The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 30, 1897, Image 3

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-r. f-l '• " **■ T‘> H 1 _£i nJ i .JAXH THE NE grand-children mix and miiigletogethor at Tho Fail - (Store and enjoy tlie And the New Man and allof the old ones with their children and can and the and stylish, and their prices very low. THE 1 IK AII tUULS pleasures .ofbuying from/fhe NEW STOCK of goods just purchased by J'J. Their goods are new out in stylo from head to foot. have them in great variet ies. A FEW DOLLARS will dross you married ladies and children can find something they want in the way of drkss noons, as wo ranging in quality and prices from the calico to tne We have a good^lection and will take pleasure in showing you dress noons from cheap calico to tine silk, then a hundred and one other goods tho place to get the goods. Don’t for get that we sell shoes also. silk. TRIMMINGS to match all kinds of goods. No matter how common or fine you want to dress, The Fair Store is it is Come and see. CLOTHING. Ask no questions, but come DON’T WAIT for us to tell you what we have, but come and call for what you want. Our stock was never so large as now. goods. Our suits well unexcelled WE GIVE YOU FITS and charge no more for tho are and a4e our clothing. We have them in large and small numbers, course and fine, and at bargains stylish goods. We used great care in selecting made and fast colors. One of suits will last season and be good for another. We do not CHARGE FOR STYLE, but sell only are our a afterward. fit with suit of clothes that lie will not bo pleased with .six months these goods, and use great care in selling them. It is not our pleasure to any man a without delay. We have them. You shelves, but they for SALE, and snu. them we wiu.. Don’t wait a day, but come NOT BOUGHT TO KEEP. Our goods are not bought to fill sjuice on the are 'W'V l1R0PRlKT0RH of the fair need them. We will treat you right. Come & 0. I ). v-"nY'nVi \ /A* J , \ J oSTORK. AS! IB URN, GEORGIA. L THE ASHBURN ADVANCE Entered at the Ashburn postofflec as second-class mail matter. Official Organ of Worth County. Ashburn, Ga., April, 30, 1897. Subscription j!l a year in advance The telephone exchange is almost a certainty. Dress goods very cheap at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Col. J. A. Comer has returned to Moultrie. Mr. Jim Fowler, of Newberry, Fla., is yisiting here. Clay Avorsted suits from $4.50 up at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Somebody spit on the Baptist church floor Sunday. Shame! No business will succeed with a lot of loafers hanging around. Let every Sunday school be repre- sopresented at Poulan on the 9th. Miss Vie Powell came down from Wieiitta Wednesday to see her people. You can get 21 yards of Sea Island for $1 at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. The Booth house, which was burnt a few months ago, is to be replaced. Miss Mina Hallman left Saturday for Ty Ty to spend a week with rela- tivi s. Mr. J. Lawrence went to Macon this nreuing to attend Dr. Caradine’- meeting. We ha-1 tho pleasure of hearing Evangcli-t Wail* r at Sparks Sunday night. Capt. J. P. Belvtn will move back lo Ashburn and occupy the II. S Story house. Mulberries are ripe. Some kind of fruit will be ripe all the time the rest of the year. rhotographer Crooke make 14 neg¬ atives last Saturday, from which 10 dozen pictures are to be made. Jeweler Hamilton lias moved his shop from the Advance building to the Raney building. “Have it fixed.” If anybody don't want ns to have a telephone exchange they better bead for we are going right on after it. us, Mr. C, W. Johns, of Vienna passed through here yesterday looking tor a mule that was stolen from his lot the night before. The mule is a black mare, 15 hands high, 4 years old, fast Avalkcr, low bead, one front l'-oot split. You can get 24 yards of Sea Island for $1 at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Tho meeting will start Sunday morning and run two weeks. Rev. J. M. Glenn is expected to lie here on time. Prof- E. W. Fain, of Albany, is to lead the music. Presiding Elder Stubbs is th be here the second week- Prepare for the meeting. Beef, porn and sausage at Walker -. The young man who has two en¬ gagements to the pie nic is setting an en example that others ought to follow. Some of tlie boys ciaim that ic was an oversight, and sav lie will wring his hands when he planks down the men- ey for tow tickets, Let others take two or more. You can get 24 yards of Sea Island for $1 at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Crooke. the photographer, makes a specialty of View work. Have yout residents pictured now. A railroad meeting was Held here Saturday that may mean fom'etliing for iVorth county. Messrs. J. K. Williams, E. M. Tanscy, audtf. A. Heisohn, of Muncy. Ind., have planted a fruit farm at Isabella atid say '.hey will build a railroad there. The Hawkin-ville & Florida feouthei it i- ebartered to ' uu lltrough Worth ((.un- tv. and they want it to run by Isabella. Poulan is bidding for the road. a!-o. and it is not known which way it wik go. Tne road is to run from Ashbcrn to Moullrte. Personal - —T he gentleman who an¬ noyed th- congregation last Sun by by continually toughing wilt find -taut relief by using Ore Minn - Cough Cure, a harmle-s remedy tor r — A f o A new Photogkafueu. Come in now and have your picture made. Next door to Pinnix house. Shooting at Sylvester. •o A special from Sylvester to tho At¬ Journal Wednesday says: J, II. Westberry was shot this morn¬ at 7 o’clock on Main street in front Wallace & Co.’s store by A. E. Nes¬ a real estate agent. The shots were fired from a 38-cali¬ pistol, one taking effect. The ball passed through the stom¬ ach and lodged in tho back. The is serious and may prove fatal. Mr. West berry is a prominent mer- chant of the town, Mr. Nesbitt is in * Communication to the Advance Wednesday at noon says: The difficulty arose over an account between Mr. Westberry and Mrs. Nes¬ bitt. The ball has been located. It is thought that the wound will not prove fatal. Mr. Nesbitt is in custody. SCHOOL ITEMS. Misses Maud and Lillie Wordstat- ted to school Monday. Miss Annie G. Betts was absent from school Monday. Guy Venable has been absent from school this week. The advanced history class will have a dtscu-sion Friday evening - . All are inveted to a ".tend the debate. We now bave a large picture of George Washington framed aud hang¬ ing up in our school room. Miss Etna Gannon was absent from school Tuesday. Miss Leila Tison was absent from school Wednesday. Several of the smaller pupils are practicing a song; to sing - Friday. The second-grade pupils in arithme tic are now in compound Quantities, Unccnditional surrender, is the only terms those famous little pills known as DeWitt’s Lit(ia Early .Risers will make with constipation, sick headache attd stomacli troubles—J. S. Bett-&Co. Little Harris Betts Dead. Age, about nine months. Mr. R. L. and Mrs.’Emma Betts ate the bereaved parents of little Harris, who died Monday meriting. His In tie body- was laid away in the new cemetery Monday evening. The following lines were contribu¬ ted to his memory: A tiny bud was plucked one day From off its earthly stem And placed within the hand of Him The Lord who died for them. He smiles upon the precious tlow’r. As safe ite holds it there, And knows it is forever free From blight of earthly care. To brighten Heaven with its smiles. To glorify Him there— O, could you a3^ a brighter crown— The baby one to wear? Croup and whooping cough are childhood’s tenors; but like pneumo¬ nia, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles - ! can be quickie cu l- edb£ using One Minute Cough Cure.—J. S Be(s & Co. lanta ing of bitt, bre wound jail. NOTICE. This is to notify the public that on and after Mav 1st. IS97, passengers will not be allowed to ride on any freight train of this company. R. HuCkabee, Agt, G. S. & F. Ry. STRAYED or STOLEN. One dark-bay mare mute 4 years old left my lot on the 25 day of April. A liberal reward will be paid for her re¬ turn orinfomratiou of her whcrabout<. E. Y. Paulk, Sycam'-re, Ga. Don’t forget that I can trend wtttch. T. L. Hamilton Plenty of lemons to squeeze at walker’s Our 1 ew Plietograpbi v.ill -]-• vet < ol work a: d d-> " - von 1 ry. J Fire Sunday Morning. 0 Fire broke out in the boiler toont of J. S. Iletts it Co’s planer mill about 1) o’clock Sunday morning. The watch¬ man was caught napping or at another part of the grounds, and the tire broke through the roof about the time tlio aUim al-inn was w.. mven e iven. There was no steam up in any of the boilers, and things looked pretty bad for a few minutes. But the company is always prepared Cor (Ire. Tim hose reel was rolled out and water turned on from the tank. Two streams of water were turned on and in 30 min¬ utes the fire was out. Nearly all of men in town responded to tho alarm, It. should be made a matter of public Hazel knowledge that De Witt’S Witch Salve will speedily cure piles of the longest standing, li Js ihe household fayortte lor burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and sores of all kinds.-J S Betts & Co. ISABELLA. Judge Warren was learning last week while the ’fessor was ill to be school inarm. Rev. Banders filled his regular ap¬ pointment her Saturday and Sunday. Hurrah for J adge Spence! May Ids wisdom continue to flow, and follow this plan til the court house can grow. Miss Etta McDowell and Mrs. Fan- “ ZT “"""X” “ *"• B T ry Wallace’s in Daugherty comity Friday night. If a humpty-dumpty don’t come along, Isabella will soon be in sight again. Mrs. J. B. Hall is spending - this week with her parents at lluark. Several of our natives took a trip to Albany last week. Henpeck ;—’Tis sweet to love, and, O, how bitter- The after part;—To utdure a girl after you git ’er. Mrs. J. T. Cochran spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, J, O. Gregory. Judge Me. wants someone to invent a st-il t 0 pro eel his bloomer.- in a.h -H. O, say, let’s have a pie nic just for a change of habit. Mrs. -J. (J. Priest.and her charming sister, of Sylvester, visited friends in I,-aeblla Sunday. ilaster Warren Story is visiting his grand-father, G'-pt. J. J. Henderson, at Sycamore. Under the shades (of displeasure)— Ami now he says be knows full well that Ibis M. court is only a sell. Isn’t it strange how little a big eye can see? When the spring time comes, “gentle Annie,” like ali other sensible persons. Will clean-e Ute liyer and reno'ate tin; svsiem with DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, famous liiilf' pills for tho liver and stomacli all the year round.—J. S. Betts & Co. Try Mashburn’s Bedbug Poison. Guaranteetl. 25 and 50 cents. Beef, pork aud sausage at Walker’s. Get your ice-cold drinks at Walker’s ’ Try our sped Seconds; the be*-! band mnde cigar. 2 foi 5c, at IT. li. MaSii- burn & Cos’. A few second hand bicycles at Jeffrey & Loobies. Bedstead and dining table for tale a this office. Two papers of any kind of seed for 5c at W. H Mashlurn & Co’s. A few 2d#sy - bugg:s for sale.—O, L. Wadsworth. Try Mashburn’s Bedbug Poison. Guaranteed. 25 and 50 cents. For keg pickles, go to Walker’s. Foe all kinds of smoking tobacco, ->o to Walker’s. Landreths <larden Seed, fresh, at W. Ji. Mas-hburn & Co’s. lry Ma t,burn s l.-dbug Guaranteed. 25 and 50 -cDts. My repair shop is at the Adv -c- office. Bring me your work. T, L. Ham it/h Garden Peas, Onion Set- and G! kinds of garden -ecd. a* W. H. Mn- 1 it Co. Court Adjourned. 0---- Worth Superior Court eon vetted on tho 4tli Monthly in Inst October anil adjourned till Hu*-I'll Monday in April. Court convened again hist Monday aud adjourned till the Nt Monday in June. VVheii the 1st Monday in June monies court mac adjourn till sometime next wlntei ' aml kut ‘P ou 'epeating the dose till we get a court house. ‘The excuse to the public was, that some of the lawyers were not present. ab¬ Some hud been grouted leave of sence and some were sick. Some had bought land and some had traded for OXCU and had to go and prove them. Some had married wives and there¬ fore could not come. but die citizens of the county were there and ready to to in court. Many of them were not willing to be disap¬ pointed. Others were glad of it. The f? ran<1 jury recommended tho artjourii- men! am oleom-e they dul wha they thought was best for tho greatest number ol P 0( jple. lio\ 00 c m ° consideration . the recent heavy rants amJ llj,; ’ u>h of farmers in planting. and In Juno grass will be growing still we will have no court house. But they may hold curt then any¬ how. At lcist vc will have couit some time, even though it be another year. tho only count' in the Worth is - state withuot a court, court In use or jail. Let and in us atse t n. Thirty years is a long time fight so painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob Mitchell, ol Unionville, Pa,, struggled aCwllcMuSaid It is equally permanently cured him. effective in eczema and ail -kin affec- loti-..—J. 8. J Jetts & Co. Meats, fruits am- vegetables at Wal¬ ker’s. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. -0 — Sheriff .'.'ales Will be sold betor- - the eon ft house door in Isabella. Worth i uuty, Ga.. within the legal hours of sale, on the first. Tuesday in May. 1897, -’he follow- mg property to wit: Eight (8) acres of lot of No 339 j n the 7ih laud dist rict of Worth oon- nty, known as the Isaac an t Fanni Wilson place, levied on as tie - properly of Isaac and Fanfiio Wil-om o satisfy a justie Gorui li fa issued in the 1310 district, G. M., in favor ol A. E. Ba-s. Levy made and returned to me by O ii. Sumner: L. c. A}>r 1 1 5th 1897 Also at the same time and place, fifty (50) acres of land in >outh-wm - comer of lot No 382 in the 7th land district of Worth county, h vi< d on as the properly of S. B. cox, to satisfy u justice court fi fit i-suod in the 13H1 district, G- M., tu favor of Mr-. S. A Ayeock. Levy ma<ie ami return-<1 to mo bv R. <). Sumner, L. C. April. 5 k 1897 II. S. Story, Sh-iff, W'orth Co., Ga. April the 7th, 1897. Notice to Bridge Builders. Georgia, worth county; office of ORDlNAltY OF S.U!> COUNTY t Scitb - <l bid- will be received at tin- office of the undersigned mu ii 12, m •till dav of May 1897. f->r the purpo <• of building a bridge across Mi if civet. - on the Doles and Albany road, known the R-d Oak and Albany road, at, or neat - , the cite of tin old one recently wa lied a wav. 8a id I-ridge to bn ab-mt hundred and fifty feel h-ng. Platts and specifications •<> be seen at mv office. To be paid for aw th- work proer - res, by ft eommc.i dat.ion "i : :• tniuitt< e appointed fo: - tba.t purj C;-1D, n \ Cl. -urns as may be 3 ■■ ! > . ■ !•(;.) u / ! )i Ci! • ih -1 fridge i.- let tube retain'd ct-r' cone n wini- pl«igft. Parly L-iMing *»•>.- to giv» ‘ •i - » I- :c! said fridge is let . and to keep - an tin in good repair ;nr the spue • ofs- ve years. 1 reserve the rigid r jecl any and a tl bid . J. W. Bern;, April, 5, 1897. < >i dinary. Notice to Contractor . - . Geoi gia, worth • ■ • t - n - .; - iTI' e (•]■• orihnabY of said coif nty : Scaled bids will b- r-'.-iv d t lln of the undersigned until 12, tn. on the 4th day --f ---y. 1897, for -In purpose "t building a r «>.t; - . tb-u iti-i ( -iint , !ml>e v ,„ fVirlt - hy ,; x v (40XOO) :. worth.! -nr room 0:1 loner fl'-o with teli-tb -t ha.,’! runu ng - licit Wnv', with van- 1 in one <!L'i of I>hII. T ■ nt>p r fio >r have or."- r -ont for greiji jui - .- end one tf-r petit jury cut f:ooi - ourt. room. l! fl 1 v,(. received for 1 oth wood r ek hon-'. F O' :\i the office of tho undersigned. Pay¬ ments lo bo made in such sums as may ho a, res ary to carry on the work, a committor "ill be appointed to inspect s uite and recommend such payments, Onc-lilth of the whole amount shall 0 j i0 pt back until stud work Deom- p|<,( 0( i. I reserve tho right to reject -my anil all bids. J. VV• rum:, April, y. 18!>7. Ordinary. Itoad Notice, Georgia, Worth County• To WIU M IT MAY CONCKKN : All persons interested are hereby notified that if no good cause bo shown to tho contrary, an order will bo gran¬ ted by the undersigned on the I si Monday in May. 1897, changing of the public road from Sumner to Sycamore where it crosses land line between lots of land Nos. 351 and 340 and follow said land line in a due east di¬ rection to where it will intersect witli the Sumner and Ashburn road, almost four hundred yards from where change is made. J. W. Prior, April. 5, JS97. Ordinary. Road Notice. Georgia, Worth County. To WH* if XT MAY CONCERN ! All parties interested are hereby notified that if no good cause be shown to the contrary, an order will bo gran¬ ted by the undersigned on the 3rd day of Mav, 1897, changing the road as marked out by 1 lie road emmis-ion- ers appointed tor that tho Isabella purpose, and com¬ Ir- mencing. leaving winville road where said road cros-es the line between lots of land Nos. 424 and 425. and run on line between said lot’- and in a southern direction to (ho southern bound- ry of said lot-el land, then due cast -m line between lots ol land Nos. 4‘ ; 5 and 450. and intersect with original road. J, W. Price, April 5 1897. Ordinary. . S lira SURRIE8 N O T A E H P / \\JM s, \ \ m&miWMam HURRIES. s N TO §m. J A \ / E II % \/y / X V y Jm n 1 p ^ s grr^y. - STPfK P ‘w, r ‘J . > - ( r'TkTU r M gj . ■ ^ ^ i. vjmom c * i j ''rw/ . -uiimc’ THE BEST STYLES AND MAKES AT LOWEST PRICES. Bicycles tit $35, $40, A jmt f,,. ■ Baby Carriages and $W) $75, $85,6100. ,, - M- ..:.f - V Boys’ Wagons in Lar- $50, I *k > The I) t for the Least l ■ ,V j: 1 g-est, Varieties. - ' \$t. j ' Money. i ■r’J : » > - • ■ ■ . - >r ! h ! i ■■MM ■( •« \ j m % j Honest Values Back of Every Price we Make. y'J, r j yV i nJ'-. r 1 " •Ub L > / ~ ] N « *.--. '• j * c v \ - \ i. / t f J ; 1 j r-J ; r-J 1 A . ...■)'-V Macon, Ga. Write for Prices. ALL KINDS LIGHT r & /'y We will soil you anything wo make rw;..*h I ' I at tho very best wholesale price. Our ' y m v 1 terms are net cash, to all, and our prices X / ^ are made accordingly. There is no fur¬ No, 212 . ther use in your paying fancy prices for vehicles. Come direct to tho factory and get them without paying addi¬ tional profits. All our goods are v/arranted in every particular. Shipped C. O. It., and if not as ordered or represented it costs you nothing. WR!TE_ FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES HICKORY B-J 86 Y DO., Indianapolis, Ind. Rotul Notice. Georgia, Worth County. To whom it may concern: All per otts interested tire hereby notified that if no good cause lie shown to the contrary, an order will be gran¬ ted by the undersigned on the 3rd day of May, 1807, establishing a now road as marked out by the road commis¬ sioners appointed for that purpose, commencing about five miles south of Acree, Ga., where the Albany and Moultrie public road crosses the Dougherty county and Worth county line, better known its the Gin Town plantation, and tunning due north on the county line, or as near as practica¬ ble to the town of Aereo. April 5, 181)5. J. W. Prior, O rdinaiy. ORDINANCE NO. 50. Bio it ordered by (he Mayor and Council of the town of Ashburn. Tint tho Mayor shall be empowered lo duty tip- point three Tax Assessors, whose it shall be to equalize tno tax on all proper.y, both real and personal, and shall have the light to say what too Value is, and give tho same in for the owner. J. S. Butts, Mayor. J. IS. Bozeman, J. Lawrence, J. C. Hick, u an, ,1.8. Suinolkr, Council- muii. A. J. Davis, Clerk. N< ) f ICE—LOST note. Lost One promisory note for $135, made on the 12ih day of February, 1897, by W. D. (toss to W. L. Story, duo 30 days alter date. Alt persons are hereby forewarned from trading for said note, it having been paid, This April .3, J897. W. L. Story. WAN'iEO AN IDEAa n JSfS tiling to patent? Protect yon i-idoim; VfKDDlSlv* they may lii'jn,; you weal!,!). Write J-tiiN BURN <-fc (’tl., i'litent Atlorii-'vi-, WnnUiuKtofU D. C., for their *V ottoi