The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, June 03, 1895, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: JUNE 3, 1895. ot m IS gift. - - H-..-** M ftlwArt* WilkAnt Bn •••«* uivi»g ner a Word of Warnin':, ADDBJiKD BY DISSIPATION, If, Had Thwatened to Uav# l?l*u • Did Wot R«for»-Tho Hnrderor j, at Ur(», H*v1bj Fled Towiud Marjfck nit*, June 1.—<9peel«l.)-t*. tew va after 7 o'clock tonight, while r w»y home fixun a grocery store, . Mhe went, aooompanhx] by her ir< ,hl daughter, to make pur- 3 for Sunday's dinner, Mp* Lxnvis „y was shot Olid instantly killed t hudhtund. Dr. Lewis Hanvey, a tii ovu druggist. The killing oc- ,| at the corner of Pryor and Gar- gtrects, one, of the most central nc( . portions of the city, being „i,r blocks from the Kimball Tin 1 murdered woman was svalk- ,. m in arm with her daughter ,ho maddened man turned his upon her. Ttwee shots were [>nc entering the woman’s breast. er passing through her mouth in- brain. The third shot passed ier head as she fe'l backward to L et . After doing the shooting [envoy ran a short distance down street atld, dodging brillnd a L h pole, waited to see the crowd , Lout the prostrate form of his He was soon espied In his hiding and 'When 'the cry of ‘‘Catch rang out he fled down Pryor towards the Last TeuliOisee rail H • .was followed as closely os te and later a posse of mounted gave pursuit, tout up to midnight Lj no t been captured. It is bc- iha Dr. Hanvey lied toward j, following the" track of the Ern railroad. [ Hanvey was picked up and j Into the nearest house. She [enl when lifted from the street, ughter shrieking frantically and ,g about her neck. Lj ,jj r s. Hanvey have not lived iogother for several years on t of his dissipation. He was for while employed In the pr-scrip- ■nartment of Jacob’s pharmacy, t his position on account of his After this Hanvey drifted about ite, staying a while In Macon, ih. Augusta and other places, Fcently In Savannah. Dr. Han oi! his wife separated several but had been living together South Pryor street, a block from th- murder occured tonight, f ; .,v days ago, when Mrs. Han- riared that she would not live ilm any longer unless he re- | At this he left a couple of ligo. after threatening to kill f,. if she persisted 111 her deter- >n to leave him again. An hour the husband and wife had their teetuig on tno sireel. Dr. Han- ..,1 t„ shoot J. A. Punch, one [best friends. Punch ran away and took refuge in Brown drug store .Dr. Hanvey 1 him to that place, but when pod. Hanvey went on toward fv’s house on Pryor street, evi- b’llt upon killing some one. Rip fact to face with tils wife the frenzy was upon him. and, warning, drew hia pistol and firing. Hanvey has always borne a eputatlou in the neighborhood, supported herself, since her dissipation kept him from „ for the family, by sewing, ummer she tilled the position keeper at the Tallulah Pal's ..r*. Hanvey was the daughter M lichell. one of the oldest engl- >n the Central railroad. Dr. ‘s friend* cjopect to hear that commut'd suicide and that |J boily will tie found in the i.pir town when daylight comes. 1 man of fine Intelligence and mi. and It Is thought that re st his own fallen condition, Ith the determination not to another family separation, hint to kill tils wife. ANVEY SURRENDERED. HR.—At 1 o’clock this morning walked into police headquar- I surrendered. He Msked If his is desd. On being told that >, he Mt a cigar nnd remarked tin dnothtng to say. Mast over the fiot thet they win not d<>prlvcd of her promises longer. Mrs. A. 31. NVIras sod Mrs. M. X. brnlth wfi; return with her. ..** *1 Chat the first week of Catnn .vrrtnem will b© very gay tor the young kulL i uro prejisrinc to make tbo boys "pend Wie r leisure time to social pious- ur<w Mis Julia, Pritchard eintertwined Ool. **kl ^Its. 'F. D. Peabody of Columbus oo Thursday tufternooic at <n delightful «ith1 pjmty, and tor refreshmdnts served* the mint tempting wnferrs aa»l gkigod ' " - . “ ' W ' JB » Bn ‘ell though tutormi** affair. bmoiiy s societies. The Annual Spring Debate Held at th College. I DOWN AT HEIR POSTS umcer? oi tuo voiima Stood Fast Wlillo the Steamer Was Sinking. FASEW hrllH*" k>ii Oxford, June 1.—(Special.)—A large and cultured audlenoe assembled in Few Hall last night to hear the orators of Few and Phi Gamma literary eocle- tles discuss the advisability of govern ment ownership of railroads. It was tne Annual spring Inter-society debate, aaid much Interest was man’fested by the membera and friends of the debit- The programme was aa follows: Prayer, salutatory by Mr. Frank It. Park. Instrumental duet by the Mlsees Hoedeman; reading of question. First speaker on the affirmative. Mr. „• Cheatham; first speaker on the negative. Mr. Gurr. Vocal solo by Mrs. Thompson. •< 'Trmatlve, W. W. Drlskell; nega tive, Robert Travis. Vocal solo. Miss Florrle Candler. Amrmatlye, l. L. Lee; negative, E. E. Clements. Vocal solo, Mrs. J. w. Branham. Hu* Judges then rendered their de- n J avor of t,1P affirmative nnd i^* overnment ownership of the railroads. euccess I '°" S are Jubl,ant ovcr their >■ .'6:a, aune : —The F.xaml- ln ner ha sthe following frum Muzatlan, Mexico: Mazatlan. Mexico, May 31.—(Via Gal veston, 'May 31.)—The steamer ■San Juan has arrived here with the twenty- one paa»engera picked up on Thurauay from the wreck of the otojmer Colima. From the paszvngera, your correspon dent has learned some o fthe particu lars of the dreadful disaster which ha|ipened on Monday at noon when tho Colima was about forty-eight miles out iManzanillo and ten off shore. All the uesuced are badly bruised. They were all picked up from .pieces of 'wreckage nad rafts with the excep tion of A. J. Sutherland, who had clung to a boat alter It nad capsized five times, and drowned all the others who attempted to escape from the wreck In her, as all were afloat lashed by the fiercest gales of years and buf- PIIE DAY AT GRIFFIN. Emails of the P lot Few Diys- D 1st ikes Oatight. l, June 1— (SpeclaD-Deputy F. P. DbsrnuUc t» in *he city, Just returned from Moron. n> bra difivered Him M Stocr. l" his arrected w th the a*l of United States MardiriJs George | ;nsi| George White, on the t.f Illicit dVt ill <og. Tlicy wore h a Pike county wild near this E diitawe lieVug only about Mm, r I'ortrr vtvl Joe Fninl, two . are wvnsrvl rreic Brushey W : the ImtHc of Mr. K. W. Odd- ilp Ilesd, the ettlc’ent Imoltlff li -.rra-t, has w'^rkol up the conn overol All of the lioumduM hit they w'uiM hive g’tt'n M The nogrofH bivo skipped out, eer Howl Is on Ibelr tral. • *or H. D. McDowell, i promt- ln«Mor of Bahsiton, Is vtslrtng hi thlh dly. r>luy I'ftern^.ri that mysl c -aial ■uaWt sffer club, the “HI” F. F. were d Ihzlufully eniem tiol •wi’m® party by Mini Molly Mr** Olwk Ilnsmnr, s Just returned from St->unron, ■he has been «t sidiool, and Mb»* if West Polnje wore tile (imM vial It dim one of the inor- r ns tha has ever Assembled In [itlic rtley. Ato.w lllss Mol Hr h i l made the liest score, belnrr foil uved by Mki Mantle Smith, o-fri'-hiiK-uts were servnl hi !*• of eherlv rt tund calm* wall »Sailer*. It was ilecWmtly ono m nt pleasant ineertngs that the * ei>Jo)*»l for suite i me. The ■(■ting of the club wlfl he hekl eCilnnce of Mr. .1. M. Browner. [Flunk Klynt of Waslilogton, D. > dellglgfol gowllnu piny t > ' hb hjy frlml* rbn < elegunt cral highly enjoyuMe try siuodpout. Od. FIjtw I'otir in tMi his okl borne, and e Is Always welcome. T>l Smith, who b»* taao spend* rd mouths In Uou*4ou and Texas, will return borne ou y next, nod her friends see Jn- G. A- R. Colonist*! are Warned to Be Careful. Indianapolis, rod., June 1.—Thomas O. Lawler of Illinois, cotnmander-in- ohlef of tho G. A. R., b.i» Issued gen eral onlers No. 11 to G. A. R. posts, a copy of Which was received here y(s- leiday by the Indiana department. The order has to do with the scheme to colonise okl **oHtcre In Gcirnla. where lands Inducements are offered by the parties at the head of the move- merit. The uncertain title of much of the hind in Georgia has moved the com- mander-ln-chlef. without comment as to the merits or demerits of the pro posed colonisation, to urge up,in the old soldiers the necessity af a clear title before Investing fhelr money. The Indiana department 1s spreading tiro order without comment. feted by the angry seas for about A short time since there was a verv twenty-four hours The steamer was tren re re n(r held In the Few Hall, the occasion being the dismissal of the senior members’ diiuL,?' J re L Alle " delivered the vale- biiJri? 1 V' H - Park responded In behalf of tbe Juniors, and Professor M. J. Reed renresented tbe o./...i»„ Commencement Is noarhy. 'and al ready visitors are arriving In Oxford. M of Poncle Candler, daughter of the ''V 1 rren A. uanater. has returned home from Wesleyan. Miss Candler was one of Wesleyan’s Junior readers this year. Mias Annie Belle Al- sop, one of Wesleyan’s loveliest daugh- te * r f.’ vls 'Mng Miss Candler. Miss Douman of Savannah Is vlsl-ting Mrs. James E. Dickey. Hitch, a ch'armlng young ladv of Wesleyan, Is visiting In tihe city during the commencement exercises. Commencement exercises begin Fri day night. Andrew female college. First Exercises of the Forty-first Annual Commencement. Cuthbert, June 1.—(Special.)—An drew Female College, one of the old est female colleges in Georgia, and which has ,'ivlth possibly the exception of Wesleyan, turned out more young lady graduates to grace and adorn society, began her forty-first eom- tr.'n.'emen't exercises ait 'the college chapel last night with a very worthy and redltabl* exhibition by the pupils of the preparator ydepartment. Tonight the sophomores held forth. Tomorrow Rev. J. H. Scruggs of Dawson will preach 'the sermon. Tues- da yRev. M. A. Morgan of Macon will deliver the literary address. Wednesday is commencement day. The town is beltiK tilled with com mencement visitors. Last night at Powell’s opera tti.i closing exercises of Miss Ida Downing’s private school took place before a large and appreciative au dience. The young people favored the aodieiiee with a varlvl and highly In teresting programme of exercises. The exercHes were very creilltulbi ■ znd tbe efforts of the young people appre ciated. The work of this school for the past year has been -neouraslnc and Ratlsfaotory to 'the lady principal anil patrons. GEORGIA LAND TITLES. heavily laden and had a large deck load of lumebr When the storm struck her, she made* bad weather 11 It, the captain having great difficulty in keep ing her head to The lnd Increased In fury until if u neia to have ‘jeer: the fiercest storm known along this coast In twenty years. The sea rose rapidly. Waives washed Over tiie vessel ana st-jneu me aeuck load. As the waves rose and the storm Increased the management of the steamer became Impossible. One of the seas a nilgnty wave, struck big with such force (hat the beams trem bled as tf she had struck on a reef and most or the passengers thought this the cause ot the shoes. The pas- Beogets were pretty badly stunned by Ddng pitched about and rushed upon the deck in a panic. Here they met another danger. The gale tore parts of the deck load of lumDer from in* fastenings nnd shifted the heavy planks about with appalling violence. Many were struck and inalned. At least one passenger was killed by hav ing his head crushed by flying tim bers. The survivors say tha. the offi ce,-« of (he steamer were brave and active In this crisis. Capt- Taylor stood upon the bridge with Chief Ortl- cer Untfitha. At an order Griffiths ran forward to superintend die launch ing of life boat No. 6, while Second Olfiooi- Lamghorn was in charge of boat No. 3. The latter was success fully launched and filled with passen gers. Then the ship went down and Langhorn's boat was capsized. All In both boats are supposed to have perished. Cajit. Taylor went down with the ship and as the vessel rank he blew three 'blasts of the whistle as a good bye signal. The engineers and tho ■tlr&mc-n nVriit, uuiVfi tit their post** Nh-ht CkTk Berry was In tils room and went down with the vessel. Third Officer Hansen wus among the saved. He sprang from the ship as It went down and reached a piece of wreckage. There he clung for twenty- four hones washed and buffeted by the waves. He saw men and women sink about him nnd was powerless to render aid. He saw naked and man gled bodies floating by, and the horror of them made him sick. Hansen says that as the steamer foundered, her bolleis burst. ELKO’S cmniENCSMENT. Numbers of People Delighted .With the Exercises. Elko, June 1.—(Special.—T: ,' " Banders and bis pupils scored another success In keeping a very large num- mer interested and pleased for more than three hours at the academy hall 'ast night. "The Gysles' Festival," flret on the programme of last evonlng, was a com plete success and showed how well 4 smalt children could be trained. Twenty-three Httlo girls and boya took Lpart in this play, with 'Mias Eunice •Means as queen, and she truly made i beautiful queen. 'Mr. J. Hollend acted well the part of tbe peddler. Professor SauderS convptlmewted one of hia pupils, Mies fialfine Gaines, by stating to the audience that without Mias Gaines he could not hzv. ren der'd his play. Miss Tommie Reed recited "Flying Jim’s Last Leap." and In doing this she added more laurels to her reputa tion In elocution. Mlsa Estelle Harvard rendered ’’Mu- arlc Among tho pines" very dexter ously. Miss Harvard performs beau tifully on the piano. A drama In to acta, "Among the Breakers’’ was rendered to perfection. The play as given without a single error and each participant deserve* much praise. "Tbe Bwent Family” was repro duced and. If possible, much better than on the previous nt«*Vt. Visitors came from Vienna. Unadllla, Snow, Terry, Montezuma and. In fact. It was the largest audience ever seated in Ibis spacious hall. The last on the programme was the delivery of prizes. There were thro* prizes, one for deportment, one for spelling and ono for reading. In de portment the prize as awarded to Mr. Henry Clarke; spelling, to Master Robert Gilbert, and reading, to Miss Laurlne Means. This dost* a successful year wfth the school under the auspices of Profes sor A. B. Sanders, who Is admired for hia mode of teaching and enforcing discipline. Professor Banders will b* prevailed upon to keep thle school su* other year. • THE GIRijS' NORMAL SCHOOL. Thirty-four Younsr Ladles Prepared for Practical Life. Mllledgevllle, June 1.—(Speclal.V-The Girls’ Normal and Industrial School closed yesterday. The graduating class, thirty-four in number, entertained a throng of people at the college last nltftYt. The exercises were certainly grand. Tomomm* Bishop Gfllk>r of Se wn nee College will preach the com mencement sermon. Mr. Gallor is said to be a fVne preacher, and there will be a very lai^je crowd on band tomorrow to tiear him. Governor Atkinson, who "Mil deliver the diplomas, arrived in the city last night with his two «on*. and will re main here until after t!he commence ment exercises are over. People are arriving on every train from all over the state, and by tomorrow there will be the largest crowd here that has ever wttnesred the exercises. President Chappell has been receiv ing messages from a nil ruber of cities out of tbe aitats Inquiring when the school would close, and for Information regarding the programme of the exer cises. Among them was one from Co lumbia, S. C„ stating fhflt a party de sired to attend, and they ore expected here tills afternoon over the Georgia road. A full programme will appear Monday's Telegraph. BRYANT IN THE TOIL3- tail jL :*> Wflc&l !3 Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants a= J Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is ft harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, aud Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years’ uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, euros constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas- toria is tho Children’s Panacea—tho Mother’s Friend., Castoria. **CkctArfaf« an excellent medldnA for chit* dren. Mother* hare repeatedly told mo of Its ^ood effect upon their children.” Dn. O. C. Oboooo, Lowe!!, Mas*. •* Castoria 1* tho best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hop© tho day U not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the variouiquack nostrum* which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agent* down their throats, thereby arailing them to premature glares." Du. J. F. KtHcncLOB, SILVER CRAZE ABATING. Mr. CarlisleV FYorw for the South aro Growing Less. Chicago, Juno 1.—John W. Donne re ports twi IrttvrvicW Cit-vefand and Carlisle, on the Or^nhnm funeral train In which Mr. Cleveland exprew^»d the four that the flUnnrfs fr** silver crwxc would b*»or»me mo-»* wtdes'vv' « nnd result In disaster by causing alarm on the part of for»*gn Inve M»re. uno «-#» afraid of the BO o«»nt silver dollar. Mr. CarlSIo assumt tho president that his recent vMt south had per- mitltert him to otudy the feeUng, and that the craze was abating tl»*re Nfew PAPER AT COLUMBU8. It 1, Proposed to Make It a Free silver Organ. Columbus, June 1.—(Special.)—An repli cation was filed In me «v"*»r court to day for a chart or tor the Oolutrtbus Star PuMlShhK Company, which 1ms been or ganised for rhe purpose of publtenlng a newspaper and doing other kinds or printing. The petitioner* are A. 11. Lowe et a|. The company was organize,! with s capital Stock of nn.nm in rttares of ,tu each, and the Star. It la wwd, wm aci- VWMX the free ®nd izaHmltad coinage of sliver. DROUTH IN INDIANA. lralPittan>*l!s. -tun* 1.—ItopnrtA from different part** of tho SMI** JndKXMP tOig the drouth 1* tp-tv*i\rt and that ento Is nerxfi nc. Smaller stream* have dried up anl entile tire being driven tong dlnt.i'nrws to water. Plioim6ATn)D BY HFJ.VT. New York. June l.-The day opened hut. premising to be very oppressive. Thi, afteruoitt the mercury stood at At 10 o'clock there were four caws of prostration, the vet fine suffering the mod to loon- |wtn. They were all In tbe sweat shop tenement districts. BLAZING OIL. Hambung, Uur<e l.-Hu' petroleum fires which broke out yesterday in Hamburg, burning five tanks of oil and other property see under control, but tbe Inner tanks are still blazing. The lose will amount to 1300,000. The Osier factory and American rompa. nice petroleum works were saved. PULLMAN COMPANY'S RIGHTS. It Has Gone Beyond Its charier in Only One Instance. Chicago, June 1.-Judge 'Baker this morning hauded down his decision In the esse of Attorn'y General .Moloney against the Pullman Palace Car Com pany. In which tite former claimed the defendant company had violated its barter by conducting a number of cu- >t:wprlacs other than those for which the mate granted It a charter .and that the charter should, therefore, be for feited. The court sustained only two of the charges against th* company. One was that the company had ex ceeded Its power In becoming the own ers of twenty-three acres of hind In the towon of Pullman which had been put to no use, and the other was that It had vlolaled Its charter In becoming the owner of a part of the stock of th* Pullman Iron ami Bteel Company. The court hold* that the compauy had tho right to erect a ten-story office buildup In Chicago and rent the great er part of It to tenants that It haa the rlrht to sell Intoxicating liquors in Its car*, and that in the purchase of land upon which the town of Pullman la built and the erection thereon of 2.200 dolling houses, to be rental to Its em ploy-*, Ihe company did not violate Its ttiartir, hut only took upon Itself pow is which wore implied In the grant of ihe legislature. The company Is also sustained In the erection of schools and a church In the iewn of Pullman and the sale to (hi tensnta of Its house of water and gas, the plants of which the comapny owns. Twenty-three acres of land, which to unoccupied, tiie company will be com pelled to sell under the decree of the court, aud It will ba compelled to dis pose of what stock K owns In Ihe Pullman Iron and Stee I Company. These two Interests In which the eom- pany 'Was defeated by ihe court In volved but n.hoilt IVtfKV). If th? suprem* court sustains Judge Bnker the company will go on with Its 'business uitdl»tui(>ed and with Its methods of business practically un changed by the attorney general. HIS MANNERS IMPROVED. Wobb Had a Chance to Study Eti quette While In Jail. Atlanta June 1.—(Special.)—J. P. Wobh, the young bookkeeper who cre ated a scene In court tart Saturday by denouncing his wife as a liar, was re- released from the county Jail today, a much sadder but a better mannered man. Webb's wife was suing for tem porary alimony, pending action foe dl- voroe on the general ground of cruelty. While she was on the stand she said something that her liege did not like, and he not very politely called her a liar In tbe presence of th*. court. The words were hardly out of his mouth ».im he was bustled out of tbe court room and to jail for contempt. He has been In durance vile for a week, and tile effect upon hia v manners was marked. Webb belotigi to a good fam ily, and has always held good business positions. DIED AT 110. Gordon, June 1.—(Special.)—Old Isaac Solomon, probably the older! negro In the county, died h<*re this morning. According to hto own account he was almost 110 years old. Wrote" an Insulting Card to the Su preme Justices. Boston, June 1—H. H. Bryant, citizen of Cambridge was held In 2500 bon ydtodoly top the United Stailcs grand jury for sending a scurrillous postal card through the malls, to the Justices of the supremo count of the United States at Washington. The cdw>, tvnlch was mailed on April 9, had the Bouton postmark on It and was addressed "to the postolfice judges ol the *upreme bench of Uio Untied States, Washington, D- C.” On the back was written the follow Ing: "After Judas had done his dirty Job, he had enough manhood left to re turn his bribe and then fnrover put himself beyond human rght- HI* ex ample U> worthy of your serious at tention. Private Income fro-i land Is unmlxed with Juslce as lie same springs from public effort and l« be yond the reach of private em’eavor. NIi doubt that million of acres was needed do support their lordly es tablishments in various pans of (lie world and their luxurious Imteoi* that float upon the seas. But millionaires have always been a curse to nil peo ple In all times-a deadly and fnr- r.'frhlng rot to the entire gamut of morals, both public nnd private You Illustrate one phase of '»t- Wlgncd) g|(vw us. att.M (Signed) "H. H. Bryant, Somerville, Mass." Bryant has vqry strong views on the mutter of taxation and the lnco.ce tax division at vVii'ilnglo i |s sjp posed to have Inspired the communi cation ho tbe justices. THE DAVIS MONUMENT- The Southern People Askcvl to Meko Contributions Today Richmond, Va-, June 1 — Mon<*ny be ing tbe anniversary of the birth of President Davis, .’Ion. j. I'nylur Bill- son, president of the Jefferson I’avis Monument Association, i..s appointed n committee o Rhlr.y-two t< canvass the city for fundk for tv- Dav.a inrt.u- ment to be erected here, jl Is ex pected that a similar cinvass will be made of che cities throughout thle south’- ( Th# Dtopateh will sty tomorrow: "To bufld this monumene mind! money Is needed. The r.pclcua of the fund has been secured, but the bulk Is yet to be raised. The chief jart of this. If to hoped, will he coll*clod tomorrow—the day set apart liy tbe Davis Monument AsnocUtiou us Ihe most suitable to appetl in our |*ople to do tbclr duty In till* sa ved cause; ro on tomorrow <M thdourhout the south, k to askot and exrfrlcv that collections will he taken up for the Davis monument fund ” DIVA WAS CAPTURED. He Was Going to Orczmme Re -lotlott- lets to Cuba. .Havana, into* 1.—Atom Dint, who wVm authorized by tie* revolut norey committee to Now York bo nb» rebel I ci*i*!s to Prta Del Rso and prop ire for fcumlmg an expedition otvinlz-1 by Bnr.que Color**, arrivml <n Gobi lead wi* 1.1 km by the police. They hud difficulty In preventing him sw itkowtog » paper which he curried It cuntvloed name*. As a result sev eral houses hare bem awtrebnl seal Severn! rebel cb eh raptured. THN POR GENT. ADVANCED. Twenty-Five Thousand Carnegie Em ployees Affected. Pittsburg. Juna 1.—An advance In wages Of 10 per cent, affecting 11.000 men. In Andrew Carnegie’* employ, everlt Into effect today. Castoria s t .„torl» In SO veil n.laplcl to rMMren that I recommend Usa superior to any prescription known to me.” n II. A. Ahciuch, M. D.» 111 Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. “Our phjBiciuns iu the children ■ deport ment luivo rpoken highly of tl.cir experi ence in their outsMo practice with Cfutoria, and although we only hare among our medical supplies wlint Is known oh regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria ha* woo us to look with favor upon It.” Umitsd HosriTAt* and Dispsnsaht, lloeton, Maas. Aet mm I ’ Kwrrii. The Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, New York City. Ten Counties Will Semi Fine Displays of tho Products of Their Soil, GRAND FRUIT BXOIBIT. Many Specimens Being Sent In to Be Preaervcil by Ih. State Uiomlit— ItallroiuU Kemillly Granting the Il*4)ti*ate of ihe Board* Atlanta , June 1.—(Special.)—Ten counrtlea have made tiieir entries for exhibits In bbe state buildings at the Cotton States and Internallonal Expo si non. They reprewstt all sections of the* state, nnd will make the best dis play of the aerrlcullural resources of the state that lias ever yet been made. Tbe lime allowed for receiving entries from coturtles expired yesterday, under the rules adopted by the state board, tbe list of entries on hand today show ing: Floyd. Barlow, Clark, Olynn, Worth, Haralson, Randolph, Dodge, Sumter and Meriwether. In speaking of the outlook for the state exhibit today Commissioner N,s- tritt said: Recently tthere has been a good deal of enthusiasm manifested among the farmers, and we have not only received applications for space from these ten counties, 'but from a number of lnd) vldual exhibitors as 'Well, besides the dally shipments of berries and fruits (mil are coming In to the state chem ist’s office to be preserved. "Yes, I am confident that our agricultural display will toe the finest over seen in Geor gia. We are paying especial attention to frulla, os being a most valuable In dustry, and you m«v expect a revela, tlon in this department. •'rile railroads Have generously re sponded to our request for transporta tion, and we expect to have nil the county exhibits hauled free ot charge to rite elate or tn the exhibition. I have corresponded with all the railroad maiM'g.-rs, and all of thorn, with th«f exception of the Seaboard Air Line, have expressed a wHIrtgnes* to give us what we have asked for. The rate committee of the Southern Hallway and Steamahlp Association will take up the matter of united action on Monday, and at that time we expect to have the official aotlon of tite railroads. They are already hauling the material# for the mining department, a good deal of which have been received and a*v br ing put in condition to be exhibited." STARVATION IN ATLANTA. from the police btrfldlng. accenting to mts version, some one whom he never saw before oil of i midden undertook to epefl hts handsome face. Ills asentl.vnt, after landing heavily on toe Jaw several times, drawing blool sit each lick, dleappeared aa suddenly and mysteriously as lie nan come, and ‘the police, ho whom Arm it re exhibited hia dtoniantted vSsege. have not yet located tbe man who dM the work. TOO MUCH LHAOtNUNO. School Teacher DHlard Developed Into a Forger. Atlanta, June 1.—(Specla:.)—R. D. “11- laril, who used tote education for a wntle ’ to teach school ad Cedartown. was ar rested today for perverting Wto 'talents to commit forgery. DIMacM ha.1 hear.1 that County School Commissioner Fair had a good credit, and being haul up as be says, signed Ida name to a courio of checks to make u raise. The checks aggregate about a* and were drawn o.a l ie Atlanta National ItenX. 1 no cashier Ootected the rorgery awl repudlited tns paper. After being arrested DlHaul con fessed the forgery, declaring that he old so because ho was just bard «p am needed money. The negro h i- a good education -nd t» quite intelligent, but would rather Hvo by hto wits than nj HAS NO EASY BERTH. most A Whole Family Found Destitute and Dying Atlanta, June I.—(Special.)—A ... barrowtn* ease, of destitution «*■ re ported to the police today, who upon tn- vsetlgatton fount J. H .Green, tils wire and family of sewn children In an al most dying condition to a hovel out near toe Exposition Cotton Mitts. Green and his family had an hern operatives Ire roe mills uiMH sktroess laid them low. Ihe police found Oreen Mm self In toe last stages of conmimpuosHwhilst his wWeand four .Ij T-11 -1j -wore »U*,tt-i>e-l gut on s burette of rani with msusles. On a box In a comer wwm the body of one child who <Med with measles yesterday, three being no one abls to proper- It for hurtsl or to get others to do Ihe sat office*. A*Med to this terrlhle condition there was not a morsel of food In tbs house and the two chUdreti that were not help less with loose lea were prostrated witn hunger. The house stands off In a n«Vl alone, the irlndaws ore eM broken out and tne sunMgtrt *!»1 rain pour tn at the dti mantled roof. Tbe poles took charge of the entire family. But for this tardy assistance all would doubtless have been dead in Our day. HIS FACE SMASHED. catcher Armstrong's Mug Badly 1ns- flgmad. Atlanta, June 1.—(Spectri.)—Catcher Armstrong of the AS'ant* baseball cm# ran up ogalpst an unknown man’s net ■tola afternoon, and in tha language or the etrse*. bad hto face smashed In- > es ter, lay Armstrong put on hi* skates st the bstl park and undertook to bulldose the whole crowd. He used a selection ot oaths that caused the polios to Interfere. He -was arrested and this afternoon troea before to* recorder for uslxr profane language. The recorlsr. box ever, rclt lenient toward tha ball player an./ die- misled tbe cast. Armstrong -*nt away rrjotrinjf, but when a few yards distant A Negro Barber Who Is G)J>1 to Get Back to Anier ctn. A meric us, Juwe t.—(Special.)—A nc- gno bncbcr who u*«t to Ik> h» Anurl- cus but for tiro yore* hto tieea anvuiy, relumed jwnerdiy and rnpnct* hit truvebt thniugh Africa awl Cotitpri Atu«*rk'a, but nut to bundle a razor. Hi wvnl from New Orln.ran w.tih some rn'll- road ecsftreccore, jiuI Instcnd of vbjrto* tbem. a* prom usd, he tvns nude to steM m shovel anl ji’- k. After in,my m 'nih* of bird kthor be WV-* tmi-*- firnd to Gaitemnli tv A lt cdbere, wbfro th- company hid i- >>iurinr e iritr.irt. He flmliy nxidc «*noii--li hi .in-y to pay b < pramge track to New OHp.ioi, ml from there to Amertetie*, fully e*n.!i*li <1 to stiiy it homo mul w old .1 razor. Yestenfiqr miratng, »>ig reft, r the train pj,*soil f'-y M non, **ime one encoml the t ckal oflloo eat t he On* tral depot atkl rilled th<- m t»-y dranver of to* oonaeras, ajimimrckg to Sill. Tho rirket iKi-ut un* out only i slart trtte and he lb** wn* trat <1 nted unit 1 af ter rile bold thief had escaped. A white man wrra otvetted on mt*pl- ' i - " i, ,d l>. , I ■ i III, _■ :l>. .11' 11,,. depot ford day or two. Tbe police were nottlr*l nnd th’s mm. by the n.ime of Joniei Wendell, we - |,*cki*l up. Won- dell rlitma to 1>.. i denf mule, timtkfli n iwntt-ntoit (Mm thait be b. not. IP’s v il co which wis found emettiied under tin old bourn* n'vir the depot, was opei *1. but li "thing w a* fomid excont ►rune ps'tnt brthdUM, dtoe aal trick wiltmt kIiuIU. The tost Hhtnley tun not yet be>n foitnil, but tlx* p>Jlce are* M il In setre of ft. W.-reioH win retonuil brat ntabr ciaaries Allen, rtf, eloyor of I’jul •tie, was found guilty fntoib* asul sentence,! to ( to knpri* iim,-; *. Tlie k:llh*f oocurreil In Dawson *cv- eraJ nkrttii* n»o. Allen uni« br, u = ht to Am 'ricus for sif,- ke,-[, !„j md w ,■* M. . \| 1 rem ""t Alton kl .-*1 M ide on the st resin of Dt>wo,m aJitwet w!tl»,t*t \vcirti.ii-j. Goun-d r.,,. Alien Ininmila.t'ly u[inn tbo tin* venlot gave reduce otf . i; for a t. iv trlaS, nnd H i, he wHl Ih* br nigtat back hetx* tire burloj- of th*» mot 2 si. The ftMtlru'l kim titeht g’ver Ajreeroctts I -„-nt I: Tti ry w . 'i*p,-d sol p,'ii,l [, ; by tb*i i grind by Pri ■ Ivor In v.tie J. It. Britton, 'lb dung to mi, „f pr ^ !c romlored by i!hf I The "ntert iluni. , t nettel company a re d lHtle M1 - n . , vh hurb * wiiform*. reiunnoi ictil.-im-gihi J-eb'cl i. Am.; fOlnst Ilonn-r Burk-e.t, with the kill ni; of th. - i».--ro Harris several week* nj.>. Mr, wag brouidtt down from Mu- JiVn-t. «■ *wri« flua rust Natbro VSek’ix, w-th rhe munler ot old H/rrrF The MMkMt • them wa < % h»rU« Rurkeft om li.-Jt Anotih Cuuh. An 4! and Hu ‘ ' i ”1 r: * n»vht but «*r wa# HQIlin Hftrn ■ T f . ' •;iy Rr * lli’*! ’.• IK | \ I >.‘-it«rd<iy aml w ll i> by .Mr, <■ [» Hamm nd ' U I. \| i;