The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, May 02, 1895, Image 6

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0 FOUR KILLED !Ii THE STREET. iu Tun iiiuuits After tlic Firing Begas the Participants Lay Dead. IN OLD FAMILY FEDD. t Started Two Years Ago Between the Townsend and Fulgham Families^ It Broke Out An«w In a Fight on Last Friday Evenings Ncwbern, Tenn., April 30.—Shortly be fore 1 dark thi* evening the sound of a fusllade of pistol shots was heard on the main street of this town and within ten g tv owls of the first shot the four partici pants lay dead in the street. These four are R. W. Townsend and his son Beaure gard, and A. B. and John Fulgham. The quadruplo tragedy was the out come of a feud that started two years ago and grew out of a trivial dispute between the Townsend and Fulgham families. The troubles smouldered a Jong while without breaking out in open violence until last Friday evening, when Murray Fulgham, meeting young Avery Townsend, began to abuse him. He fin ished by administering a beating to the young man with an ax handle. Young Townsend swort out a warrant charg ing Fulgham with assault and battery with Intent to kill. Fulgham at once left tfie town to avoid arrest and went up in Madison county, but his father sent for him and brought him back. People in the neighborhood aware of the facts and knowing the natures of the two families exi»ected that there would be serious trou ble, but did not expect the tragedy of - 6Vcr «_ y$i%nm Vnisrhnm was ar rested upon his return homo and gave bond. This evening he was taken before a magistrate ior a hearing and ns *v s evidence showed the assault to have been unprovoked a fine of 150, with costs at tached, was inflicted. There was a large party In the magistrate's office and no serious words passed between the oppos ing parties during the progress of the trial. At the conclusion of the court bus- jieds the crowd moved out, and near the door the Town&c-nd and Fulgham parties came together. There were a few words then weapons were drawn and the shoot ing began. In almost an instant the wholesale killing was done and the four men lay stretched out on the pavement. CRISP GONE TO NEW YORK. The Speaker Off for the Summer—Other News From Americus. A meric us, April 30.—Special.)— Hon. Charles F. Crisp left tills afternoon for New York. He goes by steamer trom Savannah. After a few days in the me tropolis he will leave for a stay to Ashe ville. N. C., for the benefit of his health. Mrs. DuPont Quarry and Miss Rosa Guerry are visiting at Mrs. B. P. Hollis' home on Taylor street. This morning a horse attached to the milk wagon cf Mr. Mosc Oliver took fright and started off at a lively gait, rimnimr wweml blocks before hanging the wagon on a fence *< the comer of Jackson and Church streets, spilling mlik the eretired istanoe. The wagon was badly damaged and the wheels practically ruined. At the Baptist Sunday school Sunday It was determined to have a picnic In a few weeks. The following committee ■was to make all arrangements and to determine a time and place. The com mittee will hold an Important meeting this afternoon In which to make things known. The committee consists of Mesdames S. C. Cooper, J. C. McKen zie D. M. Stewart, W- B. Worthy, Em mett Murray, John R. Shfuw, .T. I. Dor- by. W. F. Clark, John Windsor, A. C. Bell, J. W. Harris. K T. Mathis. Misses Mary Haynes, Emma Dodson, Alice Wheatley, Mervln Callaway, Hattie Fos ter. Messrs. George D. Wheatley, W. A. Pod-son, J. R. Britton and Dr. 8. H. McKee. Between the hours of 1 and 2 yesterday the engine of the Columbus train was drilling cars in the Central yard* here. A small boy opened a switch directly in front of it. The engineer was uncon scious of the fact and being unable to stpp his train, the engine, tender and front wheel* of one car left the tr-ick nnd ran on the tics for some distance. Fortunately the speed was low and the damage was very slight «w*J soon re paired. The youth who was the .’ause of the accident was locked In a box cor for a while, but released and cautionod never to appear In the yards again. No caee will be made ngain^t h'.m. People are becoming Interested in fruit growing. A-jnong some that favorM the move yesterday rire Messrs. H. R. John son. A. W. 8mlth. J. W. Wheatley, J. K. nivensfA. K. fichumpert, H. J. Free man, J. L. Adderton, ami others have the matter under advisement and will soon effect organization upon a business basis. Tt 1* proposed to secure the co operation of evi-Ty fruit grower in Sum ter c«ms>ty and the organization wfll bo In position to greatly promote this most Important industry here. It means much for Americas nnd Sumter county, and as the movement hi* been started It will ho pushed to a successful erd. The pro- mote«*s propose to organize and aot»id?t the society upon the same plan as adopted bv the Fulton Oo>unty Horticultural Club with marked success. Everything con ducive to the Interests of horticulture will receive the careful consideration of the local club. Freight rates to all import ant points West and North wfll be se cured and the advantages of this section for fruit growing widely advertised. Sev eral fruit exhibit* annually will also be arranged, which feature In Itself will be of no little interest and benefit. It seems to them that Aroorleus and surrounding country should be the principal fruit mar ket of Georgia, situated as It Is In the finest fruit growing section of the state, and the organization of just such a so ciety as Is about to bo formed will do much toward stiractfev attention this way, and in the end make beautiful with orchards and vineyards the barren hill sides and waste fields of Sumter. Fruit growing has already received a big Im petus here of late and many large peach orchards, one of 400 acres, will be planted this fall. The people are gratified at this evidence of thrift and progress and pre dict succors for all who engage therein where care and judgment are exercised. It has been urged that the fruit growers of Sumter county effect an organization to the «*tid that their interests might be the better protected and tho valuable crop turned Into cash Instead of being allowed to waste and decay in tne or chard*. Mrs. Cecil Gatjbett, Miss Leo Gabbott a red the Masters Gabbett leave today ter Lake George, N. Y., for the summer »oa son. Mr. Goorge 8. Hart of this clly leaves today for Montgomiry to take the posi tion of car inspector In the 8. A. M. rail road yards there. He ha* been with tho rend for quite a while asid Is a very ef ficient o«#loy-*. Ovtrg to the tlinwM of Her. T. M. ChrlftHn of the First Methodist church. th<* mdvsl m*otSn»* tor th*s week will not bAfftn uat'l Wednesday event*. A number of vl*!?lw» ; ministers will help In the revival snJ pome of them wl|! -reive today. Rev. 8am Jones has been TH"E"WDEBXY TELEGRAPH! MAY 2, 1805. requested to bo hero to assist to tho m«*e tings, but as yet nothing has been heard from him. It (s hoped that he will come during the revival. ittitAituutaj vvIiiH PERJURT. A Novel Charge in fhd History, of American Naval Affairs. Washington, April 30.-The court. inaav ti«al of ti tnarval oflker for perjury te a novelty iu naval experience *y the United States, so far ur the best mem ories go. This,, however, la the leading specification under which Medical In spector Edward KerShuer, fleet surgeon of Admiral Meade's aquaAron, has «beeu ordered by Secretary Herbert to appear before a court martial at the New York na.vy yard ou M’anduy, May 6. The de tail of the court consists of Rear Ad miral John G. Walker, president; Com modore Kush R. Wallace, Ca-pto. Albert ICantz, Theodore F. Katie. Winfield s* Schley, iSHus IXusey and Henry F. Pick ens, medical directors, Edward S. Bogert and Henry (M. Wells; Medical Inspectors Charles II- White and Thomas N. Pen rose and First Lieut- C. 'll. Launeh- hedmer. The first charge relates to a violation of the naval regulations by Dr. Kreshuer in forwarding privately to Surgeon General Tryoti. Modical Direc tor Delevan Bloolgood, retired, »ul*rtl- tute copies of Capt. Evans' report with Admiral Meade's endorsement regarding the failure of the doctor to go as or dered on board a Nova Scotian vein! at. Bridgetown, Barlwidoec* m response to an emergency call. Theee documents Were' subsequently pufb!t-‘hed 4n news- paipera of the United States. The second charge is that of scandal ous conduct to tho dcwlruotioii of good morals, and Its first specification recites that Dr- Kreshiner, before a court of Inquiry on the New York at Kingston, upon oath, teHtifled that not any part t|f the correspondence had left his hands, except a second endon-mment of the admiral, well-knowing that his sworn testimony -wo* false and intended to deceive. NaVal officers declare that there Is no record at i-uch a case. In (March, 1892, Commander James D- Gresham, com manding the monitors at Richmond, was convicttd of simple falsehood, but nr>t ttf npHnrv DEATH AT ALBANY. Mrs. Walker a Victim of Typhoid Fever —Two Serious Runaway*. Albany, April 30.—(Special.)—A very sad death occurred last night at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Dave Walker, aged 16, passed qui etly and peacefully from this life Into eternal happlnes. She was stricken down about two weeks ago with the fatal ty phoid fever, and while all was done for her that medical skill and loving hands could do, the a-ngel of death came to claim her as his own. Mrs. Walker was the wife of Mr. D. W. Walker, a con sistent Christian, being of the Methodist faith, although she never made an open confession of religion. ' They had only been married about one year and a half when she was called to her maker. She leaves a husband here nrd parents in Florlla to whom the em pathies of the entire community are ex tended. The iretermwn't took place at 3:30 this afternoon at Oak view cemetery. There were two lively runaways yes terday afternoon. One of them wag Mr. L. E. Welch's horse and the other Mr. R. W. Jordon’*. Both buggies were con siderably damaged. No one wa* hurt. NEWS FROM THOMSON. Tfrc4i]*on, April lb).—(Spuctal.)—Fr<«- ptxtiH tor « line frit : t crop ttmo tiff bout th x Kdoiion nro flateermsi. I that theDflMSh treo# are V'try full and if no tn!ap<>rtune omthtke* them, he.ivy crops will be the result. 1 a in glad to see the farmers bell*; in varied crop* instead of depuudlnis so kirns]? on coi tion. the ttmrtt imwWln nnil unicdaMe crop, oveiyiih ns considered, thn-i the South product*. This ytitr cur county WHI wise kte* cotAvi ;lun for many past, making It :i surplus crop. T'honiwon 'tv’ll have Wires- cnn.nluft f.ic- torien, which will ftnouniffe taiatw tonrtitVww, okra tirsl TtW-Hhhk- ert-pit s-f nil k1«d«. Many nives of mitermelotiB nnd saavalimpes have ilready Ixvn pirated. This is an eniour-arft-)« feat ure in sffiicultnral afP.itrs, nnd we hope to oeo »ur fii.i-ni®rs (rww rnie to diversify their crops, ilTieMhy makinw -a cUauffc that ' he IxTnetV.-i'il to till. The fruit and vcwetaUe crop will br iwt m money atdhe deoil summer w.ismi, when ready ci-'h is at so s pmtnium, ffiv'.ns th-t produe'.nff cli.-ht nn opponji.oily to ffeit suppllts it reduced prices h r cash nnd at the Awno time, if such d m- pltw he followed throughout the cotton •MU*, the supply b»> tw deer-si sod nnd dotn uirl proporttouJ^dy Itvcrettrd. cot ton tv4H Ln n fotv yttlfl lie • crop of profit, which is r nr pure tlrin tve ran expert hy a continuttnce of the old ntode of rrislaff colton owl buying supplim. THE STRIKE IS ENDED. MSI Hand, Return to Work Under In dividual Contracts. Athens, April 3ft,—(Special.)—And It now appears tholt the strike at the Ath ens Manufacturin'* Company la over, mui by tomorrow ait noon It >h more than likely that nearly all of the om- ployeca who w ilke<l nut. will be back at their respective places. There are a few, however, who have determined to stay out tinlf-K the roluetlon is re store!. Th's morotnff Mr. Blootntteld art- dlCftsed the employes, eetyloff that the factory had done the very best posdblr for each and everyone, that the cut v.-tm necessary, and that -when other facto ries ant! mills were cuttlnff wiffes theirs rematnd the .some. In no Instance hail they been refused credit at the store, and Whether at work or not, they could always get something to eat. Aftor talking 1n this strain Our some time, Mr. HloornneM said he would make Indi vidual contracts -with those who washed tn go hack to work, and it Is under stood that nearly all agre-sl to this. Ami thus ends what promised to be a great strike for this eoctlr*. LYNCHING NEAR LAKE CITY, Coleman Shot His Wife necause His Supper Didn’t Suit Him. Lake City, Fla., April 30.—(Special.)— John Colana • f-alored) who lives eight miles west of this city shot his wife last night because she dm not cook sup* per to suit him. The wife's screams brought neighbors on the scene. Cole man claimed that he shot her accident- ally, but aha, after regaining conscious- neas, aaya that he deliberately ahot her with a shot gun. Coleman was arrested and hi custody of a constable started tor this city, but was overtaken by a determined mob of about 100 and his body riddled with bullets and left dying In the road. Tho woman la not expected to live. Mfsa Annie Bacon of this city was mar- rled today at her home to Mr. J. B. Beach of Now York city. CONSUMPTION EASILY CURED. To tho Editor: lTeax> Inform you readers that 1 hate a positive remedy for above named disease. Uy it, timely me thousands of hopeless caws have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of mv remedy free to inr ot your readers who have con sumption, if they will send Lie their express and no-toBIce arldri aai s. K-r ■pcclfully. T- A. bLOBUM. it. D, 1*1 Feat* },'*w York THE CROWDS ARE PLEASED Thu firwileKt Programme of Chautau qua Exercises Ever Given in Georgia. ATTRACTIONS THE FINEST. Unfold Good toTeachers, School Children and Everybody IV ho Attends—The Work of I’roC Baud ami the Lecture of Dr. Davldsou ItuniktasviUc, April U0.—(Sj*— Tp'< ext-roisiw Monday uftonmoon were imrottK the most tuioyjiljle fhut have Iteen given during the ohOuttnttqua. Tlw iprogruntime .u\t* with a cnnqftlt iby O.trd'9 orchdttra. Proft'seor (>jnl iviar«r uppearM to hotter udrat- t««c a.i»l ntdviyg receives hearty ap- pJtuse fjtjnl htls appreciative dtid ouee. Th» audilttorlum resounded wildi np- pltuse iwlKtn tMist’Okint i.Muo Br^tutt, umfllnK, nipptttro.1 on the Stage. Her rdekuittior.p beutt toobed forwtutl to with pocutar Interutt, ami when she steal fadfone tlmm the audience was JoaHth to relaase her. She wu* thrice cmicioral. “An Old-fjshioncvl Gmmlfa. ther'a Okuek” und "A Sneontl Trial" wore betuilfully randerwl by her and wton lornl pm 1st* from a'tl lrer h urers. The chiuuia]unite are completicty in love with (Mists Iiryjnt. She i« -j-v. tiff lngtructionir in elocution, which will oo«i(tlr.*te through the wet*. A large mimlber of Ivoth tut idlers and pup'.Li hart- JoSncrl Hnd It U Itopivl fhmt every one thnit i*»«19»ly can nvi'H take advan tage of the One apportun^ty offered thiim of receiving ItwtrudClonls from the ill-eVn.* iu itiie Souui. The A potion Quortdtite atng soiveral ttMfft trn resiKiniie to hearty ettcoee*. The quartetto is re»iidetl thy those ln ootendance upon the obauttuqaa ns one of th- must on'tenttilining parts of the whole progr.i ntme. Their rend t.&«n In song of “Pdler poked u lKtck of picklnl Itettn" H-tt the lioueo Inao an tipnoM o< laughter. An nsKomibly of I'M ipeoiplo had rf.titherdil at 8 o’dlock iMothlay everting t!> h«tr tho locourc "In ;it*l A'bout Shtakospeirt-'s Home,” delivered by lJr. W. L, Davidson. One bundml tltereqptlcon views wore used in !Hus- t mltitotg tibe letoture. 'Hie house tn which tho iflurittflnitw tvird first saw itlto light tt.nd the gcrttlo I lowing Avoih, bcwlde tuhteh 4n tmvh.>«I ho sportotl noe viv idly jpwenlted to rhe. eye. The streets of iSfhi.cftml s.-o(twil to be as mil as though they .wete beneath 'tnnf feet. The itiwo bridges that sitan Hhe Avon tut Stmtford ..n»1 .the bonttHful senuory itround Hie town iviore rqprkftonted to olmr nnd (fi-lniixx pleturcs. -Dr David- wart pnswniftft sonte views that no other lidtiuror ;n Aimoricta hJts. Tho illustra- tloti of Sbikm-tpittro^ “Stngmpf Jotfe,” tloe pteduot of noted Krettqh nrttst, wore oumrutvl iiy a "‘iyini"ixi iiio bit of to iwhich a Souttocrn audience ever liateodd. The lecture a’. 3 p. m.. "The Sphere and Mission of Manhood.” was delivered by Dr. S. R. Bock cf Rome. Those who know to what a masterful speaker the audience who heard him thU afternoon listened. He was one of tho most popu lar Speakers on the programme last year and fully sustained the high reputattun this Chautauqua that he so Justly won tho last. At S p. m., after music by Card’s or chestra, recitation by the queen of elo cutionists, Miss Clara Mae Bryivnt, and a solo. Dr. Wilbur L Davidson will give his famous lecture ‘Tramp Through Swltxcrlaind,” Illustrated by 100 slereop- tlean vlows. Those who desire to see one of the most entertaining as well ss Instructive part* of tho programme cantttt afford to miss this lecture. The order of exercises Wednesdf» a appears from Tha official programme Is a3 follows: 8 a. m.—Model recitation of forty min utes on Geography, Professor Otis Ash more of Savannah pUiiiic schools. 3 n. tn.—Sunday school normal work. "How to Study the Bible." W. L. Da vidson. 13*45 a. m.—Oomet solo, Scott Heywood. Orchestra. Aeolian quartette. 1’ a. m.—Lecture, "Mind and Woman hood," S. R. Beck of Rome. 2 p. m.—Teachers’ qutx, led by Cipt. S. D. llradwell, principal State Normal School. 3 p. m.—^Music by orchestra. Aeolian quartette. Lecture by Professor, state school commlssloqor. 3:30 p. m.—Quiz by county school com missioner before the governor and state school commissioner. Talk by Governor Atkinson. 8 p. m.—Concert by orchestra: recitation bv Miss Ilryunt; quartette. 8:30 p. m.—Illustrated lecture, "Scenes Above Us.” by Professor Ashmore. Manager Ware has arranged a pro gramme for Thursday night that w-lll surpass anything ever given on a South ern, if not American, platform. He agrees to ret und your money If you do no- ray It Is the beat you ever saw or heard. The audience who heard the declama tion contest Friday night will be pleased to learn that the beautiful and accom plished little daughter of our townsman. Mr R. H. ra>ve1ov. has boon aworied a medal by the teachers of the Haiwklns- vllle public schools. It will be remem bered Miss Evle motto! “Little- Bopcep.” and her rendition of it w:-.a characterized ly So much perfection that, piihuogii the Judges awarded the prlzo to another, the teachers could not see Miss c-vle un rewarded. This was Indeed a graceful compliment worthily bestowed. Tho funeral of Mrs. J. A. Smith was held at the residence of Mr. J. J. Har vard this morning. The people of our little city turned aside from the rhau- tauqua and sorrowfully followed to Its final resting place In beautiful Oak Hill cemetery the corp se of the so highly, es teemed *n.nd so much loved woman. Tho funeral services were -conducted ny Mr. Ellis, pastor of the .Methodist church of this place. To her sorrowing mother, to the grief-stricken family and to her suf- feripg sisters and brothers the sympa thy of the entire town goes out. CHAUTAUQUA NOTES. The ball to-be given by the yo*ng mm of the town Wednesday night at b/:t- tbrop’s hall promises to be a most en joyable affair for the young. The klnsvilte boy* know how to entertain visiting young ladles and young gentle men and all who attend will have a good time and go away with a pleasant recol lection of tho Chautauqua ball. People continue to come from all points cn tho railroads-leading to the town The steamer Gypsy brings many passen gers from below on evefy.lrlp. The exercises Thursday and grplay-will be equally as enteruiiiihig as iuun that The Royal Baking Powder is in dispensable to progress in cookery and to the comfort and conve nience of modern housekeeping. Royal Baking Powder makes hot bread wholesome. Perfectly leav ens without fermentation. Qual ities that are peculiar to it alone. ROYAL CAKING POWDER CO., 103 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. nro the onily pts-s In Ainoc:«t. The u-avl) that marks rite nwtltiff place -«f the UiMt off tbft immortal txinl ami IJte interlpHoii thereon, supposed In lttive been avr:Met, tty himself, wore pictured. Dr. DjvkDorr's intimat-nr of qp tikiitg is very utttraetlvc. Unitsmpprod with tiny Ukinusv-piiit, he K|>eiks rlffbt on with may flow riff cUhiiicisv, charm ing and deUtiMhoK with bis Avoid piirtt. inig mml simplifying nisi lliuerutltig with bis vlchvi. The lecture wan In- Btrudtlvc ut»l entertaining n the h’-ffh- cvSt d-erce. Dr. IXivIilv-n's letararo, "Tr.tntps Thrt>u*h Stv.txertand," which W* be ffiven d\rwKiy ntsht, protulst* tli be eqiLiHy as luitenrit ne uml in- Kitvuullvo as the one motntlortiil. UVvViy’a programme was begun hy n mtslel rrt-ljition of forty ml nubs on Etwlish grammar by Suiteriittombuu •J. <i. B:«nd of the Atlu-tw public R.-lk-ofts. '14>v tmehom and pupils were del iff hit'll with Suporluremletw lIond’H slyfte. H Is a forceful, clear speaker null commanded flie strlotett attintlon rhrotifflvom the entire rociianion. Ait the cV-jk* of the lacturo the school ob’.ld- rott rrltiircLl untl rite twtchctg tt>tered I nro i dlncussiou of the method* of ttuch tiff Eitffllsh granitmar suggested and by Super! nibetslent Rots!. The model school and comb! led to ich ors’ In-dltutu are d>.nc ffreat wefk ujnotvg the school oMdmn nnd tmeh- ers. Uangr counties are repnisonicil, but U is no he regretted that every t-aoher and pupil In every county in the sMte can nut aaetul these excrete**. Tlie Suntlay-Bohooi normal work, with tllUAitnattonn, under the ttvttgiffe- mtok of Dr. Wilbur L. David-on is an intoresinff and .nwtructive future of the programme. Those who have a desire tt> know tm>p- ut the Bible anil the tffuily of the Bible oautmt afford to those btllu by Dr. Davidson. The Aooka.n QuiCUtte onndnucs to dull-ght the uudknce w th ithelr sweet sADfft. The reputation this quartette is tniklittg oil this their first trip South is tin onviitde one ink-id. Th-y will appoar *«ch dny of the chaubtuqua. -V B a. tu. a hrffe crowd hid uiaan- bl«I to hear Mr. I-evy rtf Columbus, Avha wtts tnloarore at tlxiit honr. There tus hast a more erttcrtolirlnff tec- tune tiffin Ih* one which Hr. Levy de livered, and he was t’lvqucntiJy toter- nilffed ly loud anti continued n|>pku>sc. Ak 3 p. in. Card’s orvib-ri rt aga!n op- I>oiri*l owl chasnt tl the uudiom-c with their swort muse. The fcmons male quarti-:41* were priroalt pod sicff sev- «ul '<f their mvnsiWt sotnn, which U to i-tty t 1 ' -lit<-«I me stoiltest il-us:c trickery" on Dr. DuTids-o’s poat, ul>1 have been given. The meet promln-nt lecturers of the South are on the pro gramme. Misses Lawson, Martin and Powers, a trio of Perry’s most beautiful young la- dice, are at the Chautauqua. Mtsaes Napier and McDonald, two of Weeloyan's most charming daughters, are visiting Miss Napier. William Minor Lewis of Montexuma Is taking tn the Chautauqua. Col. Duncan of Perry Is visiting tlert. Mr. H. D. Hughes, one of Wilkinson county's most substantial and prominent citizens, U tn tho 'city. Mrs. tiles or Oaincsviiie is visiting her mothtr. Sirs. W’lllla. The best has been preserved for tho last and Thursday and Friday will bo the most Interesting days of the Chau tauqua. Let everybody come Thursday and Friday. The music furnished by the Hawktns- vlllo brass band surprised their greatest admirers It Is the best band In the state. W. \. Norton of Euitman and Miss Eva May Smith of Lumber City are vis iting Dr. A. A. Smith. T. J. Smith, W. L. Smith, J. c. ulem. enls nnd G. T. Holland nre attending the chautaunufl. R. 8. Klnehen and T. A. MoMtllin cf Scotland are here. the result of a trial. Cannelton, Ind.—”1 have used 81m- nv-ns Liver Regulator, mnnuttetured by J. H. Zellln ft Co.. Philadelphia' and found tltat for Indigestion nnd Liver Complaint It Is the best medicine I ever use-1.”—E. E. Clnrk. Your drug gist soli* tt In powder or liquid; the powder to be taken dry or made luto a tea. POTTERY TRUST BROKEN. Cleveland, O., April 33.—A dispatch from Akron says tho combination of pottery mamfucturers known os the Akron-Onn- ton Stoneware Agency, which his so'd more th in two-thirds of tho stonowom •/ the United States for the last ten >err>, has been broken. < OHTLOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. la beyond question the >rx»t suo cessfui cough medial no we have ever ootd. A few doses Invariably cures the worst case ot crotip, cough and bronchitis, while its wonderful suc cess ln the cun of consumption is without a parallel In the history of medicine. Since Iu flmt discovery It bns been eold on a guarantee, a test which no ottter medicine can stan]. If you have a cough, wo earnestly ask you to try It- Price lft cents, {ft coats and tL If your lungs an *on. chest or cock Is lame, use Shiloh's Porour P* eaten. Sold by Good writ ft Small Drag Com pony, corner Cbery street and CoUoa avenue. It isn’t ‘‘The Same As trl if isn’t “ as o-oorl no” _ - o - - - — mi nut. ter what any grocer may tell v about any imitation of Pearlin' He makes more money on course—but do you want to ruin y 0 l clothes for his profit. Some of th e imitations of Pearline are sold at lower price, naturally. They ou^ht 1 be cheaper, for they’re not as good. Some of them are dangerous, and w 0 | be dear at any price. None of them „ equal to Pearline, the original washing compound, whidi saves more work in washing and cleaning than anything el S{ that doesn’t do harm. Pearline is never peddled, and i offers no prize packages. Every package is a prize in itsel Get it from some good grocer. ** iames pyle, NcwYort, PORT ARTHUR STRENGTHENED. JSngLuml and Italy Will Not Allow Ja pan to Bo Coerced. London, April 30.—A jd’lfjpatx.’h from To- klo eays that Japan han received a«sur- amces that England and Italy will not allow the warahUps of Huaida, Germany or France t;> pass through -the Suez ca nal, if *<uch vettsels should be avowedly disposed for the purpose of coercing Ja pan. The Japanese giovemmellt, the tliMlKit^h saiys, ia also ar^ured of the be nevolent neutrality of the United States. WACES ADVANCED. Oli City, Pa., April 30.—M. Geary of tho Oil City ttibe mills and Oil cuy fcoilrr worics has notified the employes of tnesc comixinles that after May 6 wage* will be advanced 10 per cent. The big demand^ for pipe, maentoory and boilers, following the advance in oi: and the drilling operations, have caused :he Increase. * The two concerns pay f-om OH. WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed the warning? The signal, perhaps, of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, consump tion. Ask yourself If you can afford for tho sake of saving CO cents run the risk and do nothing for It. We know from experinece that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a million bot tles were sold the past year. It re lieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest, use Shi loh's Porous Plasters. Sold by Good- wyn & Small Drug Company, corner Cherry street and Cotton avenue. A Test of Genius. This Is a story Dodson, tho English actor, told mo, and It Is perfectly truo. It happened out In Lincoln, Neb., last year. Tho waiter who serred Mr. Dodson's meals at tho hotel woa a very serious minded in dividual who frequently engaged tho actor in conversation. One day Mr. Dodson said to him: "John, who do you think was tho great est uctor this country has ovor seen?" “MoCallough," aneworod tho waiter promptly. "Abft"flQld Mr. Dodson. “And why do you think McCullough was tho greatest actor?” M vyhy." cniil thn waiter convlnolnaly. “you could hear McCullough clear out on tho sidewalk."—Washington Post. HI* Choice. Philip—Well, pooplo «ny ttbo'R passeo— patwuo or ito putinc, I say It she’s passoo I llko ’em pane*). Tho Colonel’* Judgment. "It evss n hot fight, on no mistake, snh I” obaorvod tho colonel when thu brash at Burnt Hickory wn* mentioned. "Yon were thorn, colonel!” "I should soy I wnz, salt I I tins ln com mand of my n^'meant, with powth to u*o my own dlttcRtlon, unit.” “And yon lod them ln?" “Not the rootsvs, snh. Not tbs rcastvs"— "Your mon wore In tho rorervo?” “Lot mo explaiu, tali. You don’t *ceui to group tho idea, *ab. I led to' band'od an sixty men”— “In tho regiment?” "Yes, sob. - A car'fu) commandob novab takes ln his wbolo fo’co till tt become, u desplt onto, sab. Wbon the enemy come up In rlflo shot an mndo u stand, snh, re jected ull iny fo’co, but tho resuva, an we •ailed right up to ptetol shot distance, an thah wa atood ouah ground, (ah, not a man fllnchln, not a man ntovln, foh SO minutes, while tho bullets flow around us likoaand, sah"— “How many wen did you load iu, colo- nol?” “Two hund’ed an alghtl” “But why did yon not rash In your re servos and end tbs fight right thore"— “Show* youab lack o' military (kill, *ab. We bad roconnoltc’d the ground, an found wo couldn't fight no rno’n two bun d’ed and alght men—” “Why no, colonol?" “Why, gnd Lawd, sah, thah was on'y two hund’ed an sight tree, ill tho patch I" —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Slzlos Up Cis Ability. As I* well known, Congressman Allen of Mlreliialppt la tholmmoristof the house, and bo I* undeniably funny at times. Ho ha* no rivals, hut ono or two or more cf his colleagues bavo a lingering Idea that they ought to ebaro a few of tho houor. with him. One of tliore wo* talking tc him ono day In tbo cloakroom. “I don't reo why It is,” hn raid, “that you make such a bit with your spcecha*. You never rnako ono that tlw whole house doesn’t como down, and sometime, when they laugh I don't seevery much to laugh at. Now, some thing* I say I think are pretty fair, ond In my own district I have quite a reputation as a humorous speaker. Here, though, I don't swim to be nblo u moke thorn laugh, and I try my beat.” “I suppose you want to,” replied Mr. Allen, Ignoring the other portion* of the gentleman's remark*. “Well. jiol,-I shouldn't object,” admit ted the gentleman. “Do you waut mo to tell you how?” “You could do lt If anybody can. Of cottrso I'd like to bavo you tell i : . ■. “Well,” explained Mr. Allen Is nn . most tragic whisper, "try to ntzk. Vw cry. "-Detroit Free Pratts. Had to Keep Qolat. It was Paddy EeUy who walked tat,*, elckroom of Mickey Dolan. MlctaS there, polo, with hU eyes cloied naiO, Pat exclaim: “*• “Mickey, it's 111 yo’re lookin. r„> tho mathcr wld ye?” “Do yo know that spalpeen avffUL O’Brtcn’seecondhusband?” asked it: “That I do.” “Ho hot mo a pound tooplntltoulfti schwallor nn lgg wldoat breakin theS nvit.” ' "Did ye do It?” “I did.” “Then twot’s allin ye?” “It’s dawn there,” laying hla hie Btomoch. “If I Jump, I'll beak It. cut mo Rtummlok Will tho Bhell. If t v n imjfli the thfog'!! hftteh out usd I'ij Shanghai rooater clawin mo inci^SB Montreal Star. Ho (ln lovo)—^There sho goes with V, St. Bernard. Beauty and tho boost ow again. Tho Other Ono—Yes? isn’thoabei^l —Lifo. Tklaxi Heitor Isft'ft Unxaid. i’fck'] Husband and Host (waking cj tim postprnmllal anooze)—What—golo|1 Oh, I’m afraid yon uniat bavo foam! Itwj dull. I’ve got a dreadful habit of napping aftor dinner. Guosfc—Dull, my doar fellow? It'icetf dull horo when you're asleep. Great ItcsolU. Clerk—How woa that underwear I you? Customer—Find I gnva U to « night watchman, ond he boin’lctaadl eyes since.—Clothior ond Furnlibcr. DURANT A DOUBLE VILLIA!l Minnie WlUtomu Was Outraged Be« Her Murder. Sa»n Francisco, April 30—Theoilnre D rant's examination on the cbar&f murdering Minnie William* was i •timed In the ooUce court this monaj 3^he prUoner aid not look a.s Well #*■ did loot meek. Dr. Barrett, the nut*] phywSeian, wa* collcid to the itan'i I the court -room onlered cleared ladies. He tratlfial that the rnurkj girl ha/1 been outraged pr*> r to » mtrnler, ami that her drath waa by auffocation and hommorage. iaj opinion, the wounds on her body u-nte mortem. SUNDAY CRUSADE IN CHICAGO Chlwtgo, April 30.—W. W. CUrt* the Sunday Observance Le3*tie. led the crusade on Sunday bai»“ last year, will moke another » to suppress the game* this sensor. __ la fortified by Dr. Poindexter, l>»" Fellow, nnd representatives t”- many churches. . . „• Judge Horton, who graiitcrt ffhe pnrary Injunction last year, will" . pealed to for a slot for docuntent served on .the Chica go club nci. ra Tile league also purposes turnhgf attention to Sunday newspape™' Most Penetrating Recnwb in Existence. I WARRANTED SATttFACTO«V. Horse Sizes, 60c. and 61-00 bottkH Sold ty Druggists vd <>«“"■ '-HIEPARED BV- Dr. EARL G. SLOAN CO-i BOSTON, Id ASS. U.SA-