The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 15, 1895, Image 3

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WEEK PARTIES natives and Liberal Unionists Seem to Intend Leaving Each Other. fSiOSIST INFLUENCE WEAK. ttn\\y Tllllr C»ndld*lM Iltn Hern g lecl td iiy conservative Voiei— jiueki on Chamberlain to Ulomr—Wild* Affair. THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: APRIL 15, 1895. I^ndon. April lB.-What the Spec- itor calls ihe worst political omen of L men': in the .growing rift in the oDsftvaUvo-IAbenal Unionist olUunce. formui <rootles between the Lj eis of the Oonscnvutilvcs and Lib. .jl Union ipartiea, the former pledge ltSn ..iv.-s to the support of the cun- of the Unionist* In all the eon- luencies HitWh the tatter held when deserted Mr. Gladstone on the rule issue. At each elec- s ;ne> that time the Influence of » Unionists bis been vl*'bly lov-en- Ul the CJinllil ites elected rly have owed their success to seisutive rotes. Itcpemted eolKs- f which have taken pl-ite In the Lueut of 'the claims of the rival ,)dates at the elMtr’.ons huve U last Ujnoeil the Conservatives that they | do itnmoisureibly batter alone. LdS imtemt wi«h the alllauce which i tine been prevalent among the trank and ftle. tnts recently refl-ct- t.v the at tacks made upon Mr. nji’ieivtin In the Standard it tut other servative party papers, ontl the sen s State Solve ddc hv tho pause In Mr. Ohmln-rftln'.s Binning- u organ that the aVUmce between two anti-home rule parties could : he maintained unless the Convert- L, ipjld due respect to rhe opinions the Unionist leaders. The strain «great ly increased when Mr. Cb-aoi- bin and other Uotlonlsis voted for il.seruMlriuuent of the Welsh - h. The torles declare that the r isight to convert uhc whole Oon- eitlve iprog cam tike and contend tbit Hi.- Unlunists cannot sttp[K«rt it In entirely they at least ought Hot to openly hostile to the leading prin ts if the f itswcvatire (.any. funsideraUlo pceesuie hits been udht ui»>n I.ord Salisbury anal Mr. if ur avKb a view of luMMlng a i Wnveeti the l ories and ihe Churn- la u faction, hut it has onto’ bad the vt t > • nHst an opinion fi«iu each Livorstie to any action teinl tig to Aen the alliance st the present Hoavcver, there Is o strong be- in the luucr c.roles :f the Con- fvatlve party that If Uhe core dig gen- I election y: id the party votes utli lo dispense with the Chamber- J cl que, me tory leaders will gladly :• the ippnrtunCtjr to throw theta rtnanl. ’Die Bp s-iutir ui.ikea tho itention th:l the tlHiauce s still the wmo to ilia, situation anti ex- s* s rhe .pinion that the success of pirty avlhout It to impossible pc'.t!? have deckled to SUp- the morion of Mr. John Tomlin- !’• tuner, lAberal member far,the Freeh division of CJtesh'r.a, pr>pan ti a'lid sh tlie custom o' siiumi >u- the house of commons to »*•-• house l.als to hutr the rorsl sss-aat to the observance of which Is one rtt - fav remaining praetces recall- the old-okne subserviency of the •c of. counnoiH do tho houso of b Mr. Brunner, In his motion, tends that a custom compelling the 'hi r UII.I the member* of thy rep- ■utatlve legislit:ve body to trudge > the house eg hards to • ake part ill ludicrous Is too degrad- to the lower bouse to bo any longer rated. % Nie radicals Instst that if 't Is nec- try to carry oU; Imitations of royal -nt tn the presence of Ixvib houses peers ought to be ris|Ulr«sl to come th- too us.- of commons, cr.l Roots',- r ts still suffering trail 'mvHtont attacks of Insomnia und loiiytucions eotkttnue ha ovaUee h m go abroad far a long iFrijd of rest, utatless he would be to do so for the uncentutnty of the polite*! on. Speaker, which la reputed to an Inspired governm.tit organ, has 1 gravity to the France-Englleh mean 'tap declaring that French ■cuatinn of Tunis must precede or sty. fCngkih evncuatlon of During the pm sent nefftlatton* een England sod France the qure- of Egypt has cant aalsen except am- ita«d with the Brhish claims in the t Nile valley. If the disputes shall nally referred to • Eurotoeun con- ooe, they win Include the Egypchn •an an<< the .obvious deahm at Eng- 1 is to In. ode Tunis ska. acral of the provincial chAmbers ■ "-iouiert-e are folio whig the example tie La salon ohmmbaw of commerce aemurfahslng the governenl to take otive measures to secure nba wufer of the Nik* from Aiputaaja to Fa ta. The government's order lor the pletlou of the Uganda and Mam as railway gooses an earnest tnten- on Che part of England to maintain claims to the U|iper Nile igabere. v.TSiaan of the treaty of peace be ta China and. Japan which comes the nwy or Berlin amectn that Japan 'lords proofeiesotiul bnpnrt dut'sw over woods at other countries under a «e fixing a tariff to 2 per cent, upon 'oOghal cat of Imports, tho same iff applying to goods manufUrtund Jatones., la China. It is reasoneal as the original cost of Jakoxnem uAacturors W lower than the other 'Ulrica, rhe clause will giro Japan "tal aoKsntages under saxnblancw of ardallty. oe Armenian onmmiasFn have re- "d through nfmuu from the al- >1 mimini In Armenia and these 'hies wvre reestved by Mr. Qlad- • trslap. The Globe’s ooriwgsasltnt oastsMnople reasserts that nsstt of •t ries of the Armenian horrors ' I area Invented tar Interested per- *• and are’part of the propaganda an organised polUhwl campaign ''t the Porte. The BpenkeFs Coa- utlaople representative, who chtlrne •p. ale on authority, ailmiu that the ’"••nlans in BsHstsn rebelled in tan f'.ugbt a euccawful battle with Kurls of whom they klllal mots n S>0. This la mentioned as drawing rtound far the expedition of the against the Armenlana In 1SJI. me correspondent attempts to ate th., effect of the comDig report ArfTV'h'tn rtf In/inlrv Turio.'iT'v? 11 ®? by Avmentana upon Turks in Moost, and other places Tear aoTnal "' <We <•«•>* bas led to the ,W V men wl, ° were tmtiLta'ted rooSS of ?' reet scandal. In the rooms or one of them, J. c. Goodchild * latry 'wurollr.g the e?«a e? f°“« but nothing was dtocov r v|“dng to Wilde, the revels- Of a* n-iiahi T*” 1 ,ht ‘ r *ntlflc»tioiia tost Uli r ° f vloe aru almost Willed mLi 1 ~ h< f H 'btunHptrcd that f r,en, . , > Taylor, ts the sou of a 2? h‘“.^r^^'So-Amer. Aran Jouualkt .bios ltuiUlukil level th , e Brtllsh 00n *tTl*Tn ,,,V“ **»»• ground that the consul nn b c * c "^ that he (Sherrerd) was a i associate of Wilde and was guilty wWcSS. 10 llWBe With SS win he J?nl V ' J *?‘L? uche " of Marlborough nil 6,0110 n° un<1 » a year upon ^^ reWofal. to whom she * s e«gieU to be marriM. marrh < ^ Ut ‘ e . 0lf beaded by the A'wtz at Mrs - RACE OF OCEAN STEAMERS. The Lucanla Beat the Paris With Somo Time to Sparc. New York, April U.-The steamship Lucaula, which arrived here late Fri day aud got up to her dock early this morning, nude an excellent spring voyage, consuming on the trip but live days, eighteen hours and forty-two minutes. The voyage wa* devoid of incident until the afternoon of the , U. w !f e „ the sm °ke of a steamer was sighted fur ahead on the port side. At dusk the steamer was made out to be the American Hue steamship Paris, whlclt has beaten the Luounla In heavy ' v . , a f h<u !- 1<>ruln d**' moment lbs decks Of the litter ware black with the ex cited passengers. The engines were hooked up aud the two ships forged through the tranquil sea as fast as their propellors could drive them. OU that day the Luclanu steamed MO knots end the Pnrls B07 Capt. Watkins of the Paris de scribed the sight at night is the p<and- cst he over saw on Ihe .cean. The steamers were three miles aiiart sod lights blazed from every port hole and glattc d far out on ae wver, which was as ltnooth as glass. At » o'clock the steamers were .lead abeam. wh>»e the moon shone witii wonderful brilliancy. For half an hour th\* rhlps Jew along a* If locked ♦ojritlHf, to.' Luclanu forged ah.-ad and in the re* malulng 2.060 knots beat the Paris :nto port by six hours and nineteen minutes. THE NEW TORPEDO BOATS. A Baltimore Concern Gets the Con tract for All Three. Washington.April 1J.—3»t.etary Hu bert bsd decided to award the con struction of two of the torptlo boats to the Columbian Iron Works of Bal timore, Mil., and one of them to the Union Iro Works of san Franclnco, but today he changed his mind and awarded the contract for building all three of the sea-going torpedo boats to the Columbian Iron Works of Bal timore, Md., awarding none to San Francisco, as was at first Intended. The boat* will be shout 138 tons Git- placement and will have a speed of about 24 knots. The vwwels, exclusive of armor, will cost 897,600 apiece. The Columbian Iron Works were the tow- cst bidders. The secretory also directed that the torprpdo boats authorised by the last naval aproprtntlon bill shall be larger and fuster than those contracted lor. with this result In view he directed Chief Constructor Hlckborn to prepare plans lor vessels of tao tons displace ment. to have a speed of 27 knots. BOYD’S TERRIBLE VOYAI7E. Left Adrift at Sea. the Only Passen ger on a Barge. Savannah. Ga.. April U.—The ichoon- cr Fostlna, which arrived here today from Boston toad on board II. c. ltovj of Norfolk, who was taken tront a barge at sea last Tuesday about tr elve miles east of northeast off Uape Charles Llrli.sliip. The barge had been adrift since Mouday night at 8 o’clock, nav- Ing parted from the tugboat Then as A. Bain during a storm and heavy sea. There were two railroad barges belong ing to the Norfolk aud Cape Charles RaUrotid lashed together, aud were be ing towed by the tug boat from Wil mington. Del., to Norfolk, Va. The young naan Boyd was the only per son on board of the barges. They got out of tho capes Saturday night, and were struck by a storm. The hawser parted, and the tug to save herself put back to Norfolk end left the tourges and Boyd to the tuercy of the wave*. Boy,I hod nothing to eat or drink from Saturday night until 8 o’clock Tuesday, when taken off and cared for by the captain of the Fostlna. Capt. Phi I brook sent Boyd home tonight by rail. BIG EXCITEMENT IN OIL SOUTH GEORGI The Fluid Changing Hands on tho Exchangt s at Figaros Above the Market, WILD BUYERS AT I'ITTSBURG. Purchase** Found for a nig L*ot at Tan Ceuta More p»r llarrel Than the Standard OU Company Paying. Pittsburg,Pa., AprillJ.-Theell ex citement contluutw ut the oil exchange, crowds of people gathering there nil day. The new quarters were entirety Inadequate to accommodate the throngs Interested in oil this morning. Many old-lime brokers, producers and specu lators crowded the new quarters, which were filled up long before tho market opened. When It w«a an nounced that the Standard had set a prlee of 81.78 per barrel as the price they would pay for Pennsylvania oil at their purchasing agencies the crowd could not keep quiet unUl the ex change markets opened. At the tap of the gong at 10 o’clock 81.78 was bid for the main option. There were no sellers, aud not until 81.96 wig reached could anybody bo persuaded to part with certificates of the greasy fluid. At 81.96 s lot of u.OOO barrel* that had been probably purchsed at a much lower figure was sold. This was tho only sale recorded on the Pittsburg exchange. A* oil City the exdtofent was even greater than here and reports from there sav that the old^lmo brokers and speculators, together with a large num ber of ladles filled the exchange to Its utmost capacity. Sales were mad* on that exohnuga at 81. The advance for the day over the closing price on Thursday amounts to 31 cents and for the week 88 cents. What the market will do Monday is the topic uppermost In the minds of those Interested. Borne think the Standard will pay 82. or the price oil was traded lu at the exchange. Others are on the fence and do not know what to think. At any rate producers are very active and drilling is going on as it has never before In the past ten yearn. , Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. COLLEGE DOORS BARKED. Americns, Hie Queen city or soutn- vest Georgia—Hcr Present find Future. WILL NOT STAND STILL. Her Adrantagei, tier Industrie*, Schools ~Iinp»OT*menta and Pnbllo Spirit, \nd tho Men Who Represent llsr Graphically Presented. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. CARS BURNED UP. A Tank Car caught, and All of the Train Biased up. Charleston. 8. C., April It—A specie! from Sumter, S. c., to the News and Courier nays: Intelligence wan received today of an unusual accident to a freight train on the Manchester end Augusta rail road. A train ccneletlng of fifteen cars and one tank car filled with kerosene oil was burned near Rtrntnt about 10 o’clock i this morning. It It said that an axle under the tank broke and a hole waa knocked In the tank. The oil waa spiffed along the track and be came Ignited. Almost Instantly the en tire train was In a blase, and It waa wVh difficulty that one car next to ihe engine and throe on the rear end were saved. The loss to the railroad com pany will be very heavy, aa all Ihe care, eleven in number. In addition to the tank, were loaded with merchan dise. The amount of losa Is unkonwn. Rebellious Sudents Shut Out by the President. Chicago, April 12.—A special from Little Rock says: The trouble involving the fortunes of the Little Rock Uni* vanity hat tlnally resulted la that in stitution being closed. President W. F. Shedd, the casus belli, bas left the city, and tbs faculty la left without a job. The property Is owned and entirely controlled t>y tho Southern Educational Society at Cincinnati—a chUd of the Northern MeUxkUat ahurou. When Ihe recent troubles and dif ferences arozo between President Shedd and the students, resulting In the re fuse! of -he latter to r*m»la la the school while he was president the fac ulty endeavored to oontkiue the school, but President Shedd locked and barred the doors of She recitation rooms, gave Ihe resident students notice to leave the building within four days: noti fied parents of day pupils to keep their children away If they wished to avoid trouble, and kept a deputy Sheriff on tbt premises to enforce his commands. IN THE PROMISED LAND. Negroes Who Sailed from Savannah Bale In Ubsria. Philadelphia, April 12.-News was re ceived In Oils city that the steamer Horsa, which sailed from Philadelphia soma weeks ago for Savannah and thers took on board two hundred tml- grama for Liberia, had arrived at Mon- rovla, and after safely tending her .passengers h*d proceeded to Barbados.. From the Utter place she will return h Tha next contingent of emigrants will be shipped from this city. They will come from various sections of tire Ron tit and will b# sent out from Phltsdelphla because of better shipping twilltles at this port. Those who have gone to Liberia to live hmve each been provided with a piece of land and three month» i.TO- vlalona. One of the purposes of sending them our from this clly Is the eventual ewiMIshment of a line of Uitmetn from here to Liberia. M’KINLEY AND STEVENSON. doles of tho Obmmtttemen of Both Par ties From KeS York. New York. April 12.-W n canto*. ®* the Republican and DemocratW national ceramtttaeman printed by the Kv.Mn* T.twram today. William McKinley. Jr., and A dial E. Stevenson load la the race (or (be respective presidential nomlna- ,t Tba figures aro-RXpubtlcen: WUIteni McKinley. Jr., U; Benjamin Harrleon. 4; Thomas B. Reed. 4: William H. Allison, 2; Leri P. Morion. I; John Bhsrmaa, 1; Henry M. Teller. L Democratic—Adlal E. Sievsnaon, 9; Governor Botes of Iowa. 2: Matthews, 1; Wtmain C. Whitney, I; C. & Thomas of Denver. 1; Postmaster General Wtntam L Wilson. L Chicago la In the highest favor ee the convent** city, nod the tariff and fiaan. rial questions are haltered to be the Is sues upon wtacti the campaign will bo conducted. WHITECAP8 FOUND GUILTY. Armenian ccsnmMosi of Inquiry rrtlng ttrat a rasas of ake teetl-aSB lias tew, furT.MW Inrtoding eh* . • tlwee prl- s who w-<t pout I ret r for their -vWVnoe an l that I Wi f' ’ ; -u-rs 1.,, . m btand In Urge 11 r to a long list of ntroc- 1 aio Tho Jury Returned a Verdict Against Thorn for Conspiracy. 'Atlanta, April 11.—The Jury lo the Joint Quarles soil David Butler rase returned a verdict of guilty tonight. The Jurors were out twenty-four hours. These defendants wee tried for con- wMrlng to bang Hiwry Worley, an In former on llbclt distillers in Murray and neighboring round*. Several IndictmeMa are pend log againts whltarappero cMtrged with Hen ry Worley's murder. CLEVELAND'S RETURN. Washington, April 13.—Commissiiner Miller, head of the Internal revenue bureau, waa at tbs white .louse today, and paaatd aome time with ••resident Cleveland. K lo stated that during the interview Ihe president solved * t®*ra tlons as to the particular lo addle be Jm In making his Income tax j tern—New York. Buzsard'a Bar or I ’ashlngvm—by making his , Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. A DEMOCRATIC ORGAN. Senator Brice and HU Friends Buy n Columbus Paper. Columbus. Ohio, April 18.—Tha Co lumbus Post-Press was sold at receiv er's sals today. Edward Colston of Cin cinnati, Ohio, secured it for 824.1ft. U was announced that Colston represent ed John R. McLtan of Cincinnati, but after the sale be said ha represented a syndicate la which are Senator Brice, ex-Governor ItoadTy and other Demo crats. Ho said the paper would be con tinued as n Democratic organ. SOLICITOR RESIGNED. Artaass, April 12.- .dpeolaD-Govwntr Atkteaon today received and accepted the rerinxSlnn of C. C. West. ac'.K-nor at the ooussy court of Butte county. Aa yet there are no K1 ■■ ants for the place. COMING TO ‘Washington. Api Hoke Stnltb left Wa tad bending It to :cr of Internal revenue commte Ir. 'person. hs Atlanta, Ga. ATLANTA. 11 li.- <6«cr ibioftoB this ’ vUlt w> AthtQl tary Amadeus, April 13.—OSpocIn!.)—£n- tWronod) mldwl farreachlng ntretohes of tortile country. In touch with nil sections through her railroad oounec- tkma, Atnericua is Indeed the metropolis of Southwest Georgia. It soemeil to mo oe I (Walked the streetn this bright spring morning and noted the number of her business establishments-the sir of thrift and solidity—on earegr hand, that Atnericua, In the reollgment of tho IndUrtrfal conditions that will rule In tho near future will receive the re- cngnUon to which ehe la Justly enti tled. At the risk o' being cooetdered a visionary optimist. I predict that In ton years Aroericue will oontadi not lo* Khan 26,000 Reputation, and be not only the Queen Ctty of Southsrcst Geor gia, but a lange and thriving manu facturing centra. Her location and rail road firilitie* justify this belief. The Carnegie Iron and Steel company traps port Iron ore from the era boa id, elth-r sit Philadelphia or Baltimore, not loon than 200 miles to their furnace*. Coal and <»ke are a Utile nearer by, but Americus to hi direct connection with one aisiwns cuss uenis wm fur tuoes; and when capital stops, ns It will, to comtder her other advantages, tuitm for ooal, coke and tone stone w ill be secured that will make U not only ImesTble but profitable to lorate steel furnaces at this point. Whh tbeae, and preonkng these will oame other Indus trie* begotten by,the demands of an Increasing imputation, for the usual Dbmvver does not realize or appreciate tve force and volume of the movement that (MS turned Us way southward, slaw at first, aa the days com* end go It j* gathering new Impetus, and it car ries with It the preesage of new fortunes and bnUhter aud better days for Ueor- G'iU—Gvrl bless her—than sho ever knew. That Americus will be beptiu-d In tne goklen flood of tbe induatrist tide that k) suiting in goes without esytog. And she detorvee to be. Never in tbe history of Georgia can mere be found a place, whoeo.representative < own risk- eu more to wtu, and who were more deserving of success; and they stand uro|>ared totey to meet all comers hall rosy und not only welcome, but Join them In the work Of upbuilding and devekpment. The social ton* of Americus Is marked by alt that makes a desirable communi ty. It* pubkn schuvl system la one of the finest In the state. A perfect *>•*- *“»„«* —Vrtagv; fkxxrio Ugiua, fine public and bu*,uess bulldiiu*, •■-' the •"tel'* on every hand of a dainty and reflnarl hones Ul«, inaku up an at- -o eornoosneov. mu leus (ur an industrial future lu-iv. A guano factory cupltal 8U~.—■ (*-. ter fariorGo. , u,>u| (jmm- funJiure tSsaasw auiital jiinsej ESsi woirs, tape tut )3u,Ou0; Americu* Con- ■truction o iqroiy, capital stone non. ur "’ lv wortt ®' v*pltal 126,- u ' » two , oomjir'uues, a broom factory, n 1 ', *“•**>*•>• «hil <«r worka fotro the list of manufacturing plauta already In operation. v The list of tbs prominent business houses of Americus, whose representa tives have mad* for her a Imputation second to none in th* South, are de serving of mention. Its banks v- been the feundadon and bulwark in the pe riod *f depression nearly past, and thty are emitted to head the list. Tbe Bank of Burner, corner at La mar and Jackson atreets—o. A. .'ole- man. president; A. T. Matthews, vice- president, and D. K. Brinson, cashier. The People s Nations) Bank, Windsor block—Baacom Myrlok president, John Windsor cashier, Lester Windsor as sistant cashier and H. C. Mitchell book keeper. Tua Uauk of Commeree, wind er Mock—J. 'W. Sheffield president, Frank Sheffield cadiler and Lot War ren assistant enabler. Tbe Planters' Bank on Forsyth street—O. W. Council president, Charles M. Council' cashier. The Bank of Southwest Georgia, cor ner of Forsyth »nd Jackson streets— Major 41. Speer president, W. H. C. Dudley enabler, A. W. Smith assist ant cashier,- and W. M. Jones book keeper, form n quintette of banking houses that nr* fully competent to meet ill demands of a city of 34,000. Tbs Judicious character of their man agement has dotfe much to uphold busi ness interests and credits. In the lines of (rad* th* Americus Grocery Company, O. W. Glover pres ident, Frank Lanier vice-president, and R. 8. MoMsth secretary and treas ury. occupies a place In th* front rank of Georgia firms. Windsor, Whit ley, Hudson A Bro., Windsor ulock. C. B. Whllsy, manager. Is another Douse dint enjoya a large .trade, and occu pies • prominent place among the lead ing firms of the state. Tbe Sheffield, Huntington Company, wholesale hardware. C. A. Huntington president, J. W. Sheffield, vice-presi dent, and C. A. Huntington, Jr., man ager, corner of Jackson and Forsyth street*, enjoys n tarts trade, and Its name Is a synonym (or lnMCBty and fair dealing. , The Davenport Drug Company, W. T. Davenport president, D. T. Daven port manager, enjoys a reputation for fair dealing second to none, -.nd de serves (he eucoess It has earned. Ruseell A Co., wholesale confection ers, are alsosenmtng to tbe tront their line of trade. The Americus Produce Company, M. Cubed manager, ts another house that Is a credit to America*. la th* line* of retail trad* th* dry goods Asms of Gtfirfit I>. Wheatley, cor ner Limont and Cotton avenue; Pink ston Company, Cotton avenue: Wheat- ley A Anstey, Jackson street; Allen, Ctegg A Co.; A Rytander A W. D. Bailey, In hoots and ahoes; J. C. Nlch- atom. H * Harris. A. J. Buchanan, J. A. S ailings, Baglay Grocery Com pany, Perry A Brown. H. •». Witts. Briton Bros., and E. D. Ansley. retail grocers; J. W. Harris and H. J. File A Co.. In hardware, tad Dr. B. J, ndriflg*. Dr. W. A. Rambert: and Mims A Hudson, druggists, are lending houses of the city. In the Windsor Hotel and Allen House Americus to supplied with bo*- Ulrica that are n credit to her—the cuisine of the Allen having already earned It a deserved reputation. Hon. Charles F. Crisp, who** repu tation to national, J. J. Hnnesly, J. S'. Scarborough. E. J. EH ridge. Arthur Rytander, B. T Mexhows, John wind ier. J. w. Sheffield. C. A. Huntington. Major M. flpeer, A. W Brolth, J. A. Davenport, U. B. HarroVl, H. R Johnson, George D. Whi-s'i.y, Thorn too Wheatley. Ool. 8. H Hawkins, j D. Shipp. C. R. Whitley, Georg* H Fields. A. A. C lemen. II. D. V O. W. Glover, Freak Lanier. V Dodson, W. 41. Hawks and Judge AUe for Infants and Children. T HIRTY ynam' ohqprYatlon of Cantorin with th«* pntrnnagry of million* of persons, permit n* to *pon.’i of it withont uuoHblnflr. It fa nnqaastionably tlf beat remedy for Infantw and Children tho world linn ever known. It is harmless. Children like it. It gives them hrulth. It will savo flit ir lives. In it Mothers have somothlng which 1* nh sol a inly safe and praotloally psrftct ae a child’s medicine. Castorla destroy Worms. Castorla allays Fevorlshnass. Castorla praventa vomltiog Soar Card# Castorla onros Diarrhas and Wind CoUq Castorla relieves Toothing Troubles* . i Castorla oaros Constipation und Flntnlenoy, Castorla nentralUos tho effooiw qf oarbonlo acid gas or poisonous air, Castorla does not oontaln morpltlnog oplmn* or other narcotlo property, Castorla asslmll^toa tha food> rognlataa tho atomooh and how els, giving healthy and natural sloop, Castorla la pnt op In ona-slao hottles only. It ia not sold to fmlh. DonH allow any one to sell yon anything olso on tho pica or promise that It is **jnst a» good ,f and “trill nnswor crory pnrposh,” See that yon gat OA«g*T»Q«R»I*A. The fao-slmllo slgnatnro of U on every wrapper* Children Cry for Pitchers Casioria. Fort form a partial list of 'ttat repre sentative men, who are most promi nent In the social, political and busi ness life of Americus. For ability. In tegrity and aH that an Intelligent American manhood signifies, I will march them against (heir number from any part of the lend. REHBARINO ASKED. Motion to Be MiuD In mo Supremo Court on Mond-iv. Washington. April 1*.—A motion fur n rehearing ot tbs Income tax ;asea decided by tbe supreme court of ibe United State* will be made by W. D. Guthrie of couuael for tho stickhold- ets In the Farmers' and C»vlnentil Trust Companies, end the printed motion will be distributed imong the Justices next Mouday. The proceedings win be done without the personal In tervention of counsel and -to eoo.'l tbe filing of the motion will be mstlo unless It should be granted. Tbe prob able action of the court W a uiv.’.-r <>f pure speculation. To grant the no tion under tho practice of the court laid down in the cane of th- 8a. Louis pn*>t|o schools vs. Wtlk-r (Ninth Wal lace) would require tils request of of the (our Justices who vote ! to m> bold the constitutionality -r th* law, and whoth-r one of this would do tin. cannot, of evut,-. fcc- told until th* decision of the court upon the motion shall be considered. In the Ht. Lou.s case tbe court ssld that "that -vhero the court do;* not of Jts own morion order a re-hcarlng It shall no In or.ter (nr counsel to submit a motion with out argument. If any Justice who con curred in Ihe opinion of tne court ask* that it be do* a rehearing will ht granted; otherwise It will Ss dented, of course.” Should the motion for a rehearing be granted by the court It will, in *11 probability, be aocompanted bv an or der setting aside Ihe Judg.nenl an nounced last Monday ad restoring 'he case to the docket for reargum.nt. This would have the offert of revlvirg th* law as passed by congress unMl the case was again disposed of. INCOMES FOR GAMBLING. CoUebtor Breckinridge Makes fin Orig inal Under the Z*iw. Lexington, Kjr„ April Ul.—Daputy Codecs or of Intern* I Revenue Dral,n Breuklnridco, wbo 4s eepectnMy de oiled to collect ncome tax, tsia rutod that: nil Cncomes coming wtthtn the pro- vision* of the tessr derived from win nings for 1WH on horse raring. !*>krr, rotflotte or lottery most be returned by th>> w.imers on next Monday or they will suffer tbe penalty preeorlhed In tbe sdt. 41 r. Broiklnrulse quote* sev eral postages In the Income (as bid to prove that hi* decision '• correct, end in addition he holds that no account trill be taken of losses. The law. he says, oxjdlriily stakes that d durtlon frr.m losses osnnot be made In horse racing or any other form of Aunbtlng. This w.te first moile pffMbi beer to.toy. and tt has struck coaster- natton t» surti bevvy igfiruhkors a* Byron iMeOMtaml, lUIny Griniwi, J. H. Agfileetlc.' MiFon Young, W. S. Barnes, II. ladcenan and othm. Wheo lUby wu Sck, w* gar* tar Caatorla. When dw was a CWM, toe cried f or Chstals. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Hie Clyde line steamship Croatnn, Whldh sprung a leak while cn route from Now York, haa at Wll- mtngton, N. C., having j ettleoned about 76 tons ■>( her cargo of tnerohaodlse. The Jury hi the case of Marion Toole, on trial at Aiken, 8. C., for murder of Capt. Julian 41. Khutt on March 16 last, twnught In n verdict at nunslnughter. The (vise hes ezolletl unusual attention on account of tho social 'prominence of Capt. Khett and previous character of Toole.' The nasoctatod phosphate companies of Ocnla, Fla., nine co-operative com- K ntea and aeveral volunteer companies ve shut down, throwing 1,004 negroes and 100 whites out of work. The rea son assigned to that cost of mining exceeds the price received for phos phate. When aU had Chlldrsa, she gave them Castorla. MURDERED A CHILD. A Railway Agent ArrrWed For Com mitting « Horrible Crime. Bow on, April Ul.—A mystoclas mar. dec was brought to light Kris afternoon by FStrohnsU tVrtens who found dm body of fbyrer-rid Ahcs Sterling In a newty-msdo grove 4n tbe celtar of a stable on the Demy edt-Me In the Dor chester district. The little girl bo* been mtaWng from her home Knee last Wwlneedsy, end on she (Was Inst seen In company wtafa so unknown man, it w»* bettered Unit ehe tsul hern kkl- nipped. The poke* went to work on the owe '.n • careful manner and In n shari- rime heoisnc askaAed ihat last man she vm m<q with won Angmt D. Gilbert, d list station agent si the Sav log HtU station ->f the New York. Nnw Haven and ‘Hurtf-ml milruad. 11* ass *rr.*ted. ood 3s he had a room In the Denny thnt tran Hesrehtst and the mut lis -l r.mi'r- of th- girt found In the criter. No motive (a ascribed, but It is conjectured that the child was out rag ■! and then UUud to tcuontl kbu ttrutorir**' PUBLIC HALE. By virtue of a power of sale, con tained In n iloel of trust cxi-'uti'il l>y Thomas HIM, to the Southern 1 ,I iin« and Ixwn Anmvclution, I ; , re.-.i-lsd In the clerk's ..ili c,r i:ibh .. In book of d,--l» n„. PStoC Win III Tu • -sti, tli- folio nty. to the hnrru-st t The ortta lu if No nrt fronting th- :th m l ■ of (' filin', (now llolniis) street, forty-one fret. nine tinck same wliih one hundred end n In nty-four fei-t, to lot No. 27, bounded on the wrst by nn alley, be ing the same dee,|n| to Thomas HIM by Stuphra Collins, by deed listed Jan uary third, eighteen hundr. fi and sev enty, nnfi recorded In clerk's olfice of Iltbb ouunty superior court. In book of deed* W„ page flfty-ihre*. Hold land In the county of lillib. Sabi dik'd made to sacure an Imlebt- edneo* uposv which b« now due for prin- dpaJ, Interest, <lues, fines etc., the sum of nine hundred and twenty do!- Isra. and nlmwy-three doll ms wml stxly- one cents na attorney's fee*; and Ihe further sum of Ihe cost of this notice. Default having been made In tho pay- moot of dues. Interest, fines, etc., for more than alg months before this date. Bold os the property of Thomas Hill. Thta April Ml. IMS. BOUTIIERN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. JAN. A. THOMAS, Attorney. By lb) president, L. «L LUTTRELL. PUBLIC SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contain ed In a deed of (rust executed by Sir*. Ella MrKea. to the Southern Bulbllng and’ Loan Association, which deed to recorded In the Office of the clerk of th* superior court of Bibb county, In the book of deeds. No. (7. page 2*1. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in 4tay next, between (he hours of eleven and twlve o'clock, a., before the court' bouse door In the city of Macon, Bibb county. Oa„ to the highest bidder for cash, the bllostni described property, as set forth In said deed: All that tract of land tying and being In Bellevue, a suburb or the city of Macon. Ga, and known In the plan oc Bellevue aa Iota on* and two. In Mock thirty, fronting two hundred and eight feet on American Boulevard, and front ing two hundred nnd eight feet on Do ver street, thence along a ton foot alley two hundred and eight feet, and fnxn thence back to starting point In Bibb county. Os., Raid dwd mad* to secure an Indebted- neea, upon .which ta now diu- and paya ble th* sum at fifteen hundred and ninety-six dollars and forty-three cento, on April lMh, 18*5. for principal. Int.-r- and dura. Insurance and and on* hundred and fifty-nine dollars and ■xtyrttasn cent* an attorney's fees, awl the further coo* of this adverttrament. Default In the pay ment of dues. Intern*, taxes and Insur ance having been made for more than »>« moot!** brtore this notice U nude and given. Bold aa the property of Mrs. Ella McRea. This April 8th. 1895 SOUTHERN BUILDING AND LOAN NOTWW1 TO THE HTOCKHOLDERS OF TID3 NORTH MACON LAND CO. In the suit at John tv. Johnston, trustae. *t. al. vs. the Nortn 4!acon Land Cbmpiny and the Mai-on and Suburban Lml Company, garnishes on note. In Bitab superior court; To the North Jlacon Land Company and the stockholder* thereof, you and each of you are hereby notified that suit was connn gieed in flavor of the plaintiff's against the d>Fendxnta returnable to th* April term of Bibb superior court. It*, and that we purpose to hold not only the defendant corporation liable for the drill sued aa aforvrinld. but also oil the mangsir* aud stockboldcis thereof. Macon, Ga., March 111, UK. JOHN W. JOHNSTON, _ _ Trustee, et. al.. Plaintiff* By tbeir Attorney*. C. C. Kltabe, . 8. A. Cruu.p B'riKa