The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 07, 1897, Image 2

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fH£ ASHBURN ADVANCE Pwblivhril r»oi v Friday. B. Ifc SMITH, Editor. The* story goes from Fitigerald to the AtJfcotu Journal that a Wiutir war-ship, a quarter of a mike high. J«d going at tlx rate lDOailen an boar, sailed over that city Mt/ndav morning about daylight. II they are going to to sell iitmor over there they furnish ... better , brand. , might *” to a To Wp our readers from think- t«,g that ■ v . Atlanta ... . .s the .. same wicked thing she used to be, we inform them that there has not been a murder or a suicide there in three days, and that she has not turned bxise a defaulter since away uut week. I he last de- (aultcr was Harry Cassia, cashier of the Loan aud Savings Bank, who Musha'd out to the silly little tune of $50,000—probably a few cents more. Now, let the sustain its reputation by giving btm a six-weeks’ trial, and sen¬ tence him to thirty days in prison. mny^mve Si* m a lew'ib.y^l.n! noubli old chronic cobglis and lltroai •* mu> receive immediate relief anti be. permanently cured by On** rough Cur. J. H. Betts A Co. NOTABLE TRANSFER OF INDIANA PRISONERS. l.Frotn 1 bo Brenmu (hid.) Enquirer. Probably the largest transfer of prisoners that, ever took place in this country was successfully car¬ ried out last Tuesday. Two hun¬ dred and ninety-one convicts from the Michigan City prison were put on a special Monon and taken to Jeffersonville, while from Jef¬ ferson viile.SOD convicts were taken to Michigan City. Tuesday At, four o’clock morn¬ ing the real work of the transfer began. Ten selected guards as¬ sisted the blacksmiths in riveting the shackles on the prisoners. Two at a time they were taken from their cells and their legs shackled. About two hours was consumed in this, and then the prisoners were taken to the din¬ ing-room, where breakfast was served. While this was going on the train which was to convey the prisoners to Jeffersonville was backed into the north gate. It consisted of nine cars, the first coach a hospital car, the next six for the convicts, one car for the militia, company V, of Indian¬ apolis, whose members were to as¬ sist in guarding the prisoners, and one for the press. As soon as breakfast, was finished the men were lined up and marched to the train. Three guards and two trusties were locked in each ear. Every precaution had been observed against an outbreak. The win¬ dows were not barred, but every¬ thing that might, be used as a weapon bad been removed, even the doors from the water closets and the air brake apparatus taken away. Orders had been given to shoot at the first bead that was poked out of a window. At, nine o'clock the start was made. Every foot of track between Michigan City and Jeffersonville was apested fifteen minutes before the train passed. Even t-lie switches were spiked and the trains given the right of way over everything. No stops were made for crossings. The trip from one end of the State to the other, a distance of 2t53 miles, was made in eight, hours without an accident,. When the train started on its journey across the State the con¬ victs were given permission converse converse with wnn each lai n other uiur, Sand- aim witches ami water were served for refreshments en rnme. The toilet-room doors had been re- moved and bell cords pulled out. THOSE Remarks Ami those expressive gestures of approval which we notice at. our Soda Fountain convince us that our SODA WATER is JUST RIGHT It can haraly be otherwise when efforts to dispense the beverage in ii T’ town are considered, It’s a sim- ? pie matter, too—just enough of ice for coolness, and the finest fruit juices for taste. W. H. MASHBURN & CO. Ashburn, Ga. When a tfoltl is contracted. cure it ut once Otii 1 Minnie Cough A'Uie will >*•» y»m on tint road to iceovery. It \\ill *%n* pneumonia. bronchitis, eronp anil oik form- <d liing and throat trivnb■ ,1. Lett* & C". MONEY ISN'T NBLDLD BY (JOONTRY PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS. An Ohio contemporary having thoughtlessly remarked that it takes money to run a newspaper, n te editor of the Saguache (Col.) Herald rolls up his sleeves, spits »u W» hanks, aud promptly nails *^ ,e J* e aB follows: “It doesn’t take money J to run a newspaper; „ it .. can , be run with- ... 0,,t ‘“oney. It is a churitable in- stitutiou, robber? a begging cencern, hi g liwuy B, Godfrey. Iiews j )tt p er j. s tire child of the air, a creature of a dream. It can go on and on aud, when any other concern would be in the hands of a receiver, and wound up with cob-webs in the window. It takes ^, a n to run a newspaper. It takes a scintilating acrobatic imagina- Hon and a half dozen white shirts, 0 rtt i‘ But roa<1 money—Heavens ruu a news- to paper. and hands rounds, who Betsy six ever needed money in conducting a newspaper! words the medium “Kind are exchange that do the business for the editor—kind words and church social tickets. When you «»« with money watch him. Hell be paying bills and disgracing his profession. Never monev to an editor. Make him trade itout. He likes to swap. Then when you die, after having stood around for years and sneer¬ ing at the editor and his jim crow paper, be sure and have your wile send in for three extra copies by one of your weeping children, and when she reads the generous and touching notice about you, forewarn her to neglect to send fifteen cents to the editor. It would overwhelm him. “Money is a corrupting thing. The editor knows it, and what lie wants is your heartfelt thanks. Then he can thank the printers, and they can thank their grocers. Take your job work to the job olfice, and then come and ask tor half rates for church notices. “The Lord loves the cheerful giver. He’ll take care of all the editors. Don’t worry about the editor. He has a charter from the State to act as a doormat .for the community. He’ll get the paper out somehow; aud up for you when you run for ollice, and lie about your pigeon-toed daugh¬ ters lackey wedding, and blow about, your big-footed sous when they get a $4 per week job, and weep over your shriveled soul when it is released from your grasping body, and smile at your giddy wife’s second marriage, He’ll get along. The Lord alo.. e knows bow—but the editor will . there ., somehow. , ,, Personae* —The gentleman who an¬ by noyed continually 'In* congregation roughing will h»-t Sunday find in- -t:uU relief by usinp One Minute Cough Cure, a hannlc-s remedy for throjii and lung troubles.—Betts & C<> STRAYiD or STOLEN. On<‘ dark-bay mare mule 4 years old left tny lot nn the 25 day of April. A liberal reward will be paid for her re¬ turn or infomration of her wberabouts. E V. Pafi.k, Sycamore, <>a. To Titr: puruc: Having two horses with but little to , W1 w P e ” ;l mrv 8ti, h’e on a ' ‘ ' lu:l11 S0 | Ie next Monday tuornin<r. lb U- -Smith. -ON 8” SOUGH CURE cures quickly. That , fc what . . it .. m &(letor. Prompt, safe, sure, quick relief, quick cure. Pleasant to taka. Children like it and adults like it. Mothers buy it for their children. UtUepUls. THF HOUSTON High school AKABJ, GA. “AN EXCELLENT HIGH SCHOOL. ♦ 1 j-py/ Tuition, per mo. in advance. $1.25 Mugic . “ “ “ “ Art, 4< '<< <t if ’ B(ia r ,i t „ “ in dormitory about 5.00 „ Board , per month in . private families, Fall Term will begin Aug. 31. Spring Term will begin Jan. 4. Apply for Catalogue to J. E. POWELL. ASHBURN HIGH SCHOOL Opens January 4th 1887. Closest Attention Given to All. Board at Low Rates. Music Department—Miss Bacon. Primary Department—Mrs. D. Passmore. TUITION, paid monthly: Primary, .$1.25. per Intermediate, 1.50. ♦ > High School, 1.75. ,, For furthrr particulars appy to l. d. Passmore, Principal, THE CITY BARBER SHOP. E. F. IIKNRY, Barber. HAIR-DRESSING—a specialty. SHAVING—quick and oa-y. RAZORS—put 111 afood fix on short notice. You will always receive a, cordial welcome. R. D. LAW, Proprietor. asiibuiin - Georgia. TIFTON & NORTH-EASTERN RAILROAD. “Soldiers’ Godov y Route.” LOCAL TIME TABLE NO. 4. h. h. tikt, i General office, l 1 w.o.tift, v ^*resi*t. _ owlSr l«w no 2,no4 no8 {«}«!?&■ pm 12 a 7151715 pmpm It 7 4 JU7 00 *20 4 3J[7W,. f Hunting.... 4 40 4 42 814/ I Pinetta 4 45 448 8 in.......Mystic Fletcher . 4 5815 (4) 8 4U... f -13 51015 IB ft 001 Fit/gerald Trutns Nos. j, 2, 3 and 4 run|dailr, except Sunday. Tains Nos. 7 and 8 run cn Sundays only. ID Flag station. Trains stop only on signal. All Trains maka connection with Plant Sys¬ tem and Georgia Southern & Florida at Tifton and Georgia & Alabama at Fitzgerald. F. a? BOATRIGHT, Traffic Manager, GE0RG1A SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAD. Suwa.ykk River Route to Florida. ! South mail trains. North 1 Dav | Night Day | 115511125 Mucon 4 00| 1 •2 301 1 45 Cordele .145 ! 3 09 2 24 AsHuvhn 115 4 DO 310 Tifton 1210 5 35 4 40 Valdosta 1045 0 38 5 40 Jasper 943 7 55 6 45 Lake City 8 351 10 26 015 Palatka 6 00 SHOO-FLY. 27 r -j ci w> 8ajS88=* e Cordele Tifton Macoa Ashburn Valdosta Eyening 10 7 8 4 7 57 25 40 30 15 Operates Pullman Buffet Sleeper the round between Tenn., mill Jacksonville, Fla., via Ma¬ con and Tifton. Operates Pullman Sleep r* between Atlanta and Brunmvick, via Macon and Tilton, making direct conneclions with boats to and from Cumberland and St. Simons. Operates its own sleepers between Macon and Palatka via GS& F direct. Direct line to Fitzgerald Soldiers Colony Via Tifton, Slmo-fly train runs every day and will make evey local stop D. (J. HALL,T. P- A.—Atlanta Ga. W. 11. LUCAS, F. P. ('. If. RHODES— Soiic ting Passvng, r Agent. Macon, Ga. J. LANE.—General Manager. G. A. MACDONALD,—General Pas-: senger Agent. 1 SHINGLKR & LAW RENCK’. tiSf Q THE OLD FIRM OF SHINGLKR & LAWRENCE is still before the public; and we take this opportunity to return thanks for their past liberal patronage, and we earnestly solicit a continuance of the same during the present year, | i ' ; ,1 jL 8 w f WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF ©l 1 ©§Sll’ i m 1 mi ’©titSTi -ALSO-- WAJI&t -AND-- GROCERI DQ ■i Which we will sell at prices that cannot be beat. Call and see Mr. Cantey, who is managing the busines He will take pleasure in showing you through and selling you you want. SHINGLER & LAWRENCE. IS. S! 1 AXIt DEALERS IS YELLOW PINE LUM8ER, ASHBURN, GA. All orders lor Laths Shingles, Staves Car Sills, Hridge Stuff Flooring, Moulding, Brackets Ceiling, Etc., will receive prompt attention CAN DRESS ANYTHING TO 18X30. Wre eary a well selected and assorted stock of D.t Goods, Hardware Groceries, Etc. If in need of anything in Clothing, SUCH AS MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS, We can fit We Have a Nice Stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. That we would be pleased to sho* the ladies of Ashburn and snr rounding country. unks, Valises, Satchel Our CANDIES are FRESH AND FINE & FLOUR, MEAT, GRITS, •r RICE, <r SUGAR, 1 wr COFFEE, MEAL, in fact any and everything is kept in a first-class grocery can be had at our Large, Store as cheap as the cheap- We carry a full line of Furniture. UP STAIRS Oor stock of Shoes is Complete, with a specialty of Ladies’ and Children’s Fine Wear. also handle the best brands f Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Etc. Full Him of the best. makes OF STOVES NOW ON HAND. All kinds of Stock Food at Reasonable Prices. The citizens of Ashburn surrounding country are invited to call an d inspect stock. our We have a Wagon Yard and Stalls, Feed Troughs, Etc., for the convenience of our customers pecially. es Respectfully, J S BETTS& vj ) WARREN L. STORY, Physician *nd Surgeon, Sycamore, Ga. lllsraaei! of Nose and Throat. Dr. J. F. GARDNER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls answered promptly day and night. Special attention given to dis eases of women and children. Residerce at the Hicks place. Ash burn, ■> - Georgia. DR. W. J. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. Special Attention Given to Dis> eases of Women and Children. Office in Room No. 2, Betts Building. Residence; W, A. Shin*lev's, rails Answered Day or Ni^ht. dr. t. h. thrasher, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Gkoroia. General Practice Soiic ted. Office in the Christian Buildinu, C. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore, -••- Georgia. W. B. CONE, D. D. S. I Make a Specialty of Bridges and Replantations. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Ashburn.. . * . Georgia. W. T. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. Laud and Collections Sycamore Georgia ■ Z. Bass, A, J' Davis, BASS & DAVIS. Attorneys at Law Ashburn, Geohoja Real Esiale and Collections. Pro a, t atte>»ti»a 1 a il; ■» I4,.l placed in our hands, B. B. WHITE Attorney and Ceuncellor at Law, Ashburn, Georgia. Will practice in all the Conrl? State and Federal. J. G POLHILL, Attorney at Lav,. Sylvestfr, - Georgia. Practice in all the counts, j Patronage Solicited l| HAWKINS & McKENZIEfj Attorneys at Law e Building, Rooms 4 and 5.,’ Cordele, - Georgia; Prompt attention given to all buiin intrusted to my care. f ; JNO. F. POWELL, Vienna. J. W. A8hb POtt£lft| ^fl Ga. JNO. F. POWELL&S0» Attorneys-at-Law. Immediate We practice and in careful all ^’ at^ e \.3 1 Wt services of both. Business 'ft ited and inquiries prompt | wered. 1.1 m Offica in Room No. 2, Mashburn ? H AMILTO : THE MODEL-MAKM in My the Jewelry Rainey building and niodk o! | | street where I am prep® | repair your, Clocks. J Wiltot' and Jewelry. Make repair Sewing Machine?- | ■ Strict confidents oa #l work. Give me a call- repairing fine w&tT a f Thomas. I,. Hamilton J ASHBURY