The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 09, 1897, Image 3

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S-ffi 5 ?A 23 S s f ® as isi o THE HEW WOMAN I And the New Man andallof the old with their children and grand-children can mix and niingletogotlier al. Tlio Fair Store and enjoy the ones ofbuying from the NEW STOCK of goods just purchased ly * j*pOj3JN. Their goods are new and stylish, and their prices very unv. TI1K DEAR GIRLS and the pleasures out in style from head to foot. married ladies and children can find something they want in the of drh.'| goods, we have them in great varieties. A FEW DOLLARS will dress you way as prices the calico tno We have good selection and will take pleasure in showing from cheap calico to fine silk, then a hundred and one other goods ranging in quality and from to a you dress uoort TRIMMINGS to match all kinds of goods. No fino want to dress,. The Fair Store is the place to get the goods. Don’t for get. that we sell shoes also. silk. matter how comnon or you WAIT for to tell what have, but aud call for what want. Our stock large as it is now. Come and see CLOTHING. Ask no questions, but come DON’T ns you we come ’on was never so clothing. We have them in large and small aid and bargains unexcelled WE GIVE YOU FITS and charge no more for the goods. Our suits are well and see our numbers, course fine, at selecting and fast colors. One of suits will for another. We do not CHARGE FOR STYLE, but sell only stylish goods. Wo used groat care in made are our last a season and bo goot these goods, and use great care in selling them. It is not pleasure to fi with suit of clothes that lie will not be pleased with six montl s afterward. our any man a BOUCHT TO KEEP. Our goods bought sh Ives, but they for SALE, and sell them we will. Don’t wait a day, but como without delay. We have them. You NOT are not to fill space on the are We will treat right. Come & 0. I PROPRIETORS OF THE FAIR need them. you ©STORK, ASIIBURN, GEORGIA. THE ASHBURN AOVANCt Entered at ihe Ashburn postofflec as second-class mail matter. Official Organ of Worth County. Ashburn, Ga., April, 9, 1897. Subscription !>l a year in advance Giyc us better roads. Straw hats are in season. The scent of whisky is still among us. We need a Good Roads Congress or a vigilant grand jury. There was a nice soeiallc at R. Huc- abee’s Wednesday niglit. Croup and whooping cough are childhood’s tenors; but like pneumo nia, bronehit,s, and other throat and lung troubiesi can be quicklv cured by using One Minute Cough Cure.—J. S Betts & Co. Miss Susie Cockrell catne Wednes¬ day from Sicamotc to visit her sister, Mrs. Gao. Iv. Wilcox. Mr. Jes-e Hobby died Tuesday moraine- Thelfitli district lias lost one of it- best citizens. 51 tss Vie Powel], of Vienna, came this ' vemng to sp< nd a day with her biother and sister. All of 'ho public road- in the comity that w- have se< n have recently been woiked except tlio-e in the 2afl. Mr. Word has moved here from Worth, is m one of the new cottages, and is doing service on the tram road. Unconditional surrender, is the only term- tlio-e famous litile pills known will as DeWitt’s Lillie Early Risers make with con-tipation. sick headache and stomach troubles.—J. S. Bettsi&Co. The Advance is the official organ of all tbe officers in Worth couDty, re¬ marks otherwiae to the contrary nev¬ ertheless notwithstanding. Little river went over the pike bridge near Tifton fully two teet deep and washed away only about ten feet of it. That lias been mended. It should be made a matter of public knowledge that Do vv iit’s Witch Hi.z-1 Salve will speedily cure piles of the longest standing. It is the household fayonl lor burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and so\ V •• of all kind*.—J S Belt- &(Jo. The A ad from Jack Suinni l's’s to Worth has been worked, but it is not supposed that it Was by order of the Commissioners, or some of the other roads would be in better -hape. Personal' —The gentleman who an¬ noyed continually tlie congregation roughing will la-t find Sunday by relief by One Minnie in- -tant using Cough Cure, a harmle-s remedy for throat and lung troubles.—Betfs & Go. There will be no preaching at die Methodi-t church Hunday morning, as the pieaclier will be at Dokota Servi¬ ces will be conducted by the Epwor fi. Legue, on ihe .-ubject of prayer, preaching Sunday night. Editor Jno L Herring, a Worth connty boy, is doing service on the Tampa, Fla., Tribune. When the spring lime comes, “gentle Annif,” like all othersen-ible per-ons, will c,cause the hyer and renovate ife sisieiii with DeWiit’- Little Eary Risers, famous little pills for the liver and stomach ad the year round.—J. S. Belts & Cc. Desiring to supply tbe Mabh ? u iip a line of new buggies, I a in offering for sale al! of the buggie-, hacks and imr ries now on liand. Call and get < n,.. —O. L. Wadsworth. - Wasted Those who are fruit Med with Dandruff aud fading-out of-hair to come to the Barber Shop and gel » good Shampoo. Satisfaction guaran¬ teed or nop iv. .,f ! : ' WANTED-Aft IDEASiSSSffife bring thin? to paten: ? Protect Write yoari,teas: JOHN WLUDZit. they may you wealth. Washington, BURN & CO., Patent Attorney? ' U. C., for their $i.-u ;-<■ eftt. kecommendahon. Madison, Fla., April 2, ’97. To THE ED1TOK OF - -, Asli- , buru, Ga., Dear Sir:—Having had our attention called to an articlcle in the Atlanta Constitution from Ash¬ burn, Ga., under dale of March. 29, 1897 in which an attack is make on Mr. O. L. Wadsworth in regard to certain cards purported to have been circulated by Mtr~Wadsworth in \our town We as advertising matter. desire to say that wc know noth¬ ing of the particulars in the ease, but are constrained lobelieve that nothing improper or indecent was intended by bim, and that lie would bo one ot the last of your citizens to wilfully offer an insult to the wives, mothers or daughters of your fair little city. Wo say this because we know Mr. Wads¬ worth, and know Inm to bo a gentle¬ man worthy of respect. Mr. Wadsworth is from one ot tlie best families in our county, and w as raised by Chri-tian parents who have the respect and love of our people, aud we have always known Mr. Wad- worth as an honest and upiiuht man, and should die people of Ashburn not wish him as a citiz n and give bim the welcome an honest man is entitled to, the people- of Madison will welcome him back at any time. [Signed] W H Bailsman, Merchant. J F Lines, Sale stables. D G Smith. Drugaist. W A Dale. City Marshal. Jas P Martin, Countv Judge. Walter Hunting, City Treasurer. M N Drew Merchant. T W Date, county Treasurer. J 0 Johnson , J. 1*. R J Patterson, Tax Assessor. L J Porter, county comnn-sioner. K S Armstrong. Sheriff. J D Smith, Deputy sheriff, J II Smith. <iroa.orvman. clias D Davis. Mayor. B F MoSejy. D' Uggist. J W Barrett, Merchant Thos W Martin, (Jerk city court. P S coggins. Merchant, c E Ashley, Attorney at law. vV J Witherspoon, P. M. A Leving-tou, Merchant, IV T Blair. J T Leslie. When a cold i- contracted, cure it at once. One Minute Lough Oiue will set you on the road to recovery. It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung and throat troubles. - J. S. Betts & 0". DENTAL NO I ICE I will be in Ashburn on Monday Aprial I2tli and remain one week for the purpose of doing dental work. Give me a call. D. J. Williams. Don’t forget that I can mend your witch. T. L. Hamilton Lo; of Cheap Soap at Walker’s. Beef, p< r; and sausage tit Walker’s Try Mashburn’s Bedbug Poison. Guaranteed. 25 and 50 ecu's. Garden Peas, Onion Set- aud ; 1 kllld ... * ot ' . - et d . h: , ' |r v TT -^aMi .. . - > . burn & C<>. For all kind- of smoking tobacco. go to Walker’.-, Landreths Garden Seed, Irish, ai W. II. Masuburn & (Jo’s. Try Mashburn’s Bedbug Poi-on Guaranteed. 25 and 50 cents. My repair shop is at the Advance office. Bring me your work. T. L. IIamiltoe. Two papers of any kind of >eed for 5c at W. H Masuburn & Go’s. A few 2dfi@“bupgis tor sale.—O, L. Wadsworth. Try Mashburn’s B dbug Poison Guaranteed. 25 and 50 cents. For keg pickles, go to Walker’s Meat-, fruits and vegetable- at Wal- ]j et .i S- Beef, pork and sausage at Walkei’s Get yo. r ice-cold drinks at Walker’s. Try our seed Seconds; the best hand made cigar. 2 foi 5c, at IF. II. M ash¬ burn & Cos’. A few s coud hand bicycles a' Jeffrey & R obi Us. Bedstead and. dining (able f r sale al this office. OFIiCIAL ADVERTISING. 0 Sheriff Sales Will be-old before the court house door in Iabella, Worth county, Ga., within th< legal hours of sale, on the first Tue-ilay in May. 1897, the follow¬ ing prop rty to wit: Eight (i) acres of lot of land No 339 in t io 7«1 land district of Worth coo- n.v knot.. as the Isaac aud Fannie Wilson pace, levied on a- the property of I-anc ,ud Fannie Wil-on. to s"ti-fy a justie <r>wt ti la issued in ti e 13Hi M., in favor of A. E. Ba-s. Levy male and returned to me by O. K. Summr; L. c. April 5tli 1897 Also ti tin; same time and place, fifty (50)acres of laud in soub-west corner o lot No 382 in the 7i li land district <f Worth c>'uuty. levied on as the proiarty of S. B. cox, t" -atisfv a. justice oult fi fa i-siied in the 1310 district,G. M., in favor of Mrs. S. A Ayeock Levy made and return'd to me bv 1. O. Sumner, L. C. April. 5 h 1897 II. S. Story, She,iff, Worth Co., Ga. April tie 7th. Jotice to Bridge Builders. Gu e ha. Worth county; office of OROIJARY OF SAID COUNTY! Weabci bid- will be received at tbe office o: the undersigned until 12, m., 4t|i da\ of Mav 1897. for the put po-e of buildling a bridge arms- Mill creek on the pules and Albany road, known a- tLie 1 d Oak and Albany road, at. or neat, the < ite of tbe old one recently wa-heu awav. Said bridge to be two hundred and fifty feet long Flats and -pecifications '<> lie seen at in v office. To be paid for as tin work progres¬ ses, by recommendation of Committee appointed for that purpose, in such -urnsits may be necessary. 'Tie-fourth of the amount for which said bridge is let tu be retain'd until same is com¬ plete'!. Uarty building same to trive bond for double the amount for winch -aid bridge is iet. and to keep same in goal repair for the space of years. I reserve the J. raid Prick, to reject any and all bid-. VV. April, 5, 1897. Ordinary. Notice to Contractors. Georgia, worth county; olfice op ORDINARY OF SAID COUNTY ; Si alsd bids will b" received at ihe offiaeof tbe uudersigneil nritil 12, m » on 1 lie 4th day of .via ■ 1897, for ihe purpose of building a Court H"u-e for the county of Worth. -aid Court ilim-e i" be f'ortv by six'V (lOX(iO) feel, woth f mr room- on lower floor with ten-foot hall running • a eh way, with vanl» in one end of ball. The upper floor to have one room fo> grand jury and one for petit jury cut <ff from court room. Bids will be received for both wood and brick liou-e. Plans and specifications lo be seen at the office of i),e undersigned. Pay¬ ments to be made in such sums as may be neees-arv to carry on tie- work, a com (Litre" will b" appointed to inspect same and recoin mend t-ucb payments. Oue-filib of the whole amount sha l be kept back until said work is eom- pleted, 1 re.-ervo the right to reject any and »D bids. J. \V. Price, April. 5 J897. Ordinary. Road Notice. Georgia, Worth County - To WH"M IT MAY CONCERN : All per-ons interested are hereby uoiified ih tt il no good cause be shown to the c ni i ar>, an order will be gran¬ ted hy iI k, undersigned on iho ls r Monday in May, J897, changing of the public load iri'iii Sumner to bycainore win re it crosses land line between lots of land Nos. 351 mid ’40 and follow -aid land line in a due east di- red i m t" where ii will inier-ect tbe Sumner-and A.-hburn road, almost four hundred yards from where change is made. J. W. Price. April. 5, 1897. Ordinary. • Road Notice. Georgia, Worth County. Go WHOK it may concern : All p.rticb inieiested are hereby notified ;h - t if no nood cause be shown to the Ultra, y. an order will be ted by he unilm signed on ihe 3rd day of May, J '07, changing ihe road as marked out by ihe road commissi ers app Intel ir that purpose, coin- menc ng. leaving the Isabella and Ir- the line belwemj'i't-^tf .ami Nif. 0 424 a iid 425, .lt d run "u Due between saio lot- and in • -< mi them iiir, e ion io ihe suutlierii boundery oi s id lot-ol land, tliim du - east on i lie b t i' n lot- ■ t •a* d Nos. 4 9 5 aud 459. mil luieis >i wit li oi igiua*. road. J . I’llleK, Apr ; 5 1 '•1)7. Ordinary Road Notice. Georgia, Worth County. To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN t AM i er-on- interested tiro hereby notified that if no good cause tie shown to the contrary, an order will be gran¬ ted be the und'T.-igned on the 3rd day of May, 1897, tstnbli-hing a new road as marked out by the road <T>mmi- sioners aiqointed for that purpo e, <’onimeneit.g at,on. five mil. s *oiuh of ° !, ^ 1,L ' r, ‘ ,h e Alb *'> '' ~ ^m't no . public road . crosses t ie .^mdierty county and Wor h cornu line. b. tier known as ihe <.i" Town plantation, and running due nonli on the county liiu'. or as near as practical ble to tbe lown of Aerce. April 5. 1895 ,J. W. PRICE, Ordinal v- ORDINANCE NO. 50. Bn IT ORDERED by the Mayor and Coutn-il of the town of Ashburn, Th-I the Mayor shall be empowered to ap point three Tax A-sc.--ors, wlm-e dut \ it shall be to equalize the tax on all proper y. both real and personal, ami -ball have the light to say what toe yalue is, and give tbe same in for the owner. J. S. Betts. Mayor. J. B. Bozeman. J. Lawrence J. C. Hickman, J. 8. Win ngleu. Oouncil- men. A. J. Davis, Clerk. NOTICE— lost note. Lost One . note for pnmnsory 1'ebruan m "de on the U'li day of . by \Y . D. Lo-s to W . L Wtory, days titter date. AH p i sou- hereby forewarned from trading f"r said note, it having been paid, ^ his April 8, 1897. W. L Story. TIFTON & NORTH-EASTERN i RAILROAD. “Soldiers’ Colony R< ui'k.” LOCAL TIME TABLE NO. 1. II. H. TIFT, | General otlice, | w '). TI FT, President, I 'J i TON, Ga, I Y ice Presid’t. 22 noil Effective |n-> inipni :! no'l.iioS pin a m uec.:!'. ISWl .Jr: a n't pm 4 00 7 ;«> ... .lv.T’ 15 7 l> 12 4 It! 7 44 ..... lu-lsl.t'oli It -4 ■ 7 "O ’7 00 4 Si 7 54 . ...f iimdinp . It 0 511151 ■s- 4 s Lii... i' Pinettii It till;ill 5:11 4 45 4 48 8 in ........Mystic .. . 11 1 '|(l S5|il <14 111 4 5(1 5 14) 8 OOl......Fitzgerald 411 ...t Kiel uher...... 1 10 . 1,8 (Kjj& 11 ! » 5 10 5 15 !* . II I..»! 00 Tratns Nos. i, 2, li and 4 run|d ily, oxcoj t Sunday. Tains Nos. 7 and 8 run un Sundays only. (fl Flair station. Trains stop only on signal All Trains inakaconnection with Plant Hys tom and Georgia Southern & Florida at Tifton and Georgia & Alabama at Fitzgerald. F. O, IlOATUIGHT, Tre,flic Manager, GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAD. Suwanek River Route to Florida. Sou b yia it, trains N'l'lh Da'’ N ip id Night '4 90 4 Day 0') 1155 11 25 Macon 2 3U 145 Cot dele 115 I 45 3 09 2 24 Ashiwrn I 1512 58 ( 0 3 10 Tifton 12 l.o 12 10 35 4 40 Valdosta 10 15 10 15 38 5 40 Jasper 943 55 0 45 Lake City 8 ::5 8 15 o 20 9 15 Palatka 0 00 5 30 S1IOO-FLY, M'lrni 'g Eye n i rig 11 05 Maco i 4 20 3 30 (Jordele 7 15 7 22 Ashburn -J 6 35 Tiffou 8 cr 5 00 Valdost'" 10 25 Operates Pullman i.’uf'f t Slc'per- the ye«r round between Ashyil'e, Tenth, am! Jack oiivdle, Fla., via Jla- c"n and Tifton. Operates Pullm in Sleep r- between Ailanta and Brnn-wick. v; . .Vlncoii and Tifton, making direct cm "lections with lioats lo and from Cnrnbei land and St. Simons, Operates its own sleepers between Macon and Palatka vw G S & F direct, Direct line to Fitzgerald Soldiers Colony via Tifton, Shoo-fly train runs every day and w ill make e.vey local stop D ' HALL > r - A. Atlanta. Ga. Wj II. LUCAS, F. P. A. — Jacksonvilie. (J. fl. RHODES— Soliciting J'assen.i r Agent. Macon, Ga. J. LANE.—General Manager, G. A. MACDONALD,-General P;,s- sengcr Agent. WlHWss \ *|jp Qatl Y ——-~r--i 5 ^ 3 T Value. -----‘ to m Shipped K? & ffl «.0.D. ftaitTi !l 1 with privilege W/ltI m l or examina¬ •- w* V 1 c «»1 tion, direct* l from factory, saving tbe« m / agents’ and \A ffl Hi dealers’prof- ' it$,* on •re¬ \» WA # m ceipt of ••• z. & r .-a-, ♦ ♦ Money returned, Less Expressage, if not accepted. EqyAL. SJF ANY WHEEL MANUFACTURED ^incinnavfi. . PHEATONS SUSRIES I V St'S k l >55s \ \ // HURRIES. \ 'V S eg-' X TO A A it II E A / \ \ i s'/ - P ” r~ \ t) j-* vbf K-.1 l iL:j /~ A CJ f'J \ “ i~ > - r- V- r> \ j ' * f * r. ft . t ^ *-■ Si lA 1 ' -mumull ■ "Ol r THE BEST STVLiBS AND MAKES AT LO WEST PRICES. Bicycles at $35, $40, / Baby Carriages ami m \xrry ~. J Boys’ Wagons in Lar¬ S50, $.(•() $75, $85, $1(10. l;i: V The Best fur the L< ast gest Varieties. Money. < w& >ldJ Honest. Values Back of Every Price we Make. , ^ ' J U • -J 1 ) ' J\ - r- r \ >, ~ j I Si / \ r f '* r-J- r-I | t u 1 ) -.rp~’rp j ^ A ^ '■■--•** Lm. t ..J mmJ .. i iwl n . J . i .ii , ■ J witmm m m kj M.'eoii, Ga Write for Prices. ALL KIND8 LIGHT ■Zet j, /yN "We will sell you wholesale anything price. we make Our ~~J at the very best ’*\ terms are net cash to all, and our price* are made accordingly. There is no fur- No. 212. “ ther use in your paying fancy prices for vehicles. Come direct to the factory and get them without paying; addi- tional profits. All our goods are warranted in every particular. Shipped C. O. D., and if not as ordered or represented it costs you nothing. ymiTE FOR catalogue and prices HICKORY BUGGY CO., Indianapolis, 111