The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 11, 1895, Image 6

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6 THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: APklL li, i895. STAMPS BY TIE THOUSAND. A FostofTsco Inspector Got a Lot of Light Carmines at Chicago. y| Then He Drew .1 Big Pistol on the ■Representative. SHIPPED FROM CANADA. The Shipper Offered Only a Small Ship ment Each Month—First Instance on Ilecord of the Counterfeit ing of American Stamps. GOVERNOR SPAT IN UTS FACE. Chicago, 'Aiprll O.-tA package of coun terfeit stamps which were Belted yes terday by government officials w® ad dressed *0 Nathan 'Herzog, “ oigar dealer in the rotunda of the Chamber of Commerce. They wore shipped by express -from Buffalo by the Canadian Novelty aud Simply Company of Ham ilton, Onlt. When a messenger brought; the package (Mr. Herzog examined It and, finding the (tamps were counter feit, refused to receive them. He then telephoned the United States marshal and Poatofflce Inspector Stuart Four packages similar Ito the one Ilsfzog refused to receive were delivered by the express messenger, the peoplo to whom they wore addressed paying for them without raising any objections. •Mr. Herzog said today, itt explaining his interest an the scheme: “I dispose of about $100 wo.vh of stamps daily, my customers being the tenants of the Chamber of Commerce. I buy the stamps from wholesale deal ers and firms who do a mail business. They get a surplus of slumps and I buy them at a small discount. I f«iW an advertisement in a Chicago news paper a week aso las: Sunday, reading as follows: “ ‘We have $115 United States 2-cent postage stamps which we cannot use here. Will send them by express C. O. D., privilege of examining, for $100. Canadian Novelty and Supply Company, iHaiinilton, Out.' “I answered the advertisement, writ ing ith-Jir I Would take all the stamps they had at that figure. In reply I re ceived a letter saying that they could noi- let me have more than $300 a mouth. They added that they would make the first .-Shipment Friday via Buffalo so os to save the expense of sending the stamps across -the line. An express messenger brought 'n tho pack age yesterday. On cxum.aing the stamps I found >lve color light and 1 suspected from the general eppuir- aaee tha t they were not a ml I told t he in (Wronger of my belief. The messenger replied iihvt I need not bo afraid, as he had delivered four simi lar package* within an hour aid had reeoirfd pay without hesltui’- ! on. A* the Hamilton concern ,had said only Jill HI worm cnu'K't be supplied such month, I know then the •ttaui-ps were counterfeit and notified the pos'.il •)ffi- otals. who obtained possession of 1 ho IMckage." Cipt. irorter of the secret service has 28,750 of Ithe bogus stamps In hi* pea- session, the jwokages secured by tho other four Ottoi grain* having been setzid. Capt. Porter refasts to dis close the name* of the O’her eon- sktoefs, ns *11 ore Innocent of wrong doing. Although the secret isrvoo agent* at Buffalo and In Canada had been notified list night, he bellecesl tho premature .pnblloait'on of tho fairs would result in the escaipc of the gang. Post office Inspector Stuart Mild this was the first time he h id heard of cotta- terfefilng stamps in his thirty years' experience as postal itwpeator. He de clared the givernment would have to wltlulraav .the Issue. Little Rock. Ark., (April ff.—Gov ernor James P. Clarke and Represen tative W. R. Jones of Mason county had an altercation In the lobby of Glea son's hotel this afternoon, which near resulting in a very aerlous affair. Yes terday when the charges of bribery were made In the house against certain members In oonnctlen with the railroad commission bill Mr. Jone* arose to a question of privilege nnd stated that Governor Clarke was respnoslble for the charges that he had gone about in the dark like an assassin with a knife up his sleeve, stabbing In the hack men who were his peers In every re spect. About 2 o'clock this afternoon Gov ernor Clarke called at Gleason's hotel, where he met Jones in the lobby. He requested a private Interview with Jones In order that he might have an understanding with him. Jones te- plled that he would go nowhere with him and that if he had any business with him he could transact It where they were. This angered the governor and he spat In Jones' face. Jones spat back at the governor, who drew a large pistol, but was prevented from shooting by several bystanders. Clarke was arrested by a constable, but was released on his own recog nizance. The governor will plead tomorrow in a Justice court to assault. iMK>S ANTHONY ON -NEGROES. FORGED THE SECRETARY'S NAME. Thomas Was On Intimate Terms With the Head of the Atlanta Y. M. C. A. Atlanta, April 7.—(Special.)—P. M. Thomas, a well-dressed young man of 18. from Tampa, Fla., was arrested here Saturday on a charge of forgery. Thomas says that his farther is the owner of the Desoto hotel In Tampfi, but however prominent l,|s farther may be, the young man has evidently rim a wayward course. At four different places Thomas Is charged with forging the name of Mr. E. L. Matthews, secre tary of the Young Men's Christian As sociation. These checks were for vari ous amounts, aggregating .'ess than *100 and they will make strong evidence against him. 'Thomas came here about a month ago and called on Secretary Matthews. H* appeared to be a nice young man, and was soon on very friendly terms there. Secretary Matthews also received let ters from his farther and mother Pek ing him to look after him. Secretary Matthews was very much surprised when he leared of the young man's transactions. In order to escape lilonti- catlon after passing the checks, Thomas cut off 1:1s moustache. STAMPS COUNTERFEITED. The Work Not So Extensive os to Cause the Withdrawal of on Issue. Washing) »n. April 0.—A Chlcugo pa per prinked nils inomtns nn oecoan* of the discovery Jiy United State* *eoret service dotcotirra of an extensive coun terfeiting of the pink 2-cent postage samps. lit wis stated that 4 isu-krige containing 10,000 of these counterfeit ■tempi had been discovered In the Chi cago office of the WellmFtirso Express. The names of the shlppor and con dign ee were withheld. Third Assistant Postmaster-General Kerr Cnalg, wt*j baa supervision of tho postage stamps, said todty tl*t about a mouth <•) he renewed from n postmaster in the West a counterfeit 2-oent stamp and upon examination with a magnr.fjXnc glass he easily do- toaetl Shat tt wn* spurious. AU the line* of a genuine stamp, he sold, were even and regular, but the coun terfeit was nigged and blurred and tho coloring defeotlve. An expert, he added, could easily tetl the giod one from the bud. Upon rertpt of stamp ingpeatom were *iv to work, but whether the present discovery was the outcome of that Investigation be would not state, but it is iprobible that the counterfeit was one nf the many th>ms- annh sent out from Chicago. Geo. Craig said this story was some, whit magnified, but In any event would not necessitate the recalling of the Wuue of 2-cent stamps, a« pustmas- ti-r* throughout Hie country would be w.irmxl of the counterfeits and be d! reeled to keep a dose w.iie.i for tbe spurious article. Post office inspecitoni In the field will lie Instructed to use every effort In ferreting out the conn tnrfdter* and the swiff twice de tect Ives will sat In conjunction with them. THE COMPANY FOUND. Hamilton, Out., April 0.—The Cana dlan Novelty Supply Company referred to in a WashrtM'un dispatch as sus pected of counterfeiting United States postage stamps, was located this even, in* in the rear of a at ore occupied hy F. Dunn, painter and gluier, at 23 King Wclliam s rest. The place Is only half a block from police headquarters, but the names of rinse who compose the Novelty Supply Company cannot bo learned toniftot. Thie police are working on the doe but decline to fur- n ah any information. RIO RACE MEETING. Council Bluffs. la., April ».—Thedl- r-ctors of Union Park today decided to give a bl* running meeting here, commencing May 2* and continuing ten days. Five or more race* are to be give each day with free entrance, Purees aggregating a large amount wilt be given. DIED IN ATLANTA. Prominent Mobile Banker Was There On a Visit. Atlanta, Ga., April 7.—Thomaa TV. Simms, a prominent cotton merchant of Mobile, Ala., died Here euddenly today of appoplexy. He was visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. D. Blzzcll. The body will be taken to Mobile to morrow. HAIL STORMS AIT ATHENS. Ileatvy Fruit and Cantona Suffered' Dima go YiWtcnkiy. Athens, 'April 7.—(Stpcets!.)—Thi: tec Won mils visit«1 by two hall storms Vito this mains. Fruit ami gardens worn ludly damaged. Tho stones that fell ware els large as hon ogVH. A ban y rain fell and the w.nd was terrific. Tlirtlcul.-im are not BtbtsIntvble no- Bight, bis. Hie dtarm was the worst ex port anicad in this sentlon in yearn. DEATH AT A CHURCH DOOR. Scott Shot His Young Wife and Killed Himself. Wichita, Kan., April 7.—Wilder Scott shot and killed hla wife In the entrance of the Christian church at noon today and then placed the pistol m his mouth and fired a bullet into his brain. Both died Instantly. Scott was 21 years old and hit wife 19. The tragedy occurred Just aa the worshipers were leaving the church, and was witnessed by a large number of people. , Scotland his wile.were married two years ago, but the young Ilian's fils- slpated habits caused his wife to leave him. Recently Scott decided to reform, and today nttended religious cervices. After rhe congregation was dismissed and the people were leaving the edifice the murderer and suicide met his wife, who wsa accompanied by her father. Ha pleaded with her to return to him, but Mrs. Scott declined. Immediately following this declaration. 8cott drew his revolver and nred. Sha Denounced the Spirit 35m Oram- ciscil Thom tSicially. BIBB SUPERIOR COURT. List of Cases Set for Trial at the •Approaching Term. iRodhoSVr, N. Y., April 8.--Thon ivm-i no oxcltint? finale to the lecture of Ida B. Walls Hvt oveniDK nt tbe First Bap tist church, in whJdi a ttoeolnfilatl stu- donlt from Texas and Miss Kusau B. Anthony participated. 'I’M' \Vl 1 . III 1 -1 M. 1 ill il II > lynching had Increased in the Soul !i in a mark.d degree; that between >1882 and 1802 1,000 colored (toofbe were lynched on Slighlt pretext-, and in many onsos when, they were known to be Intooeat. She gave o number of Illustrations bearing upon her conclusions, when the WieoJoglcal student, who aa’d he hailed from Texas, arose and Said: ‘‘Do you assume that all negroes avho have boeu lynched la the South ffince the Mfir haive been Innocent?" I never said that,” was the reply. ‘I slnqUy claim thai: (they were Inmo- cenlt in the eyes of mho taw. No man 1* guilty unhil found so (by trial." She '.than resumed her leature. She raid 1t teas considered a crime for ne gro* to inteirtnarry with the whiles; thnit tills rotis mtiiilltterJly unjuslt to the colored women of Hie South. She tn- slated Hilt If ft was for white men to marry colored women. It Should also be illegal,fior them to form aUi- (Wees with *han, A ivNVte man might live with ti colored woman with Impun ity, hut if be shraild marry her It would be crime. Here tbe Texan, In evident exeflte- ment. arose nnd said: "Do negroes want to marry white folks If the ne groes are so badly treated m the South wliy do they nt: oome (North or go Week, or to some tnore congenial cKmo?” \ "They are nirif able to emigratie,” was IO rmrVMlbA ‘MuMatlen ffiinw nsn CA'PT. SHELTON DEAD. Cbsttaoonsu, Term., April 7.—Oapt. R. P Shelton, who It part let Airly well known In Tennessee and Washington poV.tUMl circles, was found dead noon at his bedside. The cause was apoplexy. The deceased was at years odd nnd unit reccngty first clerk In tho office of Inqpentor Whiteside, chief of the Chrittanoogi district. OBITWOH DEMOLISHED. Sulphur Spring*. Tex., April 7.—A church was dcmr/Atood ami several buildings uprooted by a tornado Fri day Bight In Wtnndborough, twenty miles from here. One child wna killed and seven il peneonu indurol. - d U When Ilsby wsa rick, w* gave her Csetoria. When aha was a Child, aha cried f or Cwtorla. When ehe became Mlgp, she dung toCiatorta. When aha had Children, alio garo them Caatorla. SUES FOR DAMAGES. A Negro Was Subbed by a Passenger on the Georgia Road. Atlanta, April (Special.Werrr B. Davis, colored, today began suit for *5,000 damages 'against the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company. Davis alleges that he Sub a passenger' on the Georgia train for Augusta on March Mb, having bought a first-claw ticket White ab- aent from Ms aeat for a moment It waa taken by a wblta man named Bill Curtin, who refused to give It up, and when complaint waa made to the conductor, that official paid no attention to him. A little Inter, when Curt la attacked him wttb a kMfe, cutting him badly In three places, Davis alleges that the conductor made no attempt to Interfere, and there fore As railroad company la I labia for damages. NOTICE. I wxxr etery man and woman In the United Suits Interested In the Opiem awl Wbrikj habits to hare one of my books on these die WM. Addroc* B. M. Woollty, Atlanta, Ua Bos MS,oaa on* will b* scat you tee. the response, "btwuse tlhipy nre nlvfi.ry t in debt to their Iniallonl-. tn-lng poiil in chtxks (tor provisions only good at pin orat ion, stones. I would remain: In the Kmrth niywplkr hull t wn* Kn-n fey bidden (to coma back, on penalty of losing my life.” (Miss Anthony than *a ho. fodt and. with fire in her qye, said: “The colored people necelve no batter treatment to llhc North .than they do In the South. Thnit Is why they do not come here. I will relate an Incident Wri/t occurred In our c*:y only last week. A dance was to lie given !n No. 3 school for Uic benefit off too cWMrvn of the (•cuvmtfh grade, a ud tickets avere tssurtl -to toe children for 10 cents. “Now It happened there was a col ored girl In Chat grade who minted to got In dls well ns white children, and hier 'tocher gave her the money. But when she went to her toucher, MSs»s Stnaili, She was told tokt if she Insisted on ah ending none ot toe wWtc child ren would R> and that too affair would have to be given up, so she was turned away. "I consider thnit toe outrage^otr too fe.ilnas of ;thnt aolored girt ovtirorte re sult of l:he same spirit that Inspire* lyrtohlrt^ in tbe Smith." (Miss Art:loony's demurolatlon wus dra ma tic. •me renewing is a complete cuiienuar of the cases set for the present term, Bibb superior court, beginning Monday, April 16: R. H. Swain vs. Macon Fire Insur ance Company—Petition for injunction, etc; M. J. Barry vs. E., T. V. and G. Railway Company—complalnl; T. D. Weld vs. E., T. V. and G. Ry. Oo.—com plaint; Malzlc Tharp vs. Henry Tharp —divorce; Henry Plenaou vs. Henrietta Carter—Complaint for land; Henry Pierson vs. Floyd Carter—petition for specific performance; Rosa Nlosh vs. Shlckery Nlosh—divorce; Minnie Will iams, by next friend, vb. J. W. Ford, et nl.—petition for Injunction, etc. Tuesday, April 18—(Morris Hill vs. Henry Hill—'warrant to dispossess, counter affidavit and bond; Payno and Willingham vs. R. Farber defendant and Sam Welohselbaum claimant- claim; Mrs. A. E. Johnson vs. J. D. MaArthur—appeal; tjarah Davis vs. Alfred Darls—divorce; Ann C. Minor vs. Wllllaim N. Fleetwood—complaint, equfmble foreoloeure; National Build ing and Loan Association vs. Benja min Barton—complaint; Mattie Holt vs. Edmund Holt—divorce; Bibb Real Es tate and Improvement Company vb. A. M. Daniel—complaint; G. D. Scott vs. John and Dennis FlanagatK—appeal; Lizzie Hsvwood vs. Lawrence Hay wood—divorce; J. S. McTlghe & Co. vs. Macon Construction Company et at.— petition for injunotin, etc. Wednesday, April 17—1. H. Johnson et al. vs. Howard Burr et at.—petition for injunction, etc.; Napier Bros. & Co. vs. Mrs. Mary C. Harris—com plaint; Robert E. Park, executor, vs. William II. and Ella H. Park—petition to correct title; Annie Lowe vs. Till man I.owe—divorce; Dinah Brown vs. Jesse Short—petition to cancel deed, etc.; Macon Consolidated Street Rail road Company Ve. Mayor and'Council of Macon—complaint; Bowles and Pont vs. Macon Fruft and Produce Company —certiorari, answer and traverse; Mrs. O. L. MoWaters vs. O. L. McWaters— divorce. Thursday, April 18—B. C. Smith, ex ecutor, etc., vs. Oscar Collins—petition for relief, etc.; S. S. Dunlap et al. vb. Mayor and Council <rt al.—petition tor Injunction, etc,; It. H. and George H. Plant, executors, v& Elizabeth W. Schofield et a!.—petition, for retaf. etc.; J. A. Brooks, next friend, vs. J. T. Rodgers, guardian, e*tc.—petition for In junction, etc.-,: Charles E. Dsatour vs. Mayor and Council et al.—petition for Injunction; Mrs. Lizzie M. Hummel vs. George C. Hummel—divorce; Emma Mack vs. Winter Lamar et at.—petition for Injunction, etc.; Morris Happ ct al. vs. L. Tannenlbaum—petition for parti tion. Griday, April 18—Otto Schroder vs. A. S. Wilson et at.—appeal; Mrs. C. P. Moore vs. News Publishing Company- petition for Injunction, etc.; L. E. Cul- THE WAR IN CUBA. Iaiurgcnls Said to Have Been Shot and Outturn!. . 1 'Havana, April 8.—(Via -Kcy AVest, Fla., April 8.)—A band if Insurvcnts cuttl"; wlriea In the KanUtgo do Ccba cr.stntr mar l’alorina Sort atm, wt» tl vd upon yesterday by to • govern ment troops under Geo. Loebambre. It Is reported tong one << the hvmrscnt leaders was Killed. The wires were re paired and service between Santiago and Havant Is resfiored. Insurgent binds of four hundred or five hundred uivn tooh are numerous In thetptovlnci- of iViqIngo, but the authorities report all qulfit it* other provinces. A party of eight whites nnd throe negroes start'd from here In an omni bus yettonUy. The nnrhoritfes were warmal Severn! day* net and tbe party wis ruptured six rutov outside of Ha vuna. They (were armed wl/h revolv ers and carriod an Insurgent Hag. They are wow in J*u here. Iktports of Insurgents eioswur? toe In ierior are denied by the authorities here. SPAIN WANTS GUNBOATS. 'London, April 8.—*The Control News correspondent in Madrid toys: The Spanish government will invite tenders ■con native and foreign firms for twenty gunboscs to be u*M In Oubaa ’vsters. The contract wl’l be given to the firm offering the (juiokcs* cheapest •fid brat work. THE 8TORM AT ATHENS. Great Damage Was Done to Farms Near the City, Atoens, April 8.—The storm of Sun day afternoon was the severest ever known in this section, and considerable Injury was done to the fruit crop and gardens Farmers In the city today re port that toe farms have been badly damaged, and that the heavy fall of rain will retard them several days in their work. There was little damage to property In Athens save the breaking of window panes—all sky lights being complyU*ly demolished. A juvenile eo- clety waa in session at the First Metho dist church and there being a very few grown persons present. It was found tmpossible to control the children when the storm came up and they become almost panic-stricken, end rushed Jnto the street and to their homes. THE HAIL AT 1VATKIN8VTLLE. Watkinavllle. April 8.-(Special.)—The heaviest and severest hall storm that ha* fallen here in thirty yeifts fell yes terday attention, tt lasted some min utes and Covered the ground an Inch deep or more. The stones were as large aa guinea eggs. Many window panes were broken. The fruie trees were seriously threshed, but tie damage was done. Just tie- fore tho storm came on. the •lay became aa dark as evening twi light, followed by an usual brightness and then by a heavy rain. There Is more catarrh In this section of the country than all other <lii - • put together, and until the last few yeans was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many year* doctor* pro- nooncca it ft loonl dlmwc, <ui<l pre* scribed local remedies, and by coawant- iy falling to cure with local treartn ' pronounced It Incurable. Science ■ — proven catarrh <0 be a ooocltuUonal disease, and therefore requires constitu tional treatment Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Cc., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constiinl'or ' cure on the market. It is taken I teraolly In doses from M drops to teaspoonful. rt sets dlr-ctly on t„- blood ami mucous surfaces of the sys tem. They offer IIM for any cose It falls to cure. Send for circular* and testimonials Address F. J. CHBNET * CO.. Toledo, o Sold by all druggists. Tie. Children Cryfcr Pitcher’s Castcria. ver ec al. vs. Macon Hasdware Com pany-petition for Injunction, etc.; Freeman & Jones vs. Home Grain Company, R. F. Woodward agent nnd O. A. Candler garnishee—attachment; T. J. Carstarphen vs. A. M. Rodgers— petition 10 foreclose mortgage; Mnttle B. MoAtpIn vs. William A. McAlpln- dtvorce; • Haas vs. J. F. Hanson—ap peal; Altmayer & Flatau vs. Rheln- strom Bros.—appeal; E. A. Waxelbaum vs. E., T. V. and G. Ry. ,Co.—com plaint; D. R. Cook Clayton, by next friend, vs. Thomas J. Carling—com plaint; Berry Mungen vs. Macon, Dub lin nnd Savannah Railroad Company- complaint; S. D. Jones.' trustee, et at., vs. J. S. Jones, executor, et al.—peti tion for direction, etc.; Bibb Land and Ilumber Company vs. Lima Machine Works—certiorari, answer and trav- t Horne vs. A. M. Rodgers— complaint. • HARRY BURNS TO SPEAK. He Will Deliver the G. A. R. Decora tion Address at Beaufort. 8. C. At the meeting of the Georgia De partment of the Grand Army of the Republic Just closed In Atlanta, re quests were read from the Grand Army posts of Charleston. Beaufort and Chit- ton Head, that Cap'.. Harry Burns of Macon beappolnted orator of the ilav for Decoration day at. Beaufort, 8. C. Mr. Burus received the appoint ment. and has accepted. He Is perhaps one of the most enterprising citizens nnd enthusiastic Orand Army men In the South. His Influence among them extends throughout all sections of the country. Having been connected with the pnssenger department In eeveral railroads, Mr. Burn* knows personally leading business men In hundreds of Eastern, Northern slid Westorn cities, nnd he Is thoroughly In touch with the tourtats. He wilt igke charge of the services at Beaufort, *nd see that a large crowd Is on hand. GOVERNOR MARVIL DEAD. Delaware's Chief Magistrate Breathes HSs Last. Wilmington, April 8.—Governor Mar- vil died at 9:18 tonight after a lingering lllnt— By his death William P. Wntzon, speaker of the senate, who is a Demo crat, becomes acting governor. By tho elevation of Mr. Watson to the guber- natlorlal chair, the senate of this grate becomes a tie, four Republicans ami four Democrat!. Mr. Watson will r.ot servo out Governor Marvll’s unexptred term, but •will act a» chief executive until the next general election In No vember. 189*. What effect the death of Governor Marvfi will haVe upon the senatorial contest being waged In the legislature between Higgins and Ad- dlcks la difficult to forecast. If tbe legislature faHs to elect the acting gov ernor of the state can nominate a sen ator, but whether the United grates senate will admit ond so accredited to tbelr ranks, t» problematical. (MINERS UNDER GUARD, plttaburr. Pa..April 8.—Fifty miners, protected by the same number of dep uty sheriffs, resumed work at Manoun, on the Monongahela river, this morn ing. The Jumbo mine of Robbins Co., git McDonald, also started with fifteen men guarded by deputies. The strikers will attempt to have toe new men quit work, and If they refuse trouble is feared. The operators held a meeting tills afternoon to discuss the strike situation. SENATOR PROCTOR ILL. Knoxville, Term., April 7.—Senator Pro -tor bis been confined to b’.s room in the hard bere Our toe Rise Throe •xfferlrw with a- He-jyy cold, threatened iwlth pneumonli. He s, however, convalesce nit anal his physi cians export him to be out in e day or two. r\J"f a little Gum f ^ ft ,n thc matt ST of washing W<pw/- you to uac rearline. L'oolT A ^ ^ you, and see the work ofyoj use it. d v. , (f v work easier? better done? I see it m n , pasier and without all th bln g that ti women andwi clothes ? is the seeing I rates, t L Gover I V.10 to- 1 groc and the kn 0 - You can’t! x Ucft' least work and the most savinrc, unless you use Penri; .1 Phddlsr* find rnma mm*mwms1«h« ....'11 s_11 ,, . howtowashwidHjo'e ^ prel CJcin/l Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you "th,«i. ^ l -" uU or '' the Min- a, IVarlinc." IT'S 1- AI.SK — II Back honest—senFit'lAjtES^YL^M S.I' umo pact! 7nd 0U! SAID HE BOUGHT VOTES. Dyer Hoe Charged Hts Accusers with Subornation. Columbus, Ohio, April 9.—Chargee were presented In court today agnlnst State Attorney J. II. Dyor, accusing him of purchasing votes, to secure his election. The charges caused a sensa tion. The grand Jury had been charged and was about to retire, when the oc- ciuatlon was presented. Judge Duncan »PX>oipited J. V. LSe, an a'tarney, to have charge of the prosecution. Later Mr. Dyer filed charges of n'Jb- omatlon of perjury against County Engineer John J. Dunan and •-.-Com missioner J. Briggs, who he claims have caused the accusation to be made against him. SWIFT AS MAYOR, He Promises Good Government to the People rtf Chicago. Chicago, April 9.—George B. Swift was laut night installed as mayor. The council chamber was so crowded that there was comfort for no one and tlie ceremonies were made as brief as possi ble. Mr. Swift made only a few re marks In accepting the mayoralty. He promised good government and har mony in his forces. Much surprise was evinced when he sta'ted that he had two appointments to make at once. He an nounced Ms solecUon for city comp troller, O. D. Wefnorell, a banker, who held the same position 1n Carter Harri son’s admtntatraition. The other ap pointment was that of Fire Mondial Swenle, who is to succeed himself. FIFTY THOUSAND FOR COUDREY. Chicago. April 9.—The Jury tn the *50,- 000 damage suit of Gorge W. Coufirey against O. J. Schwelnfurth, the alleged Messiah', and his lieutenant, William Baldwin, for alienating the affections of Mrs. Coudroy by Inducing her to enter she "heaven" at Rockford, III., returned a verdict this afternoon in favor of Coudrey, awarding him *50.000, the full amount asked for. The verdict was reached only after thirty minutes deliberation. Neither of the defendants made any defense. IMINE IDLE. Pittsburg, April 9.—Rrtbblns mine nt McDonald which resumed work yester day with aJbout fifteen men at the CO cent rate Is Idle today. Thc strikers were sueceasufl In getting the new men to quit. There Is no other Change In the mining situation. THE DAVIS REINTERMENT. Richmond. Va., April 9.-Mrs. Jefferson Davis and Ml»s Winnie Davis wjfi arrive here tomorrow afternoon for the purpose of being n-»»--‘ -• the reinterment In the Davis section 1n Hollywood cemetery of the remains of young Jefierson Davb, who died In htemphla some years ago of yellow fever. 'ROUND HOUSE fBUiRiXED. Wtnrtkw, Arlz., April 0.—Tim round house nnd machine ch.qw rtf the Adlan- t(c nml Pacific rti Irond wero cniwpk-to- ly dcritroytal by fire yesterday. Several locomotives wero burned. The loss U about $100,000. ANOTHER INDIAN BATTLE. Otktuthj, April I).—'Tribesmen north of the Swat river had another battle w'fh the llrltrto troops tag evening, and wero scattered In every direction. Details of thc fljsbt Crave ndt yqt bom received. 'AN ELECTRIC FOUNTAIN. Atlanta, April 9.—An Immense elec tric fountain will be a feature of the exposition. TI10 carnival will llluz. trate Southern history from the dis covery Of Florida and the Mississippi river to the present day. CLOSING FOB GOOD FRIDAY. New Yoilf, April 0.—The Produce Fx- rtwi>»e will be closed Frida v, April 12 (Good Friday), end the Cotton and Cof fee Exchanges on Friday end Satur day. April 12 and 13. TO BE HANGED TODaY. Gainesville, Fla., Apytl 9.—Grant Griffin, colored, will be './need at noon tomorrow In toe county >11 »t this place. He ntunler M * negro In a quar rel over a gnat* of cards fcur fall. THE GREATEST VALUE. You get the greatest value out of a silver quarter when purchasing a package of Simmons Liver Regulator, powder. There Is nothing like tt for Indigestion or constipation. Take It dry. on the tongue, or make a te*. You'll afterward* tak- It In preference to pills. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria* IT IS REASONABLE TO THINK That specialists who devote their entire time to one class of disease are more skillful and can oure diseases embraced in their specialty much quicker than the physician In general practice or the advertising doctor who claims to treat and cure all diseases. DR. HATHAWAY Sc CO. are true and gen uine specialists, and devote their en tire time to all diseases peculiar to man and womankind. Skin, Blood anil Nervous troubles. They are recogniz ed aa the leading specialists In those diseases of the South. Consultation free ot office or by mall “ SPECIALTIES: Blood poisoning, syphilis, stricture, nervous debility, gleet, unnatural discharges, kid ney and urinary difficulties, ulcers, , piles, catarrrh, , rheumatism anil ' SraSS a t!iC diseases of -£§el womankind. Moll treatment given by sending for simptom blank. No. 1 for men. No. > for women; No. S for skin diseases; No. 4 for catarrh. Address or call on DK. HATHAWAY & CO., 22 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. G ypsine ON GYPSINE. Yon cannot ktlsomlne on ktkomino or paint or paper over tu Yos can put forty of Gratae on Gypsine or run paint or pftper over Gypsine, or tiso Cyii-ifno ore? pfttot or paper, prod urine a surface inooth. rich mod even. Blade only by the DIAMOND WALL FINISH CO.. CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Write for—»lf card of lieu, copy of "Oratae AC. crate. 'Act ■ Gilr— nf t.,a . uv “Hitch * Your * * »®l 3® Wagon to-a Slid kdN.i jttftD ■icdU as Emerson said,—ft don’t be content witil bicycle except the besl made—the COUmbT Matchless as these f» bicycles have been kj years, you will rub, eyes when you quality and beauty 0 1895 models—*100.1 POPE flFO. CO. ^£-T)| Cen.rol Office, and Fnctgria U| BOSTON, NSW YORK, CKlCm ■jffirH SAM riuip.iesn ~ ]28©| .. You not'il the Colntnbie ‘‘AtaloRue, a work of art/ «howe every deUll of , peerless Colombia* end «i K^Cd G I.'. >2)i J you call L ombira egeney; by moil for two 3-oent eUmpe. S. S. PARMALEE, Agent for the Columbia and ] Bicycles, Macon, Ga. DOUCLM NOT I Oo you wear them? When nedta Mlt)id will gi-jwi more comfort and xnici ht hg trim a-.y ott t '■ .. Best ill tb >cr| $5 'O£U^M3.00 44.00/v, iU.58 §3.50 pr Jit!* I $2.50 b $2.25 ^ **••1*1? W. L. Douglas Shoos are mods lift Latest Stylos. N If you want atm DRESS SHOE don't pijkkll try my $3.50, $4 or $5 Shoe, They will 8t cqrtha| lorn made and look and wear aa well. If pi itaj eeonomlie In your footwaar,you can doiobjpnl W, L. Dou|las Shorn, My uma and price la<t 00 the bottom, look for It when you buy. Till sal Itltute. I lend ihooe by mall upoo receipt d M pootage free, when Shoe Dealers cannot mffill W. L. DOUGLAS, Brackton, Main, wl ItOOUESTEIt SHOE COUrAMl Leave Doubtful Hceda alono. The bert uro easy to get, and cost do | wore. Aelc your dealer for FERRY’S] SEEDS tbe best. Know everywhere. Ferry’* Animal for MU you 1 tint, ! ieutVi how, and when to pUuU Get It. D. M. FURRY A Detroit. Mich. pf'3 PARKER'S hair balsam ■ ■ i-i , ■■ .1 :i Muni ■ V ,1 c - J - '. , "“Aa , k”rw:sS3 KPMS’HiBilS A vvitvwMViB iii To tub Em roil— riorvo inform roernd ers that I hnvo a jKwitivti reiu*^ly lx ■ above named diaeoae. By ita tiinely av • h-?eb«ip* two Doilies oz my remedy free toany^r* rcader^who havo consumption if they H send me their expreas and txwt office tvib* TA. Slocum, SLO., 183 Pearl 8t.,NowW a IS hour* Gonorrhoea . - iI dUcharjree from f mi*Y| | urinary uriirui". nrrf«jM(|JJII I byHanial Jlldy Cspioics viiKoat !mwiirfnlr«rc. nMBAHH’S PATENT HA0 im. DR J. J. BUBERS. Permanently located. In the L , ties venereal. Lost *0*1*7 Female Irregularities sod petm* Curs guaranteed. Address in confidence, with •!*■* NOTICE ^ I* hereby given that I have transferred my entfre eio.-1t , stock of toe Mllledgevllle BsnW”* ^ pony, to wit. fifty-five (56) tooja- any. to wit. fifty-five (»> g This notice Is given In puvsuaro' vtlon l.m of the code of he public will take due n tlce here - U N. OALLAWAI Feb. 22. UH.