The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 11, 1897, Image 2

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ASHBURN ADVANCE PublidiMl every Friday. D. SMITH, - . Kditor __ , Vienna is yet trying to hare scar- let fever. A car of melons was «l»ippwl from Valdosta Monday, ' * The Wad icy and Mt. Vernon railroad is to be extended to F.t gerald. Dr. Alphabet (G. M. D.)Hunt's «a ideuce at Arabi was burned Friday night. Thu Worth Local and the Ash- burn Advance both advertise Wontli county’s legal printing. Douglas Leader. A school ma’am in Florida taken enough of chewing gum away from the children to last her three years. <’. W. Murray, of Birmingham, robbed the Cordelo postoffice terday of that beautiful Miss Irene l’nvis. Jno. L. Herring, the best in Georgia, bless his o'd heart, back on the Tifton Gazette lie belongs. Shake, old hoy, shake! Si. g becd 'i hc can be qiiiekly am completely ove>come by nsi*g* i|„ih. fiinoiis little pill- known a- ‘*|le\\ Lilt le Early Riser-.”—J. S lift! A < , o. Alaj. A. (). Bacon's amendment to the taritf bill putting un ad vn I ore m duty of 20 per cent on ran cotton was adopted by the senate Tuesday evening. An exchange tells of a neighhoi who “has watermelons as big as quart cups, 1 ♦ How many quart cupel' Kay Off and make them as big as a Inure 1. /Ttio. K. Howt',1, for nine year editor of the Vienna Piogess, lius retinal to a penccful life where ho call enjoy his wealth. Col. D. A. R. (’rum should ars 1 lie burden of the Progess. The Georgia Soutlierh is hecotn itnr quite a trunk line. Resides those branching «.ff' from it, at Tifton, Heartpino, and three other chart *-r- It n iTe»-ri applied for between Miuf and the line of Florida. -/ | |{ ,( boson, .Newark, (l , -m. ^ oilv bn- oil Mintili id C’otigli ('on, saved my from dying In i-r-uip,’ i. fi ts .uve 1 tliousand-<*f otliers suffer ing from croup, pneumonia, bnuo hi lis a, id ot lioc serious i In oat and lung 1 1 on Lies.—J. S. Hi-* is A* 1 o. 'The Georgia Kouthern will run an excursion to (JuiUm&n next Timrepuy, the 17th. A npecial train will liar's A.-hburn at 7.l>’2 n. in,, ami reach (Jiiittmau about 10.45 and leave (jiiittinim at, 7 p. in. $1 for the round trip. The Georgia Weekly Tress As¬ sociation we weakly little week¬ ly one you know—-will meet in Cuthbert July lit. We will have our compliments and celluloid col¬ lars along ami go to the exposi¬ tion at Nashville, boft’.-im MeCluiii, in Atlanta, hud been on a spree two or three days when he went home to take a nap. Hi* little R-year-o’.d son in a play¬ ful way kept too much fuss and he fired a bullet through the little fellow’s brain. If he was hang and every whisky dealer in the state run out it would put at. end to bo much crime. Soup* for ten s<>ine f**r tweniy itial some tor lit i rt* year- have suffered fmiu nil s and :lieu I uve bm ii quick ly ana p rninie utL cured bv osii'K DeiVitl’s H itch I It./.el Ka'vi*. the great n iiicdy f* r piles and aJI form'of sk'n disea-e.—J. Belts X ( o. THU STORY Of A RING. A story is afloat that ti holiness preacher, somewhere about Enig- iflfcJ"Y’'ce , itly told a married lady that ihe ring a> was wearing on her finger (it was her wedding ring) would send her to perdition if she did not get rid of it. Be- ing a good Methodist and some- what Inclined to the holiness view, ’ the lad v finally told t he • • minister Hint she would not let a ring stand between her and heav- en, and, taking it from her linger, gave it to the pious fraud. He it on bis own finger and it. lie did not seem to fear it would send him Hit ion. Some tune after- husband missed (be ring wH Winger and asked ^^^^Khe frankly A Itiul j-arted l^tcher was traight ^d the ri "N - rhe clerical humhug began to , hem and haw about. . . giving . , ,, U U]>, when lie whs told if he did not give it up instantly lie (the husband) wouhl stamp the life, out of him. At this he wilted anil gave up the ring. The husband then told him to never again put l,iK foM ' ,lih ll0l,M> ! "' v circumstances, or he would kick him out. The Gazette gives the strry a- told to it at.d would gladly give the name of the preacher, but f aiiod to get it. Pious frauds should be held up to public scorn, and *he Gazette is ready to do its full share of the work.—Tifton ( ;. 1Z ,., f( ._ WfIKbY CROP REPORT. Bnilinv June I. During the past veek tiie con¬ ditions of the weather have e,bunged, but little from those that, characterized the week be- fore. Nor .•> except a few teved showers Inis fallen for about tb’TM! weeks. The dry weather has enabled tin* farmers to work and clean their crops, wliicli lias been done, but vegilation has suffered seriously for lack of moisture. The ground lias beet me very dry and dusty. [Since the above was written we have had a good rain in South Georgia, mi] Tim stand ot cotton is not at all cii'*ourugitig, and lute planting i- not coming up as it should. There is eompliiiut in some localnies of lice on tin* plant. Got Ion has also .suffered from the effect of nights. Corn is making hut little prog less. On ,, ,i the uplands i.i corn • is i los ., . ... , . , 1 ' s " ,l *- v -""i • l| " ,<| - ln "ing to tassel before it reaches its proper height; while in the loins, cut worms have injured ii very much, causing the late plan- ting to cm.m up very irregularly Wheat is very good. There but little complaint of rust, n some sections harvesting is in progress. flats are late ami not very good owing to t lie drowt li. Tin* fin i f cro)i will be iiicd i u in Apples lire plentiful in Do* middle counties. Fears are almost a fail lire and peaches are falling fnuV tin* trees. Berries are plentiful in the southern counties, but the dry weather has cut the crop short in the northern division of (In¬ state. Fastur *s are suffering for rain. Sweet potatoes need rain, and there is a number of holds not yet planted. Irish potatoes me better this year than last as a rub*. Cane is very small and the out¬ look is not at all encouraging. Watermelons-are small and not uioii v of them planted. Nol only pil - ol the very \vnr-. kll 11 CH'l In ■ z. i*•<I hi I >* tYlIl'- U'll* Ii I la/. I K i - bol 11 /, ma, ,-eiild bn* ii-, b i , b -iIn. ule l- ai|,l ni. oder -k n r ubh's van b- iniitantL relicvetl by Die s:'n,-■ remedy J. K Be*I - .V ( G mi* ml Review of Tim Weekly Gro« Bulktin, Lndiug June, 7, th tB97. While there are same sections that a esulVering for rain, the protracted drouth was temporarily broken by good showers during last half of the week, and it- a result a general improvement i; already noted in all growingcr«ips especially those on high grounds. The soil hud become .-o hind and dry that it was impossible for vegetation to obtain suflieieut moisture to mor * than keep it ulive. A11 holds bad been well deunetl and worke 1 and were in exeelleut condition when tlo* iai.i vunie. Farmers ave now busy laying by corn, and harvesting wheat and oats. The \ ield of both wheat and oats is very good Late oat.- are poor on account of dry weather. The warm nights and showers have greatly im- proved eoiton. There are fewer complaints of on the plants this week. Pasture- which were failing rapidly at lime of last is- sue of the bulletin are now greatly revived, improving steadily, • The fruit crop ’ a- a whole, will not b* t.u_ \ Feaeli,*** ami pears will be much below a full crop, and t ow there is a gen- oral o mplaint that apple-, are rotting md falUi-a I'iie i*. v a,;-G promising, waterm - .,ro not g. ed, and the yield w.h be small comparatively some melons will be readx in mail,: ah-.: the last of L- cut week, more rain is needed .is the ground had become -o dry that the good effects of the recent rui.-s will be but temporary unless .-oou followed by more. I Kiiiiiw.K.ucinKM Itm cm- ,j a r.*i<h m to b-burn. <1 or * i d< . fut I he tiaiu in tl ajfOli) imijlliel i'.'lit- ijl di flgnrerueiitii cau be <) *>ly o?t rconui wlibou 1 leaving a sc r hi -inir I>.- Witts Witch Itn/.el Salve. s lb-*-&<", ,/V X i tp , I * . Coot thyself. Jeffrey & Roobin. (iingli 'in- of ail c ho s 5 els JellVei Hoobin. YhhJ w ile pe cal s i e lor- 7 -c !< *tlp i A Koobin. f. r k<g teekles, iro to \V Mom’-. Men’s coin n 1’ n'-ct .’0 c, s. .LIT r '.' k R". bin. N'aiil « iib* fine < asiu ' n* 17 , 1 ' ^ tt' •< * Di u. Beef t.orlt ami - usaceat Walkei's. Plain (*.isliuni r, I-III- u ill ill 12' • bfficyA Koobin. tVo sled it cl . J.-() * \ w K " bin. Yn d-aid* 1’cv' itl a'l cnlors 7 1 .* -b lin y A Roobin. Lawn and I' i !»-••... \ -r <di ap a' .i, jy, rv ,y Rnobin’s Griyorc . d ill-ink at iValkci’-. I 'lo aO I ii <1 <.| ‘ inol.iiig t b '.ceo. •»<> fo V\ ;ilI- «*i 1 - Lawi uni ( aliens yciv dimn 1 a 1 •leHre- & R'.-.bui’-:. Gingliaiii-) of ail i lors .*» els J, ffret & Rl) „,, w< - WBfrW. »GWIiMHMriBBR HIE HEW MY. WOMEN used ■ ¥ to think " ie- H ’V?) le diseases ” 3 Y - could n a 1 be 9 U A ■/**V r r\ treated o after n y 'do- y r- a / \ cal esamina- SI \f/ tions" by physl- V 3 cians. Dread of s'jch freatmert kepi thousands of modest women tiilent about their suffering. Thein- troduction of Wine of Cardui has now demon- strated that nine-tenths of all the of menstrual disorders do •- cases not require a simple, physician’s attention I at all. The purs | « r. M- ELf i E|, J “ ‘ 3 im «L i taken In the privacy of a woman’s s own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not Ti hesitate now. Wine ot Cardui re¬ 5 quires no humiliating i xamira- tions for its adoption. It cures any disease that com- s under the head of "female troubles” disordered IS menses, falling of the womb, ''whites."change beautiful by of making life, ltmakcs them women well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. for advice In rtqulrin* sceclal direction*, »ddrer.i. EtohiR sympu:ms, the 't.adit s' Advis-' V Departinent,’ The Chutunooffs Medicine Co., Ch.U(a- n,- ,;a. [>nn. W. t. ADDISON, M.D., Cary, Miss., says; "I practice iiseVv iceof Cardui extensively in mv amt timi ivamesl excellent preparation lor female troubles .' 1 Vl 1 'I o c i ii r t % .yg- FINE DRESS GOODS, Jl'.FFRF.V A ROOBIN. €»m ‘(APS MINUTE QOilfGH ' E,r.‘‘l^ompCW, ..... T} ; , , . u m. i * sure, quick quiok cuo'. ^Fl. l » Wte Motben buy tt. for their children. XlxWhcc .Prepared tv I 1 ..-E. o. itoWe 1 .- (Sv.-s a Co.. tlic maker*ot .-OiCU K -. . ■ UttUnu* ' D * sVwx, ; V V ' Vr > \'‘ A ' *x. • ^ -*> -<•/ ^ V. ^ Umb alias and j arasols,'at Jeff- * 10y , Rcobin’s. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. w A pi.flTION K< >11 CIIAR1KR. To 'I he Hon Alh-’i D. Gaudier, Sei 'y i ^ta.c, oiam or v-a. Tire petition of the undersigned, whose names and residences are hereinafter fully set forth, re¬ shows: IRST. That they b sire to be incorpo¬ rated, as iir* d in the acts ol 18112, and the acts of Itffff), amen¬ datory thereof, pages ti t & Oi. SECOND. They desire for themselves, their siiceer rs and associates t a ho incorporated under inline and style of the TIFTON THOMASVILLE k GULF RAIL- 'A AY, ( <>. THIRD. The railway contemplated un 1 i*i* t}■ i h petition for charter to be fifty five (bo) utiles in length, beginning, at Tifton, in the County ,o4 Berrien on the north, and running iu a southerly direction, through the counties oi Berrien, Worth, Colquitt, pass- ing r through or near the town of Moultrr*. in said County, and in- Lithe Coiintyof Thomas, to the city of Thomasvilli*, said railroad having as its Northern terminus the city of Tifton’and ns its South cm terminus the city of Thomas- ; villi*. FOURTH. 'Phe capital stock of said Rail¬ way* Company shall be not less I than one hundred thousand ($100, 000) dollars, nor mon* than live hundred thousand ($7)00,000) liol- iais, t he same to c-insi t of com- mon stock. FIFTH. ... I hat. they . desire .... the charter of said railway company to continue for and during the term of one hundred and one (101) years, as allowed law. SIXTH. Tint the principal office of said Company shall he located in the city of Tlioniusville, County of Thomas. .SEVEN 1 'H. Your petitioners declare that they do intend in good faith to go forward w ithout. delay t > se¬ cure subscript ions to the capital stock, construct, equip, maintain and operate sal ! railroad. EIGHTH. Your petitioners further show that tIn*v have given four weeks notice ol ; flieir . . intention to t apply , tor charier, by the publication ot this petition iu the following ncwspapeis, Viz: “Thoniasville rimes,” Thonias.ille, Ga., “Tift,... Gazette,” Tifton, •'Ashburn Advnnc** , , ,, Ash- 4 , bu'-ii, Ga., “.Moultrie libserver Moultrie, Ga., said newspapers being the ones in which the Slier- ill’s advertisements are published in their respective Counties, through tvl icli the railroad con¬ templated i n this petitioq is pro¬ posed fo be mu. NINTH. A uni petitioners nttaeli hereto their names and residences re¬ spect ively, as follows: W. W. Ashburn. Kastman, Ga. W. N. Leiteh, Kastman, Ga., Mailer M. Clements, Eastman, Ga., F. B. Stubbs, Cox, Ga., K. ,1. Stubl-.s, Con, Ga., George W. Farrott, Sr. Atlanta, G i., -GVoige W. Farrott, Jr Atlanta, Ga. > ft s L. i 1 ay s,,^f hf mas ville, Ga., K. M. Smith, Thomasvilfe, Ga., Joseph li. Merrill. Thomasville, Z. II. Clark. Moultrie, Ga. M..L Farrott, N “.v York, N. 'i . Jacob Haas, Atlanta: Ga. John E.Cay. Atlant-u, Ga. C. 15. Parker, McRae, Ga. .1 W. Reid. Thomasville, Ga. XYlierefore your petitioners pray i hat t sr oy may be ineoipora- L’d under ie provisions of the laws and Constitution oi the State, with all the powers'ami IN,;..... . And your petitioners will over Smith ,x Clements. Attorney.- for Petitioners. Wort). Sheriff’s gales, Dimm wtn w* s,-ui. hSlWsaJo!®olill. .!„• first Tm*su«y in July, «'toCllf hSh.'i iVvU'u-u pl^tyD-i'ichu^raiD;, 1 t- -at;- o( j lrmn .:n «-x- .-uiem i-'-u.* t imu tWoumj .Xtb.-Iii) **ioi e.iuniy, Ga. m fnv.-i-i i ^ • «’'«>•- tmi«x-*etwent c- lapanx. . . UHtKl t-’U' X.t l Ji Itlt HuttUx !l ces June, iota i>; shw« wv,-tu t »mt}Ga. —“ Nut-ice of Dissolution. . u V ND’:[!A .'UW N-A'EgN' t'ii'mEsED ( .1 ! ou- iu 'he I i a I>r; Inu 10 CTS ten VL-tH-ko an ! tht r stopp^l. rbc •)'.! nmDioxa P ;S?tbSilS? < a-hmere double-width, Jeffrey & Hoobin. brocaded | i nil colors 1 S', o. PETITION FOR CH tRTRR. Gi.ohuia Worth. County.* To the lion. ALtsv D t CaNOLer, See’y of the* >T ,TI of (j K • i:<• r A/ s Tie petition of Hie iiinhT-ign'd t' it- E. M • Tan-i ', M n n'ie, Ind'a a J. A. H-otii ill n, M i i' is 11 . P. I. Miller. Clevriaii 1 O i O. K. (.'. Miller. Chicago, Illinois .). K. vv diiatn■ -Sylv «t< r. J i W. II MePiu::', Svivo-ler. (I i J. H W - be-r v Sylve-'er, (ia P. K. 3. Ford, Sylyis'cr, Ga H L. Sikes, Sylyest' r. * ■ a T* It Perry, !-*> Ive-ter. (.it .!. T Cochran, I rubella, 11 • ■ T. Tint in, l-abcllii, Ga. J. J. McDowell, Isal ella, Ga. J. J.Foiehaiid, Isabella, Ga. Rest ciefully shows the to I >w ing: I l :.-T. That they iiav assiciited III un- selves mgetli t fur the p ieposes here¬ inafter shown un ter the name g<v!e ol'ih ■Sylvfwter. .V.rihern mil Cult Utila'ay Coaip .ay—utrd'r which they desire to bu incorpora'ed Second. That i lie purpose of the ass (nation is to construct, i quip and <|ieinte lailmad from the town of Si lvester q , : , Mll As >,|„,, u . t » th • town of Woctl . ia -aid wmnty, die length of-mne f > b • about tweu'y mile-; the gen i*r 1 1 1 1 if cl ion N'oi t liens' hi d N-imlli- vvost; the sii i road running ihrongli the c.iumt v'of Win tli, tienjia. troru S.vlvest r, Wurth cun v. to Worth, Worth cooii! v. G ■ I'gja. by tv ly of I lie towns of !-obeli.i, arid Ashbi ru as (lime Raid. .'i'llJKD. Tiial the capital-tuck of the said company is one hundred thousand dollars ($!0d,'i00) divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which will b< eoni-ooii stock. Fourth Thai the s tid company desires to bo incorporated lor a term of ou-* hun¬ dred years, with privilege of re¬ newal. Fifth. That lie* principal offire of t.l<o said company will In* in the town < f Kyi- vesler, Worth county Georgia. Sixth. Th d ibe --tid ■ o-nphiiy in'i nds in j good I ,itli to *.: • : rv iid w ii!i• • • jt be¬ lli' *.o m c mi e - ip>s ripiions to ilie capi j tai ock, cou-iiue r ipiip, lio'u'" ' s , i in am! operate -aid railroad. Ki.VK.vrn. I’c Lionel - prat 'liat a cliarT-r :.*r i.'Ucd ilmm and rcq-o -i that they be iiico; p nafed under me name and -n le afoicssid. after tie y have given four n’t ek** noti-i) of ibt ir iii-euti -n to apn y for charter, or the puMica- lion o! this petition in lie* Amu v.’R\ V.iv.i *.'t*E. tlm uewsp qi r in which iin* sheriff- adverts-i me us a, e n Ai- li-ind iri said c un v <f Worth through which the-aid ro d will run. / <’k lor f.*ur weeks under a-d by vutiic <’t u \-aw< oi heorgui a-s,.,daus s ocee-sor ■ all lie- rigin.-, I ii * iv < rs amt ,i. iyi'ege- ni Inu iz'-d by—iml no: ;'*- • m u-ti-iit with tb • t >w- id said -'an milt . x *< u'c i i i *:qm * s herein *> Ur- set «>u’, m.d oo all -m h am- -tit* necessary io carry mi the . , | , abroad bu-iue--. And pi * i Dinner- will i y r pray. 20 h. IS 7. ‘ -M. i’ uisey. Mu cic Lilian'. 'J; )’ w-‘, \l,t'l<■' i . n '. 0, ’ n ‘ (’li-vi-kirid A diaoa Ohio. * K *' Chicago Ilhuoi-. J William-, Sylve-ter Georgia. .v, II. .tb-Fliaul. Sylve ter Georgia I S U'e-iberry. Sylvester Gi-'T-git. S’. S. It. Font, Sylve-i"r Geo' gut. '•V. b, Kike-, Kvlve-'ei G- orgia. .7, R Ferry, Sylvi star Georgia, f. T. Cochran, I al)"lla Gpi g m ’ T. I inton Isab'Ha Georgia. .(. J. ’.li l)o.vell fsabi'lia Georgia. J. I. Fo* ehaml Isabella Georgia.- DEW DROP INN THE FIN NIX HOUSE. XIIC SAM.! i: CHAPMAN, Proprietress. Rates §1 a Day. ‘ DEW DROP INN.” _ ‘ 1 v 7 * * A-- 'i' mi poor nn vmrzT'u i p- m ; * * : 4 v » ' ' -* -s** >» Ji) & Ccmnlet- ( ►. ’ J,] ' ” F.yEllji'Gl pi - i Use. ___F* -. ... **v -.m_______ ’ - _______ [I vfftVs;Ej:^ ;:f — M WiJL : JJ tS ^ , f'.> 60 years in Use ali Over the World No Generators or kxiras. operated by a Child. Wbl Stand by anv»fc400Q Gas Fountain and Sell five glasses to 'ts One. OHRPifTt ^ If'* w0. MADISON, INDIANA. r- -t- * — WANTED-AN IDEA I 0 hWW uiUU 0 PA 1 0 , ' Dt DEALERS I> YELLOW PINE LUMBER ASHBURN, GA. All orders for Ltfths Shingles, Stav s Car Sills, Britlgu Stuff Flooring, Moulding, Brackets Ceiling, Etc., will reeeive prompt CAN DRESS ANYTHING TO 18X30. Wro cary a well selected and assorted stock of n.y ( ioods, 11 ill'll Witi’f (i mforii’s, Ktc. II in need of anything in Olothing, SUCH AS KIEN '5 AND BOYS’ SUITS, We can fit yon Wk Have a Nice Stock op LADIES* DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. lliat we would he pleased fo sin- the ladies of Ashburn and st.c rounding country. Tanks, Valises, and Satchel Cur CANDIES are fresh and fine FLOUR, m- MEAT, GRITS, fer RICE, evr sugar, C?f COFFEE, MEAL, And in tact, any and everythi t-nat is kept in a first-class grocery house can he had at onr Large, Brick Store as cheap as the cheap- est. NVe carr y » full line of Furniture. UP STAIRS (tor stock of Shoes is Complete, with a specialty of Ladies’ and Children’s Fine Sunday Wear. \\ c al->> handle tin* he-t brands o: Tobacco, SqbTF, Et c Full lino of the best makes OF ST0VDS NOW ON HAND.’ t* ’ All kinds of Stock Rood at • Reasonable Prices. Ihe citizens ol Ashburn and country are cordially invited to call and inspect our stock. We have a Wagon Yard and Stalls, Feed Troughs, Etc., for the conve,!ie,u ' e ° r °" r customers e.- pec i ally. Respectfully, J ^ BBrrs& Co Dr. J. F. GARDNER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON QjjUs answered promptly day and night. Special attenlion given to dist of women and children. ensos Residerce at the Hicks place. Ashbnm, (ieorgin. Du. J. F. GREGORY, & 00., _(Specialists.) Catarrh. Rectal l)i<ffl a e» H.morJimids.(l*i'ec)Fi>‘= 1 *- . ..... . NO KNIFE, NO PAIN. Room No 1. Hkaui) Urn .king Coiinw.i.E. u > , 1 (> 7 6 ’o t TON A VK , . <■ Macon, v- WARREN L. STORY, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore, Ga. Diseases of Nose nnrt Throat. DR. W. J. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, AsHBURN, GKOROIA. Special Attention Given to Di: eases of Women and Children. office iu Room No. 2 , Betts Bulldlnfir. Residence; W, A. ‘■hlngler's. Calls Answered Day or Nisrht. DR. T. H. THRASHER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georuia. General Practice Solie ted, Office in tlie Christian Building-, C. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore. :- Geougia. GEO. W. COOPER, DENTIST, - Ashburn, Georgia. Offi -c. Room No. t, Betts IJuiltlinir. W. B. CONE, D. 1). S. I Make a Specialty of Crow i;s> Bridges and Replantations. Teeth Extracted Without, Fain. 'Ashburn, . • . Georgia. W. T. WILLIAMS Attorney at Law. Land and Collections Syo.uio.ik :- Gkoi.ica Z. Hass. A. J • Davis BASS & DAVIS. Attorneys at, Law Ashburn, Georgia E'-al Esune and Colleelions. dr i u,-t. i. * »r.t i i 1 tl* I 1 ■! I * 11 |)h'.ced in our band'. B. B. WHITE, Attorney and Oeuncellor at Law. Ashburn, Georgia. Will practice in all the Conrt.s, State atid Federal. J- G P0LHILL, Attorney at, Law. Sylvester, - Georgia. Practice in all the courts. Patronage Solicited. Hawkins & McKenzie, Attorneys at Law o Building, Rooms I and 5. Cordele, - Georgia* I’rompt attention given to all business intrusted to my care. J.XO.T’. I’d tv ell, J. XV. POWELL. - ' Vienna. Ga. Ashb rn, (iu JNC. ,F. POWELL & SON ; ' > Attorneys-at-Law. We practice in all t.lie courts. Immediate and careful attention given To business placed in our hands. Employing one secures services of both.. Business solic-' Red and inquiries promptly ans^ we red. THE CITY BaRBp.R SHOP. HAllt-Dl!E 3 feING_H -pecialtv. BHAVmG_ q u ick „ud e«-V. RAZOliS- Put in 4*1)1),! ffx i n slior notiec. welcome. 5 l' eeive a rul'ilial ’t- D. LAW, Proprietor. ashuuhx - Georgu. con 0Q cm. ,* att , t a lpieil for Ro , . -w.„,^ f> D. Smith. Aabbum. Ga.