The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, May 02, 1895, Image 8

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THE 'WEEKLY TELEGEAPH: MAY 2, 1895. HClIl IKKBE New York’s Legislature Condemn* iLe Action of the Washington Administration. THEY CHARGE NEGLECT. The soloril Think That ThU ( Coun«ry Bhonltl Hnre Interfbrsd In tile Trouble, end Will Mend Their Reeolutfons to Cleveland. Albany, N. Y., May 1.—In the as sembly this afternoon Mr. Ainsworth introduced the following resolution: Whereas. The British government has recently, by force of earns, Invaded and silted the territory and violated the national toverelgnty of the repub lic of Ntowagoa upon pretext airlutug oat of the alleged arrest and mol nata tion of a subject of the British crown; ah' 1 . . . .. Whereon, The subject matter of said dispute has never been stAtnlWed to any council of arbitration for rectifica tion or adjustment, In conformity "With the spirit and usage of the most ad vanced nations in recent yearn, hut has been arbltrrSVy and Imperiously determined and decreed by British au- thortty alone, and, Whereac, That said British authori ties haw by military and nawl oocu- portion of the soil of theaaid .epubile attempted to extort and payment of a money indemnity from Bald reputable, and, . ^ Whereas, Sudh forcible Interference by a European monarchy In the flfratrs and authority of a .member ofthe great sUterhood of American republics 1* an open and Ha grant violation of the Monroe doctrine therefore be It •Retfuivwu by tSic — v iie.te St**! AMtnubiy of”jtow Yorit, Thai we oomlamn and denounce the supineness, dlliitortneee and tank of national and patriotic spi rit wWdi has chracterised the n/ttniu- lstrotlon ait Washington In dealing With this oomplloa'ton; and, Resolved, That we regard as a be trayal of fundamental! American Prin ciple and neglect on the pant of the chief executive and tl£> head of the department of state to nterpose reso lutely Olid effectively against such forcible Invasion olf a sister republic, and against such Infraction of the principle and precept of the Monroe doctrine. Resolved, That a enp^ of these reso lutions, duly attested, be forwarded to the president of the United fit ales, to the secretary of the department of state and to the representatives In congress from the state of 'New York <t) pr«»CTvt ftt said congress at next session. . 4 . . The resolution wo* adopted by ft vote of 91 to 61. TO PROTECT THE CANAL. Why the Aflort and AMaralOi 'Wero Sent to Nicaragua. Waahlntftoo, April 30.-Tho noblon. of Secretary IHorhert In sending ItJua Alert ;n.d .Ml Ni.-.IITII-'UH ’1 V I” ' tv IS bus .1. ns slated by dir. Heri>ein yes- terdny, on the remains In the mnvxpi- ju-rs of civil strife over the British w> eupntion uf Ciottrilo, but ft should be added that Hon. Warner M Her, pr<«- i.l. tit "ti N eiuin I'.: .to' :m;i i 1 y. » n hi MMimM In catu'ng such pefirivo utops to be token. •Mr. (Miter HaprteMed on Secretory Gresham and 'Secretary Herbert, the danger that existed to the cental prop erty '.n the event of a revolution, end no dtotay was loot In sending tdeuraphlc ordet’te to the ttwe mavul vessels after Mr. driller had thoroughOy explained bis viow of Iho situation. To tho even* that the expeotel itevoluHon should oc- eiir and shoul cen ter In the vicinity of Hie on hill, marines and Mue Jackets will lie Itnttod from the Unltesl States ships to give protection to the property. TRIED THE SUICIDE ROUTE. Madison. May 1.—(Special.)—Miss Li nn Oalfhan. the daughter of Mr. P. E. Caliban of this county, made am un successful attempt to commit suicide yesterday at Reid’s Ferry, in nhe Apa- cochee river, 7 miles from this city. Miss Callhan has been living for tome time past In the family of Mr. Parker of Orocne county, who reside* only a short distance from the ferry. Yester day afternoon, while Derry Taylor, the ferryman, was engaged In balling Ms fiat, Miss Oalthan came ddwn to ths ferry tinJ asked to Ibe put across. Tay lor’s eueplctone wero not aroused and he hastened to comply with her re- quost While In the middle of the B’ream she ran to the side of the flat and leaped In. As soon as Taylor saw her struggling In the water he threw off his coat and plunged In after her. At first she fought him off, and It was with the greatest difficulty that he succeeded In catching hold of her. He got one arm about her wal.t. however, as she was sinking the third time, and after great effort managed to reach the shore. Aid wds summoned rind Miss Crilhjn soon regAlned conscious ness. Taylor Is a colored tnan and Is receiving much praise for the courage he displayed. No cause la nmtgned for the act. ^^^■HKER’8 Half) balsam HiCjii *7il ita^3.n Oil Uk. PlVUMtM A IdWlsCt growth. S»»tf X*jl* tO BtltMl Qfl| n-lr to itt yowa/u} Color. Curt a Ft ; t bii uUi&g. 3Ui.aa4|U«M Pnggig* A BACKWARD SPR'NG, PP|j|pBKgi^^aBElS kuklsxc V' J.1..c« .. t, ruit. tS.lsl—a a Is Following a Severe Winter, Bntge Blood DWeases, Nervous I crarge- ments and Cltronth Catarrh. •Never was there a creator dtmsLd for spring m«d;.‘ns*~*omerhing to cleonso tho blood or stremjtoon the nervous and regulate the digestion. Is there any midiulne »•) gnd lor these purposes as l*o*ru*ni? Thousanlo of doctors, druggists eni tars of thousands of people of all clissas and vocations have long igo doeldiJ ibis question— that Pe-ru-ita o#s no e ini in »hise casco. Poor, slu’lk in dyspeptics become Strong, vigorous and healthy after a few bottles of U. People who ore blotched, pimpled, sallow and sluggish never fail to find a course of i’an-na to clear the skin, inv <j.« ire the »y»iim and enrich tho blood. Chronic catarrh in all phases end stages, cases that I-eve defied the best of treatment for many years, take a few bottlee of Pe-ru-na to their entire relief. Nervousness, debility, weakness of both sexes, sleeplessness. Irritability, despondency, hypochondria, all those disappear when Pe-ru-na Is used according to directions. One of the first and most instructive books ever furnished free. Is being sent by the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, O. This book is very instructively Illustrated with ex pensive drawings of the human body, and will be sent free to any address for a short time. Send also for a copy of The Family Physician No. 2, a complete treatise on catarrh, colds, coughs, la grltme and consumption. For free (book on cancer, address Dr. Hartman. Columbus, O. WILDE GOT A MISTRIAL. I MONEY MEN IN. He Will Have Another Showing to Clear HimstAf. London, May 1,—The Old Bailey court room was crowded at the opening of the Wilde trial tlris morning. There wus a good deal of speculaHoo ns to wnhat course the judge rWoUhl pursue lh Ms chant s to the Jury, and the concen sus of opinion seemed to be that the re sult of the trial depepded more on the charge than on aught else. Wlldle looked oirewlonn and anxious, but Tuyier imslataineid an air of utscon cera which has chunaoterixdd him since Ms trial besnou. Justice Charles, in bagliranlus his charge, «1d the evidence had not sus tained tho charge of cnitplMcy, and lie therefore directed the Jury to acquit the prisoner of these charges The judge then proceeded to analyze the evidence sioMIiy referring to Wilde, and begged the Jury iho dtuniss from rtmlr minds aid press oommenlts and other oulatde expressions of apln'ion upon the case. lit was a wholesome rule, he said, to refuse to accept Hie uncorroborated tw- tliouuy uf an ucoomiptice. Be wts of the opinion, however, Hwt there was corroboration In the twrtknon'y of all witnesses in the sense -that the la w re quired. It d£d not, « wus true, amount to see ing the actual uot, but I t Showed the re- Lat lotm and general oondudt of the par ties. The young men who had betav called to the aritneo stnml were not only ac- oontpllocB. Imt TUrkor, Wood tend At- klnH wen properly described as black- mu Hers. Furitoetimor*. Alikina heul told (loliberote fahawds Within the hearing of tine jury. In ovolghiirg i'ue iluiiiili ,it these whncswns tihe Jury could not overtook the- faon tliit they worn P'T- s ns of the character iwhlch they them solves had •asserted. The Jwlge then proceeded to trace the history of th- Queinsbecry triltl. In regard ! tto Wilde’s Mtem turo, ho did not think that <ln a criminal oaso the Jury ought to Rise imflvoihbta lnfiinmcc upon, IVihlo’s authotWMp of ’TV.Thi.ti Grey.” As In ivguttl to the story of the pr.eut and nc'fljtte in the Ohnmclion Moat si no. he thought It iwoukl be ab surd to impute blame to Wilde. The somnets of Lord Alfred Deuglis, w-hioh Wilde had 'approval, were mucli more materihl, as were algo Wilde's tetter which Carson in tin- Queandberrpr trial hid dflser bnl us horriltiiy tad cent. Theni leutres twere oouehdl in Ian- gunge of pissionote love, but Wilde denied tbit then was -t nydrltn,’ in them to bo ashamed of. The Jury, b» said must exercise titer own Judganent in regiud to the Jelttlcr*. Be then pro- coaled to d«il at lotmj.'h with the case of Hite young min. Shd3j, who, he said, mas not fainted wfih IHackmhil. Shel- k’yVt tetters showed that bis mind bad become excited. In regard to the evi dence of . hotel servants and oth«<r per- aaos in sltwOar posit:otw, the Judge said that Iwhbt they anw wus only sorm when they answorol boll calls from Wilde. An instance of thla «ti shown in (toe testimony of the chambermaid who swore to havliy seen a boy tn. the room, but admitted that Wfflde Hid askal tho boy to come to the room and liglit the fire. The Judga In ooncludlag his charge said tho ease .was on« of great Import ance to the community. If ttho Jury brtleml tho ebanges ajjalrrit the pris oners were true, they should «iy so fea rtestly. Tho jury rdfirad at 130 o’clock p. m. A(tcr del ls-rating three and a half hours, the Jury unturned to die court room and announced tihit they hid failed to agree upon « vcsdlot. They were thereupon (ftoborjreri and the prteoners wore cetnnirtlal for a new trial. Application was mide for the sibntetlon of Wilde n nl Taylor to ball, but the Judge refused to accept bill for either of them. Chicago, May l.-Ato address relariTe to the call of the convention of the Democrats of Illinois and the mone tary question was issued today by the Hanoslt Money League of Illinois to the Democrats of Oook county. The ad dress declares it to be unwtse in policy a.txl dangerous to the financial and com mercial Interests of the country to establish or even advocate the free and uutlmited coinage of silver without in ternational oo-opont on at the ratio of 16 to 1. It declares the calling of the state convention to be wholly unwar ranted nnd contrary to all parly pre cedents as well as calculated to destroy the muittonal character and influent < of tho parity. It doses by appealing to all benefit money Democrats to ig. nore the state and county conventions. SOLID SILVER DELEGATION. Galena, OH., Slay 1.—A county con- wurtlon has Ixati called for May 25 to sdoot dchigates to attend the silver convent x>n. A ciM lias also been Issued tor a Diitnocrjitilc mass meeting to be held next Friday evening. The object In vtow is ito form -an Honeat. Money League. The eaM is stoned by fifty-six men of .this oily, intaludr.Dg, with two cxceptlouj, every 'Ditnosawtic nltomey in Galena. IN FAVOR OF FREE SILVER. Fulton, 1H., May 1.—TTho Whiteside county central comaniidtCe has called a meeting of the Democracy to meet tn Morrison May 18, to select- delegates to the slate convention. Tho senti ment In favor of free silver is grown® in this county. HEADY FOR A LYNCHING. ELBE IN'VtHHTtGATLON. The Inquest Ihuunsd Ymlerday at Laweytoft. Iiondon, tMn.y 1.—The Elbe Investiga tion aitis rosumnl at Lowestoft tMs luorntug. The coroner, in summing up On evidence, said It was clear that the dmivige sustained by the Cnthle in tho cnBMou iprovenlted her from proceeding on her voyage. As to the coUMno It- •elf, It -wus for the jury to decide whether at was due to grow and culpa ble neifKgdnce, and If so to ascertain who was to blame. Tiro Jury renamed a veiMICt that, In their opinion, the collision wus due to gr.*» negligence on the pirt of ttm mate and lookout man of the Orathle. during to the absence of addonee from any of tbe cHjw of Yae E»he. the Jury were of the opini-in that there was not suffleieut proof net the (VatM.e was solely to blame for the d’aastsr to Justify a verdict to that rtTont. The captain of the Crathie was cnerrty e x- oosmteH iroisovBD ity gaxnkd meat. Pars, Mliy l.-Oihe Autorlte saya: Bev.-rtteej n.uliena have riled m the boapcul at V.tre dun the effocts of earing taintod cbnaxtl mm* pmvhtiMxl from on Ameftoan firm, anl thirty- four others are serluiwly u] from the ■amu cause. TilO Cullin' 1 Of 2 CoaYeflttOH is Illinois Declared to He Had roliej. DANOEKOUS TO COMMERCE. Tho ISAbtlabmal Of o Ratio of te tot nonnd to lie Injartoui toAUIn- tereMts—Calling of * Conven tion Unwarranted. A Disorderly Crowd Aiftcnds u Murder Trial in 'Maryland. iDenltan. Md., May 1.—lAnmed guards pi trolled the streets of this itown last night to prevent* any atltcmpt to lynlch Mamlialll Priee, tbe young tyucksmlrii, whoso Itrla! tor the murder of, Sxdlie E Dwtin on Mnticb 26, near the village of Hr.finiQtvy, iteguat yefit cttlay. r nho pris- otier hid betm oonfined In Uic Baltl- moro city Jail tor safety und was brought here under a strong police guard from tint city. A .rumor thtlt an atimrtl mob wv.ulid flittlWjH t" lynicb Prira during die night tviusul thc po- Ice to hike every pfOniuMoo. Tliero were a gtv«at uamy ipetuons on the atmdts miti'J no MM hour this mom- tag aril ;u. ■Unvata urtto-jd Imt no attdnipt made to rincih the^"prisoner. Although n drauhlttg rata fed this ntonar-ng. « great vJ'tsvd ass'a el"«t« about tlie court room and not one-llfth of tuho ntnnJter eouM, »ita .admission Wtt»»*o. The extfitcmtint.over Ibe) trial Is InltoMae, and every avitilaMe, tree, awdittg, pelt and bribing.- post la town fans Jtwo or three tetinis tied to It. The vlff tore Cmie from aU section* of Gtrollno anti the ndjoining counties In swtmn. Today's testimony was very, damag ing to Price. Several links' in the chain veaiectlng M-m svtth the murder were welded, ami Dotoetliie George So hold, who nrrctteil l*rlce, testified that the latter ronjfo-.’-Kd the murder but denied that he had av*iultid the girt before killing her. Dr. Clark corroborated Dr, Duhrudaway’s tentimony to tho ef- Adt that the girl lmd boetn cftnhn.iUy .■lssa.u'ltcd by the uiunlcrer. The feel ing against Price U very bitter, nnd an effort may be made to lynch Mm to. night. BALTIMORE’S BIG TUNNEL. it Will Do Away with the Patanooo Rlvor Ferry. Baltimore, May 1.—The Belt line railroad tunnel, noo of the most re markable engineering feata of modern time#, which haa been built under tlila city from Camden station to Bay View Junction, on tbe Philadelphia division of the Baltimore and Ohio, a distance of seven and a half orilea, was for mally opened for business this morn ing. Tbe first train to make the trip un der the new schedule was the Royal Blue express. Hereafter there will be no transferng of passenger trains across the Patare- co river. It wres Intended to have the electrical equipment of tihe tunnel com pleted In time for the inaugural train, but the three electric locomotives have not yet arrived. Ookc-liumlng locomo tives will he used for the present. Ry the use of electric locomotives, which will weigh ninety-five tons each, nnd which will probably be In readi ness by June 1, the tunnel can I* !: vpt free from smoke and will be brilliantly lighted. The conveyance of the current to electric locomotives of_ such great power has never before been attempted or even approached, and much Inter est therefore attaches to this port of the plant. The Baltimore and Ohio summer schedule, which will go Into effedt May 12, will undertake to run the Royal nine trains between New York nnd Washington In four hours and a half, and between Philadelphia nnd Wash ington in two and a half bourn. TUE i he. eCPDCT dtuiib ■ fUl* Hr**'-'* Out lh* eof.Mrow! gsjeg ci Mil o«.*v s • Ml r..'T|pl»»l«>» MAI* Ibd.l lf.roUs»L« tlfWlsr. ilspiitl I.ra.UT.U'kll. >oTT»« OKU. LoU , ILm b^sLxg. f. fl. A- FOR A PUBLIC LIBRARY. Albany Atmintcure Engaged ta a Very Good Cause. Albany. Mar 1.—ISneir'ul.)—A very latige auidiieicc gretilal itihe pupils of tlie Attiaray Aoidcnny llaut ncgli* in their tv mb ton of “Out in the Streets,” -as- staial by two or three •pers>Lii cot ut- totaling «hc academy. Tho portorjn- amoo was oxxxfllemt. en'ety charaolff wus ably aarr.iiil out and was us good as (he general run of shows seen In this city. One of the most atltitiCMve parts of the enitcaiSalqmenit iwus the oarisrhenic drill by the 'lltHlte glrit* fliad laoys. They- Showed thlat they are well taught. (ftie teachers and pupils of the school Wire stunted to nstubllfih a library, &r which the onltcfitalnment was given list night. The receipts will go n good way In help'mg {Isem to ostaWJsh Ibelr favorite cnteniirise. Mr. IV. W. Wilson, while attending to Ms dultlos ult SlMCktAtord's ginnery yesterday afternoon, let his left arm eoddeneatly drop no fflie saw, from wihlcfc h’s arm was cut about three Imoties. 'Nofthin® serious will result, It is Iwpat Rev. E. M. WblttinB la assisting in a series of meetings at Waycrowi this week. Mr. n-nd J'ns, WltlWam Lockett will give a ami Rarity d* their residence to morrow night, complimentary to Mr. aid Mrs. Ed. Stern. •Mr. IH. .1. Lamar of Moron, president of the Allbony Drug Goinpiny, arrived In the city yestenduy afternoon nnd refill remain several <tiju. atltenlliug to businrijs mstlters periailnln« to their buiiiKMi ait this ipolntt. The oflliaera of Alili i ny Loi1,ge No. 214 will be duly itofiMed tonionrirav night. May 2. In thrilr Watll, corner of Broad and fWltsJillington streets. Tills is a new order likely mtublfil.od here, which tpromSsils to t»a of imueh good to Its inoirthmK It is camlperid of about thirty of the nwfit pnominen* men In the City, from whom have been elected the fa’IiruMltiig ofllcem: John 0. Sh irt, commander; llarvey English, vco com mtnwler; It. B. Brown, asrl'fitaut rom- manih'r; H. A. Flojn, past comnriiinder; Sam Vvehion, seowrury; Tun Tyner, cdMfidtor; J. W. < !iilo.sjtie, ,M. D., treas urer anil examiner; Rev. P. !•’. Craiw- foril, prdlate; O. P. leave, guide; Lout Richiiaxts io. guardian. OUT OF A COMMISSION. When Next Sanit Out the Chicago will Have New Machinery. Washington, May 1.—The cruiser Chicago was formally put out of com mission alt the New York navy yard this afternoon, nnd tor the next two years will wo* be available tor active service. When next commissioner she •will have new machinery ami will be able to make about seventeen knots per hour. Supreme court ofllotats say that If Warden Sage of Sing Slug literally construed tho loiter or Deputy Attor ney General HauUhrouok of New York In the Buchnan case, and fallows Its directions. Dr. Robert W. Buchanan has an unlhnted lease of life. The dep uty attorney general’s 1 filter to the warden advises him “to defer tho exe cution of sentence against O-. Bu chanan until tite appeal claimed to have been taken shall have beep dis missed or determined. Inasmuch an no appeal is nooketed on in-- mmn Of the supreme court, officials .say there is nothing to be dlsmtarofi od r her- mlned. So far as the Gupremc court Is concerned that tribunal does no* know but that Dr. Buohannn’s fate remains Wholly with the state authorities. RECEIVER FOR MANCHESTER. A Town tn the Hands of the Lawyers of Creditors. Atlanta. May l.-(Spectal.)-Appllcatton for the a/ppohrttnent ©t a receiver for the appointment of a receive* for the Man chester Investment Company wa* nW*i in tho superior court today Dy it. a. Thornton, administrator for the estate of J. O. Affler. It Is alleged that the Manchester Company, against which the plaintiff has a Jodgmont, Is ’““tong to evrele payment by placing a blanket mortgage on tho property. Judge Lump kin 1*111 hear tho case May 4. The Man- dhester Investment Company Is the pro- motor of the town of Manchester, six miles from the city on the Weet Point ’road Tho town was boomed to the last limit up to a year ago. but Ihfall ln*o the hole then wnd the company has been trying to savo Itself ever since. *100 REWARD, *100. The readers c.’ tils paper will be pleased to learn that there Is alt HStst one dreaded disease Min* science haa been able to cure tn all . Its stage* ,and that Is ca'torrh. Hell's Catarrh Cure la the only positive cur-’ now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional tretmciit. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting di- rectfiy upon the blood and mu coifs sur- fcea of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Ita work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that tliey offer one hundred dol.ars for •any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. 'Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., To ledo. Ohio. ^ i Sold by druggWta, 75 ccrtta. CONVICTED OF ARSON. Atlanta. May L-ffipecUl.l-Henry Ber- ry (colored) was convicted of arson *° the superior court before Judge Marcus Beck today and sentenced to the peniten tiary tor life. Berry set fire to the house of W. P. Davis on nichurdson street to get revenge for a fancied Injustice. The felt penalty for the crime was doatb, but the Jury recommended the prisoner to tho mercy of tbe court. Judge Beck, who Is presiding for Judge Clark, Is having his hands full of serious case* Yesterday he sent Charlie Sim mons up for life for murder, and today after the Berry case wus finished Adol- phus Duncan, convicted of criminally as saulting a White woman on a former trial, was arraigned again. MARRIAGE AT FORSYTH. Foywyth, Mav 1.—(Special.)—Sheriff George’ W. Nerwton of Monroe county mule the catch of his life lint night when he led MWs Annie Mobley, the charming daughter of Ordinary Mobley, a prisoner to the altar. A fairer and More willing captive was never seen In this oourriy. Tbe marriage was tbe happy consum mation of the plighted troth of two of Forsyth's mefit popular young people. The ceremony iwus performed at the home of the larldr's father, anil a large number of Forsyth’s society was pres ent. The frietuls of both the hride and groom ore practically unlimited, as the large number of hundsaune presents at tested. Rev. W C- Cleveland of Cul- loden performed the ceremony tn an Impressive manner. An elegant supper followed. Air. Newton is the popular sheriff of title, Monroe county, and he is a young man who stands high in tbe estimation of all. His bride te one of the loveliest of 'Funayth’s daughters, sod a woman •>f rare brilliancy and beauty. Every- , , body in the county Joins In silghing - I them a happy married life. OTHERS, Do You Know ***_ Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial, many Bo-calM Soothing Err r * * 1 Soot ^n* Syrupy ^ most remedies for children are composed of opium or mrrphlno ? Ho You Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic pn^pj f Do Yon Know that In most countries druggists are not permitted to Bell asrcotlei without labeling them poisons t Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your chm unless you or your physician know of what It is composed f Do Yon Know that Castorla is a purely vegetable preparation, and that t Hit g its ingredients is published with every bottle r Do Yon Know that Coctoria Is tho prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitch* That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is cow sold tu* of all other remedies for children combined 1 Do Yon Knov7 that tho Patent Office Department of the United States, tad e| other c ”ntries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the “ Caste, ia ” and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense t Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection** because Castoria had Iwcn proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished fop Sj cents, or one cent a dose t Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children caj be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest t Well; thoso thirgs are worth knowing. They are facts. Tho fao-similo Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria, r-»ticx7ror>« Brass* MSI Id II Aqnilla J.Clieney Gives tbe University tbe Larger Portion of His Wealth. BEQUEST VALUED AT $100,000. The Giver Was a Wealthy Citizen of Ea«t Point, Near Atlanta—Nearly All iho Property Will Go to the Daptlet College. Atlanta, May l.-(Bpoclal.>—Mercer Unl- ver.lty Is the beneficiary to the extent of about 1100,000 In tho wifi of the Into AqulDn J. Cheney filed In tho court or ordinary for probate today. Mr. Cheney, who was originally from Upson county, lived about five miles trem Atlanta, at Cheney’s Station an the Cen tral railroad. He was pneessed at u -ood dee.) of property at the time of Ills death, which occurred several months ago, nnd ns the filing of tho wifi declared today, bequeaths moat of It to Mercer for the purpose of educating tee sons ot poor men who are unable to pay for their education. ' Tho bequeat to Mercer consists of real estate situated near East Point, n tow mUea from the city, and some valuable city property. The exact value of the property Is not known, Is estimated nt *100,UOO. Besides this bequest to Merosr, Mr. Cheney left legacies to his family and relatives amounting to 184,000. Tho ex ecutors of the estate who are charged with the carrying out of tee wifi are Hon. B. W. Martin, eX-rcpresentnl1vo fropi Fulton county, I. C. McCrary, J. C. Thompson and 8. C. Cheney. SOLD TO COLUMBUS. Georgia’s New Bolide Are Held In tho State’s Limit*. Atlanta, May 1.—(Speolal.)—The now Issue of bonds aurthorixed by tats re cent legislature for the redemption of the Northeastern railroad bonds was mid today to the CdJumtous Savings Bonk of Columbus, Oa. The sale of tho bonds was consum mated by Governor Altklnaon and State Tr,usurer Han toman offer odvertlslng for bids according to the set. The bid of the Columbus Savings Bank was *600.11 for each of the *500 bonds, or a premium of one eleventh of one oent. The lSsue will amount to about *200,- 000 the bonds running far twenty yeatw, and boring 3 1-2 per oent. in- the act nuthoriritw the Iwndn nothing was said as to wbetkerthey should be made refioam.i'Me In gold or simply In eurrsncV, and m framing the ndv.irtlsoment tor Wds, Governor Atkinson made thq bon to redeomable tn lawful currency, irifhdut reference to the gold or stiver standards. While the premium paid flowt not amount to a very large sum. financiers are surprised that the Issue route have been floated oven at par, and Ool. Hardeman himself In speaking of the sale today sate hh considered It more 'than a good thing, especially In vlow of the fact that state borri# duo In 1915 are now quoted on the market a' 98 • ^ . , .. The order for the engraving of the new bor-ide wt’fi be tUtaced at once, and ax soon as they are finished they trill bo delivered to the Columbus Bavlngv Hank, which has deposited a cert Kiel check for 110.000 as a guarantee of good faith. The Columbus bank was the only tedder. When (he bond* are delivered the r demptlbn of the North- eatern railtoed bonds with the pn>- ceeds will bo begun. SUICIDE AT WASHINGTON. TYnshiinriton, QIny L-dlr. WUtoun T. Lmiea of Now York romrnltted suicide at the Arlington tflftrt this tnonfing by taOulliW <9um1nnr.«g gta. No ftxtuon la known for (he not. DEATH OF DR. H.U’Ca AU LaOranlto '.Mourno (tie Ie» g Good Mon. LuGrange, Apr il 30.—(NportAy-isI little city Is wmnpod lo mounhiil day anti all lumen* the death«(q| Jchm A. Baugh, fhe Otiovel phpsteJ who died list m’ahit at 12 oV'.d J apciplexy. Dr. B.i ugh was bc-ra |l Greene cottaIty in ISM. He gnulsiH frern Jeffmcon Medicil Collote 'iff class of 1H48 and moved lo TrmjBd| t.v, wthetu bo lata been, liraitlelo* Ichie ever since. He inns a virjn| ccsbful physician, -and though <*» yrtirs old, contluued (i.i o an hint practice up to tnvo weals tefen ,| dciilh. lie wins a devout nrmtel tbe •Metbodllfit church, a Mas* trial of the charter mcmlsTs i-f St I s J Cluiptnr of Rrt.ud Arch Misom, n| tbe seteor tirustee ot die Ladatqgl mule GoUetsc- In aU the r-.-litiotutl life bo wax a model cbintetw s| lived inis reJIglon In h's daily W*, Krnr iliouv i mlfs tnourn h*s <M nits buried from the uiwn«ii«c ait 4 p. m. OFF FOR A FROLIC. Grimn Flshormcn Will) Go D>*i 1 Satllla—'A Charming Redid Orifiln. April SO.—(SpeclilMI Grlfiln Fishing Club Is buxyyeNH to get pff to Atklneon on tt* river Thursday, wfrero they wJlijm fen days In capturing th) flutf let zens of that very noble stream. H« be one of the most congenial putt that ever left Grlfiln on a fe» ttl Jaunt, as It win bo composed of Pri dent R. F. Strickland, Secretary n Treasurer R. H. Drake, J. A. BreA J. F. Stewart, J. E. Drake, C. H Johnson. J. E. Brower, W. D. D«l E. C. Smith, B. R. BlaMy, J. E Smith. B. R. Flemtster, W|lter EB Douglas Boyd, L. Patterson, A. H I Slaton, F. G. Bailey and that vitm fisherman. W. H. Hartnell. Th-rr coma to Macon over the Central n> road and the. old reliable Oof Southern and Florida will take to the rort of the way. „ ! Tonight the Y. M. C. A. Wfi abhiae with Hghts and te «WI *1 orowd to witness Hie rectal olfl Chnttlo Mitchell and Mr*. Huff Wilson, and it Is d«l,l e f'J Of tbe most cultured ever given In tho rity, uk*»l del paled in by the venr In the state. The redtaloo* C M Mlchell were fine. wh»« »"• fl mu-ilo waa encored to the cche-l thoso who aided In the onttruf**—— nrra heartily applauded. >' that "The grandest song « Mrs. Wilson, was the gem of bj lug, for her voice w Jmt at n* and has lost none of Its W i freshness, while the charms <**, and manner dwt have aWM”J her a splendid stage «£•; Hcemed heightened by her appbartng again before her™ 1 who have nhvaye wmCilpM ® j vine muse as expressed W **jT •was a splendid owning, one enjoved. LEFT WITHOUT X RD' P ^I Grimn, May l.-fBpedal.H^L W. Anderson, tho reet«r George". Episcopal church, plooeTwin leave .here on nextw| day for Bt. Simon's Island. ■-«- wtH do temporary work mouths and probably nc^cpt » J thero. Mr. Andetson will o' t l absrch - here without a jew*^ withdrawal, but it Is saldj** men will soon fill the vacner , his stay horc Mr. Ando-^' 9 ,—j I many friends and "*• .itfiiil' courses have crukttrwl h*® aeon in hlg church- _ A BANK HAS rT ’ 03 ^ i ( Knoxville, Term.. M *f chtan Bank at Big Stone Oat>. v ^ 1 tts doors totey. D * years ago with BO.Oto )( „ nS natalities are n«« **” n ’ JJL (gt that nil Claims will be psW Completel Fertilizers for potatoes, fruits, and all vegetables require (to secure the & j _ yield and best quality) At! Least UO/. Actual * Potash-. / Results of experiments prove this conclusively.H°' v why, is told in our pamphlets. ^ „ They arc sc*! fire. It will coa you notl. r.g to reed them, and <k*T *'*! — y>J dodais. CBMUN KAU WORKS, ** Mr^eau SUteh h *