The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1895, Image 1

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Eitabllshed tea#. ■ X Publishing On, Poblllhan* I MACON, GA.. MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1895. QStruciions Issued lo Co'lect- 0 f Internal Revenno Everywhere. OE TAXES OMITTED. Follow Clo.ely the D«- of the supremo Court and the collection of the hr th« l»‘h *«•*. lgt0 D. Aiprlt 11.—Commlsrtooor Aiy. in *h* alweirce of a full , he jujircene court decision, is- Lnntotil ins* ructions to the internal revenue coMeotors jCOlDk' tllX. msmict'.on mny tie toHawed by special roses as tliey L lnsUucrtons were btinded Ujwio Associated Press for on and will not be telesrnpi'acd ors 0 [ internal revenue except . West, They are os follows: m received from state, ccran- mulc'l* 1 1 bond* or securities i frem real ctsbalte are not tax- ne. tout 'persons or oonpora- r2 si:d : ntererit or row s in their returns os ,|till amoua: thereof roeftred j sviibln tbs year for which D is made and eftitll deduct is not subjeot to taxation. mu.mills strtuuHy paid for iuranoo and repeuirs on real IV lie deluded from Income, I re provided (by the Uw and perrons nnd corporation's ihnt Irendered Hroctn* tax ratiirus ear ISM to a collector or doji- |or. indludlne therein intere-r from stale, county or munlcl- or from reirts from real os- in vc ithe amounts of said and rents deducted from i.holr duly nuking an affidavit to oi and delivering the name to tor or deputy to whom the ra urn was rendered, collect ir upon receipt of the d affidavit shall attach said to the return of the oflVint e made end shall make the n ’n slid return In conform!y fads stat'd In Mid affidavit ird the said amended rioirn affidiv.t attached to MM corn- of internal re. nue. •Toscph s. Miller. *<lnner.,f internal Revenue, elt J. O. Carlisle, S«■ rotary of the Tnoosury. <eli«rams were sent to ool- hat»D, April. 11.—Iliive the «f- >d instruotlons printed nntl el immcdlaiely to nil persons rendered return*. . arns received here will too for- you by mill. Correct Maine 'hine •jflldnnrlts and miking de ni shown there, id persons In makinoi returns 'o show ol-trly that rents and deducted were received ri-il estate, ami indludo noth- ver paid for rout or use of property or franchise. •Ira-opti S. 'Miller, tOomntlsa'oner. I ry for the convenience of fllinrr income tax return*, you your office open fur business in. lo (1 p. m. up to oud In- the 15th Inst. Joseph 8. 'Miller, Oommlss'otter. I* no power vc-i od In this de ll triegrapfied 'Mr. Miller Into extend the time for making titder the income tax law." cirmtn svns sent to Thottw* T. trealdetlt at the'Western Unton Company, with the supple- sent do cotlmtom al revenue .today, together telegram* a* tn keiplng open beyond the regular hours. _ oner has closed up ns com- ■* he can h.s UMiiwvuon with rc>-nirtit of wthat remain* of inte tax tanv. Collectors and ibject 'to the tow must do the must do It before Hie dose of i on next Monday, April 15, or object to the pen titles imposed aw. 1ULHNT FLORIDA BONDS. Governor Stirs Up a Sensation n the Land of Flowers. ha**e, *Ha., April It.—In a in don to the senate toalay, t Reed, who was governor of from 180 to 1871, ooert* that nt bonds of the state are out- <■ He eays these bonds sr* >1 letter "B" and that Inter- on* are in the bands of various in Florida. hands, ex-Governor need Ssye, to have been issued under hi* i ration and ho aalw for the 'lent of a committee to In* e the matter, ascnctaln the «uch bomLs were tmued ami c perpetrators of the fraud to note a pi* tn ted a committee to > the dhorges made by the ex- 'Hl.VO FIRM IN TROUBLE, u. April 11.—Jnettcs TutMll yee- (Witwd the Title Guarantee and 'mpe-ty receiver for the tlrm of -'■nr,Hot A Gctdmen, manutactur- "thing. No. 37 Market street, on* •vgeri concern* In the business, ration ana made by Max Gold- soph Coha and Emanuel Moynes, ’ ot *h# drm, and It woa opposed i" Roche, who has the Isrgest In- The application was mad* be- ' hopelem dlsMnsion etnong the " of the tlrm. >K AT STONE MOUNTAIN. >». April 11.-Noah H. Way. a firmer living live miles from Mountain, cut hi* throat today tr to ear. He died In a few mln- was married a few months ’1 hi* wife died soon alter the Grief unbalanced *U> mini. TtHURfifpON NOT RECAULEU, °** If He Was Minister Will’s Knows Nothing of It. . San Frawcleeo, April ll.-The Steamer Alatnaki, from Sytlney via Honolulu, gmv«l at 8 o’clock this ntornlug The correspondent of tho unltctl Pros*, iper Hto imer AHtihhLi, xyr.tns under dajte of April 4 from Hon- oiulu: “On ithe arrival of the steamer China 0? t ? e . » lively *en*ution was created toy uewnpjper dlspaUilaw au- Bouncing tort Secretary Gresham had lasltructed (Minister Wills to dentaud the recall <,f Minister -Thurstton. "Minister AVII1U stated to the editor of the Advertiser tbalt he .hid received do Instruct/,‘ons upm the subjexit, anil knew aottong 'whatever about *t, pi>r has the gotvramcnl. rec.-iv,,/ frpm him Buy communication ctoout It. Foreimt Min.eter Hattcto has received front liiura;oa hlutself no tofonnultion of now or special trouble nrisiug botiween ureshnm tirnl himself. Mr. -Hatch has received • a tele- grant front Mr. Thurston announcing his intention to arrive In Honolulu on April lt, by the steamer Arawa. This intention seems to have been suddenlv formed at tb* last moment. TSmrston had written to his mother by mail not to be disappointed by press dispatches, and that he should stay In Washing ton. Mr. Hatch and his colleagues nat urally imitate Thurston’s reported reti cence. The condition of strained rela tions with the Washington administra tion has existed for two years past and lias become chronic. In the dis charge of his duty, the Hawaiian min ister has repeatedly been compelled to perform acts which were extremely dlB- tasterui to air. Greaiiatn. The- only sur prise Is that he has been able to con tinue so long at hls post. The opinion In generally expressed by friends of the government that Thurston will probably have no difficul ty In Justifying himself. So far as tan he learned, lt seems probable that this government will not. In such case, make a point of honor In the matter, but will send another inlnlatcXin Mr. Thurston's place. If Mr. Hat *— should go, Mr. Thurston would doubtless take hls place here as minister of foreign aftclrs. Mr. Thurston abandoned a lucrative law practice to serve the government abroad. He would be glad to retire from public life and attend to hls private business, but this Is not likely to he permitted him. United States Minister Willis Is believed to feel some uneasi ness lest this government should re taliate and give hint Ills passports, but It Is considered, highly Improbable that the government wilt discharge Mr. Willis so long as he gives no special cause therefor. A reception to Mr. and Aire. Willis was given on the evening of the 2d Inst., on board the flagship Philadel phia by Admiral Beardslee and the officers of the shin. All the prominent government officials In town were pres ent with the exception of .President Dole, who had gone to Kauai. Poaslbly through inadvertence or Informality, President Dole and others of the cabi net were not Invited to a previous re- —ninn 1 riven by Minister Wlllls In ~ - Admiral Bejunsire and effi- a;ts taken of the nr;’- ( r.- , t... I S’lfl'lclon. Ttv-. -lent ded the r< option on the Philadelphia. It Is reliably learned that on the eve ning of the 1st. Air*. Domlne. ora. *een exchanging salutation* whb a body of political prisoners returning to tat1 from their dally labor onttt* ro*d*.8h#w*s first seen to wave her hand. men. as they passed the front of the palace they swung their hats, she responding with her handkerchief, but standing back a little front ‘"e window so *» not to he conspicuous from ‘he street. The government and their supporter* feel that tittle reliance I. to be placed upon he ex-queens oath ol or act of abdication, and that she I* liable to again foment agitation and ,n The*naSv# Weekly Makaan*na w** suspended for ten week* during mar- rial law. It# editor. Kalpu, being Im prisoned a* • suspect. Blnce hls release, publication has been resumed. If* tone Is nearly a* treasonable as tt had been before. It* list issue declared th*t the queen’* nnth to the republic did not hind her adherents, ** she made It under "tress of captivity. She wai to *>« •i a martyr Who had aaerifleed tierwdf for her people. . Serious and growing apprehension Is expressed here of what the £*P* nf ** government may feel disposed to do ni regard* Hawaii after the termlna- Uon of war with Chin*. The temper of the Japanese government trured. that the Inordinate Jtngolwn cd the Japanese politicians wba are Kkely to make unreasonable deniandsforln- rressed political power for residents In Hawaii, who atpresent like the Chinese, do not participate at all in public affair*. Mow altaollon to directed to Japanese mattera on count of the rapidl, tecr«wteg «<nc«; tit Inn experienced from Japanese i ^rters'STd retail.™. ?<»*• °! ese msnufaoture are fist displacing m Hawaii those from FXtrope and America white their retailer, are easily under- nelllnr < whlte unoivhant*. Altogether mire danger la feared from Jepato than from any other source^ ANOINTED THE CHIEF. Bail Occurrence In Jacksonville with a Ludicrous Side. Jackaonvllle. Fla.. April 11.—Mrs. F. W Madera, strife of the Banf Francisco agent of the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy railroad, went cr*xy In the Union station today and screamed that her son. daughter and pet dog with her were toeing pursued by the Spaniards, who would m u , rd ?r ' h ?£l all. She became so vlo*nt ttokt the police took charge of her. Chief PhtU- In* endeavored to get her Into the hos pital, hut she was unwilling. She made the chief alt In the road while she preyed and she anointed him with wa ter from a creek near by and lemon juice, saying that there were proof against hi* enemies. Relative* are on the frwn Chicago to take charge of her. Mr*. Madera formerly lived In Chicago with her huahand, were he I* well known. BIO SALE OF STAMPS Washington. April H.-Po*tmMter General Wl.son today auted that the sale of postage stamps for th- last ousrter of ISM amounted to $17,405,571, which wo* the largest in the hlstori- of the government for a like period. He considered thU a barometer Indi cating the revival of business. The total receipts from other reure-s of the DoaCofflee department for the last quarter of ISM. were H.1H5.207 nrere than for the corresponding period of Mr*- CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. Knoxville. Tens.. April ll.-The state Christian Endeavor convontton assem bled her* today with M* delegate* pres ent- Father Clarke of Maine, founder of th* aoeociaUoa, wtU be here tomorrow. </: T JlD B! Cashier Samord of a'Covington (Ky.) Dank, Commenced a Street Duel. FEUD OF LONG STANDING Brings on a Terrible Tragedy That Has ■tlrrrd Kentucky From Centro fo Circumference—More Blood* shed Sure to Follow, Cov'.nriton, Ky„ Aiprll 11.—State Sen ator W. P. Goetori shot and killed Cashier John Sanford of the Farmers and Traders! Bank Mils -afternoon in front of the First National Bank of this city. Senator Goebel, accompanied by At:- torney-General Hendrick of Keutucky and Frank Helm, president of the F.rst -National Bank, was on route to the bank. When they reached the floor there stood Sanford, -lie "book bauds .with Hendricks, using his left band. Then toe asked Godbel if he wrote o>d article a crack: ng Mm. Goebel answered: “I did.” Immedlaitoty Sanford fired, *he ball passing Ittorough Goctoel's trousers. Qn'ek n» u. flash Goebel leveled his re volver and fired. To do so he toad to place the pistol beneath Helm's ctoiu. The lull crushed through Miuford's forehead, wlio fell In the doorway of the bank, blood ooz ing from Ms fatal wound. Helm's chin was badly pcovdier burned. Great confusion prevailed instantly, the bank toeing well cTOwtled ait the time. During .tihe confusion Senator Goebel iwalked to the station house and called up bis brother, Justus, who to a tueiUbor of flhe Ann of Lowry & Ooolt -l of't>l, asking him to come to Covington alt once, as he was In trouble. Senator Goebel then emerged front tiho (telephone box and, address ng the lieutenant In charge, said: “I wish to surrender myself. 1 have shot mid killed John Sanford." Chief Goodson placed Goebel under wrest tout allowed him to *t In hls pr|. vuto office. Senator Goebel was calm at first, but later beo-ime visibly tterv- om. Alt first be refused to discuss the affair, but under -the excltemoult he finally gave tt:s version of It. “Here is *.he reason I killed him, 1 cxckUniCTl Gootoel, as he showed svher the ball of Sanford’s pistol h-ad passed through hls trousers, tearing owujr portion of doth. “lie was '.yli - In wait for me,” oo&rnued -sir i-vuutor. "I s t\v him -,i !t a I v 1 lie -a - VOTBRAiXS OPPOSE IT. No Auxlely For n NalHonal P-ark nK lAppomotttox. Pensacola, (F*j., April 11—As a meet ing today of Camp Ward Confodemite Veterans, ihe following resolutions were sdoptetl: 'Whereas, *toe legislature of Ihe Btatte of Florida, at present session, bos rB«tied a Joint Tesdutjon known as sen ate resdultion No. 1:1, requesting the congress of the United Stal es 4o pur- clure the site of -the battle flckl of Ap- poiiwiUnx for a national park and to eredt a Jo!nit.monument to Generals Grant: and Iiee upon the spot whore the hitter sufTend-red lo the former, and, Whereas, the turtle field of Appoma t tox Is known only ns the spot where the hopes, aspirmtlons and Imfopend euce of 'the Southern Confederacy svere forever crushed, and, Whereas, a mouumewt to Generals Grant and I/cc at AppotnuWtox Is not desired by the Southern people, and. Whereas, tf n monument should be erected at Asponx-ttox to Generals Grant anti Lee, the movement 'no that end would n»»re gracefully originate w:rh the victor than with ttos defeated, and (therefore be If Reaotved by Camp Word Confederate Veterans, No. 10: IFIrI—'We rfgrt't ami deprecate the int-roducinton and pawage of senate res- oltiMon No. 13. 'Second—We utge each and every camp of Confederate vaterum through out the fJtotte to Join w'.Ui us In ex pressing disapproval of stld rowilutloo Thlrtl—That /;he governor of the state of FlorUtol is requested to veto the measure. 'JVyrtb—That the adjutant of this camp he ami fa hereby directed to send a copy of ttuce resmui'.uiia to the goT ernor of the state of Florida. Smtthcrn AsStel-ated Trias and one copy ito etch otmjt of Oiifetl-rnle veterans through out the state of Florida. BN INI FOR LUNACY. Alex. Carr Making llis Last EIFut to Savo Himself From Uig Gallows. NUMBERS OF EXPERTS. The Superior Court Room In Atlanta Crowded \VI)U Kxpert \Vftn«c.ea and General Spectatore—What Wltneaiei TeitlflcdTo, TRAVELERS GET NERVOUS, The Racing From Florida Creates No I -fit tie I Merest. Jacksonville, I’la., April 11.—The re ported racing between Mie eptclal trains of rlv i-l rs lroatls running fro»n Jartasonv H- to New York, bis created a greuit dost of Interest along the two linos and b tsj also led to considerable 1k-i Hug. I A port: "it <rf the traveling j*u*)llc Is geteng a IWBe nervous over It, hotw- over, ami ii will !>,• stopped. By ngre- ■ i"i'iw- ii -tlllchils of the Florakt Cent rat anil l’'OlnsuVi and rtt-vanunh, Florida ami Western railroads, fltere tjj» toewesu Rbe special ho- -iving th .s at y this morning l ■/-"• New V"rk. n will run ..n rtgultr seheil -H ii W.wh't;gton nbout 8 Ify ntortfitig and New York !(g- me aftirnrma. ’ will In tel; at 10 o E t eh ule, , r f. - rtv- steps --f tii-* P rst N it ii:t! lir-.k I was "it my muy to mo Cstiii-iis’ Na tional Bank with my friend Hendricks. As soon as I siw him reach for hi* re volver 1 reached tor mine." Simitar versions are told bjr -Headricks and Helm. Political ami business fcinls of sev eral years' Standing w*.ts the cause of the murder. Both are very prominent men in Kentucky. 'Not since the fam ous G-oodtoe-Hwape affair a.t Islington, in which both of ihose dlstJngulshml men died, lxis so deplorable a tragedy occurred. It h:t* created a ri'We sen sation, while locally -the greatest ex citement prevatls, as a ooutlnusttoa of the 111 feeling that made .the murd-r possible fa certain to result tn more bloodshed. (For years Theodore Ilaltam awl Har vey Meyers, two of the brightest taw- yers in the South, have been the Dem ocratic leaders ofithls county. Gnehel appeared in the field when they wore a t tho aenth of-their career, and un der the gttse of nn antl-rlogxter fought thr prestige In the party. He was frequently rewarded nvok generously ond became deservedly pcgiuhr. Per sonal III feeUog nabtrxlly resulted sml It was not confined to the leaden. Par tis: ns sprung up from every qutn er. ftanfonl was tone of these and he es poused the reuse of IFallam nnd 'Jley- ers. Personal enemnters tod eouren- t'.oo fights were numerous. It U cot an eragserutIon to say that a hnwlred prominent citizens bive constantly carried plrtols for toe last three years expecting an tZrtack at nny moment. B-sldes -this bin or feeling 8 in ford uud Grtobel were rivals In business. Goebel Is a (Preetor of t he Citizens' Nbtroual lfink of Covington and Han ford bad tor years been a director and the cashier of the Ftinuir* anti Trad ers* Bank. The men have been ene mies since the two factions In nolltlre began, and Vhore hare been »sue bit ter ottartn and counter-charges made by lxi h men and their friends through tbe columns of the various lorol paper*. Last theumlay on article app-ared in a Covington piper oalltd the ledger, in which a hitter rtruik was made upm Sanford. The headline of tbe article referred to Sanford in tbe tnMt depraved language. The publication arotued Hau6>rd's Ire and hi* friend*’, who tin-fared that they <et>uId hive srdsfjetlon from Ithe nuth.r. It was gtMieraUy stl.l abonft tbe streets of Covington that Setattor Oodoel was w lean rospnovble tor the pribHnulon of the article and Shat neither .he ror hls friend* took the trouble to deny the allegation. It was even charged that Senator Goebel wrote the arride. G'-hot fa unnamed and Ranfiord leaves a widow, a slater ot the funoas Tom Marshall of Kentucky, and sev eral children, one a grown too, from whom more trouble Is feared. BURGLARS OAUOHT. FrederickOburg. V*., April 1L—Ed ward F. Heart tun-1 Frank Brosrn, white men, sad Thomas Webster, Jr., George Wetieter and Henry Gttxna, colored, were arrestod yesterday to ettaTord county tor burglary, t Is sal I the pris on-™ form a part of a regular orga nized gang of robbers, who have carried off from time to time hundrnfa of dol lars worth of goods to a hiding place In — WOOLEN MILL ASSIGNS. Toronto. Ont. April 1L—The Weston Woolen (Jlenufsoturlng company, of Weston, Ontario, has anrignad Lia bilities about ttlMtti assets n .inlnally $57,000 In exc*a» ot that amount. Nii’.V I AGRREn. tt-i r. Ottoheo, Ont., April 11.—ft Is now sari to ray tfafa th,* Is-ue of the conference between New Foundlond and Oojiailn will be an agreement ui-Vt a basis of union, to be submitted to the legisla ture* of both countries Enough pro gress has already been made to warrant the declaration that Canada awl New Foumltamt are nearer an understanding than ewer before, so near that one of Ate Miami delegates declares If the union Is not consummated It will not be the fault of th* colony he represents. Indeed, the delegatus from New Found land nr* enthusiastic over the outlook. Lord Aberdeen had a conference yes terday Wllh the delegates, a circum stance which suggests that much pro gress bos been made. GENERAL SHOOTING. Two Brothera Killed and Another Mali Wounded. Murphy, N. C., April tl—In a fight In the lower rnd of Chegokee county, two brothera turned Cross were kitted and Neel Newmun was dangerously wounded. A dance wta In protress at the Cron home. Ned and Mac Newman were among the guests. Jake Cross, the head of the family, ordered the Newmans out ot tho house. They went out end were followed by Jim and Will Cross, hls brasher. Jake Cron also went out and attacked Neel Newman, who stabbed Jim Cron falsity. Mac Newman shot and killed Will Cron. Neel Nesrman was shot In the bock, but was able to escape with hls brother across the Teneuee line. OIL GOING HIGHER. (Atlanta, April ll.-Atlpedal.)—Alex ander Carr, the convicted murderer of Onpt. H. O. King w»s placed <m trial for lunacy before Ordinary Cal houn today. The trial attracted such a crowd of spectators and expert wlt- uceses that the ordinary's office would not accommodate them, and Ule pro ceedings were conducted In the rosin superior court room, which was crowd ed throughout the day. At 6 o'clock this afternoon there were still a long list of experts to be examined and the Investigation will -he resumed to morrow. It Is a life and death matter withCarr, The supreme ^ourt denied him a n?« trial after lie was convicted and under aentenoe of death. Upon the Judl-Ial trial the plea of insanity was made, but lt did not cut any figure with the Jury.aiiiiuusii then, cn n«w. Carr pre sented a pitiable - spectacle °f shattered humanity a» he appeared In the court room. Today he was ied in by two stalwart baliffa nnd had to be handled as carefully as a child. He sat all day with his hold bowed almost to hls knees, continually picking at the knee of hls trousers with finger nails tliat have grown out until they resemble a hawk's talon a. The experts differ as to Carr'* san ity. AU the prominent physicians In town have been summoned as wit nesses.’ Something like a dozen of them today analyzed the symp.oms of the various forma of Insanity for the Jury and gave lt a* their cplnlon that Oarr Is Insane. On the oilier hand, several physicians who stand at (he top notch nnd who have made a care ful study of the ease have testified that hls mind Is sound, and tomorrow others will follow on the same line. Oarr'a father, hls brother, cousin and brother-in-law were witnesses today. The father testified that two ot hi* daughters bad become insane, that In sanity ran In hla family. He told how when only 14 years of age Alexander Carr took a notion to have hls Angers trimrned off to the same length, getting his sister, nged 0, lo do the Job. She succeeded In cutting off one.finger with an ax before th* operation was Inter rupted. Al another time he talked of blasting i rout' to Chinn, tnd "tic- .Hteroi. - .1 "til-bio. ,I«„S I .-i, M". till' broth'T-ln-l., w. • -..".-I to the Inc inlt'. of ad.*.. Carr's sister, and t - Mi" m- "toy of S.ta sister, now In Ihe asylum. AMERICAN TURF GONOtbEBS. Changes in the Rogutatlons (For 'JTtls Season's Itnciug. 'Memphis, Agnail XL—The turf con gress was In session unltM midnight. E 0. Hopper, Janues Roes nnd ,i. A. '.Mur phy were appointed a otti’ini too on jookeya. They will raced today. The license oat Jockeys twits raised from $3 to $5.. In the case of the htorse Slmnwins, supposed to be wittanwl, a commit!.e« of lovtadkgatlon was o-pppiutod. If Torn Walsh was Ihtertvrtoil In the borne ho will he out lawed; otherwise, he sv.ll be rehKttfl'tcd. 'Ed. Oorrigsat wised ithe polnlt.whcdltd or udt an owner oauhl enter uioro lltttn one horse In « seUlns race. The congress nil os tttha-t ho can rtturi two horses In a adllug Mtake race, but not in tt liurto wee. W lite enitriot come one. Wo, 'half of the exrost money goes to the association and tin ether half to tthe owner of tho third hotso. It was ruled thit a Jockey cm weirih In, with any araouni of over-weight hut only two pounds uiider-w-dttot. Al selling races -wcrti* made dfaMD'.ng races The expreaa conditions ot races sugar cetlo tlie rules of the tunf c ingress, where they ore In conflict. A slldln* scale of wrtghts for rteqp!<vHi*j» wai » -u a ,1. ...lln'ts.lf IX . . t* 10*1 I ini 4 ottoplted flrtth a trtln'nium of 125 and i maximum of 175 iflounsla. If a ihcrsels Injured nt tbe Jinl tiwm ty minutes shall lie allowed to make i now book and nil bets dhall (be doelaml off. Tihe next meeting of tbe ttirf con gress win fcs Itch! la. *t. I-ouls on Iht tatrt 'Wednesday tn Oetebtr. Everj track which is a naomher of this eon grufa rami: give a *lx dayw* meetInj every year or forfeit Its ntentberrtrtp Any uiendbcr In arrears lt» payment ot pumea sOaaU be expelled. No Jockey tvho owns horses can ride horses foi other owner*. Klectrio llgltl tracks are otfiSawed. NEW YORK AT ATLANTA. Governor Morton Send* a Special 'Me* sago AJbout the Exposition. tAflbany, N. Y., Agtrll 11.—Gorernot Morton sent n message l:o tht Itglebiture traily. In It he my* tha-i tho governor of Geortgia bus otltlrrewe-' letters ho Ithe governors of the sevorn: states attd territories rolling Ilieir nt tenttlon -to the Gorton Htattea atnl Inter natl'-mul Exposition, which Is 1 > ho held at Allan 1 from flegttendber 18 to De eetrtber 31, 1SH5. sftd In rating dates and territories to make exhibits of Ilieir resourroi ond jtrodnot* nnd to semi a liberal rcpnwontailon of theii people. “The scope of thlis expegCinn !, nelth -r seotlonuil nor national, but It lOb'Dried t-> lie ititi-r.’it."I-'in11. ‘The C"rt'"spiralettc-, which has bed JACKSONVILLE'S BONDS. Tbo Colvin Case Keeps the City From 'Making Improvements. Jacksonville, Fla., April It.—Tn the tUnltrd State* circuit court for the southern district of Florida Judge J. W. I»cko today granted a certificate on the question of jurisdiction In the suit of John H. Colvin agslnst the city of Jackaovtlle, which was dismissed by tho supremo court. of the United States April 1, and the cast* now goes back to the supreme court tor a re hearing, This suit wss brought by Colvin, an ex-alderman of Chicago, who owns property In Jacksonville, to restrain the city of Jacksonville from disposing of $1,000,000 of city Improve ment bond*, and wa* dismissed by Judge Locke for went of Jurisdiction on the ground that the complainant's property would bo liable to taxation for a sufficient amount to meet the Interest on the bonds during the life of the bonds to bring tho case within the Jurisdiction of tbe court. An appeal was taken from thl* decision to the su premo court, which dismissed the suit on the ground that tt bad not tteen properly certified to the court from tho court below. The decision of the cir cuit court today In granting the certi ficate takra the case bock to the su preme court, and in the meantime tho city cannot realize on its bonds. . NOT REJECTED STAMPS. The standard OH Company Announces Another Advance tn Prices. Pittsburg. Pa.. April 11—TR* rapid up turn In oil of tbo past week continues. The Standard OU Company has an nounce! that they will pay $1.5* per bar rel at their egsnctes. This le an advance of 15 rente since yesterday. On the Oil City Exchange sales were made at 81.014 this morning. Oil bas Bold os high as tlJt on tho Oil City Exchange today. The market hae since reacted and II la now ottered at 81.70. Many oil men thfnk that ot! will sell st 12 per barrel or over. COUNSEL LINES IS DEAD. Washington. April 11.—Attorney Gen eral Olney was today Jnforrocil of tbe deutb at New Orleans last night of Robert B. Lines, U Washington. D. C.. special counsel for th* government In the Benjamin Well and La Abra (Min ing awe. Linns had been In New Or leans for some time, taking a^lltional evidence'to be presented In tbe hearing of the case before the United stile* spurt of claims, which was set for. ar gument next Monday. Lines was orig inally appointed In the esae by Attorney General mUKt and continued In It by Attorney General Olney. WHITEOAP8 WHIPPED GORE. White City, Fla., April 11—For m I1.iv a land of on trie thieves 'has been operating In thl* section. Kin ney Gov*, a white roan, was suspected rtf /bring ImpOcatnl In tt$> stealing and some t<ne ago received a letter artlertng him to leave toe country. Gore if.-tvgnrehd the letter and last night he was token from hls bom* by u. band of whifacngH and unmer cifully snipped. The whltecaps then waned Got* to tear* in four days. Today Gore and mis family left for potto unknown. WILL GO INTO BLAST. Knoxville. Tenn., April lL-Rlefag Pawn Iren Works. Dade county. Os., will go Into blast Monday after bring toot down five mooths, with orders for six months ahoad. Assistant Postmaster General Craig Bays They Were Counterfeit*. Wssblngton. April l.-Thlrd Assist ant Postmaster Generali K-rr Craig today said that the report that the stamp* made by Ihe supposed counter feiters were really those rejected by tbe postofflee department was untrue, a* rejected stamp* were destroyed by the bureau of engraving and printing. Neither were they a portion of thoae atolen several months ago by an em ploy., of the bureau. He said that they were counterfeit stamps, that be had received a number of them and there was no doubt that they were spurious. He bad no additional Infosmatlou to give out on the subject, except that tbe authorities thought that they were on the trail of the counterfeiters. DEATH OF OAPT. H. A. GfRAY. Pakwloi, 'Fla., April 11,-riSpoclal.)— The many rvtaffivre awl friends of Oa$|. 'II. A. Gray srtH sorrow at tbe news of Ms death, which occurred lu this ety on Wednesday last. Many tom wete mineral with those of the be reared family around hb» pill, and numerotM floral offerings were laid upon Ms hter, stttwe exmrrasloos of the lore nnd ertcem In which this Christ ian gcDtleoxui aifl ex-soUler wore held. A prucesrioo if tbe Blue oral Gray was formed and followed tbe remains to their fast resting place. Rev. 'M. 8. Walfewv of the Preshjlterinn thumb, of wbkh Ithe deceased wai* a member, condtxl <d the funeral sendees In Impressive manner. Copt. Gray sat* a Drily* of TjxuxjII county, <la. leave* • widow and six children to monrn the lorn of s leaping bustnnd and father, besides fiiur grandchildren and one great -grandchild. IT 18 UNOONSTITimONIAL. Ulcmond, Va.. April 1L—The su preme court of appeal* today handed down an opinion written by Judga Keith, In which the Walton election fast ubdu whs unconstitutional. tere.-u have In—n swnialetl <«-.> r ,- their exhibits "lit I- requ-uted nh it 'the stntte pro vide "fllctaiy for repress-nlapdan. In- e coamflsslonrr ivtth rttue hradquirteiv at the fair. I Kill iniit the question ol providing for atnfi representation to the wisdom and dlscrdt nn of the legisla ture. "In musMstlng, Itmvover, that a rev sotnbie sum of money too appropriated to cover 'the crate of jnalntslnlra: a hnulipiMcns toulhling nnd to rt'.fr iy the neoewwry cxgpenaea of such n com- mission, consisting of tnen ami luvuueii, nt may so in to toe autlvrizcL” COM5USBIONEJRS INDICTED. Charged With Accepting a Bribe to Fix a Jury. Birmingham, Ala., April 11.—Tbo Jefferson county grand Jury submitted a lengthy report to JudgeOrecne of the criminal court today, tn which County Commliwloner James L. Nall ta charged -with accepting a bribe. The county commlarionera constitute the jury commiMlonem and tho eeleptlnn of all grand and petty Jurl He* with them. Proceedings for Commissioner Nall's Impeachment will be begun early next week by Solicitor Little, who has been collecting the evidence In the care. FUNERAL OF W. B. GRADY. Aiusota, April tl.—tSpsriri.J—Th* re main* of Mr. Will Grady, brother of tho lamented Henry Grady, will be Interred st Athens tomorrow afternoon. The body, accompanied by Mr*. A. E. Grady, the mother of the deceased, and Capt. J, 8. Murphy of Minot, N. D., where Mr. Orady died on Monday last, will reach Atlanta at noon tomorrow. The caaket will be Immediately traneferrod to thu Air Lino train, and accompa nied by tbo Grady family raid trtende, will be taken st once to Athene, where the funeral will occur loxctrow after noon. CUT RATES TO NEW YORK. Jacksonville, Fla., April It.—Two more hotel help specials—one via the Southern and the other via th* At lantic Coast Line—left th.» city at 10 o'clock tM* morning bound for New York. The Atlantic Coast Line carried about £25 people and the Southern about $00. Each road carried hot d help on otbe rtralns, so that It is dltn- S it to state accurately tbe aptual urines* of each line. For this hurt ness tho cutting of rate* was more energetic than ever before. Ttokcta were sold as low as $*. CORRESPONDENTS MAY STOP. Cbartestno. April 1L—President A. C. Kaufman of the Vanoerbiit BeawvvWLt Association received a letter today from Mr. E. O. Donnell, chairman of tho com mittee of the corsespoodents to visit At lanta about the end of next May in which he warmly acknowledge* the attractive tnvtbriloa of Senator Patrick WaUh and himself to stop over at Greenville to tho Imposing memorial aervtces there lo the late Rev. Dr. Wells at '-hat time. The committee will bo called together' by Mr. Dunnetl to formulate a plan tt poeilble It Is urgently hoped that they will ac cept. ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. Norfolk. Va.. April 11.—A. Coke Smith, Jr., th# slxtson-year-old »m of Rev. Dr. A. Coke Smith pastor ot a church ■war this city, accidentally killed him self this morning near Virginia beach, while on a gunning expcdl’lon with Dr Riddick.