rec ord, but there la some liar that hlghar coke and ore may'close some works. Cop per le firmer, as sales of the stock taken from the French syndicate removed a load which has hung over the market for the past six years, and iln has been stronger, with llrutlales finding purchas ers for Pacific canneries. The cotton manufacture, one* stimu lated by the rise in raw cotton, goes on gaining, though cotton has halted. Bet ter demand appears for many qualities, and In som* there Is a slight’ advance In price. Commercial failures In the first quarter of |X* numbered f,*B, with liabilities of $47,MAW averaging $Ii,(to each. There were alao tfilrty-nve bank fail ures, withjfabllttles of I17.6B.MT. or «3*0,- 000 each. If both Were lumped together as In ottier reports the aggregate of lia bilities reached would he 160,iM,230. The demand for money la somewhat better, but since April 1 Isss Increase Is noted in commercial loans. iLondon. April 5.—The cjso of parar Wilxla agalh-t the Marquis of Qucais- berry for Ill> .I, mas brought to a doer) this morn:n _- with a venllat tn favor of tho dofeiiitUTL Tho jury found not only (had'tho do- foinbimt was not guilty of Kbel*lKit In n teibtddU ry wnlira doclamf that i)ii\ Marquis of Quetinsberry’s chatigtis tvorc true and had boon made for' tho public good. Tlio Old Holley count noom tras crowded iilniqgt to sulTooaiton 1h;h morning at* n Mr. Carbon resumed tils speech tn lahidf of tho marquis. It would be his painful duty, bo said, to put upon thu witness stand meat who would speak freely of tho iwttuiv of iimr V.’itir lift* rtti'nirilf. Wflde. Tho agcis ••f these men have varied from 18 to 2.7 yt am. They wore of tho clam of strvkztu, Talets, dtie., not be longing to W Jo's utaitJon In life; not i nit created in literature, or oitt, ydt Wiry addressed C.iU dlsWnignlabod dramatist by hls OWrisBan name Qsmr; he In turn oaUMig ) HI OhafPo, Freddie, ete. Oanson S l id he would produce over whelming ortdeaaoe of the nhotm'.nnhlo immorality of Ms man Wdlde. Sir Ed ward Cfiafk.v Interrupted Camon and sad be had undertaken a groan tewpon- sibility in dreading Wilde uigUnst the charg 's nud* against him by the Mar quis of Qaelwbeiry, In regaixl t . iUi-’ Wteraltura wb*rh Wikle ii'.ul .|tw <■ -tied, awl upon which Oanson had iimnOoBed him, he (Sir Edward) bad i»me to tho painful con clusion rifcxV could nob bo expected that the .jury would find a verdict of ga liy - it t h > wonts used by the d.fnli.IiUM, vi/ : "Tin! Wild,- v * ns .is It . .f ntiti 'll Ml |.;,i • Wilde's play, ‘‘The Importance of Be- Ing Enratct.” is running, raid: "When tho scandal wae first rumored i -mesa here wae slightly afreet id 1 ut 1» now normal. Mr. Wilde's name has been withdrawn from the bill* and advert komento of Ilia comedy.” He euld also that the play would he kept on the stage pending Che public verdict. If he should be compelled to v/ltihB'naw It, '150 persons would he thrown out of work as he had nothing r ady to te-piace It. It U reported that the Criterion, to which ‘\An Idea! Hunhand” was to bo transferred from the Haymarket has de clined to put the play on He stage. Tho audiences at the Haymarket and St. James' theatres, where Mr. Wilde's plays are .being given, were raclier small this evening, hut Oiere were no hostile demonstrations made. At St. James there were few persans except ing those who had bought their tick et* In aihance. The gallery was some what critical and twu or three tudibie comments confused the players slightly. iMONOMETALUSTTS CONFER. They Want to Defeat Bimetallic Sen timent in Britain. , London, April 5.—Tho Dally News learns that a private meeting of mono metallists was held in London today. The Object wae to take steps to coun teract the agitoitlon of the bimetal lists. A committee was appointed to consider means of preventing a change of tho standard. Bertram Currie called the meeting and took a conspicuous part in the proceedings. Among those present were Lords Farrer and Wclby, Messrs, lie-van, Glynn and Iloaro, bankers, and many other conspicuous financiers. fc - THE VENEZUELA TROUBLE. London, April 5. The foreign offlee. in answer to Inquiries, replies tlidt there is nothing to bo said in regard to tho Venezuela situation. The Cen tral News, however, claims to have learned, privately, upon good author ity that the dispute Is regarded as be tween England and Venezuela directly and that the rumor that a United States protectorate has been suggested Is without foundation. lie !uid flon. u. 1 ..I with IVtide In the mt.'lTin i>t Hue ndjoaruui-m of tv. and in «.rili-|- 1 . - iv.. th. . n*i . h ■ p ful •! 1 I 1* o>Bh ■.•:*,I u 1th iln- r NO VIEWS EXCHANGED. ILondon. April 6.—Tbe Morning Post will publish tomorrow a paragraph to the effect that inquiries at the foreign office (oday elicited the fact that liie United Stattcs and England have not exchanged views regarding England'* trouble with Venezuela. A MAJORITY VOTE. ' Lodon, April 5.—The house of com mons passed this evening James Henry Dalxiel'e motion In favor of second ballots tn parliamentary elections where no candidate received an abso lute majority. The vote was 182 to 72 FOR CRIMINAL LIBEL. RACING FROM FLORIDA. The Southern Beats the Time Made by the Coast Line. PMtadehflirs. April 6.—Die clow of the principal hotels In Florida on Tues day gives the rival railroad lines an other chance for a northward run wltm special (rains carrying the help first released on cloelng. Both lines started their trains from Jacksonville at 10 o'clock yesterday morning vis the Flor ida' short line, the Florida Central and Peninsular railroad, tbe Southern Rail road—the former from Jacksonville to Columbia and the latter from Columbia to Washington, delivered their travel to tbe Pennsylvania railroad at WaSr ington today, so that It arrived at the Broad street station at 11 o'clock this morning. 25 hours from Jacksonville, and having on board 129 passengers. The train of tbe Atlantic Coast Line came 75 minutes later and ttle two were consolidated and hauled to New York as one train. BHOT HIS FATHER. I* The Old Man Was Drunk and Had Beat en the Boy's Mother. Greenville. 8. C.. April i.-Plnckney Dill a well known citizen of tbs upper port at Hits county, was shot and fatally wounded* Wednesday night by bM son, Furman DHL The aider Dill was drunk and had driren bis wife from bom*. She took refuge with her son, who ilvss not far from her bouse. Her husband pur sued her and was entsrln* Furman DUl's house threatening and cursing and with a drawn knlf*. when Furman Dili shot him twice In th* breast with' a revolver and then In th* back with a shot cun. The wounded man ia reported to bo la a critical ondtlion. '' SUICIDE AT NEW ORLEANS. * Now Orleans. April A—Harry Alts, % native of Brooklyn, N- Y.. committed sui ted* this afternoon by shooting himself. H* had bean a private In the United States marine service the part five years nnd was honorably discharged from th* amn-ofreor Montgomery on April L It* eumo here nnd spent what bonsy he bad. This afternoon Ales sent a telegram to bis wife asking bar to send him SK. Ro- cetvtng no reply nnd ytl, he decided to put a.: v-d to ib- ..-ird . Wilde vefdM of the Jury Mterajturc. . rriM judge intonpwd ntal mid: “If the Jury were optiHticd tn Agreeing upon the verdict on one part of Mu* rase, they mu-K return a verdict of guilty or not guilty, n* rirjinls Wv* entire rase.” Da* Jury flket rat turned .v verdict of net guHiy, to whlSir Edward Clarkc a erected, and aupp[i!«ii.ix.-il their rer- d’x* wMsu ilivl.iralion Idwt rite charm** made by th" dnfotuLint nfs'.nut Wilde, which raonettatcl tho Wirt coatfitlnod of, worn true nnd that rimy bad boon made in the pulfitc .Internet. When eh* venHot wtu* romtentl tfu* Marquis of Queenahnrry Mb the dock amid loud chccM. Th - Judge glutted an older rpqnlr'.ng Wilde to pay tho Oorts of defniste. iMr. WVde iwis not In erwirt thl« morning. Wlit* a companion he drove from Ohl Bailey to ton IMBorn tMrtci, where they •were Joined soon « fit onward by I.nrd Alfred Douglas ami a oamgxMi- ten. The four took hi whoon togriUier in n private room, YVIIdn’s carriage re maining In front of tbo hold. The Hv.nviug iNqwg (us r*«dlved tho following letter front Oscar Wilde, wntltcn upon the noto pupor at the Hfrtborn Vltduxk hoart:' "It would bare been ImpovfeWc flir me <a haw" pn>v<d my cone ■without put ting Ieinl AJflwl Douglas to the <wiit- ncret lx>x aantuHt bln f.ittuT. He wos ox- tNknrty anxious to go Into the wPtixM* box, but I wuuM not let him. Rather than F— *> m ,n »n tutnful a pnattkuk 1 drterulncd to .withrlraw my case wo*l brar upon my own ahouklem ovtut- ever .Ign-uncny ntal iflume might re sult from toy .prasucutloo of the Mar quis of Qucenaborry. 1 “Oscar ifcMe.i The Wostnditei-T Oazoite tnyf: •IMr WOd* burriedlT l<gk tbe bifid, tag durtne Sir Felw.-trd Ctorite's Wnte- ment. A warrant for fch* snettt has not yet brtun oppHcd for." In an lutenrlow this otternoon tt» Marquis of Quqenriberry mUl: "I bay* sent this twmngo to "'Ale: ‘If uny country a Bows you to bme, nu ttte bolter tor tbe country; bat tf you hike my eon rrith you I wdl fettow you wtierw-T p>u go snd shook you.' ” laSoiinwttpn bos boon loAtel •galnk e"rival-penmn im-ution-d itiTi.- trsl. »*“♦ of rtbosa nssnq* mere nol road" public. Afte- lunching at the Hoi bom hotel Wild" went to the Westminster bank, where be drew the funds to lu» ac count. He was constantly shailnwed. He returned to tbe hotel accoo>pnn-"d by Lur-1 Alfred Douglas only- Reman ing a few minutes they drove to place are! then to Cadogazthotel, where they vantabed for th* tone until Li*« Issued descriptions of Wild", spreading them all over the city. Lv«r, he was found in toe Codogaa ho.el, taken to Scotland yard «ral plated In a cell at the Bow street station. Be fore being locked up, the charge, in- ,11 -ud by hls testimony tn -oourt. wts retd to him. Hs stood with hls bond In hs jxxketn silent nnd apparently un concerned. The warrant for* Wilde’s ar.wt was procured by Ur. Lewis, so licitor of toe treasury. One of tho managen* at tbe Hey- mnrkct theatre, where one of Wilde's play* I* running In reply to the quev Gon bow the result of the coat woul 1 effe-t fotnre business. mU he wjiM ralhei t oi express an opinion- He would nay. howevr. that Mr. Wilde'* tame he J been taken out of th* bilk* an l »d- •erthemu of "An Ideal Hurt)ml" and from tort the public could form I;s own conclnsioos Mr. G'-orge Alexomler, manager cl 1 tbs Bt. Jau • -tc, srbcc* Oscar Ortli Stoln Will Have a Showing In tho Court. Atlanta, Anril. B.—(Special.)—Orth S eln, editor and pn .Tietor of me l.Kikln.i Glax*. n -weekly paper of tti J-'O'll 'J --r-1- r. puidi i. d he."", r.f. •r.x it i <••■■ . III..-] till ..ft. noon on 8 warrant taken cut 0/ Dr. St »Kt—, a di iulot of M IL m, is-.. Ti warrant was brought to the city i Hhnrift Fcare of Morgan county tl- afternoon and s-rvi-il on Stein ai h slice by Deputy Sheriff Oivenu of Ful ton county. The editor promptly gave th? $SX- bond required and took llw arrest quietly. Tho alleged criminal Ifliel grew out of an Item published in Stein’s paper last week under a -Mudlxon date line. No name* wen* mentioned In th*> Item, but tho people of the town had little illtfi* ul- ty In hknUfylng Dr. 8toko*’ wife aa ilie lady referred to. Mr". Stokes wae re ported to be abort $30 In her account with a social club, of which she was treasurer, and tho article Intlmonaxi further that there was more of a s.nsa- tional character to come. Ytsierday Dr. Stokes accompanied ty a couple of friend*, came to Atlanta mul made a call on Editor Stein at hls of- lire. He demanded the name of tl*: writer of the Item. Stein nays Lr. Stokes aalid hls friends were armed end bent on making trouble. He told them to come back at I o’clock, at which •line he would have the reply ready. Wnon the angry demist and bis frlenaa returned at the appointed hour they found two polloemon In Stein’s office. Tbe editor had sent for them to | re- Sirt-e order- Stein refused to give the namo ot Me correspondent and Dr. Stokes and hls friend* left, warning the e*t tor In tho presence of too polire- Uien that he would hoar from him again. Slteln has the reputation of a man dangerous to tool with. If there should be a colltMon »when he com to Mudbioi to W tend oourt# blood may be apllleii. (Atfinca, April- 5.—(Sj'-cla'' . meeting of locnl^mjmuJN^urers heiil " at the Clptraber of Comai^rco today f-yq-s. the purpose of taklngtli^. prefeitetiry steps toufard _,thc •o"fitf.inlz , atlpn qf> a state association of manufdftaq^ca^Jss largely attended v Ex-Govcrftbr 'bj]lloek, p/esident of' -1 tbe Aflanta' Cotton Mills, presided. Among those Interested in the forma tion of the state association preheat beside* the local manufacturers was was,Major J. F. Hanson of Mscon, Major Hanson being tho author of the Idea. He made an address to the meet ing, In which he set forth clesrly and forcibly the plans and tho reasons.for tile undertaking. -He aaid It was not the Intension to call a crowd of men together for a banquet, but that It was a purely business matter, the need of tho drgantzaitlon appealing io un-„ as a question of business policy. Speeches on tho same line were made by others and, upon tho Information presented by Mr. J. H. Martin, who has been engaged in corresponding with -manufacturers all over the state on the subject. It was decided to call a meeting of the manufacturers of the state for May 7th and 8th for tho purpose of organizing the Georgia Manufacturers' Association. Commit tees were appointed to ’secure a hall and make such other arrangements as are necessary for tbe convention. The manufacturers of the state are deeply Interested In the proposed association and the convention next month will doubtless bo largely attended. Major Hanson set forth the objects of tho proposed association In hls ad dress by presenting the following ex tracts from the address recently Issued by hlmelf and hi* associates suggest ing tbe organization: •'1, Mutual benefit that would result from extended acquaintance and In terchange of Ideas. "2. The collection and compilation of reliable xtatlstirs and spe. Ini infor mation for the use of the members '3. Manufacture!-, through such an Organization could coo Ihclr tafluen U]«n work and policies In which they have a common Interest a materia! inter--: *•> th- I ATLANTA'S CARNIVAL. It Will Be the Opening Feature of tto Big Exposition. Atlanta. April S.-fapnclal.j-'nte movement to open the exposition with a carnival similar io proportions to the M*rdl Gras of Nbw Orleans, was glvm definite form today at a meeting of cltlxens held at the Chamber of com merce- i The meeting was largely attended by the business element of toe city and a goo l dec I of enthusiasm over tbe pro position was manifested. Ce*. A. J. West, chairman of th* nnunement committee of the exposition ompany. addressed toe meeting snd urged toe city to lake hold of top plan. Mr. De Levin of Mobile, an expvi on carnivals and manager of the A'ot Ik? parr am A the Baltimore Oriole and sev eiul others, appeared before tor- r-iret- in* and gsva an outKnt of a plan tor too pn posed carnival on a cast basis of tlf.uw for toe float*. A ccmmRtee of cl risen* was appointed * . th' caralval scheme will pronahly ae d .f.ntntely launched next week KAXOINn AT LaGUAlNGE, Richard Guta* For the Mur der of Lee Slctfee. IrtGrengev Oa„ April S.-Oidard Oi-rwi, 4be -niunler^r of Leo Sfedbe, was hanged here today ok 11 ototocL pit rate. About 2,700 ptt «ple, nesriy oil negrora, bad come in from tbe ooutttry expect ing to see tbs .-r t iiO. -n. but sbcrlfif Hradrtma -rats dotermin-G ttut such tnqUr os txxMtml gpwly Oampbett meaty should take pfcu» Troop snd, to guanl sgriadt anything of lbs kta.1. he hid the two mlKtafy companies, tbte Tr-.iip Ilniosrs sod dm IAght fiuavH to he pretent. ft*, difpi-il that be was tsolng straight heaven. He sitpamitly -.ufr.-n-,| rule. If sny. He di d jart fifteen mlnut- setter lilt body, Idt State Association to Ee Formed iy tho Leading Factop^ifltof Geor'da. . . ^ ^\J. HANSON A LEADER, Mrediig Called to Me Next Momli to Form oclallon-sAtliint Deeply In 7 latlon of Man ufacturers, recently organized by the national convention of manufacturers at Cincinnati; toe purposo of (he na tional association being to afford n mean* for all state nml local aaMocla- tlons rtf manufadturers to co-ODerste upon a national basis.•• It Is upon this basis that the min- "'*' '7™ " ll1 They will ‘ho principle that the people are but helped who help themselves, ami In getting together for their own ail- ll P rotec ‘lott the manu- ■Ooturere Will also push tho taterests of the whole stato to the front. MuJ. ilauron today xogxrated that in*c*W?Sr*l!t^£? C<atlon . r hnul<1 ni ' lk '' fJP. C ?25J2J. “Ota exposition this tall. i h T >rg ^ manufactured j.o.yla, to bo put In a building of Its ^Jtora It would attract the ailem rion of the worid. He also nr -non- f that a catalogue of an ni *. n ,, ewSSfewsfiscSS g^ajgytess-tfg IfM-m of a honu? tnam/facturer. i O. A. It. OIT-TOI.VIN. (;'r t r.-el OKI • of /he Oiyanizstiba In Atlanta. Aflc ntn, April S.—tSurtai i e i to' r I ' 1 '\ lor ’ t^numiuder-lml <bl«f of toe Grind Army of th- Rspab. 5' al ?' 1 staff, contpofc-.J of tho follow- log offlccra arrivt-d In'Atlanta from MonliMinery this aflivnoon st l'>-lo o’tflock; amrira II. Hchute, Junior rtee-coagnsaxler-liKtoief; » ad)u -ant-g. it-rd; J. W. I!i-s- ou t- - T ' master-cnersi; Oeorjte 8. Rrmor u-d de-esmp. 1C x-IJ eu I. -n a rit -Jfi iirn -ir IUr of Ill'noh nml soreral oOtae are eL a In tbe party. A del- -■ illon fr-.m the local O. A. B Pottt mt< <ba>. Lawler nml hls isirty at toe d -jut and escorted .rhom to too llotci A rigon, afiuve they aro m-v.- quartered. During the ttinott i -lior. were ,Ir.v,-n oy.-r the ci*y art to alv- ex ■ - loo grounds, and this twenilig ib-y were called uq> Jn i )y a mtmW of prominent ctMxepg. G-n. L.wh-r and hUnnilT aronrstsiiw 6 t ••( • , of tl.- p. \ k Ports tU over tbs South. T tattirtw ton Annual --neampm -nt of too d , Of Gi-. - 1 ,-„J South OsrotlDS O. A. it ertti ix-haki. OinunsuUv 'Lawler and staff will make an ollio'al visit to the '-ncuiup- m- .t dur.i .- ton awnio:., end r '.-r-rw nUht tbs Grand Army men stt bora n imp fire” at theft hall. The Futo n Crtti»:r O ntojeSife V- r-it,Are .(ra tion ha« tUKeppnd an invitation tto st- l-ml. ar.-l ft hv U bn turn-d ll/o a ‘■--I up fire” of Hi*- Bfuo atxi tTV Gmy," GONE TO ALRVNY. AM.iiTt.-i. \prll 5.—(.«,-■•laL)—Governor Atkliuo ami School O-mm wdoner Clenn t at a< *ii to Albiny today to attend the "hautauqua being held there- Boi> were booked for sp-o-hes. sownm Asheville, Daniel, tent toe murder.