The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 16, 1897, Image 3

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SI M iei u THE NEW WOMAN And the New Man and allof the old ones with their children and grand-children can mix and minglotogether at The Pair Store and enjoy and the ofbuying from the NEW STOCK of goods just purchased by ft-PPPlV- Their goods are new and stylish, and their prices very low. TUP. DEAR GIRLS the pleasures in style from head to foot. married ladies and children can find something they want in the of uoons, as we have them in great varieties. A FEW DOLLARS will dross you out way have good selection and will take pleasure in showing from cheap calico to tine silk, then a hundred and one other goods ranging' in quality and prices from the calico to tiio We a you dress noons TRIMMINGS to match all kinds of goods. No matter how fine want to dress, The Fair Store is the place to get the goods, Don’t forgot, that wo sell shoes also. silk. common or you DON’T WAIT for to tell what have, but and call for what want. Our stock never so large as it is now. Como and see. CLOTHING. Ask no questions; but come us you we come you was and clothing. We have them in large and small numbers, and fine, and at bargains unexcelled WE GIVE YOU FITS and charge no more for the goods. Our suits are well see our course made and are fast colors. One of our suits will last a season and be good for another. We do not CHARGE FOR STYLE, but sell only stylish goods. Wo used groat care in selecting these goods, and use great care in selling them. It is not our pleasure to fit any man with a suit of clothes that he will not be pleased with six months afterward. BOUCHT TO KEEP. Our goods not bought to till the shelves, but they for SALE, and sell them we will. Don’t wait a day, but come without, delay. We have them. You NOT are space on are need them. We will treat you right. Come & C. PROPRIETORS OF THE FAIR ©STORE, ASHBURN, GEORGIA. THE ASHBURN ADVANCE Entered at the Ashburn postoffiec as second-class mail matter. Official Organ of Worth County. Aeliburn, Ga., April, 16, 1897. Subscription $1 a year in advance Aberdeen Hay. It nas just come to our knowledge that the corner stone of the Aberdeen •cotion mills at Poulan will be laid to¬ morrow. and that we have been placed •on the committee of invitation, also We •on the press resept ion committee- rfailed to receive notice of the fact time • enough to inform the people, but we rush the Advance out a luile ahead of time to give the people a few hours for .preparation. Many of our people have received invitations, you are all hereby invited. It seems, however, that we are expected to cany a basket as not enough of time was given the people of Poulan to prepare a bar¬ becue. The Weather promises to be Tine, and the occasion grand. .Saturday, The ineeiing was held last and the invitation issued Monday giv¬ ing only a tew days for preparation. but Why the short time, we can’t say, regret that it was not giyen out three weeks ago. Personal: —you are invited to at¬ tend the laying of the corner stone of the Aberdeen Cotton Mills at Pculan tomorrow the 17th, Poulan tomorrow. Sunday is Easter. Today is Good Friday. This is corn-growing weather. County court next Wednesday. Tliere teas fro-t Sunday morning. Let’s ail go to Portland tomorrow. Quarterly meeting was held at Dakota Tuesday. Revs H Stubbs and J W Tiuley were here yesterday. The Methodist churchh will be dec¬ orated for Easter service. A new Photourai'HER. Come in now and have your picture made. Next dooi to Pinnix house. Dr D. J. Williams is at Pinnix house doing dental work tLis week. Mr. J. S. Mathis, of Sumner, was one or the good men here yesterday. You never know how many people want to borrow a hor-e till you own one. H. Jeffrey leaves today for Savannah to spend the eight days of the Jewi*h Passover. Our work new Photographer don’t will do you good and you forget it. The Atlanta J«urnal Informs us that Gov. Atkinson will speak at Pou¬ lan tomorrow. Mr. J. B. Horne is now singing and springing on a spring wagon for the Singer eompanv. Evert body His slops to look at Rodgers goods. display in the window never fails to catch the eye. Rev. R. M. Booth was here Wednes¬ day looking after the re-building of his house that was burnt. Bring in your babies and have their Pictures taken while the Photograph an am k in town. The man who bowowed a wheelbor- iTow from G. B. Gorda'. ’s is respect tul- iky (requested to bring it back. Dr Thrasher is one of the best col 'ieetors on earth. He actually got, money out of this office for quarterag. Every person should have their homes pictured while Crooke, ihe ! artist is in town. Bear in mind that i be is only here for a short time. Tell all vin' friend* to be sure and ’ bawc their Photograph taken while the Photographer is here. The Methodist meeting will start on the tiist Sunday in Mav and run two weeks. Our preacher will be assisted the first week by Rev. J. M. GTenu, and the second by Presiding Elder Stubbs. $ Crooke, the photographer, makes a specialty of View work. Hat e your : residents pictured now. I It is with much sadness that we chronicle the death of Mrs W, A. Aa¬ ron at Moultrie on the first day of April. Col. Aaron moved from here .two years ago. lie is now left alone .with an infant to care for. Mrs. Aaron wasoneof the be-t little women of ourconntrv. This office is deeply in with the bereaved husba , id. , SCHOOL ITEMS. The girls will soon have a croquet set Warm weather seems to make some of the pupi Is lazy. Mr H l) Smith paid us a pleasant call this morning. Next Monday is examination day. We wonder who will beat? It is the larger pupils time to get up items, we decided we would. Aora Lawrence has quit school Oil account ot her mother’s sickness. Miss Ola Smith was sick Wednesday and had to go home, but returned in the afternoon. Miss Flora Baldwin visited our school Monday afternoon, We would be glad to have tnr call again. The advanced Grammar class have been divided to prevent holding back those who are more adyancec. Several of the little folks have reci¬ tations for Friday afternoon. We would bo glad to haye anr body come that would like to hear them. Prof. Passmore wishes to present at • lie close of school a fivc-dollur gold piece to the pupil who keps the best record from Wednesday April 14th. Third Grade Pupils. Personal' —The gentleman who an- noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will find in¬ stant relief by harmless using One Minuie Cough Cor 1 , a remedy for throat and lung troubles.—Betts & Co. Don’t forget that 1 can mend your watch. T. L. Hamilton Lot of Cheap Soap at Walker’s. Beef, p ox'k and sausage at Walker’s Try Mashburn’s Bedbug Poison. Guaranteed. 25 and 50 cents. Garden Peas, Onion Sets and al kinds of garden seed, at W, H. Mash burn & Co. For all kinds of smoking tobacco, go to Walker’s. Lalidreths Garden Seed, fresh, at W. II. Masiiburn & Co’s. Try Mashburn’s Bedbug l’oi*on. Guaranteed. 25 and 50 cents. My repair shop is at the Advance office. Bring me your work. T. L. Hamiltoe. Two papers of any kind of seed for 5c at \V. H Mashhurn & Co’s. A few 2d®SHbuggis for sale.—O. L. Wadsworth. Try Mashburn’s Bedbug Poison. Guaranteed. 25 and 50 cents. For keg pickles, go to Walker’s. Meats, fruits and vegetables at Wal¬ ker’s, Bqef. pork and sausage at Walker’s. Get your ice-cold drinks at Walker’s. Try our seed Seconds; (lie be-l hand made cigar. 2 foi oc, at IF. II. Ma.sii- burn & Cos’. A few second hand bicycles at Jeffrey & lloobins. Bedstead and dining table f<>r sale a this office. The II. S. Stoiy residence and two tenant houses are for rent. Jas. Chapman. ECHOES FROM ISABELLA. Sheriff Story ju-t fits his new home. Miss Ina Williams is visiting at Att. The ram frog has emo, gentle Jn- nic. Mr Thomas Ttson is sojourning at the camp. Miss T’rellie Tipton spout Sunday with her parents. Col. J. G. Poihill was in the city a short while Monday. Mr John Story was among our trau- sieiit visitors Tuesday. Mr J. Ball and hettcrlialf in the city Monday. Mr. Zack Ross and his interesting family spent Sunday in Isabella. , Mr. J. T. Cochran is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Gregory. The book committee is digestin the county officers, record this week. Mr. Lee Brooks is keeping time toa now arrival in his home—abov. Mrs Mary Williams spent part of last week with relatives at Alt. Mrs. Wash Deariso visited her sis¬ ter, Mrs. Betsy Ford, this week. Me-sdamee Price and gregory spent Sunday with their mother in Isobella. Judge, Jack, and Gill—seat the compounded extracts—what a (pill.) Mr. Alex Story of Cordele is spend¬ ing a few days with his brother, the sheriff. Our worthy tax collector, W. A. Hall, of Oakfield, was in Isabella 'Tuesday. Sheriff Story is now holding t lie fort, so we have time to hunt the motsj so look out, you little billy goats. Little Miss Lois and Master Law- rance Cox, of Asiiburn, spent Sunday with their grand-mother, Mrs Mary Williams. Judge McDowell is all smiles arming the corner. He is just learning to balance all on a byke. Col. Forchan has fallowed in full suit. Gee! Haw! Whoa! Get up! The ftogs have ceased to croak, and the farmer is keeping time to his lion*. Mr J O Gregory is learning sonic of the latest antboms to sing in concert to a sweet little girl who came recent¬ ly to brighten his home. Say now that labella is not on a boom--a new court house and jail al¬ most in sight. Will those removalists live to tell the tale? Darkness goes before tbe light. Messrs Patterson and Champion, of Doles, Smith, of Ashbuin,and Wooten. ofRuark attended the M.(matrimonial) court here Sunday, but some how the Judge’s case occupied all of his mag- esly’s time, talent, and attention. The other cases were scattered to the “four rends of the yearth.” Job. Win n tbe spring time come*, “gentle Annie,” like ali other sensible persons, will cleanse ttie liver and renovate the ststem with DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, famous little pills for the liver mid stomach all the year round.—J. 8. Beits & Co. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. 0 Sheriff Sales Cl . Will be sokl before the court house dour in Isabella, Worth county. Ga . wiihin the legal houis 1897, of sale, on the first Tuesduv in May. the follow- in<' property to wit' Eight (8) acres of lot of land No 339 in the 7th land di-trio of Worth c 0 - nty known a- the Isaac and Fatmi.. Wilson place, levied on as the property of I-aac and Fannie WiJ* Q n. 8 ,ii*!V a justie coiui ti ta ,-sued in the 13ffi district. G. Af., ..’i in favor ot A. E f a*s Ltvj i made mo ,|„ and teturued w , , ,, to me by . O. li. rSumner; L. <:. April ;>tfi 1897 Al-o at the same time and place, fifty (50) acres of laud in south-west corner of lot No 382 in tbe 7th land disirict of Worth C -unty. levied on as the property of S. B. cox, to -atisfy a justice court fi fa )-.sue<l in the 1340 district, G. M., in favor of Mrs. ,8. A. Ay cock. Levy made and return'd to me bv R. O. Sumner. L. C. April, 5 h 1897 r j ^ st< Co.‘Ga. i i* v Sheriff, Worth Apiil the 7th, 1897. Notice to Bridge Builders. Georgia, Worth county; office ok ordinary of said county; Sea.'ri! bid- will be received at the office of :lie umb rsignoil mnil 12, m., lih da'.’ of May 1897. for the of building a bridge ai ros- road, Mill creek on ihe Doles ai d Albany known a- the R'-d Oak and Albany road. or m-ar, the « iie of tin-old "lie recently ..... two wa-lied hundred a wav. and Said^bridge fifty led l«>ng io bn about , ' 11 .,£"!■ • 'canons m ho -c-ri 1101 , ' mee. To he paid for as tlm woj-k ses. by recommendation of Committee a PP ointod for ,hat l ,nr Pow?, in such sums as may . bo ueressarv, one-fourth of the amount for which said bridge is let to be retained until same is corn- pleted. Party building same to givo bond for double the amount for which faid bridge is let, and to keep same in good repair for the space of seven years. I reserve the right PlUCK, to reject any and all bids. J. W. April, 5, 1897. Ordinary. Notice to Contractors. Georgia, worth county; office of ordinary of said county : Sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned until 12, m. on the 4th day of May. 1897, for the purpose of building a Court House for the county of Worth, said Court House to be forty by sixty (40X60) feet, worth four room* on lower floor with ten-tool hall running each way, with vault in one end of hall. The upper floor to have one room for grand off jury and one tor petit jury cut from court room. Bids will be received for both wood and brick hou*e. Flans and specifications to be seen at the office of the undersigned. Pay¬ ments to be made in such sums a* may be ueces-ary to carry on the work, a committee will be appointed to inspect same and recommend such payments. One-filth of the whole amount shad be kept back until said work i* com¬ pleted, 1 reserve the J. right PlUCK, to reject any and all bids. W- April, 5. J807. Ordinary. Road Notice. Gkorgia, Worth County* To whom it mav concern: *A!I persons interested aro hereby noiifled that if no good cause bo shown to the contrarj, an order will be gran¬ ted bv the undersigned on ihe 1st Monday in May, 18117, changing of the public t oad Iront Sumner o> Sycamore where it crosses land line b. tween lots of land No*. 351 and 40 and follow said land line in a due • aat di¬ rectum to where it wi 1 in'er-ect wiih tile Sumner and A-ldmrn read, almost four hundred yards from where change if made. J. W. Prick, April. 5, 1897. Oulinary. Road Notice. Georgia, Worth County. To WHOM it may concern : All parties interested are hereby notified that if no good cause he shown to the contrary, an order will be gran¬ ted by the undersigned on tl.oJrd day ot Mav, 1897, changing the road as marked out by the road commissi, n- er.* appointed leaving for that the Isabella purpo*e, and com¬ Ir- mencing. said road wiiiville road where cro**os the line between lot* of land Nos. 424 and 425, and run on lino between said lot* and in a southern direction to the southern boundary ot s ud lot* of land, then due east on line between lot* ol land Nos. 4°5 and 450. and intersect with original road. J, W. Price, April 5 1897. Ordinary. Road Notice. Georgia, Worth County. m To whom it may concern: AI1 l ,er " on '* *'"ores led are hereby notified that if no good cause he shown to the contrary, an order will be gran- ,, ''L bv ° D tl,e M ‘ da -\ "* J f'\e-4ab i-hing :l ," ew r °! ,d ,narkt ' d b v ’. h " - bat s,0,,e,s a l’P 0, ; lted . ,?<" ' P" r P"‘«. c on,rn *‘ n « ,B * ! ’ b 0 "’' **«'»> « A Ga " " . ***“ " e Alba, ‘ v a " d ou!, ' . ie » ,ubh « roa ' 1 ' r 'T" lh " Dougherty f county and w Worh count' n„ 0 . better known as ihe Gin Town plantation, and running due north on the county line. <>»• as near as pnioiieu bh' to the town of Acme, April 5, 1895. J. W. i-ru-e. ' u iliua i y. ORDINANCE NO. 50. I)e IT ORDERED by the Mayor and Council of the town of Ashburn, Th*t the Mayor shall hr empowered to ap¬ point three Tax A.-sopors, whose duly ail it shall he to equalize the tax on proper y, both real and peisonat, and shall have the right, to say what, tne yalue is, and give the same in for the owner. J. 8. Betts. Mayor. J. B. Bozeman. J. Lawrence, J. C. Hickman, J. S. Shinoi.k.r. > ouncil- men. A. J. Davis, Clerk. NOTICE— LOST NOTE. Lost One pr misdiy in te for $135 m ................... oh-on the 12 n d,.\ of .... . February v .„ u „ lJP 1897, by Vv j> Bos to W. L. ,■story, d due ,lH 30 39 day* ''ays alter alter date. date. All p t ison* aie mrewarned from trading f r said imi', it having been paul. 'i iij, A pn j 8, 1897, W. L.Sto«y. N \ r ' A wm. V. \ \ filf 'N . / ////'^ / v u . i mm. - /u, m ' y ilPABLE- 5 ) 7 / II ?&> \ihmWHttL \ r \ / Sold Direct to "Rider AT FACTORY PRICES. Sent G, O. D. privilogo of examination on rocolpt of $5.00. Money returned loss oxprossago If not accoptod. I PHEATONS. SURRIES y ^ JF N TO E 8 A SJ IJ N. SCRRIES. II V P Broom wiioii. THE BEST’ STYLES AND MAKES AT LOWEST PRICKS. Bicycles at §35, §40, • \_ Baby Carriages and §50, $00 §75, §85,§100. | >1 Boys’ Wagons in Lar¬ Tbe Best for the Least C gest Varieties. Money. as m S' "t”* . ■■■' ■■ C U jj) % l/\. fli' i WA i lb ,7/i Honest. Values Back of Every Price we Make. i. 3 . SiUffill Macon, Ga. Write for Prices. ALL KIND8 LIGHT We will sell you anything we moke at the very best wholesale price. Our terms are net cash to all, and our prices are made accordingly. There is no fur- No. ________ 212. ther use in your paying fancy prices for vehicles. Come direct to the factory and get them without paying addi- tional ___ profits. r _____ All ______ cur o goods „___________________ are warranted _ in every particular. Shipped 0. O. D., and if not as ordered or represented it costs you * nothing. B • HICKORY BUGGY CO., IfidiaHSpOlIj, ifid. WRffE FOR CATALOGUE *ND PRICES