The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 18, 1895, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: APRIL 18, 1895. 3 m Id I. Firm Enjoined From Making I Any Uetnrns to tlie Tax Collector. L roil COUNSEL’S CLAIM. I (f pirrcl. Ud If Sot Direct II lulform ,„l.l the SI,000 Fine for Falling ,0 minra. April 15.—Judge Stoowalter, L'Ditol States court this tnora- , |nt ,l Siegel, Coqpy & Co. from 4n - return to the Internal rev- ■ i' leil!<> r under I'he protisions of come tax law. restraining onfor was granted ,ill tiled by Gerhnn Siegel, one NoW York stock’solders In the .rp .ration, bill attacks the tow, and under l T granted this momlug the jneat will be compelled to take L |ti _. proceedings to defend the i„ M of the new tow. the attorney for Mr. Siegd l the li.ll ,to Judge Bbowalter e- asked for an ptp'anatlou of toatlon. is the last day for the return of ,nie tax to the oolledtor of in- ivenue,” said the ntioorney. client ipridestis against his Arm 5* payment of the Income tax w; | : . lie maintains that the entirety is un:institutional, is Sut «a order restradn-lsg i „f Siegel, Cooper & Co. from c its return today. If not grunted would be liable ,to an Impost- t $1,000 Arte for f living to make So waiter took the application Ifvr reading it, mad; the restrain- lor. A bond of *4.000 will bo .lav. sin nee of the -»rder of the the firm escape* Che payment of should the supreme court, the question w'jj be carried, jalnttt the complainant. Siegel ill his bill raises all of fcjectelons thait are involved In wine tax dispute, tncltuilng these i by the supreme court of tlie 1 States last week. His grounds unconistftutionaftty of the act forth in .tho following order: provisions of the income tax icontU utional, null and void, and [eatable upon the dafendairt's In- r profits it is a direct tax, in rc- reil estate and in respect to mat property, by tovy ng im- n the profits and Income there- iloh dtraeit tuxes arc not In and act apportioned itnoug the sev- as required by the cons li ef rile United States, not a direct tax, the tux Is not ■ as required by the collet l tu- The profits of many corporations it to less ItniD $ 1,000, and said imposed upon aurti corpora tims, gh individuals carrying on and mting similar business under like :ion« and haying Uk; property i, ami quantities and Incomes, arc bled by tho not from the phv« 1 tax. tax is not uniform bioauso your ’his an anmttl income, and, aa liif irmn], numerous holders cf in evaporations likewise have an- innoinea of less than 5-1,000, and leet of such payment would bo to and diminish tho dividends of s-.-oklhelders and compel them to iml pay tho tax, although other ■ of theiutne class, gimllarly sk:- ivhnso Income Is less ihau 54,000, K'unpted. is not a uniform tax 1n that it w upon 1 tarn cent, of tho popu- of the Untied States and the lb per cent, are exempted, ul- they bokl nmon 1 ’ rhemadves ’Wter part of all property, real rsonal, In the United States, is not uniform In that a tax rf cut. is Imposed upon all inouies ,1 by gift or inheritance, while nllar ,ttix 4s Imposed on real estate ‘ed under cond'i*tlocs similar It Is not a uniform tax In t exinivpm front Its operations nil 1 Insurance companies, whose Bg- >■ Wealth Is 51.200,000.000, and es the tax upon all other Insur- companies, it exempts building md associations, whose aggrcga..e igs are 502*1.000,000. yet such are |b in their nature. Savings banks fed on fb« mutual nlan are ex d foam the open 11 on of tbo tox aggreaite deposits are 11,728. 0, while all uher savings banks x«l. • income tax Is not uniform be. It vurte* noordtng as the prop- dongs to an individual or to than one Individual, tax Is uncaustl utional in that a tax upon property rights prior to fee passage of the said d it deprives person* of their ,y without due process of law.” Siegel’!* attorney explain'd that i lutendnl to test the attire net tho supreme court, kt part of '’he act which remains said he. ”is due to a divided and la not the opinion of the !»>low. Had the opinion of the below been against the const It u- jty of the entire act, the tkvtaton supreme court would have caused w to fill. By briugiug the mat- P again we may get an . plntju the supreme court.” n. Black, tho United S.nt wd's- attorney, la out of the city and t Ite back for some djjr-s no sc- "111 be taken la taking up the until next Monday. rOLITTCIANS iS A FIGHT. A Jacksonville Banker Shows at the Olty Attiomey. Jacksonville, Fla., April It.—This af ternoon John U. Marvin, bmker, and J. M. Barrs, city an tor .ley, met on the sidewalk and n shooting affray oc curred. ThiTe had boon bad blood 1k* ween them on acoonnt of faction-il pol'tlcs, erlm-'.-tta.titins and recriminations having paused, -which led to an auviult three weeks ago by Marvin and h s brothers upon Barrs. Since then the Marvins, expecting assault, have been arnica. WInvi "hey met by chance M/.rvtn drew a pistol and fired po'nt blank. Birrs Jumped forward, seized the w.«.pon and thus diverted die aim. Marvin fired two or three times with out effect . All wore arrested. Barrs had no weapon, and atys he made no belligerent dotuoiistnttlon. On the other hand, IMmrvin says Barns ap proached him and said: “D—n you, I’v got you now.’ Then, according to Marvin, tho shoot ing followed. The men nre antago nistic in city poll'tBw ami tbo trouble to attributable to lint fact. Barr represent* tho reformers and Marvin ithosc opposed to reform. Only a few clays ago Barrs was assaulted by the Marvins because of his ipr.osl lion to their mettsods, and It Is sup posed that this assault grow am of that. Florida's pernio!ou* elect' in law Is responsible for the trouble. A Eiuckweiiu laiuini Hint FiuCtiCcd Counterfeiting While Serving Bis. Term, FLOATED TDK C0UNTEBFE1TS, TOO He Oot Hold of Soma Plaster ofPnrla and glads Moulds— Oot Ilia Lend In tlio Blaekamllh Shop, tn Which Department He Worked, A STRANG 12 SUICIDE. Sirs. Ollle Mothay Took Laudanum and Swallowed Her Teeth. Atlanta, April 15.—(Special.)—Mr*. Ollle Mehay, rbli'ty-five years oil, of 160 Billot street, took a dose of poison and swtalkiwvd her false teet at the came time last night and died at 1 o'clock this morning from the effects of one or bath. The people with wham the woman lived do not know why she took tlie drug. She was ill the reran With friends during the early part of the night and there seemed nothing unusual about her conduct. Suddenly she arose from her chair, r e('i,d and fell over backward on a bed. T'hoee presto! thought she had fainted and did what they could to revive her. Their efforts were futile and her condi tion became so ulrmlng that a physi cian was called. Those about the house say thait there w»a no drug there which she might have gallon hold of aiml where ft came from is a matter of mystery. Before she died a gentleman who won in the house at the time discovered Uhalt Mrs. Mehay was choking to death. Her throat deemed to be stopped up while her mouth was almost wide open. Something in her seemed to be giving her great puin ar.d an tnvi-stogu- t.Vm was made. An Instrument was forced dawn her throat and a email plate containing two false teeth was ex tracted. Mrs. aichay was thirty-five years of age and came hen? about five years ago from Savannah where She has a di vorced husband and five children. The flashing eye. the buoyant foot step, the rosy complexion, can all be traced to the superior food cooked wtth Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. INSURANCE MEN STIRRED UP. New York, April 15.—For the past three or four months the stores In Har lem have been flooded with counterfeit dimes, quarters and hajf-dollara. The secret service squad have been trying to ferret out the gang distributing the bogus coin. They believe they have now got to the bottom of the mystery. John Houghton was serving a sen tence of five months for assault In tlie Blackwell's Island penitentiary. His time expired Saturday. While in prison he worked In the blacksmith shop. A week ago Warden Plllsbury found counterfeit ten-cent pieces in the wash room of the prison. A quiet search of the cells resulted In finding a counter feiter's outfit and over TOO in bogus dimes and half-dollars in Houghton's cell. Tlie secret service officers were noti fied, and in the warden's private room Houghton was confronted with the out fit, which had not been previously dis turbed. He denied any knowledge of the matter, and remained mute until Saturday afternoon last, when he was about to leave the prison on a dis charge, he was rearrested by Baggs of the seer** service. He then confessed. He said I hat at the suggestion or an other prisoner, wliOBe naaue could not be learned Saturday, be entered into the scheme. They secured some plaster of parts from the prison departments, and bor rowing some new coins from fellow prisoners, they used them to make impressions. Houghton li»d no difficulty In obtaining till the lead be wo,tried. It Is claimed that between 1500 and 11,000 w«s made Tty the two men within u* weeks. The man accused by Hough ton I is under sentence of nine months. He also was seht up for assault. His time will expire on the 29th of this monib. . , , Houghton was taken before a United States commissioner, to whom fie re peated his confession. He was coflimlt- tod to Ludlow Street Jail without ball. NICARAGUA IS DIPLOMATIC. GEORGIA ITS l IRE. List of Insurance Companies That Are Showing Their Confidence in the State. DESEEYE THE PUBLIC PATliONAGE Governor Atkinton Has Had an Xnreitl- gatlon Made—Many of the Com< panics Invest Their Sarplu* Capital Elsewhere, TO THE SUPftfnCR COURT, ta, April 15.—(Special.)—The y wh!taca.pplnff ease which re- > In a venter of guilty against Quarles and Davis Butler on 8M- wlll be taken to the United supreme court on a writ of ha- corpus by Hon. W. C. Olcun, al ter the defendant. Attorney b day moved for an arrest of •nt and motion for new trial but Nowman overruled the motion 11 sentence Butler and Quarles ow. fntLEN’8 ARNICA SALVE, best, salve In the world for cats, \ sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever tetter, chapped hande, chilblains, and all skin erptkms, and positive 's Plies, Or no my required. It ewaieed to give perfect satisfaction ™;y refunded. Price. % cents per icr Psle by U. J. Lamar & Bon. Florida May Have a Law Compelling Solid Insurance Policies. Jacksonville, Fla., April 15.—The insurance men of Florida nre greatly alarmed over Sen*tor iBroome s valued policy bill which will come up In the senate nt Tallahassee Wednesday. Senator Hartrldge of Duval has writ ten a letter to a friend here saying that the bill Is likely to pass. The measure Is Intended to abolish the three-quarter clause In Insurance poli cies and compel the companies to pay the full amount of the risk. •‘If the bill should become a law,” said Mr. J. H. Morton, a prominent fire insurance agent, today, "it Is more than likely that all the fire insurance companies doing business In Florida will cancel their policies and quit the state, leaving our pfeople without In surance. "The freeze has already shattered the credit of the country merchant*, and If solid insurance protection were now to be withdrawn It would b? like knocking out the last prop and we may look for general disaster. Those also having mortgages on their real estate will suffer, as It t* more than likely, should the Insurance collateral be withdrawn, that the mortgagers will clamor for their money. “The insurance companies are quite uneasy about the condition of Florida since the freeze, and losses have been unusually numerous from all parts of the state. Therefore if this bill, which offers a premium on arson and dishon esty, should become n law there ts no doubt that the fire Insurance compa nies would promptly cancel and quit tlie state.” THE DISCOVERY SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. O. Callloutte, druggist, Beuveravllle, III., says: ••To Dr. Kings New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with la srtope and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail, and was given up and told that I could not live. Having Dr. Kings New Discov ery In my store, I sent for a bottle and began its use, and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles waa up and about again. It Is worth It’s weight In gold. We won’t keep store or house without It." Oct a free trial at H. J. Lamar & Soli*' durg* store. Regular size 60c, and $1. CLANCY ON DECK. Brunawick. April l5.-(lfi>eeUU—Jack Clancy landed wtth both feet right eU« up on St. rnmon* lolly, and tonight Man ager Ttmberiske gave It out to the preee. The papers have been signed end he will be assistant manager for the season. Jock wifi be on the road eg once ■trike Macon next week. will Coughing. For all the ailments of Throat and Lungs there is no cure so quick and permanent as Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oii. It is palatable, easy on the most deli cate stomach and effective. Emulsiog stimulates the appetite, aids the digestion of other foods, cures Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and gives vital strength besides. It has no equal as nourishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition of Wasting. StnJ/ar PtmfkUt ** Stiff t EmuUion. hr". Scot: a Bow**, N, 7, AIIDnwiiti. BOr.iodtl, Ignore* Some of England'* Propor tions, But Is Wili ng to Arbitrate. Washington-, April 15.—The foot th«] Nicaragua bad mtade a reply to the British ultimatum, which wax regird-d by the Br3 sh foreign ofllce a* In measure satisfactory, was (published several days ago. Particulars us the contra 1 !* of Nicaragua'* reply hive noit yet JvAn received bore. Nicaragua snggfiuts In tthe moa: friendly tone pos sible th,t uni Impartial oc-mmias'on of srbiir.iiofc* 1*? coaaglttUed for all the grounds of complaint. ■Nicaragua points out that the decree* of exile against British sunjeoti which Bcgland uiiiiantled should be cancelled uDcondibloikilly hud alrotdv been, an nulled .before Use formal request of great Britain regarding the matter had bean received. Nicaragua, although suturing Great: Brltu'n of u cordial de sire lo give qanipldte sattolhctlon, !»!. tiler prom ite* to pay the various »ums demanded for lujur es lullicttd on RrV’ikh subject* nor declines to do go, but agrees to a fair »tul J'tst ' lenient of claims tbit shall lie recoin- nietnled by an Impartial ariiiiratlon. Great Britain's proposition excluding from the -arbitration committee “a cit izen of uny American state'' is quietly Ignored la Nicaragua's rqjly- The oonraiunlnii.loa I* riwtrdxl In diplomatic circle* as a ok:ilful move on Nicaragua'* part. SIGNED TUB TREATY. Peace alt and Ch'na Cun Now Breathe Easy. •London, April 13.—Tho Time* cor respondent In Shanghai says: LI Hung Oban?'* hou-t-n-la nr tele graph* that the treaty of peace was olgned in Slmonon-kt bxliy, April 111, and Ohait the term* are: First—The Independence of Corea. SAxmd—Japan’s retention of the con quered places. Third—Japan's retention of territory oast of the LIso river. Fourth—Permanent cession of For mosa. Fifth—Indemnify of one hundred million dollars. S'rtih—An offensive nnd dof ms'.vo al liance between Chin* and Japan. A SHANGHAI FABRICATION. Washington, April 15.—No credence Is attached to trhe coport which reached here foam Shintfuit by way of i .on.ton that the Chines.* omperoc has town id a proobma/tlon asserting his Inability -o longer govern the empire. RBSPBCT AND SYMPATHY For the Deceased Editor of the Chicago Tlmes-Herald. Atlanta, On., April 15.—At the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Cotton States and International ex position this afternoon, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: "Whereas, In the death of Hon. Jaa. W. Scott, the Cotton States and Inter- national Exposition has lost not only an honorary vice-president, but a strong, active and valuable mono, while, the country at large loses a dis tinguished citizen and (he newspaper world cn» of the brightest stars In the That the Cotton States nal Exposition Compiny, *cholders* meeting asaem- I. . the sudden death of this distinguished man, and tenders to hla bereaved family and the staff of the Chicago Tlmea-Heratd sincere sympa thy and condolence, and that the sec retary shall forthwith communicate these sentiment* In due form and de vote a page of the minutes of this cor poration to the memory of the honorary vice-president, James W. Bcott.” CURE FOR HEADACHE. As a remedy (of all forms of head ache, Electric Bitter* has proved to be the very beat. It effects a permanent cure and U.e moat dreaded baMtual aick headache yield to its Influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a In castes of habitual canatlpatkm Elec tric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try It once. Large bottles only 50 cents at ii. J. Lamar * Boo's drug store. Atlanta, April 15.—^(8p»clal.)—Gov ernor Atkinson recently requested Comptroller General Wright to prepare for him a statement showing what Insurance companies doing business In Georgia are making Investment* here, with a view to showing the people which companies are friendly to the state and which' are not, that they may govern their patronage accord ingly. Today Comptroller General Wright submitted his report. It makes exceed- ingly Interesting reading and food for thought to the people who own tile property of Georgia and who pay out their thousands of dollars every year for both Are and life insurance. Out of twenty-six life Insurance companies doing business In the state there are only nine which have any thing Invested here, although none of them have provisions In their charters which prohibit them from Investing hire. Out of fifty-one fire Insurance compa- uits doing business in Georgia there -.ire only three foreign companies which have anything Invested In the state outside of *he Z25.000 which all are required to deposit with the state trea surer before they begin business. All the Georgia companies, of course, in vest their money In the state. The three foreign companies with Investments here are the Sun of Eng land. which has $25,000 In railroad bonds: the Continental of New York, which has $100,000 In bonds in this state, and the Home of New York, which has $50,000 In bonds. Of the Georgia Fire Insurance Com rallies the Atlanta Home has $348,000 In real estate, the Georgia Home of Columbus $265,826 In real estate, the Macon Fire Insurance Company $52,243 In real estate and $94,000 In bonds, and the Southern Mutual of Athens has 1207,000 In stock* and $52,705 n bonds. The life Insurance companies doing busine«s in Georgia who have money Invested here are as follows: The Equitable of New York. $1,250,- 000 In real estate loans ta* against $149,- 595,018.04 invested elsewhere. Manhattan of New York, $30,000 In bond loan*, as against $12,284,360.13 elsewhere. ■Marykind of Baltimore, $780 In bonds, a* ngiinst $1,641,738.66 Invested else where. Mutual of New York, $103,550 In bond loans and i $1,778,131.41 In bonds, as gainst $165,0*2.523 Invested elsewhere. Mutual Of Louisville, Ky.. $65,180 In real estate Ioann, ua against $2,003,- 067.75 elsewhere. New York Lif\ $1,418,605 Central railroad and $007,000 reai estate loan*, ns against $132,976,336 invested; else where. -• Penn -Mutual' <of •Phlldelphla, $1*4,800 in reel estate UR ns, as against $21,243,- 045.77 invested elsewhere. Provident Savings Society of New York, $38,000 real estate loans and $81,663.76 In bond#, s against $1,161,- 0*1.25 Invested elsewhere. Traveller* of Hartford. $442,100 In real estate loan* and $67,675 city bonds, as against $16,811,914.16 Invested else where. i These figure* show that those com panies which do any business at nil tn Georgia In the nay of lending their funds consider this state a good field for Investment, and there to no reason why the other seventeen companies engaged In writing Insurance should not also Invest here. There ha* been an Impression that som- of them were re stricted from so doing by charter con ditions, but the com»tro|leri» Investi gation shows that not a single one of the twenty-seven companle* baa any thing In it* charter to prevent th? making of Investments In this state, either on real estate or bonds and slocks. Governor Atkinson believes th*t tho publication of th.» figures as here given will set the people to thinking, as well as the Insurance cotnpAfiles. ami the re sult wl'.l be that those companies al- rrdy Investing here will increase their luvestmehts in order to still further eu- llst patronage here, while those that have not Invested anything 111 Georgia, thus aiding In the state's development, will be forced to do so In the future to keep up with their competitor* and remain on good terms with the people of the state. SUSTAINED THE LOWER COURT. Peciricn of the Supremo Court In the Clayton county Ckae. At tenth. April 15.—(Spectal.)-The su. promo court today rendered its decision In the mandamus from Clayton county seeking to compel the counting of vote* began to grow numb and to ta Isas and Ires In the Jonesboro preelpct which were °J»hle. _ Bjr the 15th of April I could do thrown nut because a mob invaded the managers’ room, refusing to leave while the count waa going on. The throwing out of tM* prectawt, which gave the coun ty offices all to the Democmd, won *u«- talned by the ouperlor court, and the lower court to auntalned by the nupreme court, for infants and Children. OTHERS, Do You Know that Paregoric, Bateman's Dropa, Godfrey's Cordial, many bo-callod Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine 1 Do Yon Know that opium and morphine aro stupefying narcotic potoona t Do Yon Know that in moat countries druggists arc not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them potoona t Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to bo given your child unless you or your phyaician know of what it is composed t Do Yon Know tliafc Castorla U a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients to published with every bottle f Do Yon Know that Castorla to the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined t Do Yon Know that the Patent Ofllco Department of the United States, nnd of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use tho word “ Castorla 11 and its formula, and that to imitate them to a state prison offenso f Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection waa because Castorla had been proven to bo absolutely harmless? Do Yon Knnur that 35 average doses of Castorla are furnished for 35 cents, or one cent a dose t Do You Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ? Well, tlieso things arc worth knowing. They are facte. Tho fac-aimllo \ afgnhtwro of t every Children Cry for Pitchers uasioria a A SAD DEATH IN THOMSON. Thomson-, -April 15.—(Sp.-claU—Sat urday night, tho 13th inst., lit 10:30 o'clock, art her homo on Mill street, Mrs. Dr. It. C. Johnson tl'ml of par alysis. She tail liven unwell for sev eral days, butt her family feared noth ing serious. On auomiutng to walk across the room sh" su(ld“j|y foil ami was dta-1 before a physician ciiuM be oalloil. Mire. Johnson was the wife of Dr. It. C. Johnson, who for many years was one of Thomson’s most successful physdann and best fflttzens. Strange to say, Mrs. <1!«1 J’!*.: two years ito the night and almost minute after the death of her hus’xind. Her remains were taken io the family bu rial ground in Warren county for In termem. A bon of warm fends will Join the Ibereaved family In mourning tho toss <if one who will be greatly missed throrighfout this community. 'Mlrttw .lotto Gun Hill Jessie Itou McGoqisor of Warronton nre the guists of Mrs. G. .H. Irvlug lids week. Miftt Alma Johnson, formerly of this place, hut who foe aeveral yeans has made her heme In America*, i* on a visit to her brother, Co], H. .lolinsou. SYMPATHY FROM GIADSTONE. London. April 15.—Mr. Gladstone In receiving n delegation of Armenian commission, together with several Ar menian refugees at Hawarden, today, assured them of his profound sym pathy. "Anything I can do for your hapless country," he said, "I shall always be glad to do, hut you must re member that I am an old man, ant) have retired from public life.” OIL HTTILL BOOMING. Now Vork, April 15.—Tho Snndard Oil Gompony his ndvaneod it* price for field oil from $1.75 to $2, .inti a. a result $2.10 I* bid for pipe l.m« cort:fl- cstes. A number of <tap .'all*!* form erly Interested In the Pennsylvania fields propnsa developing Wyoming, Utah aril Colorado fields If tho present ourlook continues. SENSATION IN AMERICUS. A Negro Shot, a Darn Burned and a Wo- mnn Killed. Amerteu*. April 16.—(Special.)—Mr. Ross McOarrah, living about eight mile* west of this city, had a difficulty wtth a negro. In Which the totter was killed. Warrants have been Issued for MCGarnaii and three other* eald to have been implicated. Mr. Jesse Ohncnb&u, tiling about ten turtles from this city, had his barn burned last night. It wue the -work of Incendia ries. Tracks leading from the barn were followed to the house of a negro named Bevins Jcridns, who was arrested and brought here tonfceht and placed In Jail- The loss Is estimated at $2,000, with no Insurance. a colored woman named Mary Burnett, While walking on a trestle on the Savan nah, Amerteu* and Montgomery railroad lust outside of the etty limits today, on -her way home from church, woe knocked from the trestle by a -west bound train and Instantly kilted. Professor Albert E. Menke of the Kentucky State Agricultural College, Lexington, writes: "I have found on examination Dr. Price's Baking Powder ti bo 'the strongest nnd moa: avliole- ANOTHER CUT. A Miracle in Vermont. THE WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE OF A WELL-KNOWN CHELSEA MAN. Btrlcktn with an Incurable DUcare and yet Cured. (from the Argusanil Pulrlol. Hr.ntprller, Vk| Eight years ago Geo. Hulchinion moved from Bradford lo Chelesa, VI., and bought the uwmill at the latter place. He waa known as one of the atrougut men in that section. On Dec. 10,'92 while at work In the mill, he waa itruek in the back by a flying board, which aerionaly injured him and Incapacitated him for work of any kind. Asa remit of this. Locomotor Ataxia act in, (this Us form of peralyato which deprive* the psiicni of all aw of hU tower limbs.) The Arjut A J’alriot Interviewed Ur. Hutchinson to-day, and bb atory to here given in hia own word*. " My back ached continually and my leg* began to grow numb and to bt tore and lea* JfRS. HICKEN FREE. Sue Will Lecture on Beauty and the Delights of jail Life. Atlanta. April 15.—(S pet Ini.)—Mrs if. T. Illeken, the notorlou* confidence woman of many aliases, who hns been an Inmate of Fulton county Jail since tost summer, pending the dtopoeitloti of th* case* against her, was released today upon a decision of the supreme court, euatalning the demurrer to the Indictment under which she was con victed. In effect, the woman escaped upon a technicality. She was Bulleted, among other transactions, for forging An* Dime of C. E. Henderson upon the First National Bank of Titusville, Fla. The check, however, showed the inltlsk of Henderson's name to have been transposed, the signature <d the check being E. C. Htnderson. The supreme court held that there was no •uch person as E. C. Henderson and therefore no forgery vai committed. There are other charges against Mr*. Hlcken, or whatever the woman's name really Is, and she will very probably be Indicted sgiln unless her victims relent and allow her to, go her way without further punishment. While In Jail Mrs. Hlcken made a good d*al of pin money by concocting a “beauty lotion,” which ahe to ladles who had the price ' ruffleh-nt beauty to match announced that she will give ::ure on "beauty" at the opera house and incidental! ydescribe life in Fulton county JslL I Jyphi the Mary Fletcher Hospital at Burlington, to be treated, and I took their advica. When I left home mr friend# bade me good-bye, never expecting to eee me a\jvc again. The phyaidana at the hoepital tobl me that my eaie waa a serious one and I waa com pletely discouraged. I remained at the noepltal seven weeks tad took the medicines which the doctors gave m*. I fill better at tha hospital and thought that 1 was recover- ing, ana went home to continue their treat- ment, which I did for two months, and also bad an electric battery dhder their advice. The improvement, however, did not condone and I began Co give up hope. Auguet let, 1893,1 could not get out of my chair without antotaoee, and if I got down upon the floor, I could not get up alone. Aboot this lima I chanced to read an aeeount of the wonder ful curative powers of Dr. Williamt’ Pink Pilto for Pal* Paopls io ease* similar to mv own. I did not hare any faith la the Pllli but thought a trial could do no barm, so 1 bought soma without tailing anyone what I waa going to da. After I had fcren taking them aome lime I found that, for the flrettim* in months I waa this to walk down to the poet offlee, and my neighbor* began to db- sues the marked improvement in my health. A* I contlnuad tbs medicine I condoned to improve, and soon recommenced work In the mill, at firit very lightly, and in- ereaelag aa I wu able and' u I gained In health and aplrita, and now for the put three months I have been working ten honrs per day almost a* steadily u I evtr did. I feel well, nt well and aleep u well u I ever did and I have no pain anywhere.” The reporter talked with several other gen tlemen In regard to tbs ease of Mr. Hutchin- bn, who stated that any statement he might Dike would be entitled to entireeredenee. Dr. Will lame’ Pink Pill* contain all tbs element* neeeaaarv lo give new Ilf* and riohnaa* to the blood and rretore shattered nerve*. They are for sale by all dru-eiits. or mar bt bad by mail fmm Dr. Williamt 1 Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y_ for We. per box, or 6 boxes for $2.50- The Seaboard Air Linn Comas Dowd Another Teg. Allntd, April 16.—(Si’xioial.)—A tele gram from Norfolk, Va., today states that the Seaboard Air Linn will make a still further cut in paesengnr rates, ns follows: From Atlanta to Now York. 114 to $12 iPhllstlelpIlla, $lt.-80 lo $10.80; Bal timore, $10 to $8; Washington. $9.60 to $8, Portsmouth, $g to $0; Norfolk, 8 to $6; roteiwburg, $9.16 to $7.65; Richmond, $9,80 to $8.30; Boston, via Now York by rail. $17.75. Mr. Sam Hardwlek, passenger agent of th* Southern, when asked In refer ence to tho prospecffvtv action of tho Southern, this morning sald: "The Southern still not reduce rates. At least, there ta at pr-sent. no de termination of this kind.” Southern poopTe express themselves as surprised at this reduction of the Seaboard, following no sfmllar action of the Southern, but think It Is done in anticipation of a cut by the Southern since tho ruling of tffe Interstate com merce commission giving the Southern the right to charge less for long than short hauls. FOREJULOSURK PROCEEDINGS Commenced Agilnct the Central Hall- road by tho Central Trust Company. Sivunmih, April 1.5.—Tho Central Trust Company of New York, through Judge Henry B. Tompkins ns ufltor- nny, him filed a cross bill In the United State* court here to secure a decree of foreclosure against the Central Hall- retd and Buskin" Cenvp-tnr tinder the consollitunl m.vrgHge of $13,000,. 000 for which the Central Tniq Com pany Is trustee, of th-se bonds $5,000,. 000 originally intended to :be tripartite bonds are with the Central Trod: Jttsnpony nnd $3,000,000 are de posited os aeturity for the Honing debt. The bfil allege* deftiuUs ou tbo lnt<*T*t amounting to $1,200,000. Tho object of seeurng this decree of forrclowurg- (s sold to l«e to bring about a mile of the property for the purp.eo of reorgautsidon, on uccoiut of th.* fact that the decree of foreclosure on the tripartite mortgage t* new hung np In the supreme court of the iJnlttd tv a ten upon an by the South- western Railroad Company. ENGLISH SUED FOR LIBEL. , Capt. Amos Baker Wants Damages From English and Chief Wright. Atlanta, April 15.— (Special.)—L. 55. Rozzer and B. U. Hill, who defended hi in during the recent sensational In vestigation before the council com mittee .today entered suit In behalf of Capt. Amos Bak>r, clerk of the re corder’s court, against •x-Chainuau English of the board of police commis sioners, and Capt. J. W. Wright, chief of the city detective departments. Capt. English Is one of the wealthiest men In the otty. If Baker should win his suit for the full amount he would have no trouble In collecting the judg ment. Chief Wright Is also very com fortably fixed. The suit, which Is one of thedutcrop* pings of the muddle In the police de partment on account of political feuds, la based upon the charges made against Baker by Chief WrighT.' acting under directions from Chairman English, the charges being the same upon which the council conducted Its Investigation. They reflected very damaglngly upon Baker's private character, and as he was exonerated by the committee af ter s week’s work day and night, maker charge* libel and sues for damages to apes— the Injury alii d to have be n done him..