The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 30, 1897, Image 2

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THE ASHBURN ADVANCE rnlilidie.1 even Friday. II. 1). SMITH Editor, McKinlev is tin* lir.-t preside;.* to huve ••Me” to his name. Some of the Hg dalies are giv- ing space to ii air-ship story fr n Texas. If an air-ship was flier it could be located. “llaldt” is hard to overcome. If yon take otF the fir.f ietter it “a bit.’ If you take another you still have a “bit” left, 1 you take oil an-thet, the whole of “it” remains. , „ tlmt it ..... «l,h to lw rid of „ “habit** you tui^t f 'i w t* ll il* together. It is said that John Smith e\- plored the court from the penob- scot to Cape Cod in 1614 and called the country Now England. \t last the origin of the .John Smith 1. ;- betu accounted for, u,v 1 Icavos only the Bill Jones to agitate the curious. Melbourne (Kla.) Times. John Smith has t-xplt-red many a thing since then — peach orchards, chaingangs, the v. 1-. etc. The murder case iu Macon last week is becoming sensational, llalsteid a circus ticket agent, said something to (.’buries M Reid that she considered an insult. She rushed off to her husband and brother about it, they went gun¬ ning and she went along to point out the man. Reid shot llalsteid off the block where he was selling tickets without giving hitu a word of warning or a chance to explain, and if the dead man was conscious now he would not know wha* he was killed for. Reid, his wife v d her brother are in ja'e under indi¬ ctment Horn the grand jury. It i< easier to take an iasult than a prison life. Not only acute r. t’vub’e-. w may prove latal in a few day-, bin old chronic cougl s and il rv ai t:oub>s tn;n receive uunud ate r<-lief and be peituancntlt cun*.I by ('in Minute t ough t or. J. S. ivit- A t\-. R A UK FT A '-PRODGER i > GOODS A ri RODGER Desiring to supply t e - i 1 r \ n a lineot new buggit s. i m «•; • g f ssle si: of the ’.<■ „yc . -. . . i d < ; - ries now on hand, r .; ”. .d ,et > ' e. —t*. 1.. Wadsworth. W vx vt;l' ' — . . St w : .; ”. d with IXimlrutT an . g- a’ i v;% S \ to eooM to tbe Barber t>ho{ and V '' ! S' s .’ - tev\l ot pi'. Lot Ot C; ;.p se.v ..; \\ ., k-. r'-. in your babies ud a vo i Piet an* taken n bile •’ »• r »u ui-n is in tv"'' THK UAM1LTOX LEYt ll \ l>. THKor-t rv untod xdk' m'- ont on this \v<inKk;o mwntKMt for so-- fan rets: . - <v IgU p p*yf- Il> beta to lh. r.ur.u I V;v \ - v f iht. N V fy \ j . or&BiSfc. - v\ \ » '■'P-'S of tfco k-Vv i ISvvIG shv wo**.* Sv . T s r’lC C, vHXS I ' V yVUlllbS A '•*' '' V ' ' * ; ^ - W ‘ '-’•nVAHLM.ute.v A -: bere. vi s. rHos nn LM - 5. . \ - -- gestures of approval which we notice at our tha 0 :r Si DA WATER JUST r:g UT 1 v i It can hardly be other a Ise a Leu off **' ’ ,;is. . town are considered. It’s a siaa- j le matter, tee—; . ■ ..I i- • for co' lt.ess. a: -l lb run juices for taste. W l» \> \ SHRUNK at "■«*• "ii *) '£srj • <>t ymi on the mad la roeovery. wilt i ure jineiunou'i'. hn*o(’hU!fi. croup ami ml I- rm- <■ lung i' a ml throat n-obe J. >. 1% tt« A CORDRLK CHAUTAUQUA Opens May, i*. Closes, May, 16. LKi'Tf HERE: SA.M P. .JONES, Georgia. Sun- day. May, !>th. (i. Le Ft) REST WOOD. New York, Monday. May, 10. GEN. JOHN B. GORDEN. Geor- gia, Tuesday, May, 11. A. W. LAMAR, 1). D • » Texas. Wednesday, May, 12. W. L. DAVIDSON, Ohio, Thurs- ■**** H*Mi TOH r Ala- l ’* ra “- fH'Uy.M.j, N. GOV. W. Y. ATKINSON, DR. W. A. CANDLER, PROF. G. R. GLENN. Tlie Auditorium is the largest Immense crowds prepared for, A. F. WARE, Sec. | MCFiijFfi w|f||l «. eg . I V-] „ | f $ /% gfl}$*£ | * ; h»> demonstrated ten thousand times that it is almost infallible FOR WOMAN’S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES . Irrepi!»ri!ie- C, rarpements. lorthis It fcu« t>< i., «.•* Jc .lit.’ 1 rcmeljr of n nbles t exerts a mv: lorfully ihiup ' iiiflueocc -:r«: cn- inc . >1 v, , ujasn the r.tnstrual "ruan-. It curia - ‘ whites’' an.! fal’.lng Of the womb. It stoys tlov-Jiag aau relieves sup- £ JjWj) v 4 mm preistvl ic.l pvsM menstrntUon. For Chsapo of Life it is the best mesSiciuo made. It is bim.-ficia! pretpiAEi-T. and bed-.- to bt :.p chi.dren into home* banva for years. It inri-r.rates, stima- Utoj. strengthi-ns the whole sys- S em. Th’r p-iit remedy is offered to all vooiec Why wrll titty woiuiv suffer jak other minute wx :h u*rt a ta rei ici within reachf Wine of Carxiui or.*.” costa HJKkptr botUe at your dru^ store. For 4.:- -. -'i . *.♦ r*>r ffWfclJ dines s f?.”*w, j: i~y" fh u Iudlf.«' A -•«> i Vt\; «■ *. * TV t »<wi L\v, (.*3M.r:.x«v,. v . f xK Ft ’iV Rev I. W SMITH. S. C.. sets: •'Hi tilt uses Wine el Cartful it ne»* tor blllisf her.” o* me lad it eehrel, cures * HAMILTON TH,: MODEL-MAKER. My Jewelry ar.d ivcdle shop is tht Rainey building on Main -’reet where I am prepared to repair y .r. Ci oks. W etches. ar.d Jewelry. Make Movlies. repair Sewing Ms. -hi: - s. Strict ' • • • all mod work. Give me a ca repair in ^ fi: a special'y. Til ma>. I . Ham.: .ex. \ - Gl HA! - ^3 at TW* - * k V,"G»G'l a ii%: Vt# I COUCH CURE cttr?s cnicily. That is what it was sitde for. Prompt, safe. sure, quick reh.f quick Ciire. TbcAMint to take. Cuildrea like i: and adult; like it. ii buy it f. r ibelr children. U’.tle puiA r p[]g HOUSTON High school- ARABI, 6A. •AN EXCELLENT HIGH SCHOOL.” J-D>V RAT^- Tuition, per mo. in advance. $1.25 Music, t * 4 » * » 3.00 Art, 4 4 t 4 4 4 * i 3.00 Board, “ “in dormitory about 5,00 Board per month in private families, $.00 Fall Term will begin Aug. 31. Spring Term will begin Tan. 4. Apply for Catalogue to .1. E. POWELL. ASHBURN HIGH SCHOOL Opens January 4th IS 1 .*?. Closest Attention Given to All. Board at Low Rates. Music Department—Miss Ella Bacon. Primary Department—Mrs. L. D. Passmore. TUITION, paid monthly: Primary, $1.25, per mouth. Intermediate, 1.50. * * High School, 1.75. ♦ ? For furthrr particulars appy to l. d. Passmore. Principal, T11E CITY BARBER SHOP. K. F. HENRY, Barber. HA wbDi.LstlNG—a -p* iahy. S-1 IAN INC— iiuick and ca-y. KA/.'f>b’S —pu d ax t n su u t not; v. You ivid always receive a uidi;.. welcome. R. D. LAW. Proprietor. amibvun - Ge> ;;gia. T1 ETON 0; NORTH-KASTEKN RAILROAD. ■ - - LO AI. TIME TABLE N<> 4. H. H. TIFT. 6 c - -rai Oth .v. W. a TIFT. t’rvs it r,t. It V< >N * * A. Vice Pres VI-kerWc IK >4 ruvr pm t ’• tv pm a : ia » lr.Tiflonaur !W, s pm p iu t t; * i Brvhton i v -.w > t ■ '* — t >4 f Hsr lity: u 51 5 51 * F- f ■ • , t|5,44$ Mv>- . ii 34 4 Vi 5 s 43 r Fletcher 1*> S 13 . IS 3 K n Kt-syer-M 1 • O i . r-a:: - N s. i, ’A ? .1 4 run l’i v, except San. lay. - x - ' a- n Sui S ,f> F i. 1 start ' - • - - • - - - -. - .. 3. : Gw rvia-V A ..... a F v .-.t_- rxil-J. y. G. BOATRIGHT. Trrffi.- Karjrvr. GEORGIA SOUL HERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAD. St w am .- River R.' :e t Ft rida. S •; M vt: t:ta:n> X. r i V Xi^ht I'.v Nig 11551125 Men 4 ' a 1 2 :»> 1 45 t'otvleie 1 4-% I 4o U - 2 24 A- h v 4 i b e It) I ll’ ll 12 1 ■ he 5 :' * 40 V»!d s:a Iv 4T 1 ,» 1.3 *:■ S' 40 das t' r t> 4 .> Pit 7 ,v 45 L set tv S- L 5 : 15 Pilatka 6i*.* o LS) Sil M : g Eg 11 o 4 SO Corde — . -> A-::b: u.v 7 57 6 ' M) 5 CO Iv 25 rs.:e- ikn • lXuSct Sleepers ,v ywr and between Aasbyille. 7t '■ . . : v ... F v a Mi- eon ami Tutor. I - ' A :a a Brunswick, v a Macon ’ • _• : r - . . w : _ i *ca : s ’ z i :a Uih _ - .5 isi s. * ‘rcrai - :w- > rs cv;w a a i i’a a ;a v..-. G r E i'.rse:. Ihneet Frigen' i Soldiers t'olony via Tiftou. " -f r-.r ru s v ry I aad wiu alike 'ey Eva. - *-> D. G. HALL. r. r. A. —A an a. Gs. v H. LUCAS. F. r..' , LEV . PS- S g ’' s- g r .3ooo'. M.,c. - . • LAN rl.—G- G. A 'Em 1«'»N'aLO. E. s- > HIGGLER & LAWRENCE'. w* J THE OLD FIRM OF S1IIN0LER & LAWRENCE is still before the public; and we take this opportunity to return thanks for their past liberal patronage, and we earnestly solicit a continuance of the same during the { resent year. ds-al' WF. HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF jgmm -A -Ii. ~ - » r-.J ^ -rV- \ f 1 S) S'J Xl) ALSO AND GROCER! o Which we wi” sell at prices xha: annet be beat Call auvi see Mr. Canter. wh is managing the basines He w ill take pleas”;re in showing yen through aui selling y : wha* vou want. >HIN -LFR A- T AWRVN 'F. s irrrrfl o ( J ' J lift am* HEALERS in YELLOW PINE LUMBER, ASHBURN. GA. All order? for Laths Shingles, Stav "S Car Sills, Bridge Stuff Flooring. Moulding, Brackets Ceiling, Etc., will receive prompt attention CAN PRESS ANYTHING TO 18X30. Wrs cary a well selected and assorted stock of P.-v Goods, Hardware Groceries,.Etc. If in need of anything in Clothing, SUCH AS MEN'S AND BOYS’ SUITS, We can fit We Have a Nice Stock of LADIES* DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. iliai we would be pleased to sin.;. the ladies of Ashburn and snr rounding country. i i alises, Si“’ul Our CANDIES are FRESH AND FINE ZT FLOUR, Cr MEAT, er grits, er rice, 03” SUGAR. C7= COFFEE, CT MEAL. -5hd in fact any and everything teat is kept in a first-class grocery house can be had at our Large, Brick Store as cheap as the cheap¬ est. We carry a fud line of Furniture. UP STAIRS Oor stock of Shoes is Complete, with a specialty of Ladies' and Children’s Fine Sunday Wear. a."' o ’.he -1 brands Cigars, Tobacco, Banff. Etc L- Ful: ;me of the best makes CP STOVES NOW ON HAND, Au kinds of Stock Food at Reasonable Prices. The citizens of Ashburn anp surrounding country are cordially invited to call and inspect our —- stock. We have Wagon Yard aud Sta is. Feed Troughs. Etc., for the convenience of cur customers es pecially. Respectfully. T « B 73 ?T 3 Si do O WARREN L. ^ Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore, 6 a. Diseases of Nose anj Throat. Dr. J. F. PHYSICIAN AND Calls answered prompt], day and night. Special attention given • eases of women and children Residerce at the Hicks p] acf Ashburn, • Georgia, DR. W. J. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. Special Attention Given to eases 0 f Women and Childm. Office in Room No. 2 , Betts Buij.; a , Residence; W, A. Shingier's. rails Answered Day or; Night. DR. T. H. THRASHER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. General Practice Solie ted, Office in the Christian Buildis;, C. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, t Sycamore. Georgia. W. B. CONE, D. D. 8. I Make a Specialty of Bridges and Replauta’::!;, Teeth Extracted Without ¥ain. Ashburn, . * . Georgia. W. T. WILLIAMS. Attorney at Law. Land and Collections Svcamoae Georgia Z. Bass. A, . r .. BASS & DAVIS. Attorneys at Li.v Ashburn, Ge .r Real Esiaie and Collect; Pro a t ittjuti ii la i »!• placed in our hand-. B. B. WHITE. Attorney and Ce incellor at Ashburn, Georgia. Will practice in alt the State and Federal. J. G POLHILL ; Attorney at Law. Sylvestfr, - Georgia. Practice in all the courts Patronage Solicitek. —---i HAWKINS M.KENZE 1 or Attorneys a: Law v Buiidin?. Rooms 4 ani v Cordele. - Georgia' Pr.-mp: ar-:at3oc riv- n to aR izrrusted to my cart. ■ J-NO. F. ?, ’VET I, J. w. zu. a'iesna. Ga. A.-':.: ~ JNO. F. POWELL & SON A TTORNEYS-AT-L AW. We practice in ail the Immediate and careful given to business placed hands. Employing one ’ r : services of both. Business s: ited and in:i liries troiu;‘ ; J wered. 0;M. • ia Room Sc, t M^-' m'l I L->U. tvfrv ¥ i_i\ L > i ^ D T Tg Vx ^ 1 *-Lj Open at all hours. First-class teams, such as BUGGIES. DOUBLE BUckS I HACKS. WAGONS, a:-i SADDLE HORSES also CAREFUL DRIVERS nisced a; reasonable ter- 1 -' short notice bo*L ; ;g - ' The p>. patronage of the tr> rr y ' solicited Freight Cenveyed: Bagg ’ - _ 7 ; ansferre 'K-L . _ O. L. WADSW A-