The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 25, 1895, Image 6

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THE 'WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: APRIL 25, 1895. SILVER FIGHT 1 IOWA. Populists Mused to Combine With the Silverites of Other Parties. DEMOCRATS TO CONFER. A Majority of (he central Committee Are In Faroe of Sound Money, lint the Silver Contingent Will Mr.|te a Very strong Fight. • De» Moines, Ia., April 23.—General Weaver and tile advocates of a combi nation of all the free sliver forces In the coming campaign went hitaten at ■the meeting of the Populist cenurnl comnUIttee today, and tile straight-out Populists are Jubilant tonight. State Chairman R. N. Scott presided, and nine of the eleven memibans were pres ent. Des Moines. Ia., June II, was chosen as the place and date of the s ate convention without contest. vVhen it came to choosing a temporary chair man Rev. G. H. Bosher of Waterloo, the Denioeratlc-Pophlist candtdatt for congress in .the Third district last fall, wus put forward by the Weaver crowd, and C. A, Lloyd of Musealtine was put up by tthose who desire to stand on the entire Populist, platform. Lloyd was chosen by a vote of live to four. Gen. Wcavtr and Mr. Dasher declared tonight tlhait the fight would be carried 1the state convention, and Chair- Ilian Scott, who Is opposed to them, announced that the straight-out Popu lism were ready for the conflict. The Dtmocnatlc state central com mittee and party leaders and demo cratic editors will bold a conference here tomorrow. Il is officially stated that it Is not intended to determine a line of party policy or to forestall the action of the State convention. Never theless, it Is known that the confer ence was railed wi ll the hope of secur ing harmony of action In th ecomlng convention, especially with, respect to the silver question. The majority of the central convml/tltee favor tne ad ministration financial policy, and they will be reinforced tomorrow toy tne leading federal office holders of tne Btatte. The frat silver men are aggress ive, and will noa submit without a struggle. . GRAND ART EXHIBIT. Great Work Bring Done By the Wash ington Committee. Washington, April 23.—Two impor tant meetings of the Atonta exposi tion committee were held here today. The first was informal meeting of the nrt committee at the hom; of Miss Her bert In the morning and the second of the woman's committee of the district Mrs. Wilson's residence. The latter was chiefly for organization. Miss Herbert hits been greatly inter ested In the work of the committee with which she has Seen' connected. Representatives of all the art associa tions, and a number of other promi nent artists were present. General plans were discussed and tho work put In charge of a committee, of Which Mrs. J. B. Henderson and Mrs. Phillip rhilllps are membsra, to aid Commissioner Bradley when b» arrlvos to form the general committee. This committee will receive art works and pass upon them, which will save tho artists the risks of rejection by We central committee at Atlanta, and the consequent cost of transpontation for* the pictures or statutes. Several of tha artists have announced their Intetlou of commencing special work for the exposition at once. The action of tho committee today In no way prescribes the action of Art Commissioner Brad ley on bis arrival, tout will give him the orgnnixed support of all the local art organizations. THE WIN OEXH1WIT. Atlanta, April 23.—Capt. Thomas H. Bai;ry of the "United States rmy, member of the Cotton States and in- natlonal Exposition, is In the city look ing up the exhibit and making arrange ments therefor. He brought with him detailed lnformatl.m concerning the exhibit, which will be substantially a* that made at Chicago. A camp to con templated, and two companies of the Fifth United States Infantry, stationed nt 'McPherson barracks, four miles from Atlanta, will be detailed under the command of the major for this duty. They will be encamped on the hill not far from the government build ing. which is eighty by 110 feet. With in the part of this annex allotted to the army figures mounted, armed and equipped with the uniform* of the service and representing the successive arms and accounterments of the Amer ican soldier from the limes of the rev olution to the present. FV-IC.I.RS WILL NOT EDIT. He to Needed hi Ilia Place as Comptroller of We Curroncy. Washington. April 23.—J. H, Kohtoaat, the new owner of the Chicago Tlmes- Herald, offered Mr. Bckele, the eompirol- ter of the treaaury, a Urge ealary, said to be nearly (10,000 a year, to go to Chi cago god become financial editor of that piper. In view of the Importance of the financial question In business circles and polities, Mr. Eckels saw In this editorship an opportunity to wield great influence in the Wewt. end was at (Rat much In clined to accept Mr. Kdhlsaat'i generous offer. On conwultaitton, however, with other members of the administration, he deemed It his duty to remain in his pres ent office until We expiration of Mr. Cleveland's term and wired his determi nation this afternoon. THE SELVmGARD BOYCOTT. The Case IfflH Be Taken *o the Geor- g’n Supreme Gout;;. Austria, April 23.—The Scnfoninl Air Ifiitio railroad will carry tho traffic boy cott case no ttie supreme court of Geor gia Instead of borons the lmersttu.-e commence eoromCattan, at mu pre- vtourfy mpontetd. The lower court per- routed itlie Southern Railway a ml Steamship Aiwoclatlon’a boycott tigaItutt the Sailboard to remain in force os to through rote*. I . LABORER’S SUTCtDE. Montgomery, April 23.—Thomas Far ley, a driver for the Montgomery Brew ing Company of this place, committed nulclde today by taking morphine. He was at work tjiis morning. When ha went home to dinner he told bto wife he was going lo kill himself and Im mediately took the morphine. Hla wife knocked some of it from hla hands In her attempt to. prevent the deed. Doctors were summoned immediately, but the drug bad taken effect and nil attempts to save hla life were fruit less. . Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. RUSSIA WANTS TERRITORY. She WtK Make Demands Through Her Minister at Pekin. London, April 23.—The Standard's Berlin correspondent says: "Tho Russian robitoter in Pekin has been instructed to negotiate a cession of Chinese territory to balance the Japaneso acquisitions. China, not being In a posi tion to reject the demands, hopes to con fine them to the cession of part of Man churia and an lee free port." The Standard also Indicates a rumor from untrustworthy sources that LI Hung Chang baa had a relapse and to suffering from occasional fits of fever. No con firmation of this can be obtained. JAPAN WILL TAKE CUSTOMS. London, April 23.—A dispatch from Yo- kohoma says the cabinet have dented of ficially that the treaty of peaco will place the Chinese customs under Japanese con trol. Tho treaty 'contains the optional condition that Japan will give up Wel- Hal-Wel upon the payment of the second Installment of the war Indemnity, pro vided China pledge her customs to In sure the payment of the balance, hut this custom possibly will not be observed. NO TROUBLE WITH ENGLAND. London, April 23.—The Dally News will say tomorrow: "Wo understood that the government will not Join any combination of European powers to Interfere with the results of Japanese victories While the ministers are willing nnd anxious to avert war, they do not regard the British Interests as affected by the terms of peace. SOLDIERS RIOTING. •London. April 23.—The Times' corres pondent in Hong Kong says: "The soldiery are rioting In North For mosa. Twenty-eight have been killed, including two officers, and fifty have been wounded. A number of torpedo boats, built upon China's order at the yards in Germany, were withheld during the war, but now have been delivered." TRUE BILL AGAINST WILDE. Prosemt'ing Wltnossos Are Guarded Aga'.ns Possible Mobs. London, Alprll 23.—The grand Jury this -momlrw irdtiurised lo the central criminal O'MH’t a true WB against Osnar Wilde and Alfred Taytcf, the prosecut ing witnesses In i:he case being lodged wHth a .twimUx-r of policemen in a house in Croydon Street <o prevent Whom from being mobbed. Tho EsMiainge Telegraph Company says WIMe will probably plrtul guilty of one offense. The :Sun says It Ik ex pected that 'Wilde's cottnsrt will apply for an adjournment for a month and ask that WiMe be admflttol fo bad In uhe meantime. WITHOUT A DESCRIPTION. Two Negroes Arrested Promptly by Sher iff Morris. Griffin, April 23.—(Special.)—Sheriff M. F. Morris, who Is rapidly gaining the sobriquet of "night hawk” on account of his unceasing vigilance, mado two ar rests test night that were -mantels of de tective work. It happened this way: Sheriff Gwyn of 'PIko county wrote Sher iff Morris that two negroes, John Holland and Will Gardner, were wanted in Pike for misdemeanors, but that they were wa-nted badly: the letter stated that no description could be given, as they were unknown to the sheriff. Upon this SpaM- Ing'a "ntaht hawk" acted In the dark, but learning that several suspicious Characters were In the neighborhood of Weems' mill, about six miles south of here, he took Officer S. 8. Floyd with him and at about 11 o'clock at effected their capture. Deputy Frank Wells of Pike county came up yesterday nnd car ried his prisoners to ZObulon Jail. Sheriff -Morris Is proving himself a ter ror to evil doers in this section. KILLED IN OTS TRACKS. 3.—(Special.)- P. Call, w James Sim moons Said He Would Not (Be Arrestee) Alive. Rolingitnoke, April This morning Bailiff W. F. Call, with a warrnht from Sheriff Wesbcott, aooom- >nnled by a -jwfa-e at men he had Repu lsed went to arrest James Simmons. When Slmir.ons was called on no throw np hla hands ire replied by saying "let me alone," and at the same time pull ing Ms pistol and was In the act of fir- in gwhen the toulllff and hi* posse opened fire and the ilespeimdo dropped In Ms tranks. Simmons died with a pistol In his hnnd and one on hla person. Sim mon* only fired one time but Wto shot failed to take effect. This negro comes from one of the iworwt families In tire spate nnd Was terror to both white nnd black. Ho ha* one brother in the pertUcnttlary under sentence of life for murder anti another In the Bibb county chaingang and two others ex-conv4cte. He has often publicly boasted that he would not be taken unless taken dead. DEATH OF MIBS. HOUSE. Satule-rsritle, April 23.—(— After a lingering illness nt several months. Mm. J. W. House of darkest. y'.llo (jtiletly passed away during the early part of last night at the home of her paretUM, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. N. Walder in dfis city. 'Her death has cast a gloom over the entire town, and the friends nt «hl* estimable family will receive the sad -news -with d<-ep rfrjret. That dreadful disease, con sumption, caused her death. 8he had been a puilent sufferer for Home time part, and «n«t the dark hour of death with that sweot peace assured evwy one who has ouch a beautiful tsqpe for the beyond. There to more catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the Inst few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced It * local disease, and pre scribed local remedies, and by constant ly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable- Science has proven catarrh to toe a consrltu'lonnl disease, and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall'* Catarrh Cute, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A ft., Toledo. Ohio, Is the only constlfuf.'cnai cure on the market. It Is taken in ternally In donee from 11 drops to a teaspnopful- It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces cf the sys tem. They offer 3100 for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonial*. Address F. J. CHENEY St CO., Toledo O. Sold by all druggists, 7fc. When Baby wo* sick, we gam her Castoria. When sbe mu a Child, ahe cried for Cutorls. When she become Ilka, she clung to Castoria. When she hod Children, she gave them Castoria. YFJ 3T BARGES SUNK. Cattlettrtiurg, Ky.. April 23.-The towboat* Onward an<l Iftbunton struck tho Norfolk and Western railroad bridge at Kena-vo. W. Vn„ at 2 o'clock this morning, wrecking thirteen barges ami sinking 130,000 bushels of ojal. The low will amount to about 330,000. Home of the crew arc reported miss ing. NEW PAPER AT AMERICUS. The Levelling Herald proves a Healthy Infant. Amorlcus, G*.. April 21—(Sreclal )— The first tesue of the Evening Herald came out yesterday. It to <t nmall afreet but t* a squrce of pleasure to the ire pie In having an evening paper. Mr. W. K. Whcatloy, as an editor, has f--w euporlore. The papeer published weekly called tho Saturday Herald wan convert-'1 Into the nrsent Evening Herald. It reaches the people of the city aheiit 5 o'clock by llttlo white boys and every one seam* eager for i-ts appearance. The two neg-rnes now In jail upon the charge of ibaa-n burning -will have a preliminary trial next Saturday. Joe Floyd, who iwan arrested a Wft'k ago upon a similar charge, nvtss turn’d tnnen yestdnd.iy for lack at evident-. It to learned that Mr. ChaiinblL* had about 33-10 Insurance on hto barn, the loss of which, wtaih contents, exceeded 33,000. The Series (if -meetings In progress at the Presbyterian church the past week conducted toy Dr. (Jucrranit of Ken tucky, atnd the pastor, Rev. Rc-Scrt Adams, closed today. Much Interest was manifested In the •meetings, large numbers attending dally. Dr. Guenratnt leaves tomorrow for Kentuckey greatly to the regret of Ills many friends In tills city. Tills week -will be -a notable ene from a picnic standpoint and the I)--ll will be the scene rtf several pleasant oc casions. The fesirivltles be-gSh Wednesday with the millionaire bairiiocue club; Thursday Calvary Sunday school will picnic there ns well; st Paul's Sunday school on Friday while on Saturday a half dozen tunallor crowd* *111 gather at the lovely spot. In the meantime the small boy and red bug will have a festive time In prospect. Messrs. Bloom Brown and E. P. Snr'th returned from the -north last night nnd -have arranged -things satisfactorily. They .will resume business Immediately. Mr. A. J. Hill of Rllaville, and (Mil* Lusby of Owenton, I<y., drove to this (Xty this moaning registering at the Allen house. H. A. Hanson and son, V. II. Hansen, .arrival In th-? city for a nxmth's stay >iim4iuw life csf jhcjj who Hood in* eurancc. SHIPPING THE PH AGUES. Marahallnllle Producers IMeet to < »r- (ganlze a Growers' Union. iMtHtJhfttijvifle, 'Atpril 23.—(^pedal.)— The MtirshtillvlHe Fruit Growers’ Un-Ion iwan otwaalzed -Monday after noon. i'roffersrr J. l\V. Freilerlek was elected tprepldoat and W. H. Rice sec- rotary. After dseusslng several Im portant Runs. Kttoh as -orates anti trans- portaitlon, a committee on transporta tion iwns appointed, oonststing of W. H. Felton* IV. A. Humph and E. B. Baldwin, Who are to take Into consld- eration different modes a.nd rout.-s of tramsportatlon that will Ibe to the 1>ettt Interest of the shlppem. The mewing adjoumetl ito tne-t on the (5th of May. 'Memorial Day will too observed hone with unusual Interest A very at tractive programme has Ix-on arra nged. Mr. Walter T. Grace of -Macon Will be orator of 'the day and mill he Jtrro- duoed by -Mayor F. J. Frederick at the will probably be buried In Orange Hill onmotery In this place tdmomrz' morn* tag at 10 o'clock. The deceased was Tell known in Southern Georgia, having resided In Hanvklnsvllle for the past twenty year*. During tlhc greeter portion of hto lime he imis employed ns bookkeeper in the wagon imanurisotory of the late Mur dock Wtkyoc. and In the same estab lishment aftar the dctlth of the proprie tor and the transfer of the buelncsa to L. B. Wllco* & Co. Being a gentleman of -plrtasing ad dress Mr. Leo made many friends who will regret to hear of hi* death. TO TXSPHCTT TTxH ROAD. The Railroad Comtm'.sj’on Will I-nrestl gate the M. G. & A. Rond Ttoduy. Judge Allen Font of Anu-rloirs passed Orroush .'Macon ycstcrd.ny on tat way to Atlanta. Die atlaie railroad com mission, of Which Judge Fort to one of the three members, holds a meeting today. Atnong other nuittera to «ome before ,:he commission will Tie the re portal unsafe condition of the Middle GeorBla and Aitiimifc -mllroad botween Euiioutbn aad aflUedgoyille. -When seen by a Telegraph reporter yesterttay, Judri!-' E-ort statedhat -with Gmnnissiitncrs Tratinncll and Jordan ho -would moke a personal n-nd thor- ougl» inspeoKnn of Kite itrad. A partial Inspection bias licniU»fore lieen made, butt the cotnaui-ssionors will compleie the worit at once. Judge Font- also Intimated that it would not toe o maftcr of surprise If the question of h-une-ac-kers’ rates Should ho brought ito the atotoution of the commission. Some of the roads contend tuhnt tlhc rulca of the S.>ut1iorn I’Uswmx.’er Artiaiintl-in In reg-ird lo this iim.ti er -work great damage to this section of Georgia. While tie question is one to toe decided by the Interstate commence c->mni!lsKl(in, tho recom mendation of the Georgia cmnm sslon will have Brent weight In the adjusting of the differences toemveen the various railroads concerned. GAVE BOND IN ATLANTA. Orth Stein Was Not Taken -to Carters- vllle. Atlanta, April 23.—(Special.)—Editor O. H. Stein of tlie “Looking Glass." who w.18 arreeted yesterday for crimi nal libel, and to prevent being taken to Carlersvllle where the warrant was Issued, sued out a writ of habeaB cor pus before Judge Lumpkin, was al lowed to give bond here this afternoon, will not have to -face the music for hto offense before the Carteruvlllc courts until hto case to regularly reached on the docket. Judge Lumpkin -took up the habeas oorpus at 8:30 tills morning. Mr. Dan W. Rountree appeared for Stein and argued that the habeas corpus should be sustained and the editor allowed to give bond lii Fulton county instead of being taken Into a distant county, where, besides the great Inconvenience, the circumstances tended to show strongly he -would probably meet with personal violence at the hands of the aggrieved parties. Solicitor General Fite, who came down from Carters- vllle to lake Stein -back there with him argued that aide of the case, contend- * ^ 8 tart si _ XV r i it wri a tlr» j $ me vvoria s rair tesxs % showed no baking powder so pure or so great an leav= ening power as the Royal. •£ ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 10» WALL BT., NEW-YORK. Academy 'Hall nit 10 o’clock. V(itera ns are exjicatal to occupy sotito on the ntage. Mr*. S. 8. Cook, ipresident, Mrs. D. B. Frederick, vice-president, and Mrs. MVtDuff OcKKlwIn are :toe ofltaers of this aswK'laiion, who have kqpt up an unfiasgng Interest annually. Farmerw have made considerable pruornw to itbetr work the past few weeks. A very good stand of corn Is now -living can-fully {doughed. Cotton has toeen jdnnied, hut ;ho cool nights have notnrdrxl its coming up. The acre age of cotton haa not been reduced very imtioh, but less fertilizers haw lieen tom! than fonnoriy, INTEUEtmiNV; LMEET1NOS. They Are Being Well Attended nnd Much Good's Being Done. Alba ny, April 23.—(Sportil.)—The pro tracted meetings that are being held at the Methodist church are being well attended and a great deal of Interest ia being manlfeeusl -by the young peo ple especially, to, Judging ftom the way they are going np to be prayed for. Rev. J. E. Simmons from Mnr- sbalhrltte Is oonduollng this avertt’s aer- vices. The Ladle*' Memorial Araortatibn bwe organiz'd a very interacting pro gramme for the 2illh. They have wv leetril Mr. Van Grassland, -who la ime of the moat ptnndslng young lawyers of this -city, as orator for ihe occasion. (Mayor Wight gave his regular week ly matinee this morning and disponed of a good many casm, enriching the city's eoffcm to some extent. Hon. J. W. Walters is tu court nt Isabella this week. Albany 1a soon to lose one of her bast citizens toy the removal of (Mr. L. 8. Trice and family. lie goes to Way- crotts, where bis headquarter* will lie In the future. Friends are dad to learn that Mr. Morgan's UMte son. -who has lieen crit ically 111 at hto residence on Fine strew, is Tery much imjinrctl. Hla frirntbt hoi.’ to see Mr. Walter Divto, who has been s'ck several days back, at bis usual place in a day SUICIDE AT HAWKINSVILLE. A Well JCnowin Merchant Sent a Bul let Through His Brains. Ifawklnsville. Os., April 2X—(Special.) Mr. J. IL Les, a tnenthani of tin* place. commltMi suicided nt his home hen at 5 o'clock lb's morrtr.g by a pistol hall entering hto head from which he <U'»1 In a »IW hours. Mr. tec had been sick for the |A'Mt two weeks and his un timely death to attributed to hto despon- d ucy caused from Ill-health and per- ltsiri •»«>*• If) non tool ivignrra tonwnL UIs thsvvrs Mwee grown uhildren, a daughter anti • non who reside with their father In Ifawklnsville ami • *en. W. H. Tide, who 1* In TCxssi Mr. L-v left s stockof flaoc y groceries and some . life Insurance. The amount of hto In- 1 sumacs M not pqttUvclx known. Ha Ing that the law plainly require* that the sheriff has tho authority to arrest a man In one county upon a warrant Issued in another and take him there for commitment trial. Although tho people of cartersvlllo fire very muon wrought up over the case, and Stein would undoubtedly meet with a hot reception should he pay a visit there, olleitor Fite declared ho would not i-et with violence. The point Involved was nt very ten der one and Judge Lumpkin took It under advisement all day. Pending hi* dectolon, which was rendered at 3:30 o'clock, the attorneys agreed to let Stein give bond here, and he was re- 1,-oacil from custody. When Judge Lumpkin's decision came, however, ho hold that be could not order Stein's release, but that the sheriff had the right to Lake Mm to Bartow county for preliminary trial. Had the law yers not agreed to let the editor give bond he would have been taken to Cartersvlllo by Sheriff Griffin under the decision of Judge Lumpkin, and from all aecoonits he would have been roughly handled there. "Our reader* wWl find Simmons Liver Re-rubl >>r advertised In these col umns. We advertise It, and use It. and we commend It fl» a safe and excellent medicine. We became acquainted «vlth H In Georgia, where It Is a standard family medicine. We do not, deny the merits of oilier preparaittons, but sim ply state that this one command* con fidence."—From the “Journal, Lanen- boro, Minn." TAILORS ON STRIKE. New York. April 23.—Two thousand tailors on the east side went on strike today. Tho strike was ordered by the Tailor*' Progrerslve Union. Some 2.000 women, girl* amt boys whose work de pend* upon th? tailors have alto been thrown out of employment. The strike 1* conducted In an orderly manner and no trouble 1* expected. The tailors on strike are those who produce the highest grade work on ready-made clothing. Up to the pres ent time they have received 31 for mak ing a coat, and good workmen. It to said, can do tills work In six hour*. NEW DIVORCE DrCISION. -Madison. Wl*., April 23. —Tho impreme court today ban-led dawn a decision ,*- tabltoldng the validity of the law, which provide* that We imprisonment operates as a decree of absolute divorce without further legal proceedings. William Oarreuch was contented to life Impris onment ter murder and taht wKe mar ried James Duke!. Oarreuch secured a now trial, and had the Judgment of contraction set aside. Then he had Duket arrested for adultery. CONSUMPTION EASILY CUBED. To tho Editor: Flea:- Inform root reader* that 1 have a positive remedy for abor* named disease, lly it* thudy CM thousand* of bopetoss case* bovo been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to oend two bottles of my remedy tree to any ot your readers who hare con sumption, if they will eend m* their express and nostoflic* addresses. Re spectfully. T A SLOIIUM. M. D„ lol Pearl atrr-.n New York. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria* Pure Is absolutely necessary in order to have good health. The greatest affliction of the human race is impure blood. There arc about 2400 disorders inci dent to tho human frame, the largo majority arising from the impure or poisonous condition of tho blood. The best remedy for all blood dis eases is found in Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Its remarkable cares aro its loudest praise. It is not what wo say but what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does that tells tho story. No remedy has ever had so marked success, or won such enormous sales. Scrofula in its severest forms yields to its potont powers, blood poisoning nnd salt rheum and many other diseases are permanently cured by it. For a general Spring Medicine to remove those impurities which havo accumu lated during tho winter, or to overcome That Tired Feeling, nothing equals “ I wish to say that 3 year. ,g 0 w ehl ,. beautiful boy born to at. At the Me on. mouths be breathed hla last » 2: impure blood. On Aug. 4, iggj *“ to boy was born, who at tho months became afflicted with the ^ disease. We believed the trouble wJT •titutional, and not common so re I procured a bottle ol Hood’s San,^ and commenced to give It reg^^ both mother and baby. Improvement J 4 gan at once. Wo have succeed wSi 1 *' Uug the scrofulous blood tr^ g e e ^' ES t 2? ay ,2™ are blemed with baby boy, 1« months old -the very 1 “ Picture of Health, all life nnd full of mischief-thank., llood’a Sarsaparilla. Iamamlnistwa the Methodist Protestant church, (n * e affords me much pleasure to recomm J! Hood’s Baraaparllla to alt rcmcdy._ Even my wife, after iOOD’S arsapar 'THE (INCOME TAX HEAPING. Tho Matter Reserved tor Monday, May 6. Washington, April 23.—-At the open- in-g of the euprome court t-hEs morning. Chief Justice Fuller mado the following announcement: “The comedderatlon of the two peti tion* tor a ."lii'M-i ii»K -,f the income ttz ciisen, -to rceerved until Monday. May 6, when the full bendh Is expected; n-nd In that event two counsel on a side will be heard.” . This statement doe* not mean that a rehewnig of the oases hail been grant.-1 only that on that (late the court will li«ar counsel upon tile qw-slion, whether or not a rehearing shall be granted. The an-nouncvnii-nt of -the chief Jus tice wo-s made after «n hour’* consulta tion In the conference roam, to which tlhc Justices ravre Invited yesterday. It to assumed that at this conference confidential assurance* wore given of Justice Jackson's Intention to be pres ent oei the Joy named. That It Is not certainly established that he -will he present is evident flrom the chief Justine's manner of making the announ-ceononit. NO INTERFERENCE. England Will Not Take Charge of Queen Lil's Affairs. London. April 23.—In the house of ooromon* today, replying to a question by Sir Thomas Esmond, Sir Edward Grey said that the Imprisonment of the Px-queon of Hawaii wits not a matter In which the government could Inter- fore. Sir Wllluim HUiroourt moved that an annuity of 4,000 pounds be pal-1 to ex- Speaker J?eeJ. Mr. James KIcr-Har.ll" moved an amendment fixing tile (-mount at 1,000 pounds per annum which sum he said w-n* enough. Nobody seconded Handle'* amendment and Sir William Haxcour.'v rnoiluu was carries!. WEDDING AT ATLANTA. Atlanta, April 23.—Mhra Cornelia Jack- •on and .Mr. Wlhner Moore, both of At lanta, were married tonight at the rcal- dence of the bride’* (tether, Capt. Henry Jackson, on Capitol Place. The bride la a granddaughter of Gen. Henry It. Jack- eon. ex-minister to Mexico. She to also a niece of Secretary Hoke 8mMii a-nd spent the past winter in Washington at the ■ecretary’* homo. Tho cerimoay wn* performed by Dr. Bartlett of the First Presbyterian church. The groom Is a wealthy young business man here. The couple will sail for Eu rope on Saturday. NO MATCH 'R)AOK. St. Louis, April 23.—‘Efforts to make n renewal of the Blmmon*-Dr. Rlec match have fallen through. Foster wanted to run a match In private for 32.C0O a side. Walsh agreed to bet $500 even and the remaining $2,000, If Foster wouhl give him 8 lo B. Thl* proposition was rejected by Fos ter, who diHcontlnucd any further ef fort* to get up a race. He will *hlp Dr. Rice East Thursday, to meet hto Brooklyn handicap engagement. IN DANGEROUS POSITION. Tendon, April 23 —The British ship Arno, from New Orleans to Havre, whoae crew were taken on board the steamer Norma ilia, which found her In distress, and which was subsequent ly picked up nnd manned by the steamer Merrlmao, ha* anchored be tween St. Patrick’s causeway anil Bar mouth. She lie* in a position danger ous to navigation. JUDGE BUNN WILL PRESIDE. Chicago, April 23.—Judges Woods anil Jenkins of the United States cir cuit court, yesterday made an order formally assigning Judge Runn of Wis consin to preside over the Debs con spiracy case on May 1. The clerk of the court will summon a venire of iso men from -which to select the Jury for the trial. Two hundred were called at the previous trial, but not over half was passed upon when the Jury was completed. MINERS WILL STRIKE. Springfield. III., Aprl 23.—Three hun dred miner* of the Ilarckley. Spaulding, Willlamavllle and Springfield shafts do- eclded t-- strike toay rill her than accept the reduction of S cents. Delegations were appointed to vMt working miners and urge thorn to join. SUICIDE AT SANFORD. Sanford, Fla., April 23.—Carlos S. Wil cox, who committed suicide here Sunday was a native of Independence. Is. He came to this place from Chicago. He lia* ■pent the summers for many years at Nlnntlc, Conn. Mrs. Wilcox 1* from New Louduii, COU.i. WILDE'S EnFFXTTS FOR RALE. London. Atpril 23.-(OKiior Wild-?'* ral- u.ihle collection of prints, Moorish pot- cry, bric-a-brac, etc-, -will be sold at .mo lon tomorrow. The article* to be sold include Chrlylo's writing table. ■ MILL TREASURER SHORT. Fall River, Matts. April 21—It I* an nounced to-liy thag Ttumaa S. Borden, treasurer of tho Metoocdnot mill, 1* short 34.000 f-n ill* accounts and a warrant to out for Us arrest. ENGLISH GAnr.NET MEETING. London. April 2..—The cabinet as sembled In counsel this afternoon. Lord Rosebery presided. The meeting lasted one hour. No announcement of the proceeding* ha* yet been made. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. DRILL AND INSPECTION. T9i« Aftucon Lfcrhf Infantry Had an later* eating Time Monday Night The regular quarterly prize drlH «4 Inspection of tho Macon Light Infantry on Monday night was a very Interestfaj affair and one that resulted In amain* of the convpany. Tho Light Infantry had Invited a Ur» nunvbcr of their friend** to wltnr** drill and luapeetkm and the visliuia wer* highly entertained. The drill and inspection were the flrrt under the new orders, and the toy* ert»*<l themselves to make tho beat pant* ble appearance. Kvery gun. btyoo* and buckler waa polished as bright a» i nev dollar, 00 that when the Judges, John P. Rosa and Lieut, lien White, «m to decide on whom to give the prize* te It was found to be a difficult task, hut they Anally agreed that First Sergmt W. H. Reichert was entitled to th<j hand* some gokl medal for vtanding the beg inspection, with Sergeant II, J. RWiter a close second. Following the Inspection came the drill, and Corporal J. D. Grace wa* the victor, he being the Ja»t man up. The prUa were awarded by Clapt. J. I*. Ross ia i short epeech. The Ueaeonlug rowan. A couplo of Tokos darkies met nnd be gan talking over mattero and things. “Hoir ia ole Co loud Jonea comla oa, what used to own you bofoah the war? He is so old ho must be gotiin childish u losin hla roaeonln powers.’' "Don’t know uuffln about him—bainl sood him ainco befoab las' Christmas.” “Why, what's the matter?" “Ain’t got no uko for tioh ologomaua. Last time I was dar I fotobod him a blf nan I hau coichcu. I toio him ef he bum gltnmo a table knffo I would scrape ia clean do flah for him. What do yoofu'poai ho Bald?" “Asked ye? to? conn* in on get a draa an chat awhile about ole times on do cif plantation?" “No, aah. Ho told mo ef I couldn’tb* row a table knlfo from eozuo ob do nabev dat he would rather clean do llsh hliaaK* “What did ho moan by dat ar’?" “I s’poso ho was afeared I’d bokeri in handln do knife back when I got 4 wld it." Tho other darky rubbed hla ohioia4 roxnarkod: “I soee by dat ar' dat do olo maa’a ftill got do uso of hia reason in powers. ”-T«- at Siftings. Kills a Spavin, Curb, or Splint. Curos Shoulder or Stifle Lameness. . Will not Scar or Blister.. Horse Sizet, 50 cents and 51-00. [grid to aa Otaltrt. ri Prepared by Dr. EARL S. SLOAN CO, V, BOSTON, MASS., U.SA; *•<- Dr. Sloaa’i New Book “TreetUi -it th,- llur-c," - -I l‘"- gjYPSINE | 1$ ALWAYS READY- plain or rvllof decorating. DIAMOND.WALL FINISH CO., S "**V A * ■•■gfil-ytt UMBACO'S PATENT HiBj ■ A LifUt. Dto«W; • LtsSttLKttaasg -W.SUM It (o ~ : .. % 8 rrrri^’fe 1672. DR. J. J. 8UnERS. Permanently located. In t|. i venereal. Lost energy n t Fkmal. IrresularlUes and p Cur. cuaran'eed. 0 Address la coofidencto wlttl