The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 25, 1895, Image 5

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: APRIL 25, 1895. HIM Secretary Herbert Will Have the Cruiser Atlauta Sect to Hrunswick. CRUISE OP TEN DAY& fhe GoT* rnorBn< ^ Staff Will Go Aboard and Witness tlie Training of the lf.ecralU— An Official Visit to McPherson Barracks. Atlanta, April 23.—(Special.)—Oov- frn ,, r Atkinson's outing for the naval militia of Brunswick Is an assured suo ce .«s. While In Washington last week the governor called upon Secretary of thl , Navy Herbert and requested hint t „ 8eml the cruiser "Atlanta” down to Brunswick some ttrno In July for the purpose of giving the nvlllHa some prac* [lc al training aboard ship. Secretary Herbert promptly fell In with tho governor’s plan, and answered Aim that ff she could he had, the-At- uuta Will be sent. The Atlanta Is ; i nv m the Carrlblan sea and may not return la time to meet the present plain!, but Secretary Herbert will send tho next best available wtarshirl An. ra se site cannot be had. At any event Governor Atkinson will have a federal cruiser at his orders for a couple of works In July, the government turn ing the vessel over to hhn to be used as lie desires for the benefit of the naval mill tin, Governor Atkinson nvlll order the company aboard the ship for a cruise [ a week or ten days. He and his matt will also go along, to witness the training In actual service. Thursday morning Governor Atkin- and staff In full uniform, will make a "formal visit to MdPherson 'barracks to return the official oourteey of Col. „ellogg, the ooomiandant of the port, »ho. with his staff, recently called ipon die governor at the caipttol. Formal preparations have been made for the visit, and It will be a very in- [(•rreung nd pleasant event. Governor Atkinson's staff, which Is largely com- »sed of young tnen. Is fully uniformed, he first time in years that the colonels uve shown much enthusiastic Interest II their ranks, and the visit to Fort UcPhmon will be the first appear- mce. The governor will ate> be aocom- rairted by the Fifth regiment, the At- anta artillery and the governor's horse tuards, the party leaving the city at •SO o'clock. Members of the staff llv- ag out of town will Join the party at he depot. BISHOP KAIN TALKS. le Had Not Read Father Phelan's Crit icism of Protestant Societies. Su Louts, Mo., April 23.—Archbishop t.itn mns asked last night for an opln- concerning the article in the West- rn Wall',liman denouncing proteatant oung pocmlo’s societies as sctinol sof de- ravRy. He sat'd: T do not think 1 with at this time to ■i my opinion of the article or pass .ticlsia upon tt. In the first place I ,o not road Father Phelan’* paper, lore 1ms been little friction between .ither Phelan and myself, and as 1 m hn .superior I think what criticism have to make, I should make It person ally to him. • Father Pbolan may have heard of he things be states; I have no*. I have always considered that the two so- ttns iwere bodies lot young people nded toydtber for good. I have never mptigmxl their Istfenltlona. If any me ■f them Ih cable to do good alone, as a >oly they are able to achieve much uore. 1 am a firm believer in organlia- THat Is all I know of tho bodies nd I know of no reason for criticising •"i i think the public understands other Phelan's cbarocterlstlcs too well > believe that these stauments meet lib my sanction or to feci any great nnoynnee from It.” I’nitestant ministers and laymen are ere In their denunciation of the ob vious article. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EUSTI8. Washington, April 23.—In rrferenco > (ho cablegram declaring that Am- issador Eustts had received no ln- ructlons regarding the Waller inct- •tit, Senator Voorhees said today that Is apparent dlscrepanoy was ex- lalned by the fact that the Instruo* one went forward by mall and had robably not yet reached Paris, though icy were due there about this tlmo. he senator added: "Several prominent colored citizens poke to me In reference to Mr. Wal- and 1 went to Secretary Gresham ho told me that he had sent lnstruc- ons to Ambassador duetts to see that taller was fairly treated on bis arri val in France. I have no aoubt that h. will secure Justice.” Professor Louis Falkenau, late stale sayer of California, writes; "Dr. Ice’s Cream Baking Powder makes e llghtbread, and I can recommend to all wishing wholesome food.” iMro.vNrrs phbuobnary. San Frapsfsoi, April 23.—Wlien the lamination of Durant was maumid ils morning, the police court was ■ anted to auffodition. Humlreds •ere unable to gain mbnittanee. The ivtMid matt looked tuntinl and worn, it throughout the pnocwdlnfti pre- nred his usual lml.ffure.nce. Miss Wnwo, who created the <*cz; at esttnlay's mission, appllud for admls- ion this morning but her request was fund. Three medical students, titled rmpeet'/vely ructridge, Dukes nd Dodge, were the witnesses first oil'd today, but ttho.r testimony was n Important. DOUBLE HAWimC. Birmingham, April 23.—Juilge Green the criminal oourt today passed sen- nee on Lee Harris and Abo Mitchell, e M-lf-oonfessed murderers, and con- mn.-d them to hong June 7, both at e same drop of the gallows. Harris <1 Mitchell sre two of s gang at ne- »es who, for several months, terror 'll this city and community. Harris to having been Implicated all the crimes committed in Blrm- h»m In the past few months. HILOITS CONSUMPTION CURB. Is beyond question the most euo- eutul cough mediClno we have ever . few dross Invariably MO It case of croup, cough and ichttls. while its wonderful ou> la the cure of consumption u tthout a paralLtl In the history of Icine. Since its first discovery It been sold on a guarantee, a teat hich no other madlotno can ttanl. It w have a cough, we earnestly nek ■si to try It, Price 10 cents, M cents »4 It. If your lung* are sore, chest r rack ts lame, um Shiloh's Porous 5**t*i* Sold by Goodwyn & Bm ill Drug Corn- say, corner Chery street and CuUua rroua 36 — WARSHIPS AT CORINTO. Great Britain Sent Her Squadron There Without Notice. Washington, April 23.—As far as can be learned the British government did not take the United States officials Into Its confidence sc to Its Intention to send Its entire available Pacific squadron to Corinto at this Juncture. Both the state and navy departments declare that they have received no official confirmation of the movements of the British vessels, altthough It was well known that British shkpc, under Rear Admiral Henry F. Stephenson, met at Panama »wo weeks ago, the Satellite, which had been there gome time, be ing Joined by the flagship Royal Ar thur, which had spent the winter in Chllllan waters and by the Wild Swan from Callao. The Wild Swan Is a sloop of 1,130 tons. In all respects like the United States steamer Alert, the Satellite Is a third-rate cruiser somewhat smaller than the United States (Montgomery, and the Royal Arthur Is like the Co lumbia and Minneapolis lu dimensions and armament, but Inferior to them In speed. Of American vessels on the Pa cific, available for possible emergency In Nicaraguan waters, the Alert Is at Panama, tne Ranger at Bueaa Ventu ra, Mexico, and the Montgomery at Acapulco, where she stopped yesterday to coat for her voyage to Callao. She will probably now reritaln at Aoapulco for orders. She could reaoh Corinto In four days If necessary. UNDER SEALED ORDERS. New York, April 23.-The Herald special cable from Managua, Nicaragua, says: "Corlmto advices state that the English fleet entered that port yesterday. It con stated of the Royal Arthur, White Swan and SateiUo." The fact that they left Panama uniter scaled orders caused much speculation here as to their destination. The govern ment has taken no steps nor arrived at any plan of action In case ot a blockade or bombardment. NO FEAR OF A BOMBARDMENT. Washington, April 23,-Notwlthstandlng the presence of three English war vessels In the harbor of Corinto, It la regarded as un.Utely that any overt action will be taken by the commanding officer because of Nicaragua's failure to comply wttu Great Britain's ultimatum. The state department was advised sev eral week* ago that while the English government wua determined that the In demnity to Proconsul Hatch should be paid, their efforts to collect it would not go to the extent of bombarding any Nica raguan coast cities. The proposition has been advanced that the cuatoma duties at Corinto be collected by Great Britain 'until they equal the amount of Indemnity claimed, <15,000. This course, however, might lead to com- Uttcwttons. The Nicaraguan minister. Dr. Gusman, was at the state department early this morning, and a conference between him self a lid Secretary Gresham lasting fif teen or twenty minutes occurred behind closed doors. Dr. Gusman, It Is said, laid before Secretary Gresham a full state ment of tho latest developments In Nica ragua, which the secretary In turn com municated to the president at today's cabinet meeting. APPROPRIATION BILLS. What the Total Provisions by Congress Amount To. Washington, April 23.—The volume of "appropriations, new offices,” etc., fur the iliini session of the fifty-liiim, showing the appropriations in detail, and by bills mafic during said seailon, the new offices created (in,| nffirc* omitted wUfi their salaries nml the numb’r of salaries Increased and reduced, with the amount />f such increase and deduction, and Including u chronology of the regular appropria tion bills, has been completed by Mr. T. P. Clcves and Mr. J. C. Courts, clerks ot the senate and house com mittees on appropriation*, respectively. The appropriations by bills Is as fol lows, being for the fiscal year ending Juno 80, 1896: Agricultural, <3,303,750; army, <23,232,608; diplomatic and con sular, <1,574,458; District of Columbia, <5,745,443; fortification*, <1,904.557; In dian, <3,762,751; executive anil Judicial, <21,891,718; military academi c. <164,201; navy. <29,416,245; pensions, r4l.38l.570; postoffleoi, $89,645,997; sundry civil, 344,- 668,160; total. |37S,gll.7«; deficiencies. <9,825,374; miscellaneous appropriation, <297,667. Total general bill* and miscellaneous, <383,934,(64; permanent appropriations. <113,073,956. Grand total appropriations, $497,008,- 520. BUOKLEN'S ARNICA StALVE. The best sslve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sslt rheum, fever sons, tatter, chapped hand*, chilblains, corns aud all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures plies, or no pay required. It l« guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 ciGts per box. For sale by H. J. La mar and Son. THE COUNTRY'S REVENUES. ■ollectlons for the Post Two Montha From All Sources. Washington. April 23.->Durlng the post two months, February and March, <38,657 have been paid Into the treas ury on account or Ibe income tax aa follows: From persons, $19,802; from corpora tions, $8,856. For March the income tag collected amounted to $16,339. Other figures from the monthly statement, prepared by Internal Revenue Commissioner Miller, show that receipts from Internal revenue eources for the nine months ended March 31, were: $109,896,015, an Increase over 1894 of $1,960,1(8 as fol lows: Spirits, <63,902,869, an Increase of <1,180,739; tobacco, <22,106,326, an In crease of $961,(33; fermented liquors, $21,301,0(5, a decrease of $309,215; olco- margerlne, $1,185,222; a decrease of $2(2,193, and miscellaneous, $470,271, an increase of $3(0,539. The receipts for the month of March were $3,230,365, less than for March, 1894. IT IS REASON ABLE TO THINK That specialists who devote their entire time to ono class of disease are more skillful and can cure diseases embraced in tbelr specialty much quicker than the physician in general practice or the advertising doctor who claims to treat and cure all diseases. DR. HATHAWAY & CO. are true and gen uine specialists, and devote their en tire time to all diseases peculiar to man and womankind. Skin, Blood and Nervous troubles. They are recognis ed as the leading specialists In those diseases of tbe South. Consultation free at offlet or by mail. SPECIALTIES: Blood poisoning, syphilis, stricture, nervous debility, gleet, unnatural discharges, kid ney and urinary JlfflculUts, ulcers, piles, catarrrh, rheumatism and tbe diseases of [ womankind. Hall treatment given by eendlng for symptom blank. No. 1 Op. No. 2 for tromen; No. 2 for i»kki diseases; No. 4 for catarrh. Addres* or c»ll on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., 22 Scuth Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. If Howard Made Charges for Loans Which His Hank Had Never Advanced. 10KR0WED OTHER CASH, Tli«t Dank. Examiner Smelt a Monae and the Caahier Broke Down and Told HU Story—Shortage Reached About $60,000. Charlotte , N. C. April 23.-Cashier J. R. Holland ot the toe-chants’ and Farmers’ Nat’onal bank of Charlotte Is a defiiulter to the amount ot <69,000 or more. Bank Exaimrim Miller has been here tor several days and says he will remain for at least two weeks longer. It was he who discovered the defalcation. Mr. Hol land's peculations have teen carried on for eight years past and he has man aged till the last few days to hide them from discovery. The exact amount of them Is not yet fully known. No man in Charlnte hat tn the past been hehl In higher regard or been more fully trusted tor. Holland, and the whole city wan greatly surprised and shocked to hear of Ills embezzlement. He h.t« not yet been placed under ar rest, at the request of the directors, ho agreeing to waive examination If pro ceedings are brought against him. He has made not the slightest effort to es cape. Week before last Bank Examiner Miller stoppe dot Gastonia on his way to Charlotte. He examined the national bank there thoroughly and kno wevery bank (With which it hail an account In good condition and came on to Char lotte. The first ay he sped ait clic Merchants' and Farmers' bank he dlsouvtred on looking over Cashier Holland's books, be had a loan of <6,000 marked to the Gastonia bank. He called Mr. Holland up and asked if that was cor rect. He said yes. Mr. Miller made a mt-nltol note of the fact. He next pro ceeded to look over the cash. He found ihshort Just one oll&r. That was easily accounted for and paid In. That night Mr. iMliller left. No one asked where he was going. It .being supposed that he was through his examinations and had gone ekurwhere on the same errand. He bail gone but only to retun. He took tho 10:40 train for Gastonli and waking .Mr Jenkins, tho president of the backup, and told him he wanted to look over his books again. Mr. Jenkins ATTEMPTED LYNCHING. The Mob Organized But the Prisoner Had Been Moved. Baltimore, April 33.—An attempt was nude at Frederick, Md., last night to lynch the negro who attempted a felonious assault upon Mrs. Thomas Butts while she was returiug home churn, last Sunday. The mob was foiled by Sheriff Zim merman, who had removed the crim inal to a plaoe of safety early tn the evening. At tntdnlght an organised mob 'of seventy-five men gathered In the vi cinity at the Jail, prepared to take the negro out aDd hkng Mm. In addition to the seventy-flv« tnen. there was another band of forty to serve as sentinels. The rumor that Wlnterohlefs had been removed reached the mob and the leader was sent (head to learn If R was true. Sheriff Zimmerman Invited the man to enter the Jail aud Inspect the cells, all of which were standing open. The leader of the lynchers became thoroughly satisfied that the bird hid flown and went back to disperse his mob. He stated they had come fully determined to hang tha prisoner and would have taken desperate measures to accomplish their purpose. A SYSTEMATIC FIGHT. Chicago's Honest Money League Wants the Delegation. Chicago, April 25.—A systematic ef fort will be made by the "Honest Money League," recently organized In (his state, to capture the Cook county delegatee to the state convention, which ts to define the position of the state Democracy on the monetary question. At a meeting of the executive commit tee of the league, held at the Palmer house yesterday. It wa* the general sentiment that the contest, with that object In view, should be made at the primaries to select delegates, which arc to be held May 8. It la likely that at the meeting of the committee next Wednesday it will bo decided to place “honest money" del egates tn the field In every ward. MaM meetings will be held tbrougn- out the city, and the state will be flooded with "honest money” litera ture -within the nest tasdays. COUNTESS RUSSEL’S CASH. Her Husband D«il)S Her Right to Res titution. London, April 23.—Tho trial of the nation of Countess Russell, who Is seek ing Ove rewttltutlor. of Her conjugal rights, of which she was deprived by her previous action for divorce against her huhand, Earl Ruesell, iwa* resumed toils morning. Testimony In this cose having been finish'd, the counsel for the count**) began his address to (he Jury- , , He trguod that the laay was entitled to ssk for maintenance, as In her con duct In faints ting tbit the changes against her husband Should be cleaned The Royal Baking Powder is in dispensable to progress in cookery and to the comfort and conve nience of modern housekeeping. Royal Baking Powder makes hot bread wholesome. Perfectly leav ens without fermentation. Qual ities that are peculiar to it alone. ROYAL RAKINQ POWDER r.q„ 106 WALL (T., NEW-YORK. wondered what was up but said little. He and Mr. Miller spent the night going through the booke. Nu loan of <5.000 to hu> Merchant* and Fanners' bank was found. Mr. .Miller Said: "You have loaned the Merchants' and Fanncm' bank of Charlot>e <5,000, of which there is no record "No,” saM Mr. Judrins, "I have not.” That iwaa the beginning of the end. Mr. Miller safcl nothing more but came back to Charlotte the next day. He appeared at the Merchants' nml Farm ers’ batik, and *s4d to Mr. H-dlmd thnt he might have mode a mistake In count ing the cash the day before, and he- Ijeved he would count tt again. Instead of finding 4t only <1 short, he found It $18,000 short. Mr. Holland, ae was his custom, had bummed $16,000 to put to hi* cash while the examiner wa* here, but thinking he bad flrreti-l and de parted and shat he wua nafe he with drew the $16,000 and returned It lo the party Omen whom he borrowed tt. See ing that all was lost he runfewej to President McAden thnt h» wit* a de faulter and tbe nail story of hi* fall became know .. The Merchants' and Farmers' bank Is perfectly safe, baaing a sufficient re- soruve fund to cover all iobm*. Dr. Winslow Anderson of the Uni versity of California report*: “I pro nounce 'Dr. Price's Baking Powder os perfect as It 11 possible for any pow der to be made.” THE JAPANESE TREATY. The Terms Not Yet Given to Other Governments. London, April 2$.—In the house or commons today the government was questioned concerning the terms of tne treaty of peace between Japan end China. Sir Edward Gray, under for- c'xn secretary, sold tha* the terms of ,ue treaty had not yet been communi cated to the government, and therefore they were unable to make any state- men In regard to It Mr. H. Campbell Bannermas, secre tary of state for war, said he felt called upon to deny the truib of existing ru mors that the Duke of Cambridge' was about to retire from his position as oommander In chief of the army. MODIFICATIONS AGREED ON. London, April 2$.—A dispatch to the Central New* from Shanghai says Pe kin advices state that some mbdlfl ca tions In the China-Japancse treaty of peace have been agreed upon.' Of the five commercial ports to be opened up It was decided to substgtute Nanktn for Pekin and Woo Cbcnr on tne West Canton river for Hu Chow. Wel-Hat-Wel is also to be garrisoned by Japanese at Chins'* expense for a term of years. Nankin, althbugu In cluded In the existing treaty ports, has never been proclaimed open. OH. WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed the warning? The signal, perhapB, of tbe sure approach of that more terrible disease, consump tion. Aek yourself if you can afford for the eako of saving 59 cent* run the risk and do nothing for It. We know from expcrlnece that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a million bot tles were eold the paet year. It re lieve* croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lama back. *!de or c!e-«t, use Shi loh's Porou* Plasters Sold by Good- wyn A Small Drug Company, corner Cherry stive; and Cottuo avenue. up. she had been perfectly sincere mul wb* actuated by motives of good faith. Sir Henry James, on behalf of Karl Russell, contended that the oountees we* personally answerable for the foul suggestions made against her husband’s character, and that therefore she woe m* entitled to Immunity from (he con sequences of Her acts, upon the ground that she had been lll-anvlHed. BUCHANAN GETS A WEEK. Albany, N. Y.. April 23.—Dr. Bucha nan'* wife and Mrs. Coleman of New York etty, waited upon Governor Mor- ton at the executive mansion this morn ing. Mnt Buchanan made an earnest pica fir the life tf her hualiand, who wo* to be electrocuted at fling Sing Wednesday for the poisoning of Ms first wife. They were with (fie governor In the large rezeptlon room for nearly *n hour and all visitors were refused ad mittance for the first time in yearn. The governor at first said he could not interfere, but Mrs Buchanan's tileadftgpi wore so pathetic that he final ly granted a week's respite, principally to give (he condemned man time in which to prepare for death. Hearts are light and eyes shins bright where Dr. Price's Baking Pow der Is used. ASSISTANCE FOR DEBS. Bo*ton, April 23.—Resolutions were adcpttd tut night by the HoHilng and Portable Engine tr' Union. Laxters' Pro tective Union, Firemen's Protective Un on In its effort* to have tbe Ruprems nouncing the Indunations issued by the courts against Eugene V. Dabs and the sevnt directors of the American Rat- way Union. Financial and moral aid was promis'd tho Am trtxun Railway Union In Its effects to have the supreme court set aside tbe decision of the lower cuurt* against Deb* *n.' htaute eels tee DUKE Cigarettes MfaOI PROM High Grade Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE I ■ HW COLONY. Governor Korthen Making Arrange ments for Transporting House hold Goode, ON A GRAND SCALE. Tho Colony la Conceived on n Blggor Plan Than Any of Itecent Year*— Survey* Will Bcf;ln When Tltloi Aro Perfected. Atlanta, April 23.—Ex-Governor Nor- 'beat, tn an Interview today, stated that he la now (beginning correspondence to arrange <letalte for (the transportation of the household goods end stock be longing to the mumbet* of the Indiana colony that bo has recently loci ted in th's state. Governor Northav has been In personal conference with eoine raUnoud oSclals and W:«h others look ing to the beat arrangement for .he traasportation of three people. The deal has been finally closed for the purotate of 100,006 aerre of land for eeitttlomeift, end the parties are now only waiting for the (tide papers to be gin the sunvey of the lands. Three pa pers will soon be pwlfedted, tbe gov ernor says, and then the work will lie* gin Tho colony Is the largest over organ ised in tills country and one ->f the grandest ever conceived iu tho tvorid. It consists of more town 10,000 families anil brings into this state upwards of 40,000 persons. One may appreciate its size when he undetotinds that this number of persons is about equal u> u city of the popuhtrton of Macon or Anlgusift, and to three of our average counties. The organization Is (bo cron: ion of Mr. (P. H. Fitzgerald, odltor of the Amcrlpan Tribune of India napolis. Its plan Is the result of yearn of thought, »Kd has been quietly worked out ;o a successful and marvckui* Issue. Briefly dtnvcij, till* plan is to form a mutual colony in which every share paridc ifitM In the affaire of the com munity and has (i proportionate Inter est In oil profits. No one can hold more thin 'ton Shares of stodk, the aliares being (ten dollars each. The holder of one share Is entitled to make a loca tion of land for‘Ms home and all lauds taken must be for the purpose of liv ing .thereon. At ibe centre of the tract of land selected for the sot;Clement of the colony 1,200 acres will be laid off Into Streets for a City, the remainder of the land to be divided Into gardens aud farms. Every other kit and farm r.-Ul lie reserved for the general profit expected In :he sale of land after Im provement will have enhanced Its value. Three linds wilt be divided out by all of the men. The colonists get ■their holdings at original coot of the land. They aro charg'd with "he price of Mhdr hold: net) and It Is expeeted thnt (he profits will dear off the In- dsbtGdsiess Within. -1- 7u3rs. There win bojthcreifotv, no ou'lay by tho col onist for Itilie land be bo kb. Governor Nonhen has In hand other cole uie* of vcir* **e, ujw li.iV'hg option on 15.000 aerre of land in lower middle Georgia. Arrangement for set tlement by this colony will soon be perfected. Governor Nor.hen says “The Inquiries as wdl ns tho afltuaj settlements nnde '.n this state indicate a large increase of popukitlnn. cud a great Inflow or goad people. Recent developments in fruit growing and Stock raising, together with the unu sual (transportitloa facSfle* found In 1M1 smte, are iwtraetlng attention." ~ DID YOU EVER Try Electric Bitten as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a botttlo now and gut relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief aud cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful and direct Influence In giving strength ami tone to the organ*. If you havo loss of appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleep less, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dlzxy spells, Electric Hitters Is the mtdiclne you need. Health end strength are guaranteed by Its uso. Large bottles ouly .10 cents at H. J, Lamar and Sonis drug store. DEPARfrarBjJT of the south. Atlanta Business Man Want an Army Headquarters. Atlanta. April 23.—At - a meeting of prominent business men of Atlanta today Initiatory steps were token to secure the esuidlelunent of u new department of the army, to be known aa the department of the South, with headquarters at At lanta. All troops stationed between Maine and Texas, Including Kentucky. West Virginia. New England, the South Atlan tic states and OuH states and Tenoexaee, are governed from Governor's Island, the headquarters of the department of tho East. There are enough troops In tho South Atlantic and Gulf states to war rant the establishment ot a new depart ment, and the natural site of the head quarters is Atlanta. A strong concerted effoit will be made to bring about Che establishment of such a department, and memorials by civil and commercial bodies tn Georgia will be preseated to the secretary of war tor thla purpose. MRS. ATKINSON RECOVERING. She Will' Soon Be Able to Return to Atlanta. Atlanta. April 23.-«pecial.)-Oov- ernor Atkinson returned from Wash ington last night, where he went last Friday with his lHtle daughter to see Mr*. Atkinson, who has been Under treatment at one of the celebrated san itariums there, for two months past. ■Mrs. Atkinson h rapidly recovering her former vigorous health again, anil the -governor thinks she will be able to return home within a month. The Intelligence of Mrs. Atkinson's restora tion to health will be news that will gladdeu the hearts of the thousands of those who knew bur as th* sharer of her husband’s political labors and triumphs, and the whole state will view the reunion of the governor's family in the executive mansion again with feellngr of profound pleasure. OPERATIVES TAKE COURAGE. Providence. R. 1., April C3.--Nearly all the machinists xi Otneyrillc aro at t‘." Atlantic mill* uttp* ktrur and setting tip a larg" quantity if v! ^machinery Ju-t arrived fro n 1 Vy The ,-rid- ti - of activity baa given n -n uoiukl It,-- L- ,t up.-r.ith'* an .l'li.-y »ty *b*y now H'l i-ciwi u,„t tv .. . grj> g- uds 111 urJ g oj continue (tie U«- is responsible for many , y- of man’s (and woman’s) C physical woes—but tlic%? ( ’ pic needn’t be poor, and it J © may bring joy instead oftyy ( woe. How ? Use noth-, 0 ■*’ing but COTTOLEN’E for I y ^shortening and tbe pief^ crust will be delicate,^ .flaky, delicious, and so ( . healthful that even a dys-^ ' peptic can eat freely oi it and be comfortable.^ 1 COTTOLENB can’t beg * equaled as a shortening, . ' and isaAM/wtefy healthful. Uv l Genuine lias this trade mark on every pail. Take 1 m‘ no other. Sold everywhere. / - l ) Made only by 1; The N.K.FairbankCompany, ^ ST. LOUIS and y,;) * * CHICAGO. <-> ^ ^ BUBER KILLED TWO MEN. He is (he 311.1 n Whose Wifo Wan lvm«3 alt Scotland. Ocikt. Pin., April 23.-tAit Marti City, a suburb of (his place, last nigbr Henry Buber shot twwl killed Ijooipolnc H-bone and A. ’E. Odoido, and Ills brother Ottirieu duns'roudy wounded Antonio TaffolwtJ. Henry aud Chari, s Buber wont into Taffoletltt'a store urn. ordered somrtlfiag to e<t. VVhlle lb Ing for the order to be tilled. Ilinona amd Odoido ciroo In uhfc'tig in Indian. Not understanding the language, Hem? Sutler asked If ttocq* were "cussing him.” Thay soKwered "No,” but Suber drew his pistol and bcRnn shooting, ono (bulled striking R'.naoe ticnr thi helm and another striking Odoido In the forehead, killing (hern Instantly. Taffoluttl rusted up and seiztil Henry Buber's pistol, when Charles Buber dhot ban 4n the throat, making a dangerous wound. The Buber broth* era then p*oun.t<xl horses nnd escaped, A posw 1* in pursuit. Henry Sulber la u desperado nnd has kill'd eoveral men. He was the hus band of the 'Mrs. Suber who, wl h till child, we# kfllkrl In the rtUrutol wreck on the Emit Tetuicwec, VIrg nia and Georgia' railroad tieir Soottand, G»., about six avette ago, ami h ■ reeetttly received St.OoO from the railroad com pany as dan*:'go*. He his been drink ing hard since gearing the imuiey. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. Vf. Fuller >.i 0 n ' trl , N V., says that lie ahvays keeps Dr. King’s New Discovery lu the bouse and his family has always found the very best results follow Its use; that ho would not bo without It, If procurable. G. A. Dykonun. druggist, Catoklll. N. Y., ssys tbit Dr. King's New Discov ery la undoubtedly the best cough rem edy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and It bas never failed to do all that Is cfu'.med for It. Why not try a remedy so long tried nnd tested. Trial bottle* free at H. J. Ial ma r & Son's drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1. FORTY-HIVE YEARS. Hill Cook Sent on Ills Journey to tha lAJhanty Frinom. Fort, Ark., April 21!. Thin if- tornooh DIN Cook began h a Journey ro Albany, 'N. Y., where he will servo forty-Jive yiurs In the penitentiary. Cook left' 4n the Special prison ear, which Is tm*l -w.'.th sheet iron, and the windows are heavily barricaded. In the special oar were nine ecu olhei prisoners for (be prison at Atbaoy. Among (hem ‘worn Enoch Thomas, Janie* and Ed. Keeton, who get ten yean* each for nmuafciushter; Henry Buffington, a coaxiu of Cherokee It Ut Thom is M. .w<*. who wtOh Jim branch and John H. Dock, a Cherokee attor ney, wie eoavlotcd of working fraud ulent centiflcwtes of Cberoloee citizen- gh'jp Just before '(he payment but year. Tho others were cuttle and boi*a thieves and whleky pnblU-ra. The Old Friend And tho best friend that nover fails you is Simmona Liver Regu lator, (tho Red Z)—that’« wh it you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not bo persuaded that anything else will do. It is tho King of Liver Medi cines'; is better than pills, and takes tho place of Quinine add Calomel It acta directly on the Liver, Kidney nnd Bowels and gives new life to tho whole sys tem. Thi-t is the medicine you want. Sold by ail Druggists iu Liquid, or in Powder to lie taken dry or m.-ulo into a ten. «**KVKHV I’ACKAQR'fii lias tlis* t Mitiup in red on wr.ti>m>r J. II. ZklLI.N & CO.. I h Ud-W a‘ W ESI