The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, May 02, 1895, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: MAY 2, 1895. hips ix M<;rt Sent U> K*n Juan del Rnr aud tlifl Atlanta Sent to Grey town. A BASIS OF SETTLEMENT. rsgiia I* t° He Allowed Fifteen Day* 9 Which to Pay the Smart Blouey— What Secretary Herbert Say* of the Warships* Million* iishlnffton. April *0.—After several vriwes today with Secretary Oroe- [ ari (l Secretary Herbert, the eccrc- ,.f the navy uent dispatches to the naiyUvs of the United States gun a Alert and the Atlanta, directing „ to proceed without delay to 3an it del Sur and Greytown, Nicaragua, lively. re-ssion be devoted to government busi ness. The motion was carried 350 to 230, a government majority of 22. sir Fklwnrd Grey, replying to a question as to the terms of the British recoguittoa of the republic of Hawaii, said that ofTl- clal recognition of the Hawaiian republic sms given by Great Britain upon the sta bility of the form of government being ascertained. He know of no precedent, he said, for the withdrawal of such rec ognition after It hail been granted upon awiuate knoweldgo of antecedent facts. Referring to the situation In Nicaragua, Mr. W. P. Bytes (Liberal) asked If the dispute could ram. be settled by arbitra tion. Sir Edward Grey requested Mr. Bylcs to Rive notice of his intention to Intro duce a motion in accordance with his question, TROUBLE WITH HONDURAS. Interest to Bo Compelled on Bonds Held In England. London, April 29.—Representatives of Guatemala, who are acting also for Hon duras, have been Informal by the au thorities of the latter country that Great Britain Is prepared to take aggressive , moa.-ures for the collection of Interest on •Hie Alert Is at Panama Honduranian bonds negotiated In England it will take her about a day a half teh San del t'ur, which la the cable i,>u nearest Corimo, situated about miles bcloiw that port. The # AtlaIita Key West, Phi., and can make the nice of 750 miles from Mint placo ytnwn in two and a half days, hen Secretary Herbert was asked the lifit-unce of these orders he answered optly ns folia vs: Hie tuiwHpagxvs say ihat a revolution ■o‘‘ ble In Nicaragua. They state Hie people are very much lUssatis- with the course of the government likely to attempt to overthrow In order to protect American cl li ma their Intaruds. and following policy always pursued in such cou nties, I have ordered the Alert to Juan del Sur ani the Atlanta to town. In addition lo there vessels, Montgomery now at -Mobile, will '[ May 7 for Greytown, conveying li turasuon canal rmirulsalon to that . The Monterey, which has sailed fanama, will remain at Panama for present. With two United States <m one side of Mcaragua and one ni the other side. It is plain that can In terests will bo well protected j rumored evolution should take But I*(Wish It itMInctly under- 1 that these vessels ■•re sent to NIca. a for the puiflixe of oaring for (he lens of tho United .States and their rests and not on any business con ed at Qorinto.” ■e Alert is one of the older vessels he navy, an Iron cruiser of 1.220 tons iacoinent and pn/pelleil by a slugle Her main bautery conaibts of guns and she does not compare either of tthe British .ship* now at nt«>, although she would probably lie over-match*! by the Wild Swan, ut gall Juan del Sur, the port of .Kali nation. [bile the policy of this government le trouble flic Corinto is well under- 1 the llrst auihovrtatlve statement he subject was not made until to- A caiolnet officer said (oday that United States could not Interfere it Great Britain and Nicaragua lefr .natter of difference because nigui was a sovnrign state, reeng- 1 ussuuh by Great Britain aud tile (1 States and must hold herself re- le to Great Britain for onensea nitted against British subjects. 'he United Sta.:» .government,” lie relay, "does nut undertake to ex- a protectorate over Central Amcrl- [to sudh on extent that a sovereign of one or the other of these coun- may insult another sovereign na- with the expectation that this gov- ien« will protect R from forcible otment by the nation insulted, Such rcw iple has never been recognized the United States, and if iwe at- H*vl to usaert it. we would secure hmliy of every nation having ileal- ivilh Central and South America.” is unileiwtaod that the situation at has Ikvn relieved of much of Its ion by an Intimation cabled by Am- ulor Haiyanl that .n case Nicaragua Id guarantee piynvxlt of the indom- avked within fifteen days, Great uOn tvould aoeede to a request for i on extension of time, r. Warner Miller, presWen t of the li ngua Comal company had mi lnt«r- . today with Secretary of state •ham and Seretary of the Navy Her- -iy bustoass with the aocretoilea of :« and navy.” he said afterward, ”wa* |ihc purpose of Informing them of the ileal flgurnUon of tho country on the vxied caned route in order that the ul commission may be assisted la fa inting its work. My experience In krugtia has enabled mo to give Infer ior! that will be valuable to the cora- slon, and I have offered to afford such stance as in my power to make it* ■ leas arduous. i attempting such a survey In a trap- I Jungle it is necessary to he prepared. 1 I am here to help in that proposi , Milter said he d M not cars to talk ut tho present situation In Nicaragua he waa the representative of the el company, which hod the greatest rest at stake. He made the •positive ■ement, however, that the united would not permit England or any country to undormtne our interests canal property. | A BASIS OF SETTLEMENT. ".'Ion, April 29.—A Managua dispatch J a late hour this evening President Ija received a measure from Wash- saying England would withdraw hips from Corinto and give Ntcara- I fifteen days In which to pay the 175.- ttart money If such a proposition ' be accepted by Nicaragua. The etch also eta ted that so far as the fining conditions In the ultimatum concerned they should be so molt- | as to meet the objections of Nlca- It Is understood that those prep are the results of the efforts of |Unlted States to bring about a ast er the pending difficulty to a err alike honorable to both countries, the receipt of the dispatch Presl- Zellaya nt once held an audlenca his principal advf-ors and a reply probably be made within a few President Zellaya, it U believed, I be disposed to accept the terms out- ? In the dispatch. It will, however, r l,r o careful consUeratSoa, owing to Intense hostility which exists against British government and the willing- | ■ n the part of some people to con- ■he struggle Indefinitely. ' THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, pdon, April 29.—Sir Edward Grey, iitnentary eecrtary for foreign af- •ienounced in the house of corn- today that the government had n- dinpatches from Rear Admiral hetaon at florin to conveying Infor- , ^ that that port had been occupied [he British on April 27 and that no ration had teen n.adu by the Nlcara- The dispatches, be stated, further I that upon tho landing of the Brtt- [orre of sailors gad marines the Nkta- f sutboriles withdrew from the To this announcement Sir Edward M the statement that care bad bean rt that British trade with Nicaragua [I ! not be placid at the slightest dts- WUUam liar court moved that tbs upon which tho republic defaulted nearly twenty years ago. The Interest and principal In arrears. It Is said, will amount to between £20,000 and £30,000 per annum, and tho proposition is to collect the revenues of Hondura nian ports until some portion of the over due Interest ct least has boon paid. FOCGiHir THE OFFICERS. Prisoners 'Became Unruly In tho St. Louis City Jail. St. Louis, April 29.—Riot, bloodshed nml n serious nt.tdutpt at a break for liberty occurred last night In the city Jail. The staite board of health lias forbidden the removal of coadomnej prisoners to the penitentiary, owing to the appturance of smallpox in tho Jail, anil forty-seven cells in the Institution are undergoing repairs. This foreos 300 prisoners Into fifty cells. Discontent over this has boon breeding, and last nigtst it broke intit violence. Five negro women In one cell abused the guards until the Irene was turned on them, .when they bcttime so vlolenl that three inside guards attempted to remove them from the tblnl tier cell to the dungeon. The moment their door was opened they sprang upon the guards like wildcats and ehased the men down stairs. Three officers came to the rescue and managed to got them down to the ground floor court, when the light ova* renewed. By this I true uvttry prisoner added his voice to the din Fanny Dowdy, one of the negroes had a weapon made nt a tin can and knocked Officer D'.xon completely out with It. Seven condemned neigryj men in one cell 1 u some way sot louse and dime to the aid of the women. Tho llowdj woman had secured Dixon’s pistol and was on 'the point of shooting when Do •active Ibelgler dealt her a blow that willed her. By til's tlmn the reserve force was on band, and cluhs were freely used. Tho noisy pane was oontiglous, and such an uproar was never before heard In the Jail. / By the free use of Uvcnty-llvn nltnt clubs and the Ore hose the riot -was quelled mid the rlolcivi secured. Flv yrlsoncrs nrwl f,. ur 0 (R... r2 c i„ Jurcd. ENCE COMES IIS Tho Ifnmn Mnrk-nt Unllmin Makes a a Strange Showing About Manufacture?. CONTRADICTS ALL REPORTS. Not Even tho Increase of Wages nt Fall River Is Taken Into Consideration,, but Claims Great Suffering Under the New Tariff. HOWLIN' i IS THE FAD. Griffin's Bel lea and Beaux bpend Houra 1’laylng Ten Pina. Griffin, April 29.-(Special.)-Toolrht the F. 8. V. Club gave a bowling 'party at Mr. Rhlnebart's alley which waa attended by about tiwenty-flve of the young ao- clety people of the city. It wwa a feaat of fun and at a very late hour tho Mila were athl rolling. Bowling la the fad In Oriffln Just now and It win be a long time before the F. fl. V’,'a alloar too pins to bo knocked Into a "cocked hat.” Among thoae present were Misses Geor gia DeVotle, Oorkino Nall, Tusle Cald well. Florida Jeon Richards, Ethel Watt, Bcraie word. Nell Dlsmuke. Eunice Ed wards and Messrs. W. Hugo Johnston, J. Edward EMer, G. Atulorson Niles. L. Searcy Davis, W. Nelms Burr. W. Ham mond Reeks. C. Andrew. Janes and Jo seph Henry Barnes. Tho party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Matthews. A Tew days aso the Telegraph, from Griffin, printed a a j veil I stating that a representative that waa ostensibly doing the tailor act fee a Chicago firm had vic timised several citizens. It wo. on Item U»t bore good fruit, for Officer Floyd ha. received notlfleotlon from the mar shal at Flovllla stating that hn anw the notice In the Telegraph and that he thinks the slick swindler can bo located. It Is learned that he signed receipts os W. 8. Bussey, but did not show the name of tho Arm that bo claimed to represent. Dr. E. 8. Wnjme. chemist of C'n- rlnn.nti, wrlicn: ‘T Ami on anslynla Dr. ’Price - * Baking IVnvtler is entirely pure, nml Mio atrongrm m leavening power of any powder made.” AFPLICVnON DENIED. New York, April 29.—Judge Browe of the United States dtatrlot court this nfieruiKki denied the o.pplVallon for i writ of habeas corpus made, by counsel in Ikthalf of Dr. Buchanan, conrletnl of wife poisoning. w1u> Is to be <dretro- ruled Wednesday next at the Sing Sing state prison. ODD WAGES IN FORCE. iNctiwuflt. Aipr l 29.—The Norwalk mills Company, manufacturers of woo Mis, lanptoying 200 bamls, today put In force the old scale of wages, from ivthleb s reduction was ill a do dur ing the business depression. JURY COULD NOT AGREE. Lynchtsirv, Vi., April 29.-The Jury In the Fannlll rise could not agree nml this morula? were d'schnrged, stand- Imt 8 to 4 for acquittal. The ball waj reduced to W.000. VICTLMS OF THE BtTROTED DAM. Psrls, April 29.—M. Leygnes, minis ter of the Interior, ban distributed pe cuniary and other relief to 1,040 vic tims of the flood caused by the burst ing of the dam. iFRHE PILLS. Send your aiUrcwt to H. E. Bncklon & Co., Chicago, and get a fro* sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These plHa are easy Id motion and are particularly effective Id the euro of constipation and sick headache. For malaria ami .liver troulibw they havo hen proved lnvalunhle. They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from .every deleterious substance and to ho pure ly wcvahle. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stnmnch and bowels gratify invigorate the lywtam. Regular alls 23c. per box. s I<1 by U. J. Lamar & Son’s, dru2- - Boston, Mass., April 29.—The May number oif the Home Market Bulletin Issued today contains the result of a canvass of the textile manufacurers ol Now England, New York and Now Jersey and Pennsylvania as oo -the condition of tbelr business, which proves to be highly Interesting. The answers were received from 481 c«tab- llshmenia about evenly divided among the states named and fairly represent ing city and comity and large and bir.altl establishments. These answers octupare April 1893, with April 1895, and are summaris'd as accurately as porstbio in a table. As to reduction and restoration of wages, 185 of the 481 establishments did not reduce at all. 81xtecn reduced ttDd have partially lewtored and 252 re duced and have jot restored. The Fall River and New Bedford mills, which have recently made partial resitora- ttens, do not enter either of the ac count* above. Nearly all That did not reduce are small mills in the country, or are producers of specialties In which there are little co.irpc-tltlon and for which fashion alone ihaa made a good demand. In may cases, too, where the wage rare* have beeu maintained there have 'bam reductions of running time, or of hands, or nt bath. Of course It Is Impossible to put Into a table or summary all that was writ ten In the return. But the table fairly Shows that the volume of production and employment and the wages paid •re a till 5 per cant, on the average below the condition oi two years ago, while the orders for goods are nos quite one-half so encouraging as they were then, the are far greater and tile profits are lost out of sight. It is the condition of orders and profits which best Indicates the true stake of business and affords a means of Judging whether or not the present rates of production and wages can be maintained or Increased. Several pages of brief remarks from the manufac turers aro printed, which show that most of them are running simply to hold their customer:) and keep their help so as to be ready for the better business lndknitod for the future. Or ders are cancelled upon frivolous pre texts. the rea* meaning of which is rhait sales are dlsagnpolmlng or simi lar goods are offered at lew’s* prices. Some of them speak of the under- valutlons of foreign goods, which, oi course, says bulletin, were ex- pe-t.-.l uni v the tel valorem feature of the new tariff. Th-sc enormous evils ITg Will Have a Ciianco of 1’roviug tho Existence of Drown Aiicu, the Murderer. SDrREME COURT’S DECISION. The Opinion Hated Upon the Prejudlci ofOnoof tho Jurora, nml It Mny He a Very Strong Authority In Future Criminal Caiei* Atlanta, April 29.—(Special.)—Willie J. Meyer, the nineteen-yetr-old boy who was convicted of Plundering Forrest L. Crawley, a steady going business man of Rosowell, Ga., under a train of dr oumstances UnpirollcIIcd til the crimi nal annals of ihe stute. will have an other Chance for his life. The supremo court today granted Meyer a new trial overruling Judge IWohard H. Clark, the trial judge, who had refused the application far nqw (rial upon allega tions of error and newly dls- covered evidence. r.iung M«yers has steadily clung to his story that Brown Allen, a p sJUtige "-•<■ has so far proven a myth, com.- m tteil 'Be murder, and has never lost hope of a no wtri.U. When th(^ action of the court iivas conveyed (oriilni In his cell today he mode no manifestation of emotion, but quietly said he knmv he'd get tt. The declMon was handed down at 10 o'clock chts morning. Mr. Gordon Mitchell, one of Meyers’ attorneys, was in waiting to receive the decision alt the!, aval at once untitled Meyers' father, who drove hurriedly to the Jail to tell his son the welcome news. It cannot be lold yet when the new trial will corns off. Judge Spencer Atkinson rendered the curt’s decision which Is quite lengthy. The court has been unable to agree on a decision for several weeks, but ss Anally rendered there was no dtosenalng vote. Tho main grounds for the granting of the now trial was that one at the Jurors named Huff had expressed the opin- ior. that Meyere was guilty nnd should be hung before he was drawn on the Jury and ihut the Jury might have been unduly influenced by the crowd in the court room. The court held, nnd the point will probably prove tin Important precod'jnt, that a man might legally qualify as n Juror by answering me formal questions put to blm, although Ids mind was pre judiced by having read newspaper ac counts or from hearing the public dis miss a cose. Under such clrcumstanceu the court held a mum might go upon a Jury dcts.-.'nlnod to hang a man. and tho Inference from the decision is that the court thought Juror Huff might halve had suoh a determination when ho qualified. The ruling as to Ihe crowd In the court room la ,ui other Important point. Tho court 'Inclaras that while every per son Is entitled to a public trial yet It Is th-. du'y of tue Judge to keep the court room hi such a omd.tlon as to prevent the Ju.*y from overhearing the rks of th,. r.i v>I as lo the u lull' Of I I At the M, XaiaJLS ! The World’s Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in leav° ening power as the Royal. *. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. bM*M*M**U*iM>***1M'M*ifo*M**to*1M*t ! ********* CUBANS LEAVE THE TOWNS, It Was Slid They Went to tho Forces ol tno Revo- lutionary Array. Join A STORY FROM JAMAICA; ONE KAN'S EXPERIENCE WITH dyspepsia. EXPECTED HOME RULE. i Tlie izltth Speeches of Campos Gw Hope nml They Iteaorteil to Action- No Aims on the Clydo Steamer at Jacksonville* (From the staff of tho United Press.) Santiago de Cuba, April 19. via Tampa, Fla., April 29.—Since i't has br oom* evident that Gon. Martinez Campos cams here for war and not for a settlement of'the rebellion by the tra/Uon of Cuban affairs, there have teen quiet disappearances from this city of some well known men who be long to good Cuban families. They hd hopes that Spain would grant home rule, or at least take a step In ibat direction upon tho landing of Oampos, who has absolute power. When they read his proclamation anti saw that he promised no reforms unt'I tho island was quiet, ami itlvat only those which -were passed by the codes three months ugo and are of little value, they took Winchesters which they gtr- crCted anil In Httle groups of a dozen or more went to tho Interior. Forty men left town on 'the day after CamopF arrival, and others are said to be leav ing daily. At Ihe cluhs, the cafes and other places where Cubans meet here It Is eab.l that good men arc leaving! all the oltlee and towns In Ihe eastern diMrlot to join me iusurgeiiU .via. that Campca he not enougs goildlctns here to put down the rebellion. On the other hand, the Spanish officers, from. Campos down, say the war will be short Uved. They claim they have soidiers enough to push the 'Work with success. News reached here yesterday that Maximo Gomez, his two sons nnd sev eral other Cubans have landed on the south coast 'between Guantanamo nml Cape Mayvi. They came from Inagun Islnd and Port AUtono, Haytl, on the German steamier Nordatrand. The The Cone de Vemdito tried to hood them off. but failed. It la reported at Guantanamo that Flor Crombet Is certainly dead, and ■Hurt of Macoo'k band only two or three ihavo -■scaped dentil or capture. Wednesday a band of 150 Insurgents attacked Dos Camilllse, a station of the railway near San Luis and ill n tight wtth the troops which ensued three rebels were reported killed and one Spanish eoidlor wounded'. Small hands of Insurgents are re ported within two or thre miles of this city, but no serious encounters have ooeurred. Perez Is said to have had an engagement with government troops near Guantanamo, but no casualties are reported. Yestentay n cimniTl -oof loading eltl- zen*< headed l,y the ;tndWilshop wskMj upon Campos nnd asked some twenty ho or.ll ii i t • Info ye Food DtstrmMtd HI* (Fn i Hrotiklyn Th.’ r ms Mf«n is Condition. iV. r. Timet.) uw as t<> what vft s tho - - Bergen of J.insieii, \j. 1. Hin frieiuls thought h»* Imw <ou4.iii.o a deoHne, ai»«l possibly, hud h<art uiieu^e. Ami no doubt he did; hut it all cams from th" (Iv.pipda, and since tnzt ha. been cured. In* hearldJieaxeUiM di5ii|iF«-art*«l ui>o. He t. tin reporter of the TYvim »hm cured him Ihe other day, and his oonvenatmu is repeated hire: “ The trouble was wiili my digcmv; evs- tem, end witli my heart Asaooniequom e, for nearly six ycre ' '"as unable to enjoy a meal. '!'■> iwrltike <1 fre.h bread,, plea,,Tuny kind of pwtry waa out of the queatlon. A small po..ton of food ol tins character would give me untold agony. Ho I bad to go witlioutit. My trouble atenilUy Increased, <I«apit«all my efforts to check it. I took all aorU of medicines preHoril»»*«l by phyiioiana, with no perceptible abatemmt of tho disorder. Finally my heart became Involved, and occasioually I would be dis turbed with tumultuous beating and palpi tation. Woru5 than all, feeling of oppres sion and suffocation would ensue, andsonie- tiines the hs&rt action would h« suspend til. I confer-. I was very much ularrnFtl wh*:n those syinr.ium>i manifested themselves, aud at times I ljipH.’d into a state of utter desfiair. M One evening lant fall, I noticed in tho Brooklyn Times au accoiutlof a remarkable cure <*n<M't<*d by the use of I)r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pooplo. I was pale and that fact helped to awaken my interest in the announcement, which I read through carefully. A day or two later a similar narrative appeared with reference to tho pills, the symptoms of the person cured being similar t<» my own. That SLttled the qaiM&OQ for me. The next morning I procured a bo*, and before I had taken half of them I eapsiienced decided relief. I continued the pills and ray improvement was rapid,until now I can eat with impu nity WIlAt iny appetite suggesr-s, without re* gnrd to time or amount, in reason of course, and the functional disturbances of the heart have disappeared. I have always hud heart trouble, but It has been greatly relieved by the Hit* of the Pink Pills. I consider my self cured of the stomach trouble. Anyone having the symptoms I have described may take tne piiia wiih uiurml «,-ou2u«ncv o, their bringing relief/’ Mr. Bergen k an active member of Jamaica Council, Itovul Arcanum, an exempt fireman and baa been for many years connected with the hard ware establishment of James T. Lewis, one of the largest mercantile interents on Long Island. * Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood nnd restore, shattered nerves. They are for sale by all druggist*, or may be had by mail fr *m Dr. Williams' JMieine Co., Schenectady, N, V., for 50c. per box, or six boxen for $2.50. That Plated means Columbia, Till? BEST BICYCLE The Standard j Bicycle at the World. Idle ins have only Just hogun to be felt, be cause until bustnesi revived the Im portations were esTra.ll. These have re cently been rapidly Increasing an.1 the revenue I# small nnd undoutoetHy fraud Is transacted and foreign .'abrlca are offered ait prices which could not be met here even with email proftt* saoriflee.1 and wagtts cult 25 per oent. below the present average. CHARGED WITH ABDUCTION. Henry Will Take a Return Trip to North Carolina. Atlanta. April 29.—(Special.)—R. A. Henry, a middle-aged man of rather uncouth appearance, was arrested here this afternooO upon a charge of abduc tion. About three weeks ago Henry In duced Mamie Bryan, 1« years old, of Franklin, N. C„ to leave her home upon promise that he would secure her a pleasant situation In Atlanta. The girl’s parent* were poor, and the pros pect of being able to earn a comforta ble living caused her to listen to Hen ry’s promises. At Gainesville, finding that tho girl's character waa stronger than be counted upon, Henry placed her In a boarding house and came on to Athinta. Hie police here were noti fied of her disappearance by the au thorities of Franklin, and tonight the girl waa brought down from Gaines ville by an officer and placed In the hands of her sister, who has lived here some t|me. A warrant has been Issued for Henry and the North Carolina sheriff will arrive for him tomorrow. A fair complexion cornea from pure food. M'lua -woman would not prefer food cooked iwsth Dr. IVice’g Baking Powder The court hokla tha t tho cvldenco of the (le’ccttve* who took Meyets shoes out to Westwood and tilted them to the tracks n>ar where the hotly of Cr,«yJ,.y was found admissible. A great deal of newly discovered evl donee going to establish tho klontlty of the mylMra! Brown Allen .wits alleged lu the applcatlnn for now trial, but tho supreme court did not puss upon this but leaves h in stand for what W may bo wortili on the next trial. Smile* abound wherever Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder la used. BOTH SHOTS WERE 8IIORT. Crompton’s Attempt at Murder and Suicide Was a Failure. Columbia, 8. ©., April 29.—At Union, S. C., IMs afternoon, V. L. Cromp ton, formerly of Danville, Va., while at the dinner tffMe had some wonts with his wife—It la said he wag Jeal ous of her—and shot her in the side. Thinking he had killed her, he turn -i rite weapon to hts breast and fired twice. One bullet glanced off, the other followed a rib around the body to the backbone, struck tbs spinal cord, poratyxlng bis lower limbs. 1U* chnceH of recovery are slight. Mrs. Crompton is not dangerously wounded. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. Th» best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, t utor, chappi'd hands, chilblains, rorna and all skin eruptions, and poai- tlv.-ly cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per > For sate by 11. J. La- umr aud Son. THE 0. A. It. QULONY. The Jlaszna Curry Mnklng a Tour to Ferfert Titles Atlanta. April 29. -(Spedit.)—Mtwaffk J. W. Curry and Oakley Curry of Chi- 03go, owners Slid eooInnUerK of the hun dred thnnAiori acres of land in Mont gomery county NOlecied gur the old sol- tiler cdony being formed by P. 1 Filk- Korald of Indianapolis, let -1 Aidants for Mbntgomeiry county this morning. They go to Macon llrst and will also stop U. Hnvnniiiih. Th? purpose >f Ihe trip at the .Memo* Curry Is to make n Hail ln.xi.cotlon of the land nutl to pcrftttt the tides and liie ueeoasiry p i per. for Ibe consuiniivUh>.i of Ihe big trade. While here lltcy hekl a confer ence with exflorernor Non hie. who it'it In making the snlo of the kind to Mr. Fitzgerald inti the. Iooiilon of Ms colony In Georgia. In speaking of Ihe m.itt,e today Governor iNoetheu slid he felt coott- dmt that the «ititime*Ion irtll lie finally dostvl up otfw within a U\v Air*. The titles to the Und. he says, are nil light ami no trouble if umlcipjted In perfect ing the papers. MRS. ELLIS MADE PRESIDENT. Atlanta. April 29. -(Specal.i-At the regular annual meeting of the Lailics’ Memorial AMDC Jtton held today. Mrs. W. I). HU hi wj* elected president of the .issoclatloii «<> fill the ratuncy c.'iuted hy the ,toUh of Mnt. John Mll- lerig', who had been the pres'dcnl for nearly eighteen year*. — .{ it ALL FRF7E. Those who have used Dr. Klng’l New Discovery know* Its value, and those who have not, now have the op portunity to try n free. Call on the advertised druggist and get :l trial bot tle free. Send your name and adorns to II. E. Duckies A C<>., Chicago, and get a sample box of I>r. King’s New Life Pills free, as well as . ,ny -f Guide to Health > 1 i|.- 4;. q i ie_ Htru-■ ,r All >f Wh eh I- guATJZ- t -* I to do you x <| ami e -.t you noth ing. H. J. Lamar A S-m's drug ztore. sauted voa.rF Imprisonment. Oen. Ciwui-■■ replied thal li .\ it "'ii of his power to grant the requeHt. but Hi.ll h" ".oiI»1 11-/tie Infill ii' ■ wiili til I" ■■!' |' 11-1 'll in Sp 'in \ N I?\' l M'illM I'INT WITH M \' 'll' ' (From tho Staff Cor respond eat of the United Press.) Guantanamo, April It Is reported that 'a column of government troops un der Col. Copellos made an attack today upon a bend of Insurgent* 700 strong un- dercommand of tho rebel leader Maeeo, kfiling nine and •woumltng a largo num ber of the rcvolutlonlits. The forces bad *’Vc hilled and five wounded. MORE SPANISH TROOPS. 8tuitkufo do Uuln. April 29.— Eleven hundred Spanish troops arrived here, to- day on the steamship San Francisco. They were welcomed by cheering crowds at the docks. NO ARMS FOR CUBA. Jacksonville, Fla.. April 29 A report readied here from Key West today that tho Cubans In that elty claimed that there were several hundred cases arms acid ammunition on board the Clyde line steamer Seminole, now In tbhi port from New York. Intended fee the Insur gents. The report further statal that these arena were purchased in New York by Maptel;, who floured in the Lagonln affair, and that they would be reshlppe,) from Jacksonville to some south Fturldn port and three transferred to a scho.nt r which bad been engaged by the Inaurit- enta. investigation showed that three w*» nothing in the report. The offlncrs of the Seminole exhibited the veasel’s manifest and proved that oo arm., had been shipped. The report from Key West slated that Ihe arms were consigned to HuMmrd A Co. and Clerk A Co., hard ware firms of this city, who had acted Manteir* agents in th* matter. They emphatically deny that any arms were shipped for them on the Semtnol or that they have hud any dealings wtth Mantel. Messrs. Hernia. Fritet ami other Cuban leaders In thn city, say tho story Is ab surd. On the steeling lieatlof evcryCoi- umbia bicycle of tills year's make that namc-plato appears. It is unique, handsome, and indicates much- sat: .ruction and highcM eri- etit to the rider. bicycle has ever equal led a Columbia. No other bicyclu 'ni... jnymcnl No ot greatest bicycle wo: Id says so. Cnhtmhia. Tho factory in tho INTERSTATE FREIGHT RATES. An Interesting Point Passed Upon by the Supreme Court. Washington, April 29.—A ease In volving an important question of the application of the railroad rates was decM tl by the aupronie court today In an opinion rendered by Mr. Justice Brewer. It came direct to the supreme court on a writ of error from tho court of Milan oounty, Texas, and In Itself was not Important, but settling the queelou nt stake mode ft notable. It was the case of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Rail pond Company v*. Hef- fley A Lewis. Disposing of the ca*c. Justice Brewer said that a statut • of Texas requiring laUrnsil companies to deliver freight at the price named in bill of lading, under penalty of dam ages proscribed In the law, waa Inap plicable to the Intemtais commerce law, wbloh forbids railroad companies to charge, collect or receive for freight on «U<*1 shipment any other, either grestei or leas sum than that named In the tariffs wMoh they were required to publish. The state statute cen apply only to tthfpments wholly within tho state. The judgment at the county court was reversed nnd then remanded to further proceedings In conformity to the application. NOT A -.ltOKF.>!. Atlntos April 29.—fSprertli-Joha Slufer, a printer la tnc employ of th? Southern lhUnt and Ghw Com pi ay, had a drat i rail for his life tal ly. While sifting no a scaffold ax work cn the building No. 30 Iii-t Hunter -treet, be tmt his I til i flee sad foil thirty-live f,-,t bo the jxiV'inb Ut below. It was Wait ha »« ^ deel when lir-h pick -I up. t"it !>1 I in:-I ll .in eh mo- be «*. rvip.«l ".'.li.'H , hoi.' •>i: "1-1> HMu-'il Jaf rq tlJjr, — i W-... < a nn Mvw i ■ ivv - | ^j|y| HARTFORDS, next best, 380 WO. 950 fur boys’ and girls’ sizes. bo mailed for I H. S. PARMAIxMIC, Agent for the Columbia and Hnrtfo Bicycles, Macon. Ga. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ncK'ttp, Do you wear them? When nont In need try a pair, thry will giveyou more comf-Tt tad service for ilie money than any cthir make. Boet in tho world. $5.00. W W. L. Douglas Shoes are mJe lo all the Latest StySca. If you want* fine DRESS SHOE don't pay $6 to $8, fry my $3.50, $4 or $5 Shoo. They will fit equal focus- * ■" " ■' t’ - •»'"I I' 1 k dfi'l )*> if a , wi II. If you wish to •Cmon!;e In your footwear,you can do so by purch.uin^ Vr. L. Dnuglai Shoes. My aamo ami prlc** It stamped cn the bottom, look for it when you buy. Take no sub- itltstr. I lend I hoot by mail upon receipt of price, poitao free, when Shoe I><-al**r* cannot lu&ply you, W. la. DOUGLAS. Ilrorktun. Mae a. -V I by. U00IU5STEU SHOE COMrANV. • FITS CURED * (From U. 8. Journal ctf Malians.) ProtW.II.Pccke.whomnki operiAitrof BhlJenny t.'i«w ' it-! .* • if'lf ir.fl iiiort citas’Mjinii ariyintritf I’t.yr • *n ; f, --m r, tH B Ftoiii«fiin«. \V U bftveln ardofcaMoofiOyeani’ktnntlinircureil brbim. lie pabl felMoa voliublc work oath Jodi w h Ich ho Brnilo with tt Urgo boUloof Lfo auzBoiulccuru, fug lo oajraallrrcr who may M-nd their P.O. and Ex i>n - - a«l. dnM. Wo adrlwi nnyone wishing a cure to a* It Ip l’rof. W.LL PEBKJfo F. D., 4 Cedar hu, New Yoik.’