The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 25, 1895, Image 7

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THE MAC03ST TELEGRAPH: THTTEFDAY MOEHIKG, APRIL 25, 1895. THE WORLIHF TRflDL Reports by Wire From the Great Markets. - eW York. April *4.—Money on call t» a t 1.%a3 rer cent.. lx»f loan at 114 nn.i ctoolne offered at 114 per cent. Prime nwrcontlle paper. 1%a5 per cent. Bar all- bm. Sterling exchange Arm. with .letuel business In bankers’ bill* at 1.8814 “ 4 «k (or aix+y days nnd 1.89V4e% for 1° and! Ported rate*. l.»a.WH4. Com- mtrclBl bills. 189al.90%. Government bonds elate bonde dull; railroad bonds ac tive' Silver at the board was stronger. STOCKS AND BONDS, tun-aoio stocks. U. fl. Cordage... pret' imer. Cot Oil... 97 00 preCd. 76 i0 '- d rT™rW a 'i. and 8. to. 6K hilt. and Ohio.. 60 Canadian Pacino 44 fhe-1- and Ohio. 18K Cht.and Alton..147 Ch;., b. andQ... 74‘A CbtctoOsae.-.M?, a P IS": l)ei..b. and IV bia. and tattle P 15% trie 19 do profd. 25 Gen- Klrctno.... *364 Illinois ten 91 Lake trie and W 2uJ4 do profd. 78 lakeHnore 111J4 Lon. and Naeb... 65% Loo. and N. Alb. b Manhattan Cona.118% lien:, and Char.. ID Michigan Cen.. .1UU‘4 Mluonn l’scino. 26 Mobile and Ohio. 18% K„ C. and St U. 70 eraxt BOXDS. Alabama claaa A.105 f Tenns'ae old 8s.. di 11$ New Jersey Cetu. 96% Now York Cen... 99% N. Y. and N. It.. S9?i Nort. andlV.prel 16% Northern Pacino- iy, do prefd. 20 Northwestern... 98% do prel'd.111 Pselfio 1UU 24 Heading 15% Rock Island..,.. 67% bt I’anl 61 do prefd.116 Silver Certlfle’ea. 66% Tenn. C. and L.. 22% do prefd. 75 Teiaa Paclflo.... 10% Union I’acilic.... 1 .’1% IV., St 1* and I*. 7 do prefix 15% Western Union.. 89 13 do prefd. 43% Southern R’j 6a. 81*% “ ** con. 13% “ “pl,d. 36% 8- 0. 4%a 11*7% B.106 “ “ C» 95 La. itampod 4a..lOO I S. Carolina 6».... 102 - 41... 124 Virginia Ca def... H% " t’ra 6% “ lundeddebl 511% OOVXnXSKMT BOKDS. f.S. la reglet’d..11154*1 U. & 2s regular.. 98 I. e. la coupons. 112%.l : * A-h»i ♦ v.t .nd.tM® on future*, but ioet 3 iwata of thin later on. cloelng quiet and steady at a not rise of 1 point. Tbe South offored very little jpot cotton here. The Louisiana weekly report etates that the aeaoon la late and cottou dying. In Manchester, yarns were hrra and tending upward and close quiet. * Spot cotton how waa ciuiot and unchanged, wfth sale* of 109 for spinning and 100 delivered on con tract. The Southern spot markets were generally quiet and unchanged. Bavau- naij advanced 1-16 of a cent New Orleans sold 2000 bale* and St. Louis 2260. Au gusta received S3 bales, against • 67 this day Cast week tod 74 last year; Memphis, 149, against 97 last week and 10| hat vear; St .Louis, 161, against 93 last week and 60 last year; Houston, 7ST, against 866 mat week and 498 last year. The port receipts were 8,527 bales, against 8,840 last week and 4,696 last year. Thus far this week, 44,178, against 62,262 thus far last week. The exports from the porta today were 1.731 to Great Britain. The New Orleans receipts tomorrow are estimated at 4.0UU to 6000, against 3470 last week and 714 last year. Silver was unchanged in Lon don and H of a cent tower here. The dry goods transactions were larger, owing to more favorable weather. The semi- weekly receipts at thirteen Interior town# as reported by New Orleans are 18.023 bales, against 18,000 lost week. 8,239 last year and 10 326 In 1892. Shipments, 27,068, against 36,000 last wreck and 10,773 last year and 19,383 In 1892. The stock at those towns hi now 162,662 bales, against 166,M last year and W.663 In 1892. Today's Features.—Swayed by weather conditions as much as anything else, but also Influenced largely by Liverpool news, prices backed and filled today qulto fre quently and finally backed some 6 points. But early In the day there was a rise, due to dry weather at the Southwest, the bullish tenor of the weekly government report and dispatches from Europe, stat ing that Nell Brothers had' issued a bull ish circular, taking the ground that the new crop had secured a very poor start. Reports of good rains in some parts of Texas and a heavy liquidation for long account, however, outweighed for the time being the bullish news, and the mar ket ait tho close showed less snap. | COTTON. alscvn, April 23. The Macon market for spot cotton is firm it the following quoUtioos- Good Middling : Middling 6 Htrict Low Middling VA how Middling Good Ordinary 6% Ordinary 6 Clean Htains Led Stains — local .1 ..I ..rm 31 91 Cl 1255 cowaxaTrrx htatemxnt. Btock on hand September 1. 1891 1.100 Received since September 1,1891 01,121 post KKcxirrs. 3-1 r 111 i 1 u s <*g r 1 Saturday 1 Monday ITuesday 1 Wednesday.... [ Tbnr#day 1 Friday 62M 176US 11569 ‘8527 lliili 1999 9267 C%7 1590 1560 1712 6027 C(*ll 12136 6242 711*3 8362 Total tbi# week 41,178 61.872 24,910 30.016 Nee York, April 23.-Gotton qnlot. Middling nlf 7 3-18: middling upland C 16-18, Sams 263 bales. Tbe cotton market for rntnre delivery cloud barely steady. Sales 212,800. Opened | Clooe3 April June July August September October, November Oocember January February March axcxiiia ADO EXToaTS. Consolidated net reoeipta.. Export, to O. Britain. Export, to France.... Export, to continent. Stock o, hand at all port. Fetal since Sept. 1—Net receipt..... 7,640,1511 “ “ Export. toO. It. 8,653,744 “ Exp. to Franc.. 740,732 " Exp. continent. 8,171.611 MANCHESTER market. Manchester. April SI.—The Guardian In it. commercial article nay*: There *haa been little Improvement In the market, despite the advance# Hi Am ro coaly Ann ami there la a hardening tendency, although at previous quotations orders are limited. Eastern btds are fre quently made on a reducod basis, but workable offers are decidedly restricted. There la a fair Inquiry in some quar ters and some manufacturers are fairly engaged, but many whc=e engagements are scauty, though anxious for orders, are reducing the offers presented, owing to the necessity of advancing prices to cover the Increased coat of raw materials and yams. Few of the offers for SMrfingt and sta ples from India have been workable, though moderate lots of dlmutles, Jaco nets and specials have been booked for Calcutta. Hotter reports have been re ceived from China and Japan and In acme quarter, there have been transactions in bleaching! and fancy specials and scanty trade In staples. Business elsewhere has been moderate. Yams have been' strong, but the trans actions were limited. SEW UMIXAXS CLOSIEd HUTCHES. Nsw Orleans. April 28.—Cotton futures steady. Bale. 90.5UW batea. July. January February March.. Apru... May... Juno... 9 20 9 28 6 87 .... • 44 Augrut 6 49 September 8 50 October 6 52 Novomber 0 56 December 8 59 PORT RECEIPTS. Galveston, April M.-Flrm; middling,«%. net receipt., 1,1*12; stock, 55,277. Norfolk, April 21.—Firm; middling, 474, set receipts, 5!!; stack. 32.34. Baltimore April it.—Firm; middling, 914; stock, 14,918. Boston, April 91 Quiet; middling, (15-14; net receipt., 2,769. IWknington. April 21.-Steady; middling, t'4; net receipt., 94; stock, 17.6*7. Philadelphia, April Sl.-Flrm; middling, 7*4; net receipt., US; stock, 13,213. Savannah. April 24.—Firm; middling. a; net receipt., 579; stock, 13,109. New Orleans, April N.-Bteody; mid dling I 5-18; net receipts, 2,671; stock. 275,681. Mobile, April M.-Flrm; middling, 614; net receipt., 13; stock, 16,?I3. Memphis, April M.—Steady; middling, t%; net rectepts, 119; atcck, 36,20. Augusta, April 21 Quiet: middling, 9%; net receipts, 33; stock, 15,815. Charleston, April 21.-Flrm: middling, 614; net receipts. 623; stock, MM. Cincinnati, April 21.-Qu1.t and Arm; middling. 6%; net receipts, 1,609; stock, 12.10. Loutsvtlle, April 21.-Firm; middling,614. Ht. Bouts, April 21.—Firm; middling, 614; net receipts, 161; stock, 16,997. Houston, April 84.—Steady: middling, t%; net receipts, 781; stock, 11,731. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, April 28.—Cotton spot market Mr: price* steady; American middlin' 3 9-16. Kale* 12.1100 hales. American lO.tue; epeentatten and export son. Receipt, for the day 2,000, of which 2,090 were Americsn. Future, closed qnlot. Opened. April. April-JIay... May-Jnne... Juno-July... July-Aqgu.t. Ang-ttept. Kept-Oct 314-6U3 17-13 J 45-61 f Cloeed. 9 39-61.3 47MJ4 3 39-64x310-81 3 39-0U111-61 3 39-daS KWH 3 10.6U3 mi 3 11-61 312-61x3 41-C1 3IWH 3 43-61x316-61 313-61x31191 Oct-Nor. Nov-Dee Dec-Jan 3 16-6433 1S-6I 3 16-Cl 317-01x319-64 317-01 319-61x3 60411 3 48-61x311-81 THE BUN’S COTTON REVIEW. Nvw York, April M—Tbe Bun’s cotton Kd-w says: Ovtton rose 1 to 7 points, tut lost this end fell 4 points, closing barely steady, Whta sales of 8090) hales New Orleans •'“••lined 3 points on August, recuren-1 •his and aikvsnred 1 point, then lost this '*ed dtcUoed 4 polats. Liverpool a-j GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CMengo. April 24.—The ragh business was worked In the capacity of an Invlsor- ator today. When the market wa. weak under selling by Ream, I’anlridge. Roaen- kran* and others. Armour’, man save out that 250,000 bushels hod been sold at tMs place for export. Then again near Che close addittonad aalee were reported to help prices from the position Into which they had fallen as the result of a the failure, of IAvsrpool to r«g*cnd to the break of yesterday tn tfie American marks**,but the heavy professionals were bent on retrieving their late losses and began umdroougly to sell. In a brief pe riod of time a decline to a point below the close of 'yesterday took place, after which values row a*nd fell several times. July wheat opened from 6114 to 8114. declined to 60%. closing at 6l%a%-14n% of a cent higher than yesterday. Cash wheat! car lots) .old on an average at about yester day’. figures, the nominal clone bring about steady. Corn.—From the opening until the dose the action of com was of a dispirited or der. Nothing of a strengthening or de pressing nature was received and lit the absence thereof wheat .gain occupied the position of the leading factor. Bcalpera and local traders did the Ron's share of the business, oommlarion men reporting a scarcity of country and outside orders. July corn opened at 17%, sold between 1714x14 and 1714, dosing at the outside—14 of a cent higher than yesterday. Borne corn was reported sold for export. J the sample market values were steady. Oats.—The Inactivity which hod Sri tied on corn, and comparatively speaking on wheat, acted In like manner on oats. There was no news and no alteration In the attuatlon, to which Independence and prices were governed entirely by the feel ing In tbe larger markets. July oats dosed 14 of a cent higher than yesterday. Cash oats were unchanged. Provisions.—Quiet reigned In product, weakness being the prevailing tons, al though at the close price# presented some steadiness at the decline. The hog mar ket was off 19 cents, and that fact con stltued the Important reason for the weak ns as In provt stone. Packers Were trading on both sides of tha market, but showed no aggressiveness on either. The close was 1214 cents lower than yes- tetdav for July pork. 6a7% cants lower for July lard and 6 cents lower for July ribs. FUTURE QUOTATIONS. Tha following wars the leading future quotattons: High. Sheep—Receipts, 16,000; market weak: Inferior to choice. 1.50a!.60; lambs, 3.50 tc 5.69. NEW ORLEANS PRODUCE. New Orleans. April M.-Cugar-Open fcetle: Choice, 4 J-Tk; strictly Driino. 2 7-16 to 2%; prime, 2 7-14; full'fair, 2 5-16a% good fair, 2 5-16*2%; fair, 2%a3 5-16; good common. 214x14; common, 2a2%; Inferior, l%a%. Centrifugal: Choice white, 3 7-16*9-16; off white. l%aVi: gray white, » 146; choice yellcw, 3 l-16a%; prime yellow, I; off yel low, 214al6-16; seconds, l%a2%. Molasses—Open kettle. None on the market. Centrifugal: Good prime, 19x11; prime, 7a8; good flair, 7a8; fair, 6; good common, I; common, la5. Local reOnery sugar—(Market strong; powdered nnd cut loaf, 1 9-16; atandard granulated, 1%: confectlonera' A, 1%. Rice—steady; fancy, 6%: choke. 4%aS; prime, 4%a%: good, 3%a4H; fair, 3%a%; ordinary, 3a14; common, 2V4a%- Roush rice—1.50a3.00. Ooffee—Ordinary, 13%; low ordinary, 16%; common. l3T4at1%. Mexican coffee—Prime, 19; good, 18%; fair, 1814; low fair, 18%. Cotton teed oil—Strictly prime crude, tn barrels, 22j loose, 29a21; refined, HaX. NEW YORK PRODUCE. New York. April 34.—Butter quiet, about steady; state dairy, 8ai8; state creamery, new, 20; Western dairy, 8al3%; Western creamery, new. i2a»; Western creamery, old, 9ul6: Elgin?, 29. Cotton seed oil—Better demand, Armor; crude, 24; yellow prime, 27a27%. Petroleum—Nominal; refined New York, 10.00; Philadelphia, 9.99; re«ned, In bulk. 7.16x7.66. Rosin—Cull, enay; strained’, common » rood, 1.1501.60. Turpentine—Quiet, steady, Sl%a33. Rico—Firm fair deqiand; domestic, fair to extra, !%«6; Japan. 1*4%. Moktasee—Foreign, nominal; Naw Or leans open kettle,, good to choke, 99a33; quiet. Low. Cl os. April. . . fiO *>% 56% 69% May. . . . . 60% a 69% »% July. . . . . 61% 60% 61% Sept. . , . . 61% a% 61% 62 CORN- April. . . . . 1614 17 v.% n May. . . . . 17% 4*4 <6% 17% July. . e . . 17\ 17% 17% Sept. . . . . 15% 18% n% is% OAT&- May. . . . . SH m 26% 2614 June. . . . . :i 29% 2614 »■’, July. . . . . »% 26% 28 33% PORK- May. . . . . 12.25 12.25 12.90 1122% July. . . . . 12.67% 12.67% 12.45 12.17% LIRD- May. . . . . 6.87% 4 SO 6.67% *67% July. . . . . 7.02*4 7.09% hOO 7.00 Sept. . . . .'7.17% 7.17% 7.15 7.15 RIBS- May. . . . . 6.2» 6.26 1.22% 635 July. • • • . 6.12% 6.12% 6.37% 6.40 Sept. . . . . 156 8.55 6.0!% 6A2% CASH QUOTA TfriNB.' Flour was In fair demand. The feeHng <u steady at tbe advance. No. 2 spring wheat, 62%aM14. No. 2 red wheat. 60*%a93%. No. 2 corn, 17*17%. No. 8 oats, 28%08%. Pork, 12.10*12.3714, Lard, 1.87%*A99. Short rib sides, tB%a6X. Dry salted shoulder.. 5.27%e5J0. Short dear aides, 6.16s*.». Whisky, 1.30. CATTLE. H0O8 AND SHEER Union Stock Yards, April 84.—Oatrie— Receipts, tfiOO; market alow and easy: common to extra steers, 10%A26; stock- era and feeders, 2.WM.86: cows and bulla l.*6s6.00; Texans. 1.3*05.25. Hogar-Iterclpts, 38.000; market weak: heavy packing and chipping lots, 1.(9 to 5.00; common to choke, mixed, i fiai.eo; dee. I* .rt<d, l.g*x69J; light, I.WiIJS; ..59x1.9). NAVAL STORES, Wilmington, April 21.—Rosin firm at L16 for strained; good strained, 1.20. Spirits ol turpentine firm at 28 cents. Tar Arm a. 1.06. Crude turpentine steady; hard, 1.99; •oft, 1.99; virgin. 2.25. Savannah, April «.—Spirits turpentine oulet at 28 cents: no sale.. Cosed arm at 27% cents, with sales of 2ff> casks; re ceipts, 750 casks. Roaln Arm and unchanged; sales, 1,000 barrels. Quote A, B. 0, t.99 D, !.»: E. 1.80; F, 1.50; G, 1.60; H, 1.85; I. 1.90; K, 2.19; M. 2.45; N, 2.59; window glass, 2.69; water white, 2.75. Charleston, Aipril '24.—Spirits turpentine Arm at 27% cents (bid; held sV 21 cents; re ceipt., 7 casks. Rostn—Good strained Arm at 1.00al.l5; receipts, it barrels. MACON EOND AND STOCK REPORT. STATE OF GEORGIA BOND®. Bid Ask* X T per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1896.. 104 %1C5 V4 per cent bonds. Jan and July coupons, maturity 1923..........116 U7ft July coupon*, maturity 1915...114^4 ll&Vi <V4 per cent, bond*, Jan. and coupon*, maturity long date.. 101*4 102»? MUNICIPAL BONDS. Oamnntth 6 per cent bond* 106 107 Atlanta bond*, price u to rate of Interest ind maturity 100 UB Aurusta bonis, price a* to rate of Interest and maiturtty 100 117 0>lumbu* 5 per cent bond* 10* lot Rom* bonds, 8 per cent 104ft IOC Macon 6 per cent. bond*, quar terly coupons 113 114 RAILROAD BONDS. Savannah. America* and Loot, fomery rallrond 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons 61 62 Gssrsli 5*f!Jtb*rn and Florida railroad 6 per cent, bond*, Jan. and July coupons, due 1972.... 85 8* South Georgia and Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent, bond* Jan. and Jut; Northeastern railroad indorsed 6 per cent, bonds, May and November coupons 108 110 Ifacon and Northern railroad crrunoauei of bonde. March and September coupons 40 41 Charleston. Columbia ana au- raSnoad 7 per cent. & ..100 116 ,.J» mt BANX 4JTOCKBL First National Bank stock..., American National stock Exchange Bank stock Union havings Bank ana Trust Company stock I Central Oeorgta ww stock Macon Savings Bank stock Central City Loan and Trust Company stock RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN TURES. Control railroad common stock 914 10% Central railroad 6 per cent, de bentures 19 17 Southwestern railroad stock.... (7% 6814 Georgia railroad stock 167 158 Atlanta and West Point rail- rood debentures 83 M Atlanta and West Point railroad stock 99 92 Central rallroal Joint mortgage 7 per cent, bonia Jan and July eoupons 122 lzi Georgia railroad I per sent, bonis. Jot* and July coupons, duo 1897 July coupons, duo 1919 uo Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bonds ran. and Juty coupons, dux 1123 Georgia railroad *1 per cent. bonds. Ja— sad only coupons. Montgomery and Eufaula rail- rood, I per cxcl bonds, Jsn. and July coupons, due ia*2»....l«» Ocean Siesmahlp bonds, 5 per due 1929 Columbus nod Western railroad 6 per cent. July coupons ,|g Columbus and Roma railroad 4 per celt bonds, Jan. and July coupons a Augusts ant Knoxville railroad 2 psr cent bonds. J.a, and July coupons, duo 1909 loo LOCAL BONDS AND STOCKS, Macon Gas Ischt anl Watsr console Ma» and November Company it Progress Loan and Improvement coupons Wesleysn college 3 per cent. bonds, Jsn. and July coupons.119 Macon VoWntserr Armory l psr cent, bonds, Jan. and July cou- POM. US Bibb Mxnuiocruring Company I per cent, bonds, sprit >md Oct. coupons tea Southern Phosphate Company stock - ■ Acme Brewing Company mcked mixed, leas than car load, 12. IfVv r-.-ndy. Choice timothy, less than'car load, 99; No. 1 timothy, leaa than cor load. 85; No. 3, mixed, teas than car load, 99; Straw for beddtag. 65. BRAN—Steady. Fills wiltoax bruit in tun Sots, 27; mixed bran in ton lota 90. MBAL-Flrtn at tho advance. Beat wafer ground, 65; best steam ground, 62. GRITS—Steady. lludiutta, |n barrets, 3.26; Hudnut's, tn atek-. per sack. 1.66. FLOUR—Active at the' advance. Highest patent. 3.50; llrgt patent, 3.10: bent -ralgltt. 3.35; best clear, 3.26. SUGAR—steady- Standard granulated, 4%; fancy New Orleans clarified, 3%; New York cream ex tra C, 3%. RICE—U nrfoanged. J%rcv Carolina, >; good CkroHna, 6; me dium Carolina, l COFYED—Easier. Fancy Rio, 19%; good lUo, 19; common RIO. 17; best brown .Llvil, 30; beat Mocha, 39; Arhuckls. roasted, »n ons-poudd pack ages, 21.80; Levering, roosted. In one- pound packages, 21.39. SYRUP—Undurnged. Selected Georgia cane, '26; Now Orleans molareea, as to grade, 10 to T9. BUTTER-Unohamsed. Fox Rhrer creamery, X; Now York •tele, 23. CHHESF—Steady. * , 'i Best cream, 12%. | ■ CANNED GOODS. T ~T~t ' Applen-s-pound cans, tl.X per doaso. Blackberrlca—2 pound cans, 31 per dozen: 6 pound otrs. 3LK per dozen. Corn—8 pound can a 90 cent3 to 3L56 per aoxen. . String Boons—* pound cans. 90 cents per dozen. cents; 3 pound cans, 3L Okra and Tomatoes—3 pound 31.10 pe« dozam June Peas—3 pound cans, 31.25 per dozen. Red Cherries—3 pound osma, 11.69 per doxsn White Cherrise—2 pound can.lLTI pec duZiOQ. Lams Bean*—<L25. jPeache^J pound cans. |LB0 par dozen. Pineapples—1 pound cans. <1.50 tc $2.25 per dozen; grated, p. A <2.25. Raepbeinto—2 pound cans. $1.85 net dbaen. Strawberries—2 pound oa&a, <1.5# paa dozen. i'LMcnes, pie—z pound can* psr dlrZt’.i. Apricots. California—S xwund nans. <2.26 pe» dozsn. Pesch** t-allfiynla—<2.26. Pig Feet—a pouna oana. USB par dozen. Rosa: Bsef^l pound eans, <1.20 par dozen: * pound a ns. <2 per dnzen. Corn Beef—l pound cans. <1>25 per doz. Potted H*»n—1-4 pound cans. 65 cents per iozeiis 2-A pourA cans. <1.25 par dozen. Trip#—S pound cm*, <1.85 par doaaa. Lunch Tongues—1 pound cans, <3.25 per dozen. POULTRY, COUNTRY (Corrected every Saturday by E. A. Wax- el baum A Bro.) Hens—25 to 80 cents. Turkeys—65 cents to <L25. Oeese, 40-60c. Btn?s-10 cents. Butter. 15-Kc. Sweet potatoes, 50 to GOc. bushel; Irish potatoes, <2.50 per bushel. Rutabegars. <1.75. Cabbage, <3 to <3.50. Onions, $3.25. White Peas, 75-1.50. Country ground peas, 75 cents to <L Evaporated Apples. 10c. Evaporated peaches. I2ftc, Georgia byrup. 23-28c. FRUITb AND NUTS. Corrected bi t A. Cullen. f FU»—Dry, ohotce. 12 1-2 to 15 cent* Peunute—Nojth Carolina, 2fta3 cents; Virginia. 4 and b cent*. Lemon*—II.COnKOO. NuiJ-Tarrngonia aJmonos, is rente pet pound; Naples waiauts, ib cents; mreaefi walnuts, I. cenU; peean% is centa Apple*—om. dried. C to V cents par pound Kalslns—New In market, LIB per box; London layers, 2.00 per box; loose Mjut* cate “ HARDWARE. O THF ess 11II.M9 vj MMN T elegrapH A PROGRESSIVE, NEWSY, white Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardware Cumpany. Axes—<6 to <7 per doccn. Bar Lend—6o per pound. BucJcdts—Paint, $1.15 per dozen cedar, three hoops. $2.25. Card*—Cotton* <4.50 per dozen. Chain*—Trace. <3.50 to <4.# dozen. Well 1>ncU*etfl—<3.25 per dosen. Rop*-&r>«inia, 10c; slseL 8c: oottoi^ 12a Slioee-Horsu, <3.75; mulo, <1-26. Shovel#—Ames'. $3 per dozen. Shot—Drop, <1.25 per sack. Wire-B*rt>ed. 2%o per opund. * " Nalls—<1.55 base, wire; cut, $1.20, base, base Tube—Painted, <2.35; cedar, 14.50 pat neat. Brooms—II.25 to <5 epr dozen. Homes, iron hound, <3. Measure*—Per nest, <X . Flow Blades—5 cents pound. Iron—Swede, 4 I-2c per pound; refined, 2c basis. Flow Btocka-Hnlmen, 09 cents; Fergu- aon, SO cents. ICS m GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corrected Dolly by 6. R. Jaquet A Tins ley Company, Wboteaale Orocere—No Good* GvU Cvu.uiu.r*. The following are strictly wholraale prices; amen lots to ooneumers relatively higher. April 23, 1896. MEATS—Slightly easier, rimokwl flxcon clear nb sides, boxed, 7%; dry salt dear rib sides, boxed, 7; sugar cured bams, boxed, 10%: Eoglteb cured shoulders, boxed, 9%; picnic hams, boxed, 8; bellies, fancy small, average 5%; break fast bacon, sugar curd, W%. LARD—Quiet an-l in-changed. Pure leaf, tn tierces, »; pure leaf. In rn- pound tut- rr bVpound tin., 6%; c-m- pound. In tlercsa, I; compound, i-. Ohpound tabs or iO-poutt! tins. 1%: oottol-eie, in tierces. cottolnio, in Sb^ouzd tubs or impound ’tins, 7%. CORN—Firm at the advance, bw white, legs then OATS-Quk es then car load, ■nred. atEATa. Corrected Every Saturday by W. L. Henry. rreaff MeaAs—Georgia draenod beef, 5%, Seed 6%; Western urranml bt- T, 7 to*; Western mutton, 9%; bogs, 6% tn 7; smoked pork sausage, t; fresh pork sau sage, 7%: Bologna sausage, 6- f irk Ilesdsctwend rsUsrs ell tbe troubles Inci dent ton bilk us *tst* of the eyMsm. such ss Moines., Nausea. Drowstnsra Nstrets after .si* nr. PAln ta tbe Hide, 4c While th.-lr moat reourkabts iscccs has been shown In curing * equal!- tsIijaUs in t’-instipanon. run; g W aft real Sm tekesqillsa uaiiiilsliii whoa they also eorrecx all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the Urn and regulate the bowels. Ache thy would be almost prirslsss to thoso who suffer from this dUtressing complaint: hut fortunately got-lasss does net eml fortunately their goodness 1 -r^, anl thn#e who on^ try them wUl fln*l “ »little pill* valuable U §o many ways that will r t bo trllung to do without tii*sm. ‘ .ltlckkra.1 »•■-> t Uut after all« ACHE I* the hone of *o many Bve# that here Is where Wri (nttks our grrent Vxv-it Our pills cure it wh l«* other# do not. Cianta # Ijm.r L!tr* Piuj are very (msO —y ea*> t.i t*u < ’n*i or two nllla > “tks Th«y ere #trlctly vr/atabV ai.<* •' * 4 “ Sr y«*ntle action rial* at 50 cex.t *-• or #ent by moll CA3TX2 kZTlCDS CO., Sint 7»L Small M Sad! Dm SaaD Friu. • T) eA*> . . v -_ - t grlpu <jc purw. hut *.y th* r leHJtt-all whom- U.ttja in hv** f<* r 11 SrlJevTywUr^ STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC WMF JTH ■ rm* rnmtm \ Full Telegraphic Service of the Southern Associan ted FresSs The News of the ta te of Georgia-Covered by Active and Reliable Correspondents. HE WEEKLY If You Want the ‘ News, and Want tc Keep in Line With Your Party, Send in Your Subscrip* tion for 1893. Contains the Latest News Up to its Days of Publication. ONLY $1 A YEAR