The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 07, 1897, Image 3

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If, .:■- mm § .1 y&tii m i THE NEW WOMAN Ami the New Man old with their children and grand-cliildren can mix and minglotogether at The Fair Store and enjoy the ami allof the ones pleasures ofbuying from the NEW STOCK of goods just purchased jljSff ft£y Sf jippp}]*. Their goods and stylish, and their prices very low. TilK DEAR GIRLS and the by are new ■ykarried ladies and children can find something they want in the of them in varieties. A FEW DOLLARS will dress you out in style from head to toot. way dress uoods, as we have great Ip ^ ave a £°°d selection and will take pleasure in showing tine silk. then hundred and other goods ranging in quality ami prices from the calico to the you dress goods from cheap calico to a one ifiilk. TRIMMINGS to match all kinds of goods. No how to dress, The Fair Store is the place to get, the goods. Don’t for get that we sell shoes also. matter common or fine you want DON- T WAIT for us to tell you what we have, but and call for what Our stock large it is now. Come and see. CLOTHING. Ask no questions, but come come you want. was never so as ^jnd see our clothing. We have them in large and small numbers, fine, and bargains unexcelled WE GIVE YOU FITS and charge no more for the goods. Our suits are well course and at •M ade and are fast colors. One of our suits will last a season and be good for another. We do not, CHARGE FOR STYLE, but sell only stylish goods. We used great care in selecting bese goods, and use great care in selling them. It is not our pleasure to fit any man with a suit of clothes that he will not be pleased with six months afterward. BOUCHT TO KEEP. Our goods not bought till the for SALE, and them Don’t wait a day, but come without delay. We have them. You are to space on shelves, but they are sell we will. need them. We will treat you right. Come & C. niiisi ^ r. __ t k 1 ■ V. ASHBURN ADVANCt ' pine rod second-class at the Ashburn mail matter. postoffice as Official Organ of Worth County. Ashburn, Ga., May, 7, 1897. Subscription $1 a year in advance f i- Si Jones will preach iu Cordele Sunday- Railroad fare , 40 cents. iting Jpss here. Gillie Wrye, of Arabi, is vis¬ Ashburn will pic nic at Beech Hayen omFriday, the 21st of May. nfxt JTliere will be $1 an excurdon to Macon Friday at f jr the round trip. gSThe fare to Cordele and return du¬ ring the Chautauqua is only 60 cents. Sunday, Sam Jone- day, 40 cents, third annual excursion to Tam¬ pa over the Georgia Southern will be ■on May 24, to June 1st. (Now that we will open a livery sta¬ ble, we are prepated to taka few more bursts on subscription. kt'AIr, J. T. Hadaway has moved from Milner to Ashburn. He occupies his residence on Jenkins street. fffho mule i-tolen from C. W‘ Johns in y^ieiina was found loose near Sumner days ago. It is suppo-ed that only wanted a free ride. B—Do you want Grooke, the Photog¬ rapher, to do your work? If so. you bad better attend to it at once, as his time with us is shortening. 0. L. Wadsworth bus sold bis business to Mr. J. E, Edm-nson, os St. Augustine, Fla. The new man will be here ,n about a week. Messrs. Jesse and James Clements, of Arabi, were here Wcdne-day to place an order wiih J. S. Betts & Co. fancy house moulding. A cat in Hie hall a few nights ago caused a young lady to pitch her voice , to a high tone and make a few scatter¬ ing remarks that called up the house¬ hold, She could be truthfully ealled ' alarm belle. «n —Have your children’s Pictures ta¬ ken while you have them witli you in health, for tomorrow Giey may Had you thought of thai? The Photographer is here for only a few more; so you had better take ad- of the opportunity now. day or Monday. He has not returned y et an( j t | )e i, ouse afraid someacci- d< nt nas befillen him. Some unregenerated boys who ought to be placed in a reformatory have been doing some mi«chief about town. One Sunday they cut the plastering cloth and did a few other odd jobs al Mr. J. W. Evans' unfinished house. Another day they abused thegaiden and other premises on Ihe H. S. Story- place. Another such a caper and their names will be given to the au¬ thorities. The Meeting. “Meeting increasing in interest and spiritual powor . Services ai 10 a. in and at 8 p. m. Everybody is invited. AVill not the merchants close Iheir stores during mxt week at hoots of scivice? Let everybody pray of earn- ' gstly to God for the. success meeting. Love feast Sunday morning ai 10 o’clock- preaching at II and hi 8 as usual. J. C. Flanders. The ...... best meeting have had in a we long time is now going on at the M. E. church. Rev. J. M. Glenn is doing excellent work. He keeps us there little late at night, but his sermons ;*re powerful. learned The young people have the way to the church again, and good crowds attend each seryiee. Some have confessed conversion, Many are interested. Presiding Elder Stubbs will be here next week. Let everybody go. Prof. E YV. Fain is leading the sing- jrg and is famishing excellent music, ISABELLA SCRAPS. 0 ” * lle time am corning nigh, humpty- dumpty gwiue to jump a pie. Our Ordinary, be jes toil and fret; lie knows Hyena L not dead yet. He wo,-riesaud worries all the daylong, over the resurrection of the courthouse song, when the devil and band keeps trying a hand. The happv day 1 long to see when 1 can write Hyena’s obit- ulee.” No news this week: those early birds (Jack and Gill) (wdi-o the-wisp) gobbled up the worm while the dew droj s wore still sparkling in the rising sun of a new-born day. Air. R. G. Tison is sojourning at the haven of East Isabella. Can’t we all lift our heads with pride when withi'i t lie new brick inn the trespassers we can hid' ? Miss Lizzie Bateman, of fiuarlr, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs J. B. Hall. Mr. \V. -I. Herring, Jr., has a lot of extra smiles on exhibition, due to the arrival of a new girl at- his house Sat¬ urday. Our humane clerk is spending a few days witn home-folks. ( The half has not been told.) Mr. and M i s. 0. J. Ilou-ton visited relatives here Sunday. Airs. Gu-sie Harris is spending this week with her sister in Sylve-ter. Airs. Will Gregory is spending a few day- wiih her mother. Mr. Geo. Price and betterhnif spent Sunday here. 1 wonder if idleness was an mention of Satan? And, by the way. Editor, can it pe patnnted? [No, it has been in use over two years.] Jon. It should be made a matter of public knowledge that De 'A itt’s Wiich Haz 1 Salve will speedily Ii cure piles household of the longest standing. is (he fayorpe lor burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and sore-'Of all kinds.—J 8 Beti- & Go. Convicts At Large. Ty Ty, May 1 —Tins settlement was thrown into a T ver of excitement Thursday by a series of daring hold¬ ups committed by four escaped con¬ victs from ihcTatu n turpentine farm situated 25 mile south of Ty Ty. About day-break the men held up J. J. Bullard who works at Hay’s mill two miles from here, and aPer giving certain information demanded by the highwaymen, Was allowed to go his way. The inert then weni to ihe house of a man named Lamp, where they secured clothing and food. They went from house to house plundering at will and taking everything that came to hand. They finally went, to the hou-e of a tenant on W. V. Thompson’s tion, where iliey secured more food aud clothing. Mr. lhorap-on learned of the desperation and siarted in pur- suit. Single-handed, he came upon the highwaymen and cap. ured al One of the convicts had a rifle ami show dfiyht, but Mr. Tqo.bp- -on get the .lr„p o|] him a»d .flte.e.l Ex Sheriff Nelson, who was m pur- suit of them at the time, took .be con- vicis in cliarge. They vreve wearing sliackh s when captured. oo 0UNDS of ArVuckles JL fioffee $1 at Rodgers X THE TELEPHONE. 0 MTtliin a month Ashburn wdi have a telephone system or more that 30 displeased and disappointed cit z uis. a vote of the sub-cribers was taken Saturday and the following officers elected : fe. B. HUDSON, President ami General Manager. DH. ii. T. H. THBASHERj J. BOZEMAN > Directors, II, D. SMITH j At a meeting of the officers Wednes- day morning the manager was snsiruc- led to orde r materia, and let contract for polg- 1 , and to contract wiih a ed workman to put up tho lines and put in the ’phones. Six miles of wire, with brackets, in- snliuors, elc., have been ordered. An order for 20 ’plumes iiad been prepared when Air. Hudson received a telegram from a telephone company to hold ttp the order till they eouhl send a man litre with samples. He is exp’eted to come without delay. There is already a call line here witli ten ’phones and J8 miles of wire, and they will all join the exchange. Dr. Warren L. Story has subscribed io join u- from his office in Sycamore. This makes 31 Mationa and about 27 miles of wire, a pretty good start. Croup and whooping cough are childhood’s terrors; bin pneumo¬ nia, bronchitis, and other throat and lung iroubtesi can be quickie cured h.f using One Minute Cough Cin e.—J. 8 Betts & Go. n ACKET GOODS/i a m u o « 23 w OI j 1 to o o dJ SS O* SCHOOL ITEMS. Tis only five weeks till vacation. Guy Venable returned lo school Friday, Miss Mittie Horne visited our school Tuesday, Nearly all school attended church Tuesday. Mis-, Ninua Baily was absenl from school Monday Miss Alaxie Gilmore visited our school Monday • Gardnei’s father visited Asliburu Monday. We have an all day examination ai the close of school, The advanced class will complete tat “istorv . inis week. ' lr The school will have a picnic Beach Haven, May 21st • The smaller grammar cla-s is nearly through tins grammar. Mi-s Nancy Fitzgerald wa-> absent from school Monday and Tuesday. The giiis have their croquet set now, and are having a nice time playing. ine (Gbateon last Tridav was close, the affirmative side winning by one half point. Miss Maud Yancey carried a beau¬ tiful bunch of flowers lo the church Wednesday. Several school boys and girls prac¬ tice singing at, the church every even¬ ing after -chool. Miss Gallic Killebrew and Dora Lege it gave u, a short call Tuesday evening, The debate Fridny afternoon was injoye<l by both the alits ah( i tn e ir hearers. C[ ^ ^JcLendou will make a ^ l() Moutczuairt Frid ’ ro , , .«~1«« - »■“ <• at ,he « lose ,he Whueh Owing to sickness Mrs. Pasmore v,a,s to teach outlay and Tuesday, Her place wa> Ailed by Clifford 1 lay. Prof. Passmore has appointed two mo.iiiors to take down ungrammatical expressions of the pupils. On Friday aiternooii the mis akes will br read by ilie monitor, and corrected by I hose who made them. A number of matches were ignited in. LeGramle Garduei’s pocket one day this week. How ver, no damage was done, except a fright which al- most str.iigbicned the ua r oj Grande’s head. Unconditional surrender, is the only term-tho-- laui-us litile p bs known as De VV tis Lin e Ear»y Bi-er- wm You can got 24 yards of Sea Island for $1 at Jeffrey & Koooiu’.-, SHOT THROUGH THE HEART. ■0 WHITE BOV KILLED NEGKO BOY- Clinton Patterson killed John Brown at Wadworth’s stables about 4 o’clock yesterday even- ing. Clinton is seventeen •‘•ears old. lias worked at the stables several months, is a son of Mr. 0. P. Patterson, and is an industrious boy. John Brown is a negro about the same age, and was din¬ ing room servant at the Pinnix House. It seems that a difficulty arose between the two boys over a very frivolous affair, Eye-witnesses say that the negro was meddling with a horse which Clinton was handling, and when asked to de¬ sist rough words were passed. One witness says John struck at Clinton with an open knife, but was not close enough to strike him, and that he advanced with uplifted blade, as if to plunge it in the body of the white boy, when Clinton drew a pistol from a pocket and fired a ball through the’ negro’s heart. Another wit¬ ness says John’s hands were in his pockets at the time the fatal shot was fired, and that in lifting him after he fell, his hands, with an open knife, fell out of his pockets. The knife, a spring- back dirk eight inches long, is now in the possesion of a citizen. The ball was a 32 calibre, fired from a hammer’ess pistol, and en¬ tered the body nearly in the cen- ter of the breast, a little to the left side, two and half inches from the nipple. I)r. R. 11. Stephens looked at the hole in the dead ooys breast, and said the ball went through the side of the heart. The negro fell when lie was shot, arid died in about, ten minutes, Young Patterson walked up the street and surrendered to Marshal Hallman, saying Iu- did the deed in self-defence. The dead body was taken in charge by]the negroes about dark last night, and buried to¬ day. No inquest was held. A warrant was sworn out for youg Patterson last night which was dismissed after a preliminary examination this morning, the verdict of the court being, justifi- able homicide, Thirty years is a long time fight so a trouble a r pit-, but Jacob Mitchell, of Lmouville, Pa., struggled k. IMWI.C. T.I^ISS ,om.-J. 8. Betts & Go. M fmi , 8 an ,j v ,g i;ta : )i( ,. „ W al- Iff was a small boj 1 would want to be brother to grown si-lets wish can ly clerks fur beaux. If fewer girls vo'.ld notice trash' boys there would be fewer tra liy boys. When the spring i itne con**-, “geode Aubie,” like uL otbermeii'ib c will clean-e the over and re),« ate the s'&iein with DeVVitt’- Lit Early Risers, famous b 1 ) <■ pn s lor ibe liver r&T'f' ?i * ''' H ’ ' Don’i forget that I e.tu ir-i.d ."U- watch. T. L. D MunoN Plenty of lemon- 1 i<» -,i e z al walker’s You can gr-t 24 yards of Sea Island Ut ,l at Jelwy & My repair shop is in the Ramey building on Main -tr* et. T. L. IfAMIT.’VN CHEAP EXCURSION TO MACON —0 We will sell ticket* to Macon, G,t„ and return May 14th for one dollar, good going on our No. (">, (Shoo Fly) leaving here at 7:27 e. no, and good reiurnidgon onr No. 5, (Shoo Fly,) will' ll will be held at Macon until os30 p. Ul. Now is your time to go to M li - con chciip. For i\ny other iulonua- lion apply to It. 111'CK ABKE, Agent. CORDELE CHAUTAUQUA and EXPOSITION. ( ORDULIO, HA , MAY 9 AO 10. On account of the above occasion we will sell round trip tickets at 60 cents May 8 to 1! enelusive, good re¬ turning untd Al iy 10 h. Come along, boys, and lids all go, For any further information, apply to It. Hi ( KAitKK, Agent. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. Sheriff Sales Will bo sold before the court house door in Isabella, Worth county, <ia„ within tho luteal hours of saloon tho first Tuesday in Juno, 18117, the followin'-! property to tvil; Fifty (!>0) acres of lot of land no- -ITt In the 7th district of Worth county, (la. Lovied on and to he sold as the property of K. -I, Brooks, to satisfy a eouty court ti fa issued in favor of C, W. iliilliouso. Said land being known as tho land on which 13, J, Brooks now resides, Defendant notified■ May, 0th, I8'.»7, II. S. STORY, Shoriil'. WANTED- of Homo simple thing to patent? yum* id -mb ; they may bring you weal Write JOHN WKDDEK- BURN & CO., Patent Attorney?, *V., hinfftuu it. C.. for their ■- . EATONS. I ll 1 R R U I E S II S P | RiSPf/ X y / Sr. \ V‘ K lrtsms A S H •rn* mmmm Wm N2 U -V II u.L R V :-I \ / \ 2 A / ij / IKS. II u-X rryggT Mg d I S 3 W 3 © u a'J *3 o 4 s-J fj.\ v,rljj i-G t \ y r*. ■ t.\ J Irr ‘ . ir r G 1 THE BEST STYLES AND MAKES AT LOiVEST PRICES. Bicycles at, .$35, $40, n Baby UaiTiage.s and $50,$t’0 $75, $85, $100. Mih,, V Boys’ Wagons in Lar¬ The Best for the Least yX f Wtl& fo) gest, Varieties. ■, Moii e j. h I Fmu -W li m iis | 5s 'jrR - - _ Honest Values Back of Every Price we -Make. r--j •xj .r L L*'A- ’ - ,v f 1 tj * .j- 1 • j.d , \j WaOTOd : -J j lUKMMl------— f i \ * J \ f - M M i- I I : rs* ; 9 KAruvA Macon, Ga. Write for Pieces. ---- ALL KINDS LIGHT mm r 'Z;/- ft & i ' ^ ’ / *4 ■Ut.tKvWS 4 I 1 m§Sm ■ <Mrr> w.« at "Wo the very will sell best you wholesale anything price. wo make Our sum i •> terms are net cash to alt, and our prices are made accordingly. There is no fur¬ No. 212. ther use in your paying fancy prices for vehicles. Como direct to the factory and get them without paying addi¬ tional profits. All our goods are warranted in every particular. Shipped C. O. D., and if not as ordered or represented it costs you nothing. r WRITE TOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES HICKORY BUGGY GO,, Indianapolis, .. Ini DROP INN THE PIN NIX HOUSE. MBS SALL1K CHATMAN, Proprietress. Rates $1 a Day. “DEW DROP INN.” Wanted :—Those who are troubled with Dandruff and falling-out of hair to come to the Barber Shop and gel a good Shampoo. Satisfaction guaran¬ teed or no [>.: \. Lot of Cheap Soap at WalkePs. CORDELE CHAUTAUQUA Opens May, 9. Closes, May, 16. LECTURERS: SAM P. JONES, Georgia. Sun- day, May, 9th. G. LnFOREST WOOD, New York, Monday, May, 10. GEN. JOHN B. GORDEN, Geor¬ gia, Tuesday, May, 11. A. W. LAMAR, D. I)., Texas, Wednesday, May, 12. W. L. DAVIDSON, Oli in, Thurs¬ day, May, 13. “BETSY IIAMITON,” A la- lauua, Friday,May, 14. GOV. W. Y. ATKINSON, 1)R. W. A. CANDLER, PROF. G. R. GLENN. The Auditorium is the largest, in the South. Immense crowds prepared lor,. A. F. WARE, Sec.*