The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 04, 1897, Image 5

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tl_______ Entered ASHBURN ADVANCE at ilio Aslibnrn ]>ostoffloc a* seemid-ela-s mail matter. Official Organ of Worth County.* Ashburn, Ga., June, 4, 1897. nbscriptioii fl u vcnr in advance L - 8 clioo! closes to'lay. A poultry fatni wcnlU pay Talk 141 the Sjlvcstcr railroad. This is a dull season formal estate. Durham & Co’s giu house is going up. They do drop in at the Dew Drop Inn. Sheep shearing and bee robbing are ov«r. brassi- troubling the farmers very little. Anil n<>w we have a good livery serfiee. A lone bale of cotton lingers in the warehouse. J W. Evan’s fine home is nearly fun islied. ’ Ashburn will s'on need a bicycle ho-iila'. Prepare som tiling for Tifton’s Mid- sumner lair. M inery firm of Shi rah and Jones lias lissolyed. Abbeville will have a Chautauqua Jun< iS to July 4. W iile at court next \viek, stop at the Holaman In use. Al of the spring schools in the set¬ tlement Imvo closed. On" thing I like about Bill Bryant lie will sit straight on a bievcle. We are loo busy to talk about hard time-; our creditors do the talking. The three months o'd infant of Mrs, It. A. Wbidby di<d Wednesday even¬ ing. In all of this vast city only three clerks will put on coals to wad on ladies. 'ftie <<"n stalk this year will be si ioi t. but prospects are good for a heavy grain. Occasionally you go into a store where eh vks sit about on tlie counter. They do not advertise. We now have an ilegunt livery s - vie ', ai d lie town is p'ea-ed With Mr. Ed ill .ntlscn aid hi- ra m. Ti e telephone system will soon be in < perado' ; 11 on we can talk without haying to tin ss up and go. Only a few mort'l.years and the tl-vifty fanners wilt grind up their c> rn sia ks for long forage* A. bicycle that knows i s business will run ten miles tin hour going to dinner, and three coming .back. Th<* joung man who is to marry on the 3rd Sunday m this month, is having very little t" say about i 1 . There is an ordn ance against sell- Dig cigarettes tn town. The news com pany does i' off die trains. Even now, some people are without, garden, and even at the end of a sal- time some pis p'e will oe withou' ration- Blackberries are ripe and in rbun- danee. Allen, f the Local, is happy, fat ajil full from the pet patch near bis office. Crops are late and 1 i - tie but hi good fix. Farmers arc wed up with their work, and good crops will b ■ made if we g t p en 1 y of rain. There was a big 8 unda\ school ccl- Warwick Sunday, but im¬ part of the county sei med I time to g". R ing shipped out of ibis pantry. Mr D. II. Davis shipp'd two car loads to oiida rani h. y Slote that all"Ws young ar<>«iid will soon ga out Ladies will not go ' n i f men to have Ore.-se¬ pity that public schools lokiog of cigare'ts. We :.v-' of die .-rankers ai one utly, and it was i u "t double-width, brocaded iC.—-J'ffi' T & Roobin- n of go'd morale with btions from Houston I desires a summer rchooi btlenaent. Addte-s this t doable-width brooded r2 ! 4c.—J'fffV & H’obtn. 4 f'Jksi Bere’.t Hav > at " went off f r a s r eil thiey deeid d to take r they J ting a sit-tic se"', h legglwo cares .e) l’o let the girls know we had a new buggy Iasi week, we advertised it for sale. Tuesdav morning it wa« rolled out t«> W. 1*. Gary without a girl having mashed the euMiion. * Get vour ice-cold drinks at Walker’s Prayer meeting adjourued at 9.T>0 Tuesday night, then the people got home time enough to sleep five hours and thirty before going back to the mdl to work 14 hours. Lawn and' Calicos very cheap at .L ffrey Sc Hoobin’s In the rush of business last week we left out a notice from tax receiver IVal’ers, to the «ffec 1 that he would be at Isabella to day and tomorrow, j and close his books tomorrow evening. Yard-wide Perea! a’l colors 7',c Jeffrey & Roobin. All of the telephone nrite'.i 'l lms been received The piles are going Up today. \ lineman is expected on next train, and wo will have a tele phone system in operation within a week. Wo: sled at 8 ct«.—Jeffrey & R >obin. Justice McArtber Iva* had his court room sealed ard a pub it (< r bench) put al the back window. Now if he 1 month ,, have , the , floor _ swept . once , will a and not allow it. spit upon, he will f ,( a model ju-tice. Plain Cashtmer. Full widil) 12 l e Jeffrey & Roobin. The difficulty between Messrs. Sin¬ clair and Westberry at Sylvester, is not so serious after all. Mr. W. st berry has so far recovered that he can walk about the house.- Mr. oinclair'has been admitted 1,200 bond. Beef, pork and sr-usage at Walker’s. And now we haye a dentist. Dr. O W. Cooper lms located Ler°, and will pull and plug in room N*'. 4. Betts building, lie has Hie appearance f ^ a gentleman who will make a host of friends. Yard-wide fine Casimore 17'., Jeff- rev & Roobin. That big smoke a mile cast of town last Friday, was from Gilmore’s fish pnn 1 on fi'e. Hold your breath till we tell you, 'h' y drained the pond a few months ago, and were burning out the rubbish. Men’s cotleii P ints at 50 e's Jrff- rey. & Ronbm. J. E. E Imondsmt is the best stable man Asliburn h is been blessed w>tb in a !i rig tim He has ten good bores . has-l ifted off those old rattletraps and replace them with g n od buggies- His men are eh ver and always at their For keg pickles, go to Walker’s. Shingler and Lawrence are making close sal's of their goods to work off some old -t"ck. Manager Cantey in¬ forms us that they wi’.l ru-h off their old good- ai a sacrifice till Augu-t and then put in a large new stock fur the fall trad'’. Yard wide percal all colors 7'._>e Jeffrey <Xi Roobin. Dr. Gardner has moved Ids office to the drug store, R. D. Law lias moved bis barber shop into the Gardner office, while Col. Howell takes the old barbershop for a law office. Henc" the old Law shop is now used fer a law shop. Gingham- of all colors 5 cts Jeffrey & Roobin. Last week Drs. Gardner and Thrasher and Mr. W. P. Carey bought Mashburn’s interest in tin drug store, and formed Hu firm name of Gardner Thrasher & Co, Mr. Gary remained in the business a day and sold his intere t to Gardner and 'Thrasher, to whom the business now belongs. For all kind* of smoking C bac-oo. go to Walker’s. Today the school Ho-e-o They a;e Ga V ing a fine time d- wn tb' re while we puU the press and wipe perspira¬ tion with the towel!. They have a long iab!e < v c ea, and b‘g boxes of good victuals Inyo bee i going that wav ; .|| t ^ e .norning. ATei we get the paper out w-* are (oing down there and look al ilicir tracks. Gingltam- of all c b is 5 cts Ji ffre.v & Ro"bm. In the program for the exercises of Emory Co'lege we f ee the name of G. H. McCook, of Ashburn, to deliver an address on “A Christian Hero. i) George’- friends are delighted in bis suv'>s. Iu i group of 32 champion debitor- is the fit miliar face of JJinton Bo >ib. who lived in Ashburn five ? ears ago We love to see Ashburn re; refuted in a big thing. Law. and Calicos very cheap a' 'effrev & Tt b r»‘<. I 'fax Collector Hall hero Satur¬ was day. X. Me Arthur is t ffering In- reti¬ cence for sale. Jeweler Hamilton is spending the week on his farm. Mi-s lleza Cachings. of Cordel"! visiting Mrs. A, B. Piyer. C| ., n| (he oonvorto d tramp, at the c | iur , h i 0 -morrow night, Miss Vie Evans returned Wednes¬ day from a visit to llawkinsvil o. Mr. J. E. Edmondson's family cnino Monday. Thev dwell in the Wbidby house. Miss ’ Roan (’room started a summer S(jhool Mon ,i., y morning at the J ^ ehoo j i, ou < 0 . *»«» aiul gtorge Beits, and Mi.-ses Kate Jonties and Rena Evans ro- turn'd from college Wednesday . Mr. E. F. Henry D not at Ins post tu Sunday school and Union just no\Y, and it may be that he "ill not b • with us again. lie is in Iudinua with his mother for ilia summer, while a co’ored barber barbers in bis place. Htury n a good boy. Don’t thin your b'o d with sassa t'ras or poi-on n with blue mass, but aid Na ure by using DeWitt’s Little E illy Ki-ers, the famous little pills (o| . ^ ti|)a>luilli bi!musue-s and stom- ac h and liver troubles. They A are purely vegetable.—J. S. Letts Co. THE BAPTIST UNION. Sunday aftornoon al the Baptist Union was a pleasant feature of the day. John Runyan, in Pilgrim’s Progress, was the topic for study, and after a a brief synopsis of h s life, and wri lings < f “The Dream,” by Mr. Mur¬ ray, various extracts from the book were given. Mr. AI 'en read in a thrilling way Christian’s impulse to llee from the vvra ^], t 0 eont", and liis tleparlure fn m the city of destruction, The wor< j c> •‘Lit',', life eternal life” ringing out a warning call to all. The Slough of Desp >nd. with its atten- dant dangers, was pictured by Mr. Hudson in his usual impressive style. Mr. Evans told of the man in i[ 1(! ( .. )( ]r e 0 p despair,’’ who had re- fused io watch and be sober, and had come to such a ease, the W’’ids a ser- s. The beautiful story of ho.v Chris iinn lo-t his burden at I lie foot of the cross, wa- read by.Miss Horne, clo-ing with the couplet, “Blest cross! blest si pu'clire'’ blest rather be, the man who there wa* put to -Name f r me. The -ong ‘ at the cress” followed. His passing tbroueli the valley of ihc shadow of death, and ils accora pa ey¬ ing horrors, though nevn thele-s in company with one who had with him ids guide, as weil a's he himse'f was depicted by Miss Bacon. Next followed a viytd pic'ure of their arrival at Vanity Fair, and of the t-ial of faitful, by Mrs Passmore, The eongregaiion was spellbound by he story of him. Faitbfu' unto death, burned at the stake for Jesu’s sake, Mrs Turner in her char bell like voice gave Ihe pathetic tePing ot the pas-age over the river of death, Chris tian felt that the bottem was good. At la-t tney got oyer. A duct ‘‘Oyer Jordon’s dark and and stormy river,” was then sung, the cmgregat' ion joined in -lugiug final hymn, ‘•now- firm a foundation.” A prayer that all pres 1 lit might have a Christian ex¬ perience closed a most interest¬ ing meeting of die Union. Baptist Union Program for Sunday June; 6th. 1897. Scripture reading, - MaUbew 9:35 38 10; 26 33 S"ng, night is coming, Work for the Prayer. Moody. Life of Mr. Moiray. and Mocdv’s love, prayer for seven hundred quaking soul-. Miss Gertrude Page Throw out the life line. A Hoi dotes, and i!lu-irut ions from vb'ody. love. 1 st.—Free Mi-- Esma L< ox. 2nd —How an Irishman open'd Moody's eyi s. Mrs Passmore .- on I am so glad that Jesu j loves tne. 3 >■« i. — Love’s triumph, in John Wanamaker’s Sunday School. Mr F 'S'er 4—Christ save-'. Mr. Ilarbre. (Song. Hh came lo save me. 5 h.—Lady Ann Erskine, and Row¬ land Hill. Mi-s Bacon. Dud. Where is thy retuge. S ng. Jesus lover • f my eou’. Closing prayer. ‘ They are dandie-” -aid Tho-. Bowers, of til" 11 rocket, 'Texa- Enter¬ prise, while writing about DeWitts Little Early Riser-, the fumous little pills for sick hcadacht and dis rde 1 - of the stomach n\]A fiver.—J 8 - B-n & Co. FROM NOW On ' si-TDia: ^ pJ-£ r!i rH I 1 Alia of Ashbnyn will put things down at a VERY LOW price, an wo have a LARGE LINE of Clothing of A LL KINDS. Wo want to dispose of them in neir season. WE ARE READY to give every body a chance, and if low prices will MOVE GOODS, ours are certain TO GO. We have a large lot of suits for men, and boys and children. A good selection of men’s fine pants at prices TOO LOW for the goods. DON’T FAIL to see them. DRESS GOODS, such as Cash- mers, Worsted, Lawns Dimity, Organdy, will be sold at a very low price, FROM NOW ON cheaper than anybody lias overheard of in this country, OUR STOCK of shoes is complete and we want to sell them at low prices. HATS.!! Our line of hats is real nice, and they ARE CHEAP. SHIRTS of all grades in negligee, ALL WE ASK is for everybody to come and examine our stock and get, prices. Wo will SAVE YOU BIG MONEY. When you come to our store we will be ready and anxious to show you through our line of goods whether you want to buy or not. WHEN YOU SEE OUR GOODS YOU WILL BUY some of them yourself or tel! your friends where to get GOOD GOODS for little money. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. It, is easy to make money, but harden save it, and while you have a chance to save money, save it by trading with us and you will have money when you are old. Come one, come all, an ^ come i" time. V-rff’shlii-Tl-M-V' Wm- M x. w-J WMrnl vjeuid \ RY FEED SALE ■! sn NEW VEHICLES, FAST SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN J. E. EDMONDSON- Proprietor. The question “whvdid’nt (lie editor go to 'he picnic,” lias boon repeatedly asked. Becati-o it was press dnv. A post-office Ini' been eslablisbed in tin. 1 Ba-s seiilomeiit eight miles east. A niail^rouie will be estab¬ lished from Ashburti to Luke by the new postoffice, vv' icli will be known as Bass. The aoeoniplishmen' is duo lo the energies of Mr, J. I*. Pyo, a good man who has just m ve ! in'o that settlement. There are some white people as well as n"groes, who seem to have a mama for -tealing. Out on the Chapman tarm, a short dist :nco from town, the fruit tkoivrs have become so bold that they go into the orchard by da', and sieal till they like. Any- one that would s’eal fruit would -t'-al anything oDe, and we w ould not risk them in our pig-sty with muzz'e on. Not only piles of the very wor-t kind can be cured by DeW’itt's Witch llazd Slive, but eczema, scald-, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers and all other ‘-kin trouble can be instantly re¬ lieved by the same temedv.—J- S. Belt- Si Co. Henry Bmitli says that lie has had an eye on P ulan for nearly a year, and not one of the dear creatures lias su'd yes. No wonder, for he’s only been Imre once during that time.— l’ouian Herald. That wa- once more than I got the attention of the dear irealure. A Converted Tramj). Crail. ttie cute and converted, with his collection of curious co-mcidences caugut up from the country as lie c; - t®red tnrough li, will de'ivi.-r hi •, fam- "us lecture, - the two Road, ” here to¬ morrow (Satut day night) Mr. Crail was a tramp—a common Iio-bo—for 'en years, (he d.-iv lie got converted and is now lebi gtii" p o pie about iramp--, bow com them so, fee why’s and the wherefore’s and so forth. Adm'ssion frc*. Evet body come out to the Baptist church t> nr r row night and g t the treat of the se t- SOI'. Walker gives a gla-s of s da water with ever dollars worth of good . Yard-wide Percal all eo'o; s 7 .c Jeffrey & Ib obin. Lot of Ch'-cp S’ an at Walker'-. Meats frul's art'! vgclabies at Wal¬ ker’s. Plenty of lenmir to <j - e ■/. al walkers Get y .uv ice cold < 1 1 imb- at IF Ik t’s. ^ -1“4, ' ” b T'i 'ft L 1 r ?■ ■ < SODA BUSINESS Is a great, aid to all other kinds of business, because it keeps the business man, the lawyer, the doctor, or clergyman, who finds himself tired out and depressed by mental worries of HOT WEATHER- They till find refreshment, an l in 25 vigoration in our delicious drinks. COCO A-COLA, 'PICKETS FOR ORANGE PHOSPHATE. J Ices LEMON Glaces. PHOSPHATE. cD~* or GARDNER, THRASHER & CO. Asliburn, Ga. NOWIWILL YOU SUBSCRIBE? There was never such a rush to this office for sample copies as wo bad last (Saturday, and through this week. Mett who have never subscribed, sent in for sample copies. Men who never support a newspaper rushed in for a Ram- pie. Borne of them take more pa¬ pers than they read. Yes, they take an almanac once a year. They sit around and gossip, that isall they know about vvh;;t is go¬ ing on. Then when tlmy are told that the paper contains somthing ejtra they stroll in for sample copies. We take pleasure in mailing copies to parties out of town or banding them to visitors, but, we have no papers to waste on those j who have repeatedly refused to il, ‘l ^ l(: pa[ier in any way. Old settlers who don’t care to have the paper sent to them every week nia y o ( >f, one when they want it by dropping a nickel in the slot. 1 All men, those of influence especially, should avoid extremes. ALL KINDS LIGHT w V M N We will eell you anything wo make ImrymB "] at the very best wholesale price. Our / terms are net ca b. to all, and our prices V. are made accordingly. There is no fur¬ Wo. 212. ther use in your paying fancy prices for vehicles. Come direct to the factory and get them without paying addi¬ tional profits. All our goods are warranted in every particular. Shipped C. O. D., and if not as ordered or represented it costs you nothing. * vmiTE for catalogue and prices ' HICKORY BUGGY CO., Indianapolis, led. HORSES, CAREFUL DRIVERS. DRUMMERS. ASHBURN. GEORGIA. ONE MORE WEEK. Crooke, the photographer, will be here only about one more week. Don’t wait another day. Come forward and have vour photo¬ graphs make without delay. He is doing some excellent, work now. Da. J. F. GREGORY, & CO., —(Bpkciauhts.)— Rupture. Can rib. Rectal Diseases Hemorrhoids, (Piles) Fistulas Cured NO KNIFE, NO PAIN. Room No 1. II kako Bt ii.m.vo Counter. k, Ga , H>7, Cotton avk., JMacox, (Lv. THE CITY BARBER SHOP. K. F. HENRY, Barber. ll A1 K-DKESfc ING—a specialty. SHAVING — quick and easy. RAZORS—pul hi good fix on slior notice. r Vnu will always receive a cordial welcome. R. I). LAW, Proprietor. AsnnutiN - Geoiiuia.