The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 29, 1895, Image 4

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, APRfa, 20, 1895. THE WORLD OF TRADE. Reports by Wire From the Great Markets. New Yoiic, April 27.—Money on call 114 per cent. Prime mercantile pap r, 414a5 per cent, ‘sterling exchange steady with actual business In bankers’ bills at 4.88 for sixty days and 4.8914al4 for demand. Posted rates, 4.89a901i. Commercial blUs, 4 8784.34. Bar silver 6614. Government bonds firm; state bonds steady; railroad bonds strong. Silver at the board eras «34a67. A- t STOCKS AND BONDS. B&1X.UOAP ST OCXS, Amor. Cot. Oil... 27K N., C. and St. L.. 70 prefd. 7G% Am. Butjar Retm:lW% do prei'd. 98% Am. Tobacco Co. 100% do prefd. 100 A.. T. and 8. Vo. 5% Halt, and Ohio. 66 Canadian Pacitto 46 Cbeea. and Oiuo. 19% Chi. and Alton. .149 Obi.» B. andQ... 74% Chicago Gas 72% Dei., u and W\ .168% Hit. and tattle P 18 lino 12 profd. 24% Gen.Klectno.... 33f, Illinois Con 92 Lake hritf and W 20% prefd. 70% LakeBbore 142% Lou. and Nash... 66 Lon. and N. Alb. 7% Manhattan Cons.118% Hem. and Char- 10 Michigan Cen...l00% Missouri Pacific. 26 Mobile and Ohio. 18% STATS H0XM. U. B.Cordage.... 6% prei’d; lof. New Jersey Cen.. 04 Ji Now YoritCen... 98% N. Y. and N. B.. 39% Nori. ana Vr. pro! 15% Northern Pacific- 4% do prefd. 21% Northwestern... 97% do profd. 140% Facllio Mail 28% r»— *»— 15% Iteadiug. <074 Hock Island 66% bt. 1’suL 62'i do prefd.117% Silver Cortifio’oa. 67% bllTOr UOTIIUO OB. 01/4 Tenn.G. and I... 22% do prefd. 80 Texas Pacific.... 10% Union Pacific.... 13 W., St. L. and P. 7% do prefd. 16*/, Western Union.. 89% WhTg and L. fc. 13% do profd. 43% Southern lt*j 6o. 90% “ con. 13% pf,a. 36% 3 21-32. Sales 12,000 bales. American 9,70ft; speculation and export 1000. lieceipts for tho uuy 2,000, of which — were American, Futures closed quiet. "* 1 Opened. I Gioaed. ....l.xii.s.t 338*4x4 Arril. April-May May-June June-Joly July-August.... Aug-Bept. Bept-Oct Oct-Nor. Nov-Dec Dec-Jan 3 40-C4a3 3D-C1 3 41-64 3 42-64 3 44-64 3 46*64a3 44-64 3 46-64 3 48-64 3 49-643 43.64a 3 38-64 3 38-64 3 39-64a3 40-64 3 41-64 3 42-64 3 43-C4a3 44-64 3 44-64a3 45-64 I 454Wa3 46-64 3 46-64a3 47-61 THE SUN’S REVIEW. New York, April 27.-The Sun’s cotton review says; Cotton fell 4 to 6 points early in tho day, t>ut recovered this and advanced 3 to 5 points, closing firm with aalc3 of 98,200 bales. Liverpool opened 2 to 3 points higher, but reacted and closed at an ad vance of only 1 point, but the sales on tho spot were liberal, reaching 12.000 bales at firm and unchanged quotations. Now Orleans advanced 6 points on May, while August, which opened 2 points low er, recovered the loss and then advanced 6 points. The estimated receipts there on Monday are 3000 to 4000 against 7114 last Monday and 4572 last year. The quantity brought Into sight during the week was 64.579 bales against 60.201 In the same week last year. The total in sight Is now 9,376,966 bales ngafnst 7.075,542 at this time last year, an Increase of 2,301,443 hales. Spot cotton here was quiet and unchanged with sales of 71 for spinning. The South ern spot market was generally quiet and unchanged. Galveston advanced 1-16 of a cent and Wilmington declined K of a cent. The port receipts today were 9447 against 3384 Inst Saturday and 3939 last year. The exports from the ports were 30.649,ynostly to Great Britain. The New Alabama class A.l"5 *• M 11.11*7 - - C* 95. 1*. lumped 4 s..lUI N. Carolina 6s....103 * is... 124 Virginia6sdef... 8% '* t’rs. 7 “ funded debt 59% 3- C. 4%s 107 OOVERNMfcNT BOKDS. U.S. is regi«l*d..lli% j U- S. 2sregular.. 95% D. b. is coupons 112% I * Hid, t Asked. t Ex dividend. York warehouse stock is now 204.wo b iles against 233,000, 236,000, 386,000, 133.000 and in the previous five years. High prices In Liverpool had little ef fect today, because the advance was not so great as many had expected but on the other hand Liverpool was certainly active on the spot for Saturday and the bulls were also encouraged by rumors fit floods In Mississippi and Arkansas nnd talk to the effect that there are signs of exhaustion of supplies In Texas. The general trade situation Is favorable to ll«nk Statement. Now York, Aprl 27.—The associated banks make the folio wing statement for the week ending today: Reserve, increase $ 5,605,700 Loans, decrease 216,800 Specie, increase 1,666,100 Ixjgal tenders, increase 6,643,400 Deposits, increase 6,415,200 Circulation, decrease 17,200 The banks now hold in excess of the requimeuts of the 25 percent. rule.$25,270,675 COTTON. Macon, April 27. The Macon market for spot cotton is firm at the following quoUtiona- Oood Middling .*.... 6% Middling Strict Low Middling. Low Middling-. Good Ordinary. Ordinary Clean BUins lied Stains LOCAL RKCEirTS. ct Low Middling * 5% r Middling 8% »d Ordinary 6% 1 1 £ « ! f * i i i i a ThisDar.. YeatoriUy .. •• •1 •• .... 1235 COMPABAT1VK STATEMENT. Stock on hand September 1. 1894.... ltoceivod alnco September 1,1894... TORT RECEIPTS. 1,400 64,121 Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday.... Thursday Friday Total this week 0,447 y 6.384 *►. S c£ I s a ^ H S3 •a s e 8935 8043 7.151 4713 S7fi9 43J3 3452 8040 4103 6340 6211 4173 3,995 8,043 Now York. April 27,-Cotlon steady. Middling gull 7 S-16; middling upland (i 13-16. Kates 71 bales. Tito cotton market (or future delivery closed firm. Hale. 203,100. pEE July August September.. October..... November.. December.. January.... February..., March | Opened | Cloced RECEIPTS AXD EXPORTS. Consolidated net receipts.. “ Exports to G. Britain. •* Exports to France.... •* Exports to continent. Ftock on hand at all ports 'lotal since Kept. 1—Net receipts.... *• " ** Exports toG. B. * " " Exp. to France. •* " ** Kxn. continent. 7,645.732 3,650,5271 742,555 3,199,966 • THE WORLD’S VISIBLE SUPPLY. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 4.175,456 Of which are American., 3,863,261 Against the same time last year...., 3,817.240 Of which were American 8,225,140 Iieceipta for the week at %U interior towns 37,928 Roooipu from plantations 43,833 Crop brought in sight since Septem ber 1, 1804 0,370,985 M W ORLKARS CLOSIBO PUTURES. New Orleans, April 27.—Cotton futures steady. Bales 47,100 bales. *anu*ry til | July 6 51 February j August 6 57 March. (September 6 66 April 6 27 j October 6 61 May 6 37 i November 0 64 Junt* 6.44 1 December 6 68 PORT RECEIPTS. Galveston, April 27.—Firm; middling, 6%; net receipts, ftrt; stock, 48,843. Norfolk, April 27.—Quiet; middling, 6 7-18; net receipts 395; stock 29,£77. Baltimore, April 27—Firm; middling •%; stock 18,865. Boston, April 27.—Firm; middling 016-10; net receipts 166. Wllmlmrton, April 27.—Steady; middling 6%; net receipts 00; stock 17,318. Philadelphia, April 2T.-ftt€*<t y ; mid dling 7 3-10; net receipts 790; stock 14.464. Savannah, April 27.—Firm’.'middling 0%; net receipts, 625; stock 1V»938. New Orleans. April 27.—Firm; middling OH: net receipts 5007; stock 2&3.012. Mobile April 27.—Quiet; middling OK net receipts 11; stock 16,700. Memphis. April 27.—Steady; middling 6ft; net receipts 94; stock 32,659. Augusta, April 27.—Quiet; middling 0%; net receipts 51; stock 15,108. Charleston, April 27.—Firm; middling OH: net receipts Ml; stock 33,601. Cincinnati, April 27.-Quiet; middling €H; net receipts 290; stock 11.0B6. Louisville, April 27.—Steady; middling < 9-10. Bt. Louis, April 27.—Stead v: middling €\; net receipts 229; stock 44.IS). Houston. April 27—Steady; middling 0 6-10; net receipts 1219; stock, 13,287. LIVERPOOL. Mvtrnoo'. April 97—Cotton spot market for; prices fim; American middling tie disposition to sell. The bull side Is the popular side with the great mass of operators. German bear houses were large buyers today. GRAIN ANT) PROVISIONS. Chicago, April 27.—The shorts In the wheat market found themselves in trou ble this morning again and ns the short session was on they were plunged In deeper worry. The export tales from New York yeslerday had not fully borne fruit when business waa over, but on the curb they were effectually worked and an unofficial gain of % of a cent took place. This gain was fully sustained at the opening thia morning and more was added to the price during the first hour. It was a broad market and Individual operations were not appreciable In the excitement and uproar, nlthough two of the heavy short sellers were believed to have covered very freely. Higher Liver pool calbles at the opening and sharp ad vances In continota! markets at the close were features of strength. Mere than all else In causing alarm, however, was the Insufficiency of moisture In the 9outhwest. July whpat opened from 62H to 63*4. advanced to 64K and closed at 64H •lKaK higher than yesterday. Cash wheat was 1V4 cents higher than yester day. Corn had a fatr share of the speculative action and was benefltted liberally by the boom In wheat. Scalpers and local traders were heartily In smypathy with the strength of the leading grain and every eighth advance in that market was Oats moved very leisurely in the up. r»rd direction. The motive for advanc- higher than yesterday. Cash oats were firm and K of a cent higher. Provisions.—It would be said of prod uct that it was steady; thst was all. The business lacked the appearance of ac tivity, the short session and the near ap proach of the first of May tending to de ter operators from opening new accounts. The hog mnrkct was firm and higher early, but later the advance made was lost, so that no Influence In either dlrec- tlon was hid on provisions. The close was B cents higher than yesterday for July pork, a shade higher for July lard and unchanged for July ribs. future quotations. The following was the range of leading futures: WHEAT— Opng High Low Close April. . . . . «IK *214 61H 6284 May. . . . . 6314 61H 63 July. . . . . 621* 8414 «S4 *4H R«?pt. . . . . 65 6314 ffi CORN— April. . . . . 47t; 48 47H 4774 May. . ; • . 47H 4814 47H 4SH July. . . . . 4*14 4874 4*14 4874 Bept.... . 43 4<-7i 40 4974 Al'in- May. . . . » 29H 2*74 20 June. . . . . 29HI 2)14 »H 29% July. . . . . 28** 28” MH 2874 PORK- May. . . . . 12.-H 12.20 12.20 12 27H July. . . . . 12.60 1160 12.47H 12.57H Sept. . . . . 12.8214 12.82H 12. SO 12.80 LARD— Mty. . . . . «.*> 0.*7H 6.W 6.87H July. . . . . 7.02H 7.00 7.08H Sept. . . . . 7.15 7.17H 7.15 7.17H RIBS- May. . . . . 6.25 6.30 8.28 «27H July. . . . . 6.4ft 6.4S 6.40 6.42H Sept. . . . . I.5& 0.67H 4.E2H 55714 NEW YORK PRODUCE. Now York, April 27.-Ruttcr quiet and weak; state creamery, new, 14; Western dairy Sa13H; Western creamery, new, 13 to 19; Western creamery, oW, 9al4H; El- gins, 19. Cotton seed oil—Firm and quiet; cruu« 24; yellow prime Z7H- Petroleum—Nominal; refined New York 9.60; Philadelphia 9.45; refined In bulk 0.96a7.00. Rice—Firm; fairly active*, domestic fair to extra 4%at; Japan 4«i%. Molasses—Foreign nominal; New Or leans open kettle good to choice 26a32; qulet&nd steady. Penn uts—Steady. Coffee—(Firm and unchanged to 10 polnti down. May 14.0U; July 14.10; September 14.30; December 14.30. Spot Rio—Quiet; No. 7, 16. Sugar—Raw: Dull and firm: fair refin ing 2 11-16. Refined: Quiet and firm; off A 8%a%; standard A 3 15*l|i4V. cut loaf and crushed 4 9-l6aK; granulated 3 16-16 to 4K. Freights to Liverpool—Firm; cotton, 7-64d; grain 2d. NAVAL SOTRES. Wilmington, April 27.-dtosln firm at 1.16 for strained; good strained 1.20. Spirit*, turpentine steady at 27H cents. Tar steady at 1.06. Crude turpentine quiet; hard 1.29; soft 1.90; virgin, 2.25. Savannah, April 27.—Spirits turpentine rflm at 27V6 cents for regulars; sales 2000 casks; receipts 2021 casks. Rosin—Firm at a decline of 5 cents on low grades with sales of 50DO bxrrels. Quote A. B, C 1.00; D 1.16; E 1.26; F 1.45; G 1.60; H 1.80; I 1.90; K 2.10; M 2.45; N 2.50; window glass 2.60; water white 2.75. New York, April 27.—Rosin quiet and steady; strained common to good 1.50 to 1.62*4. Turpentine—Dull and steady at 31a31H. Charleston, April 27—Turpentine firm at 27H cents bid; held at 28 cents; re ceipts 17 casks. Rosin—Good strained firm at 1.00al.l5; receipts 81 barrels. MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. STATES OF GEORGIA BONDflL BldJUfc*& T per cent, bonds, Jaa. and July COUpCoMo, uwiuiiiy 1S3S 104 rtfZ V/4 per cent bonds. Jan and July coupons, maturity 1922 116 117H July coupons, maturity 1915... 114H 11515 IH per cent bonds, Jan. and coupons, maturity long date .lOlH 102V5 MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 6 per cent bonds 106 107 Atlanta bonds, price as to rate of Interest ind maturity 100 120 Augusta bonis, price as to rate of Interest and maturity 100 117 Columbus 5 per cent, lionds .... .103 104 Roms bonds, 8 per cent 104H 105 Macon 6 per cent, bonds, quar terly coupons U3 114 RAILROAD BONDS. Savannah. Amerlcus and Mont gomery railroad 6 per cent, bornki, Jan. and July coupons 51 62 Georgia Southern and Florida railroad 8 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1972.... 86 S6 South Georgia and Florida rail road indorsed 7 per cent, bonds, Jan. and Juj? coupons lfl Northeastern railroad indorsed ( per cent, bonds. May and November coupons .>..108 Utf Macon and Northern railroad certificates of bonds, March and September coupons...TT.’. 40 ttuu oepivuiiivi 1 Charleston, Columbia ana Au gusta railroad 7 per cent. 41 bonds BANK STOCHB. First National liaqk stock....... 128 American Natlosal stock 80 Exchange Bank stock Union Savings Hank ana Trust Company stock 90 Central Georgia WanK stock—.*. Macon Savings Bank stock... -;/ Central City Lunii j Ou»i Ttiiii ~ Company stock 13 RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN TURES. 10H Central milrood common stock Central railroad 6 per cent, de bentures 16 Southwestern railroad stock.... 67V4 Georgia railroad stock 167 Atlanta and West Point rail road debentures 93 Atlanta and West Point railroad stock 90 Central railroad Joint mortgage 7 per cent, bonds Jan and July coupons 123 Georgia railroad 6 per rent, bonds Jau. and July coupons due 1897 103 July coupons due 1910 no Georgia AdIroad S per cent, bonds yao. and Juiy coupons due 1922 Georgia railroad 0 per cent. bonds Jo... and July coupons Montgomery and Eufaula rail road, 6 per ceou bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1W9....100 Ocean Steamship bonds 5 per due 1920 Columbus and Western railroad C per cent. July coupone u§ Columbus and Homo r.Ulroid « per ceit bonds Jan. and July coupons.. ...St Augusta and Knoxville railroad 7 per cent, bonds Jaa. and July coupon*, due 1900 too LOCAL BONDS AND STOCKS. Macon Gas Light and Water consols May and November Company m Progress Loan and Improvement fflupoiu Wesleyan college 7 per cent. bonds Jan. and July coupons.110 Macon Volunteers’ Arnory i per cent, bonds Jan. and Juiy cou pons 104 Bibb Manuisecuring Company 8 per cent, bonds April und uci coupons uis Southern Phosphate Company stock 7S Acme Brewing Company Or looms clarified, 3H; New York cream ex tra C, SV*. RICE—Unchanged. FVncv Carolina, 6; good Carolina, 6; me dium Caeofifra, 4. COFFEE—Easier. Fanov Rio. ifli4: good Rio. lfl; common R1o, 17; best brown Java, 30; best Mocha, 30; Aribuckle, roasted, la one-pourtd pack ages, 21.80; Levering, roosted. In one- pound packages, 21.30. BYRUP—Unchanged. Selected Georgia cane, 25; Now Orleans mo looses, as io grade, 10 to 20. BUTTER—Unchanged. Fox River creamery, 25; New York state, 22. CH ERSE—Steady. * J 1 * Best cream, 12H. TflTTfl CANNED GOODS. Apple*—‘’-pound cm U-SS per doxen. ni.ekbenie,—3 pound can, au cent, per dozen: , pound vtm. 11.05 per dozen. Corn—3 pound cans. 90 cents to JL60 per dozen. Strut). Seans—> pound cans, 90 cent, per dozen. Okra and Tomatoes—2 pound can*. 31.10 pc- dox*a- June I’e-is—3 pound cans. 31.23 per dozen. Bed Cherries—2 pound cans, 31.G0 per 'White Cherrlas—2 pound can,,31.73 per dozen. Dim* Beans—31.25. Peaches-i pound carta 21.50 per dozen. Pineapples—1 pound cans. 31.50 to 3225 per dozent ttrated. V- & W.. 5225. Kasphrmea—2 pound cans. 3285 per -2 pound cans, 5250 per -2 pound cans. 3225 per dozen. Strawberries dozen. Peaches, pli dozen. Apricot*. California—3 pound cuts, 32 per dozen. Peaches—California. 32. Plr Feet—2 pound canit, 3223 per dozen. Hoaat Beef—1 pound cams, 3230 per dozen; 2 pound cans, 32.10 per dozen. Corn Beet—1 pound cans, 5225 per doz. Potted Ham—1-4 pound cans, 05 cents S r 'lozra. i-2 pound cans. ,225 per zee. Tripe—2 pound cans. 11.75 per dozen. Lunch Tongues—1 pound cans, 33.25 per dozen. IIAKnWARH. Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardwire Company. Axes—30 to 37 per doezn. Bar I>e«d—(h. per pound. BuOKetn—Paint, 51.23 p«r dozen; whits cedar, three hoops, 82.25. Cards—Cotton. 3250 per dozen. Chains—Trace. 33.00 to 54.0 per dozen. Well buclwte—43.25 per dozen. Hope—staettla, 10o; zlaeh 8c: cotton, 12a Shoes—Horse, 33.75; mule, 31.25. 8hove'.s—Ames’, 39 per dozen. Shot—Drop, 81.25 per sack. Wlro-Bnriwd. 2!ic per opund. ' " Nalls—3206 base, wire; cut, 31.20, base. base Tabs—Painted, 52.25; cedar, 34.50 per ncot. Brooms—31.25 to 15 epr dozen, tt Barnes, iron bound, 53. Measures—Per nest. 31. Plow Blades—6 cents pound. Iron—Swede. 4 l-2o per pound; refined, 2c basis. Flow Stocks—Haimen, 90 cents; Fergu* ton, 80 cents. POULTRY, EGOS AND PRODUCE. COUNTRY {Corrected every Saturday by E. A. Wax- elbaum * Bro.) Hens—25 to 30 cents. Turkeys—05 cents to 3225. Oeese, 40-GOc. Eggs—10 cents. Butter, 15-tOc. Sweet potatoes, 50 to 50c. bushel; Irish potatoes. 12.50 per busheh Rutabssars. 31.73. Cabbage, 33 to 82.50. Onions, 83.23. White PeiiB, 75-1.50. Country ground pass. 75 cents to 82 Evaporated Apples. 15c. Evaporated peaches. 12V4c. Georgia byrup. 23-2SC. FRUITS AND NUTS. CASH QUOTATIONS.- Flour waa firm; business was light, but there was a fair local and ihlpplng de mand. No. 1 spring wheat. 07a*8. , No. 2 red wheat, 8211*03. No. 2 com 4711*4814. Ne.2cats, 28!4a29. Pork 12.20sl2.42H. Lard fi .V5.i6.57%. Short rib sides. O.tfHoO.W. Dry salted shoulders, S.I7HtS.50. Short clear sides, 6.S0a6.82H. Whisky 1.20. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS. Union Stock Yards, April 27.—Beeves— Receipts 400; market nominal; common to extra steers 2.90x4.00; stockers and feed ers 2.85o4.00; cows and bulls 286a4.n; Texans 3.25a4.7t. Hogs—Receipts 10,000; marked steady; heavy* packing and shipping lots ‘S to S.12H; common to choice mixed 4A.iS.06; choice assorted 4.90*5.00; light, 4.80aS.!S; pigs 3.70a4.75. Sheep—Receipts 1600; market steady; Inferior to choice 1.50i4.75; lambs 3.00 to 6.50. New York, April 27.—Beevra—Receipts 1047 bead; no trailing; feeling firm. Sheep and lambs—Receipts 2941; sheep to fair 1’ mmnd and steady; unshorn year ling Viraos weak and a shade lower; clip ped yearling Iambs firm and some shads higher; common to good unshorn sheep 3.97Ha4.7B; common to gaol clipped sheep 4.40: unshora yearling lambs (.11*4.90 for prime slock; clipped yearling lamb* (.90 to 4.M. Hogs—Receipts 3271 hi cents higher at 6.3606.90. luo GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corrected Dally by S. It. Jaques & Tins ley Company, Wholesale Oroc«r*-No Goods Sold Consumers. arkst The following are strictly wholesale prices i small lota to consumers relatively higher. April 27, UK. M EATS—Slightly easier. Smoked tiheon clear rib sides, boxed, 7%; dry salt clear rib sides, boxed, 7; sugar cured hams, boxed, 10H; English cur-dl shoulders, boxed, 844: picnic hams, boxed, 8; bellies, fancy small, average 8H; break fast bacon, sugar cured, Wi. LARD—Quiet and unchanged. . Pure leaf. In tierces, *; pure leaf. In 80- pound tubs or 50-potmd tins. 814: com pound, In tierces, 4; compound, In so-pound tubs or 60-pound tins, 414; cottolene, tn tierces, 7; cottolene, In 80-pound tubs or 50-pound tins, 71*. CORN—Firm at the advance. Sacked white, less than car load. 05; sacked mixed, less than car load, 62. OATS-Qulet and unchanged. Sacked white, less than cor load. 44; sacked mixed, less than car load, 42. IP- ••«"dy. Choice tlmotny, leas than esr load, 90; No. 1 timothy, less than oar load, 86; No. f, mixed, less than car lead, 19; Straw for beildmg. »s. EKAN—Steady. Eure wheat bran In ton lots, 91: mixed bran in ton Iota 09. MEAL—Firm at Uts advance. Beat water ground. Of. beat steam ground, 02. GRITS—Steady. Hudnuts, in barrels, 3.25; Hudnut's, tn sacks, per sack, f.46. FT/)UR—Active at the advance. Highest pelent. 3.75; first patent. I.S; best straight, 3.39; bet' clear, 1.0. SUGAR—Steady. Corrected bx 4. A. Cullen. Figs—Dry, choice, 12 1-2 to 16 cents. I’canuta-Noyth Carolina, 2V4a3 cents; Virgin!*. < and b cents. Lemons—33.80a34.oo. Nuts—Tarragonla nmonns, la cents pet pound; Naples walsuts. is cents; KTenca walnuts, 1. cents; preans, to cents dried. « tn 3 cent* per pound Kalslna—New In market, 276 per box; London layers, 100 per box; loose llus- Irlsh Potatoes—12.50 per sack. HIDES. WOOL. ETC. Green salt hides—6 coats. No. 1 flint hides. 7H cents. Goat akin.—10 to to cent* each. Sheep Skins—20 to GO oenta each. Beeswax—10 tn 22 cents Wool—Washed, is to 20 cents per pound; unwashed, 10 to 12 cents; burry, 7 to 10 cents. MEATS. FrrsK Mcata-Oeonrls dressed beef, GV4, Oanri 6%; Western dresseil beef, 7 to8; Wentern mutton, 9H; hogs, OH ta 7; smoked pork sausage, 8; fresh pork sau sage, 7H: Bologna sausage, 0. DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Corrected Every Saturday by Henry S. Lamar & Suns. Clntmon Bark—Per Dound. 12 to 16a. Cloves—Per pound. 15 to 26c. Drugs tnd ChenUo*!*—Gum ssstfoe- tlda. 60 to 76 cents per pound; camphor gum. 66 to 00 cents per pound; gum opium. 32.60 to 33.75 per pound; morphine. 1-8*. 82.25 ta 3245 ounce; qul- nine (according to size) 32 to 90 cents ounce; sulphur. 3H»6c pound; salts, Ep som 2H to 3c pound; copperas. 1H to 3e pound; sale potn., -.0 'to lie pound; bo rax, 11 to 15c poun-1; bromide potash, 4a to 50c ptr pound; chlorals, 95 to Be per pound: carbolic add. 50c to 32 75 pound; chloroform. 75c tb 1240 pound; calomel, 85c to 31: logwood. 18 to 20c pjunl; cream t’xtzr. commercial, 25 to 30c* LIQUORS. Whisky-Rye 81.1U to 83.50; com. 31 .h to 31.60; gin. 81.10 t» 81.75; North Carolina corn,81.10 ts 31.90. Georgia com, 32M. Wines—90 cent* to 51; hWb wines, 51.2S;port and sherry, 31 to S3; claret, 30 to 310 case* American champagne. 37.50 to 35.60 per case; cordials, 512 pet dozen: bitters. 32 par dozen. Chickens. 15-20. v j BUSINESS AT GORDON. Gordon, April 2*.-<8pecUH.)-The business of Gordon Iz Improving nnd everything points to a season of pros perity. The gardens are looking very well and plenty of vegetables adorn every table. Mr. W. A. Jones has let the contract for building Ills large livery stables lo Mr. E. A. Perkins, who Is to have them ready by June I. This seems almost Im possible when one considers the dlmen- sVr.t of the stables, which are to be 33x70 feet, but Mr. Perkins Is a man of vltn and knows no such word as fall. This Is one of Gordon’* long-felt want* nnd will add a convenience that will be very much appreciated by the people, both in and out of town. Mr. B. K. Ryle. Jr.. Is also adding some repairs to hlg place of Buslnei which will add much to the comfort of Standard granulated, 4%; fancy New j the place. Full Telegraphic Service of the Southern Associan ted Press. i i The News of the ta te of Georgia Com L-. A aIivsk am/] DaI'aUIa try huh vc cuiu ucuauic Correspondents. If You Want the Hews, and Want Keep in Line With Your Party, Send in Your Subscript tion for 1895* lit KEEIll IRES! Contains the Latest. Hews Up to Days of Publication. ONLY SI A YEAI