The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 23, 1897, Image 2

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THE ASHBURN ADVANCE Pnl»li»hcd every Friday. H. D. SMITH, - - . Editor. Augusta is to Imve a negro postmaster. The Epworth League convention opened in Atlanta yesterday. A negro in Valdosta floored an¬ other with u cornet, We lore music, but don’t want it piled oil that heavy. There it is again: The U. S. court has respited Mrs Nobies, and she will live six months longer at least. Xot only .n ine Inna t-euble*. which may prove fatal in and a few day-, but old chronic coughs throat tiouhh- mu\ receive immediate relief and b<- permanently cured by On-- Minute • 'ought 'nr . J. 8. Belts A Co. The Cordele Budget thinks the high school case is only a family row that will not hurt them or benefit anyone else. Well maybe SO. K R Carter, colored Baptist minister in Atlanta, baptize 94 converts last week, 110 Sunday morning, and has 74 for another time. Cr’ii|> and whooping cough are childhood’s tenors; bin pneumo¬ nia, bionchit.s, and other Ihroat and lung Iroubiesi can bequicklv ett-ed by using One Minute Cough Cute.—J. .> Bet is A Co. ECHOES FROM ISABELLA. <), if I was a grand juror 1 would -IM tel! von afiet court. Sowing for the harvest, Thickly in the row. Sowing for the Master* Or to moke a show? Miss Ina William- returned home Sunday. Miss Minna McDowell -pent Sun¬ day at home. Charlie Collin* i» giving general -a iifaetiou a- solicitor in tlie M. court. Dorn froUlcn slippers I s Iioun' to wear, (When I sets a patr.l Lk'in chluery bloomers on de tiyke I’ll wear. 1 1 wonder will tlcy tear- Dr, Thomas Tisou is doing a lot of dental work in the caverns next door to knowledge. Mr« \V. T. ^lkcs and children spent Sunday with lelatiyc* in Uaella. Messrs Woolen, claranc" Gleaion and several other* whoe- names I failed to learn, attended the M. c -url here Sunday. oapt’s John and Robert Fulton, of Dawson, spent a few days last week with their sister Mrs. t B. Ford • They returned home Sunday. Mr. Lundy and wife of Poulin, attonded services at the Bapti-t church here Sunday. Whv don’t some -mart alex sufigest a brick wall around the jail that is to be, instead of a plank fence. (>eo. !•. Goboi, Judge ot the blue Ridge circuit, will pteVde with du lgo Spence ai the regulai term "1 Worth Superiot court, which convenes next Monday. < lerk Warren and Bro. visited home. folk* Sunday, and well gue-s who else. Rev. S K Blitch filled bis rcgul.u appoiutment Ip re Saturdav and Sunday. Several of the good people of Sum- nor at (ended el.mch services lure j. . Suuoay. I he Judge c as absi tit Sunday, ^ and bis ease was laid over—continued, of course. Jty the way! can a judge be the judge of bis own judgeship? I lu>pi> there are none of u- 10 to 1 articles on the grand jury, if ilu-re i- save the pieces—of future prospcrivi. The material is being placed >m the ground for the erection of a jail that will not burn. Methinks I cau hear the wailing and gnashing of that Lncondtiional surrender, is the only term- those latnous little pills known as DeWitt * Little Early Ki-ers will make with con-tipation. sick headache and stomach troubles —J v Betts A Co. THOSE Remarks And those expressive gestures of approval which we notice at our Soda Fountain convince ns that our SODA WATER is JUST RIGHT It can haraly be otherwise when efforts to dispense the beverag in town are considered. It’s a sim¬ ple matter, too—just enough of ice for coolness, and the finest fruit juices for taste. W. H MASHBl RN * CO. A sh burn, Ga. hyena, the fire fiend, t(»l«l nmu'i* agent of trades when lie stiike- llie wall* of tin- in-w trespasser* inn. fli« iigency will only lie equalled when his i " ,n "" nl s 1,1 flutters heple-t-ly again-t ihe walls <>f ihe Now jcru* salt to. Peace to his cinder*. From llio rommotien* issued from the deb:In of the Local one would -uppase that Bio. Alien wa< experi¬ encing ih*‘ frog indti-try. .lull. When a cold is contracted, cure it at mice. One Minute Cough fine will ■ ct you on the load to recovery. It wiliI up- pneumonia, bronchitis, croup anti all form- <-f lung and throat trouble'. .1. S. Betts «V Co. A Telephone Exchange. -0- Prospects are bright fora telephone --xchanee in Ashburn. I here is air- adv in operation here a call line with Iw -Ive -tai"it>, and ev¬ ery owner wants an exchange. The -ubject was -prutii: l ist week by Mr. 8. B. Hudson, one ot our most progressive citizens who was t-.bout to put up a private line t-> his house from J, S. Ite'ls A Co’s s'ore. He mention¬ ed the matter to several parties, and found so many in favor o! it that lie commenced taking subscribers. The plan suggest'd by Mr. Hudson is to have a central office, and each person wanting a ’phone to buy the instrument an I put up the wire from his statio.) to the central < ffice. Each man will then own Ins part of the bu-ineg and can use it as b' 1 pleaaes. The cost of putiing in ihe ’phone* and making the connections is estima¬ ted at 115 each, and 50 cents a month for the central Mr. Hudson ha- wi it ten several compau’e- for price-, and has inserted an ad in the Chattanooga Trade-man for bid- on putting it up. hi du’time a meeting wil be called and contracts signed lor the work. Twenty-nine stations are subscribed and others are suit; to follow Bid- for putting up the line will be received by 8. It. Hudson. I.i-t ofstaions already subscribed: OFFICE*. Adv uh"\ Slnngler & Lawrence,8 Betts A Co.. -I C Hickman Co.. \V II Mashbitru & Co., II Jtffrey, DuvL A Barbl'ee, Dr J F Gardner, Dr VY J Turner..! 8 Shiugler (comtais>ary.) R Huckabee. in.sim.M r-. .1 W Evans, J 8 Betts, 8 I! Hudson, Dr J F Gardner, Dr T II Thrasher, Dr W .1 Turner. A 1! Fiver. E C Harrell, .1 K Pal ten. J T Melaniden, R Hucka- hee. It I. Betts, J B Bozciuau, J 8 Shingler, J Lawrence, It 8 Woodard, Li) Dutch. Then we will oe j lined by the line now running to W A .* hingh-rV , near Doles, anil the one to T J Shiugler'' eight mile- north-east. The line to TJ 8 |,i ug!ei i s )un8 by IVorth and has a phone at Steele’s .tore. A line is now in operation from Worth that connects that place with Arabi, Cor- dele and Vienna We may be able to hitch onto that tme and talk all the w .,y through. Then we may conclude to run a wire to Sycamore and connect w i(|i that to Irwinvillcand Fitzgerald. Then it is ll0t |* r f r rm W. A. Sion glcr’s to Isabella where connections ( . an bt> with , r0ln Tiflon u , a Ibunv. We c uld mention other possibilities, but our people isu not ( 0l , mueh pro-perity at once, Take a ’pfaoin ? b shoiild he inadciu m 'tterof knowledge , that DcW itt’sWitch H«Z' i Salve "ill speedily It cure piles of the longest s anding. is the Ipnisi ho d fayonie ior bunts, scalds, euts, bruises ;,U1 ' sore- of all kind*.—J 8 Bet's & ( o. - 7TU0I ONE MINUTE OOUGH CURE cures quickly. ^, That 16 wliat It was Jui c k Pt ’pf^nt ^’o uS Children like it and adult* like It, Mothers buy It for their children, De Prepared Witt's Llttlo by E. C. Ear!; DeWitt Ulsers, A Co., tLo m&kers tamoM ot UtUe gills. THE HOUSTON High school- ARABl, LA. •AN EXCELLENT HIGH Tuition, per mo. in advance. $1.25 Music, “ “ “ 4 4 s.oo Art, it it it t 4 3.00 Board, “ “ in dormitory about 5.00 Board per month in private families, 8.00 Fall Term will begin Aug. 31. Spring Term will begin Jan. 4. Apply for Catalogue to J. E. POWELL. ASHBURN HIGH SCHOOL Opens January 4th 1897. Closest Attention Given to All. Board at Low Rates. Music Department—Miss Ella Bacon. Primary Department—Mrs. L. 1). Passmore. TUITION, paid monthly: Primary, $1.25. per month. Intermediate, 1.50. High School, 1.75. » » For fnrthrr particulars appy to l. d. Passmore, Principal, THE CITY BARBER SHOP. E. F. HENRY, Barber. HAlW-DIJESfeING—a specialty. 811A \ INU — quick and ea-y. RAZORS—put m good fix on short notice. You will always receive a cordial welcome. R. 1). LAW, Proprietor. AsiinuKN - Georgia. T1FTON & NORTH-EASTERN RAILROAD. “ 'OLD!Kiis’ Colon v Roctk.” LOCAL TIME TABLE NO. t. H. H. TIFT, | General Office. I W.O.TIFT, President, I ’1 IrTON, Ga, I Vice Preside n< r:s^raj-85L Effective no 2 no4 no* pm 7 a m r>ec. 30. 1899 12 a m 00 pmipm 30 . . 7 15 7 1> 4 12 1 7 44 Brighton Il 4-7 7 UU.7 CO 4 20 j 4 7 .74 f Harding;, 11 3t> 6 51 ti 71 4 f l’inetta it ll>i6 is«3i sal 4 Fletehor Mystic 11 25 0 34 4 f 10 fill ti 13 i. 13 Fitzgerald 10 4-7 8 00 5 00 Trains Nos. i, 2, 3 and 4 run |ilaily, except Sunday. Tains Nos. 7 and 8 run cn Sundays only. (D Flag station. Trains stop only on signal All Trains maka connection with Plant Sys¬ tem and Georgia Southern & Florida at Tifton and Georgia A Alabama at Fitzg-erald. F. G. BOATRIGHT. Traffic Manager. GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAD. Suwanef River Route to Florida. Sou'll MAIL TRAINS. North Dav | Night 1 11 55 11 -5 Macon 4 0(1 30 1 45 Cordele 1 45 09 2 24 A*hbi kn 115 ( 0 3 10 Tifton 1210 35 4 40 Valdosta 10 45 3S 5 40 Jasper 9 43 i 55 0 45 Lake City 8 25 10 26 9 15 Palatka 0 00 SI lOO-FLY. Morning 11 05 Macon 30 8 30 Cordele 15 7 22 AsHBlItN 57 6 35 Tifion 40 5 00 V aldust« 25 Opertiics Pullman Buffet Sleepers the vear round between Nashville, Tenn., and Jacksonville, Fla., via Ma¬ con and Tifton. Operates Pullman Sloop r- between Atlanta and Brunswick, via Macon and Tifton, making direct connections with boats to and from Cumberland aud St. Simons. Operates it- own sleepers between Macon and l’alatka via G S A Pdirect, Direct line to Fitzgerald < 'olony via Tifton, Slioo-fly train runs every day and «ill make evey local -top D. G. HALL. T. P. A.—Atlanta. Ga. W. IL LUCAS, F. P. M. RHODES— Soliciting Pas'cng- r Agent, Macon. Ga. J. LANE.—General Manager. G A. MACDONALD,—General Pa-- -I tiger Agi o'. KHINGLKR & LAWRENCE’. 1807 9 THE OLD FIRM OF SH1NGLER & LAWRENCE is still before the public; and we tak“ this opportunity to return thanks for their past liberal patronage, and we earnestly solicit a continuance of the same during the present year, 1(3 -3 7 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK 1TO©©» ALSO-- SAJTOT -and-- GROCERIES Which we "U1 sell at prices that cannot be beat. Call and see Mr. Cantey, who is managing the busines He will take pleasure in showing you through and selling you what you want. ■SHINGLER & LAWRENCE. i s. row AN It It F. ALE ICS IN YELLOW PINE LUMBER. ASHBURN. GA. All cutlers for Laths Shingles, Staves Car Sills, Bridge Stuff Flooring, Moulding, Brackets Ceiling, Etc., will receive prompt attention CAN DRESS ANYTHING TO 18X30. Wre cary a well selected and assorted stock of D.v Goods, Hardware Groceries, Etc. If in need of anything in Clothing, Sl’CH AS ■El'S AND BOVS' SUITS, We c an fib We Have a Nice Stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. 'illat we would be pleased to slit » the ladies of Ashburn and st.r rounding country. tin ‘ alisas, 8it-.h d Our CANDIES are FRESH AND FINE er flour, €& MEAT, «r GRITS, fr rice, er sugar, coffee, «r meal, And in fact any and everything tnat is kept in a first-class grocery house can be had at our Large, Brick Store as cheap as the cheap¬ est. We carry a full line of Furniture. UP STAIRS Oor stock of Shoes is Complete with a specialty of Ladies’ and Children’s Fine Sunday Wear. also handle the bc«t brands f Cigars, Tobacco, Snnff, Etc, Full lino ot the best, makes OF STOVES NOW ON HAND. All kinds of Stock Food at Reasonable Prices. Ihe citizens of Ashburn anp surrounding country are cordially inviied to call and inspect our stock. We have a Wagon Yard and Stalls, Feed Troughs, Etc., for the convenience of our customers es peeially. Respectfully, J ® BETTS& CO WARREN L. STORY, Physician and Surgeon, t * Sycamore, 6a. Diseases of Nose and Throat. Dr. J. F. GARDNER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls answered promptly day and night. Special attention given to dig easos of women and children. Residerce at the Hicks place. Ashburn, Georgia. DR. W. J. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. Attention Given to Dis« eases of Women and Children. Office in Room No. 2, Betts Buildio?. Residence; W. A. Shingler's. falls Answered Day or; Night. DR. T. H. THRASHER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. General Practice Solic ted. Office in the Christian Building, C. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore. Georgia. W. B. CONE, D. D. S. I Make a Specialty of Cn-v.n Bridges and Replantations. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Ashburn, . • . Georgia. W. T. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. Land and Collections Sycamoce Georgia Z. Bass. A. J - Davis, BASS & DAVIS. Attorneys at Law, Ashburn, Georgia Real Estate and Collections. Pro n.-t attu • ti »u nt il uii.itu placed in our hands. B. B. WHITE Attorney and Ceunceilor at Law. Ashburn, Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. J. G POLHILL, Attorney at Law. Sylvester, - Georgia. Practice in all the courts. Patronage Solicitek. HAWKINS & McKENZIE, Attorneys at Law c Building, Rooms 4 and o.t Uordele, - Georgia* Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to my care. JNO. F. POWELL. J. W. POWELL. Vienna, Ga. Ashburn. Ga JNO. F. POWELL & SON Attorneys-at-Law. We practice in all the conrtf Immediate and careful attention given to business placed in our hands. Employing one secure- services of both. Business solic ited and inquiries promptly ans¬ wered. Offioa in Room No. 2. Washburn's Drug Store Livery Stables. Open at all hours. First-class teams, such as SINGLE BUGGIES, DOUBLE BUGGIES HACKS, WAGONS, and SADDLE HORSES, also CAREFUL DRIVERS fur nished at reasonable terms on short notice both night, andday The patronage of the traveling public solicited. Freight Uenveyed; Baggage Transferred; O. L. WADSWORTH. Ashburn, G*