The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 09, 1897, Image 2

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THE ASHBURN ADVANCE Published every Friday. H. D. SMITH, Editor. ECHOES FROM ISABELLA. The book committee is on deck. The public roads have been been put in passitdo condition. Mrs. II. N- Fordham returned to her home in Fitzgerald Isst week. Sheriff Slery has three block birds in bis pen. Two of the Jenkins hoys for raising a racket with some guns at a saw mill in the upper port <>t the county one night, and Will Loving for violating A“hburn’s liquor laws. The sheriff’s residence is nearly com¬ pleted, and Story expects to move in by the last of this week. Miss Lucy Little, of Abbeville, is visiting Mrs. J. T. Cochran. Sylvester’s pic nic was flavored with rain. It was a honey. Miss Annie Cochran, after an ex¬ tended visit in and around Bacouion, returned home Monday. Hay, Editor, if you don’t stop that printer from mutilating my endeavor I’ll come over there and board him. [Couldn’t you hoard i he editor also? [ The cyclists have a race track, and tlieir daily porformences are sugges¬ tive that the terrors of leap year are siill predominating In the upper story. Judge G. G. Warren vi-ted home folk last week, and many wore the sight shed during hm absence. Mrs. J. Ross visited her mother at Mercer’s Mill last week, who was quite sick. Mrs. Jtoss reports her mother improving Saturday when she returned home. If you are doubtful about the talents possessed by some of our natives, come out (or in) Wednesday night and di¬ gest the debate. Judge Price has plans in considera¬ tion fora brick jail with modern fixt¬ ures. Long live Judge Price. Superior court convenes on the 4th Monday in April, and then maybe the removal question will be settled so we can lmvo a court house. Col. J. J. Forehand’s children visi¬ ted their grand-father. Dr. T. W. Ti- son, in Ash burn I ho first of the week. Jim Sly was cremated last week by Aunt Nancy tip to boles, just because Jim attempted to build a bridge across the dam of tier nose. Peace to his itslies. Jon 8. Thirty years i* a long time fight so painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob Mitchell, ol Unionville, J’a., struggled that long before lie tried DcWill’s Witch Hazel Salvo, which quickly nod permanently cured him. It is equally effective in eczema and all skin affec¬ tions.—J. b. Betts & Co. WHO IS APRIL TOOLED? George Daniels didn’t marry Sunday. Neither did Miss Janie Smith. Then people will want to know the reason why. That has not been ex¬ plained to the satisfaction of the Ad¬ vance. “lie says” it was an April fool on the editor. If so, it was a good one. But let’s see about that: George gave us permission to an¬ nounce lus engagement to Miss Janie Smith, and that the mairiage would be solemnized on the first Siimiai morning in April. He incited u- to bo one of Ins attendants, and selected Miss Mary YVarron to stand up with us. lie selected Jimmie Warren and Miss Lulu Clements for tiro other two Last week he gave it to us for publi¬ cation that they hail concluded to haye the ceremonv performed at Pleasant Hill church instead of at the gill’s fa¬ ther’s. Last Tliuisday we told Mr. Daniels that another engagement was pressing us for Sunday, and unless lie expressly desired our presence wo would be at another place, lie insisted on the can¬ cellation of all other engagements, and said lie would inform Miss Warren that we would go for her Sunday morning. Saturday r.iglit George left for Syc- amorv. Sunday morning early he Was off in a top buggy for the girl. Mr. Daniels and Mi*s Smith arrived at the church about 11:30. Hut they did not marry. He says it was an** April fool.” As an evidence of good faith we produce the letter written to Miss Warren: Ashburn. Ga., April, 2 . IS 97 . Miss Mary Warren, Irby, Ga. Dear friend.-—I thought I would call on you to wait with ns Sunday,4th, at the church U’loasant Hitt) with Mr Henry Smith. 1 would have written you before now bin 1 have been very busy upon ins up goods so I hope you will excuse the delay ns I have been very busy. Mr. Smith asked me to write you that he would come afte you soon Sun, morning if it is agreoabio with you He said if it was agreeable for you to write to me by return mail and I at me know so ho could make preparations. Ho asked tne to write for him as he was so very busy trying to get his paper out tiiis week. Tell Jimmie i may call on him and Miss i.ula in stand with me also. 1 invi- ,»-d her lust week when she was up hero tell tlinmletoiui after her, Owiriy tociuuinstan- ,-en I hope you will excuse delay arid riot ro- fns*. An<l eicuse bad wrlUuv^for you know erica nervt s ure on such occasions' If nirri-ea- lilc lot me hear from you at once. Your Friend, (loo. M. Daniels, The Advance acted in (food faith and by authority of Mr. Daniel* direct. H'e had sevral private coiihii Stations with liiin ooncerniiiK the plans for the day. Once he said that lie would write to Mr Jeffrey to come home from New York by the firm to attend the wedding, lie looked to us like a man who was iu earnest. Concerning keeping house, ho said they would hoard at the Diniux house. There was an April fool somewhere, and we are willing for him to hido his face wiili the Advance if he can. The Adel News has turned up its toes. Now that election is over, the negro is not in it. Two steam boats have wrecked and sunk in the Chattahocheenver near Columbus since the heavy rains. The Sycamore News is an page now, with four pageH home print. That is a big job for a small town. John P Atkinson, 10-year-old son of the governor, skipped out and stole Miss Ada Byrd and they were married. They paid the debt early. The Evening Constitution fell on stony ground, sprung up and flourshed an hour, and died in the warm sun of last Saturday. L. W. Ilolstead, a show ticket agant in Macon, made love to Mrs. C. R. Reid and Iteid went gun¬ ning. Reid shot Ilolstead o!F the block in the tent where he was selling tickets and killed him instantly. Ash urn hss been very much aroused over the discovery of a flourishing blind tiger in that city, and the people seem determ¬ ined to maintain the prohibition law at all hazards. If other sec¬ tions were equally as zealous some of our dry towns would not be so wot.—Tifton Gazette. Not only acute lnmr D oubles, which may prove fatal in a few days, but old chronic coughs and throat Doubles may receive immediate relief and be permanently cured by One Minute Cough Cure J. S. Betts & Co. THE CITY BARBER SHOP. E. F. HENRY, Barber. HAIR-DRESSING—a specialty. SHAVING—quick and easy. RAZORS—put m good fix on short notice. You will always receive a cordial welcome. R. 1). LAW, Proprietor. ASHitURN - Georgia. RESTAURANT! RESTAURANT! FOR WHITES ONLY. RESTAURANT WHITE FOLKS ONLY. X Floyd Stevens. H AMILTON THE MODEL-MAKER. ill y T Watches Jewelry L Clocks and Model H and all kind shop is in A of metal the second M Jewelry repaired room of 1 here and the L models Advance T made. Give me Building O a call. Strict N confidence repairing fine watches a specialty. Thomas. L. Hamilton. Ashburn Georgia. mu ONE ■AM MINUTE COUCH CURE *UAilC c ur(?9 quickly. for. That Is what It Vf&S Quick Prompt, PlcM&nl Safe, 811 r«, quick take, Children Cure. to like it and adult* like It-, Mothers buy It for their children. Prepared R.kV by K. O. Early DeWItt Riuers, A Co., tbu makers faiuuua of Rttio SHJNGLER & LAWRENCE’. as© 1 ?. THE OLD FIRM OF KHINGLER & LAWRENCE is still before the public; and we take this opportunity to return thanks for their past liberal patronage, and we earnestly solicit a continuance of the same during the present year, Lttf WE HAVE A GOOD S|£)gK OF §s@s® ALSO V rim ANI)-- GR0C -s H S Which we will sell at prices that, cannot be beat. Call and see Mr. Cantey, who is managing the busines He will take pleasure in showing you through and selling you what you want. SUINGLER A r LAWRENCE. u. t AMI DEALERS IS YELLOW PINE LUMBER, ASHBURN, GA. All orders for Laths Shingles, Stav e Car Sills, Bridge Stuff Flooring, Moulding, Brackets Ceiling, Etc., will receive prompt attention OAN DRESS ANYTHING TO 18X30. Wre cary a well selected and assorted stock of D.’y Goods, Hardware Groceries, Etc. If in need of anything iu Clothing, SUCH AS MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, W s u 11 fi t We Have a Nice Stock op ladies' dress goods AND TRIMMINGS. I hat we would bo pleased to sin... the ladies of Ashburn and st.r rounding country. 'JPunks, Valisas, Sitclnl Our CANDIES are FRESH AND FINE FLOUR, Or MEAT, GRITS, RICE, x fi ST SUGAR, err COFFEE, fiT MEAL, And in fact any and everything tnat. is kept in a first-class grocery house can be had at our Large, Brick Store as cheap as the cheap¬ est. We carry a full line of Furniture. UP STAIRS Oor stock of Shoes is Complete, with a specialty of Ladies’ and Children’s Fine Sunday Wear. aI-i ° handle the best brands Cigars, Tobacco, Soaff, Etc. Full line of the best, makes OF STOVES NOW ON HAND. All kinds of Stock Food at Reasonable Prices. The citizens of Ashburn anp surrounding country are cordially invited to call and inspect our have a Wagon Yard and Stalls, Feed Troughs, Etc,, for the convenience of onr customers es peeially. Respectfully, J s BETTS& Co ASHBURN HIGH SCHOOL Opens January 4th 1897. •> Closest Attention Given to All. Board at Low Rates. Music Department—Miss Ella Bacon. Primary Department—Mrs. L. D. Passmore. TUITION, paid monthly: Primary, $1.25. per month. Intermediate 1.50. > > High School, 1.75. > y For furthrr particulars appy to l. d. Passmore, Principal, MUSIC MISS ELLA BACON. Teacher. Tuition, $3 per month. THE HOUSTON HIGH SCHOOL ARABI, GA. “AN EXCELLENT HIGH SCHOOL.” ypv m??- Tuition, per mo. in advance. $1.25 Music, “ “ “ ( i 3.00 Art, U «( (( «( 3.00 “ “ in dormitory - about 5.00 per month in private families, 8.00 Fall Term will begin Aug. 31. Spring Term will begin Jan. 4. Apply for Catalogue to J. E. POWELL. Look at these and tell which is the longer. Turn the x>aper side¬ ways and look again. Then come to me and I will fit your eyes with a pair of spectacles that will not deceive you. MUSIC? I have Mandolins, Violins, Ban¬ jos, and Guitars on the road, and! when they get here I will be gla< to have call and see them. Don’t pass me by when yoi| want jewelry or a watch. I make special orders for jewel¬ ry not in stock. I make a specialty of repairing. R. A. WHIDBY, The Jeweler oe Ashburn. $ 1800.00 i GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTOR!. $150.00 every month given away to any one who 4 ,. plies through us for the most meritorious patent duiilg the month preceding. ! We secure the best patents for our clients, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we Irish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, luchas the "car-window" which can be easily «lid ep >id down without breaking the passenger’s back "sauce-pan," “collar-button,” "nut-lock,” "bittle- stopper, ’ and a thousand other little things that find most any inventions one can the a way that of improving; bring and these simple author. Try are think ones largest invent. returns to the to of something to IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice m the “ National Recorder," published at Washington, D. C., which is the Dest newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year’i sub¬ scription also to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the “National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents 61S F Street, N. W., Box 38s. Washington, D. C. F.fimnce—editor cf thispaper. IVrittferovr go-pag:pamphlet, FREE. Dr. J. F. GARDNER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls answered day and night. Special attention given to dis eases of women and children. Residerce at the Hicks place. Ashburn, Georgia. DR. W. J. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. Special Attention Given to Dis^ eas^B of Women and Children. CKfiuo in Room No. 2 , Betts Building, Residence; W, A. Shingler’s. CallL Answered Day or,' Night. WARREN L. STORY, Physician and Surgeon, \ Sycamork, Ga. ^DR. T. H. THRASHER, Physician and Surgeon, ji Ashburn, Georgia. General Practice Solie te<l. Office in the Christian Buildimp, C. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon* Sycamore, Georgia. W. B. CONE, D. D. S. IiMake a Specialty of Ciovi* Bridges and Replantations. Tfeeth Extracted Without Pain. Ashburn, . • . Georgia. W. T. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Land and Collections Sycamore -:- Georgia 4 Bass, A, J' Davis, BASS & DAVIS. Attorneys at Law, Ashburn, Georgia li iil Estate and Collections. WiBi't itt.; ir.i m ia ii| 'iiutu placed in our hand-*. I B. B. WHITE, and Ceuncellor at Law. Ashburn, Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. J. G POLHILL, Attorney at Law. Sylvester, - Georgia. Practice in all the courts. Patronage Solicitek. hawkins & McKenzie, Attorneys at Law' e Building, Rooms 4 and 5 .; Cordele, - Georgia* Prompt attention giv. n to all business intrusted to my care. JNO. F. POWELL, J. W. POWELL. Vienna, Ga, Ashburn. Ga JNO. F. POWELL & SON Attorneys-at-Law. We practice in all the courts. Immediate and careful attention given to business placed in our hands. Employing one secures services of both, Business solic- ited and inquiries promptly ans~ wered. umc0 ..... „ . No. 2. Mashburn’s ,D "°om Drug gtor c* IVERY It Open at ali hours. h irst-class teams, such as SINGLE- BUGGIES, DOUBLE BUGGIES* HACKS, WAGONS, and SADDLE HORSES, also CAREFUL DRIVERS fur¬ nished at reasonable terms on short, notice both night audday. The patronage of the traveling public solicited. Freight Cenveyed; Baggage Transferred; O. L. WADSWORTH. > X . Ashburn, G