The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, May 02, 1895, Image 7

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MOENING, MAY 2, 18f>n HE WORLD OF TRADE. TIT... _ p»... FFOUTa ux »»mis J? BOH ifin Great Mabkets. Ur York, May 1—Money on call easy laity per cent., last loon at lty and U n g offered at ltya2 per cent Prime reantilo paper 4a4ty per cent Bar *11- OGty. Sterling exchange easlor with ual business in bankers' bills at 4.88 i.sSty foi sixty days and 4.®a4.S9ty demand. Posted rates 4.88tya4.90. Lnierclal bill* 4-8704.87%. Government (is firm: Btate bonds steady; railroad il ls strong. Silver at the board was STOCKS AND BONDS. BAlLliOAD STOCKS, or. Cot Oil... 27 N., C. ana 8t L.. 70 ,u prefd. 76 . .micar Henu: 11'2/i , !o prat’d. 1)2*4 litl-acco C<>.lu;l% pri*rd.lu8 1. and H. to. 0*1 l. all i Ohio. - f*<» adisn riacibo 41 sa. ami Umo. 1H/4 i. soil Alton.. 140 .. li. ami Q... ~i\y% Hu-oOaH 71 sml vV*»'J . ilUl LSttiH P 1') „ 11*4 do profd. 24% i. Clcrtm*.... h-‘l/4 i• *ir» C HU 224 ,e trio slid Vr 20% do prafd. 76% ••snore 112 % 1 and Naeli... >.<■% 1. and N. AH>. 7% liiattan Cons.118 n:. mill Cimr.. lu li.van C“i n... IW/'t H»nri Paciho. 23% li.i'sud Ohio. lb% U. b. Cordage.... 6% do prot’il; 1(1% New Jorsoy Con.. M Now YorkCou... 93% N. Y. and N. R.. .*»>% Non. and W.prel 16% Northern Paciho* 4% do prefd. 21% Northwestern ... 9u% do prat’d. 110 Pacific Mali. 23% Heading 16% Hock Island 66% bt 1’suJ 62% do prefd. 117 Silver Certmo’es. 00% Tenti.C. and 1... 21% do prefd. 80 Texas I’uciUo.... 10% Union Pacific.... 1-% W„ bt L. nuil P. 6% do prefd. 1«'»% Western Union.. 82% WhTg suu L. h. 12% do prefd. 43 Southern B’y 6s. 20 •• «• cou. 13% ** “pl.d. "M'/l •TATK HOWDfk Tonne'se old 6s.. — * newset8s*84 O. 26 rtamped 4*s..l00 Virginia 60 def... h% onuses. ...102 ’• I’rs. 6 as... 124 " luiitleddebi 5'-!% tt- a 4%s 167% OOYlinXMlNT SOKC*. 4s resist’d.. 111%I U. b. 2a regular.. 26% 4 a coupons. 112% I bid. \ Asked. t Kx dividend. 1 cotton. Macon, May 1. • Macon market for spot cotton is firm following quotations- Middling 6% lling 0 t Iiow Middling 6% Middling 5% I Ordinary 6% inary «... ;. 6 n btains — Stains — LOCAL RECEIPTS. --J** rsday >»J >1 this week | 12.201 3M7h 17,»»I7 iv.MH terdsy 4 I 241 57 1865 7, 71 3 t 121 1282 COTPABATTV* BTATXWE2CT. » on hand September 1. 1824. 1.400 lived ainco September 1,1824 G4.201 PORT RECEIPTS. 9147 2300 17128 8109 6331 170-J> 11562 7 11106 3235 7851 6783 S452 4165 t 8013 4712 4393 SC40 5310 4173 "York. Mm 1.-Cotton quiet. Middling 71-16: middling upland 013*16. bales ’ s hales. coitoo market for future delivery dosed | 6'p«ned | Ol'osetl tuber 6 60 6 62 6 63 6 12 6 62 6 73 6 76 G 81 C b7 G 00 6 26 6 6 7 6 71 6 76 6 79 6 85 6 20 G 25 RECEIPTS AMD EXPORTS. ■oiidatod net receipts.. Export* to G. Britain. Kxports 10 France.... Exports ioouuttuent baud at all ports. To-day, j W 2,617 For the Week. ■ 42.204 47,628 2,213 38,176 siu.’e bopk i—Net receipts.... Exports toG. b. * Lap. toPrauc*. ** Kap. conlimmt. 7.678,482 3,126,052 743,041 2,226,822 SEW ORLEANS CLOSIEO MJ i UULi. Dries us. May 1.—Cottou futures y. Sal**** 115.900 1 isles. ■uary I July. • 20 j August 6 35 I September 8 37 I October 6 82 I NoVowber 6 43 I DfcmiH-r 0 48 PORT RECEIPTS. 5ve*ti>n, May 1.—Quiet; middling 6ty; wripU 05; stock 45,149. •folk, May 1.—Easy; middling Hi; kec-. lids 483; Stock 34.496. ». May 1.—Quiet; middling 6%; 16,r£. ^ton. May 1.—Dull; middling 6 15*16; cslpts 2273. bnlngton. May L—Quiet; middling a receipts 37; stock 13462. Bladolphla, May L—Quiet; middling net rccoipta <36; stork 11.290. k-innah. May 1.—Quiet; middling »; net receipts 2W; stock 32,767, w Orleans, May 1.— Easy; middling 1; net receipts 1363; stock 238.906. Idle, May 1.—Quiet; middling 6ty; net Ipts 132; stock 14,069. pmphtx, Slay 1.-Quiet; middling 6%; receipts 147; stock 21.286. guata, 'May 1.—Quiet; middling 6ty; [receipts 152; stock 14,786. nrleston. May 1.—Firm; middling 6ty; kicelpir 387; stock 33.906. bcinnatl. May 1.—Firm; middling «H; receipts 365; stock. 10,467. * •* [ui»v!l!e. May 1.-Quiet; middling 6^. tools. May 1.—Quiet and steady; Ming 6 6-J6; net. receipts 30; stock n*lon. May !.-Qulet; middling 6%; receipts 876; stock 12.111. LIVERPOOL. '••fooo!,. May I.—Cotton spot market pr-.ess lower; American mailing Sale* 13.UUU bales. American ! t 4« b; j'.inon and export 1100. Receipts fu. mq M.I00. of which 13,100 wore American. > closed quiet. . J '»Se |3 33-32a3 32-61 13 34-64a3 33-64 '' (mat,.... 835-6la331-64 Npi..*.... .h 34*64s3 364M . 3 38-<»4»3 37-64 3 38-61 Opened. | Oloae<L ff 3i*64s3 82*64 P«c 3 40-6la3 32-64 3 38-64x3 8944 2-tu. rob. 83144a3S244 3 3244s3 3544 .1 3344a3 3(41 33544■■■ i 36-61 J3741 CROP STATEMENT. h r Grleans, May 1.—New Orleans Cot- hange atatement for eight months b-dose of April: ( rt receipts 1730.153 bales against S.6B,- **f y«ar, 4.738,725 year before last and '*•’ for the same time In M93. Over- 10 mills and Canada M6,7u6 against 1 lost year, 805,330 year before last and l,179.aO In 1893. Interior stocks in ex cess of September 1, 114,330 against 103,821 last year, 155,007 year before last and 832.274 In 1896. Southern mill takings, ex- C* CSSSUESH?" Ailt. porta, 586,193 against 500.9&I list year, 672,- 8£0 year before last and 518,226 In lUNL Crop In sight at. the close of April, 9,377,- 358 agatnat 7,166.401 last year, 6,272.542 year before last and 8,663,8G6 l» 189i Crop brought into sight for the month of April 323,890 against 249.450 last year, 202,437 year before last and 271,576 in 1892. Movement Into sight April 27th to April 30th. inclus ive, 31,003 against C0.418 last year, 37,563 year before last and 50,531 In 1892. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago, May 1.—The amount of wheat to be delivered out today has been 3r>oked forward to with some anxiety. It waa expected that a large amount would be so placed that the disposition would In dicate the accuracy of the shipplm? de mand that has been reported to exist. There wag a large quantity sent around, but from aJt accounts it found It* way back Into the elevators. It went Into •trong hands, however, and much of to* day’s firmness was ascribed to that faot. The session closed with some excite ment, too much short selling having oc curred early an t a rush being made to cover. July wheat opened from 63ty to G3ty, sold between 63V4 and 65, closing at 64%a65—1% cents higher than yesterday. Cash wheat was tyaty of a cent per bushel higher. May com was wanted by the elevator concerns today, the buying by that class being continuous and In some cases vig orous. There was also the usual quota of scailplng transactions and local opera tions. based o-n the feeling cf wheat. Al together there was but little In the way' of weakness to the trade, and the close was decidedly strong, with an Important advance over yesterday. July corn opened at 477fc, advanced *to 49tyaty, clos ing at 49*i—Hialty cents Mgher than yes terday. Cash corn was In good demand and strong, car lota being a cent higher than yesterday. Oits suffeled a decline at the dose, owing to the general desire to sell, with a !nek of demand. It was quite plain that there was rtill some liquidation going on In May. Later the strength of wheat and corn overcame the weakness, and n good rally resulted. July oats day. Cash oats were easy but ty a cent higher later. Provisions.—The tail and of the May liquidation fn product took place today. There was n large excess of hogs over tho estimates at the yards today and prices there were weak and lower, to the natural disadvantage of provisions. Before the session was over the strength of wheat worked a change hv th* feeling, a recovery coming about through sym pathy with that grata. The c'flse wa« 2ty cents higher than yesi«fd«y for July pork, with July lard and July rib* uii changed. FUTURE QUOTATION?. Following was the range of the leading WHEAT- OpreT. IllKh. Low, ao3 May. ... . C3'(, Cd av. July. . . . . City 65 63% 6474 St*pt. . . . . C3H «% 6474 CORN— Mlay. . . . . 4ST» 49 46% 49 July. . . , . 4TO 45% 4»% 49ty Sept. . . . . 4Sty 5044 4«% &*>,4 OATS- May. . . . . S7H Z) z* June. . . . . ?•*'/. 2D% 2«% 2? Vi July. . . . . 23 5f54 27% ?8ty PORK- May. . . . . 11.90 i:.oo 11.80 lino July.'. . . 12.131* lt.26 12.10 12.25 Bept. . . . . 12.3744 12.45 12.30 12.45 May.’. . . . 6.C?ty 6.70 6.60 6.70 July. . . . . e.s?y. O.nS 6.80 b.Sb Sept. . . . . ‘••37W 7.00 O.STVi 7.00 It IBS— May. . . . . fLCr, 6.10 6.03H 6.10 July. . . . . C.2244 6.W44 6.20 C.27ty Sept. . . . . 6.40 6.40 C.3244 6.40 CASH QUOTATIONS. Flour was firm; there va« a good local demand and a fair shipping demand. No. 3 spring wheat 68s68ty. No. 3 red wheat 64. No. 2 eorii 49. * 1 Oats 2Stya28VT. Pork 12.00sJ2.l0. Lard 6.65a£.G7V, Short rib sides 6.10a6.17ty. Dry salted* shoulders 5.37tyo5.50. Short clear sides 6.2Ga6.3714. Whisky. 1.20. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS. Union Stock Yards, May T.-Cattle-Re- cefpts 10,530; market dull and weak; com mon to extra steers 8.00u£.l£; atockers and feeders 2.6fo4.75; cows and bulls 1.60 to 4.75; Texans 2.00a4.75. Hogs—.Receipts 30.000; market weak and 5 cents lower; heavy packing and ship ping lots 4.55a4.85; common to choice mixed 4.45o4.80; choice assorted 4.70a4.80; light; pigs 3.40a3.S6. SJieep—Receipts 13,000; market firm and 5 cents higher; Inferior to choice 3.00a4.66; lambs 2.60n5.60. New York, May 1.—'Beeves—Receipts 1462; market opened firm and dosed heavy at a decline of 10 to 15 cents on all sorts, rough stuff excopted; Inferior to prime •toers 4.75x6.06; oxen and stags 3.C0a4.75; bulls 2.90a4.75; car slop-fed 1.75; car slop fed cows 1.50. Sheep and lambs—Receipts 6734; market active and Arm at an advance of 15 to 25 cents per hundred; medium to fair un shorn sheep 4A6a4.ffty; common to choice clipped 4.00a4.50; unshorn yearling lambs I.35a6.40; clipped yearling lambs 6.00o5.90. Ho 3—Receipts 5623; feeling weak and 6 to It cents lower, except for choice tight bogs; reported satss war# at 5.28a5.S& NEW YORK PRODUCE. New Yortx, May L—Butter tn fair de mand and steady; state dairy 8x17; state creamery It; Western dairy Sail; Western creamery (new) 12alt; Western creamery (old) 12&14; Elgins it. Cotton seed oil—Quiet and steady; crude 24; yellow prime 27. Petroleum—Nominal; refined New York 8.85; Philadelphia 8.80; refined in bu|K 6.30o6.35. Rosin—DuH and steady; strained com mon to good l.KOal.52ty. Turpentine—Quiet and steady at aoty to M. Rice—Firm a-nd unchanged. Motoise*—Foreign nominal; New Or leans open kettlo good to choice 26a33; steady and quiet. Coffee—Steady and 20a25 points up. Msy I4.25a49; July 14.70a75; September and Oc tober 14.66a70; December 14.56*65. Spot Klo—Dull and firm; No. 7, 16al6ty. Sugar—Rww: Quiet and Arm; fair fe- Antng 2%. ReAned: Active and Armer; off A 8 U-16a4; standard A 4 l-16aty; cut loaf and crushed 4 U-16a%; granulated 4 M6a%. Freights to Liverpool—Quiet and steady; cotton 7-64d; grain 2d. NEW ORLEANS PRODUCE. * New Orleans. May 1.-Sugar-Open ket tle: Choice 2 11-16; strictly prim* 2tynty; prime ltya%; fail fair 3 5-lGaty; good com mon 2o2ty. Centrifugal: Ohotc. yellow t prime yellow SH off yellow MMtl •ecood* lfc*3 «■!#. iMolUMO-Centrlfuml: Oood prime IS to 11; prime 1; cood fair <•?; fair 6;. food common (; common. 1*1- Reflned .ucrir—Market .tronf; pow- derod 4V. cut lout 4%; standard cranu- lated 4 3-14: confecllooen A 4 1-lt noufh rim to food demand and firm, and clean rice quiet; fancy 6H; food fancy 4*af; choice 4U»%: f«d fair 3fca%; ordinary 3a3K; common Mali. Roush rtoh-ldM-M Ooff^-Low fair 1*14: food ordinary 17: erdln-iry 1«: low ordinary H%r common Maxima coffee—Prime 19; good 18H; fair IM4; tnrw fvr 11 OMU n iwcl oil—Strictly prime a hand. 2, looev .'-a.'!; :! Ji. NAVAL STOKES. ■Wllmlnston, May 1—Koeln steady at 1.15 for strained; food strained 1.70. Spirits turpentine steady at 17Vi cants. Crude turpentine quiet at 1.50 for hard: •oft, 1.10; virgin. 5.3. Savannah, May 1.—Spirits turpentine market Arm at 57 cento for regular,, with mtea of 1000 cask,; receipts 814 casks. Rosin—Firm sad In good demand; sales 3000 barrels. Quote A, B. C 1.00; D 1.10; E 1.30U53; F 1.40.4S; O 1.50; H 1.80; I 1.90; K 5.10; JI 5.45; window glass 2.60; water white 2.75. Charleston, May 1.— 1 Turpentine firm at 37 cento; receipts 21 casks. Rostn—Good strained Arm at 1.10; re ceipt. 191 barrels. MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. BTATE OF GEORGIA B086D& BULAakM. f p«r c«nt. bonds. Jon. and July coupons, maturity 1S96 104 tylOS V/4 per cent, bonds, Jan and July coupons, maturity 1922 116 117ty July coupons, maturity 1915...115 116 lty per cent, bonds, Jan. and coupons, maturity long date..l01ty 102ty MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 5 poi cant bond* 10S 107 Atlanta bonds, price os to rate of interest uid maturity 100 120 Augusta bonds, price as to rate of Interest and maturity 100 117 Columbus 5 per cent, loads. 10S 104 Rom* bonds, 8 per cent lMty JOG Macon 6 per cent bonds, quar terly coupons 113 114 RAILROAD BONDS. Savannah. Americas ana 2*ont- gornery railroad 8 per cent, bonds. Jan. and July coupons 52 M Georgia Southern and Florida railroac 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. luxl July coupons, duo 1973.... 85 86 South Georgia and Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent, bonds, Jan. and Jui> coupons IS Northeastern railroad indorsed 6 per cent, bonds. May and November coupons 10S 110 • Macon and Northern railroad certiAcoies of bond* March and September coupons 40 41 Charleston. Columbia and au- mi«Ia rnKrnwl 7 net* r*»nt. Ixmds 1W 116 BANK BTOCKB. First National Bank siock.......B6 l» American Nalio&al stock 80 &1 Exchange Bank stock 9* Union havings Bank ana Truat Company stock 90 92 Central Georgia Bank stock MS Macon Savings Bank stock 80 Central City Loan and Trust Company stock VI 72ty RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN TURES. Central railroad common stock 11 12 Central railroad 4 per cent, de bentures is If Southwestern railroad stock.... 69 76 Georgia railroad*stock 157 158 Atlanta and West Point rail road del font urea 94 95 Atlanta and Went Point railroad stock 92 el Central railroad Joint mortgage 7 per cent. bond*. Jan and July coupons 13 123 Georgia railroad • per *eat. bonds. Jo*». and July coupon* due 1897 Mg July coupons, duo 1919 no lu Georgia sallroad 6 per cent, honns. .Ton. and July coupons, due 1922 m Georgia railroad 6 per cent. bonds. Juw. asid July coupons, Montgomery and Bufaula rail road. » per ceaL bonds. Jan. and July coupons, duo 11*09....100 102 Ocean Ftraunsh'.p bonds, 5 per due 1920 .. M Cviuiuuu* Hud tVcfteiu nuinMU 6 per cent July coupon* Uf m Columbus and Rome railroad 6 P«t ceit. bonds Jan. and July coupons. ... ■ M Angostm nnl SQlOXVUlt railroad 7 per cent bonds Jan. and July coupons, due 1900 9G 100 LOCAL BOND8 AND STOCKS. Macon Gas Light and Water consols. May and November Company M m Progress Loan and improvement coupons is Wesleyan collage 7 per cent. bonds, Jan. and July coupons. 110 US Macon Volunteers* Ara.ory 7 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July cou pons.... MS Bibb Manutaccunng Company i per cent, bonds, April ahui oct. coupons..., lit ME Southern Phosphate Company stock V • Ac wo Brewing Company.. 199 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corrected Dally by 9. R. Jaqucs & Tins ley Company, Wholesale Grocers—No Goods Sold Consumers. The following sre strictly wholesale prices; small lots to consumers relatively higher. May 1, 1895. MHATS- Smoked bacon dear rib sides, boxed, 7ty; dry salt clear rib sides, boxed, Gli; sugar cured hams, boxed. 10(4; English cured shoulders, boxed, lty; bellies, fancy small, average 6. LAUD— Pure leaf tn tierces 7ty; pure leaf in 80- pound tubs or 6h-pound tins t; compound in tierces 6; compound In S0-pourvl tubs or 60-pound tine 6ty; cottolone tn tierces 7; cottolene in 10-pound tubs or 60-pound tins 7)4. CORN- Sacked white, less* than car load, C5; sacked mixed. less than car load, 62. OATS-. Sacked white, less than car load, 45; sacked mixed, less than car load, 42. HAY- Chotcs timothy, leas than car load, 90; No. 1 timothy, less than car load, 85; No. 2 mixed, less than car load, 75; straw tor bedding. CC. BRAN- ~ Pure wheat bran In ton lots, 96; mixed bran In ton lots 90. MBAL- Best water ground. 65; beat steam ground, 66. ORITR- Hudnuts, In barrels, 3.25; Hudnut's, In sacks, per sack. 1.65. FLOUR-- Highest patent. 3.75; first patent, 8.66; best straight, 3.50; best clear, 8.40. SUGAR— Standard granulated. 4K; fancy New Orleans clarified. Jty; New York cream ex tra C.8%. RICE— F**»**v Carolina, 6; good Carolina, 6; me- dlum Carolina, 4. — — COFFEE— Fancy Rio 29; good Rio IS; common Rio 17; beet brown Java 38; best Mocha 30; Arbuckle'u roasted In 1-pound packages, per 100, 31.0); Levering*s roasted In 1- pound packages, per 100, 21.10. * SYRUP- Sclected Georgia cane. 8; New Orleans molasses, as to giadt, 10 to 90. CHKB9E— Bf T TTfSV- Fox River creamery 8; New York state 8. Best cream, 11. CANNED GOODS. * A p pi <>•—•-po’und cane, |i.S per doseo. Hlackberrlf*?—t pound cans lx) cents per doxen: h p«ur.e tu_n*. l\.QH d<>xen. Corn—t pound cuia 90 cvots to 8L56 per Oosen. Htrinx Beane—P pound cans. 96 cents per dozen. Okra and Tomatoes—2 pound 61.10 pe~ d-*»en. June Pene—2 pound cans, |L2J per dozen. Red Otni'7*—1 pound cans, 81.69 per dozen White Cherrt**—8 pound oxne.81.7i peg dozen. Luna Beane—41.25. Peach ee-^J pound cans, 9L56 peg doseo. Mneapp’ee—1 pound iana. 11.50 to $2.21 per doi-en; ^r>^ed. F- A W., *2.26. RaepbviTltij—2 pound canat $1.35 pec oozen. Strawberries—3 pound cane, %Lf% per dPie*i- Peaches, pie—2 pound cans, $1.35 pec dozen. Apricot*. California—1 pound eaasw $2 per djsen. Reaches—CJallforiila. $2. Pig Feet—2 pouna oans, 82.25 pec Host ft Roast Beef-1 pound ca-ns, $**.» per do«en; 3 pound cans. 82.’i) per doxen. Corn Beef—l pound cans, $1.25 per dox. Pottsa Ham—1-4 pound cane, 65 cents per 'lozon, x-2 pou/>l cans. $1.25 per dozen. Tripe—t pound cane, $1.75 per dozen* Lunch Tongues—1 pound cans, 53.25 per dozen. HARDWARE. Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardware Company. ., — 'Axes—$8 to $7 per doexn. Bax Lead—«*> per pound. Bucket»—Pnlnt, $1.8 per dozen; whlto cedar, three hoopa, $2.8. Cards—Cotton. 14.50 per dozen. Chains—Trace, $3.50 to $4.0 per dozen. Well buck-ita—$3.25 per dozen. Rope-Manilla. Dc; slsel. Sc; cotton, 13a Shoes—Horse, $3.75; mule, $1.3. Shovels—Ames’, $9 per dozen. Shot-Drop. $1.8 per sack. Wire— r."rii«d. 2%o per opund. Nalls—$1.8 base, wire; cut, $1.20, base, base Tubs—Painted, (2.35; cedar, $4.50 peg treat. Brooms—$1.25 to $5 epr doxen. Haines, iron, bound, $3.* Measures—Per neat. $1 . Plow Blades—5 cents pound. Iron—Swede. 4 l-2o per pound; refined, 2c basis. Plow Stocks—Hxtmcn, 90 cents; Fergu son, 80 cents. {Corrected every Saturday by E. A. Wax el baura & Bra) Hens—2G to SO cents. Turkeys-65 cents to $1.25. Geese, 4v-svu. Sggs-40 cents. Butter, 15-lSc. Sweet potatoes, 60 to 60a bushel; Irish potatoes. $2.60 per bushel Rutabegars. $1.75. Cabbage, $3 to $3.60. unions, $3.8. White Peas. 75-1.60. Country ground peas. 75 cents to $L Evaporated Apples, 10c. Evaporated peaches, 12tyc. Georgia byrup. 2S-23c. DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Clnamon Bark—Per x>ound. 13 to 15a Cloves—Per pound. 15 to 25a Drugs and Chemicals—Gum xssafo^* tlda, 60 to 75 cents per pound; camphor gum, 65 to CO cents per pound; gum opium, $2.00 to $3.75 per pound; morphine. 1-S.s, $2.z5 to $2.45 ounce; qui nine (according to size) 38 to 90 cento ounce; sulphur, StyaCc pound; salts, Ep som 2ty to 8c pound; copperas, 2ty to Sc pound; salt peirw. jQ 'to 12c pound; bo rax, 11 to 15c pound; bromide potash, to 60c ptr pound; chlorate, 8. to 30c per pound: carbolic acid. 50c to $1.75 po'ind; chloroform, 76o r> $1.40 pound; calomel, 85c to $1; logwood. 16 to 20o pound; cream trrtar. commercial. 25 to 30a FRUITS AND NUTH. Corrected by l A. Cullen. i Flae—Drv. choice. 111-2 to 15 cento. PeanuritjSfoj-th Carolina, 2tya3 cents; Virginia. ■*, and 6 cents Lemons- $3.60a$b00. Nuix—l'Arragonia aimonca is cents per pound; waisnts. cents; STrencs walnuts^ ). cents; paeans, IS cents Apples— ao*. dried. C to 7 cent* par pound. Raisins—New m market, 1.8 per box; London layers 2.00 per box; loose Mus catel. $2 t>er hoc. Irish Potatoes—$2.60 per sack. ) LIQUORS. Whisky—Rye $1.15 to I3.W; com, n.B to $1.60; gin, $1.10 to $1.75; North Carolina corn.$1.10 to $1.80, Georgia com, $1.60. Wines—90 conta to $1; UKh wine*. 61.3;port and sherry, $1 to $2; claret, $6 to $10 oaao) American champagne. 37.50 to $3.60 per case; oordUU, $12 par dozen; bitters. $8 p4r dozen. Chlcaens. 15-20. HIDES. WOOL BTC. Green salt hldos-6 cents. No. 1 flint hides—9 cents. Goat skina—10 to 20 cents each. Sheep Skins—20 to 60 cents each. Beeswax—16 to 22 cents. Wool—Wofbed. lb to 20 cents pet pound, unwashed, 10 to 12 • -nta; burry, 1 to 10 cou la. fitEATa Corrected Every ftaturday by W* XL IUaxv. Fresh Mfnts—Georgia dressed bxef, 6ty, •and 4%; Weetem dressed, beef. 7 tol; Western mutton, lty; hogs, 6ty U 7; smoked pork sausage, 8; fresh perk sas sage. 7ty; Bologna sausage, 6. Tho woods are becoming radiantly fragrant with myriads of blossmuis. A drive to the woods around Macon itf refreshing tnilecd. CURE Sick naadacli. anil rtUera all tbn trouhka loci' to a riato of ih. apum. neli u DLuinara Hauwa. UrowiiMu. HutrcM aftor caUn&ftfiilaUwHUa,fa Wha.tMrmo« reiuarkaUc succtm ha. t ~ n shown in curing BlOK Headache, yet Cxstxs’s Lima Livra Piua *r« equally valuable In OoMUpatlon. curing and pwn»»«»fwg this acBorlsg cemclatet. wWI* they aiacrauraet all HmMtt of tL atomach. stimulate the limr sail ragulale Ih* hovsla Eras if they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this dmrmMnr complaint: but fortunately tbrir gooilasm doss not end here, and those who once try them will And thees little- pin i rahtahle in so many ways that they will not bo willing to do without there. £»f aft^r all rick bead ACHE Is the hen«* of «o maoy that hers Is where wo make our vr«»»t Our i>,12s cure B whifc* t tiierw «io not. (**RTra'H Limit Liver Pom xre very sreafl and vary easy to t^ke. One «,r t«»* i r:.* malts a «! *•. They ar<* mricUy ««vrtsb>sad , \ I.t by ti,»-ir Kgntle action rut by ujuL &Hf£ hxll Sanllfrict ELEGRAP A PROGRESSIVE, NEWSY, ==M AND STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC PAPErN F W ^papfr H /II 1-I\j Full Telegraphic Service of the Southern Associa- , •, •’*" ' # r'* ted Press. The News of the ta te of Georgia Covered by Active and Reliable Correspondents. If You Want- the Hews, and Want to Keep in Line With Your Party, Send in Your Subscrip tion for 18G3. i ihiii Contains the Latest Hews Up to its Days of Publication. ONLY $1 A YEAR.